![]() | Combs &c. Families of Essex County, VA |
Essex County was organized from Old Rappahannock Co VA in 1691, consisting primarily of land on the south side of the Rappahannock River. Old Rappa. Co VA was abolished at the same time, and land on the north side of the river became Richmond Co VA. No little confusion exists in regard to the Combs of Essex Co VA, including some who may have been COMBERS and yet still related (We have discovered documented instances of COMBES & COMBERS having been the same; plus are faced with difficulties in differentiating letters "r" and "s" in some copies. (See Devonshire EN for examples) See Also Caroline Co VA, a descendant county of Essex w/in whose boundaries is later found Peumans End Run, and our new Combs Land of Old Rappa. Co VA, which includes Combs Land Transactions for Old Rappa., Essex, Richmond, King George, and Caroline Counties VA (all counties which descended originally from Old Rappahannock).
11 Dec 1691 (Richmond Co, VA DB1:7) Whereas there is a tract of land being on the Freshes of Rappa: neare adjoining unto a place commonly known by the name of Pewmans Run formerly belonging to Mr. Warwick CAMMOCK whereof a moiety of Six hundred acres of the said tract of land having formerly been conferred and made over unto Mr. William UNDERWOOD, Senr. as Marrying the Sister of the said Mr. Ammaree BUTLER. And from the said BUTLER confer'd unto Mr. Wm. UNDERWOOD Senr. as marrying the Sister of the said BUTLER and from the said UNDERWOOD convey'd over by Exchange of the Thirds of land belonging unto Mrs. Eliza: COUMBS with consent of the said Mrs. Elizabeth COUMBS unto William UNDERWOOD, Junr., John COUMBES, and William COUMBES to them their heires or assignes forever Now be it known that I William UNDERWOOD Junior do for a valuable consideration do make over unto William TOMAS of the Parish of Washington in the county of Westmoreland to his heirs all my right of the said moiety of ye said six hundred acres belonging to me which is to be understood Two hundred acres do firmely by these presents warrant the sale of the said Two hundred acres of land without any hindrance of me the said Will: UNDERWOOD or any other persons whatsoever And do further engage myself to convey and make over at the next Court held for the County of Rappahana: the abovesd. land unto William TOMAS to him his heires forever for the true performance of the promises I have set my hand and seale this 11th day of December 1691. William [OU] UNDERWOOD. Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of Thomas TYRWHITT, William UNDERWOOD (Richmond Deeds, 1692-1694, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, McLean, VA, 1991)
William UNDERWOOD, Jr. (his mark OU) was the son of Elizabeth who married (1) Unknown UNDERWOOD by whom she had William Jr.; (2) Col. William UNDERWOOD, father of William UNDERWOOD, Sr., husband of Mary BUTLER (sister of Amory BUTLER who had married Elizabeth UNDERWOOD, Sister of Col. William UNDERWOOD), and (3) Archdale COMBS I by whom she had John and William COMBS and perhaps others.
Our earliest Combs record in Essex Co VA itself is of a semi-unidentified Charles COMBS:
29 May 1693 - 10 Feb 1693/4 (Essex County, Orders, etc, No. 1 [Deeds and Wills] 1692-1695, pg 252-253.) May the 29th day 1693. Will of William VEALE. In the name of God Amen. I William VEALE of the County of Essex in the parsh of Sittingbourne being very sick and weake but of perfect Sence and memory doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in matters and forms as followeth.
Item. I bequeath my Soul to God that gave it and my body to this Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my executo.e hereafter named and as for my ?temperall? Estate I dispose of as followeth
Item. I give and bequeath unto my Grandson Jno BUTLER and my Grand Daughter Sarah BUTLER all my tract of Land which I now live on by this River with the houses and Orchards after the decease of my daughter Sarah LEE to them and their heires for Ever to be equally divided between them.
Item. I give unto my afores'd Grandson and Granddaughter John BUTLER and Sarah BUTLER my debts being paid all my personall Estate to be equally divided to them and their heires for ever.
Item. I give and bequeath unto Charles COMBS all my land in the forrest to him and his heires for ever.
Item. I nominate and appoint my daughter Sarah LEE my Sole Execut.e to this my last Will and Testament as withness my hand and Seale aboves.
Signed Sealed and declared Wm. (his mark) VEALE {Seale}
in the presense of us
John (his mark) WATSON
Hugh CRABB being sworn saith that he saw the within named Wm. VEALE Signe Seale & publish the within Will of his last Will and Testament and that he was in perfect sence & memory at the doing thereof to the best of the depos.th I __dg__ & further saith not.
