![]() | Combs &c. Families of Grainger Co, TN |
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Grainger County was established in 1795 from Hawkins & Knox Cos TN: “That the said counties of Hawkins and Knox be divided by the following lines: Beginning on the main road leading from Bull's Gap to HAINE'S iron works on Mossy creek, at the house of Felps READ [REED], leaving said house in the new county, running a direct course to the Kentucky road, on the north side of Holston river, a quarter of a mile above the house of Thomas HENDERSON; thence north fifty degrees west to the line that divides this state from the state of Viriginia; thence west with said line to a point, north west of the end of Clinch mountain; thence a direct course to the end of Clinch mountain; thence with the ridge that divides the waters of Richland and Flat creeks to Holston river, at the upper end of the first bluff above BOYLE'S old place; thence up the meanders of said river to the mouth of Panther Creek; thence up said creek to the head spring thereof, near the house of John EVANS; thence along the main waggon road to the beginnning. (Roulstone, Laws of the State of Tennessee, Knoxville, 1803)
In 1798, Grainger expanded in size as the result of Indian Cessions. In 1801, Claiborne County, Tennessee was est. from Grainger & Hawkins Counties, and in 1850 (new) Union Co, Tennessee was est. from Anderson, Campbell, Claiborn, Grainger & Knox Cos. In 1870, Hamblen Co [includes much of Bent Creek] was est. from Grainger & Hawkins Counties.
Note: All Combs Records for this county are not yet entered. Most, if not all, of the Combs of Grainger Co, TN, were descendants of the John & Sarah MABRY Combs Family of Guilford Co, North Carolina, Washington Co, VA, and Jefferson County, Tennessee (See Also The Carlton Combs Letter). See Nov 1804, 1826 and 1836 for description of Combs Ferry on the Holston.
11 Feb 1792 Richland Baptist Church Minutes 2/11/1792. Bro. Combs appointed as delegate to attend conference meeting at Bent Creek Meeting House. An entry for 8/10/1792 identified Bro. Combs as John Combs (Extracted by Combs Researcher Sue Elfving from Tennessee Ancestors, v3,#2 Aug. 1987, p. 91, Richland Baptist Church, Grainger Co., Tenn. Minutes 4/11/1791-8/8/1795)
Notes: It is not known at this time whether this was John & Sarah MABRY Combs. They were residing in the 1790s in Abingdon, Washington Co, VA according to Carlton Combs, but the 1850 Jefferson Co, TN census record for their daughter, Elizabeth Combs Ore, shows she was b in TN in 1795. Bent Creek Church was in present-day Hamblin Co, TN, but was established by the Rev. Thomas MURRELL of Big Creek, Hawkins Co, TN, step-father of Martin JOHNSON (h/o Sarah Combs) and Thomas DODSON father of Jesse DODSON (m 1793 Halifax Co, VA, Judah Combs)
09 Jul 1794 - 22 Jul 1811 (5th Survey Dist of TN, Grant #22) John BOYD enters 50 acs in Grainger Co on both sides of German Creek adj. Thomas JOHNSON and Stephen W. SENTERS, formerly James ORE'S line. Part of War. No. 60 for 300 acres dated 9 Jul 1794. Entered 22 Jul 1811 John BOYD. Revoked 26 Nov 1816 by John BOYD. (5th Survey Dist of TN, Grants 1-1800, Vol. A, Diane E. Pedersen, 1990)
16 Jun 1798 Grainger County, Tennessee Deed Book A, 1796-1808, page 93, George Combs purchased land from James ORE on 16 June 1798 $250, West fork of German Creek, 125 acres.
Mar 1801 Page 204 Combs, George - Sold same to Chas KIDWELL Mar 1801.
Deed Book B, Geo M. Combs to Wm. CLAY et al - Problem with lots 12 & 13 in Rutledge.
Deed Book D, Wm COX to Geo M. Combs, $1,2000 200 acres & 130 acres.
