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Updated 22 Jul 1998
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Numerous BUTLER-Combs Connections are found - from early England to the Virginia Colony, but the following is primarily in reference to the BUTLERS of Westmoreland and Old Rappahannock Cos, VA, and the latter's descendant counties of Essex, Richmond, King George & Caroline. Based on erroneous interpretations of Old Rappahannock Co VA records, many researchers have long believed that Elizabeth, wife of Unknown UNDERWOOD, then Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD, then Archdale Combs I of Old Rappahannock, was neè BUTLER; however, a look at all extant records proves that references to the sister of Rev. Amory BUTLER were to his sister, Mary, who had married William UNDERWOOD, Sr., one of two William UNDERWOOD step-sons of Archdale Combs I. (See Archdale Combs I & Amory & Elizabeth UNDERWOOD (Taylor Slaughter Catlett) BUTLER of Old Rappa. Co VA.
The ancestry of Amory BUTLER and his siblings is unknown; the following is only a beginning, a tentative listing of the children of Unknown BUTLER, based on his will and other extant records
I. Amory BUTLER, widower of Elizabeth UNDERWOOD, d testate, and apparently s.p. in 1678/9 in Old Rappahannock Co VA; may have resided earlier in New Kent Co VA:
(Patent Book No. 6, p. 230) 17 Apr 1669. Mr. Amory BUTLER, 280 acs, New Kent Co., upon head br of Hartquake Sw., on N. side of Mattapony Riv., Running to Bridge Sw., a br. of Peanketank Sw, Trans. of 6 pers: Geo. UPTON, Willm GROVES, Arth. BROMLEY, Ambro. BINGHAM, Wm. RAVEN, Susan DODD (C&P II, p. 59)
Notes: The presence of George UPTON in the above record leads to speculation that Capt. John UPTON, h/o Margaret UNKNOWN Underwood Upton Lucas, may have left unidentified issue, or at least relatives, in Virginia. (See Underwood Families)
11 Aug 1678 - 29 Jan 1678/9 (Rappa. Records, 1677-1682, pp. 113-4) Will of Amory BUTLER of the Parish of Sittingbourne, County of Rappa… all my Books, Sermon Noats and papers to my loveing Brother Mr. Wm. BUTLER, Ministr. of Washington Parish [Westmoreland County]… all my wearing Cloaths Linnen and Wollen to my Brother John BUTLER… unto Valentine ALLEN sixty pounds of Tobaccoe in leiu of a paire of Shooes I owe him… unto my Godson, Wm. PANNELL, one Bible and likewise on Bible to my Godson CAWTHORNE… to my Brother John BUTLER aforesaid, two thousand pounds of Tobacco and cask… All my other Estate I give and bequeath unto my Godson and Nephew John UNDERWOOD… Executor Daniel GAINES… to be Refferring… to the Assistance of my Brother Wm. UNDERWOOD… ordring that Mr. Samll. BLOMFIELD … be first satisfied out of my Estate for mine & my Brother John BUTLERS Accomodation at his house… unto my Execr… his choice of any three Bookes in my Studio… this xith day of August Anno. Dom 1678. S/Amory BUTLER; Wits: Samll. BLOOMFIELD, Lawr: ROCHEFORT. Recordat. xx9th Janrii Ano 1678/9. (Old Rappahannock Vol. 1677-82, Part I, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA, pp. 35-6)
II. Mary BUTLER married William UNDERWOOD, Sr., son of Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD and Mary (MOSELEY? BURTON?) who was named in the will of her brother, Amory BUTLER.
