![]() | John Combs I of Amelia (????-1762) (incomplete) |
Partially Updated & Corrected 15 Dec 1999
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CAUTION: Please be aware this report contains some incorrect conclusions and associations. It is awaiting updates and revisions. Refer to Amelia Co, VA records for the most current information about this John Combs and his possible brother George.
Background: The earliest known Combs of Amelia (then Prince George) Co, VA was John COMBS who patented land on Flatt Creek in 1732, at which time he was already a resident of Prince George. Among his descendants were the given names of George and Phillip, probably James and William, and later, Enoch and Sterling. This John COMBS may link back to Essex Co, VA given his close association with the Booker Family, and that of his children with the Jeter Families and/or to Westmoreland Co, VA where there was a Phillip COMBS with a son, John. A third possible connection was with the Combs-Clement-Mabry Families of Charles Co, MD (much of this based primarily only on naming patterns and timelines); and a fourth, the George COMBS who d in Henrico Co, VA ca 1724.
The following is a second draft, but still incomplete effort to untangle these lines. See the hot-linked Combs Counties of Record for more information and sources.
(1) Some of the assumptions made herein may well be incorrect, particularly in regard to generations (Ex: George Combs of Halifax b pre-1721, d 1799 at over 79, with children marrying as late as 1810?)
(2) The data on John & Sarah MABRY Combs, Sr. and for the counties of Wilkes, NC and Halifax VA is incomplete, pending (a) an individual report for George & Phebe of Halifax VA; and (b) several upcoming Wilkes Co, NC reports.
(3) This report includes both Wilkes Co, GA and Wilkes Co, NC (although Wilkes NC entries are incomplete).
John COMBS I, b pre-1701; d 1762, Amelia Co, VA; m (1) bef 1721 Unknown; m (2) 11 Sep 1750, Amelia Co, VA, Frances ELAM. By his first wife, he was the documented father of George COMBS of Amelia, Lunenburg and Halifax Cos, VA; and the probable father of both Phillip COMBS, Sr. of Edgefield Dist., SC and Wilkes Co, GA; and John COMBS of Guilford Co, NC and Jefferson TN (h/o Sarah MABRY).
1715 Essex Co, VA Rent Rolls include Edmund BOOKER and John COMBS of Richmond. The latter was the s/o Archdale and Elizabeth Combs, and father of (among others), Mason COMBS, Sr. Edmond and Richard BOOKER later remove to Amelia Co, VA where their land is adjacent to that of John COMBS I of Amelia. (see below). The 1725-1729 Index to Essex Co, VA Order Book 1725-29, Part 1, includes an entry for a George COMBS (No copy of this record yet - Needed!)
1732 Prince George Co, VA. John COMBS I patents land on Flatt Creek (later Amelia) where his land is adjacent to the Booker Families of Gloucester and Essex Cos, VA, and near to ANDERSONS (possible link to Richmond-King George Co, VA where John COMBS d 1716-7, Richmond, named one John ANDERSON his executor?). Flatt Creek becomes part of Amelia Co, VA in 1734-5.
1736-1738 Amelia Co, VA John COMBS on Grand Jury
1737 Amelia Co, VA. John COMBS I tithes himself and son(?), George COMBS (b pre-1721).
A George March/Marsh COMBS appears in Amelia records in 1735/6, and appears to be same who d there in 1750/51 (at which time John COMBS was also there). If George March COMBS was the George COMBS tithed by John COMBS in 1737, what was their relationship? It has been presumed based on land ownership that George of Lunenburg was s/o John I, but if so, then who was George March and where was he in 1737?
1738-1750 Amelia Co, VA John COMBS appears in Court records almost annually. In 1749 J___ COMBS tithed 6 (not named).
Nov 1750 Amelia Co, VA. John COMBS m Frances ELAM (this appears to have been a second marriage for John Combs I) w/John BOOKER his security, and witnessed by Samuel COBB and William MAY (or William May COCK). No mark noted by published sources.
Nothing is known of Frances ELAM other than that she was of age. This may have been a second marriage for both, in which case, she may have been the widow of the Martin EALAM [sic] who was on the same tax list as John and George COMBS in 1737. If so, she may also have been the mother of William ELAM d 1805, Edgefield District, SC, whose son, Martin ELAM, was in Wilkes Co, GA in 1790 (See 1790 below).
