![]() | 1837 Madison Co, AR Tax List * |
See Also Peggy Tice Rogers' Madison Co, AR GenWeb
See Also Combs &c. Families of Madison Co, AR
Note: Madison Co, AR was organized in 1836. Prior to that time, most of the county was part of Washington county. However, some individuals whose location was in Madison county by 1840 may be found on earlier tax lists in Independance, Izzard and Carroll counties, AR (See below, including Feb 1999 added notes).
First Middle Last
William Adair
Clabourn Ake
Joseph Ake
Malden Ake
William Ake
Isaac Anderson
Jonas Anderson
Andrew Armstrong
Isaac Armstrong
John Austin
Lynch Banks
Enoch Beach
James Beach
Miles Beach
William Beach
William Boatright
Abner Bohanan
James Boren
Joshua Boren
Levi Boren
John Boen
Nicholas Boen
William Boen
Frederick Bowlinger
Henry Bowlinger
Joseph Bowlinger
Samuel Bowlinger
John Buckhanan
Morgan Buck
John Burney
Randolph Calffe
Abner Cantwell
James Cantwell
Simon Chasted [See also Shasted]
John Cluck
William Cotell
George Counts
Nicholas Counts
Joseph P. Cross
Isaac Crow
Hill C. Daugherty
Thomas Davis
David Delaney
Doctor Dotson
George J. Dotson
Michael Dawsey
David Drain
Benjamin Drake
Elijah Drake
Isaac Drake
Jacob Drake
Nathin Driver
John Dunaway
Francis Dunn
John Dunn
John C. Earnest
Victor H. Edwards
Eli Eastep
Andrew Fanning
John Fanning
James Fergerson
John Fergerson
John Franklin
Jacob Gage
Jeremiah Gage
Stephen Gage
William Gage
Green Gipson
Allen Gilleland
Alexander Goard
George Gossage
Carter Guthry
John Guthrie
Thomas Hamblin
Green M. Hampton
Beverly Harp
Enoch Harp
Thomas Harp
William Harp
Benjamin Harrell
Elisa Harrell
Jesse Hawk
Smith Hawkins
William Hawkins
James Henderson
William Henderson
Ambrose Hilburn
John Hines
Levi Hines
William Hines
John Holman
Burrell Holmsley John Holmsley
Levi Holmsley
James Homsley
Robert Houston
David Jackson
Thomas Jackson
William Jackson
John Johnson
Martin Johnson
Martin Johnson, Jr.
Pleasant M. Johnson
Richard Johnson
Thomas Johnson
Francis Jones
James Jones
Charles Kelly
Wm. K. Kimbrel
Fredric King
William Kirk
James Knight
M. Knight
Rial Lane
Maxwell Lawson [?]
Francis Lea
Isaac Lea
William Lea
Daniel Lee
Robert Lee
Henry Lollar
Ruben Lollar [Loller?]
John C. Long
Daniel Lynch
Samuel Mankins
Ellis Marshall
William Marshal
John Martin
Jester Maxwell
George Manard
Henry McCuistion
Robert McCuistion
Thomas McCuistion, Sr.
Thomas McCustion, Jr.
Henry McElhaney
William McElhaney
Abram McGinnis
Thomas McGinnis
John McKinney
Joseph McMurray
John Moody
William Moody
John Moore
Absalom Mounts
Swift Mullins
Andrew Numan
David Ogden
Francis Ogden
Richard Owens
William Owens
James Parrott
William Pain
Elijah Perkins
Milton Perryman
David Phillips
James Phillips
Henry Pickens Henry Pickens
Benjamin Pigman
David Pitkett
Denton Plumlee
Yancy Rainey
Drewry Reaves Jr
Drewry Reaves Sr
George Reaves
Wm. C. Reed
Amos Reno
Michael Robinson
Miles Robinson
William Robinson
Winfrey Robinson
David Rogan
David Rogan
Alexander Ross
George Washington Sanders
John Sanders
Levi Sanders
Thomas Sharp
Thomas Shasted
Enos Slover
Russell Smith
Simon Smith
Charles Spencer
James Spencer
Moses Spencer
William Stamps
Henry Steinbridge
George Stewart
James Stewart
Pleasant Stewart
John C. Sumner
John L. Troutt
Doctor Tucker
Elijah Tucker
James Tucker
Ransom Tucker
Starling Tucker
William Tucker
Asalom Turrentine
Daniel Vinson
John Wagnon
John Whorton
Joshua Whorton
Richard Withrow
William Youngblood
Note: The above was re-typed from a faded, much-copied typescript located in the Madison Co, AR Genealogical & Historical Society Library. As a result, the source (original transcriber) is list may contain some errors.
Should anyone be able to provide and/or lend copies of the original list, either xerox or microfilm, we would be more than happy to provide a certified transcription of same. We have some concerns that the above list may not be complete as several names appear on the AGLL index that do not appear on the typescript used to create this list. Since the AGLL index is known to be error-filled, those names have not been included. As soon as possible, a certified copy of the original list will be posted in the place of this one.
Also note: This typescript was in alphabetical order by first letter of surname only rather than in its present format (fully alphabetical). Once a copy of the original list is obtained and transcribed, a list will be posted in original order. C. Hammett 18 Nov 1996.
Feb 1999 Added Notes:
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