Deed Book M, Geo M. Combs to Wm COX, $1200 - 514 acres - Cox's Mill Creek contains 614 acres - two post oaks - West to John Combs corner in MOORE'S line except 100 acres sold by John Combs to Wm (ZWOKEN?). (Extracted by Combs Researcher Wayne Combs from LDS/SLC Roll # 464092, Gr Co. Records)
Capt. [George] BEAN'S District
(Ret'd by William STONE Esquire)
George Combs, tithes 1; 425 acs
(Other names on this list include: Nathaniel AUSTON, Thomas BUNCH, James Jr., Alexd, Robert BLIAR [BLAIR] and James Sr. and William BLAIR (2), Nicholas COUNTS, William COCKE, Joshua CUNINGHAM, Thomas & William HENDERSON, Robert & Thomas KING, Henry, John and Jacob LEABO [LEBO, LEBOW], Mike MASANGALE [MASSENGILL], James ORE, John, Robert, Moses McELKENY [McELHANEY], Nelson SHELTON, Willis SENTER)
Capt. HORNER'S District
(Ret'd by William ARNOLD, Esq.)
Philip COMBE, tithes 1; 300 acs
(Other names on this list include: Wm GUINN, James MOORE, and ditto Esqr., Valentine MORGAN, Joseph ORE, James RICHARDSON, Joseph RAY, James & Temple THOMPSON)
Capt. COX'S District
(Ret'd by William HANKINS, Esquire)
Francis MAYBERRY, tithes 0; 1780 acs
(Other names on this list include: Charles COATS, John DENT, James FORGUSON, Thomas GOEN, Jacob GIBSON, Daniel JOHNSTON, William KING, James MELICOAT, John MULLINS, John PATTERSON, James VANCES, William WARE)
(Extracted by C. Hammett from Early East TN Taxpayers, Polly Creekmore, SHP, 1980, new material copyright.)
Notes: Both George Mabry and Phillip Combs were sons of John & Sarah MABRY Combs, the former m to Agnes ORE and the latter to Rebecca ORE
29 Sep 1800 [Grainger?] George Combs was commissioned a Captain in the Tennessee Militia Cavalry Volunteers (Combs Researcher Wayne Combs who adds that this may be George Mabry Combs)
Excerpted from the (1790-1815) Journal of General John Sevier of Jonesboro, Washington Co, Tennessee (b 1745, present-day Rockingham Co, Virginia; h/o (1) Sarah HAWKINS; (2) Catherine SHERRILL; and s/o Valentine & Joanna GOAD Sevier):
April 1800 Fry 18 ditto - ditto. Bob horse run away. Sat 19 sent Tobe after the horse. The forge began to work. Sun 20 myself and Mrs. KING went to meeting at Combs Ferry. Mon 21 the forge began to work. Memo. to inquire after Aaron RYLEY his mother lives near this place. Boil one quart of N. milch half away, with a half pound old bacon therein (good to cure the botts on a horse) Turn eggs with the small end down in good wood ashes. Change them onst a week and they will keep several months. Tues. 22 Tobe returned with the horse.
Sun. 27 Mrs. CUNINGHAM and Mrs. Combs dined with Mrs. KING. Mon. 28 Reuben and James PAYNE came to the works. Cash on hand 34 & Eat fish for Breakfast. (Extracted by Combs-Cody Researcher George Baumbach)
Notes: See 1804, 1826 and 1836 below in re Combs Ferry of the Holston River. Mrs. Combs may have been Sarah MABRY, wife of John Combs, or perhaps one of her ORE daughters-in-law.
Wed 17 Nov 1802 (Grainger Co, Tennessee Minutes of the Court of Pleas, p. 7) No. 116. Debt. Joseph COBB & George M. Combs… Jury found for plaintiff $50 debt plus damages.
By order of Court Martin ASHBURN, Philip Combs, Edward WEST, William GUYNN, Michael MASSENGILL, James ALSUP, Jacob ARNETT, Daniel CLAYTON, Esqr., Thomas McBROOM, Miller EASLEY & Michael COONS are appointed a Jury to view and lay off a road, the nearest & best way from the town of Rutledge to Michael MASSENGILL'S Mill and make a report to next court. (Grainger Co, Tennessee Minutes of Court of Pleas, 1802-1812, Vol. 2, WPA Records, 1939, Mountain Press, Signal Mountain TN)
Note: This source includes numerous Combs records - too numerous to transcribe in total; however, all of genealogical and/or historical interest have been abstracted. No Cody or Stacy (or var. sp.) found.
