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See also our Tennessee Combs Counties of Record
White County was established in 1806 from Jackson & Smith. In 1807, Warren was established from White, and in 1837-8, DeKalb was established from Cannon, Warren and White. In 1840, Van Buren was established from Warren & White, and in 1842, Putnam was established from White, Jackson, Overton and DeKalb (In 1844, Putnam was abolished, but restored in 1854). Between 1850 and 1860, White and DeKalb exchanged lands, and in 1960, White gained from Van Buren.
Although our first recorded Combs in White Co, Tennessee is in 1808, it is believed that the earliest Combs in this county were probably here by 1804.
10 May 1808 (White TN Volume A, p. 212). Indenture. Thomas K HARRIS and Thomas STONE, $100 paid, 2500 acres granted to Robert KING, assignee of James WILLIAMS, grant no. 341, being on Cane Creek a branch of Caney Fork of Cumberland River, after taking out of it 9 small tracts this day conveyed by deed to following persons, to wit: Stephen AUSTIN, 309 acres, William DYRE 207 acres, Joseph PARKER, 207 acres, Pink HUDSON, 170 acres, John NELSON, 81 acres, Richard HILL, 170 acres, said Thomas STONE, 386 acres, William RIDGE __ acres, and Bryant BREEDING __ acres. 684 acres hereby deeded to Thomas STONE. (White County, Tennessee Deed Abstracts 1801-1820. Abstracts of Deed Books Volumes A, B, C, D, E, and F. J. M. Murray, Dallas, Tx)
(White TN Volume A, p. 225). Indenture Date and Grantor above, to William RIDGE, $100 paid, 120 acres. (White County, Tennessee Deed Abstracts 1801-1820. Abstracts of Deed Books Volumes A, B, C, D, E, and F. J. M. Murray, Dallas, Tx)
Notes: William RIDGE was the s/o William & Winnifred Combs Ridge, Sr. and gs/o Mason Combs, Sr. of Surry Co, NC where William RIDGE, Jr. married, 17 Feb 1797, Sarah HORN (d/o Richard). Also on Caney Fork of the Cumberland where Martin & Sarah Combs Johnson are found in Jackson County, Tennessee on adjacent Caney Fork property. Also note that Richard HORN'S land in Surry Co, North Carolina was adj. HANKINS. Ancestry of Bryant BREEDING (Sarah HORN Ridge's sister, Lettie (Lydia? Letitia?) m a BREEDING)?
08 Sep 1808 (CR085.508.136, Rowan Co., NC, Estate
Records, Folder: William RIDGE 1785)
Mr. Jonathan HAINES:
You will please to take notice that I shall attend…at the House
of Robert HOWARD in White County in the State of Tennessee
on the 8th day of September next say 1808 in order to take the
depositions of Wm RIDGE Jun'r, Thomas RIDGE, Mary RIDGE, Sitha
RIDGE, and perhaps others, in the suit now defending in the
Court of Equity for Rowan County in the State of North Carolina,
the suit formerly in the court of Equity for the District of Salisbury
wherein you and myself William COOK & others are defendants,
when and where you may attend and Cross examine said witnesses
if you see cause.
I am yours
(Transcribed by Combs Researcher George Baumbach, Lewis Deposition Notices)
Notes: William, Jr., Thomas, Mary and Seth RIDGE were children of William & Winnifred Combs Ridge (Allen). The above is just one of hundreds of notices, records and depositions in the William RIDGE Estate File. Also note that not named above were daughters, Elizabeth and Winnifred, abt whom no more is known as yet. Neither is their mother, Winnifred Combs Ridge Allen named, although it is possible that she, too, was in the county. The depositions themselves, if taken, have not been located.
02 Jan 1810 (White TN Volume B. p. 141). Bill of Sale 2 Jan 1810 Charles MITCHELL and Samuel JOHNSTON, $400 paid, 1 Negro woman slave named Mary being 30 years, also 1 Negro child daughter of above named Nancy about 1 year. Witnesses: J. TAYLOR, Jnr., Wm RIDGE (White County, Tennessee Deed Abstracts 1801-1820. Abstracts of Deed Books Volumes A, B, C, D, E, and F. J. M. Murray, Dallas, Tx)
08 Nov 1811 (White TN Volume D., p. 24). Indenture 8 Nov 1811 Solomon JORDAN, one part, and George GRIFFITH and William GRIFFITH, other part, $700 paid, tract in 3rd District on Cherry Creek, a branch of Calf Killers Fork, being 157 acres taken from Grant No. 2672 of 187 acres granted by Tennessee to JORDAN on 17 Nov 1810, Warrant 1052, abutting tract of Robert HOWARD and Samuel WEAVER. Witnesses: Elijah CHISUM, Senr, W RIDGE, James HOWARD (White County, Tennessee Deed Abstracts 1801-1820. Abstracts of Deed Books Volumes A, B, C, D, E, and F. J. M. Murray, Dallas, Tx)
Notes: Elijah CHISUM, Sr., formerly of Grainger Co, TN, is also named in the above 1808 Lewis Notice File.