III. Rev. William BUTLER of Washington Parish, Westmoreland Co, VA. No More information?
IV. John BUTLER may have been the same who follows:
2 Sep 1675 - 4 Sep 1675 (Old Rappahannock DB, 1672-1676, Part II, Book 5:308) Xpher BUTLER of Stafford [Co VA] POA to "my Loving Brother John BUTLER of Popes Creek in the county of Westmoreland" in the County of Rappahannock and especially to ack. sale of land lying in said County unto John ELLIOTT of Westmoreland County… s/Christopher [B] BUTLER, Wits: John LORD; Alexander WEBSTER; Prvd. 4 Sep 1675. (Sparacio)
Note: John ELLIOTT had married Sarah FOXHALL, d/o John FOXHALL of Essex, EN and Old Rappahannock/Westmoreland Cos VA, whose daughter, Mary, had m (2) Alexander GORGES (unidentified), and whose son, John FOXHALL, Jr. died in 1697 deeding property to an unidentified Susan CAMMOCK. Sarah FOXHALL Elliott m next Andrew MUNROE (a.k.a. MONROE), widower of Elinor SPENCE (See Foxhall Families and see below).
26 Dec 1676 - 6 day June 1677 (Old Rappa. Records, 1677-1682, Part 1:3-5). LWT of John BUTLER of Westmoreland County, Planter… son Thomas my plantation I now live upon lying and being in the Forrest in Quantity of Acres one hundred and fifty… & one mare filly to sonn, Thomas… Daughter Grace shall have first mare foale that said mare filley shall bring.. sonne Thomas one brown heifer about 3 years old… Bed and furniture to remain in wife's possession so long as she keeps herself single and afterward to sonn Thomas Unto aforesaid daughter Grace first cow calfe from any of my cattle, one small pott about 3 or 4 gallons I give out of my estate unto my Sonn Thomas… Executor Henry BERRY of Rappa. County & his eldest son Henry. S/John [his mark] BUTLER; wits: James TAYLOR, John [X] THOMAS. John THOMAS of the County of Stafford aged 32 yeares or thereabouts..swears. Ex. by Anthony RIKNER. James TAYLOR aged 21 years or thereabouts sworn and saith… Rec. 6 day June 1677. James TAYLOR. (Sparacio)
Note: The above John BUTLER cannot be the same as the following, but it would appear likely that a relationship existed - not only between the two John BUTLERS, but between Charles Combs and Archdale Combs:
IV. Christopher BUTLER of Stafford, then Westmoreland Co VA, d ???
15 Jan 1676/7 - 25 Jun 1677 (Old Rappa. Records, 1677-1682, Part 1:123) 15 Jan 1676. Christopher BUTLER of Popes Creek in Westmoreland County to John FRANKLIN of Rappa… 100 A in ye Forrest between Potomack & Rappae… adj. land of Mr. John PAYNE by the side of a little White Marsh and from thence unto Mr. UNDERWOODS line for length & thence … John PAYNE … S/Christopher [B] BUTLER. Wits: John GRAVES, John LORD, Rec. 6 Jun 1677.
Christopher BUTLER of Westmoreland to George TAYLER of Rappae my atty to ack. to John FRANKLIN tract of land in Co of Rappa. as by Bill of Sale from undr. hand.. 2 Jun 1677. S/Christopher [B] BUTLER, Wits: Henry TANDY, Wm. SERJEANT. Rec. 25 Jun 1677. (Sparacio)
Note: The above property appears to have been very close to that of the Combs of Richmond/King George (See Combs Land of Old Rappahannock)
02 Sep 1675 (Old Rappahannock DB, 1672-1676, Part II, Book 5:308) 2 Sep 1675. Xpher BUTLER of Stafford POA to "my Loving Brother John BUTLER of Popes Creek in the county of Westmoreland" in the County of Rappahannock and especially to ack. sale of land lying in said County unto John ELLIOTT of Westmoreland County… s/Christopher [B] BUTLER, Wits: John LORD; Alexander WEBSTER; Prvd. 4 Sep 1675. (Sparacio)
07 May 1684 Old Rappahannock OB, 1683-1686, p. 20 (27)) 7 May 1684. It is ordrd: upon request of John BUTLER that Charles Combs serve the said BUTLER until he attaines the age of one and twenty years, he the said BUTLER finding him sufficient Diett washing lodging and apparrell during the sd term and at the expiration therof to allow him as the Act directs for custome or Indented Servants. (Old Rappahannock Order Book Abstracts, 1683-85, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1990)
Question: Which John BUTLER was the above? Is he the same who follows?