Tue 23 Feb 1803 (Grainger Co, Tennessee Minutes of the Court of Pleas, p. 18) Ordered by Court that John NALL be appointed overseer of the road Beginning at the creek below William NALLS thence to Nicholas SPRINGS and … Beg. at Larkin NALLS thence across the Copper Ridge to Combs Ridge a direct course, thence along the COMB [sic] Ridge down to William COOPER'S thence a direct course across the Copper ridge to Nicholas SPRING'S so as to include said SPRING'S, thence along the Road leading by said Spring's to Benj. ELLIOT'S, thence a direct course to the beginning (Grainger Co, Tennessee Minutes of Court of Pleas, 1802-1812, Vol. 2, WPA Records, 1939, Mountain Press, Signal Mountain TN)
Notes: There are numerous references to Combs Ridge in this source. Not yet known if relevant to the John & Sarah MABRY Combs family as no mentions of the Ridge found in conjunction with Combs Families. An Aug 1804 order on p. 81 refers to a road order: “… Road lying South of the Lome [Lone?] mountain from William DAVIDSON to William HAMILTONS, thence along the road to Thomas BROWN in the Copper ridge, thence along the Copper ridge to the Knox Line, thence along the Knox to the Comb ridge, thence along Comb ridge to Robert MONROWS to keep in repair the road from the top of the Copper Ridge at a path that leads down said ride to Jeremiah SLEVAGES & John SALLEY'S…”
05 Jul 1803 (Grainger Co, Tennessee Marriage Records) Lewis Combs & Jinny [Jane] SMITH (Combs Researcher Joyce Winter Kahre)
Notes: Lewis Combs, b ca1784, Washington Co, Virginia, s/o John & Sarah MABRY Combs, d ca1858, Hall Twp, Dubois Co IN.
04 Dec 1803 Philepe COMES & Wm. WILLSON, Junr., have permission to pass into the Cherokee nation to work for Col. ORE (a.k.a. ORR) taking care to make no infraction of the Law regulating trade & intercourse with the Indian Tribes & return the 15th of Feby. next. So. W point R. J. MEIGS (Passports of Southeastern Pioneers, 1770-1823, Dorothy Williams Potter, GPC, Baltimore, 1982, p. 113-114. Author's Source: Cherokee Indian Agency, Records of The Cherokee Indian Agency in Tennesseee, 1801-1835. Rcord Group 75. NA Microfilm Publ. M 208, roll 13, part 4, Cherokee Agency Pass Book, Return J. Meigs, 1801-1804 manuscript unnumbered.)
20 Feb 1804 “Thomas FARLEY, Phillip & Jno. Combs have permission to pass to the Chickamaga Salt Petre cave to work for Colonel ORE, taking care to behave in a peacable manner. So W point 20th Feby. 1804 R. J. Meigs A War” (ibid., p. 113-114. Author's Source: ibid.)
Author's Footnote: Chickamauga Creek was a small creek at the head of Chattahoochee river in White County, Georgia. The name was also applied to the district about the Southern (not the Northern) Chickamauga Creek, coming into the Tennessee River a few miles above Chattanooga in [now] Hamilton County, Tennessee [then Indian land near present-day Alabama state line]. Mooney, Myths of the Cherokee, p. 537.
Notes: Presumably the above was Phillip Combs, h/o Rebecca ORE. It is also possible, however, that this is the “Georgia Phillip”. (See Wilkes Co GA) Phillip last appears in minutes of Grainger TN 1802-1812 order book in 1805, and doesn't appear again until 1810 (once), both times as a juror.
M. George Combs
(Index to Early Tennessee Tax Lists, Sistler and Associates, Nashville, TN)
Notes: The above was undoubtedly George Mabry Combs, s/o John & Sarah MABRY Combs, and h/o Agnes ORE.
Nov 1804 (Grainger Co, Tennessee Minutes, p. 87) “The Jury appointed to view & lay out a road agreeably to Law from the town of Rutledge to the Panther Springs make the following report, Viz. …we have viewed said road as far as the top of the ridge Beginning at the Court House down the public square to the Creek, thence across the Creek & with the marked trees down the Clift near the upper end of Thomas McBROOM'S meadow, thence with the marked trees to strike the road near COMB'S ferry, thence through the ferry leving the road to the right at flat rock, thence with the road to the top of the ridge…”
(Grainger Co, Tennessee Minutes of Court of Pleas, 1802-1812, Vol. 2, WPA Records, 1939, Mountain Press, Signal Mountain TN)
18 May 1805 (Grainger Co, Tennessee Minutes of the Court of Pleas, p. 101) A Bill of Sale from Thomas DODSON to William JOHNSTON, James JOHNSON, Jesse DODSON, Stephen JOHNSTON, and Samuel DODSON for three negroes and other property was proven in open Court by the oath of Joseph STUBBLEFIELD a subscribing witness and ordered to be recorded. (Grainger Co, Tennessee Minutes of Court of Pleas, 1802-1812, Vol. 2, WPA Records, 1939, Mountain Press, Signal Mountain TN)
Notes: Thomas DODSON of Fauquier and Halifax Cos VA and Hawkins County, Tennessee was the father of (among others) Winnifred DODSON, wife of William JOHNSON; Susannah DODSON, wife of James JOHNSON; Alice DODSON, w/o Stephen JOHNSON; and Jesse DODSON, m 1793, Halifax Co, Virginia, Judah Combs, d/o George & Phoebe UNKNOWN Combs of Amelia, Lunenburg and Halifax Cos VA and White County, Tennessee. The relationship of George Combs, h/o Phoebe, to John Combs, h/o Sarah MABRY, remains unknown, but appears to be quite likely???
