![]() | Combs &c. Families of Virginia's Eastern Shore (Accomack and Northampton Counties) | ![]() ca 1661 |
Accawmack County was an original shire, and a.k.a. the "Eastern Shore," but in 1643, its name was changed to Northampton, and then in 1661, Accomack County was established from approximately the upper half of Northampton County
Combs Records for the Eastern Shore are sparse, but in fact, the first two are among the earliest to this area:
1623/4 Muster of "Virginia Colony Inhabitants of the "Eastern Shore" (included):
William COOMES
("The Original Lists of Persons of Quality,-..1600-1700," edited by John Camden Hotten, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, 1968, 1983, p. 188) (See Also Early Combs to VA)
By the time the 1624/5 Muster came around, however, William COMES had been "slain by the Indians" (ibid., p. 236) and it appears that John COMBS had removed across the bay to Jamestown (although not documented to have been the same).
After 1623/4, Combs records become scarce in number on the Eastern Shore, and in fact, the first of the two records that follow is not of a COMBS, but a COMER, and included here only due to (a) the possibility of a mis-transcription by the Clerk; (b) the discovery that COMBE/COMBER were sometimes interchangeable in England; and/or (c) that he may be somehow connected to the Thomas COMER a.k.a. COMES of later Essex County, VA:
12 Oct 1652 (Northampton ~ VA PB 3:105) July GARDNER, 300 A. at the Emost part of Charles SCARBURGH'S land on N side of Pungotege Cr. Trans. 6 pers: Jenkins LURTIN, Lewis ROWLAND, Dorothy BAINER (or BARNER), Thomas COMER, Kath. BLUMFIELD, Jane DAME (C&PI:260)
Note: In a copy from original patent book (VSLA Image), the above surname actually looks more like COMEN than either COMER or COMES (based on other words in patent ending in "n, "s," and "r").
1633/1635 Names appearing in papers in the suit of Wm CLAYBORNE agst CLOBERY & Co.
10 Nov 1633 Thos. BUTLER Sailor
______ 1635 ____ WICKLIFFE hire of pinnace
20 Nov 1635 Mr. BRIDGES 2 baggs
09 Dec 1635 Francis BROOKS miller
10 Apr 1635 Mr. BOULTER flag
(Source: Accomack County 1632-1637, Virginia Colonial Abstracts by Beverly Fleet, v1, 1988, p.44)
Notes: Is it possible the above ____ WICKLIFFEE could have been the same as David WICKLIFFE who stated he transported himself to St. Mary’s Co, MD in 1636. Wm CLAYBORNE established the first white settlement in Maryland at Isle of Kent in 1631. He later promoted Anglicanism in the settlement by supplying prayer books and bibles and paying for ministers to make occasional visits. David WICKLIFFE is a documented Protestant. Could Mr. BRIDGES have been same or related to Hercules BRIDGES of York Co, VA records who owned land adjoining that of Henry BROOKE and Jane UNKNOWN Wickliffe (widow of David WICKLIFFE), Thomas & James BALDRIDGE, and Nathaniel POPE?
02 Oct 1655 (Northampton - Land Patent Book No. 4, p. 13) Thomas LEATHERBERRY. 600 Acres on S side of the S branch of Anancock & bounding Wly on land of John DORMAN. For the transportation of twelve persons into this Colony: Elnr. LEATHERBURY, Howell GLADINE, Owen (?) [cp: MATURT], Dennis (?) [cp: SOLIVART], Spura AMBUFF, Mary GLADIN, William MITCHELL, Tage(??) ROUND [ROANE], Robert BRIGHT, Mary (H?)OOKES, CHARLES COOMES [COONIES or COOMES]. (VSLA Land Patents, Abstracted by C. Hammett, 1997.
Bracketed spellings above are per Cavaliers & Pioneers, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, Vol. 1, 1623-1666, Nugent; however, the patent image clearly shows COOMES, not COONIES.
Neither of the men in the above two records have been identified thus far: Much later in Essex Co VA, we have a Charles COMBS who appears to have been possibly kin to the Archdale COMBS descendants of that county, and likewise a Thomas COMBES a.k.a. COMBER (var. sp.? mis-transcriptions?).
