![]() | Combs &c. Families of Lunenburg Co, VA |
Lunenburg County was established in 1746 from Brunswick Co VA. Descendant Counties include Halifax in 1752 (& Pittsylvania from Halifax in 1766-7); Charlotte & Mecklenburg from Lunenburg in 1764-1765 (and others not listed here). Most, possibly all, of the early Combs of Lunenburg appear to have been from Amelia.
No Combs are found in the earliest Lunenburg Co VA titheables; however, several other families have later importance to the Combs and thus some partial lists have been included
Notes: See Phillip Combs & Elizabeth DUKE of Wilkes Co GA in records of Fairfield Dist SC with Ephraim MABRY who named a son Adam Poll MABRY. See John & Sarah MABRY Combs whose bondsman at their 1772 Guilford Co NC marriage was one Phillip Combs. The MABRYS were in Lunenburg Co VA when it was still Brunswick; to wit:
6 Nov 1747. (Brunswick Co VA D.B. 3 pp.425/6). John DUKE, Gent. sold 504 acres of land in Brunswick Co. lying on both sides of Moore's Swamp on Dean's line, (John Taylor) Duke's line, to a corner between Taylor DUKE and Loftin's, etc., to Major PRYOR of K&Q Co. Wit. by Joshua MABRY, Abraham PEEPLES, John DAVIS Jr. and John DUKE Jr. On 5 May 1748 Rejoice, the wife of John DUKE relinquished right of dower.
(Combs-Duke Researcher Ed Kutz)
8 Sep 1752 (Lunenburg Co VA D.B. 4 p. 217) John DUKE of Dinwiddie Co. sold to Clack COURTNEY of Brunswick Co. the remaining 450 acres of his 500 acre grant on Flatt Creek in Lunenburg Co. Wit, by Thomas TWITTY, Edward GOODRICH, Ephraim MABRY and Charles DUKE. Recorded 3 Dec 1754.
10 Sep 1755 (Lunenburg Co VA Patents 32:625) John COMER 1000 A on both sides of the middle fork of Meherrin.
Notes: Not yet known if this might have been a COMES.
13 Sep 1767 (Mecklenberg Co VA D.B. 1 p. 523) James ROBERTSON of Johnson Co., NC sold to Ephraim MABRY of Mecklenberg Co., VA 200 acres in Mecklenberg Co. adjoining Samuel MANNING, William POOLE Sr., John Taylor DUKE and William LUCAS Sr.
23 Jan 1769 Proved 14 Dec 1772 (Mecklenberg Co VA D.B. 3 p. 513) A receipt "to John WATSON, Executors, by the claim of Ephraim MABRY for 12 pounds . . in full for all moneys or things paid John WATSON for a certain grant of land in Mecklenberg County purchased by the said WATSON of John Noble McCOY, which said land was conveyed by William WATSON to John Taylor DUKE by Deed in the County of Lunenberg, which I do oblige myself which at any time required be conveyed to the said William WATSON or Ephraim MABRY or any person for him that the said William WATSON or Ephraim MABRY shall designate. Witness my hand and the date above." /s/ "Jane DUKE, for John Taylor DUKE". Wit. by Henry DELONY and Thomas TAYLOR Sr.
May 7, 1754 (L'burg DB 3:482-484) Jas. MATHEWS of Lunenburg to John Combs of Amelia Co., 60 pds. for 303 acs. in Lunenburg. No witnesses. Mary, wife of MATHEWS, relinquished...
(LUNENBURG COUNTY, VIRGINIA, DEED BOOK 3, 1752-1754. June Banks Evans)
Notes: The above John Combs was John Combs of Amelia Co, VA. In 1767 (see record below), George Combs (son of John) sells this same land to Moses ESTES who had married John's daughter Lurany Combs. Records from two Amelia Co. Chancery Court suits identify the children of John Combs that were living at the time of his death to wit: Lurany (wife of Moses ESTES), Sarah (wife of James BOWLS/BOWLIN), George Combs, Samuel Combs, Mary Combs, Clarissa Combs, and John Combs.
1762 Moses ESTES, s/o Moses ESTES, was b 1742, m by 1762 Luremia COMBES aka Lurany Combs
Amelia Co. Chancery Court records show this couple married at the time of her father's death which had occurred by 29 July 1762 when his wife and administratrix Frances Combs returned the inventory and account of the estate.
Note: Siblings of this Moses ESTES said to have been William, b 1744, King & Queen Co VA, d 18 May 1780, Halifax Co VA; m Mary HARRIS; and John, b 1745, Lunenburg Co VA, d 1813, Halifax Co VA, m Elizabeth CHISUM. (See Also Below)
1763/1764 (Lunenburg VA, Cumberland Parish Vestry Book) 1763/4. "Returns of Processioning in obedience to an Order of Vestry of the 30th of September, 1763, of Cumberland Parish."
