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Boone County was established in 1830 from the Adams New Purchase and Wabash New Purchase.
COOMBES, Vincent (of Putnam Co, IN) Indiana 21189 January 1, 1835 Crawfordsville E½NE 1/ 17-N 2-W No 2nd PM, Boone IN1290__.385, 82.07 acres
COOMBES, Vincent (of Putnam Co, IN) Indiana 21190 January 1, 1835 Crawfordsville SW 4/ 17-N 1-W No 2nd PM, Boone IN1290__.386, 160 acres
Note: Vincent Coombes styled as being of Putnam County in these Boone Co. patent certificates.
COOMBES, Vincent (of Putnam Co, IN) Indiana 29081 May 15, 1837 Crawfordsville SESE 5/ 17-N 1-W No 2nd PM Boone IN3200__.196, 40 acres
Note: Vincent Coombes styled as being of Putnam County in these Boone Co. patent certificates.
COOMBS Hilton* (of Boone) Y N Indiana 29647 Y September 10, 1838 Crawfordsville 1 S1/2SE 18/ 18 N 1 E N 2nd Principal 80 Boone IN3210_.307
COOMBS John (of Boone) Y N Indiana 29562 Y September 10, 1838 Crawfordsville 1 W1/2NE 22/ 18 N 1 W N 2nd Principal 80 Boone IN3210_.223
COOMBS John Y N Indiana 29569 Y September 10, 1838 Crawfordsville 1 NENW 31/ 18 N 1 W N 2nd Principal 36.53 Boone IN3210_.230
*Patent Certificate: "Milton COOMBS"
1839/03/19 Boone Co IN. Marriage Lic. COOMBS, Milton & CRAWFORD, Elizabeth
Notes: See Milton Crawford Combs, brother of Carlton Wilbur Combs, s/o John and Jean JACKSON Combs who m 15 Jul 1807, Grainger Co, TN. The same? Or was Crawford in error? Or irrelevant?
P. 151
Vincent COOMBS
P. 152
Samuel H. COOMBS
Samuel K. COOMB [sic]
Transcribed by Teresa Sandum and is NOT YET proofread for the USGenWeb Census Project. No Samuel K. COOMB (or other variant of Combs) found.
pg. 151
Ln. 9 COOMBS Vincent 1 M 30-40 2 F <5 1 F 20-30
Ln. 10 COOMBS, Milton 1 M <5 1 M 20-30 1 F 15-20
Ln. 11 CLEMETS, Denison 3 M <5 2 M 5-10 1 M 20-30 1 F 20-30
Ln. 17 COOMBS John 1 M 5-10 1 M 15-20 1 M 20-30 1 M 50-60 1 F 15-20 1 F 50-60
pg. 152
Ln. 2 CRISMAN, William 3 M <5 1 M 20-30 1 F 5-10 1 F 30-40
Ln. 23 COMBS Samuel H 1 M <5 1 M 20-30 3 F <5 1 F 20-30
Notes: Vincent may be same who m: 1835 Putnam Co, IN, Eliza GRAVES, and Samuel H. possibly the same who m, also in 1835 in Putnam, Ameliann CLEMENTS. Both Vincent and Samuel H. are missing from 1850 Boone Census, but see 1850 Boone re (a) possibly (widowed?) Eliza GRAVES Coombs and (b) the orphan COOMBS children “farmed out” to various households, including that of a John and Rebecca CLEMENTS. Samuel K. is also missing from 1850 Boone. Also 1833 in Putnam Co, IN Alice COOMBS m: Denmain I. CLEMENTS. William CRISMAN probably the same William CHRISMAN in 1850 census with Denman COOMBS in household.
10-11-1843 Jackson Twp., Boone Co, Indiana Marriage. COOMBS, William & NELSON, Patsy Ann (Index to Combs Marriages of Indiana & 1887 Boone Co, IN Biography of William H. COOMBS)
Notes: William H. Combs (s/o John & Catherine LEMMON Combs of Nelson Co, KY and Putnam Co, IN, m Martha Ann "Patsy" NELSON in Jackson Twp, Boone Co, IN per his biography (below) which also states that his father, John COOMBS, d in 1845 and his mother, Catherine, in 1847.