02 Oct 1812 (White TN Volume E, p. 299). Indenture 2 Oct 1812 William RIDGE and Christopher CATRON, $100 paid, 120 acrs on Cane Creek, part of tract of 2500 acres originally granted by North Carolina to Robert KING, assignee of James WILLIAMS, JR, Grant No 341 dated 1 Mar 1797. Witnesses: Benjamin GRIFFITH, James McCORMACK. Sworn by Ira BEDWELL (White County, Tennessee Deed Abstracts 1801-1820. Abstracts of Deed Books Volumes A, B, C, D, E, and F. J. M. Murray, Dallas, Tx)
18 Jan 1814 (White TN Volume E, p. 287). Indenture 18 Jan 1814 David SMYTH, one part, and Alexander S SIMPSON, Christian MAY and Thomas HARBER, of other part, $100 paid, Lots 26 7 27 in town of Sparta. Witnesses: Andrew BURK, William RIDGE (White County, Tennessee Deed Abstracts 1801-1820. Abstracts of Deed Books Volumes A, B, C, D, E, and F. J. M. Murray, Dallas, Tx)
06 Aug 1814 (White TN Volume E., p. 429). Power of Attorney 6 Aug 1814 William RIDGE, Bledsoe Co., TN, grants to John McBRIDE power of my agent to make entries or transfer any plat, certificate, etc. Witnesses: Stephen BRINDLEY, Charles HOLLOWAY, Thomas RIDGE. Acknowledged in Bledsoe County before Joseph B. PORTER. (White County, Tennessee Deed Abstracts 1801-1820. Abstracts of Deed Books Volumes A, B, C, D, E, and F. J. M. Murray, Dallas, Tx)
Notes: No Combs found in Bledsoe County, Tennessee. See Combs Research List Archives, 1998, for additional re HORN-RIDGE and that County, which is immediately west of White and Warren TN. Also note that the above was probably William's younger brother. See also Joseph PORTER as a name found with Combs in both Surry and Wilkes Cos, NC
21 Jul 1815 (White TN Ct. Minute Book, 1814-1817:164) Friday morning, July 21st, 1815. Martin JOHNSON vs. Issd. John M. SIMPSON. Debt. This day came the parties by their attornies and the Defendant by his council withdrew his plea and confessed Judgment for the sum of three hundred and twenty dollars the debt in the declaration Mentioned and agrees that the plaintiff hath sustained damage by occasion of the detention thereto twenty dollars besides cost.- It is therefore considered by the Court that the plaintiff recover against the Defendant the sum of three hundred and twenty dollars the debt in the declaration Mentioned together with the damage aforesaid agreed upon in manner & form aforesaid with his cost by him about his suit in this behalf expended &c. Whereupon the plaintiff by his attorney agrees to stay the execution of this Judgement ten months. (Historical Records Project, OP#465-44-3-115, WPA 9/29/1938, Tennessee Records of White Co, Court Minute Book, 1814-1817)
Notes: Martin JOHNSON m ca 1797, possibly in Hawkins Co, TN, Sarah Combs, ancestry unknown. They were in Warren Co, TN by 1812 (reason for above suit not known).