No. 9. Processioned by Jon. SCOTT, Robt. SCOTT & Wm. JETER (to wit) Beginning at Robt. WILSONS line between him & Wm. WILSONS, Tscharner DEGRAFFENREIDT & Wm. WILSON in company. HIX'S, TIRSDELS & GLENNS lines, Wm. WILSON, Jon. HIX & TIRSDEL presant. John PRICES, Daniel PRICES, Nicholas GENTRYS, Wm. COCKERHAMS, Tscharner DEGRAFFENREIDTS lines, the last named three in company. Wm. LOVES lines, himself presant. John SCOTTS, Robt. SCOTTS, Wm. JETERS & Combs'S lines all the processioners in company.
(Cumberland Parish, Lunenburg Co, VA, 1746-1816, Vestry Book, 1746-1816, Landon C. Bell, Richmond, 1930; Clearfield Company, 1994; GPC, Baltimore, 1994)
Note: The above land was probably the 303 acres of John Combs I of Amelia based on the 1767 and 1768 records below. The above William JETER was born in Essex, later Caroline Co, VA, the son of John & Elizabeth VAUGHN Jeter. In 1737 (his uncle?), William JETER filed a suit for reasons unknown (later dismissed) against Mason Combs, Sr. (b 1714, Richmond VA, d 1785, Surry Co, NC) In 1741, William JETER married in Caroline County, Margaret VAUGHN, dau of Cornelius and Elizabeth _____ Vaughn. Although not a near neighbor to the Combs of Amelia, William JETER also resided in that county prior to his move to Lunenburg. He died testate in 1797 in Edgefield District, South Carolina. Re William NICHOLAS and Nicholas COOK above, see also William Nicholas COOK found in records with Combs of Surry Co NC and Abraham & John COOK of Wilkes Co NC with possible Charlotte Co VA connections, and definite Mabry connections (See Mabry Families). See also Essex and Amelia Co VA re Booker-Combs connections, and also Booker Families.
12 Feb 1767 (Lunenburg Co VA DB 10:312) Feb. 12, 1767 George Combs to Moses ESTIS, 25 pds. for 300 acs., all that tract of land bounded by a former Lunenburg deed made by Jas. MATTHEWS to John Combs. No witnesses. /s/ George Combs. Recorded Feb. 12, 1767 after Pheby, the wife of sd. George, relinquished her right of dower.
(LUNENBURG COUNTY, VIRGINIA, DEED BOOKS, 1764-1771. T. L. C. Genealogy (Books 10 & 11))
Note: Moses and Lurany (Combs) ESTESs and the other heirs of John Combs sued Frances Combs, widow of John Combs, for their inheritance. The suit was settled by 1765 (see Amelia Chancery Court Records) and now we find George, son of John, selling John's land to his brother-in-law. George & Phoebe Combs had removed to Halifax Co VA by 03 Jun 1768, and the 1787 Halifax Co VA Personal Property Tax List includes George Combs & Moses ESTES seen on same date. This land (Matthews > Combs > Estes) has not yet been researched, and its actual location not yet determined; however, see next.
30 Mar 1768 (Lunenburg Records) "No. 20. Returns by Jeremiah GLENN & Tscharner DeGRAFFENREIDT, process., 30th of March, 1768. In obedience to an order of Vestry we, Jeremiah GLEN & TsCharner DeGRAFFENREIDT have processioned the following lands lying between Reedy Creek, Reedy Creek old road, Coxes road and the North Meherrin River (to wit) The line between Tscharner DeGRAFFENRIEDT and Edward SELF, between Tscherner DeGRAFFENRIEDT and William OVERBY, between William OVERBY and Craddock VAUGHN, between Craddock VAUGHN and Wm. JETER, between Craddock VAUGHN and Batt BAKER. Present John WOOD & Edward SELF. The line between Craddock VAUGHN & TsCharner De GRAFFENRIEDT, between Robert SCOTT & Tscharner DeGRAFENRIEDT, between Robert SCOTT and Craddock VAUGHAN, between Robert SCOTT and John SCOTT, Between John SCOTT and Batt BAKER, between John SCOTT and William LOVE, between William LOVE and Batt BAKER, between Wm. LOVE and Moses ESTES, between Moses ESTES and Wm. JETER, between Batt BAKER and Wm. JETER, between Batt BAKER and Moses ESTES, the parties all present
(Cumberland Parish, Lunenburg Co, VA, 1746-1816, Vestry Book, 1746-1816, Landon C. Bell, Richmond, 1930; Clearfield Company, 1994; GPC, Baltimore, 1994)
Notes: Craddock VAUGHAN, also from Amelia Co VA, m Parthenia, d/o the above William JETER & his wife, Margaret VAUGHAN (no known relation to Craddock). This places the JETERS and VAUGHNS of Lunenburg with the George Combs of Amelia & Luenenburg Co VA family; however, note that Craddock VAUGHN is later found with Phillip Combs also (See Below)
William COMAS (?) ..... 1 tithe ..... 0 land
(Sunlight on the Southside (Lunenburg Co, VA), Bell)
13 Dec 1771 (Lunenburg VA, Cumberland Parish Vestry Book) No. 18. "Returns by Robert Crenshaw and John Winn, Processioners."