20 Feb 1806 (Grainger Co, Tennessee Minutes of the Court of Pleas, p. 138-9) Ordered by Court that the land Reported on by John LEA Sheriif at Last Term of this Court which have been published in Knoxville Gazette as the law Feb Sessions AD 1806. directs be sold by the Sheriff to satisfy the taxes due thereon (towit) for the year 1806: George M. Combs 870 acres - John CATHCART 50 acres - William BOWLING 200 - Jesse COATS 100. For the year 1805: Lewis CLIPPER 30,000 acres; the Heirs of Thomas COX, Dec'd 250 acres - John MARGRAVES 200 Acres; George M. Combs 120 Acres; George M. Combs 150 Acres; Michael COOK 100 Acres; John HULL, Jr. 25 Acres; George M. Combs 600 acres. Order Issd.
(Grainger Co, Tennessee Minutes of Court of Pleas, 1802-1812, Vol. 2, WPA Records, 1939, Mountain Press, Signal Mountain TN)
Notes: Not only sizable property, but see also 1808-1810 below.
15 Jul 1807 (Grainger Co, Tennessee Marriages) Combs, John & JACKSON, Jinny. Bondsman, Lewis Combs
(Transcribed by Combs Researcher Joyce Winter Kahre)
Notes: John Combs was the s/o John & Sarah MABRY Combs.
Nov 1807 (Grainger Co, Tennessee Minutes of the Court of Pleas, p. 229). State vs. Meredith COFFEE. Members of the Jury included Lewis Combs
(Grainger Co, Tennessee Minutes of Court of Pleas, 1802-1812, Vol. 2, WPA Records, 1939, Mountain Press, Signal Mountain TN)
Notes: This is the only mention in this source of Lewis Combs, s/o John & Sarah MABRY Combs, and h/o Jinny “Jane” SMITH (See 1803 above)
Philip Combs
1 m26-45
3 f<10; 1 f10-16; 1 f26-45
(Transcribed by Combs Researcher Hazel White)
Nov 1810 (Grainger Co, Tennessee Minutes of the Court of Pleas, p. 354) Delinquent Tax List presented by Sheriff James CONN for the year 1808 and 1809
Benjamin BARNEY, 144 acres, John Hornback BIRD by Mary BIRD, 100 acres; Joshua SEAMON'S, 10 acres; Joseph BURNET, 50 acres, Puncheon Creek; Joshua WIMBLE, 100 acres; George Combs, 120 acres; and Luke MATHENY, 33 acres.
(Grainger Co, Tennessee Minutes of Court of Pleas, 1802-1812, Vol. 2, WPA Records, 1939, Mountain Press, Signal Mountain TN)
Note: This delinquency also declared in Feb 1809 and Feb 1810 sessions. George Combs recorded in 1806 on a jury and forced land sale, but not again except delinquencies during 1809-10 as noted.
24 Dec 1812 (Grainger Co, Tennessee Marriages) Combs, Nancy married MALLICOAT, Philip on 24 Dec 1812 in Grainger County, Tennessee
(Early American Marriages: Tennessee to 1825, Jordan R. Dodd, et al, Precision Indexing Publishers, Bountiful, UT)
Notes: The above Nancy Combs has not been identified. Numerous MALLICOATS are found in Grainger County, Tennessee, but no Phillip. See, however, the 1830 Campbell County, Tennessee Census.