Essex Court Sworn to in court Febey the 10th 1693/4
Test ___________ Hugh CRABB
John WATSON being Sworn saith that he saw the within named Wm. VEALE Signe Seale & publish the within Will as his last Will & Testament and that he was in perfect sense & memory at the doing thereof to the best of the depo.th I _dg__ & further Saith not.
Essex Court Sworn to in Court Febey 10th 1693/4
Test __ M___ ___ John (his mark) WATSON
At a Court held for Essex County Febey 10th anmo dom 1693.
The within written will was proved by the oathes of the witnesses thereto , a probate thereon granted to the Exetx. therein named & the same ordered to be recorded.
Test ___ M___ ____
(Transcribed by Combs Researcher Debi Houser from a photocopy provided by Researcher Jimmy Veal from Essex County, Orders, etc, No. 1 [Deeds and Wills] 1692-1695, reel 1, pg 252-253, VSLA).
Although the above Charles COMBS has not been identified, he very much "looks like" the Charles COMBS of Old Rappa Co VA who was apprenticed to a John BUTLER in 1684, the same year and county as William COMBS, son of Archdale COMBS, was apprenticed to his step-brother, William UNDERWOOD, Sr., husband of Mary BUTLER, sister of Amory, William, Christopher and John BUTLER (of Pope's Creek, Westmoreland Co VA on N side of Rappa River). It is unfortunate that William VEAL failed to identify his relationship, if any, to Charles COMBS (although grandchild is a possibility?). (See also Butler Families). At some time in 1700, Charles COMBS sold the above land:
29 Jul 1693 - 1700 (Essex Co, VA Records, 1703-1706) P. 109. Deed. 1700. Day and month omitted. Charles COMBES of Essex Co, planter, sells John ALEXANDER of the same Co, turner, a tract of land, acerage not shown, given to said COMBES by Wm VEAL late of this Co, dec'd, by will dated 29 June 1693 and proved Feb 1693/4. Signed Charles x COMBES. Wit: John PEATLE [sic], Tho: HUCKLESCOTT. Ack in Court 10 Apl 1700 and truly recorded. Test Francis MERIWETHER, Cl. Cur. Copy Test, Richard BUCKNER, Cl Cur. (Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol II, Beverly Fleet, GPC, 1988, p.118, but corrected to indicate VEAL, not BEAL as published - certified transcription to follow)
Note: No other record of Charles has been found in Essex, and the only other possible Charles found is in 1698 in Elizabeth City/County VA with an also unidentified Elizabeth COMBS. According to the James Logan Kendall Manuscript, 1943: " Charles [COMBS], who was bound to John BUTLER, May 7, 1684, to serve until 21. m. dau. of William VEALE, and grandaughter of John BUTLER. William VEALE left all his "land in the forest" to Chas. COMBES in 1693. Nothing further known of him." Kendall does not identify which John BUTLER, nor how the relationship of Charles to BUTLER and VEALE is known (Seeking Source Records. See Also Combs-Butler Families). Kendall also believed it possible that Charles COMBS was a younger son of Archdale and Elizabeth COMBS.
Also note that the above land will be added to the Combs Deed Mapping Project shortly as will additional information re the COMBS/VEAL Families (research in progress).
07 Sep 1703 Essex Co, VA Wills and Deeds, Records, 1703-1706, p. 67. Jane BUTLER of Sittingbourne, widow, "only daughter and heir apparent of Robert GULLOCK, late of same parish, deceased, to Thomas GREGSON of same parish, 6,000 lb. tobo, 113 acres, adj. "the old road that leadeth from said Jane BUTLERS now dwelling house to TANDYS mill." Line of John COOKE, line of Richard MATHEWS, etc. Land part of 460 acres granted 16 Apr 1671 to Edward ROWZEE and James GULLOCK (brother of Robert), both deceased, a moiety conveyed 6 Nov 1672 by Edward ROWZEE and Mary his wife to Robert GULLOCK and the other moiety descended to Robert GULLOCK by death of James GULLOCK, and the right of hole belongs to Jane BUTLER, the heir. s/Jane x BUTLER. Wit: Robert BROOKE, John x COOK, Salvatore MUSCOE. Bond Rec. 10 Sep 1703. (Extracted from Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol II, Beverly Fleet, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 1988, p. 99)
3-10 Feb 1703/04 Essex Co, VA Wills and Deeds, Records, 1703-1706, p. 138. Deed. John EVINS of Sittingbourne Parish to Samuel HENSHAW for 3000 lbs. of tobacco, 400 acres on south side of Rappa River adj. land that Thomas PANNELLS sold to Edward STAFFORD next adjoining to Nathan BENTLEY according to a division that was betwixt John SPEED and John AMOS. s/John EVINS. Wit: John ANDREWS, Richard x WEST. (Extracted from Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol II, Beverly Fleet, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 1988, p. 99)
20 Oct 1704 (Essex - Patent Book 9:616) 20 Oct 1704. John CATLETT, 817 A, in the freshes & on S. side the river, on the head of Pewamansee Cr; adj. Cadw. JONES; land of Talliaferro BUCKNER, PROSSER, & ROYSTON; Granted Symon MILLER 5 Nov 1673, deserted & now granted by order, &c. Trans. Of 17 pers: John PEAGE, Abraham BUCKLEY, Edwd. DAVIS, James BRADDICK, John WILLIAMS, Mary SHIPTON, Wm. ARCHER, John OAKNEAL, Jean WAKEHAM, John SMITH, John ROSS, Edwd. BREMLOE, Elinor COME (or CORNE), Peter LANDER (or LAUDER), Wm. ROUSBY, Geo. MASON, Isack JONES. (Cavaliers & Pioneers, Vol. 3, Nugent, p. 87) Search Words: PAGE BRADDOCK. Note: Copy of original not yet viewed.