25 Jul 1751 Amelia Co, VA. John COMBS purchases from John BOOKER 50 acres of land on Flatt Creek adj. his own.
26 Sep 1751 Amelia Co VA. John COMBS is mentioned in estate accounts of Frederick BLAKE.
23 Mar 1752 Amelia Co VA. John (X) COMBS is an appraiser of the estate of Michael NOWLAND. He is also listed in estate sale.
1751-1754 Amelia Co, VA. John COMBS appears in numerous court records, at least once probably in the company of George COMBS.
07 May 1754 Lunenburg Co VA. John COMBS of Amelia Co, VA purchases 303 acres in Lunenburg Co, VA from James MATHEWS of Lunenburg. Although the deed does not identify this land, in 1763/1764, processions included No. 9: Processioned by Jon. SCOTT, Robt. SCOTT & Wm. JETER (to wit) Beginning at Robt. WILSONS line between him & Wm. WILSONS, Tscharner DEGRAFFENREIDT & Wm. WILSON in company. HIX'S, TIRSDELS & GLENNS lines, Wm. WILSON, Jon. HIX & TIRSDEL presant. John PRICES, Daniel PRICES, Nicholas GENTRYS, Wm. COCKERHAMS, Tscharner DEGRAFFENREIDTS lines, the last named three in company. Wm. LOVES lines, himself presant. John SCOTTS, Robt. SCOTTS, Wm. JETERS & COMBS'S lines all the processioners in company.
Like Edmund BOOKER, William JETERS was originally from Essex Co, VA, and in 1737, his (uncle?) William JETERS sued Mason COMBS, Sr. in Caroline (created from Essex in 1731). See also a later Daniel PRICE and Phillip COMBS in Wilkes Co, GA.
24 Dec 1754 Amelia Co VA. John COMBS is an appraiser, estate of Lucy CLARKE (d/o Edward BOOKER, Sr.)
1755-1756 John COMBS appears in numerous court records
26 Aug 1756 Amelia Co VA. Land of John COMBS is mentioned in will of Mary (X) BOOKER of Raleigh Parish
1758 Amelia Co, VA John COMBS appears in records.
05 Feb 1762 Amelia Co VA. Flatt Creek land of John COMBS is mentioned in deed, Edmund, William and Christopher SMYTH, devisees of the will of Samuel TARRY, sell to Joseph EGGLESTON land adj. to Combs and William EGGLESTON, Richard & Edwd. BOOKER and James CLARK.
28 May 1762 . Amelia Co, VA. John COMBS has died, and Frances (X) COMBS (ELAM) administers his estate, which includes a Negro boy named Ned and a Negro man named Harry.
1762 Amelia Co, VA Tithables. Benedict HAMMOCK, Jr. (II) tithes himself and Phillip COMBS I (b pre-1746).
29 Jul 1762 Amelia Co, VA. The land of George COMBS is listed as adj. to land of Richard BOOKER, Jr.
7 Sep 1764 Amelia Co, VA. RW John COMBS of Edgefield Dist. SC and Wilkes Co, GA, is born (could sign his name).
25 Sep 1766 Amelia Co, VA. George COMBS and Phebe, his wife, of Amelia sell 450 acres on the lower side of Flatt Creek in Amelia to Wm. EGGLESTON of same (400 acres of John Combs I's original patent plus 50 acres purchased by John Combs of John BOOKER). John C. COMBS is one of the witnesses to the sale. Land is described as adj. to lines of George COMBS. Although the record indicates that George owned yet more land, it has not been located. John C. COMBS has not yet been identified, but note that a grandson of John & Sarah MABRY Combs (s/o George Mabry & Agnes ORE Combs) was named John C. COMBS; and also note that in Charles Co, MD were (a) Francis MARBURY who m Mary GREEN who, with her brother, Robert, sold land in 1703 to Richard COOMBS I, father of John Clement COMBS of Charles Co, MD (per a 1752 estate inventory).
12 Feb 1767 Lunenburg Co, VA. George COMBS sold to Moses ESTIS the 300 acs originally purchased by John Combs from James MATTHEWS. George Combs signed his name and his wife, Phebe, relinquished her downer rights. According to Estes Family researchers, Moses ESTES m in 1762, Luremia COMBS (sources not known). On 30 Mar 1768, this tract is again processioned and described as lying between "Reedy Creek, Reedy Creek old road, Coxes road and the North Meherrin River." Among those processioned were Craddock VAUGHN and William JETERS (adjoining property along with Batt BAKER), with Moses ESTES' land adjacent to William JETER and Batt BAKER.