04 Aug 1815 (White TN Volume E., p. 446). Bill of Sale. William RIDGE and wife Sarah RIDGE, to GEORGE DEPRENE, $150 paid (as described on above page 445 sale). Witnesses: Wil McCANN, James PERRYMAN, Thomas RIDGE. Acknowledged by Joseph B. PORTER, CC (county illegible) (White County, Tennessee Deed Abstracts 1801-1820. Abstracts of Deed Books Volumes A, B, C, D, E, and F. J. M. Murray, Dallas, Tx)
9 Sept 1815 (White TN Volume E, p. 445). Bill of Sale (Tentative) Richard HORN to George DEFR__, $150 paid, a 1/5 interest in Negroes that is yet undivided, the Negroes deeded by Richard HORN, Sr., to five of his children, namely Sarah RIDGE, Lette BREEDING (?), Richard HORN, Fr. Zacheus HORN, and Willy HORN (?), said being called for in Deed of Gift, man slave called Jim, Negro woman Amy, and her child Diley, 1 Negro woman Acts, and her child named Hannah. Witnesses: James COPE, John WARRIN (White County, Tennessee Deed Abstracts 1801-1820. Abstracts of Deed Books Volumes A, B, C, D, E, and F. J. M. Murray, Dallas, Tx)
Notes: William RIDGE, Jr. m 17 Feb 1797, Surry Co, North Carolina, Sarah HORN, d/o the above Richard HORN.
Witness James COPE was probably father of Rhoda COPE who was born 4 Nov 1800, TN; died aft 1850, Madison Co, AR; married (1) 1814, Warren Co, TN, Allen WAITTS, Sr. [a.k.a. WATTS], born GA, died 29 Jul 1832, Jackson Co, Alabama; married (2) 1836, Madison Co, AR, George Woodard SANDERS [a.k.a. SAUNDERS], born 24 Sep 1785, died 27 Oct 1862, Madison Co, AR. G. W. SANDERS m (1) bef 1807, Drusilla BEST, born 6 Sep 1787, died 17 Nov 1835, Richland, Twp., (Madison) Washington Co, AR. Per Researcher Wallace Francis Waits, Jr: Allen Waits, b 1790 SC, d 29 Jul 1832 Jackson AL; m Rhoda Cope, b 4 Nov 1800 Warren Co, TN, d 17 Jan 1868; son: William S. Waits, b ? Jan 1822 Warren Co, Tennessee m ca 1838 Madison Co AR; d ca 1863 Madison Co, Arkansas; wife: Sarah Ann HANKINS, b 1822, TN, d Pleasant Hill, Crawford, AR 7 May 1889. (Madison Co, Arkansas Musings, Vol. 2, No. 4, Winter, 1983, Huntsville, AR, p. 181) The SANDERS, WAITS and COPES were associates of Martin and Sarah Combs Johnson of Hawkins, Jackson and Warren Cos, TN and Richland Twp, Madison Co, AR. Unsourced family tradition claims that second wife of Martin JOHNSON, Mrs. Mary Ann "Polly" HAWK, was widow of Jacob HAWK, died 1829, Warren Co, TN, and that she was neè WARREN, this latter possibly relevant due to 2nd witness John WARREN above.
(See Also Cope Connections in Ray Co MO)
08 Sep 1818 (White County, Tennessee Deed Abstracts, Volume F, p. 255) Bill of Sale 8 Sept 1818 Thomas YATES, Jesse DADSAN (?), and Polly HAMLETT to Berry HAMLITT, $300 paid by HAMLITT, grant him the power to bring suit against James CHAMBERS to recover a Negro woman and her increase named CHARITY, who formerly belonged to Estate of George Combs of Halifax Co, VA, which woman was formerly owned by Phebe Combs (widow of George Combs), above named Grantors being heirs of sd. George. Wit: John CATRON, Henry LYDA, William CHISM, Archibald CONNOR. (White Co, TN Deed Abstracts, Vols. A-F, Murry)
Notes: Jesse DODSON, Bolling HAMBLETT and Thos. YATES all married daus of George & Phebe Combs of Halifax Co, Virginia and all were in White Co, Tennessee by 1818 (earlier - still to be entered).
Mon 18 Oct 1819 (White Co, TN Court Minute Book, 1819-1820, p. 3) This day John ROSE one of the Commissioners there upon appointed by this Court to settle with Resia JARVIS administrator of Alexander ROSE Deceased. returned into open Court a report of their settlement which was ordered to be recorded.
p. 4. Robert HOWARD to Issd. John McGEE. Deed of Conveyance for 15 acres was this day proven in open Court by the oath of Thomas WILLIAMS One of the Subscribing Witnesses there to for the purpose and things there in mentioned and the same having been here to fore proven by the oath Reuben WILHITE one other Subscribing Witness, it is ordered that the same be recorded. let it be Registered.
Joe? Gee? BEDWELL to Issd. John McGEE. Deed of Conveyance for 126 acres was this day proven in open Court by the oath of Thomas WILLIAMS One of the Subscribing Witnesses there to for the purpose and things there in mentioned and the same having been here to fore proven by the oath Reuben WILHITE one other Subscribing Witness, it is ordered that the same be recorded. let it be Registered.