05 Apr 1666 (Accomack - VA Land Patent Book V, p. 499(611)) DAVID WILLIAMSON, 600 acs. Accomack Co., beg. at a right line drawn from Crooked Cr., running alongst side of Col. Edmond SCARBURGH's land to land of Mr. Henry SMITH, bounded on W. by land of the RATCLIFFs & Nicholas LAYTER (or LAYLER), S. by Mesango Cr., lands of Robert JOHNSON & Germon GILLIOT & ELY, to land land of Jno. STOCKLY. 5 Apr. 1666 p. 499, (611). Trans. of 120 pers: Richard COMBS, William MASTON, Robt. SADLER, Thomas OXTON, John BRISTOLL, Algerwell CECILL, Thomas COTTON, John COLTROP, Robt. APREETEE, Nicholas PEDLY, Jno. HERON, Robt. PAINE, Richard NAYLOR, Richard ASHLEY, Maurice DIGG, Thomas HARDESS, Rich. MASTERS, Jno. MARSH, Nicholas TOOKE, Jno. ZOUCH, Wm. FLUD, Jno SMITH, Jno. MASON, Francis TWISDEN, Thomas BREADER, Xp ALLENSON, Robt. OLIVER, Francis BASTON, Henry PETTIS, Thomas FORTREE, Edward MASTOR, Richard MASTERS, Jacob EATON, Jno. SACKER, Jeremy STANFORD, James PASHLY, Robt. WATSON, Tho. BRETT, George MIDLETON, Roger BRADSHAW, Jno. NOWELL, James BRACKE, Jno. BOWERS, Anto. FOWTE, Wm. ROOKE, Robt. LARKER, Thomas BELOIS, James ALBESTER, George CURTIS, James TROUTTS, Rich. MANLY, George MAY, Peter PETT, Edward WYATT, James NEWMAN, Jno. CASON, Fortree STEPHEN, Herbert RANDALL, Thomas PEALE, James WEST, Lewis PRICE, Ri. AMHURST, (OR AMHERST), Ri. DUCK, Thomas HINMAN, James BROOKE, Edwd. MARLINGTON, Walter GILSON Roger WYE, Ralph MASSY, Thomas STANNY, Wm. BURFORD, 9 negros; Susan WILLIAMS, Jane COLE, Ann JONES, Peter PLUMER, Alex. EDWD, Wm. STONE, Stephen CHER (OR CHORE), Peter STORE, Susan HART, Henry CARY, Henry WMS., Jno. JAMES, Jno. JOHNSON, James STONER, Peter CORTON, Edwd. WATTERS, Sarah JACKSON, Jno. TATTON, Jno. TART, Edmd. WILLIAMS, Peter NORTON, Thomas NORTON, Thomas COULSON, Edward SAY, Wm. SAYER, Norton PHILLIPS, Jno. EVANS, RobR. COLEMAN, Henry CREEKE, Peter PLUMER, Eliz. HART, Mary JONES, Wm. TONEY, Susan MARCH, Alex MECANTER, Edwd. SEWARD, Thomas, NORT, Thomas COLEBY, Thomas PEWTER, Edward JONES. (Cavaliers and Pioneers Abstracts of Virginia, Land Patents and Grants 1623-1666, Abstracted and Indexed by Nell Marion Nugent Virginia Land Office Richmond, VA, Introduction by Robert Armistead Stewart. Published by Genealogical Publishing Co. Inc. 1963, page 354)
Richard COMBS, Susan MARSH, and perhaps others of the transportees on the above list, are also found on the 3 Nov 1673 Charles City/County, Virginia land patent list of Robert LUCY (LEWCY) In reference to others appearing in this patent record, note that one Ady SAYER m Sarah ARCHDALE, sister of Margaret ARCHDALE who m John COMBES in London, EN in 1587. Was the above Wm. SAYER descended form Ady & Sarah ARCHDALE Sayer? (See Archdale-Combs Families of EN)
8 May 1684 - 7 Jul 1685 Maccomb, Elizabeth, Esther, James, John - will John Maccomb 8 May 1684 proved 7 July 1685 son James, wife Elizabeth, daus Esther and Elizabeth Witt: Edward Ashbye, Thomas Dent, James Gray, Daniel Darby - p.405
Index of Accomack Co Va Wills & Admins 1663-1800 compiled by Stratton Nottingham Submitted by Leigh Young Bundick
The last of the Early Combs Records found on the Eastern Shore is yet another unidentified, but again with Combs-Connections, although nebulous and distant:
26 Aug 1678 - 11 Dec 1678 (Northampton Co VA Wills) Will of (Capt.) John SAVAGE, Gent. - 26 Aug. 1678 / 11 Dec. 1678 - To my son John SAVAGE (not of age) the following eight plantations: John WEBSTER'S, Thomas BANKES', Robert HARRISON'S, Steven SCOTT'S Hendrick ABELL'S, Thomas DUPARKS', William LAWRENCE'S, and the widow WEBLEY'S, the said plantations containing in the whole about 700 A. And also 500 A. being part of 1000 A. which (Col.) STRINGER now leases from me. To my son John one gun called "Chapman", a chest which I carried to England, my gold seal ring, and my silver wine cup. To my son Thomas SAVAGE the plantations which (Lt.) Thomas WILSON, Samuel POWELL, and John BEUZY now live upon containing 400 A. To son Thomas my gold stone ring, a silver drackine cup with the picture of a swanne in the middle. To my son Elkington SAVAGE the three plantations belonging to Edwrd CABLE, John DAVIS, and Samuel CHURCH containing 350 A., and also 400 A. by a branch called Roody Branch and running north along the horse path until it comes to my north line. To son Elkington my silver seale and paine silver drachin cup. To my dau. Mary SAVAGE the plantations where Phillip MONGOM, Edward PERKINSON, and Peter DUPARKS live containing 300A. To my dau. Susannah KENDALL and her husband John KENDALL all my right to 800 A. bounded easterly upon the main ocean, westerly upon the 400 A. given my son Elkington, and by the 200 A. given to my two grandsons Thomas and John KENDALL, and northerly by the land of Richard PATRICK. To my dau. Susannah one gold hoop ring. To my dau. Grace CORBIN and her husband George CORBIN the plantatins of Samuel YONGE'S, John ABBOTT'S, and Thomas CHURCHE'S containing 250 A. To George CORBIN a pair of pistolls and holsters, a pair of silver buttons, and my servant Thomas OWEN alias? WIBBER for the time he has to serve (being one cropp). To my grandchildren John and Thomas KENDALL the sons of the above mentioned John and Susannah KENDALL 200 A. lying westerly along the 400 A. given to my son Elkington. To my granddau. Susannah KENDALL, the dau. Of John and Susannah, the 100 A. plantation whereon William COWDREY, my son-in-law now dwells, which I have given him for life. To my good friend and relation John DAVIS 1000 # t. To each of Jacob BISHOP, John HARMANSON, Hannah WEB, Anne HUDSON, and Mary BAKER a heifer. To my youngest dau. [no name] now lately born 500 A. being part of the 1000 A. leased to (Col.) STRINGER. My children John, Elkington, and Mary SAVAGE to be forthwith put to school for 5 years. My son John extr. My friends (Lt. Col.) William WATERS, (Col.) William KENDALL, John MICHAEL, Sr., Thomas HARMANSON, and my two sons-in-law John KENDLL and George CORBIN to oversee. To my wife Mary SAVAGE 20s or 200 # t. My three servants Thomas TOMPSON, William MORGAN, and JARVIS COOMES each to have a cow calf. Witt: John TANKARD, Tempus BEATHA, John [J] DUPARKS, Gabriell [X] POWELL, John COLEMAN - p. 315. [Author's Notes: Ann SAVAGE (the wife of (Capt.) John SAVAGE) is the sister of Thomas HARMANSON - 1657- 1666, p. 226 {234}. The widow married William COWDRY - 1679-1683, p. 219. The dau. Mary married Sampson WEABSTER - 1680-1692, p. 263. George CORBIN and Henry WARREN are dipicted as sons of (Capt.) John SAVAGE - 1680-1692, p. 24] (Abstracts of the Wills and Administrations of Northampton Co., Virginia 1632-1802 by James Handley Marshall, 1994, pg 103 & 104)) Search Words: THOMPSON WEBSTER HARMONSON YOUNG WEBER
Notes: Jarvis COOMES has not been found in any other records; however, of possible interest:
Nonetheless, despite these century-spanning "coincidences," no connection has ever been made between either the COMBS or the KENDALLS of Richmond and Northampton Cos, VA. The same is not true, however, of other Combs-Associated Families, as is evidenced by the following series of records:
29 May 1656 - 23 Sep 1657 (Old Rappa. Deeds, 1656-1664, Part I:133-135)At a county court for Northampton 23 Sep 1657… Present Lt. Coll. Edw. DUGLAS, Capt. Francis POTT, Mr. William KENDALL, Mr. Llellvyne [Llewellyn?] BERWOOD, Mr. John TILNEY. This day Mr. William SMART did exhibit to the Court a Generall Discharge for land signed by Mrs. Ursula BROWNE Widdow & Exx. of her late Husband Mr. John BROWNE deced bearing date the 29th of May 1656 whereby it appearth that all agreemts. & Bargaines for land between the said Mr. John BROWNE and the said Mr. William SMART with the consent of the said Widdowe Mrs. Ursula BROWNE are made void & totally disannuled for the said Mr. SMART his land at Rappahanock & the said Mr. John BROWNE his land at Accomack als Northampton County in Virga. & upon the request of the said Mr. William SMART the aforesaid Genll. Discharge for & in Relacon of the said land are ordered to be recorded. Test. Edm. MATHEWS Cl Cur Com. Recordat undecimo die Aprill
11 Aug 1659 (ibid., p. 134) This Bill bindeth me Allex. FLEMING of the County of Rappahannock… to pay or cause to be paid unto Mr. John NUTHALL of London, Merchat for the use of Mr. Robert INGRAM or his heirs of St. Ives in Huntington Sheire Baker the full & just sum of 6,400 pds. … tobo… to be paid at the now dwelling plantacon of Allex. FLEMING in the Freshes of Rappahannock. 10th day of Nov next… year 1660…for better security I Allexander FLEMING with consent of my loveing wife Ursula FLEMING do bind our land & plantacon we now live on withall the houseing thereunto & upon belonging being a parcell of land bought of Mr. William SMART by my said wife Ursula FLEMING & re(missing) up into the hands possession of Allex. FLEMING … by me Ursula FLEMING for ever We the said Allexander FLEMING & Ursula FLEMING… unto Mr. John NUTHALL for the use of Mr. Robert INGRAM or his assignes for the full terme of 99 years…. that is to say all my part as to dower… we sett our hands & seals jointly this 11th day of August 1659 in presence of John [his mark] HUSS, John COOPER. s/ Allex. FLEMING, Ursula [V] FLEMING
22 Feb 1660 - 23 Apr 1661 (ibid., 134-5) I John NUTHALL of Accomack gent. Atto. of Mr. Robert INGRAM of St. Ives in Hungtington sheir do constitute & appoint my loveing Friend Mr. John HALL of Rappahannock Merchant my true & lawful Attorny… to arrest ^ implead to judgment Mr. Allexander FLEMING of the County of Rappahanock late [sic] husband of Ursula FLEMING the Widdow of Mr. John BROWNE of Accomack & Exex. to her said deced Husband Mr. John BROWNE of the County of Accomack for a debt due by Specialty under both their hands to the said Ingram & upon composition with said FLEMING I do hereby authorize my said attorney to resigne to & possess the said FLEMING with a parcell of land being formerly bound over by the said Mr. FLEMING & Ursula his Wife for the said Debt for the terme of 99 years according to said Bill… 22nd of February 1660. s/John NUTHALL; Wits: Edmond DOBSON, Silvester [ST] THATCHER. Recordat the 23 of Apr 1661 p me Wa. GRANGER Cl Cur Rappa. (Old Rappahannock Co VA Deeds & Wills, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA)
The above John BROWN had patented 200 acres of land in Northampton Co VA on 26 Oct 1646, described as "Lyeing at Nutsawattocke Cr. NW upon Levinge DENWOOD. " His patent had included transportation of four persons: "John BROWN, Ursula his wife, Robert SALISBURY, Symon SMITH." (VA Land Patent Book 2:67, Cavaliers & Pioneers, Vol. 1, Nugent, p. 163) His son, Thomas BROWN, remained in Accomack Co VA at least as late as 14 Feb 1664/5 (Old Rappa. Deeds & Wills No. 1:83-5), and possibly forever. (Not Researched)
In Old Rappahannock County in the 1660s, Archdale COMBS is found frequently in records with Alexander FLEMING, and Robert PAYNE of Old Rappahannock County, the latter godfather to both Alexia FLEMING, d/o Alexander & Elizabeth FLEMING, and to Mary MEADOR, d/o John MEADOR, who was somehow "brother-in-law" to Abraham COMBS of Old Rappahannock County, VA and later St. Mary's County, Maryland. Witness Sylvester THATCHER's widow, Margaret (POWELL?) married 2nd Warwick CAMMOCK, also a close associate of Archdale COMBS.