6 July 1767 (Char Co. COB2:14). On motion of George Combs a Witness for our Sovereign Lord, the King in his suit against Thomas SMITH it is ordered that William THOMASON the Prosecutor pay him for one day attendance according to law. On motion of John Combs a Witness for our Sovereign Lord, the King in his suit against Thomas SMITH it is ordered that William THOMASON the Prosecutor pay him for one day attendance according to law. On motion of Judith Combs a Witness for our Sovereign Lord, the King in his suit against Thomas Smith it is ordered that William THOMASON the Prosecutor pay him for one day attendance according to law.(Charlotte Co., Va. Court Order Books 1 & 2, 1767-1771, FHC Microfilm of originals. Submitted by Sue Elfving.)
Notes: It is not known who Judith Combs was, but George and Phoebe Combs had a daughter Judith who signed her own consent when she married Jesse DODSON in Halifax Co. on 19 Mar 1793 (Halifax Co VA Marriage Records). This Judith is likely an older Judith, perhaps a sister or sister-in-law. Old John Combs of Amelia was deceased by 1762. This John Combs could be a son of Old John or a son of George and Phoebe.
3 Jun 1768 Halifax Co, VA. George COMBS, Thomas LOVELACE, Benajah PARKER and William MAYS witness the deed of Lewis JENKINS to Shadrach GOING, land on Polecat Creek, adj. to ECHOLS, Robert WALTON and ANDERSON. George is not the earliest COMBS located in Halifax. A William COMBS was on Birches and Sandy Creeks as early as 1756, but was apparently deceased by 1763 when his son, Barton, "a poor orphan" (abt which no more is known), was bound as an apprentice to William LAWSON. George himself was also later found on Birches Creek, but not known if significant.
23 Aug 1768 Amelia Co VA. Philip (X) COMBS witnesses deed of Charles SALLARD of Amelia to John BAILEY and Mary Metcalfe BAILEY of same.
Aug. 6, 1770 Charlotte - Lunenburg Cos, VA. Richard BLANKS of Buckingham Co. sells to Abraham CHARLTON (also spelled CARLTON) of Cumberland Co. 215 acs. in Charlotte, described as being on both sides of a branch of the Meherrin River known as Pledgars Creek, Beginning at COMB'S corner, along old patent line, and bounded by the line of BROWN.
12 Nov 1778 Lunenburg Co VA, George COMBS, John TABB, and John WILLIAMS are listed as having land adjacent to that of Thomas WILLIAMSON, deceased, with the land described as 214 acres on Pledgers Fork of the Meherrin River in Lunenburg, thus this land on the Lunenburg-Charlotte County line.
18 Apr 1771 Halifax Co VA. George COMBS of Halifax purchases 298 acres on Great Polecat Creek from William WYNNE and Mary his wife of Pittsylvania Co.
6 May 1771 (Char Co. COB2:474). Sherwood WALTON is appointed surveyor of the Road from the Nine mile tree to the four mile Tree and it is ordered that he together with the male Labouring Tythes belonging to Lewis DUPREE, Nathaniel WILLIAMS, John WILLIAMS, George Combs, John HAYES, Josiah VAUGHN, Edward HARRIS, Stephen HARRIS, Edward HARRIS Jun., Maynard HARRIS, David HARRIS, William HAMMONS, David GIBSON and George GIBSON, do forthwith clear and keep the same in repair according to Law. (Charlotte Co., Va. Court Order Books 1 & 2, 1767-1771, FHC Microfilm of originals. Abstracted and submitted by Combs &c Researcher Sue Elfving)
Notes: This road order appears to be for a five mile stretch and it may help to identify exactly where these folks lived. It has been believed that George COMBS who appears in both Charlotte Co. and Lunenberg Co. records might have lived near the line between the two counties. See 1770 deed. Since Ambrose HAMMON is now found in Charlotte Co. records, the William Hammons in this road entry may be the same as Rev. William HAMMONS, brother to Ambrose (see 4 March 1771 road order showing Ambrose HAMMON).