John CATLETT was the s/o John & Elizabeth UNDERWOOD Catlett, the latter the sister of Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD (-ca1662) whose widow, Elizabeth, m next Archdale COMBS I of Old Rappa. Co VA. The above land was also spelled Peumans End Run where John & William COMBS, sons of Archdale & Elizabeth COMBS I, had acquired land while it was still in Old Rappa. Co VA through their mother's dower rights gained from her marriage to Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD. (see 1691 above and also below) The above PROSSER was John who had m widow GOFF whose daughter, Martha, had married Thomas KENDALL, whose son/grandson, William KENDALL, married Elizabeth COMBS, d/o the above John.
1704 (St. Anne's Parish, Essex County, 1704-) By an Act of the General Assembly, adopted in 1704, Sittenburne Parish, by reason of it lying on both sides of the Rappahannock River in the counties of Richmond and Essex, was divided, and St. Anne's Prish was formed as follows:
Be it therefore enacted that on and after the first day of June next the said
parish of Sittenburne be divided into two distinct parishes so that Rappahannock
River divide the same, And that part of the said parish which is and lyes on
the North-side of the said Rappahannock River shall remain and hereafter be
called and known by the name of Sittenburne Parish, and the other part of the
said parish which is and lyes on the Southside of the said river shall hereafter
be called and known by the name of St. Ann's (William & Mary College Quarterly,
Series 2, 18 , 108).
By this action Sittenburne Parish became extinct on the south side of the river.
St. Anne's Parish was represented at the first Convention in Virginia in 1785.
(Parish Lines, Diocese of Virginia, Charles Cocke, VSL, Richmond, VA,
1967, reprint 1978)
02-10 Jul 1705 Essex Co, VA Wills and Deeds, Records, 1703-1706, p. 105. John BUTLER of St. Anne's to Isaac FLOWERS of same, 600 tobo, 6 acres adjoining said BUTLERS land and formerly belonging to Mr. William NEALE [VEALE]. Also adjoins the land of Robert BEESWELL, etc. s/John BUTTLER. Wit: John BUTLER, Agnes BUTLER [sic]. Dower rights relinquished by Agness BUTLER wife of John BUTLER. Ack. and rec. 10 Jul 1705. (Extracted from Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol II, Beverly Fleet, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 1988, p. 126)
2 Feb 1705/6 Essex Co, VA Wills and Deeds, Records, 1703-1706, p. 184. Power of attorney. Samuell HENSHAW of St. Annes Par. to "my well beloved wife Kezia HENSHAW" to prosecute suit against Philip LAKE and also give the said LAKE a conveyance for 400 acres. s/Samuell HENSHAW. Wit: Isaac FLOWERS, Mary x FLOWERS (Extracted from Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol II, Beverly Fleet, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 1988, p. 126)
22 May 1706 Essex Co, VA Wills and Deeds, Records, 1703-1706, p. 255. Attachment against estate of Samuel HINSHAW who has absented himself out of the county for a debt of 590 lb. tobo, due Mr. Arthur BOWERS. s/Richard COVINGTON (Extracted from Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol II, Beverly Fleet, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 1988, p. 131) SW: HENSHAW
03-06 Aug 1706 Essex Co, VA Wills and Deeds, Records, 1703-1706, p. 269. Robert BEESWELL and Sarah his wife of St. Anne's, to Isaac FLOWERS, 1300 lbs. tobo, 10 acres adj. 6 acres sd. FLOWERS bought of John BUTTLER. Both parcels being part of 600 acres patented by Richard COLEMAN in 1650, this patent of 600 acres sold to William NEALE [sic], "who by will gave it to us," etc. s/Robert x BEESWELL, Sarah x BEESWELL. Wit: Jeremiah BISWELL, John BUTTLER. Ack and Rec. 6 Aug 1706. (Extracted from Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol II, Beverly Fleet, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 1988, p. 126) SW: BIZWELL, BUTLER, VEALE.
