![]() | Combs &c. Families of York Co, VA |
Charles River County, VA was organized in 1634, then renamed York County in 1643. In 1651, Gloucester Co was organized from York, and in 1654, New Kent was organized from York. Where other counties/states/countries are mentioned herein, see also the applicable Combs County of Record for possible additional information. York Co, VA has not been “scoured” for Combs records as yet; however, those collected are very interesting, for a variety of reasons, as noted below.
Our earliest Combs record for York County is not until the late 1600s, but closely-associated Combs Families are found in this county quite early:
Special attention is given to Nicholas BROOKE the Younger aka Junr and “marchant” of York Co, Virginia, his father Nicholas BROOKE Senr Citizen and Grocer of London, Senior's brother Henry BROOKE Senr Citizen and Grocer of London, and his son Henry BROOKE Junr “marchant” who, at one time, also owned land in York Co. Records show that brothers, Nicholas and Henry BROOKE Senr, both styled as citizens and grocers of London, and their sons, both styled as Junior and “marchants” were engaged in trading with the Virginia and Maryland colonies. What, if any, is the relationship between this BROOKE family and Henry BROOKE (styled as planter, boatwright, and shipwright) of St. Mary’s Co, Maryland and later Westmoreland Co, Virginia? With respect to Henry BROOKE of Westmoreland, is it coincidental that Henry's Westmoreland Co. neighbor Hercules BRIDGES also appears in York Co. records. Henry BROOKE Junr, merchant, died [1646] per St. Mary’s Co Co. court records.
Land records show that Capt. Charles Leech transported Nicolas BROOKE Sr, & Jr, & Nicholas BROOKE, nephew to Senr. for his 7 Nov 1650 patent for land on Queens Creek (LOVA orig image, LPB2:270). BROOKE also had land on Queens creek. William HOCKADY transported Charles BROOKE and Henry MASON per patent for Hockaday dtd 6 Aug 1646 (LOVA orig. image, LPB2:93).
16 Jun 1643 John BROOKE of Boxked [Boxted] of County Essex [England], Cloythyer, to Henry BROOKE, Merchant, resident Virginia. To collect debts due him in Virginia “Especially to recover & secure all such goods wares debts & things whatsoever AS Barnaby BROOKE my brother whoe deceased at Sea goeing to Virginia aforesaid had in his hands or possession or in Virginia at the tyme of his death unto me belonging.” etc Signed John BROOKE. Sworn before John ____ Notary etc dwelling in the City of London. [Date signature & witness destroyed] One Jo: BROOKE Scr witnessed an indenture in London between Nicholas Senr and Henry BROOKE Senr. (Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Beverly Fleet, vIII, p. 44, orig. YC v2:140)
Notes: Probably indicates a familial relationship between Henry & Nicholas BROOKE, John BROOKE and his brother BARNABY BROOKE. It is documented that Henry BROOKE the Younger marchant purchased land called the “middle Plantation” from Capt. Richard POPELY on 16 March 1643/4, and is the same who signed the 11 Jan. 1644/5 receipt for funds he collected on behalf of Barnaby BROOKE from Wm HOCKADY (see below). Henry the Younger then conveyed this land to Nicholas BROOKE the Younger Marchant on 3 or 23 March 1645/6. On 24 March 1646/7 Thomas HEATH deposed that he was present (about Jan 1645/6) when all accounts were settled between Henry BROOKE deceased and Wm HOCKADAY (see records below) who apparently needed to settle up with Brooke since Brooke had been trying to collect all that was due to Barrnaby's brother John in Co Essex.
11 Jan 1644/5 Receipt dated 11 Jan. 1644. Henry BROOKE received of Wm HOCKADAY for use of Barnaby BROOKE, L 14.5.6 for tob in the year of 1643. Signed Henry BROOKE. Wit: Tho HEATH. (Va Colonial Abstracts, Beverly Fleet, vIII, p. 71, orig. YC v2:215). Wm HOCKADAY is later shown to be the admr. of the estate of Barnaby BROOKE.
