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The following are a miscellaneous collection of records (or references thereto) to assist in further untangling the Combs… Our interest in the MABRY Family (a.k.a. MAYBERRY, MABURY, etc.) begins with:
The 1772 marriage of John & Sarah MABRY Combs in 1772 in Guilford Co, NC, Phillip Combs, bondsman. Further clues about the MABRYS are found in the Carlton Combs Letter, in which references are made to John Combs having been from Virginia, and having had brothers who went to Georgia.
In 1778-1779, a Phillip Combs & Elizabeth DUKE were in Fairfield SC, found in the records with an Ephraim MABRY, and by 1788 in Wilkes Co GA, where RW Soldier John Combs later declared in his RW Pension Application that he was b in Amelia Co VA, enlisted in Fairfield Dist SC, then removed to Wilkes Co GA.
Ephraim MABRY was not found in the records of Amelia Co VA; however, but in that part of Brunswick Co VA that later was in Lunenburg Co VA - which is also where Combs of Amelia are later found. The following series of records links Ephraim MABRY to the DUKES, and also shows him later in Mecklenburg Co VA (where we have as yet found no Combs):
6 Nov 1747. (Brunswick Co VA D.B. 3 pp.425/6). John DUKE, Gent. sold 504 acres of land in Brunswick Co. lying on both sides of Moore's Swamp on DEAN'S line, (John Taylor) DUKE'S line, to a corner between Taylor DUKE and Loftin's, etc., to Major PRYOR of King & Queen Co. Wit. by Joshua MABRY, Abraham PEEPLES, John DAVIS Jr. and John DUKE Jr. On 5 May 1748 Rejoice, the wife of John DUKE relinquished right of dower. (Combs-Duke Researcher Ed Kutz)
8 Sep 1752. (Lunenburg Co VA D.B. 4 p.217). John DUKE of Dinwiddie Co. sold to Clack COURTNEY of Brunswick Co. the remaining 450 acres of his 500 acre grant on Flatt Creek in Lunenburg Co. Wit, by Thomas TWITTY, Edward GOODRICH, Ephraim MABRY and Charles DUKE. Recorded 3 Dec 1754. (ibid.)
13 Sep 1767. (Mecklenberg Co VA D.B. 1 p.523). James ROBERTSON of Johnson Co., NC sold to Ephraim MABRY of Mecklenberg Co., VA 200 acres in Mecklenberg Co. adjoining Samuel MANNING, William POOLE Sr., John Taylor DUKE and William LUCAS Sr. (ibid.)
23 Jan 1769. Proved 14 Dec 1772 (Mecklenberg Co VA D.B. 3 p.513) A receipt "to John WATSON, Executors, by the claim of Ephraim MABRY for 12 pounds . . in full for all moneys or things paid John WATSON for a certain grant of land in Mecklenberg County purchased by the said WATSON of John Noble McCOY, which said land was conveyed by William WATSON to John Taylor DUKE by Deed in the County of Lunenberg, which I do oblige myself which at any time required be conveyed to the said William WATSON or Ephraim MABRY or any person for him that the said William WATSON or Ephraim MABRY shall designate. Witness my hand and the date above." /s/ "Jane DUKE, for John Taylor DUKE". Wit. by Henry DELONY and Thomas TAYLOR Sr. (ibid.)
Note: Although no Combs have been found in Mecklenburg Co VA as yet,* note the John DAVIS, Jr. record of 1747, and see the 1770 Spotsylvania Co VA record re John DAVIS of Mecklenburg Co VA witnessed by a Thomas COMB who is unidentified. (See Spotsylvania Co VA) Note: A William Combs is found on the 1820 census index, but not researched.
1751 Lunenburg Co Virginia Tithe List taken by Field JEFFERSON
Benja. HARRISON | |
Benja. HARRISON, Junr. 3 | |
John WATSON | |
Wm. WATSON 2 | |
Amos TIMMS, Junr. 1 | |
Robert BROOKS 1 | |
John Taylor DUKE 1 | |
Ephraim MABREY 1 | |
James HICKS 1 | |
Joseph HICKS 1 | |
Thomas EVINS | |
John EVINS 2 | |
Charles EVINS | |
and son Tom 2 | |
Gilberd EVINS 1 | |
John SPEED, Constable | |
William TAYLOR | |
Edward PETERS 2 |
(Bell's Sunlight on the Southside)
1752 Lunenburg Co, VA Tithe List taken by Field JEFFERSON (included):
John SPEED | |
Wm. TAYLOR | |
Tarrance MacMULLIN 3 | |
John WATSON | |
Wm. WATSON | |
John WATSON, Jur. 3 | |
Ephraim MABREY 2 | |
Thomas EVINS | |
John EVINS 2 | |
Christopher JOHNSON | |
Wm. POOLE | |
Robert POOLE | |
Wm. POOLE | |
Adam POOLE 4 | |
James HIX 1 | |
Charles EVINS | |
Thomas EVINS | |
Major EVINS 3 | |
John DUNKIN 1 | |
Nichoals COOK 2 | |
Gilberd EVINS 1 | |
George BUTLAR 1 | |
Henry SAGE 1 | |
Samuel WHELER 1 | |
James ARNOLD 1 | |
John Noble McKAY 1 | |
John Taylor DUKE 1 |
Notes: Of particular interest on this second list is the Nicholas COOK due to the Cook-Combs associations in Surry Co NC, including with a William Nicholas COOK (and see below re Cook-Mabry)