13 Aug 1686 (Old Rappa WB2:103-4) Inventory. Estate of John BUTLER deced….by Charles JOHNSON, Robt: PLEY, Jam: BOULEWARE. (Old Rappahannock Records, Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean VA)
Notes: He would appear to be of the same family as the following BUTLERS:
29 May 1693 - 10 Feb 1693/4 (Essex County, Orders, etc, No. 1 [Deeds and Wills] 1692-1695, pg 252-253.) May the 29th day 1693. Will of William VEALE. In the name of God Amen. I William VEALE of the County of Essex in the parsh of Sittingbourne being very sick and weake but of perfect Sence and memory doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in matters and forms as followeth.
Item. I bequeath my Soul to God that gave it and my body to this
Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my executo.e
hereafter named and as for my ?temperall? Estate I dispose of
as followeth
Item. I give and bequeath unto my Grandson Jno BUTLER and my Grand
Daughter Sarah BUTLER all my tract of Land which I now live on
by this River with the houses and Orchards after the decease of
my daughter Sarah LEE to them and their heires for Ever to be
equally divided between them.
Item. I give unto my afores.d Grandson and Granddaughter John
BUTLER and Sarah BUTLER my debts being paid all my personall Estate
to be equally divided to them and their heires for ever.
Item. I give and bequeath unto Charles Combs all my land
in the forrest to him and his heires for ever.
Item. I nominate and appoint my daughter Sarah LEE my Sole Execut.e
to this my last Will and Testament as withness my hand and Seale
Signed Sealed and declared Wm. (his mark) VEALE {Seale}
in the presense of us
John (his mark) WATSON
Hugh CRABB being sworn saith that he saw the within named Wm.
VEALE Signe Seale & publish the within Will of his last Will
and Testament and that he was in perfect sence & memory at
the doing thereof to the best of the depos.th I __dg__ & further
saith not.
Essex Court Sworn to in court Febey the 10th 1693/4
Test ___________ Hugh CRABB
John WATSON being Sworn saith that he saw the within named Wm.
VEALE Signe Seale & publish the within Will as his last Will
& Testament and that he was in perfect sense & memory
at the doing thereof to the best of the depo.th I _dg__ &
further Saith not.
Essex Court Sworn to in Court Febey 10th 1693/4
Test __ M___ ___ John (his mark) WATSON
At a Court held for Essex County Febey 10th anmo dom 1693.
The within written will was proved by the oathes of the witnesses
thereto , a probate thereon granted to the Exetx. therein named
& the same ordered to be recorded.
Test ___ M___ ____
(Transcribed by Combs Researcher Debi Kendricks from a photocopy
provided by Researcher Jimmy Veal from Essex County, Orders, etc,
No. 1 [Deeds and Wills] 1692-1695, reel 1, pg 252-253, VSLA).
