![]() | Mary UNDERWOOD (bef 1639 - aft 1684) |
Wife of (1) More FAUNTLEROY and (2) William LLOYD |
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VI. Mary UNDERWOOD, born before 1639, married (1) bef 1653, Col. Moore FAUNTLEROY, who died before 1666 in (probably) Old Rappahannock Co, Virginia. Known Issue: William FAUNTLEROY (ca 1656- ca 1685) and Elizabeth FAUNTLEROY (born before 1653, died after 1684). Married (2) 1665-1666 in Old Rappahannock Co, Virginia, William LLOYD. She is not named in the will of Capt. John LUCAS; however, and other researchers have shown her as neè HILL (source?) despite numerous records "implying" she was an UNDERWOOD (Research in progress)
Records Collected to Date
More FANTLEROY appears in numerous Underwood &c. records, including with a number of still-unidentified UNDERWOODS:
22 May 1650. Lancaster Co VA (later Old Rappa). Capt. Moore FAUNTLEROY patented 450 acres in Rappahannock River on the N side of Swan bay beginning on the Eastward side of the mouth of Swan Creek for transportation of 9 persons: Gabriell WILLSON, Eliza his wife, Henry COX, George DILLARD, Ann VECERY, Richd. POWELL, MR. Geo. UNDERWOOD, Mary his wife, Anne UNDERWOOD. Note: This patent is relinquished and the rights to make good the patent on the other side being 5350 acres. (Patent Bk 2, p. 195).
22 May 1650. Lancaster Co VA. Capt. Moore FAUNTLEROY in Rappahannock River, 1800 acres on the N side, 500 acres being marsh and facing the river, 1300 acres of the high land beginning at a point on the westward side of the mouth of Bushwood Creek, running for length NE by E and adjoining land of William UNDERWOOD, for transportation of 36 persons: Nugent, Patent Bk 2, p. 195. Capt. Moore FAUNTLEROY. 1800 acres in Rappa. River on N side; 500 being marsh & facing the river & 1300 acres of the high land beginning at a point on Wwd side of the mouth of Bushwood Creek, running for length NE by E & adj. land of William UNDERWOOD. 22 May 1650. Trans. 36 persons: Thomas UNDERWOOD, Elizabeth, William, Sarah, Margarett, Tho. WRIGHT, his wife, children 5, Maide, Nicho. SPAKMAN, Fra. MOSELEY, Elizabeth SYMON, Sarah CADE, Thomas SCOTT, Anthony JOHNSON, Walter RICHARDS, Richard SMITH, Richard DAVIS, Alex. TESHLEY, Edward SKIPPER, Richard HALL, Wm EVERFLEET, Ann COOPER, Ann DENNIS, Alice WILLIAMSON, Tho. NEWMAN, Susanna his wife, David JOHNSON, Robert NUSSER, Rice ADRIDGE, William DAVIS, Geo. DAY, Margarett COWARD. (Patent Bk 2, p. 195). This patent was assigned by Moore FAUNTLEROY to Michael WINDSMORE who renewed it in his own name on 6 October 1654 (Patent Bk. 3, p. 299).
Note: The William UNDERWOOD land was that of Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD (s/o Margaret); however, none of the other UNDERWOODS in the above patents have been specifically identified although the naming patterns would indicate that this was at least partly the family of Margaret UNKNOWN Underwood Upton Lucas. See also Richard POWELL in the records of Old Rappa Co VA.