Notes: Rezia JARVIS was the s/o Jabez JARVIS of Surry Co, NC (Deposition of John HARNESS, 1800, Davidson Co, TN, William RIDGE Estate File) William RIDGE, Sr.'s half brother was Thomas Ridge McGEE. Not known if relationship to above McGEE.
Question: How was Reziah JARVIS kin to Alexander ROSE? (See Also Cody-Combs-Ridge-Rose of Surry NC and Combs-Rose of Wilkes NC)
Tue 19 Oct 1819. p. 19. Asst. William CRIM Vs. Sarah RIDGE, Admx. On Motion of William RIDGE Decd the plaintiff by his attorney a Judicial attachment is awarded him against the good and chattle lands and tenements of the Defendant directed to the Sheriff of Overton Co lc
ibid. Assemp sit. William CRIM Vs. Sarah RIDGE, Admx. This day came the plaintiff by Samuel TURNER of William RIDGE Decd Esqr his attorney and declares that he intends not farther prosecuting his suit against the Defendant. Neither is the same farther prosecuted. It is there fore considered by the Court that the defendant go hence and recovere against the plaintiff her cost by her about her defence in this behalf expended lc
(White County, Tennessee County Court Minutes, 1819-1820, Transcription of the County Archives, WPA Project No. 93, TSLA, Nashville, Historical Records Survey, Jun 1940)
Question: Why the direction to the Sheriff of Overton Co, TN?
29 Oct 1819 (White TN Volume F, p. 402). Indenture. John COOTS and Willam GLEN, $200 paid, tract on waters of Ceder Creek emptying into Caney Fork, including said COOTS improvement surveyed 15 July 1810 by James TOWNSEND, D.S., being 100 acres granted by Tennessee to said John, founded on Warrent 100, dated 22 Oct 1783, entered on 9 July 1811 by No. 6517, and assigned to John by James PORTERFIELD, heir of Denny PORTERFIELD. Witnesses: John WATSON, John HICKS
(White County, Tennessee Deed Abstracts 1801-1820. Abstracts of Deed Books Volumes A, B, C, D, E, and F. J. M. Murray, Dallas, Tx)
1811 A List of Taxable Property
and Polls in the Bounds of Capt. William RIDGE'S Company of Militia
for the year 1811.
ROSE, Benjamin 1WP
ROSE, Rezia 1WP
ROSE, John 1WP
RIDGE, William 1WP, 1 stud horse
1812 A List of Taxable Property and Polls- Capt.
James COLE'S Company
RIDGE, Thomas 1 WP, 213 acres
1812 A List of Taxables and Polls- Capt. William
CODY, Pierce 1WP
DUNCAN, Marshall 1WP
1812 A List of Taxables and Polls- Capt. William
RIDGE'S Company
CHISUM, Elijah
(White County Tax Book 1811.1815. Transcriptions of the County
Archives of Tennessee, No. 93. WPA, Tn State Library, Nashville,
TN 1940)
1813 March 24. Deed Book G, pp. 307-308. Bennet R. CODY to Pearce CODY. Bennet CODY places daughter Sally CODY in possession and care of Pearce CODY for better bringing up and instruction, and Sally to dwell with Pearce CODY from this date until she is of age or free agreeable to the laws of government and said Sally shall serve as apprentice to said Master…Pearce binds himself to give 1 years schooling when she arrives at age 10. Witness: Henry LACY. Registered 17 March 1824. (White County Tennessee Deed Records, Vol. G 1820-1828. E. H. Shepherd 1993, Azle, TX)
Notes: The appearance of a Pierce CODY in close proximity to the RIDGE family may be significant due to William and Seth STACY Cody, in-laws of both the Combs and Ridge families.