Notes: Although the above Charles Combs has not been identified, he very much "looks like" the Charles Combs of Old Rappa Co VA who was apprenticed to a John BUTLER in 1684, the same year and county as William Combs, son of Archdale Combs, was apprenticed to his step-brother, William UNDERWOOD, Sr., husband of Mary BUTLER, sister of Amory, William, Christopher and John BUTLER (of Pope's Creek, Westmoreland Co VA on N side of Rappa River). It is unfortunate that William VEAL failed to identify his relationship, if any, to Charles Combs (although grandchild is a possibility?). At some time in 1700, Charles Combs sold the above land:
29 Jul 1693 - 1700 (Essex Co, VA Records, 1703-1706) P. 109. Deed. 1700. Day and month omitted. Charles COMBES of Essex Co, planter, sells John ALEXANDER of the same Co, turner, a tract of land, acerage not shown, given to said COMBES by Wm VEAL late of this Co, dec'd, by will dated 29 June 1693 and proved Feb 1693/4. Signed Charles x COMBES. Wit: John PEATLE [sic], Tho: HUCKLESCOTT. Ack in Court 10 Apl 1700 and truly recorded. Test Francis MERIWETHER, Cl. Cur. Copy Test, Richard BUCKNER, Cl Cur. (Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol II, Beverly Fleet, GPC, 1988, p.118, but corrected to indicate VEAL, not BEAL as published - certified transcription to follow)
03 - 10 Aug 1706 (Essex Records, 1703-1706, p. 269) Deed. Robert BEESWELL and Sarah his wife of St. Ann's to Isaac FLOWERS, 1300 lbs. tobo, for 10 Acres adj. 6 acres sd. FLOWERS bought of John BUTLER, both parcels part of 600 Acres patented by Richard COLEMAN in 1650, the pat. of 600 A sold by COLEMAN to William NEAL [nb: should read VEAL] "who by will gave it to us" &c. s/Robert [x] BEESWELL, Sarah [x] BEESWELL. Wit: Jeremiah BISWELL, John BUTLER. Ack. & Rec. 10 Aug 1706 (Provided by Combs Researcher Connie Sheets from from Fleet's Col. Abstracts)
Note: No other record of Charles has been found in Essex, and the only other possible Charles found is in Elizabeth City/County VA with an also unidentified Elizabeth Combs.
According to the James Logan Kendall Manuscript, 1943: "…Charles [Combs], who was bound to John BUTLER, May 7, 1684, to serve until 21. m. dau. of William VEALE, and grandaughter of John BUTLER. William VEALE left all his "land in the forest" to Chas. COMBES in 1693. Nothing further known of him." Kendall does not identify which John BUTLER, nor how the relationship of Charles to BUTLER and VEALE is known. Kendall also believed it possible (as do we, although undocumented thus far) that Charles Combs was a younger son of Archdale and Elizabeth Combs.
17 Feb 1687 - 31 Aug 1698 (Westmoreland WBII) Will of Tobias BUTLER. My wife and two children one not as yet in being; son James to friends John QUINSBERRY and his wife, est. at 20 years of age; wife and John QUINSBERRY, exrs. (Westmoreland Wills, Fothergill)
3 Oct 1695 - 29 Jul 1696 (Westmoreland WBII) Will of Morris VEALE. My three sons, Morris, John and William when they are 21 years of age my land; personal property to three daughters, Amey, Elenor and Mary; wife Dorothy; Darby SULLIVANT; Richard HANCOCK and Tobias BUTLER to be overseers of will. (Westmoreland Wills, Fothergill)