13 Dec 1771 Lunenburg Co, VA. Phillip COMBS is listed in a return of processions which indicate his land is adj. Thomas WINN and Richard STONE. It is not known when, where or how this land was acquired, but in 1774, a Lunenburg Co, VA tithe list includes Phillip COMBS (tithes self), William JETERS and Richard BOOKER; and in 1775, Phillip COMBS again appears on Lunenburg lists, tithing himself only [Ed. Note to self to check re extant lists in 1770, 1772 and 1773].
19 Nov 1772 Guilford Co, NC. Marriage bond for John COMBS to Sarah MABRY of Guilford (not clear whether John was also a resident of Guilford at the time), with a Phillip COMBS his bondsman. According to published sources, both men signed their names. If true (copy of original marriage bond still needed), then this Phillip COMBS is neither Phillip, Sr. of later Wilkes Co, GA, nor Phillip of Lunenburg Co, VA. According to their grandson, Carlton Wilbur COMBS, John and Sarah MABRY Combs removed to Abington, Washington Co, VA; however, they have not yet been located in the records of that county, and it is suspected that they were in Early East TN instead (John is first identified in records in Jefferson Co, TN in 1798). Carlton also wrote that his father stated that two of his grandfather's brothers went to Georgia. John & Sarah MABRY Combs named their sons (in order of birth): Phillip, George Mabry, Lewis, John and Joseph, and Lewis named a son, Sterling. In Wilkes Co, GA, the earliest COMBS were Phillip, John, James, William and Sterling. Clearly, John COMBS of Wilkes was not brother to John COMBS of Jefferson Co, TN. It would seem likely, however, that John COMBS of Jefferson was brother to Phillip, Sr. of Wilkes Co, GA (the relationship of Phillip, Sr. to James and William, if any, is unknown, but he is thought to have been father to Phillip, Jr., John, and Sterling (see below).
27 Nov 1775 Lunenburg Co VA Philip (X) COMBS and Abigail (X) COMBS sell to John ELMORE, 150 acs in Lunenburg which was originally granted to Thos. WINN on 7 Aug 1761, and described as the head of some branches of Fucking [now Modest] Creek adj. Richd. STONE. Witnesses included Craddock VAUGHAN, h/o Partheny JETER (d/o above-noted William and Margaret VAUGHAN Jeter). Modesty Creek flows into the Nottoway River in Northern Lunenburg Co, VA, just north of the town of Victoria. No further record is found of Phillip Combs in Lunenburg, and, other than the mention of George Combs' land on Pledgars Creek, no further record of any Combs is found in Lunenburg until William of 1791.
1778-1780 Henry Co, VA was established in 1778 from Pittsylvania Co, VA. John Combs is listed on 1778-1780 tax lists. Also on this list were George MABRY (father of Sarah MABRY Combs), Thomas MURRELL (later of Hawkins Co, TN, step-father of Martin JOHNSON who m Sarah Combs). In 1787, George MABRY and Thomas MURRELL are still on the Henry personal property tax lists, but John Combs is gone.
Sep - Oct 1778 Fairfield District SC. Phillip (X) COMBS and Elizabeth (X) DUKE witnessed the will of Ephraim MABRY at his house (deposed by both on 14 May 1789 in Wilkes Co, GA). According to some MABRY researchers, Ephraim was the gs/o Francis and Elizabeth GILLIAM Mabry, said to have been great-grandparents of Sarah MABRY who m John Combs in 1772 in Guilford. See also 1747-1762 Combs-Mabry Records in Lunenburg Co, VA (including Flatt Creek land in that county).
1779-1780 Fairfield District, SC. RW John COMBS enlists in Revolutionary War.
25 Feb 1779 Amelia Co VA. John (X) COMBS witnesses deed of gift from Robert CHAPPELL, Sr. to his daughter Martha MAYES. This does not likely to have been RW John COMBS who would have been only 15 at the time (and possibly already gone to SC). This is the last record located thus far for any Combs in the Flatt Creek area of Amelia (See 1787 below).