10 of 7ber 1644 A letter, dated 10 of 7ber 1644, written by Henry BROOKE, Grocer of London, to his nephew Nico BROOKE marchant Virginia. The letter states Henry's son Henry [Jr] is bringing this letter to Nicholas. It is signed Uncle Henry who advises his nephew that his father [unnamed] is not pleased with the accounts and returns from Virginia and plans to take his business away from Nicholas, his son. He further writes that he [Uncle Henry] is being blamed by Nicholas' father and mother for their son keeping his father's estate for himself. He urges Nicholas to do his duty to his father and states his own innocence in the matter. The following record is an indenture dated 18 March 1640/1 (recorded in London 7 Sept 1644/5) between Nicholas Brooke citizen and grocer of London of the one part and Henry Brooke citizen and grocer of London of the other part and brother of the said Nicholas “whereas the said parties have for sundry yeares last past traded vpon partible Acco in merchandizing betweene England and virginea; And wheras also the said nicholas Brooke is resolved contented & agreed to surcease the said trade & to resigne & leave the same wholly vnto the said Henry Brooke who is likewise resolved contented & agreed to take the same trade vpon him & to runne the hazard of all adventures & debts that are incident & apperteining thervnto…” for 700 pounds, with 200 pounds due 25 March 1642, 250 pounds due 25 March 1643, and 250 pounds due 25 March 1644, Nicholas grants to the said Henry “all the estate, right title Interest property claime share part purpart and demand whatsoever that he the said nicolas Brooke hath or may or can claime challenge ask have or demand of in to or out of all & every or any plantation Lands chattells servants goods merchandises adventures debts & estate whatsoever that now are either in virginia or England belonging to the partible accot of the said trade or wch the said nicolas Brooke hath taken in his owne name in the said continent of Virginia.….” and witnessed by Jo: BROOKE Scr and Mathew LOCK. Filed 7 Sept. 1744 in London. (MSA, Court and Testamentary Business, 1644, v4:296-9).
It appears that Uncle Henry [Senr] purchased the trading operation and interests from his brother Nicholas [Senr]. Later Nicholas Senior purchased the land in Virginia from his son Nicholas Brooke Junr.
Entered with the above letter and indenture in Maryland records was a copy of a Power of Attorney from John GLOVER recorded 7 Feb. 1644/5 by mr Henry Brook mrcht. “These are to centifie whom it may concerne that I vnder written doe give full power & authority to my frend mr henry Brooke iunr to recover for me what estate my brother Robert Giover [GLOVER], left in Maryland, as also what cattell are due to me at Accomack, wch were to be delivered to my said brother, dated in Rotterdame the 14. octob 1644. p. Jo: GLOVER.”
ALSO this record: “Mr Br. John Rablie demandeth of Henry Brooke iunr Sedent mr Secr: mrcht 15 l sterl: in goods bought at the first peny mr Gr. in Engl: or holland & a new p of shoes & a new saile for his the plfs shallopp; owing vnto him from the deft for pilotage of the ship, & a months waiting of him & his man & shallopp one month after the arrivall of the ship in the port & wch he refuseth to pay vnto him to the damage of the plf to the value of 4130 l tob wth cask warn: to Cort to morrw morn: 9cl pill iudgmt.” (MSA, Court and Testamentary Business, p. 303).
The above letter and indenture combined with the York Co, Va. patents definitely establish that Nicholas BROOKE Senr (Grocer of London), his son Nicholas Jnr aka the Younger and “Marchant” of Virginia, Henry Senr (Grocer of London and brother to Nicholas Senr), and his son Henry Brooks Jnr Marchant were all involved in trade within the Colonies (Va and Md) and trade between the Colonies and England.
Of further interest is the fact that land belonging to Thomas LUCAS adjoined the 500 acres called the Middle Plantation, first held by Capt. Richard POPELY, then by Henry BROOKE Jnr, then by Nicholas Jnr, and then by Nicholas Snr. This Thomas LUCAS of York is the same as the Thomas LUCAS, third husband to Margaret UNKNOWN of Isle of Wight and Old Rappa. Cos., VA, who who married first Unknown UNDERWOOD, secondly John UPTON, and thirdly Thomas LUCAS. This Margaret was the mother of Col. William UNDERWOOD who at one point was married to Elizabeth UNKNOWN Underwood, the same who later married Archdale Combs I. Margaret was also the mother of Elizabeth UNDERWOOD Taylor Slaughter Catlett Butler, and the grandmother of William UNDERWOOD Sr. who married Mary BUTLER, sister to Rev. Amory BUTLER.