13 Mar 1845 Boone Co IN (13 Feb) Married: COOMBS, Mildred Ann & ENFIELD, William (Index to Combs Marriages of Indiana)
11 Feb 1849 Boone Co, IN. Married: COOMBS, Elizabeth & GRAHAM, James (Index to Combs Marriages of Indiana)
Webmaster Note: Re-checked the data at The Indiana State Library Genealogy Marriages through 1850 Database, and it seems there is some confusion on the Groom's name. Using Coombs, Elizabeth as a search the database returns JAMES, Graham. However there is no return on a search for a marriage of James, Graham. When using Graham, James as a search for is done the database returns Coombs, Elizabeth. While contemplating this dilemma, and in light of the 1850 Census record found (below) for James GRAHAM with Elizabeth as a wife, plus no Graham JAMES to be found, I feel that the Groom in this case is James GRAHAM. Actual record should be checked.
(Transcribed by Combs Researcher Debi Houser unless stated otherwise.)
District 7
p. 65a - 65b
192/192 James GRAHAM 50 M Farme 1,000 Ky
Elizabeth 33 F Ky
Preston 19 M Farmer Ind
Silas 17 M Farmer Ind
Mary J. 14 F Ind
Woodson 10 M Ind
Laura 8 F Ind
Sarah Ann 5/12 F Ind
Note: James Graham married Elizabeth Coombs - 11 Feb 1849
p 75
316/316 Isaac COOMBS 42 M Clerk 800 NJ
Almyra H. 40 F MA
George W. 18 M Laborer Ind
Eliza H. 6 F Ind
Charles W. 5 M Ind
pg 88
491/498 John M. PHILIPS 36 M school teacher $700 Va
Polly 41 F NC
Francis M. 8 M IN
Lazarus KNOTT 20 M IN
Wilson T. KNOTT 14 M IN
Rachael COOMBS 14 F IN
pg 112
725/736 James WYSONG 35 M blacksmith $800 NC
Mary J. 32 F OH
John A. 6 M IN attended school within the year
Sarah _. 8/12 F IN
John N. COOMBS 14 M KY attended school within the year
pg 117
793/804 Milton COOMBS 34 M farmer $500 Ky
Elizabeth 28 F IN
Vincent 9 M IN
Katharine 7 F IN
Martha J. 5 F IN
Mary Ann 4 F IN
Elizabeth 2 F IN
Mildred Ann 5/12 F IN
Note: 1839/03/19 Boone Co IN. Marriage Lic. COOMBS, Milton & CRAWFORD, Elizabeth
pg 118
799/810 Eliza COOMBS 34 F $1500 TN cannot read or write
Alsaann 14 F IN attended school within the year
Amanda J. 12 F IN attended school within the year
William D. 9 M IN attended school within the year
Luticia T.? 5 F IN
James V.? 2 M IN
Notes: Was Eliza the widow of Vincent COOMBS of the 1840 Boone Co, IN Census Index? Were they the Vincent and Eliza GRAVES Coombs who m 4/23/1835, Putnam Co, IN? Also in 1860 Census below.
pg 119
818/829 William COOMBS 29 M farmer $800 Ky
Patsy 24 F KY
William N. 4 M IN
Mary K. 1 F IN
John 38 M none IN cannot read or write idiotic
Note: See 10-11-1843 Jackson Twp., Boone Co, Indiana Marriage of William H. COOMBS and Patsy Ann NELSON. According to his 1887 Boone Co, IN Biography (below), William H. was the s/o John & Catherine LEMMON Coombs of Nelson Co, KY and Putnam Co, IN. Also note that Mary K. is listed as Mary C. in her father's biography (Katherine vs. Catherine perhaps? Or a different child?) Who was John, age 38? Possibly brother of William H.?
pg 120
831/842 William H. CLEMENTS 24 M Farmer 1,400 Ky
Elizabeth 21 F Ind
Melly K. 3 F Ind
Lafayette 1 M Ind
Nancy COOMBS 10 F Ind
pg 123
882/894 John CLEMENTS 62 M Bap. Clergyman $3000 KY
Rebecca 34 F KY cannot read or write
Elizabeth 19 F IN attended school within the year
Mary A. 17 F IN attended school within the year
Samuel W. 12 M IN
Pollyann COOMBS 11 F IN
William N. COOMBS 4 M IN
Notes: Not identified, but note William N. COOMBS and see William N. COOMBS of same age in above household. Given the dates of enumeration for this HH 882/894 (30 Aug 1860) and HH 818/829 (27 Aug 1860) above, could this be the same William N. Coombs? USGenWeb Census Project transcribes Levi V. Coombs.
pg 126
918/929 William CHRISMAN 41 M farmer $1000 Va
Ava 41 F NC cannot read or write
Elizabethann 16 F IN
Abner C. 14 M IN
Daniel T. 12 M IN
Samuel C. 10 M IN attended school within the year
William I.? 9 M IN attended school within the year
Mary J. 6 F IN
James M. 7/12 M IN
Denman COOMBS 8 M IN
Notes: See 1833 Putnam Co, IN marriage of Alice COOMBS and Denmain I. CLEMENTS. Was the above Denman a namesake? USGenWeb Census Project transcribes as Dinman Coombs.
p 127a
930/941 John COOM 23 M Farmer Ind
Elizabeth 16 F Ind
Note: Who is this?