1764 Lunenburg Tithe List - Richd. WITTON, Gent.
"St. Jas. Parish"
[List in alpha order, includes]:
Henry DUKE 1 (0 Acres)
(EVANS too numerous to include here)
Ephraim MABREY 2 (100 Acres)
Sarah MABRY Combs may have been the d/o George & Sarah WILLIAMSON Mabry according to the Francis & Elizabeth GILLIAN Maybury Genealogy (documentation not known), which states that "George MABRY married Sarah WILLIAMSON; lived in Edgecombe and Halifax Counties in NC; moved about 1765 to Rowan County; moved to Pittsylvania Co VA (later Henry County); moved in 1796 to Knox County, TN where he died in 1801. George MABRY is listed as the s/o "George MAYBURY. b ca 1692-99; m Martha BRADLEY; lived in Edgecombe (later Halifax) County, North Carolina; moved to Rowan County about 1768; d in December 1770 in Rowan County, North Carolina. " Ephraim MABRY of Fairfield Dist SC is listed as the s/o Hinchia MAYBURY "b ca 1697 Henrico or Charles City County, Virginia; m 1st ca 1719/20 Frances PARHAM; m 2nd 22 June 1747 Anne JACKSON (widow of Ambrose JACKSON); m 3rd before 1 January 1752 Anne Clack Courtney; d ca 1761 Brunswick County, Virginia." Hinchia MAYBURY is listed as a brother of George MAYBURY (h/o Martha BRADLEY), which would make Sarah MABRY Combs and Ephraim MABRY 1st cousins once removed. Another brother of George and Hinche MABRY is listed as Charles MAYBURY, "born ca 1693-94; m Rebecca _____; d July or August 1749 Surry County, Virginia…" f/o "Abel MABRY m 1st Susannah _____ Surry County, VA; m 2nd 15 Nov 1795 Mary WOODLAND (a widow) in Sussex County, VA; d before 1801" This latter MAYBRY is said to have been the f/o Randolph MABRY of Wilkes Co NC, listed as "b 16 Jun 1757; m1 27 Jan 1779 Jemima COOK Wilkes Co NC; m2 Lucy COOK (widow of Richard COOK); d bef 1826 Rockingham Co NC."
See Also Wilkes Co NC and Fairfield Dist SC
Other records in ref Randolph/Randall MABRY and the COOKS include:
17 Jul 1781 (Wilkes NC MB) Abraham COOK m Elizabeth CASS, Randall MABRY, bondsman (Wilkes Marriage Bonds, Second Series, LDS)
20 Jan 1834 George COOK of Elbert Co, GA, aged 69, declared he was b in Granville Co, NC, entered the RW as a substitute for Randal MABRY; moved from Wilkes Co, NC in Oct 1780 to South Carolina, then to Elbert Co, GA where he has lived for 40 years. (RW Pens File S31637)
26 Jul 1801 - Nov 1801 (Wilkes WB2:57) Will of Abraham COOK of Wilkes… weak of body but… wife Elizabeth, after her death whole Est. be equally divided between Larkin, Issac, Richard, Aaron, Wiot, and Amey COOK (rel. not stated)… nom. and appt. Randal MABERY Exc. Wits: Jose. BROWN, Lenard SALE (Absher)
Note: Also See COOK-Combs of Surry NC
The ties of Randolph MABRY to Combs-Associated Families, including the COOKS, is also of interest, even though his relationship to Sarah MABRY Combs appears distant. (Note: No sources are given, thus accuracy of this report is not known)
Probably unrelated, and many years earlier, in Charles Co MD, we find another Francis MAYBERRY associated with the Combs, to wit:
25 Aug 1703 - 11 Jan 1703/4 (Charles Co MD Land Records, Vol. III, Liber/Folio?) Indenture from Robert GREENE and Mary his wife to Richard Combs, planter; for 7,0000 # tobacco; a tract called Green's inheritance on the main fresh of Portobbacco; patented by leonard, Robert, Frances GREEN for 2,400 acres; 1/3 being 800 acres of which 200 acres left by will of Leonard GREEN to each of his 4 children, Thomas, Winifrid, Mary, and Margaret; lot #3 to daughter Mary now wife of francis MARBERRY. /s/ Robert GREEN (mark), Mary GREEN (mark); wit. John THOMAS, Philip HOSKINS; ack. 25 Aug 1703 by Robert GREEN and mary his wife; 11 Jan 1703 alienation paid by Richard COMBES (Charles Co MD Land Records, Vol. III, author?, publ date?, provided by Combs-Clark Researcher Jerry Clark)
Note: Leonard, Thomas, Robert, and Frances GREEN were children of Gov. Thomas GREEN and his wife, Winnifred (SEABOURNE?) (or his earlier wife, Ann GERARD?), who later m (bef 1755), Robert CLARK I, father of Robert CLARK II who m Sarah Combs, d/o Abraham Combs d 1684, will dated & proved in St. Mary's Co MD, but whose estate was appraised in Charles Co MD. The above Richard Combs was Richard Combs II, s/o Richard Combs I of Charles (b. He m Winnifred GREEN, d/o Thomas and Winnifred (SEABOURNE?) Green, thus half--sister-in-law of Sarah Combs Clark.
To Be Continued… this is only a 1st rough draft!