12 Oct 1813 - 15 Jan 1814 War of 1812 Service. Pvt. George Combs, E. TN Militia, served under Capt. Thomas. MANN (Military Records Roll Vol. 2, 1812).
Note: The above was George Mabry Combs, s/o John & Sarah MABRY Combs.
Jan 1813. Court of Common Pleas & Quarter Sessions, Gr Co., Vol 3 (1812-1816) Ambrose YANCEY (Sheriff Gr. Co.??) vs Geo M. Combs w/Joseph ORE his security.
(Combs Researcher Wayne Combs)
“A List of polls and Taxable property in the bounds of Captn. Samuel RICHARDSONS Militia Company as returned by James MOORE Esqr. for the year A. D. 1814 with the Amount of Taxes to be collected.”
George Combs, 330 acs, 1 white poll, 1 black poll (not on 1815 list)
(Others on this list include: John COLENSDWORTH; John FORGOSON; John GALLIAN; Joseph and William GUINN; Abel, Thomas and Valentine MORGAN; James MOORE; Solomon, Michael and Robert MASSENGILL, Joseph ORE, Daniel PRIGMORE, John RECTOR; James RICHARDSON, John SANDERS, James TOMOSON, David, Edwd, and K. John TATE.)
1814?1?5 Grainger Co, Tennessee Tax Lists. (no more info, but appears to be 1815 given duplicate names)
Joseph Combs, 550 acs, 1 white poll, 1 black poll (not on 1814 list)
(Other names on this list include: David COCKRUM, John COLLINSWORTH, John FORGOSON, William GUINN, John GALIAN, Michael, Polly Robert MASSINGILL; James MOORE, Valentine MARGON [sic], Joseph & Wilson ORE, Daniel PRIGMORE, James RICHARDSON, Sr., David TATE, Jr. and Sr.)
(Grainger Co, Tennessee Tax Lists, 1814-15, WPA Project No. 63-44-1438, 1936, Mountain Press Reprint, Signal Mountain, TN, undated, no copyright)
08 Nov 1817 (Grainger Co, Tennessee Records) Indexed: John DAVIS
We John DAVIS , Charles CRAIN, and George M. Combs of the state of Tennessee and county of Grainger are bound unto David TATE, Sr, chairman of Court of Pleas for said county in the sum of $500.00 for benefit of Rebecca WOODS, minor who is committed to care and truition of John DAVIS 8th Nov 1817
The above bounden John DAVIS appointed guardian to Rebecca WOODS, minor orphan. Delivered in open court.
John COCKE, Clk
John (his X) DAVIS {seal}
Charles CRAIN {seal}
Geo. M. Combs {seal}
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Debi Kendrick from Grainger County Tennessee Various Records 1796-1848)
Nelson Combs
George Combs
John Combs
(Index to Early Tennessee Tax Payers, Sistler and Associates, Nashville, TN)
Notes: Nelson T. Combs, s/o George Mabry and Agnes ORE Combs, m 1823, Jefferson Co, TN, Sarah TALBOT (See also 1830 Below)
1822 Poll tax list Grainger Co. TN Vol I & 2 - Combs, George 320 Acres
(Combs Researcher Wayne Combs)
27 Dec 1823 (Grainger Co, Tennessee Marriages) Anderson CATES & Elizabeth Combs (Early American Marriages: Tennessee to 1825, Jordan R. Dodd, et al, Precision Indexing Publishers, Bountiful, UT)
Notes: Elizabeth Combs was the d/o Philip & Rebecca ORE Combs (s/o John & Sarah MABRY Combs) Carlton Combs refers to her as “Elizabeth, mother of C. W. CATES…” See Also Jefferson County, Tennessee 1830 Census.
11 Dec 1825 (Grainger Co, Tennessee Marriages) COLLINGSWORTH, Addison married Combs, Francis on 11 Dec 1825 in Grainger County, Tennessee
(Early American Marriages: Tennessee to 1825, Jordan R. Dodd, et al, Precision Indexing Publishers, Bountiful, UT)
Notes: Francis Combs COLLINGSWORTH was the youngest child of John & Sarah MABRY Combs.
21 Aug 1826 (Grainger County Tennessee Court Minutes Volumes 1, 3, 6, and 7 various pages, p. 220) Monday August 21, 1826 Ordered by the court that John MCPHETERS, Samuel DOTSON, Jou DOTSON, Wm. HARREL, George EVANS Jr., John LATHAM, Jr., John LATHAM, senr., John DOTSON, Andrew MCPHETERS, John KING, William MALICOAT, Edmond MALICOAT be a jury of view to view and lay off a private way from the house of John JENNINGS in this County through the lands of Ryal JENNINGS so as to do the least possible injury to the said Ryal and report the damages of said private way so laid off to the next term of the court.