23 Mar 1664/5 Westmoreland Co -- VA LPB5:172(55)) Dorothy BROOKES alias BUTLER, 650 A. SW side of Appamattox Cr & Potomack Riv running &c. to small gut dividing this and part of pattent layd out for Major WASHINGTON, thence to Bigwood Sw., extending to head of same thence with trees which divides this & land now in possession of HIGDEN & Lawrence ABINGDON & NWly toland taken up by Richard GRIFFIN & Major WASHINGTON. Said land given by will from Henry BROOKES to sd Dorothy; 329 A of which is held by patent dated 14 Oct 1657, 321 A found more due for trans. of 7 pers: Jno SMITH, Jno. WELLS, Jno EVANS, Tho. COLES, John DEVENITH, Jno. JENKINS, Robt. PARKER (C&PI, pp449-50)
Question: Which BUTLER did Dorothy BROOKS, d/o Henry BROOKS, and sister of Jane BROOKS Brown, marry? (See Also Brooks-Brown-Pope-Wroe Families)
Question: Ancestry of Caleb BUTLER, 4th husband of Mary FOXHALL Vaulx Gorges Duddlestone Butler Bagge? (See Foxhall Families) Named in the will of Mary's brother, John FOXHALL, Jr.:
The LWT of John FOXHALL, dated 10 Feb 1697, was proved 30 Mar 1698 in Westmoreland Co, VA, bequeathing Robert VAULX and Sarah ELLIOTT "all my estate in Great Britain lying in Birmingham, Warwickshire;" bequests to James VAULX and John ELLIOTT; to Susannah COMMOCKE plantation on Pope Creek; to Mary and Martha ELLIOTT colt and mare; "my loving brother Caleb BUTLER exr. (Westmoreland Wills, Fothergill)
Note: Their sister, Sarah FOXHALL m (1) John ELLIOTT; (2) Andrew MUNROE
16 Feb 1708/9-25 May 1709 (Westmoreland Wills) LWT of Caleb BUTLER, names wife Mary; daughter, Jane; son in law Robert VAULX and his deceased uncle John FOXHALL; son-in-law James VAULX; sister Ann, wife of Joseph BAYLEY; Thomas ROBINS; Mary daughter of John BUTLER deceased; Thomas CLAYTON Sr.; Thomas BOYLESTON; sister Sarah ELLIOTT, widow; Jenny wife of Thomas SHAW; Elizabeth wife of Capt. Richard CRADDOCK; friend James TAYLOR. (Westmoreland Wills, Fothergill)
3 Nov 1673 (Chas. City Co - VA Land Pat. Book 6:488) Robert LUCY (LEWCY) 1000 A. S side James Riv. on the Blackwater, at a place called Saw Tree; adj. Richd. TAYLOR; Trans. of 20 pers: Jno BUTLER, Steph. RYLAND, Phill. JERMAN, Mary SAWER, Roger POYNTON, Eliz. STRICKLAND, Tho. BUTLER, Mary DOER, Susan MARSH, Richd. Combs, Riddy ASHDAY, Rob. HYATT, John DERRELL, Roger MILLS, Wm. WALKER, John SHELLY, Prisscila CHEAN(?), Richd. TAYLOR, Ann GODFREY, Richd. TAYLOR. (C&PII:137)
(See Also Richard TAYLOR'S entry immediately following this one, same date, p. 489, includes Tho. MAYSON [MASON], Pollidor RICHD. [RICHARD], Richd. PUTMAN, Jo. DAVIS, Jno. ADAMS.. Hen. ROBERTS, Tho. HUDSON, Oliver DAVENPORT, Eliz. WIZE… (ibid.)
Question: Have any of the above BUTLERS or Phillip JERMAN been identified?
Question: Which John BUTLER is the following:
19 Feb 1690 (VA NN PBA:35-36) Edwin THACKER & Chichely Corbin THACKER, his brother, of Middlesex Co. 844 A in Rappa. Co. on the N side of Rappa. Riv. beg at John BUTLER, Wm. SERGEANT & Joane CLARK. (Cavaliers & Pioneers, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, Supplement Northern Neck Grants No. I, 1690-1692, Nell Marion Nugent, Virginia State Library, Richmond, 1980)
19 Feb 1690 (VA NN PBA:37-38) Edwin THACKER of Middlesex Co. 326 A. in Rappa. Co. on the N side of Rappa. Riv. (Cavaliers & Pioneers, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, Supplement Northern Neck Grants No. I, 1690-1692, Nell Marion Nugent, Virginia State Library, Richmond, 1980)
Note: The above Joan CLARK was the widow of Henry CLARK as follows:
4 Sep 1674 [sic] (Old Rappahannock DB5:245) Deposition of Henry CLARKE aged 43 years or thereabouts swore and Examined saith that ye deponent being with Mr. Thomas WILLIAMSON deceased did hear the said WILLIAMSON say yt… he should die he did give his whole Estate to his Sonne Jas. DAY and further saith that Mr. John RUSSELL did upon his Deposition given in the Worshipful Court declare the same and further saith not. s/Henry CLARKE. Recognitr in Co Com 4 7bris 1674. (Sparacio)
18 Apr 1678 (Old Rappa. Records, 1677-1682, Part 1:108-111). 18 Apr 1678. LWT of Henry CLARK weak of body… to my son, John my bay mare with increase after my death; to my son in Law Francis GORE to be bought of my Estate & delivered one Man Servant with full time to Serve… to my daughter, Elizabeth wife of Angell JACOBUS and heires of her body to be begotten… 200 A of land lying and being next adjoyning to the land of Mr. Wm: FANTLEROY at SW art of Devident of land where I now live and for want of such issue then to my said Sonne and his heirs… Joane my Wife shall enjoy the Housing and Plantation I now dwell on during her Naturall life..all the rest and residue of estate (personals) to my wife Joane… appts. wife Joane Executrix. S/Henry CLARK; Wits: Jno. SAMPSON, Jno. TAVERNER, Stanly GOWER. Jo: [sic] TAVERNER swore 4 Jul 1678. Stanley GOWER aged 19 or thereabouts swore… Rec. 6 ??? 178. Prob. 28 Jan 1678/9. (Sparacio)
Note: The birth of their son, John CLARK, is recorded in the North Farnum Parish Register, Old Rappahannock and Richmond Counties, VA:
Born: CLARK, John son of Henry and Jane CLARK, 13 Feb 1666
(The Registers of North Farnham Parish, 1663-1814, and Lunenburg
Parish, 1783-1800, Richmond County, Virginia, George H.S. King,
Fredericksburg, VA, 1966)
Question: Was Henry CLARK above kin to Robert CLARK who m Sarah Combs, d/o Abraham Combs of Old Rappahannock Co VA & St. Mary's Co MD? Maiden name of Joan a.k.a. Jane CLARK? Also See Francis and Stanley GOWER (GORE) relative to William and Sarah UNDERWOOD Pierce. William FAUNTLEROY was the s/o More and Mary (UNDERWOOD?) Fauntleroy)
5 Sep 1694 (Richmond VA DB2:59-61) Henry FLEET of Christ Church Parish, Lancaster, Gent, to Edwin CONWAY, of same, also Gent… 11 pds. 6 shillings current money of EN… 2000 A Co of Richmond bounded on SE by Falling Creek, S & SE upon River of Rappa., NW upon small Creek near Wasasquit Indian Town, NE upon the Hills there which sd land formerly granted to Nicholas MERIWETHER Pat. dated 13 Apr 1655, by him sold 8 Sep 1656 to Capt. Henry FLEET, father of sd Henry FLEET (except reserve 200 A of the said Tract of land granted to one Joshua MASON & 100 A to Peter BUTLER & 300 A to Malachi PEALE by sd Henry FLEET)… Henry FLEET and his wife Elizabeth… S/Henry FLEET; Wits: John STONE & Jno: TAVERNER. Recog 5 Sep 1694 & recordr 15th die. (Richmond Deeds, 1692-1695, DB1 & DB2(part), Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1991)
Notes: The above land is adj. to that of John Combs of Richmond Co VA (s/o Archdale & Elizabeth). Who was Peter BUTLER? Was Joshua MASON the same who was of Middlesex Co VA earlier? See Also Fleet Families
Question: Was the above Peter BUTLER the same who follows?
(VA NN PB2:236) William LIPPETT of Rappahannock Co. dec'd purch of James GREEN of Westmoreland Co. Deec'd 350 A. 1/3 f 1050 A. 22 Mar 1694/5 Escheat grant to Peter BUTTLER of Richmond Co adj. Robert & John ALEXANDER & Henry PATE. 23 Apr 1696.