31 May 1779 Surry and Wilkes Cos, NC and Charlotte Co, VA. On 31 May 1779, Wilkes Co, NC, John COMBS married Biddy NANCE. Jos. PORTER, Bondsman. On 10 Jul 1782 in Surry Co, NC. John COOK of Charlotte Co., Va., gave to his father, Wm. COOK of Surry, his power of attorney for 464 a. on S side Yadkin R "entered by me to be sold to John BREWIS." Witnesses were Benj. BURCH, Wm. W. COOK and John COMBS. William COOK may have been the same who, following the death of Tory William RIDGE in Aug 1781, became guardian for RIDGE'S minor children. RIDGE had married Winnifred COMBS, d/o Mason COMBS, Sr. (See 1737 above). The John COMBS who witnessed the COOK deed was probably either her brother or nephew. In Feb 1791, William COOK reported to the Court that he intended to move to GA. On 29 Apr 1783 Wilkes co, NC. George & William COMBS were bondsmen for Frankie NANCE who "has brought forth a girl child which is a bastard." The following day, James NANCE was charged with having begotten a bastard child on Judith COMBS; David BURNS and John NORRIS, bondsmen. In 1784 and 1785, George, John and William COMBS are all taxed in Wilkes Co, NC. On 12 Nov 1785 in Charlotte Co VA, George COMBS married Frances NANCE (a.k.a. Frankie of 1783?). In 1786, however, both George and William COMBS are tithed in Wilkes Co, NC (John has gone missing). In 1787, George and John COMBS (William now missing) are tithed on the same Wilkes Co, NC tax list as Randolph MABRY who m 27 Jan 1779, Wilkes, Jemima COOK. Randolph is said by Mabry Researchers to have been a great-grandson of Francis and Elizabeth GILLIAM Mabry. There is also a second (up to 5) George COMBS in Wilkes Co, NC, and the task of disentangling them is still underway.
ca 1780 Georgia (county not known) James COMBS serves in 4th GA Battalion. This may have been the same James who was a member of the Wilkes Co, GA militia in 1793.
1 Feb 1780 Halifax co, VA. George COMBS sold land on Polecat Creek to James SMITH and Phebe his wife, relinquished here dower rights. One of the witnesses was a Samuel (+) COMBS who is not found again in Halifax records. By 1782, two George COMBS are in Halifax, one possibly the s/o George and Phebe. By 1785, the second George COMBS is gone, and may have been one of the numerous George Combs of Wilkes Co, NC (See below).
12 Nov 1778 Lunenburg Co VA, George COMBS, John TABB, and John WILLIAMS are listed as having land adjacent to that of Thomas WILLIAMSON, deceased, with the land described as 214 acres on Pledgers Fork of the Meherrin River in Lunenburg. As noted in 1770 Charlotte record above, this land was on the Lunenburg-Charlotte County line.
1782 Halifax Co, VA Personal Property tax list. Two George COMBS.
1783 Wilkes Co, GA. RW John COMBS removes to Wilkes Co, GA from Fairfield District SC.
bef Dec 1784 Fishing Creek, Wilkes Co GA. Philip COMBS is granted 100 acres on a branch of Fishing Creek which he sold to Moses HARRIS in Dec of 1784 (HARRIS sold Thomas EIDSON in Dec 1788). On 1 Dec 1787, 70 acres on Fishing Creek was granted to Jeremiah KENDALL (later of Washington Co, GA) which was described as adj. to Phillip COMBS (later land of Moses HARRIS). KENDALL deeded this land on 22 Nov 1788 to John WINGFIELD whose granddaughter, Mildred (d/o Thomas) later m Sterling Combs.
29 Apr 1784 Wilkes Co, GA. William COMB appraiser estate of Andrew CANNADY, dec.
1785 Halifax Co, VA State Census Enumeration of JWP MARTIN. William COMBS, 3 white souls in household, but no dwellings (residing in home of another) is listed with others who are clearly neighbors of George COMBS who is on the list of W. TERRY). The second George Combs is missing.
ca 1785 Wilkes Co, GA. Capt. Karr's District. John COMBS tithes himself, 366 acres in Wilkes. What was probably the same John Combs, trustee for Amos RICHARDSON, tithes 150 acres in Wilkes. Also on this list is Robert LEVERETT who m Nancy, d/o Benedict and Mary (Combs?) Hammock II (the same who tithed Phillip COMBS in 1762). See also one John LEVERETT on 1737 Amelia tax list.
ca 1785 Wilkes Co, GA. Capt. Wilson's District. Philip COMBS tithes himself, 950 acres, Wilkes. He is listed immediately below Henry LEVERETT and Robert HAMMOCK (s/o Benedict & Mary (Combs?) Hammock II).