5 Feb 1852 Boone Co IN. Married: James M. COMBS & Ruth Eliza KING (Researcher Sherry Combs who adds that James M. was the s/o Levi & Lucinda SMITH Combs of Hendricks Co, IN)
Eliza Combs 44 F Farmer Real Estate 2960 Personal Estate 375 TN Can not read/write
Alice A 24 F IN
Amanda J 22 F IN
William D 18 M Farmer IN Attending school
Lutecia E 15 F IN Attending school
James V 12 M IN Attending school
William V GIBSON 8 M IN Attending school
Isobel R 5 F IN
(Source: Boone, Indiana; Roll: M653_245; Page: 970; Image: 451, submitted by Renee Walker)
Note: Vincent died in 1849. There is still a place for a child born in 1842 and placed with a neighbor before the 1850 census. We find that Vincents family later had a Denman name. Vincent>Amanda Jane Coombs Ragsdale> John Denman Ragsdale. Dale Larson
Eliza Combs 52 F W Keeping house 1500 155 TN Can not read/write
William D 28 M W Farmer 1200 100 IN Can not read/write
Enna (?) 24 F W At home 1200 100 IN Can not read/write
(Source: Roll: M593_300; Page: 111; Image: 396, submitted by Renee Walker)
p. 114
William H. Combs 50 M W Farmer 9100 1195 KY
Martha A 47 F W Keeps house TN Can not write
Milly J 17 F W At home IN
James M 14 M W Farm Laborer IN Attended school
Joseph A 11 M W Farm Laborer IN Attended school
Jessee M 10 M W At home IN Attended school Can not write
(Source: Indiana; Roll: M593_300; Page: 114; Image: 401, submitted by Renee Walker)
SE Note: Married Martha A. NELSON on the 12th day of October, 1843, in Jackson Township, Boone County, Ind. See biography below.
Living next door:
William M Combs 24 M W Farmer 0 465 IN
Rebecca J 18 F W Keeps house IN
Wallace E 1 M W IN
30 Nov 1876 Boone Co IN. Married: Wilson COMBS & Frances BLANTON (Researcher Sherry Combs who adds that Wilson was the s/o Elijah Benjamin & Hannah Louisa GOSSETT Combs and gs/o Levi & Lucinda SMITH Combs of Hendricks Co, IN) Was Francis BLANTON kin to the Combs-Blanton Families of Clark Co, KY?
p. 216 ED: 124, Image 91
Eliza COOMBS W F 64 Wd Keeping house TN NC W VA
William D W M 38 Son S Farmer IN KY TN
Lutecia E. W F 35 Dau S School Teacher IN KY TN
(Source: 1880 Boone, Indiana; Roll: T9_267; Family History Film: 1254267; Page: 216.3000; Enumeration District: 124; Image: 0091. Submitted by Renee Walker).
p. 223, ED:125
William COOMBS W M 60 M Farmer KY VA VA
Marthey A. W F 57 Wife M Keeping house TN TN TN
Milly J W F 27 Daugh S Keeping house IN KY TN
Jesse M W M 20 Son S Farming IN KY TN
Odelie M. W F 9 Niece IN IN IN
M. R. BLAKEMORE W F 72 Wd Keeping house KY ME ME
Amelie J. REESE W F 16 Gdaugh S Keeping house IN IN IN
(Source: 1880 Boone, Indiana; Roll: T9_267; Family History Film: 1254267; Page: 223.4000; Enumeration District: 125; Image: 0106; submitted by Renee Walker)
p. 7B, ED:11.
William D COOMBS Head W M Sept 1840 58 M 19 years IN KY TN Farmer
Miva (Mira?) E Wife W F Sept 1857 42 M 19 years 7 born/7 living IN KY TN
Zoba E Dau W F June 1882 17 S IN IN IN sch 7
Ocie E Dau W F Mar 1884 16 S IN IN IN sch 6
Robert V Son W M Sept 1886 13 S IN IN IN Farm Laborer sch 6
Harry A Son W M Nov 1888 11 S IN IN IN Farm Laborer sch 6
Charley C Son W M Jan 1892 8 S IN IN IN sch 6
Jessie I Son W M July 1894 5 S IN IN IN
Benel E Son W M Jan 1899 1 S IN IN IN
(Source: Image source: Year: 1900; Census Place: Harrison, Boone, Indiana; Roll: T623 361; Page: 7B; Enumeration District: 11. Submitted by Renee Walker).