8 Feb 1652 (Lancaster - VA PB3:174) Toby SMITH, Gent., 900 A. Upon S. side of Rappa. Riv. near land of Thomas PAYNE &c. opposite Toteske [Totusky a.k.a. Willing] Creek. 550 A formerly granted in two patents to Capt. Moore FANTLEROY 200 A. dated 18 Apr 1650, & 350 A. dated 22 May 1650, & assigned to sd. SMITH; & 350 A. for trans. of 7 pers.* (Cavaliers & Pioneers I:273, Nugent)
Col. More FAUNTLEROY was the brother of Phoebe FAUNTLEROY, wife of Toby SMITH of Nansemond and Old Rappahannock who is also found with unidentified UNDERWOODS:
Nov 1645 (York Co. VA Records, 1645-48, p. 49) By Nov 1645 John UNDERWOOD had married Dorothy CAYHOES, widow of William CAYHOES (VA Families, Fothergill)
24 Jul 1646 (York Co. Records, 1645-48, p. 149) John UNDERWOOD indebted to Toby SMITH sufficient to balance the debt to Richard LEE. (Fothergill, who adds: "Toby SMITH married in London Phoebe FAUNTLEROY and removed to Rappahannock about the same time as UNDERWOODS of Isle of Wight and Old Rappa."
John UNDERWOOD is further identified by the following records:
6 Oct 1650 - 13 May 1652 (York - VA PB3:199) George LIGHT, 200 A upon W side of Porotanke Cr. Beg. at mouth of a small creek which devideth this from land of Thomas LEECHMAN & John BENNETT &c. Beg. part of a patent granted unto William CAINHOE & purch. by sd. LIGHT of John UNDERWOOD who married the relict of said CAINHOE as by deed under his hand dated 6 Oct 1650 may appeare (C&PI:277)
29 Sep 1641 - 1657 (Old Rappa. Recs. 1656-1664, Part I:22-3) Toby SMITH of Nancemond in the Colony of Virginia gent … for a certain consideracon by me received of my Brother in Law More FANTLEROY of the Forest in the County of Nancemond aforesaid Gent also out of the naturall love and affection which (I bear) unto my son Toby and my Daughter Phebe have in and about the ninth of Aprill last past given granted and delivered unto my said Children thesse catle hereafter specified to each of them severally & (missing) herafter Exprest & declared (Vizt.:unto my daughter Phebe one young cow… name of Nipple … to my son Toby … one young cow… with their increase… shall remain with their (increase in the) profession of me the said Toby (missing) Speciall assignes unto my Son Toby shall (missing) twenty years & my daughter Phebe of the age of eighteen years and at the Sa(missing) Cattle should increase to the number (missing) … sole discretion… to them & (missing) the uses of their Bro(missing) shall please God to send (missing) Toby SMITH & their own (missing) to my own will power … should dye before they come to the ages aforesaid and (missing) Survive & further (missing) aforesaid to be equally devided (missing) likewise if they should both Die before their age (missing) Brothers or Sisters that then said right to return unto me the said Toby SMITH (mising) to their Mother if she be then living Now Know Ye (missing) ratefy confirm… as (missing) hand and Seal this 29th day of September anno Dom 1641 [sic] S/Toby SMITH {Seal}. Wits: Anthony BUCK, George GWILLY, Sara [SP] PARSONS. (Sparacio)
Note: No date recorded but appears to be 1657 based on records preceding and following. According to Fothergill Toby SMITH married, in London, Phebe FAUNTLEROY. No date or source given
Also Note: According to Genealogies of Virginia Families, "Slaughter Family, Vol. V, pp. 301-302), Phoebe SMITH (d/o Toby and Phoebe FAUNTLEROY Smith?) married William SLAUGHTER, brother of Francis SLAUGHTER who married Elizabeth UNDERWOOD Taylor Slaughter Catlett Butler.