28 Jan 1645/6 [first part mutiliated] ..“cousin Henry BROOKE These are to desire you on my behalf to conf. - - - upon a bill of mine to Mr. Thomas - - - for 3000 lbs. tob - - - a 100 more KERBOROUGH RIGG - - him and I shall rest your very - - - January 28 1645 Ni - - [rest of record unreadable] ((Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Beverly Fleet, vIII, p. 34, orig. YC v2:99)
Notes: This entry could have been from Ni [cholas Brooke?] since we know that Nicholas BROOKE Junr did have a cousin named Henry BROOKE, son of Henry BROOKE Sr, citizen and grocer of London. The date of this entry was only a couple of months before (23 March 1645/6) Henry BROOKE Junr marchant sold and conveyed land to Nicholas BROOKE the Younger marchant. Then, by March of the next year, Henry BROOKE Junr merchant was deceased and records relative to his estate are found in both St. Mary's Co, Maryland, and Northumberland Co, Virginia.
10 Mar 1645/6 Estate of Thos SMALLCOMBE “is debtor” to disbursements: to minister CLARKE & sexton for his buriall 0024, to John UNDERWOOD as by receipt 0030, by 2 Indians sold John HAMMON 0500 (Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Beverly Fleet, vIII, p. 43, orig. YC v2:130).
23 Mar 1645 York Co patent granted to Nicholas BROOKE the Younger marchant for 500a of land commonly called by the name of Middle plantation being in the county of York bounded.….upon the land formerly owned by Thomas LUCAS northwest upon the great swamp…the 500a being land formerly granted unto Capt. Richard POPELY…and confirmed by order of the Court of 6th June 1639 and ___ unto Henry BROOKE Younger marchant by Bill of Sale under hand and seal of said Capt Popely bearing date of 16 March 1643 which deed remayneth upon record at James City and since conveyed by the said Henry unto Nicho. BROOKE by bargain and Sale dated the 3rd of March 1645 under his hand and Seal of the said Henry BROOKE which deed remaineth upon record under this patent…13 Aug. 1646. Deed of Sale by Capt. Richard Popely to Henry BROOKE marchant dated 16 March 1643 for land in York Co. situated on Queens Creek called Middle plantation…in possession of and delivered by Elizabeth relict of said Capt Richard Popely unto the said Henry BROOKE…and in consideration of 7000 pounds of tobacco and cask in hand paid by me Nicho BROOKE Jnr Marchant.….signed Henry BROOKE 3 March 1645. Wit: Saml ABBOTT and Edw MATHEWES (LOVA original patent images, Land Office Patents No. 2, 1643-1651, pp90-91).
The above establishes that Popely sold land to Henry BROOKE the Younger who then sold the land to Nicholas BROOKE the Younger, both styled as “marchants”.
Notes: Captain Richard POPELY was born in 1598 in the parish of Wooley, Yorkshire, England, and in 1620, came in the Bona Nova to Virginia, where, in 1624, he was living at Elizabeth City. Popely accompanied William Claiborne when he made his settlement at Kent Island [Maryland] in 1631. In 1637, he was again residing at Elizabeth City; but in 1639 Popely was captain at Middle Plantation, where he died before 1643, leaving a widow, but no children…(Source: James City County, VA Williamsburg, The Old Colonial Capital; Wm. & Mary Qrtly; Vol. 16, No.1 Transcribed by Kathy Merrill for the USGenWeb Archives Special Collections Project Williamsburg The Old Colonial Capital William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, Vol. 16, No. 1. (Jul., 1907), pp. 1-65. Page 1).
25 Jan 1646 York Co. I, Henry BROOKE, doe acknowledge to have rec of Mr Wm HOCKADAY for the use of Barnaby BROOKE, dec, the sume of fourteen pownds & five shillings six pence for wch sume I rec. twoe yousand & twoe hundred pounds of tob in the yeare 1643 it pducing the sume afforesd in holland & noe more witness my hand yis 14 y of June 1644. Signed P me Henry Brooke. (Source: Notes from the Records of York County, VA, Wm. and Mary Qrtly., Vol. 24, No. 1, Transcribed by Kathy Merrill for the USGenWeb Archives Special Collections Project).
Notes: This Henry is possibly the same referred to as a relative by John BROOKE of Essex-shire. Henry BROOKE was related to one John BROOKE of Essex-shire, who, styled as a clothier in a deed drawn up prior to 1650, named his relative Henry BROOKE of Virginia as his attorney in the Colony further stating that John's brother Barnaby BROOKE had died at sea on his way to Virginia and in charge of a large quantity of merchandise.