Sarah BUTLER, granddaughter of William VEALE, m Robert BIZWELL. John BUTLER was her brother.
23 Jan - 14 Feb 1711/12 (Essex Co, Wills and Deeds, 1711-1714,
p. 21) 23 January 1711/12. Deed. William COMBES of St Maries Par. Richmond
Co., sells to Richard TUTT of Sittenbourne Par. same Co., 200 acres, being
part of 600 acres in St Maries Par. Essex Co. (part of foregoing) "and
further I Mary wife of the said Wm COMBS x x confirm x unto x Richard TUTT x
x all my x x rights x". Dated 30 Jany. 1711/1712. Signed Wm COMBES, Mary
Power of Atty. "William COMBES and Mary my Wife> of St. Maries parish
in the County of Richmond Planters" to Timorthy ATKINSON to ack. deed.
Dated 30 Jan. 1711/1712. Signed Wm COMBES, Mary COMBES. Wit: John x COMBES,
Thomas x HARVEY, Jno SKEY. Rec. 14 February 1711/1712
[Note: St. Mary's Parish was in Essex County and also in Richmond County. B. F.] (Fleet, Vol III, p. 6)
26/27 Jan 1711/12 (Essex W&D 1711-1714:21) Jan. 26 & 27, 1711/12. Lease and release. William UNDERWOOD, Gent'l., of Sittinburn Par., Richmond Co., sells John COMBES and Richd. TUTT, planters of the same county, 400 acs. in St. Maries Par., Essex Co. Bounded: beg. at a beach on SW side of punius Inn run, the land of John MEADOWS and Henry PETERS, this land sold by Warwick CAMMOCK to Amory BUTLER Apr. 30, 1679. s/William UNDERWOOD. Wits: Tim ATKINSON, Jno. SKEY, Alex SOMERVILE Power of Atty. Wm. UNDERWOOD to "my Trusty and welbeloved friend Timothy ATKINSON of St Anns Parish and county of Essex" to ack. Lease and release. Dated 26 Janry 1711/12. /s/ Wm. Underwood. Wit: Allex SOMERVILLE, Jno SKEY. Rec. 14 Feb. 1711/12. (Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol 1, Beverly Fleet, GPC, 1988)
The above William & John COMBS were sons of Archdale COMBS & widow Elizabeth UNDERWOOD (See above) William UNDERWOOD, Gent., was William UNDERWOOD, Sr., s/o Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD and his earlier wife, Mary (BURTON? MOSELEY?), and h/o Mary BUTLER (sister of the above Amory BUTLER). Richard TUTT was the h/o Mary UNDERWOOD, d/o William & Mary BUTLER UNDERWOOD, Sr. John MEADOWS was a.k.a. John MEADORS, "brother in law" (somehow) to Abraham COMBS of Old Rappahannock Co VA and St. Mary's Co MD. Neighbor Warwick CAMMOCK was the h/o Margaret, widow of Sylvester THATCHER, Sr. The land sold to Richard TUTT by William COMBS is also referred to in the King George Co VA will of Richard TUTT (See Below).
22 Oct 1712 - 12 Mar 1712/1713 Essex Co, VA Wills and Deeds, Records, 1703-1706, p 109. William GRIFFIN, Gent, of the Town of Salem in the County of Salem to my "trusty and welbeloved friend Colo Richard COVINGTON Gent of the County of Essex" to receive from Timothy ATKINSON, late of the Town of Salem in the County of Salem, now living in the County of Essex within the Colony of Virg'a, L 125.11.07, also authority to sell half interest in a water mill called ffoxhill's [foxhall] mill conveyed to GRIFFIN by ATKINSON by deed dated 21 Oct 1712. s/William GRIFFIN. Wit: Salvatore MUSCOE, Wm. COVINGTON, Jr. Rec. 12 Mar 1712/1713.
(Extracted from Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol II, Beverly Fleet, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 1988, p. 118)
Foxhall's Mill was earlier Underwood Mill and was in Richmond County, Virginia. Note also that Timothy ATKINSON and William GRIFFIN were from Salem County, New Jersey (and Timothy later in Somerset County, MD).