06 Aug 1653 (Records of Lancaster County VA) Richard LOWE records a heifer given by him and Tobias SMITH to Henry WILLIAMSON, son in law to said Richard LOES (LOWE). (Extracted by Combs Researcher Barbara Stacy Mathews from Fleet's Colonial Abstracts, p. 66)
Notes: See also Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD re sale of land to Richard LOWE (LOES) below. It is not known if Henry WILLIAMSON was kin to James WILLIAMSON, h/o Anne UNDERWOOD, nor if Richard LOWE kin to the Combs-Lowe-Rowe Families of Talbot Co MD (See Also below)
6 Feb 1655. Lancaster County Co VA. Deed of gift. Mr. William UNDERWOOD to Elizabeth FAUNTLEROY, "it being a white cow with a bob tail marked with a crop on ye right and a slit and half-moon under ye left ear with ye whole increase" which was given her in anno 1652. Recorded ye 10th day of 9ber 1655. (Lancaster records, 1654-1702, Fothergill)
1656? (Old Rappa. Recs., I:9) I William UNDERWOOD of the County of Lancaster (missing) & wholey set over one white Cow without a Taile (missing) underneatn the left ear Now in the possession of (missing) said FANTLEROY not only for my entire affecion to the (missing)mse were Witneses in Baptism the said Eliza. (missing) without any let hindrance or denial (missing) whatsoever by for from me or any person (blank) my title alienated unto the (missing) heirs & assignes for ever. Witness my hand Will UNDERWOOD. Wit: Fra. SLAUGHTER. (Sparacio)
Notes: The above two records may be a single record filed in both counties and was apparently(?) Col. William UNDERWOOD. Witness Francis SLAUGHTER was the 2nd husband of Elizabeth UNDERWOOD Taylor Slaughter Catlett Butler.
13 Mar 1656. Old Rappahannock. Moore FAUNTLEROY and wife, Mary appointed Mr. William UNDERWOOD of Rappahannock County their attorney to acknowledge their sale of 250 acres of land unto Francis SLAUGHTER on the same date. Witnesses: Humphrey BOOTH and Matthew HOARE (Rappahannock Records, 1656-64, p. 6).
Notes: Humphrey BOOTH m in 1660, Margaret UNDERWOOD.
1657 (Old Rappa. Recs. 1656-1664, Part I:15-16) [deteriorated/missing] Power of attorney from Phebe SMITH Exr of Toby SMITH dec'd Feby 15, to Capt. William UNDERWOOD. (Sparacio) Note: Undated, but rec. 1657
The following record is the basis for believing that Mary, wife of Col. More FAUNTLEROY, was neè UNDERWOOD:
Undated but 1657-1658 (Old Rappa. Recs. 1656-1664, I:65) (missing) Francis SLAUGHTER sick in body but… First I give and bequeath unto my Mother In Law Mrs. Margaret UPTON ten shillings to buy her a pair of gloves…secondly to my Brother in Law Coll. More FANTLEROY my Book Intituled "Hookers Eclesiasticall Policy" Thirdly I give unto Andrew DEW my Overseer as much broadcloth as will make him a suite. Fourthly to dear Wife Mrs. Eliza. SLAUGHTER all the rest… excepting my Rapier & belt and a young mare tht runs either about Lyns or lower Chipoake Creek (missing) River lastly my very good friend & loving br(missing) Humphrey BOOTH assistant to my Wife to do what shall be needful in reference to (missing) estate & for his care & pains I give him the sd Rapier & (missing) as before reserved & excepted (missing) us. S/Francis SLAUGHTER, Wits: (missiing)hn JUM(mising), Phillip SANDERS (Sparacio)
Notes: Although true that More FANTLEROY could have been "brother in law" to Francis SLAUGHTER in any number of ways, the following records further strengthens the theory that his wife was neè UNDERWOOD:
2 Nov 1659. Old Rappahannock. "I, Will UNDERWOOD of Rappahannock County with the consent of Mary my wife," for the sum of 120 pounds Sterling money paid according to the tenor of a contract dated 30th May 1659 conveyed unto Capt. Richard LOES and Rice JONES a plantation lying on the north side of Rappahannock River…..uppermost half of the lowermost half whereof I formerly sold unto ……..eads (mutilated) dec'd this land adjoining the land of Coll FAUNTLEROY known by the name of Mangorick and on the eastermost side of Bushwood Creek and runneth for length into the woods NE and by E and by the River NW and by W, to hold the said plantation thereto with all houses, outhouses Edifices thereon erected (the Courthouse excepted), containing 650 acres or thereabouts, and all gardens, orchards and fences ---- unto the said Capt. Richard LOES and Rice JONES. Teste: John CATLETT and Tho. GOODRICH (Vol. 1656-64, p. 70, Rappahannock Records).