"In obedience to a Vestry held for Cumberland Parish, 13th
of Decr., 1771, we the subscribers have processioned all Daniel Winns lines,
present Daniel Winn and Alexr. Howard.
All Thos. Winns lines. Present George McLaughlain & Thos. Winn.
All George McLaughlains lines, Do. [present] Geo. McLaughlain, Tho. Winn &
Richd. Stone.
All James McLaughlains lines, Do. Gee, McLaughlain and Richard Stone.
All Phillip Combs lines, Do. Tho. WINN. Junr. & Richard STONE.
All John Winns lines, Do. Thomas Winn.
All Richard Stones lines, Do. Richard Stone.
All William Stones lines, Do. Richd. Stone, Colo. T. Winn & Alexr. Howard.
All William Crosses lines, Do. Daniel Winn
All Carter Whites lines, Do.
All Samuel Sneads lines, Do. Samuel Snead
All Alexr. Howards lines, Do.
All Richd. Stone, Junr. lines, Do. Alexr. Howard & Samuel Snead
All Peter Jones lines, Do. Samuel Snead & Peter Jones
All Joel Fargusons lines, Do. Joel Farguson, Nicholas Brown & Belcher.
All John Winn, Junr. lines, Do. Richard Stone
Nicholas Browns line, Do. Nicholas Brown
All John Winn, Senr. lines, Do. Richard Stone
All Colo. Tho. Winns lines, Do. himself, Richd. Stone and Richard Estes.
All Robert Crenshaws lines, Do. Wm. Buford, Daniel Winn & Richard Estes.
Daniel Gunns lines, Do. Joel Farguson and Belcher
Varsaws lines, Do, William Buford
Thomas Williams lines, Do. William Buford & Richard Estes
William Hatchetts lines, Do. Belcher and Richard Stone
John Sneads lines Do. John Winn and R. Estes
Benja. Bridgeforths lines, Do. Daniel Winn
Allen Stokes lines and Do. Richard Stone
Robert Elliotts lines
Other lines not processioned for want of attendance.
(Cumberland Parish, Lunenburg Co, VA, 1746-1816, Vestry Book, 1746-1816, Landon C. Bell, Richmond, 1930; Clearfield Company, 1994; GPC, Baltimore, 1994)
Notes: Was the land of Phillip Combs and John/George Combs near each other? Is presence of Richard STONE and Richard ESTES significant? (See also Pittsylvania Co VA re STONE)
(Alpha by 1st letter of surname, included the following)
Richard BOOKER 4
Phillip Combs 1
William JETER, Constable
..Comr. JETER 2
Jesse Johnson
Joseph Johnson
James Johnson
James Johnson tithes 3, including self and James Johnson, Junr.
Isaac Johnson tithes 6, including self and Joshua Johnson
David Johnson
Michael Johnson
Michael Johnson
William Murrell tithes 4:
William Murrell
Jeffrey Murrell
Drury Murrell
James Murrell
(Sunlight on the Southside (Lunenburg Co, VA), Bell)
1775 (Lunenburg Co, VA) A List of Tithes Taken in Lunenburg
County for the year 1775
Philip Combs ..... 1 tithe
27 Nov 1775 (Lunenburg Co VA DB 12:479-480) Nov. 27, 1775. Philip Combs to John ELMORE, 40 pds. for 150 acs. in Lunenburg, by patent to Thos. WINN Aug. 7, 1761, head of some branches of Fucking [now Modest] Creek adj. Richd. STONE (?). /s/ Phillip (X) Combs. Abigail (X) Combs. Wits: Jos. WINN, Craddock VAUGHAN. John WINN, Elisha WINN.