6 Feb 1713/14 Essex County Wills and Deeds, 1711-1714, p. 192. John BUTLER, planter of St. Ann's Parish, to Robert FOSTER, planter of same, 9,000 lb. tobo., 100 acres, part of 600 acre patent granted to Capt. Israel LINCH, 14 Sep 1650, and to Richard COLEMAN the same date, adj. land of Thomas LEY, land of Robert BISWELL, etc. s/ John BUTLER, Wit: John BOUGHAN, John FOSTER his mark, John RIDGDAILE. Agnis BUTLER, wife to John BUTLER, relinq. dower rights by her attorney Robert JONES. (Extracted from Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol II, Beverly Fleet, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 1988, p. 27)
12 May 1714 Essex County Wills and Deeds, 1711-1714, p. 238. Thomas DICKINSON of Essex Co. to John REYNOLDS of same, 2,000 lbs. tobo, 50 acres, part of a parcel of land the sd. DICKINSON bought of Richard WAKLIN, being a part of a Divident of 1000 acres formerly granted to Edw. MERRIT and Wiliam WAKLIN by patent dated 26 Apr 1704. s/Thomas DICKINSON. Wit: Samuel BIZWELL, William THARP. Ealse DICKINSON, wife of Thomas, relinquished her dower rights. "xx delivered by turf and twigg by x Thomas DICKINSON unto within mentioned John REYNOLDS son of William REYNOLDS xx." s/Thomas DC'ESON. Rec 13 May 1714. (Extracted from Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol II, Beverly Fleet, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 1988, p. 32) SW: WAKELAND
8-9 Sep 1714 Essex County Wills and Deeds, 1711-1714, p. 288. Deed of Gift. Samuel HENSHAW and Kazia his wife, for love, good will and affection "for our loving son in law Samuel BEZWELL and our dear daughter Elizabeth his wife" give 40 acres, adj. CATLETT'S nie the main road popoinas swamp being part of the land where Saml and Kazia now dwell. s/Samuel HENSHAW, Kazia HENSHAW her mark. Wit: John MEN his marke, John ADKINSON his marke, John BOUGHAN. Rec. 9 Sep 1714. (Extracted from Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol II, Beverly Fleet, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 1988, p. 38) SW: Kezia, BISWELL, Popeman, Atkinson
8-9 Sep 1714 Essex County Wills and Deeds, 1711-1714, p. 291. Deed. Samuel HENSHAW and Kazia his wife, of St. Anns Par., sells Arthur ONBEE, planter of the same parish, L 30 Sterling, 30 acres in St. Anns adjacent land of John CATLETT and John ROWZEE, the land of Thomas HAWKINS now in possession of John BOUGHAN and others, the land of John COOKE. s/Samuel HENSHAW, Kazie HENSHAW her mark. Wit: John MEN his marke, Sam'll BIZWELL, John BOUGHAN. Rec. 9 Sep 1714. (Extracted from Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol II, Beverly Fleet, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 1988, p. 38. Fleet adds: In 1737, an appraisal of an estate under Arthur ONEBY is entered) SW: Kezia, BISWELL, Popeman
8-9 Sep 1714 Essex County Wills and Deeds, 1711-1714, p. 292. Deed. Nicholas COPLAND of St. Anns Par., sells Samuel HENSHAW, in consideration of 30 acres sold by HENSHAW and wife to Arthur ONEBY (ONBEY), 30 acres in St. Anns, on west side of Popoman swamp, etc. s/Nicholas COPELAND, his N mark. Wit: John MAN his marke, Sam'll BISWELL, planter of the same parish, L 30 Sterling, 30 acres in St. Anns adjacent land of John CATLETT and John ROWZEE, the land of Thomas HAWKINS now in possession of John BOUGHAN and others, the land of John COOKE. s/Samuel HENSHAW, Kazie HENSHAW her mark. Wit: John MEN his marke, Sam'll BIZWELL, John BOUGHAN. Rec. 9 Sep 1714. (Extracted from Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol II, Beverly Fleet, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 1988, p. 39. Fleet adds: In 1737, an appraisal of an estate under Arthur ONEBY is entered) SW: Kezia, BISWELL
On 21 Oct 1687, one Arthur OWNBEE of Rappa. Co. patented 78 Acres on the South side of the river; corner to the orphants of Tymothy BELL, on the north side of Coleman's Creek, "nigh Wm. VEALE; and land of Maj. HAWKINS," having transported "Geo. SMITH & Teague, an Irish boy." (VA Land Patent Book 7:612) Keziah, wife of Samuel HENSHAW was the daughter of Alice (Ealse) SHIPLEY who died testate in Essex in 1716. By 1720, Samuel HINSHAW had died and Keziah had remarried, to one Thomas COMBES or COMBER (see below)
1715 (Essex Co VA Quit Rent Roll) "Quitt Rents for the Year 1715 as they have been paid according as they have been paid to the Receiver Gen'll for the pattented lands in Essex County. April the 16th 1716. Philip LUDWELL. Auditor. Leo: TARENT. Sheriff."Name - Acres (included the following selected names)
Edmund BOOKER - 250
Edmund BOOKER - 100
John CAMMACK - 1050
John COMBS - 200
John MEADER - 100
John MEADER, Jr. - 150
Thomas MEADER - 500
Richard MEADER - 150
Thomas MEADOWS - 100
Paul MICOU - 575
Salvatore MUSCOE - 130
Robert PAYNE - 2400
Thomas RIPLEY - 100
St. Anne's Glebe - 140
Nicholas SMITH - 1000
Thomas TODD - 1100
(Miscellaneous Ms. Papers, VSLA, transcribed, alphabetized & contributed by John Bailey Calvert Nicklin, W&MCQ, Second Series, XVIII, 1938, pp. 203-206)
Not on this list were the surnames BUTLER, CLARK, GOFF, JETER, KENDALL, PETERS, TUTT, UNDERWOOD. Also note that it appears to be an incomplete list, and that the transcriber may have "corrected" the spelling of the auditor. Also note that this is a land tax list; thus those listed did not necessarily live in Essex Co, VA; which we believe was the case for John COMBS who appears to have resided at this time in Richmond County. See Also the Booker Families and the Combs of Amelia Co VA.