16 Aug 1695 (VA NN PB2:183) Mr. William TAYLOR of Richmond, 184 A adj. Robert PECK, Peter BUTLER and son, ++++ COX. 16 Aug 1695 (NN PBI, Gray)
28 Nov 1718 (Richmond VA DB7:361-364) Richard BUTLER of Hanover Parish, Richmond Co, Planter, to Robert RANKINS, of same, 5 Shillings, 100 acres, part of a patent for 350 acres granted by William FITZHUGH and George BRENT, Proprietors of the Northern Neck of VA, to Peter BUTTLER, bearing date 23rd day of April 1696; situate in Parish of Hanover, Co. of Richmond, lower side of the Western Maise Branch of Jengoteague joyning upon the land of William SUTTLE and upon the Land of Jeremiah STROTHER and being upermost hundred acres of land contained in sd patent lying upon lower side of Branch aforesaid joyning upon sd Branch with all house orchardds… … term of one whole year paying theirfore the Rent of an Ear of Indian Corne on the First day of the Birth of our Lord God… if demanded to the end that by virtue of these p:sents … Robert RANKINS may be in actual possession of all and bee theirby the better enabled to take a release or any other conveyance of the freehold and Inheritance to him and his heirs… s/Richard [his mark R] BUTLER, Susanah [her + mark ] BUTLER, Wits: Isaac ARNOLD, David [his mark D] ROSIER, Charles [his mark + ] POWELL… Acknowledged. 4 Mar 1718/9. Note: 'Follow-up' deeds recorded with above for Three thousand and ten thousand pounds of tobacco…Isaac ARNOLD POA of Susanah BUTLER. (Deed Abstracts of Richmond County, Virginia, 1718-1719, Book & (partial), Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA 1993)
Note: Isaac ARNOLD was also closely associated with the Combs of Richmond/King George Counties VA. Was TAYLOR of same family associated with William & Mary UNKNOWN Combs of Richmond Co VA?
27 Feb 1728/9 (NN Pat Bk C:195) John GREEN of Stafford 323 acs. in Stafford adj. Col. ROBINSON, Geo. WALLER, Marquis CALAMIES, Jas. BUTLER, on Beaverdam Run of Acquia. [Deed granted John EDY. GREEN neglected to pay charges, but paid before EDY had his deed. EDY'S deed cancelled. D. B. B. fo. 189.] . (Virginia Northern Neck Land Grants, 1694-1742. Gertrude E. Gray)
Question: Was the above Jas. BUTLER kin to any of the other BUTLERS listed herein? Was James GREEN of Westmoreland of the earlier Peter BUTLER record kin to John GREEN of Stafford who, with William KENDALL, h/o Elizabeth Combs, d/o John Combs of Richmond VA was deeded property by King George Co VA LWT of Neil McCORMACK? (Green Families coming shortly) Note: Although not mentioned specifically in the above record, this was the same neighborhood as Joseph Combs I of Stafford Co VA.
29 Sep 1730 (KG DBA-1:100-102) William McBEE of King George County Planter to Emmanuel CUMBER of same .. by deeds of lease and release .. for 12 lb current money, 200 A upon a branch of Marsh Run Horsepenn branch bounded .. land of William RUSSELL, Joshua BUTLER; Joseph KING; head of a Suvannah of Elkrun; Mark HARDIN'S path; Joshua BUTLER'S line.. being part of 259 A taken up by Grace BUTLER in the time of her widowhood.. deeds bearing date 14th Jul 1727.. S/William X McBEE, Wits: James McDONNELL, Daniel BLACKBOURN. Susannah McBEE appt. James McDONNELL to relinq. her dower. S/Susannah X McBEE; wits: John HAMMON, William X McBEE. 6 Nov 1730 POA recorded. 7 Nov 173- Wm. McBEE ack. & James McDONNELL by virtue of POA from Susannah McBEE. (Sparacio)
Notes: The above Grace BUTLER was not the Grace BUTLER to whom Mason Combs, Sr., s/o John Combs of Richmond Co VA sold 200 A on Peumans End Run in Caroline as this Grace BUTLER had already remarried to Thomas RIPHLEY; however, which Joshuah BUTLER was the above; and which Grace BUTLER purchased the land in Caroline Co, VA. Was the above Daniel BLACKBURN kin to Christopher & Katherine BLACKBURN of Old Rappahannock Co VA?