15 Nov 1785 Rocky Creek, Wilkes Co GA. Land sold to Deed from Richard AYCOCK and wife Mary to John WINGFIELD, 100 acres on both sides of Rocky Creek, being a mill seat, adj. Robert HAMMOCK, Philip and John COMBS. This land acquisition not yet located.
Jan 1787- Jul 1788 Georgia. James COMBS is listed among "Those who sustained damage from Indians Jan. 1787 - July 1788."
Mar 1787 Amelia Co, VA Tax List B. John COMBS (tithed self only). Tax List B was not, however, in the Flatt Creek district of Amelia and this John COMBS may have been linked to the COMBS of Charlotte Co, VA and Wilkes Co, NC. This is the last Amelia County Combs Record located thus far.
31 Dec 1787 Rocky Creek, Wilkes Co GA. John COMBS was granted 200 acres of land on the South Branch of Rocky Creek adj. HENDRICKS.
2 Apr 1789 Rocky Creek, Wilkes Co GA. Francis SMITH sold to Hickerson COSBY, 100 acres on Rockey Creek of Little River, described as adj. to George GRESHEM, John COMBS and Richard REVEAR, and granted to Samuel SMITH on 6 Oct 1784.
9 Oct 1789 Wilkes Co, GA. Militia. John COMBS
19 Nov 1789 Wilkes Co, GA. Jesse DODD of Lincoln Co, SC [GA?] sold to John COMBES of Wilkes, 287 1/2 acres on Little Beaverdam of Shoulderbone , adj. Jonas MOORE, orig. granted to John MCFARLAND of Wilkes Co, on bounty 13 Sep 1784. On 9 April 1790, John COMBS and Hannah COMBS of Wilkes Co. sold this land to Walter HAMMITT of Wilkes (or HAMILTON, not known which correct).
1790-1795 Wilkes Co, GA. Philip COMBS appears in records of Wilkes under headrights and bounty grants.
28 Apr 1790 Wilkes GA & Charlotte Co, VA. Martin ELAM of Wilkes Co, GA POA to Francis BARNES of Charlotte Co, VA to sell 500 acres on Great Bluestone Creek in Charlotte, part of tract William ELAM lived on and deeded by him to said Martin ELAM, adjoining lands of Almon and Edward ELAM. Witnesses were Frederick and John SIMS, the latter marrying bef 1793, Mildred WINGFIELD (see above), who m 2nd, bef 1808, Sterling COMBS. Martin ELAM (s/o William ELAM of Charlotte Co, VA) m 1787, Charlotte Co, VA, Judith, d/o the above Francis BARNES. Martin removed (back?) to Edgefield Dist., SC, shortly after signing this POA. His father, William ELAM, d testate ca 1809 in Edgefield, naming sons, John, Martin and Solomon Harmon ELAM, and daughters, Frances WARD Elizabeth BURRESS and granddaughter, Mary TALBERT [TALBOT?]. Frances m 8 May 1782, Peter WARD; Elizabeth m 19 Dec 1782, John BURRUS, and Solomon Harmon ELAM, 31 Oct 1782, Phoebe OSBORNE (all in Charlotte).
26 Jul 1790 Rocky Creek, Wilkes Co GA. Robert HAMMOCK, exor. of Benedick HAMMOCK [II] of Wilkes Co sold to the heirs of Benjamin HENDRICKS, decd, 200 acres on both sides of Rockey Creek , on N. side of creek, adj. MURRAY, THORNTON, WEBSTER, COMBS, and MANSON, a tract granted Benedick HAMMOCK on 2 Feb 1786. See also George Combs and Moses HENDRICKS of Halifax Co, VA.
14 Jun 1791 Rocky Creek, Wilkes Co GA. John COMBS sold to John COOPER, 218 acres on waters of Rocky Creek adj. Dr. RUSTON, John CARTER, Gabriel JONES, Benj. HOLMES, Daniel TERONDET and Parks KING (no creek named).
10 Nov 1791 Lunenburg Co VA Marriage Records. William COMBS "of Lunenburg" and Sally NANCE. Surety: William JOHNSON
6 Jan 1792 Wilkes Co, GA. Travis McKINNEY gave his consent for his daughter, Mary, to marry Starlings [Sterling] COMBS. Witnessed by Thomas E (X) COMBS. Following the death of his wife, Sterling m (2) Mildred WINGFIELD Sims (see above).
