![]() | Combs &c. Families of Henrico County & City of Richmond |
Henrico County was one of Virginia Colony's original shires, created in 1634; however, no Combs are found in that county until possibly 1679, and probably 1701. In 1700, adjacent counties were New Kent and Charles City (also an original shire created in 1634); Hanover Co., Va. was created from New Kent Co, VA in 1721. Prince George Co, VA was formed from Charles City Co, VA in 1703, being composed of land south of the James River (whereas Charles City Co, VA is north of the James River).
Goochland was formed from Henrico in 1728; Cumberland was formed from Goochland in 1749; and Powhatan was formed from Cumberland in 1777. Amelia Co, VA. (formed in 1735 from both Prince George and Brunswick Counties) is across the Appomattox River from Powhatan Co, VA.
In 1732, John, George, and Phillip Combs were living in Prince George Co, VA, not Amelia Co, VA. And Amelia Co, VA was never adjacent to Henrico Co, VA since Amelia Co, VA was not formed until 1735, then being across the Appomattox River from Goochland Co, VA.
Note: The City of Richmond was established in 1737, became an "Independent City" in 1782, the same year that the city began to keep separate records (from Henrico and Chesterfield Cos). For the time being, City of Richmond records are included herein, but identified as such (see 1782 below).
Although no Combs or more common var. spellings were found in Henrico, the will of an early John CUMBER died there; although apparently without wife or issue:
(Henrico Wills, Part I: 1677-1692 Will & Deed Book, p. 97) Will of John CUMBER. To John REDFORD, my small gunn. Mr. Thomas COCKE to be executor, and to use estate to satisfy debts. Dated 30 March 1679. Wit: Francis REDFORD, Sam MOODY, Charles WHITE. Recorded June 2, 1679 by oaths of Mr. Francis REDFORD and Samuell MOODY.
(ibid., p. 105) Inventory of Mr. John CUMBER taken 31 July 1679 by Robert BULLENTON, John MILLNER. Recorded 1 Oct. 1679.
(ibid. p.117) Thomas COCKE, executor of John CUMBER empowered to dispose of his goods and chattels as necessary. Recorded 2 Feb. 1679 (Colonial Wills of Henrico County, Virginia, Part One 1654-1737, Weisiger)
It is possible that he was a COMBES, but since he apparently left no issue, no effort has been expended in further researching John CUMBER (See also Coomber Research List). The first mention of any Combs relative to Henrico Co VA is in 1701:
25 Apr 1701 (Henrico - Land Patent Book 9:322) John PLEASANTS. 2093 A. 1 R., 35 P. S. side of Chiccahomany Sw; on Col. OWIN'S quarter; above Pamunkey Path; over Cowtaile quarter run; 901 A., & 1 R., in Henrico Co., on N. side of James Riv., known by the name of the forkes of the Cattaile run; alongside Mr. Richd. COCK, Senr., to line of Mr. GREEN; granted John BEAUCHAMP & Richard COCK, Srnr., 21 Jun 1664, deserted & now granted by order &c. Trans. of 60 persons….. including Jane COME…. 22 rights more paid for to Wm. BYRD Esqr., Auditor. (Cavaliers & Pioneers, Nugent, Vol. 3, p. 43)
Jane Combs has never been identified. In early records, Jane is a.k.a. Joan and Jean, but no records are found for a Combs by any of those spellings in Virginia within a decade either way of 1701.
Over twenty years later, the estate of a George Combs is administered by his widow, Anne:
06 Apr 1724 (Henrico Co VA Minute Book, 1719-1724:331) Court 6 April 1724: Anne Combs granted administration of estate of her husband George Combs; Benjamin HOBSON and Mathew HOBSON, security. John BULLINGTON, Abraham CHILDERS, William PARKER and Thomas FARRAR, Jr. to appraise estate.
("Colonial Wills of Henrico County Virginia" Part Two, Henrico Co, VA Minute Book, 1719-1724, abstracted and compiled by Benjamin B. Weisiger, III)
01 May 1724 (Miscellaneous Henrico County Court Records, 1650-1807 Part II, page 593) Inventory of George Combs. Value ~L 30/7/0 taken by John BULLINGTON, William PARKER, Thomas FARRAR, Jr. Presented in court by Anne Combs and recorded May 1, 1724.
("Colonial Wills of Henrico County Virginia" part one 1654-1737, abstracted and compiled by Benjamin B. Weisiger, III page 169)
Nothing further is known of either George Combs or his widow. A William HOBSON a.k.a. HODGKINS is found in Old Rappahannock Co VA in 1686 owning property patented with James COGHILL, but not known if any connection (Old Rappa. Deeds, 1686-1688: 269-170), although the HOBSON-FLEET Family may be another connection.
An attempt to identify where in Henrico George Combs may have resided elicits only the following:
24 Oct 1701 (Henrico - VA Land Patent Book 9:390) Thomas FARRAR, 126 A, Henrico Co; N side of James River; on Cornelius Cr. adj. Michael TURPEN; the Bridge Run; Richard COX and Robert BURTON. Trans of 3 pers: Thomas NICHOLLS, Jno. Ja. VALTON, Jon PAGESTER (Cavaliers & Pioneers, Nugent, Vol. 3, p. 51)
Many years later, in 1783, the will of a Matthew HOBSON is witnessed by a Thomas PROSSER, also named executor (Henrico Court Proceedings of the Commissioners respecting the records of Henrico Court destroyed by the British, 1774-1782), perhaps another sign that George Combs was somehow kin to the Combs of Old Rappahannock Co VA (Elizabeth Combs, d/o John Combs I of Richmond, m William KENDALL whose mo/gr-mo, Martha GOFF, was step-dau of John PROSSER of Old Rappa.), but again, the connection is too insufficient at this point to trace further.
31 Oct 1716 (Henrico VA - VA Land Patent Book 10:300) Philemon CHILDERS, Junr., 97 Acres new Land on North side of James River, beg. in line of Solomon KNIBB, crossing GRINDOLES run; to William HOBSON. 2 Lbs. Money (Cavaliers & Pioneers, Nugent, Vol. 3, p. 185)
Other records indicate possible connections to the YOUELLS of Westmoreland Co VA and yet others to Amelia & Lunenburg Cos VA; but none nearly sufficient to "chase down" at this point. The next Combs record found in Henrico following those of George & Ann in 1724 is not until almost 60 years later.
[Continental Census?] "A List of the inhabitants and property in the city of Richmond: 1782."
Wardship No. 3
p. 116
Name - Age - Occupation - Time of Residence - Lots Improved and their numbers. - Slaves Tithable - Slaves not tithable - Cattle - Horses - Mares - Colts -Mules - Wheels - Billiard Tables - Miscellaneous
SHEERMAN, Robert, age 27, Joiner, 9 mos. in residence, Lot No.
3, Part 20, H, No. 1/3
SHEERMAN, Mary, age 27
Richard COMBES, age 47, Shoemaker
SHEERMAN, John, age 02
SHEERMAN, Jane, age 01
(Heads of Household, 1790, VA,
Question: Is it coincidental that Richard Combs, like William Combs of Richmond Co VA over 60 years earlier, was a Shoemaker? Or that he was born ca1735, the year that Archdale Combs II of King George Co, VA, died, leaving us with a missing parent for his grandson, Archdale Combs III? Answer: Probably.
(Census Index, not reliable transcription)
Richmond City
p. 380
Combs, Peter 00001-00001-00
400 William Combs 28 VA mulatto
Sarah 27 VA mulatto
William H. 4 VA mulatto
Robert 1 0/12 VA mulatto
(Transcribed by Combs Researcher Debi Houser from copy of original)