(Social Life in Virginia in the Seventeenth Century: An Inquiry, Philip Alexander Bruce, 1907,p. 88). What may be important is that one John BROOKE witnessed a couple of Henry BROOKE'S transactions in Westmoreland. In another source, “John Brooks aged 29 yeares or thereabouts being sworne and examined saith That he was present when Daniel LISSON solde a servant to Henry Brookes whose name was Robert Cotterrell And further saith not John BROOKES 10 March 1655 Jurat in Cur”. (1655/6). The Henry BROOKE who purchased the servant from Daniel LISSON would likely have been Henry BROOKE Shipwright of Westmoreland Co, Va. The transportation list for Henry's wife Jane UNKNOWN Wickliffe Brooke's 1663 Westmoreland Co, Va patent included Daniel LISS[ON] and one Robert CORKNELL. Perhaps as part of the same court issue is this record wherein David ANDERSON age 25 yeares or thereabouts being sworne and examined saith That Henry Brookes solde to this Depon't a boy named Robert COCKRELL for one yeare and that the said Brookes did make no Assignment of the said boy". Etc. That indentures were delivered with the boy by Brookes. Signed David ANDERSON. 20 Aug 1656. Jurat in Cur. (transcription of original Westmoreland Bk1:62 found at http://gedcom.surnames.com/burgess_jim/np90.htm).
24 Mar 1646/7 “Deposition of Thomas HEATH, aged 35 years or thereabouts sworne in Court the 24 Mar 1646.” States that about Jan 1645/6 he was present when a/cs were settled between Mr Henry BROOKE deceased & Wm HOCKADAY & all ac/s were cleared b/twn them. That when he heard HOCKADAY say you will have my bill of 11000 lb of tob, “where is that” BROOKE answered that it was among his writings at James Towne and he had sent his man BARRNETT for them…” (Va Colonial Abstracts, Beverly Fleet, vIII, p. 71, orig. YC v2:216).
Notes: This entry would document that Henry BROOKE died between Jan 1645/6 and 24 March 1646/7. Records for a Henry BROOKE deceased are found in St. Mary’s Co, Maryland (1647), and York Co, Virginia (1645/6) and Northumberland Co, Virginia (1652).
7 Apr 1646 List of bills and debts due Richard GLOVER of Amsterdam, merchant, left with Richard LEE in Virginia 7 April 1646 included, among others, the names of : Mr. Nicholas BROOKE Junr, Mr. Wm BROOKE Senr & Junr, Mr Henry BROOKS by Arbitration & Acct…(Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Beverly Fleet, vIII, p. 33, orig. YC v2:95).
Notes: See the 26 Jul 1646 record with the mention of Richard LEE and John UNDERWOOD. Apparently the GLOVERS and BROOKES were business associates. One John GLOVER gives a Power of Attorney, dated 14 Oct. 1644 in Rotterdam, to Henry BROOKE Junr. and recorded 7 Feb. 1644/5 in Maryland.
1646 By note under the hand of Nicholas BROOKE Jr. he promised to pay Eliz: HOPKINS widow, adm of Geo HOPKINS deceased for burial of Mr. Edw BROOKE deceased “whoo was buryed in Chancell.” Nicholas BROOKS Jr ordered to pay Eliz Mrs HOPKINS 300 lbs. tobo. (Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Beverly Fleet, vIII, p. 37, orig. YC v2:106).
Notes: The only source for some of the court records in 1646/7 in York Co is a manuscript that transcribed the records for the original book, no longer extant and therefore assumed to possibly be somewhat unreliable.
24 Jul 1646 (York Co. Records, 1645-48, p. 149) John UNDERWOOD indebted to Toby SMITH sufficient to balance the debt to Richard LEE. (Genealogies of VA Families, Underwood Family, submitted by Augusta Fothergill who adds that John UNDERWOOD had married the widow CAYNHOO by Nov 1645)
25 Sep 1646 Deposition of Nicholas BROOKE aged about 28 years [b c1618] taken in court this 25th of Sept. 1646.“That Tho Gibson did sign a bill for 4000 lb tob to Henry BROOKE to be pd on delivery of 4 servants which were never delivered. Signed Nich: BROOKE (Va Colonial Abstracts, Beverly Fleet, vIII, p. 59, orig. YC v2:177).
1646? Richard HAWLEY to have attachment agst estate of Mr Henry BROOKE dec'd for his corn & clothes due “him being servant to the sd Henry BROOKE.” (Va Colonial Abstracts, Beverly Fleet, vIII, p. 59, orig. YC v2:185).
Notes: Here we have a York Co record regarding the death of one Henry BROOKE. Other records regarding the death of Henry BROOKE appear in St. Mary’s Co, MD.
1646? Rice MADDOX ordered to pay 300 pounds tobo due in 1642 to Wm HOCKADAY admr of the estate of Barnaby BROOKE decd. (Va Colonial Abstracts, Beverly Fleet, vIII, p. 87, orig. YC v2:329).