1793 Wilkes County Georgia Militiamen included James, John and Philip COMBS.
15 Aug 1792 Rocky Creek, Wilkes Co GA. Rocky Creek, Wilkes Co GA. John RUSSELL sold 100 acres on Rocky Creek adj. to David CRESWELL and John HAMMOCK (part of 200 acres granted him 13 Oct 1785) to John COMBS, probably the same who married RUSSELL'S daughter, Millie (1807 Wilkes GA Records).
23 Nov 1792 Rocky Creek, Wilkes Co GA. John COMBS sold to John TALBOT, 150 acres in Wilkes Co. on S. branch of Rocky Creek in old line of Combs' grant off dividing line, in old grant on HENDRICK, with old line, part of 200 acres granted to said John COMBS, 31 Dec 1787. (signed) John COMBS (no wife signed). 25 Feb 1794 Rocky Creek, Wilkes Co GA. Rocky Creek, Wilkes Co GA. John TALBOT sold this land to Robert HARRIS. See also Jefferson Co, TN Talbot Connections to John & Sarah MABRY Comb Family.
18 Mar 1796 Fishing Creek, Wilkes Co GA. The journal of Methodist Circuit Preacher Francis ASBURY includes mention of his travels through Wilkes Co, GA, including going to Fishing Creek. He wrote of crossing Little River from Columbia County into Wilkes and preaching at Combs Meeting House. On 24 Dec 1798, Phillip (X) COMBS sold (1) to John BOLTON, both of Wilkes Co., 61 acres on Fishing Creek, adj. BROWN, to & along creek; and (2) to Thomas EIDSON, also of Wilkes Co, 63 1/2 acres on Fishing Creek waters, down creek.
4 Sep 1797 Rocky Creek, Wilkes Co GA. John COMBS and Milley, his wife, sold to John BAILEY, all of Wilkes Co., 125 acres on branches of Dry Fork of Rocky Creek , adj. PINKSTON, RIDLEY, & GADDY, and described as on the road from Washington to Scotts Ferry through the survey, adj. CARTER, granted to John B. RUSTON. (signed) John COMBS, Milley (X) COMBS.
1798-1800 Wilkes Co, GA. Among the debtors of the estate of John TALBOT deceased were James COMBS, Philip COMBS Senr., Philip COMBS Junr., and John COMBS.
24 Nov 1798- 26 Feb 1799 Halifax Co, VA. Estate Inv. of George COMBS, deceased, was appraised and returned, Phebe COMBS, administrator. If no "generation gaps" occurred, George was over 77 years of age at the time of his death.
25 Dec 1798 Rocky Creek, Wilkes Co GA. David CRESWELL of Wilkes Co., sold to Starling COMBS, 122 1/2 acres , adj. SILVEY, witnessed by John COMBS & Valentine GUGES, and proved by John COMBS on 6 Oct. 1800. On 6 Sep 1799, Sterling (X) Combs sold this 122-1/2 aces to John PARKES (or PARKER), both of Wilkes Co.
18 Jun 1800 Charlotte Co VA. RW William Combs, formerly of Wilkes Co, NC, and formerly the overseer for James CALLICOAT, married Micahel TRAYLOR, and removed to Sullivan Co, TN where he died in 1816. William COMBS appears on the 1800 Charlotte tax list tithing himself only, with one horse and one slave age 12-16.
15 Nov 1800 Rocky Creek, Wilkes Co GA. John COMBS (signed name) sold to Robert JACKSON, for $100, 50 acres, part of tract of said Combs on Rocky Creek waters of Wilkes Co., adj. Robert HARRIS, TALBOT, GRESHAM, & others. One witness was Enoch COMBS.
14 Mar 1801 Rocky Creek, Wilkes Co GA. John HAMMOCK & Anna, his wife, of Lincoln Co., Ga., sold to Richard WOODROOF of Wilkes Co., Ga., 200 acres in Wilkes Co. on Rocky Creek waters, granted to Benedick HAMMOCK, adj. N.E. by John RUSSELL, S.W. by Philip COMBS, Senr., S.W. by MANSON'S old survey, beginning at Green BAILEY'S land, along old line to John SIMS, along Green BAILEY'S line.
1803 Wilkes Co, GA Land Lottery entrants included Enoch COMBS, Philip COMBS, Jr., Philip COMBS, Sr., James COMBS and John COMBS
To be continued…