Ordered by the court that JON BEELER, DANIEL CHANDLER, THOMAS CHANDLER, John NEEDHAM, Morris ADKINS, Robert NASH, Smith STRANGE, James BROCK, be a jury of review to review the road leading from the Widow CLARKS to Joseph BEELERS and turn it so as release George DYER from any injury it may now do him by running through his farm so as still to be compatible with public convenyances and make report to the next term of this Court.
Ordered by the court that Robert LOYD, Green ROACH, John McDANIEL, Jos. LOYD, David TATE, Jas. MASSENGILL AND Thomas WEST be a jury of review to review the road leading from Col. BUNCH'S to Combs ferry and so alter it as to turn said road round the field of Charles CATES and make report to the next term of this court. (Contributed for use in the US GenWeb Project and TN GenWeb Project Archives by Judy Wright July 1997, USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or for other commercial presentation)
Notes: See 1836 below for detailed description of Combs Ferry.
11 Sep 1826(Grainger Co, Tennessee Marriage Records) Combs, John to Dorcus COX issued September 11, 1826, Bondsman John TALBOT m by Jas. KENNON, MG September 11, 1826 Grainger Co. (35,000 TN Marriage Records and Bonds 1783-1870 Vol. 1)
Notes: John C. Combs was the s/o George Mabry & Agnes ORE Combs of Grainger Co, TN. Dorcas COX was the d/o Dudley and Leanne NEAL Cox of Jefferson County, Tennessee, and granddaughter of Benjamin NEILE also of that county. John Combs is listed on the 1830 Jefferson Co, Tennessee Census (see also below).
16 Feb 1830 (Grainger Co, Tennessee Marriage Records) Combs, Pleasant to Mary HAYWORTH - issued Feb 16, 1830 Bondsman Joseph Combs m by Jas. KENNON JP Grainger Co. (35,000 TN Marriage Records and Bonds 1783-1870 Vol. 1)
Notes: Pleasant Miller Combs was also a son of George Mabry and Agnes ORE Combs. his brother, John C., and Pleasant Miller Combs later died in Coles Co, IL.
p. 389
L19 TATE, David 2100001-1210001
L22 Combs, Philip 01110001-1000301
L23 Combs, Agness 0012-00010001
L 24 Combs, Pleasant 00001-0001
L 25 Combs, Sarah 10001-100011
L26 TATE, Edward 0122001-000101
p. 390
L19 STUBBLEFIELD, Robert 0100001-010001
L20 CODY, John 0000100001-000120001
Note: The above Phillip Combs, s/o John & Sarah MABRY Combs, h/o Rebecca ORE; Agnes ORE was the widow of George Mabry Combs; Pleasant Combs was the s/o George Mabry & Agnes ORE Combs. Sarah Combs may have been Sarah TALBOT who m Nelson T. Combs 29 Jul 1823 in Jefferson Co, TN. Nelson T., also a son of George & Agnes ORE Combs, was b in 1799 and d at age 29 per Carlton Combs (Note also that there is a second couple in Sarah's household). See next and Jefferson County, Tennessee & see Surry Co, North Carolina and Hickman Co, TN re CODY Family.
16 Aug 1830 (Grainger Co, Tennessee Records) Nelson Combs
We John TALBOTT, John Combs all of Grainger County and State of Tennessee are bound unto William CARROLL Governor of said State in the sum of $1000.00 16 Aug 1830.
The above bounden John TALBOTT administrator of Nelson Combs, deceased.
John COCKE Clk
John TALBOTT {seal}
John C. Combs {seal}
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Debi Kendrick from Grainger County Tennessee Various Records 1796-1848)
Notes: According to Carlton Combs, Sarah TALBOT Combs removed to Alabama. See Madison Co, Alabama for “possible sighting” and see also 1850 Jefferson County, Tennessee HH of John TALBOTT which includes a Belvadra(?) Combs.
Apr 13, 1833 - Grainger Co., TN Circuit Court. Joseph ORE vs Heirs of G.M. Combs. $1200. (Combs Researcher Wayne Combs)
District No. 5. William MAYES, Esqr.