A somewhat mutilated record precedes the above on page 69 - 5 November 1659, Mary UNDERWOOD appoints (……mutilated) to acknowledge and yield up in court her (…..mutilated) in a tract of land whereon the Courthouse of Rappahannock ………. being 700 acres to Capt. Richard LOES and …….. JONES [SUW: discrepancy in number of acres - 650 & 700].
Notes: See also Combs-Goodrich of Charles Co MD
9 Jan 1659 (Old Rappa. Recs, 1656-64, Part 1:95) Robt. GORSUCH assignment of 150 A from Thomas WOOLLSE formerly assigned by Mr. HONE to Thomas WOOLSE forth of a parcell of land ass., sold & granted to him the said HONE by Col. More FANTLEROY, part of his Devident of land lying in Rappahanock River to say on the Easternmost side of Farnham Creek as may appear… Grant bearing date 17 Jan 1653 & rec. in Eliza. City County I say sould for valluable consideration received thereofre bargain… to Pause WOODBRIDGE the said 150 A… S/Robert GORSUCH. Wits: Thom. HUMPHRY, Hugh [HK] KINSEY, John NEWMAN. Know all men I Robt. GORSUCH do authorize Mr. John NEWMAN to ackn. (Signature destroyed) Wits: Hugh [HK] KINSEY, Tho. HUMPHRY. (Sparacio)
Notes: Robert GORSUCH was the s/o John and Anne LOVELACE Gorsuch of Hertfordshire, EN and Talbot Co MD where the Combs-Gorsuch-Lowe families are found, as are both Hugh KINSEY (immigrated by 1661, and later d testate in Ann Arundel MD) and his daughter, Mary KINSEY, who m (1) Thomas HUMPHREY and (2) Richard BALL, s/o Col. Wm. BALL of Lancaster and brother of William BALL, Jr. who m Margaret, d/o James and Ann UNDERWOOD Williamson, as well as the POWELL Families.
3 Aug 1663 (Rappa. Co. - VA Land Patent Book 5:411(477)) Jno. CATLETT (CATTLETT), Gent. 500 A. N side of Rappa. Riv. & parish of Sittingborne. Beg. by river side, line of trees dividing this from land of Peter MILLS, the eire of Wm. MILLS, decd., NE &c butting upon land of Mr. Toby SMITH SW &c. Trans. 10 persons: Mary JONES, Wm. WITTINGTON, Susan STEWARD, 3 Negroes; Anthony DUE [Dew?], Wm. PETERS, Suan TYE, Richard JOYCE. (C&P5:528) SW: WHITTINGTON
Moore FAUNTLEROY died before 20 Oct 1665 when Mrs. Mary FANTLEROY, widdow, patented 2600 A. in Rappa. Co. 'according to the ancient bounds thereof…' (VA Patent Book 5:427(504), Cavaliers & Pioneers, Vol. 1, pp. 532-3)
(Old Rappa. DB3:86-88) 28 Ano Domo 1666 Wm. LLOID of Parish of Farneham and Mary his Wife the late Relict and Wido of Collo Moore FANTLEROY to Paule WOODBRIDGE of the same, Planter, consideration 1600 lbs. Tobacco, est. 200 acres bounds uppon the lands of Mr. Leroy GRIFFIN lying and being uppon the South East side of Farneham Creek and being taken out of a Pattent of 5,000 and od hundred acres of land… Entred into by the sd. WOODBRIDGE unto Robt. GOSICH for the true paymt. of 1200 lbs. of Tobacco: the consideracon for the above sd. land. S/Will: LLOID, Mary LOYDE, Wits: David MANSELL, John WILLIAMS. Rec. 5th Die 7bris 1666
… I Mary LLOID… appoynt Tho: WAIGHT my true and lawfull Attorney… 4th day of 7br 1666. S/Mary LOYDE, Wits: Francis HAYDEN, Henry MARTYN. Rec. 12the Die 7bris 1666. (Deed Abstracts of Old Rappa. Co, Virginia, Deeds, Etc. No. 3, 1663-1668, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1989)
Notes: Following the death of Moore FAUNTLEROY, his widow Mary, married William LLOYD. The above Robt. GOSICH was Robert GORSUCH. See below re Leroy GRIFFIN