8 Jan 1715/16 - 21 Feb 1715/16 Essex Co, VA Wills and Deeds, 1714-1717, p. 474. Will of Ealse SHIPLEY of St. Anns Parish, Essex. To "Sarah FLOWERS my best gounde and petty coate and a black hood and a laced henchefer." To "Martha FLOWER my nex best gounde and petty coate." To "my son in law John SHIPLEY" all meat, corn, hogs, horses and mares. To "my daughter Elizabeth VIRGETT one shilling." To "my daughter Keziah HENSHAW all my sheep." To "my daughter Susanna COOK the best cow I have in my pen." To "my daughter Mary COSSTON one cow." Balance of estate to son in law John SHIPLEY, he to be Ex'or." Signed Ealse x SHIPLEY her marke. Wit: Arthur X ONBEE his marke, John BOUGHNAN. "The within written will of Alice SHIPLEY dec'ed was proved by the oath of John SHIPLEY the Ex'or." P. 475. Bond. 21 Feb 1715/16. L 200 Sterl. John SHIPLEY Exor of estate of Alice SHIPLEY. s/John x SHIPLEY, Wm. THOMPSON, John x COOK. Wit: Robert ffoster [FOSTER], Robert JONES. Rec. 21 Feb 1715/16. (Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol II, Beverly Fleet, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 1988, p. 126) See Casper & Mary COSTON below.
13 Jan 1715/16 - 16 May 1716 Essex Co, VA Wills and Deeds, 1714-1717, p. 551. Will of Sarah BIZEWELL of St. Anns, Essex, "being very sicke and weak of body but of perfickt sense of mind" All land to be divided between "my two sons Erasmus and Daniel BIZEWELL" Daughter Ann BIZEWELL, 100 lbs. tobo. Bal. to be div. between my three children Erasmus, Daniel and Ann. Exors: "my two brothers, John BUTLER and Jeremiah BIZEWELL. s/Sarah x BIZEWELL. Wit: Augustine LEY, John x BIZWELL, John BOUGHAN. Presented by Jeremiah BEESWELL one of the Exors. (Extracted from from Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol II, Beverly Fleet, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 1988, p. 72)
21 Feb 1715/16 Essex Co, VA Wills and Deeds, 1714-1717, p. 476. Bond. L 50 Sterling. Samuel HENSHAW administrator of estate of Francis GIBSON. s/Samuel HENSHAW, Fra:SMITH, Dan'l SMITH. Wit: Robert PAYNE, Ralph GOUGH. Rec. (Extracted from Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol II, Beverly Fleet, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 1988, p. 66) SW: Francis
16 May 1716 Essex Co, VA Wills and Deeds, 1714-1717, P. 552. Bond. Jeremiah BEESWELL admr of the estate of Robt. BEESWELL decd. s/Jer BISWELL, Aug't LEY, John McKENNY. Wit: Wm. COVINGTON, junr, Ralph GOUGH. Rec. 16 May 1716. [later Inv. included "parcel of Sarah BIZWELLS old waring close." (Extracted from Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol II, Beverly Fleet, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 1988, p. 72)
18 Sep 1716. Essex Co, VA Wills and Deeds, 1714-1717, p. 658. Inventory of Francis GIBSON, deceased. Court order dated 18 Jul 1716. Presented by Samuel HENSHAW, admr., 18 Aug 1716. Includes To 1 ould Sourd, to 1 ould rasor, and 2 ould knives. -:3. Total value: L 2.5.6. s/John BOUGHTON, Thomas RAMSEY, John ANDREWS. (Extracted from Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol II, Beverly Fleet, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 1988, p.78)
19-20 Sep 1716 Essex Co, VA Wills and Deeds, 1714-1717,
p. 407. Charles BROWN of St. Anne's Parish, Sittingbourne, Essex, in consideration
of love, goodwill and affection to my loving friend and son in law William TILLER
Junr of said parish and county, and toward Catherine my dear daughter wife of
sd. TILLER, to them and their son, Thomas TILLER, 83 acres, part of tract called
KIRKS Land, adj. land of Bernard GAINES, etc. s/Charles BROWN Wits: Josiah SHIP,
P. 408. Bond. 5000 lb. tobacco. William TILLER to allow Charles BROWN Senior
to get timber and operate his mill on the foregoing 83 acres of land. s/W. x
(Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol II, Beverly Fleet, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 1988, pp. 59-60)
22 Dec 1716 - 07 Feb 1716/7 (Richmond VA WB3:300) The will of John COMBS of Richmond Co VA includes a bequest to his youngest son, Mason COMBS, of 200 acres on Peumans End Run. (See Richmond VA)