(Lunenburg VA DB12 Abstracts, 1771-1777, June Banks EvansBryn Ffyfliaiad Publications, LA)
Notes: No deed has been located showing how Phillip Combs acquired the above land which, according to GNIS flowed into the Nottoway River in Northern Lunenburg Co, VA, just north of the town of Victoria. Also note that although this land is Nottoway (rather than Meherrin) that Craddock (& Parthenia JETERS) Vaughan are still found with the Combs. (See also the Abigail Combs of Washington Co TN)
12 Nov 1778 (Lunenburg Co VA DB 13:174) Nov. 12, 1778. Jos. WILLIAMS, executor of the est. of Thos. WILLIAMSON, dec'd., of Lunenburg to David ELLINGTON of Amelia Co. for 5 shillings, 214 acs. on Pledgers fork of Meherrin River in Lunenburg, it being part of a larger tract granted to the sd. Jos. WILLIAMS as executor of Thos. WILLIAMSON decd. and b/b the lines of John TABB, George Combs, John WILLIAMS & vacant lands. No witnesses. /s/ Jos WILLIAMS.
(LUNENBURG COUNTY, VIRGINIA, DEED BOOKS, 1777-1784. T. L. C. Genealogy (Book 13))
Notes: Since George Combs appears to have sold all his land (the 303 acres) in 1767 and removed to Halifax Co VA, who is the above George Combs? Where was his land? (Interested researchers need to pull and transcribe patents from VSLA for these and other Lunenburg Co VA lands). Could it have been on the Lunenburg-Charlotte Co line? See the 1768 Williams/Williamson deeds re land in Charlotte adj. Combs, and other land shown as on Pledgers fork, but in Charlotte, not Lunenburg, a fact of possible particular interest given the RW William Combs of Charlotte Co VA. (See that county and also below re Combs-Nance)
ALSO, note the name of John TABB. In 1772, one John TABB, executor of Thomas TABB deceased, brought suit against George Combs in Charlotte Co for a debt that may have been incurred was early as 1762. We know one George Combs of Charlotte Co (age 60 in 1765) deposed for George Combs son of John Combs I of Amelia in Eastes et al vs Combs (see Amelia Chancery Records). In Charlotte in 1779, George and Ester Combs sold land to John WHITE per court records but no deed has been found at this time. It is not known if this is Old George or a younger George. Thomas TABB, a merchant, married secondly Rebecca BOOKER, died in 1769 in Amelia Co (WB 2X:309) and son John TABB was the executor. In 1745, John Combs I of Amelia, age 40, deposed for Frederick BLAKE in his suit against Thomas TABB.
No Combs
10 Nov 1791 (Lunenburg Co VA Marriage Records) William Combs "of Lunenburg" and Sally NANCE. Surety: William JOHNSON
(Payne Researcher Velpo Payne)
Notes: Who was "William Combs of Lunenburg?" From where did he come? To where did he go? Who was his wife, Sally NANCE? His bondsman, William JOHNSON? See Combs-Nance in Charlotte Co VA and Wilkes Co NC. If the above William Combs is a "County-Line Combs" (Charlotte-Lunenburg), perhaps this accounts for the above George Combs also? Was the above William Combs the same who was the RW who m Michal TRAYLOR in 1800 in Charlotte VA, and later to Sullivan Co TN? Or a son of same? Or a son of George Combs who m Frances NANCE in Charlotte Co VA? (Possibly same as "county-line" George Combs above? Probably the same as George Combs of Wilkes NC)
No Combs (var. sp. Cumb* not yet checked - see below)
13 March 1815 Lunenberg Co, VA Marriage Records
(Extracted from Dodd, Jordan R, et. al. Early American Marriages: Virginia to 1850. Bountiful, UT: Precision Indexing Publishers, 19xx [sic], Ancestry On-Line (http://www.ancestry.com/)
13 October 1835 Lunenberg Co, VA Marriage Records
(Extracted from Dodd, Jordan R, et. al. Early American Marriages: Virginia to 1850. Bountiful, UT: Precision Indexing Publishers, 19xx [sic], Ancestry On-Line (http://www.ancestry.com/)
28 Nov 1854 Lunenburg Co, VA Death Records
Name: Nancy Combs Race: White Sex: Female Cause of death: Old age Age: 78 years -- mos. -- days. Names of Parents: (blank) Born: Campbell [Co, VA] Marital Status: Widow Informant: Wm. RUTLEDGE son in law
(Lunenburg Co, VA GenWeb Archives)
Notes: Nancy appears on the 1850 Charlotte Co, VA Census in the household of her son-in-law and daughter, listed as Nancy CUMBE, age 72, b Campbell Co, VA, as was her daughter, Eliza, b ca 1801. Also note that although an assumption has been made that her marriage to a Combs was her first, it is possible that she remarried (i.e., 1835 above, for example).