28 Jany 1683/4 (Old Rappea Co. DB 1682-1686, p. 103) Will: FANTLEROY to William LOYD 800 acres beginning at the corner tree of Mr. UNDERWOODS Pattent where PAVIE* now lives and runing into the woods a mile & half the course of MANGORETH Pattent and continuing the said Pattents bak lyne to the lyne of Mr. TAYLOE'S recently bought from FAUNTLEROY and soe binding upon sd. Mr. TAYLOES severall courses to the head of the Creek wch makes the Island and thence bounding down the said Creeke on the No. Eas. side thereof to the first corner tree and if it happen upon a just survey there happen to be more land withink the abovesaid bounds than 800 acres that then the said LOYD is obleiged to pay… s/Will: FANTLEROY; wit: Henry AUSTINE; Abraham COOKE. Prvd 7 May 1684 and rec x6 day. (Sparacio)
20 Feb 1683 - 22 Sep 1684 (Old Rappa. DB7:129-131) Samuel GRIFFIN of Co of Northumberland in Virga., Mercht. out of naturall love and affection unto Moore and Griffin FAUNTLEROY, sons of William FAUNTLEROY, of Co of Rappa. Gent. give and confirme 6 young cowes…mark… to be equally divided & delivered as they shall come to lawfull age… and … dye before they come to age then I give the Cattle as aforesaid unto the next Child the said William FAUNTLEROY may have by Katharine his now Wife… S/Samuell GRIFFIN, Wit: Jno: PARKER. Receipted by Will: FAUNTLEROY [sic] 21 Jul 1683. Recog. 3 Sep 1684 & Rec. 23 Sep 1684. (Deed Abstracts of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia, 1682-1686, Deed Book No. 7, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, Virginia, 1990)
1 Jul 1684 - 6 Aug 1684 (Old Rappa. DB7:117-8) Elizabeth FANTLEROY to Edward JONES Bricklare, consid. 7,000 lbs. tobo, 195 and ¼ A lying on a Branch of Herring Creek bounding upon land of Rees WILLIAMS and William SMITH beginning at a Hickory in the said WILLIAMS his line where Capt. BEALES line intercepts and runing thence E: to a Stake by a white Oake thence south to a Maple in the Swamp of Herring Creek which devides said JONE'S land from William SMITH'S land, thence down along ye swamp being in a strate line to a red Oake corner tree of the said WILLIAMS and along WILLIAMS line to place it began; being part of a greater quantity of 4,054 A as by Pattent… formerly belonging to William FANTLEROY being Lawfull heire at Law and by Gift came to Elizabeth…. S/Eliza: FANTLEROY; wit [W] Walter PAVEY [mark]; William POWELL; Will: FANTLEROY; Recog. 6 Aug 1684 and rec. 23 Aug.
Elizabeth FANTEROY of Co of Rappa. Gentwo: doe impowere my Brother, William FANTLEROY of the said County… 3 Jul 1684; S/Eliza: FANTLEROY, Wits; Walter PAVEY [W], William POWELL. (Deed Abstracts of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia, 1682-1686, Deed Book No. 7, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, Virginia, 1990)
3 Sep 1684 (Old Rappa. DB7:132-133) William FANTLEROY of Co of Rappa.: Gentl. to Alexr. NEWMAN of same, consid. 5,000 lbs. tobo, 510 A on N side of Rappa. in Parrish of Farnham and Co of Rappa., 408 A thereof bounded… marked wt. oake nere Moratico Creeks mouth thence extending in breadth up by or night the Maine River side and for lentth into the woods 320 poles … frm frist mentioned marked tree SW p W to a small marked Oake standing at a point at the said Moraticoe Creeks mouth, thence by the Maine Rvier side and finally back and cross this point of land to the tree first mentioned, the land formerly sold by Col. Moore FAUNTLEROY, Father to the said William, unto John NEWMAN, Father to the said Alexander, and by the said John Pattented the 12th 8ber 1662 and all houses buildings… sd William FANTLEROY and Katherine his Wife shall acknoweldge… S/Will: FANTLEROY [sic], Katherine FANTLEROY, Wits: Henry AUSTINE, Domini BENHAM.