12 Jul 1649 York Co. patent granted to Nicholas BROOKE Senr Gent. for 500a of land commonly called by the name of Middle plantation being in the county of York bounded viz South East upon the land formerly belonging to Thomas LUCAS North West upon the great swamp.…….land granted formerly to Nicholas BROOKE Jnr by patent dated 3 Aug. 1646 and purchased by the said Nicholas BROOKE Senr of his son Nicholas BROOKE Junr as by deed upon record appeareth…dated 3 Oct 1649…I Nicholas BROOKE Junr for a valuable consideration in hand paid by Nicholas BROOK Senr my father do bargain assign set over the mentioned patent and the land therein being called the Middle plantation to my said father this 12 July 1649…Nicholas BROOKE Junr. (LOVA original patent images, Land Office Patents No. 2, 1643-1651, p. 192).
The above record establishes that Nicholas BROOKE Junr sold land to his father Nicholas BROOKE Senr; made more interesting by the fact that in 1640/1 Nicholas BROOKE Senior sold all his trading interests in the colonies to his brother Henry BROOKE Senr. Merchants Nicholas BROOKE Junr, his father Nicholas Senr., Citizen and Grocer of London, his uncle Henry BROOKE Senr, Citizen and Grocer of London, and his son Henry Junr are also of record by 1644[5] in St. Mary’s Co., Maryland.
6 Oct 1650 - 13 May 1652 (VA PB3:199) George LIGHT, 200 A upon W side of Porotanke Cr. Beg. at mouth of a small creek which devideth this from land of Thomas LEECHMAN & John BENNETT &c. Beg. part of a patent granted unto William CAINHOE & purch. by sd. LIGHT of John UNDERWOOD who married the relict of said CAINHOE as by deed under his hand dated 6 Oct 1650 may appeare (C&PI:277)
18 May 1652 - York Co. “An order for setting a difference about some land seated by Sir Dudley Wyatt in his life time, belonging to Nicholas Seabrill; that Nicholas Brooke Senr and Leonard Chamberlyn, Richard Abrall and John Davies survey the land & report to the court - they being convented & nominated by sd Seabrill and Mr Wyatt, in behalf of Mrs Ann Clarke, exx of Sr Dudley Wyatt.” (Source: Notes from the Records of York County, VA - Wm. and Mary Qrtly., Vol. 24, No. 1, Transcribed by Kathy Merrill for the USGenWeb Archives Special Collections Project).
25 Oct 1652 York Co. Nicholas BROOKE, the elder, sells to Samuel ffenne of Martin's Hundred 500 acres of land, patd by
Nich: Brooke the younger, 30 Aug., 1646, formerly granted to Richard Popeley & confirmed to him by order of Council 6 June 1639, purchased by Henry Brooke of said R.P. 16 Mch, 1643, & conveyed by H.B. to N.B. the younger - March, 1645, & by said N.B. younger conveyed to H.B. Sen. 12 July, 1649, commonly called the Middle Plantation; To begin att the Creek upon the old Pallasadoes, for length unto the Land of Capt. Robert Hickenson claimed, and for breadth unto the fforest. Witnessed by Wm Spencer, Jno.Atkins X his mark. Rec. 25 Oct., 1652 (Source: Notes from the Records of York County, VA - Wm. and Mary Qrtly., Vol. 24, No. 1, Transcribed by Kathy Merrill for the USGenWeb Archives Special Collections Project).
5 July 1653 Cavaliers and Pioneers, p237, Henery Lee Macoome, 350 acs. in Hampton Parish, York Co., 5 July 1653, p 20. Beg. at the miles end of Capt. Francis Morgans devdt., thence S.E. by E. &c to the miles end of Mr. Lee´s first devdt., thence N. by E. to Wm. Sawyeer´s plantation by the Cr. Trans. of 7 pers: Jon. Goffe, Jon Win, JON MCCOOME, Jon. Bartwright, Richd. Fowke, Marg. Davis, Bar. Ramsey
Submitted by Patience Northern
25 Jun 1655 George READE sells 100 acres at Middle Plantation to John Page, 25 June, 1655. Witn: Wm Barber, Daniel
Parke. Land granted to Capt. Robert Higginson by Nicholas BROOKE & by Wm BERNARD & Lucy, his wife, dau. of Capt. Higginson, sold to said George Reade on 24 Nov., 1653 (Source: Notes from the Records of York County, Va, Wm. and Mary Qrtly., Vol. 24, No. 1, Transcribed by Kathy Merrill for the USGenWeb Archives Special Collections Project).