SE Note: William D. Combs, son? of Eliza Combs (see 1850-1880 census records above).
1887 Boone Co, IN Biography of WILLIAM H. COMBS.
Mr. COMBS was born in Nelson County, KY., February 7, 1820. Married to Martha A. NELSON on the 12th day of October, 1843, in Jackson Township, Boone County, Ind. W. H. COMBS was the son of John COMBS, who was an early pioneer of Boone, born in Pennsylvania in 1777; came to Putnam Co., Ind.; remained there a few years, then to this county in 1835. He died in 1845, and is buried at Dale Cemetery. His wife Catherine COMBS died in 1847. Her name was before marriage Catherine LEMONS. The following are the names of W. H. COMBS' children: William N., married to Rebecca J. WALL, resides in Kansas; Mary C., married to Dr. KETH* resides in Jackson Township; Jane, married to J. HENDRICKS, resides in Jamestown [Boone Co]; Joseph A. married to Sarah PRATT, resides in Kansas; James M., married to Sarilda WALL, resides in Warren County, Ind.; Jesse M. married to Mary UTTERBACK, resides in Jackson Township on the home farm. Mrs. W. H. COMBS died April 6, 1886 and is buried at Union Cemetery. She was a member of the Newlight Church many years. Mr. COMBS is yet living on his farm four miles east of Jamestown, and is a member of the Newlight Church, and a No. 1 citizen.
(EARLY LIFE AND TIMES IN BOONE COUNTY INDIANA, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF SOME OF THE PROMINENT MEN AND WOMEN. Compiled by Harden & Spahr, Lebanon, IND. pg. 257, Transcribed by sisters, Mary Coombs Golding and Gladys Coombs Rogers, d/o Walter Earl, and gd/o James and Sarilda Elizabeth WALL Combs).
MCG/GCR Notes: *Our records show that Mary Catherine COOMBS b. 1849, Boone Co. IN d. 1922, Boone Co., IN, m. 25 Feb 1869, Abram HEATH. We believe that the name KETH was probably incorrectly documented by the author. Also note that the previously missing data changes the residence of Joseph A and Sarah PRATT from Warren Co., IN to Kansas; and adds our grandparents, James M, and Sarilda (aka Shrilda) Elizabeth WALL, who were, in fact, the ones residing in Warren Co., IN.
Also Note: See 5 Apr 1800 Nelson Co, KY marriage of John & Catherine SIMMONS [sic] Coombs. Was SIMMONS perhaps a mistranscription of LEMMONS?
1914 Boone Co, Biography of Ben F. COOMBS. The biographies of successful men are instructive as guides and incentives to those whose careers are yet to be achieved. The examples they furnish of patient purpose and consecutive endeavor strongly illustrate what is in the power of each to accomplish, if he is willing to press forward in the face of all opposition, refusing to be downed by untoward circumstances, thus making stepping-stones of what some would find to be insurmountable stumbling blocks. The gentleman whose life history is herewith, we hope, accurately and succinctly set forth, is a conspicuous example of one who has lived to good purpose and achieved a definite degree of success in the special spheres to which his talents have been devoted. Mr. COOMBS has for many years been one of the best known and most enterprising business men of Lebanon and is one of the leading lumbermen in this section of the state. He is a scion of one of the sterling pioneer families of Boone county and here he has been content to spend his life.
Mr. COOMBS was born in Lebanon [Boone Co], Indiana, April 10, 1861. He is a son of George and Lydia A. (DEBOIS) Coombs, both natives of Union County, Indiana, where they grew to maturity, were educated and married, and remained there until in 1851, when they removed to Lebanon where they established the future home of the family. George COOMBS devoted the earlier years of his life to the mercantile business, maintaining a store in Lebanon for some time, but later took up farming which he followed until his death June 10, 1873. His widow survived nearly forty years, reaching an advanced age, dying January 20, 1912. Both the COOMBS and DEBOIS families came originally from New Jersey.