18-19 Mar 1716/17 Essex Co, VA Wills and Deeds, 1714-1717, No. 15, p. 1. Casper COSTON, smith, and Mary his wife of St. Ann Par, Essex, to Robt. FARISH of St. Steph: King and Queen, 250 acres "being the reversion of a patent of 1000 acres of land formerly granted to Richard JONES, and George TURNER" dated 8 Feb 1672. Being in Essex on the heads of Dragon, Ashnamanscot and Piscqatua branches.. by Major AILETS Quarter, formerly GOODRICH'S land, land of SHEFFELLS old field, Alexander YOUNGERS house, and the head of a branch of FISHERS mill, also Capt. BRERETON's land, "the above patton descending to me the sd. Mary COSTON as being heir at law to my only sister, Sarah SHIPLEY late deceased which was left by will of George BOYCE to my said sister Sarah SHIPLEY. s/Caper COSTON, Mary x COSTON. Wit: Jno. BATES, Jno. BOUGHAN, Tho: x St. JOHN. Rec. 19 Mar 1716/17.
(Extracted from Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol II, Beverly Fleet, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 1988, p.83) SW: SHEFFIELD
This is apparently Mary COSSTON, sister of Keziah. The second entry of this record on p. 179 of this same source states Jasper COSTON, not Casper, GOODRICK, not GOODRICH. Third record on p. 296 (filed under King and Queen Co) states "the head of KISSELLS old field, Alexander YOUNGERS house, branch of FISHERS mill, etc." George BOYCE record not yet located.
18/19 Aug 1718 (Essex D&W 15:195-196) Aug. 18, 1718. Isaac TRUCK and Mary his wife of Sittenburn Parish, Richmond Co., to David STEARNE of same for love, good will and effection, 150 acs. in St. Marie's Par., Essex Co., on the s/s of the main branch of Pewmansend Swamp b/b land of John COMBES deceased...corner to Wm. CAMMOCK'S land. s/ Isaac (X) TRUCK, Mary (M) TRUCK. Wits: Richard BOOKER, Richard TUNSTALL, Jno. VAWTER. Aug. 19, 1718, Ack. by Isaac TRUCK and Mary his wife.
(Abstracted by Cammock Researcher M. Gregg)
Mary TRUCK (a.k.a. TROQUE) was neè Mary CAMMOCK, daughter of Warwick and Margaret (-----) (Thatcher) CAMMOCK. Mary and Isaac TRUCK both died in Caroline County. She had no children by Isaac, but had a natural son, William CAMMACK (above), and two sons - Francis and David - by her husband, Francis STERN. (Cammock Researcher M. Gregg) See Also Booker-Combs Connections in regard to both Charles Co MD and Amelia Co VA as well as Stern-Jeter- Mason families in Amelia Co VA and Cammock Families
22 Jun 1719 01 Jul 1719 (Richmond DB7:427-429) 22 Jun 1719 Archdill COMBS of Essex County to Thomas DICKESON of Richmond for £30 Sterling, "a certain parcell of land whereon my father, John COOMBS did last dwell scituate ye County of Richmond ; Archdill [his mark AC] COMBS Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us, Samuel BIZWELL, James COGHILL, Sarah [her mark X] COOMBS. (See Richmond VA for additional)
The above deed documents that Archdale COMBS II was the eldest living son of John COMBS at the time of his death (1716/17) by virtue of the laws of primogeniture. No relinquishment of dower was recorded at the time, nor has one been located in subsequent Essex or Richmond County records; thus, Archdale COMBS II was probably still single at this time. The above Sarah COMBS may have been his sister, about whom we have no further information yet. Another item of particular interest is the presence of Samuel BIZWELL as a witness to the above deed given that he was the step-son-in-law of Thomas COMBES or COMBER:
20 Dec 1720 - 21 Feb 1720/21 (Essex Co. Deeds, Etc. #16, pp. 275-77) Dec. 20, 1720.Thomas COMBER and Keziah COMBER both of Essex Co. to Charles BROWN of same. 3000 lbs. of tob. for 60 acs. of ours which lyes between the main road and Popeman Swamp except that part which was bought of Nicholas COPELAND. /s/Thomas COMBER, Keziah (H) COMBER. Wits: Samuel BISWELL, Nicholas (M) COPLAND [sic], Thomas (T) HENSHAW. Feb. 18, 1720 (1721). Possession and seizin delivered to Charles BROWN. Feb. 21, 1720 (1721) Acknowledged by Thomas COMBER and KEZIAH his wife.