There is this English record for Henry BROOKE, citizen and grocer of London (A2A Index).
1623 Counterpart Deed to lead the Uses of a Fine
Contents: 1. Samuel Bridger of Fulham, Middx, gent, & Mary his wife. 2. William Essington, citizen & draper of London, Henry Brooke, citizen & grocer of London. 3. John Kinge of London, merchant. John Taverner of London, merchant. Manor & farm of Wakeley, Rectory, parsonage & free chapel of Wakeley, Witnesses - John Greene. William Sweetenham, notary public. John Barnard Date: 7 May 1623. (Indexed by A2A but held in Miscellaneous collection of Title deeds including Ware Park and Albury Hall in Hertfordshire, with Marriage licences and Turnpike papers, 1407-1921, Creator(s): County Museum, Hertford, section TITLE DEEDS AND MANORIAL RECORDS, section ASPENDEN, FILE - Counterpart Deed to lead the Uses of a Fine - ref. DE/Cm/37516 - date: 7th May 1623)
1662 Indenture: Comes, Richard; Gender: Male; Orphan: Unknown; Position in Parent's Family: Unknown; Landowner: Unknown; Literate: Unknown; Convict: Unknown; Length of Indenture, Year of Indenture: 1662; Place of Indenture, County: York; Colony: Virginia
Source Citations: Benjamin B. Weisiger, York County, Virginia Records 1659-1662 (n.p.: n.p., 1989), 126, quoting York County Wills, Deeds, and Orders 1657-1659, 161.
23 Dec 1662 - 18 Jun 1663 (York - VA PB5:446/535) Adam MILES, 300 A. according to the ancient bounds thereof. Granted to Mr. Wm. CAYNHOO, lately found to escheate &c. by inquisition dated 23 Dec 1662 & now granted, &c. (C&PI:538-9)
The relationship of John UNDERWOOD to Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD of Old Rappa. Co VA (whose widow, Elizabeth, m Archdale Combs I of Old Rappea, remains unknown; however, note that the above Toby SMITH was the husband of Phoebe FAUNTLEROY, sister of Col. More FAUNTLEROY who may have married Mary UNDERWOOD, sister of Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD
Note: This genealogy is not proven, and may be incorrect: See The UNDERWOOD Families
Notes: According to the Fothergill article, Toby SMITH married in London Phoebe FAUNTLEROY and removed to Rappahannock about the same time as UNDERWOODS of Isle of Wight and Old Rappa.
Toby & Phoebe FAUNTLEROY Smith were the parents of Phoebe SMITH who married William SLAUGHTER, brother of Francis SLAUGHTER who married Elizabeth UNDERWOOD Taylor Slaughter Catlett BUTLER, the latter another sister of Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD. (Genealogies of Virginia Families, Slaughter Family, Vol. V, pp. 301-302)
Toby SMITH removed to Old Rappa. Co VA where he d ca1657 (See Old Rappa. Co VA). In Old Rappa. Co VA, his land bordered that of Peter MILLS, s/o William MILLS, and David STERNE whose brother, Francis STERNE, m Mary CAMMOCK,. d/o Warwick & Mary (-----) (Thatcher) Cammock, and was later occupied by one Richard BRAY. (See Below)
Of possible interest is the 1630 marriage of John UNDERWOOD, Merchant Tailor of Breadstreet, London, to Frances LEIGH [LEE?], d/o Francis, Haberdasher of London, at Tottenham Parish, Middlesex, EN. Tottenham Parish was home to the Archdale-Combe-Palmer families, presumed ancestors of Archdale COMBE II, h/o Elizabeth, widow of (1) Unknown UNDERWOOD; and (2) the above-noted Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD.
1667 Indenture: Comes, Robert, Gender: Male; Orphan: Unknown; Position in Parent's Family: Unknown; Landowner: Unknown; Literate: Unknown; Convict: Unknown; Length of Indenture, Year of Indenture: by 1667; Place of Indenture, County: York; Colony: Virginia
Comments: Weisiger had difficulty reading this servant's surname. Source Citations: Benjamin B. Weisiger, York County, Virginia Records 1665-1672 (n.p.: n.p., 1987), 196, quoting York County, Virginia Record Book 4:330.
Notes: Considering these comments this could possibly be the same as Richard Comes of the 1662 Indenture.