Ben F. COOMBS spent his boyhood days partly in town and partly on the farm and he received his early education in the common schools, including the Lebanon high school. When eighteen years old he began clerking in the Lebanon National Bank, where he remained six years, giving his employers eminent satisfaction. He then launched in the merchandise business in Lebanon, which he followed six years with ever-increasing success, building up a large trade with the city and surrounding country by reason of his honesty and courteous dealings. He kept a retail shoe store, one of the largest in this section of the state. In 1891 he became connected with the Pennell-Coombs Lumber Company, with yards at Lebanon, Jamestown, Advance, Colfax, Shelbyville and Fairland, all doing a large business, also extensive planing mills, sash and door factories, where a large number of men are employed and which are equipped with modern machinery, so that high-grade and superior work is turned out promptly, their products finding a very ready market over a vast territory, which is constantly growing, owing, principally, to the able management and wise foresight of Mr. COOMBS. Fine grades of finishing, dressed lumber and rough building lumber, in fact, all kinds of building material is handled, also coal of all kinds. Their business at all the above named yards is rapidly increasing. Mr. COOMBS is also a director in the First National Bank of Lebanon, also the Citizens Trust Company of Lebanon, the Campbell, Smith & Ritchie Company, of Lebanon, the Bank of Advance, is vice-president of the Indestructable Wheel Company. He is a heavy stockholder in all the above named concerns and is interested in the Oak Hill Cemetery Company and various other business enterprises, in all of which his judicious and able counsel makes for success. He has been very successful in a financial way and is one of the leading and most substantial men of affairs of Boone county and is regarded as an unassuming, straightforward, trustworthy man of broad and progressive ideas.
Mr. COOMBS was twice married, first, December 18, 1883, to Mellie LANE, a daughter of Levi and Pherbia (HAYES) Lane, of Lebanon, and to this union three children were born, John L., deceased, Florence M. and Esther A. The wife and mother was called to her eternal rest August 19, 1897. Mr. COOMBS was again married June 5, 1901, to Ethel CAMPBELL, a daughter of George W. and Alice C. (PAGE) Campbell, one of the prominent families of Lebanon.
Mr. COOMBS is a Republican and since attaining his majority has been very faithful in his support of the party, active in political and public affairs and influential in his county and city. He has served as a member of the Republican County Executive Committee and for some time was a member of the County Jury Commission, and has been a frequent delegate to county, district and state conventions. Fraternally, he is a Mason, a member of the Chapter, Commandery and the Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. He also belongs to the Knights of Pythias. He and his family are members of the Presbyterian church, in which he is a ruling elder and active in all church and Sunday school work. The family is prominent in the best social life of Lebanon and their beautiful home on East Washington street is known for its hospitality.
(History of Boone County, Indiana, by Hon. L.M. Crist, 1914, Boone Co, IN GenWeb, Biography of Ben F. Coombs)
Notes: George COOMBS not located on either the 1850 Boone, nor Union census enumerations. Also note that DEBOIS may be DUBOIS (based on Union marriages).
Text from Book, William Henry (editor), The Indiana Pulpit, Cincinnati: Standard Publishing Company, 1912, page 221. Online edition copyright 1998 by James L. McMillan.
J. Vincent Coombs
Born 1829 - New Brunswick, Indiana
Died - December 20, 1920, Danville, Indiana
Education - 1877 - Central Indiana Normal School, 1879 - Philadelphia School of Oratory and Elocution, Chicago University 1882
Occupations - President of Central Indiana Normal School, President of East Illinois College, Professor at Eureka College 1883, author of 5 books, extensive lecturer
Submitted by Linda Berney
transcribed by Combs Researcher Debi Houser. Format:
Name; Sex; Race; Age; Date of Death; Place
Jay Gould COOMBS M W 4/12 Feb 19 1883 Jefferson Twp.
Polly COOMS F W 66 Apr - 1886 Jackson Twp.
John L. COOMBS M W 1 Sept 22 1887 Lebanon
(also listed: John L COOMBS M W 2 Sept 22 1887 Lebanon)
(blank) COOMBS M W 3/12 Mar 9 1888
Leslie COOMBS M W 19 Dec 3 1892 Harrison Twp.
Mellie COOMBS F W 36 Aug 17 1897 Lebanon
Goldy COOMBS F W 5 Sept 6 1899 Lebanon
Eliza COOMBS F W 87 Jan 1 1904 Boone County
Winnie Louisa COOMBS F W 15 Mar 3 1905 Jamestown
William D COOMBS M W 63 Sept 21 1905 Boone County
Allen F. COOMBS M W 74 Apr 16 1906 Zionsville
Margaret COOMBS F W 79 Jan 30 1912 Lebanon