By 1663, John NUTHALL had himself removed to St. Mary's County, Maryland where he appears in records of that county with William & Enoch COMBS, and Robert CLARK, son-in-law of the above Abraham COMBS. In 1689, his son, John NUTHALL, II, and Enoch COMBES (I or II) both signed the Calvert County, Maryland Protestant Petition.
What any of the above might mean, if anything, in terms of our Combs Research, remains unknown (research in progress). Also note that Living DENWOOD was a Quaker, one of those who removed to Maryland following the religious atrocities in Virginia (See also Atkinson Families).
28 Jul 1703 - 3 Apr 1705 Maccome, James witt Acc will of Mary Meers dtd 28 July 1703 proved 3 Apr 1705 - p.365
Index of Accomack Co Va Wills & Admins 1663-1800 compiled by Stratton Nottingham Submitted by Leigh Young Bundick
5 Nov 1718 Mackome, James admin his estate to his mother Elizabeth Hinman - 5 Nov 1718 - p.24
Index of Accomack Co Va Wills & Admins 1663-1800 compiled by Stratton Nottingham Submitted by Leigh Young Bundick
Note: Elizabeth Hinman was born Elizabeth Gray, marr 1 to John Maccomb. marr 2 to Richard Hinman
6 May 1719 Maccomes, James - Acc Co VA - Orders 1717-1719 James Maccomes adm his estate to Samuel Justis - Marcus Andrews, Mason Abbott sec. 6 May 1719 - p.36
Index of Accomack Co Va Wills & Admins 1663-1800 compiled by Stratton Nottingham Submitted by Leigh Young Bundick
21 Aug 1719 - 3 Nov 1719 Macome, Ester - mentioned as granddaughter in Acc will of James Gray dtd 21 Aug 1719 proved 3 Nov 1719 - to dau Ester Gray, alias Aymes, plantn where I now live for life, cont. 200 a. then 100 a to my grandson James Aymes & 100 a. to William Aymes. To dau Elizabeth Gray, alias Hinman, 200 a. adj. the above for life, then to granddau Ester Macome, alias Hornsby & for want of heirs to the heirs of my dau Elizabeth by her present husband, Richard Hinman. To dau Dorothy Grace, alias Littlehouse, 200 a. adj. the above for life, then to grandson Peter Wadkinson & for want of heirs to the next heir of my dau Dorothy. Grandsons William & Simon Littlehouse. Grandson James Gray Hudson. Daus Elizabeth, Dorothy, Mary & Ester resid. legatees & exrxs Witt: Arthur Layler, Robert Watson, William Mears - p. 229
Index of Accomack Co Va Wills & Admins 1663-1800 compiled by Stratton Nottingham Submitted by Leigh Young Bundick
22 Sep 1722 - 5 Feb 1722/23 Maccome, John, Naomi, Neome - will of Elizabeth Hinman, widow of Richard Hinman dated 22 Sep 1722 proved 5 Feb 1722 to dau Esther Hornby. dau Comfort Mary Hinman, grandchildren William Hinman, Naomi Maccome, Thomas Hinman, Baly Hinman, Argill Hinman. To Rachel Fitchett. To Neal Mackenny's dau Katherine. Grandson Richard Hinman. Son Argill Hinman. Son Baly Hinman. Grandson John Maccome. To Richard Sanders. Dau Neome Maccome. Granddau Sarah Hinman. Son in law John Hornby. Dau Comfort Mary Hinman resid legatee and exr. Witt: John Johnson, Weatherington Fitchett - p. 459