08 Sep 1667 (York Co. Record Book #4, no pg no. given) Received by me James BRAY from Mrs. Anne CALTHORPE, widow, for use of Thomas ROE of Northumberland Co, as Adm'x of Hall, dec'd. (lists livestock), acknowledged as ROE'S attorney and by his order delivered them to Samuel SPICER, to him due by letter of attorney 8 Jan. 1665, and I acquit Anne CALTHORPE of same. Wit: Richard STOCKE, Tho. (TF) FOOTE. Signed: Samuel (H) SPICER, James BRAY attorney for Tho. ROE.
(YORK COUNTY, VIRGINIA, RECORDS, 1665-1672, by Benjamin B. Weisiger, III)
Notes: In Old Rappa. Co VA in 1685, one Arthur SPICER'S deed of gift to William & Mary CLAPHAM was witnessed by, among others, Anne BRAY, thus it seems possible that at least some of the SPICER/BRAY Families of York Co VA were also later in Old Rappa. Co VA (See Also Northumberland Co VA). In London, EN, the 1620 will of Nathaniel WADE includes mention of Richard Combs, Joseph STACY and Richard STOCKE. The STACY/WATT Families were found in Colchester, Co Essex, EN, as was Thomas SCOTT, 1st h/o Judith BURROUGHES/BORROUGHS, who m next John VASSALL (See Burroughs-Scott-Vassall-Ware Families). The STACY-WATTS Families are later found in the records of early Stafford Co VA, and Calvert Co MD, prior to removing to York Co VA where Simon STACY d ca1717/18. Also note that William CLAPHAM later m Mary THATCHER, d/o Sylvester & Margaret UNKNOWN Thatcher, who m next Warwick CAMMOCK, close associate of Archdale Combs of Old Rappa. Co VA.
WHITING, Mary dau of Sarah a mulatto, b. April 16, 1694
Catherine daughter of Sarah WHITING by John COMBS was born April
16, 1704.
William Combs, son of John by Sarah b. Nov. 13, 1706
John Combs, son of John by Sarah b. “In the year 1707”
Sarah Combs, dau of John by Sarah b. Jan. 10, 1712
William Combs, son of Thomas by Frances b. Feb 17, bap. Mar 20, 1742
Thomas Combs, son of Thomas by Frances, b. May 4, 1744
James Combs, son of Thomas by Frances, b. Nov 19, bap Dec 18, 1745
Edmunds Combs, son of Thomas by Frances, b. Jan 5, bap. Mar 10, 1747
John Combs, son of Thomas and Frances, b. _____ bap Sep 16, 1750
Sarah Combs died January 16, 1752
Anne Combs, dau of Thomas and Anne, b. Apr 22, bap. June 25, 1769
Martha Combs, dau of Thomas and Anne b. Feb 17, bap. Mar 22, 1772
Willis Combs, son of Thomas and Anne, b. May 4, bap. June 12, 1774
John Combs, son of Edmund and Mary, b. Oct 17, bap Nov 20, 1774
William Combs, son of Edmund and Mary b. Feb 14, bap. Apr, 14, 1776
John Combs, son of William by Mary b. Dec 27, 1776 Bap. Feb 16, 1777
Frances Combs, dau. of Thomas and Anne, b. Mar 17, bap. April 14, 1776
Frances Combs, dau. of Edmund and Mary, b. Jul 25, 1777 bap. Mar 8, 1778
Anne Combs, dau of William and Mary, b. Dec 14, 1778, Bap. Feb 14, 1779
William Combs, son of Edmund and Mary, b. Feb 27, bap. April 16, 1780
Elizabeth Combs, dau. of William and Mary, b. Aug. 15, bap. Nov. 4, 1781 (Mulatto written by her name)
Abraham Combs, son of Edmund and Mary b. Mar 8, bap. April 28, 1782 ("Mulatto" written by his name).
Mary Combs, dau. of William and Mary, b. July 11, bap. Sep 14, 1783
Jane Combs, dau of Edmund and Mary, b. Feb 6, bap. May 2 1784 (Mulatto by her name)
Combs, Hebe dau. of Thomas and Mary, b. Mar 2, bap June 18, 1786 (Mulatto by her name)
George Combs Pickett, son of Edmund and Mary, b. Dec 5, 1786, bap. Jun 10, 1787 (Mulatto by his name)
(Provided by Combs-Stacy Researcher Barbara S. Mathews)
Notes: None of the above Combs Families have been identified as yet. See Also Afro-American Combs Families. [also see FREE AFRICAN AMERICANS OF VIRGINIA, NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH CAROLINA, MARYLAND AND DELAWARE scroll down to COMBS FAMILY]
15 Sep 1777 York Co, VA Wills & Inventories 22, 1771-1783 (Reel 11) p. 374-375. Will of Thomas COMBS pro. 15 Sept. 1777.
(Index to York Co, VA Wills and Administrations (1633-1811), VSLA Card Catalog)
Notes: Record still needed!