Katherine FANTLEROY empowers her loving Brother Colo. Leroy GRIFFIN… 3 Sep 1684… (Deed Abstracts of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia, 1682-1686, Deed Book No. 7, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, Virginia, 1990)
20 May 1685 (Old Rappa. DB, 1682-6:177-8) Capt. Wm. FANTLEROY of Farnham Parish Rappa. Gent to Wm. LOYD of same … for 60,000 lbs. tobo. & 10 pds. sterling of EN to the sd. FANTLEROY'S wife for the passing away of her right of thirds in the premissses hereunder truly paid by aforesaid Wm. LOYD do sell unto Wm. LOYD.. 1200 A N side Rappa. being land & house whereof Collnll. FANTLEROY was formerly possessed and of late yeares in the possession of sd. Wm. LOYD beg. at white Oake upon point on the NW side of Bushwoods Creeke near mouth thereof thence unto the Woods NE to Stake pr a Spanish white Oake upon the old line of the said Pattent, thence along sd line NW pr N to a blasted white Oake in line of Wm. TAYLOE thence along TAYLOES line SW to Hickory corner tree of TAYLOES p a small Creekside thence along another line of sd TAYLOES NW to dubble chesnut at head of a Creek wch. makes Mr. FANTLEROYS Island thence down the Creek its several courses to mouth of an other wch. makes up to the Hickry corner tree of Mr. TAYLOES continuing its several courses down the Maine Creeke to the first menconed white Oake together will all houses Orchards… and sd. William FANTLEROY and Katherine his wife shall within space of one yeare next ensuing do ack. .. S/Wm. FANTLEROY, Wits: Isack WRIGHT, Thomas LEWIS. Rec. Jul 1685
Wm. FANTLERY POA to Mr. Wm. COLSTON (same wits) rec. 7 Jul 1685
(Deed Abstracts of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia, 1682-1686,
Deed Book No. 7, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean,
Virginia, 1990)
More about Tobias and Phoebe FAUNTLEROY Smith:
05 Dec 1664 - 05 Jan 1664/5 (Old Rappahannock DB5:329-30) William HODGKINS of Rappahannock to Samuell SLANY Cit. Grocer of London… where Peter BOWKEKA now liveth 600 A on N side with houses, etc. except reserved forever to Will HODGKINS and Phebe his wife and the heirs and assigns of the sd Phebe [not his, but hers] for ever 100 A of the sd 600 to be laid out on the NW side of the 600 …. as is expressed in the Pattent of the sd name (missing) by the rents & Sercices in the sd Pattent… s/Will HODGKINS, Phebe HODGKINS. Wits: Rawleigh TRAVERS, Edward DALE. Recognt in Cur Cond Rappahannock 5 die Jan 1664. The (missing) of the abovewritten ward was then & at that time acknowledged by Giles CALE Atty of Sam SLANY of London. Test. Robert DAVIS Cl Cur prd (Old Rappahannock Deed Book 1656-1664, Part II, Sparacio)
Notes: William HODGKINS was h/o Phoebe SMITH (d/o Tobias and Phoebe FAUNTLEROY Smith). Rawleigh TRAVERS was either earlier husband of or s/o Elizabeth who m (1) Thomas STEPHENS; (2) Raleigh TRAVERS; (3) Robert BECKINGHAM; (4) Thomas WILKES and (5) George SPENCER. Giles CALES was her son-in-law, h/o her daughter, Mary STEPHENS. BECKINGHAM'S 1675 Lancaster Co VA will named his sister and brother-in-law, John and Elizabeth CUMES [sic].
© 2000-2005, Sherrill UNDERWOOD Williams;