List is in alpha order by first letter of surname. Selected names follow
CODY, Pierce
CREWS, Nimrod
COUNTZ, Martha and Nancy
Combs, Joseph
HAMMER, Enos, Jr. and Sr., William, Zachariah and Abner
ORE, Joseph
ROACH, William and Green
TATE, George W., Edward, Edward Exect, & Co., David, jr.,
David N.
WILLIAMS, Pleasant
The 5th District of Grainger Co, Tennessee is described as: “…to begin at Combs'S Ferry on Holston River thence withe the Combs ferry Road to the top of the Richland Nobs thence up the said Nobs against Jesse HODGES thence a direct line to the Road at Jesse HODGES thence with the Said Road to the lower end of the horse Shoe on holston River thence down the Said River to the beginning the Election to be held at Dickson SMITH'S[.]”
(Grainger Co, Tennessee 1836 Civil Districts and Tax Lists, James L. Douthat, Mountain Press, Signal Mountain, Tennessee, 1993)
Notes: See earlier references to Combs Ferry above and also note earlier references in regard to the Cody-Combs Families.
Phillip Combs
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Debi Kendrick from 1840 Census Tennessee Grainger County by Sistler)
listing of children age 6 and under 21
4th District
J. B. F. Combs 1
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Debi Kendrick from Grainger County Tennessee Various Records 1796-1848)Joseph Benjamin Franklin Combs, s/o Phillip and Rebecca ORE Combs. George W. HUSKERSON was probably the child in school (see 1850).
(1850 Census - Tennessee, transcribed and indexed by Byron & Barbara Sistler, Evanston, IL, 1974, Byron Sistler & Associates, Inc., Nashville, TN, 1991 reprint)
p. 60
440 CARDWELL, Wm. 26 TN
Mary 22 TN
John N. 6/12
Combs, Thadeus M. 20
Notes: Per researcher Rand Cardwell, William CARDWELL and Mary Combs were married on 01 Jan 1849 in Jefferson Co, TN (Source: Tennessee State Marriages, 1765-2002. Nashville, TN, USA: Tennessee State Library and Archives. Microfilm). William M. CARDWELL was the son of Anthony R Cardwell and Mary Perryman. They moved to Grainger County, TN, and around 1855 they headed west with the vast majority of their children and in-laws. The group settled in Caldwell County, TX. William and Mary G. Combs Cardwell made the trip with their three oldest children; John, James and Sallie. Mary CARDWELL was born 13 Jun 1826, died 19 Oct 1903 per her grave marker located at the King Cemetery in Gonzales County, TX. She named one son Thadeus Cardwell. Researcher Wayne Combs states that Mary CARDWELL and Thadeus M Combs (Franklin Co, TX) were the children of Nelson T Combs and Sarah TALBOTT, and the grandchildren of George Mabry COMBS and Agnes ORR. Nelson Combs is stated to be the son of George Mabry Combs in the Carlton Combs Letter.
p. 074
548 Combs, Phillip 76 NC
Rebecca [ORE] 69 VA
George W. 30
James 26
Sarah 36
Frances 34
Aga 32
Malvina 19
p. 75
549 Combs, Joseph B. F. 38 TN
Lucindy 30 NC
HUSKERSON, George W. 5
Notes: Joseph B. F. Combs was a s/o Phillip & Rebecca ORE Combs; He later removed to Nemaha Co NE according to Carlton Combs who also stated he left no issue. See below re the mystery of George W. HUSKERSON. The ancestry of Thadeus M. Combs has not yet been determined; however, he was in TX and married to Martha B. WILSON by 1855 and on the 1860 Titus Co, TX census (See Franklin Co, TX)
30 Aug 1851 Grainger County, Tennessee Married: James Ore Combs and Martha Ann DUNCAN
(Combs Researcher Wayne Combs who adds that James was s/o Phillip and Rebecca ORE Combs)
1862 J B F Combs listed as a East Tennessee political prisoner in the Confederate prison at Madisson, Morgan Co, GA. Also on May 10 1862, Joseph Combs in listed of those released for order from Wm Churchwell Col & Prov Marshall Dept East Tennessee brought by Dr A J Campbell
(Source: East Tennesseans as Confederate Political Prisoners 1862 Confederate Prison at Madison, Morgan Co, Georgia., Tennessee Ancestors, V22#3, 12/2006, p. 165,171., submitted by SE)
Dec 1899 Grainger County, Tennessee Married: George Washington Combs and Rachel Catherine CAMERON
(Combs Researcher Wayne Combs who adds that George Washington was s/o Phillip and Rebecca ORE Combs)
(Transcribed by Combs Researcher Wayne Combs from LDS/SLC #1241572)
Page 59/B/95
Combs, William F. b. 1/1872 Age 28/29
Lizzy b. 11/1871 Age 28
Mary b. 6/1898 Age 1
Carl b. 11/1899 Age 6/12
Notes: William F. Combs, s/o removed to Franklin Co, TX by 1904. On 27 Aug 1942 in Franklin, Carl Curtis Combs made sworn affidavit that he was b 20 Nov 1899, Rutledge, Grainger Co, TN, to William F. Combs (age 29, farmer, b TN) and Elizabeth MANLEY Combs (age 30, b TN).