William COMBS
(Nettie Schreiner-Yantis' Index to 1787 Personal Property Tax Lists of Virginia)
SW: Edmond
22 Dec 1800 (York Co VA Marriage Bonds) John COMBS x (his mark) and Elizabeth HUON, spinster, of Charles Parish. Securities, S. SHEILD, Jr., Latinus ARMISTEAD.
(York Co, VA Marriage Bonds, Wm. & Mary Quarterly, Vol. 14, No. 4 (Apr., 1906), p. 276 of pp. 276-278)
Note: The above John COMBS has not yet been identified; however, it may be the above marriage record that caused Worth Ray in his Mecklenburg Signers to believe that the Armistead/Booth/Combs/Cunningham/Rowe/Shields families of Old Rappa. VA & York Co VA were related
27 Feb 1809 York Co, VA Marriage Records. Godfry WILLIAMS & Mary COMBS
(Extracted from Dodd, Jordan R, et. al. Early American Marriages: Virginia to 1850. Bountiful, UT: Precision Indexing Publishers, 19xx [sic], Ancestry On-Line (http://www.ancestry.com/)
(all Free Negroes?)
Page 873:
Betty Combs 00000-00000-90
Sarah Combs 00000-00000-20
John Combs 00000-00000-50
William Combs 00000-00000-41
Page 155
George Combs
Elizabeth Combs
Nancy Combs
Page 160
Turner CUMBO
16 Sep 1822 York Co, VA Marriage Records; William HOPSON & Elizabeth COMBS
Page 430
George Combs
Page 438
Sarah Combs
Page 314
Goerge [George?] Combs
William Combs
23 Jul 1844 York Co, VA Marriage Records. Thomas COMBS & Emily COMBS
25 May 1847 York Co, VA Marriage Records. William COMBS & Susan WALLACE
16 Jun 1849 York Co, VA Marriage Records. James M. HOPKINS & Harriet COMBS
(Transcribed by Combs Researcher Debi Houser who adds that some of the census is very hard to read)
Page 349
94/94 James COMBS 40 (M) fisherman York County
Mary Ann 41 (M) York County
Algernon 2 (M) York County
95/95 Susan COMBS 39 (M) York County
James 20 (M) York County
Julia 18 (M) York County
Josiah 1 (M) York County
Notes: Are James and Julia husband and wife, Josiah their son, and Susan the mother? Or is she mother of all three? Is this Susan WALLACE Combs (see below)?
Page 352
141/141 James HOPSON 23 (M) fisherman York County
Harriet 20 (M) York County
Harriet COMBS 30 (M) York County
Frances? 7 f (M) York County
Mana? 5 f (M) York County
Julia 4 (M) York County
Notes: See 16 June 1849 York Co, VA Marriage Records. James M. HOPKINS & Harriet COMBS. Is James M. HOPKINS the same as James HOPSON?
Page 353
148/148 Thos.? COMBS 31 (M) York County
Emily 26 (M) York County
Edward 5 (M) York County
Scott 3 (M) York County
? 1 f (M) York County
Notes: See 23 July 1844 York Co, VA Marriage Records. Thomas COMBS & Emily COMBS
153/153 William HOPSON 55 (M) York County
Elizabeth 35 (M) York County
James 23 (M) laborer York County
Mary 18 (M) York County
George 15 (M) York County
Frank 13 (M) York County
John 12 (M) York County
Richard 10 (M) York County
Notes: See 16 September 1822 York Co, VA Marriage Records. WILLIAM HOPSON & ELIZABETH COMBS. Unless Elizabeth's age was put down wrong on this census, she couldn't be the same Elizabeth COMBS that married William HOPSON in 1822. Is James HOPSON, age 23, same as James HOPKINS in HH#141?
154/154 William COMBS 40 (M) fishermanYork County
Susan 35 (M) York County
Harriet 19 (M) York County
Elizabeth 17 (M) York County
Julia A. 15 (M) York County
Sarah J. 13 (M) York County
Notes: Is this 25 May 1847 York Co, VA Marriage of William COMBS & Susan WALLACE? If so, a second marriage?
155/155 Susan COMBS 35 (M) York County
Julia 13 (M) York County
Isabella 11 (M) York County
Elizabeth 9 (M) York County
Curtis 4 (M) York County
Notes: Is this same household as above, partially repeated?