![]() | Combs &c. Families of New Kent County, VA |
New Kent County, VA was established in 1654 from York Co VA. In 1691, King and Queen was est. from New Kent, and in 1720-1, Hanover County from Kent. No Combs have been found in Hanover thus far (as if you can find anyone in Hanover).
17 Apr 1669 (VA Land Patent Book No. 6, p. 230) Mr. Amory BUTLER, 280 acs, New Kent Co., upon head br of Hartquake Sw., on N. side of Mattapony Riv., Running to Bridge Sw., a br. of Peanketank Sw, Trans. of 6 pers: Geo. UPTON, Willm GROVES, Arth. BROMLEY, Ambro. BINGHAM, Wm. RAVWEN, Susan DODD
(Cavaliers & Pioneers, Nugent, Vol. II, p. 59)
Notes: The above Amory BUTLER may have been the same as Rev. Amory BUTLER of Old Rappahannock Co VA who m Elizabeth UNDERWOOD, and whose sister, Mary, m William UNDERWOOD, Sr., s/o Col. William & Mary (BURTON? MOSELEY?) Underwood, and step-son of Archdale and Elizabeth Combs I. Due to an excess of William UNDERWOODS in Old Rappa. Co VA, some early Combs Researchers, have mistakenly identified Elizabeth, wife of (1) Unknown UNDERWOOD; (2) Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD; and (3) Archdale Combs, as the sister of Amory BUTLER. Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD and his sister, Elizabeth UNDERWOOD Taylor Slaughter Catlett Butler, were the children of Unknown UNDERWOOD and Margaret UNKNOWN who m 2nd John UPTON of Isle of Wight Co VA and 3rd Thomas LUCAS of Old Rappa. Co VA. (See also Butler and Underwood Families). The exact location of this land is not yet known.
04 Apr 1684 - 09 Mar 1686/7 (Stafford Co VA DB D:39-39a) Apr. 4, 1684. Edward ROE of New Kent Co. to Robert OSBORNE, 800 acs., bieng part of a piece of 1,350 acs. formerly belonging unto Nicho: MERYWEATHER.../s/ Edward ROE, Mary (X) ROE. Wits: Ralph ELKINS, Wm. SIMSON.
April 1684. This Lettr. of Attorney was Recorded in the County Court of Westmoreland. Recorded in ye County Court of Stafford 9 day of March 1686.
(Researcher M. Gregg)
The above Edward & Mary ROE of New Kent Co VA with land in Stafford Co VA have been mistaken in the past for Edward & Mary ROE of Lancaster Co VA whose daughters, Elizabeth & Mary, m respectively, William & John COMBS (unidentified). The latter Edward ROE, however, d testate in Talbot County, MD in 1676. His relationship, if any, to the above Edward ROE remains unknown.
20 Apr 1694 (New Kent Co - VA Land Patent Book 8, p. 358) John EDLOE, 1611 A, New Kent in St. Peter's Parish; upon head of the Brs of Black Creek. Imp. of 33 pers: William WATLIN (or WALLIN), Eliza. SPARROW, Robert COMES, Jno. SWINGFIELD, Robert DIXON, Pilgrim JONES, Jno. BIFFOON, Saml. DRYON, Cath. SMITH, Wm. BANKS, Mary FLETCHER, Sarah STOKES, James GENTLEMAN, Geo. SEAWARD, Edward GERMAN, Timothy DAVIES, Giles LINSCOT, Mary TIGHT, Mary PEARCE, Lawrence EMERSON, Jno. EMERSON, Toby EMERSON; Jack, Will, Guy, Robbin, Toby, Cuffy, Negroes
(Cavaliers & Pioneers, Vol. 2, Nugent, p. 391)
Notes: The above Robert Combs has not been identified as yet; however, he may have been the Robert Combs of Elizabeth City VA in 1682, and/or the Robert Combs of Middlesex Co VA in 1698. See Also the unidentified Robert Combs of St. Mary's Co MD in 1701.
CAMBO, Rich'd, 80 A
(Combs Researcher Denise Mortorff)
Also found in New Kent Co VA is a Thomas COMER. So far as is known, however, this is not a mis-transcription.
26 Oct 1699 (New Kent Co VA Patents 9:241) Thomas COMER 738 A on the brs. of Pamunkey Riv. beg. at &c. on the east side of one of these branches called the New River. since &c. to another br. called Goose Creek.
28 Oct 1702 (New Kent Co VA Patents 9:492) Thomas COMER beg among br. of Pamunkey Riv, beg. &c. on w. side of one of the brs. called of the said Riv. called Little River.