Page 277. Feb. 20, 1720 (1721) Thomas COMBER of Essex Co. to my son in law John HENSHAW, one young heifer of a brown colour with all her increase except the first female calf which I do give to Mary HENSHAW. To my son in law Thomas HENSHAW one young horse colt of a bright bay colour. /s/ Thomas COMBER. Wits: Robt. PARKER, Thomas SHORTT Junr. Feb. 21, 1720 (1721) Acknowledged by Thomas COMBER. On motion of Keziah COMBER admitted to record. (Essex Co Va. Records. 1717-1722, Dorman)
These records need to be viewed not only to check COMBES vs. COMBER, but also because in another transcription shows signature in first deed (Comber to Brown) as Elizabeth (X) COMBER, not Keziah (H) COMBER. (although with release still by Keziah COMBER), and other records(not yet added) show Thomas as a COMBES, not a COMBER.
17 October 1721 (Essex Co., VA OB 1716-1723, p. 613) Godfrey RIDGE, Richd JACKMAN, John BLOWERS, John TOBY, Margery TOBY & John BELL attended this Day as Evidences for Andrew GLASPIE ads. Leaonard HELMES. (Ruth & Sam Sparacio, Essex Order Book 1716-1723 The Antient Press, McLean, VA 1990, p. 2) Search Words: GILLESPIE HELMS
See Also Godfrey RIDGE, father of William RIDGE who m, probably in Rowan>Surry Co NC, Winnifred COMBS, d/o Mason COMBS, Sr.
09 Mar 1723 (Essex Co. DB 17:303-305) Mar. 9, 1723. Francis GOULDMAN of St. Anne Par., Essex Co., to Robt. JONES of same...100 pds. sterling for all that plantation & tract of land whereon Francis GOULDMAN deced lately dwell'd containing 400 acs...beg. at a white oak by the Church Rd. on the SS thereof & in ye south line of a pattent granted to John JOHNSON deced bearing date 10th Dec 1663 for 737 acs and 1405 perches...thence to the end of the sd. line to a marked gum thence east to a marked red oak nigh the land of Augustine BRETHENBIRD & to Rappa River thence up sd river to Occupation Crk. thence up sd crk to land of Salvator MUSCOE thence along the several courses of sd MUSCOES land to the Church Rd....to the beginning. Wits: Thomas COMBES, John BROWN (Dorman)
The above Thomas COMBES appears variously in the records of Essex Co VA as COMBES and COMBER. Was he COMBS or COMBER? Was he kin to the Archdale COMBS Family? Not known yet - research in progress; however, also note that we now have COMBS adjacent to BROWNS at the same time in Sittingbourne Parish, Richmond VA; St. Marie's Parish, Richmond VA; and St. Ann's Parish in Essex Co, VA all three parishes adjacent to each other. (See above re COMBS Land of Old Rappa.)
See also Francis GOULDMAN and Timothy ATKINSON of Underwood's Mill. See Also Salvatore MUSCOE in Gloucester Co VA
1725-1729 (Essex VA Order Book 1725-29, Part 1) George COMBS
(Index. No copy of record yet - Needed!)
Is this a connection to the John & George COMBS of Amelia Co VA? Who was this George COMBS?
27 Feb 1728/9 - 7 Mar 1728/9 (King George Will Book 1-A:69-70) Will of Richard TUTT of Hanover Parish. .. Legatees 200 acs. of land which I bought of Wm. UNDERWOOD and Wm. COMBS lying in Caroline Co. to my sons Wm. & Jas .
Richard TUTT'S King George Co VA will further documents that the Peumans End Run land in Old Rappa. Co VA, then Essex Co VA, was eventually in Caroline County. (See above)