Index of Accomack Co Va Wills & Admins 1663-1800 compiled by Stratton Nottingham Submitted by Leigh Young Bundick
28 Mar 1738 McComb, John, Naomi - Acc will of John McComb dated 28 Mar 1738 mentions sister Naomi Rigs, wife of Joseph Rigs and their son Abraham Riggs. p.139
Index of Accomack Co Va Wills & Admins 1663-1800 compiled by Stratton Nottingham Submitted by Leigh Young Bundick
page 26:
"Certificate is this day granted nto Mr. Jno Robins for 2,000 acres of land
due p: rights undewritten vizt:
list includes Mathew Coome
dated Apr 16 1666 - p.121
page 51: Certificate granted to Xpter: Thompson for 1,000 acres of land list includes Rich: Coombe and Wm Younge dated Mar 3, 1672/3 - p.174
re content p. 21-22 regarding spelling of name: In your text concerning certificate granted to David Williamson for 3,000 acres of land including name of Richard Combs dtd 16 Feb 1665/5 - p. 115
Note: index on pg. 70 lists name as: Coome (Coombe, Combs) Richard 21, 51 which is listed as Richard Combs on page outlining individual names of headrights.
pg. 54: Certificate granted to Coll. Southy Littleton for 850 acres of land includes name of Mary Savage
surname listed in index as Savidge (Savage) Mary 54 certificate dated SEP 14 1677 - P.65
others with this surname transported prior to Mary Savage included: Geo: 34; Griffin 2: John *9, *12, *13; Rowland 27; Walter 9; Wm 26
Griffin Savage - certif. to Mr. Devorax Browne 1,500 acres dtd 17 Aug 1663 p.22
Capt. John Savage recd certif for 4,200 acres of land dtd 18 Oct 1664 - p.75 including name of Walter Savage
Capt John Savage recd certif for 550 acres of land dtd 17 Nov. 1664 - p.8l
John Savidge recd certif for 100 acres of land dtd 17 Nov 1664 - p. 81 Mr. Jno Robins recd certif for 1800 acres of land dtd 18 Sep 1666 - p.123 which incl. name of Wm Savidge
Rowland Savage listed on certif. granted to Mr. Southy Littleton 1500 acres of land dated 18 Sep 1666 - p 125
Geo: Savidge listed on certif. granted to Miles Gray for 2000 acres of land and dated 18 March 1666/7 - p.20
Edward Combes and Judith m Jul 18 1697
Mrs. Judith Combes and David Robinson m Jan 17 1711
Elizabeth Combs and Ambrose Ford m Jan 3 1722
William Combs and Margaret Ogle m Dec 16 1725
Elizabeth Combs dau of Edward and Judith Combs b 3 Aug 1701
Elizabeth Combs dau of Edward and Judith Combs b 3 Jun 1701
(Note: perhaps Aug 3 is baptism date..listed here as in order of book listings)
Edward Combs d 29 Nov 1708
Edward Combes son of Edward and Judith Combes b 18 Dec 1798
St. Peter's Parish, Talbot Co MD:
Edward Coombs d Feb 23 1728-9
Margaret Coombes dau of William and Margaret b Jan 15 1730
Mary Coombs dau of William and Margaret b Mar 5 1733
Henry Delehay and Margaret Combes m Nov 10 1742
Sarah Coombs dau of William Coombs and Margaret his wife b Nov 13 1727
no entries for Coombs, Combs or Coombes
Submitted by Leigh Young Bundick