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Bob George from Shiloh Cemetery, Grainger Co, TN
Lula B. Dau. of P.N. & M.C. Combs March 4, 1905 November 29, 1905
Phillip N. Combs February 10, 1861 September 8, 1926
His Wife Mary Cordelia YOUNG Combs July 10, 1869 March 9, 1928
Infant Son of Harley & Maye Combs August 10, 1918
Julia Wife of G.W. HUSKISSON September 24, 1853 August 14, 1908
Willian A. LACY January 17, 1820 May 28, 1896
Mary A. Wife of W.A. LACY May 29, 1820 July 11, 1904
John Franklin Son of L.W. M.E. CANERON February 27, 1872 Aug. 9, 1890 Age 18 yrs, 5 mos, 12 days
Nancy L. Wife of G.W. Combs Dau. of M.A. & W.A. LACY July 19, 1848 August 7, 1882
Alexander P. SCHULTZ February 17, 1822 November 12, 1917
His Wife Elizabeth Combs SCHULTZ January 5, 1825 December 28, 1885
Mattie E. Combs Wife of T.T. RUSSELL October 12, 1889 December 23, l932
John W. Combs December 12, 1854 April 23, 1932
Mary Isabelle Combs January 8, 1858 August 4, 1939
Dellia A. Dau. of J.W. & M.I. Combs May 20, 1880 June 23, 1880
C. Everett Combs December 3, 1894 June 11, 1969
Horace M. Combs July 4, 1882 February 19, 1955
Sarah M. Combs July 27, 1881 (no death date)
John J. HUGES October 3, 1891 October 16, 1950
Georgia Combs HUGHES September 16, 1899 (no death date)
Maggie Curl Combs June 6, 1875 November 1, 1931
G.W. Combs June 30, 1871 May 28, 1919
Nellia Roberts Dau. of G.W. & M.B. Combs May 22, 1903 Mar. 19, 1909 age 5 yrs. 9 mo. 27 days
Combs Researcher Wayne Combs Notes: The 1850 Grainger Co, TN census lists Joseph Benjamin Franklin COMBS, his wife Lucindy and George W. HUSKERSON who is 5 years old. The 1860 census lists Joseph, Lucinda, and George W - who is now 15, but the HUSKERSON has been dropped. In 1870 George W. COMBS is 25, the head of household, married to N.E. and has a daughter M.R. who is two. Also living with them is JBF and S.C. By 1880 JBF and SC have established separate residence. George and Nancy E. LACY Combs now have Mary R. 12, William F. 7 and Harriet 2. (Note: Only the full name of the head of household was given in the 1870 and 1880 census. We don't know how Lucindy morfed to Lucinda and then to S.C) George's first wife Nancy dies and he remarries Julia (Last Name Unknown). The headstones at the Shiloh Methodist Church near Rutledge, TN read (1) Nancy, wife of G.W. Combs, dau of M.A. and W.A. Lacy, b. 19 Jul 1848, d. 7 Aug 1882. (2) An adjacent marker reads reads G.W. HUSKISSON Co. B 8th Tenn Cav. (3) A few graves removed is a headstone that reads Julia, wife of G.W. Huskisson, b. 24 Sep 1853 D. 14 Aug 1908.” According to the Carlton Combs Letter of 1885, Joseph left no children. Was George W. HUSKERSON raised by them? Adopted? Who were his parents?
(Right Column is spouse)
COMBS, Nathan G. 2-28-1917 12-7-1986 Virginia L.
COMBS, Virginia L. 3-28-1927 ? Nathan G.
(Combs Researcher Bob George)