1813 A List of Taxables and Polls- Capt. William RIDGE'S Company
COODY, Pearce 1WP
CHISUM, Elijah
JARVIS, Eliphalett 1WP
JARVIS, William 1WP
JARVIS, Bennett 1WP
JOHNSTON, William 1 WP
ROSE, Zachariah 1WP, Sparta
ROSE, Abner 1WP, 1 stud horse
ROSE Rozia 1WP, 18 acres
RIDGE, William 1WP, 100 acres
10 acres
23 acres
1814 A List of Taxables and Polls- Capt. William RIDGE'S Company
PALMER, Stephen 1WP
RIDGE, William 1WP, 10 acres
CHISUM, James 1WP, 80 acres including Marshal DUNCAN
CATRON, Christopher 1WP, 150 acres
ROSE, Benjamin 1WP
ROSE, John 1WP, 37 acres
1814 A List of Taxables and Polls- Capt. James COLE'S Company
McCOAD, James - WP, 152 acres, Falling Water
1815 A List of Taxables and Polls- Capt. Daniel PARKINSON'S Company
RIDGE, Amos 1 WP
(White County Tax Book 1811.1815. Transcriptions of the County Archives of Tennessee, No. 93. WPA, Tn State Library, Nashville, TN 1940)
Notes: Amos RIDGE not identified as yet? Re the Marshall DUNCAN reference above, see Combs-Duncan Connections.
p. 351
2m<10, 1m16-26
1f<10, 1f26-45
1m10-16, 1m45+
1f10-16, 1f16-25, 1f25+
p. 353
Nicholas COOK
p. 361
Pierce CODY
Notes: No Combs or Ridge found in this county by 1820 (Sarah HORN Ridge presumably living in Bledsoe Co, TN). See Surry Co, NC re William Nicholas COOK and other Cook-Combs, etc. families.
28 Jul 1820 (White TN Volume G., p. 125). Indenture 28 July 1820 Robert ALLEN and George MATLOCK, of Smith Co., Tennessee, one part, and Theodorick B RICK, other part $4000 paid, several tracts: one being 514 acres on both sides of Calf Killer Fork, including HARRIET Iron Works, and adjoining Robert BURTON land, Northeast corner of Joseph ROBERTSON; also interesta of said ALLEN and MATLICK in 137 acres adjoining above on both sides of said Calf Killers Fork, which adjoins Issac SWINDLE, Armistreet STUBBLEFIELD, and Driry PICKETT; also 50 acrs granted to STUBBLEFIED by Tennessee by No. 3675 & north of Entry 6290, lying on Ferguson's branch of Caney Fork, said land sold to Grantors herein by Sheriff's Deed of 8 Sept 1815. Witnesses: David BURFORD, JM SMITH, Jrats as to ALLEN, Sam CP HOWARD, John B WHITE. Acknowledged in Smith County before Jonathan PICKETT, Clk.
(White County, Tennessee Deed Abstracts. Volume II 1820-1834. Volumes G and H. J. M. Murray.)
01 Nov 1820 (White TN Volume H. p. 291). Indenture. 1 Nov 1820 Richard DEAN and wife Elizabeth DEAN, formerly Elizabeth MARTIN, of one part, and John TAYLOR, other part, $150 paid, 50 acres on Taylor's Creek and including improvements where Thomas CURTIS formerly lived, & where said Richard and wife now live, granted by Tennessese to Elizabeth MARTIN on 22 Jan 1816, Grant 8498. Witnesses: JMC TAYLOR, Cyrus TAYLOR
(White County, Tennessee Deed Abstracts. Volume II 1820-1834. Volumes G and H. J. M. Murray.)
17 Jul 1821 (White TN Volume G, p. 132). Indenture 17 July 1821 Frederick COOTS and Hiram COOTS, consideration paid, 50 acres on Calf Killer Fork on Cumberland mountain, in the Ivey Cove, being a tract granted by Tennessee to grantor herin on 22 Apr 1819, Patent No 13405. Witnesses: John BRYAN, John ROSS
(White County, Tennessee Deed Abstracts. Volume II 1820-1834. Volumes G and H. J. M. Murray.)
182x Court Minutes, p. 146. Wm TAYLOR, Admr. of James TAYLOR, dec'd vs. Samuel LANCE, Henry LANCE, Pierce CODY, Debt. $86.
[gab: Forgot to copy date.]
22 Jan 1823 Court Minutes. pp. 596-626: State vs. Daniel CARPENTER, Bennet CODY, Anthony LANCE, Pearce CODY. Indictment. A True Bill.
State vs. Pearce CODY. Bond, A True Bill. Philip USSERY & Ransom GEER, Securities.
State vs. Bennett CODY. Bond, A True Bill. Markin TAYLOR & Jospeh McDANIEL, Securities
State vs Daniel CARPENTER. A True Bill, Wm. B. ROSE, prosecutor. Pearce CODY & Nicholas COOK, securities.
State vs. Pearce CODY. A True Bill .Wm. B. ROSE, prosecutor. Samuel LANCE, security
State vs. Bennet CODY. A True Bill. Wm. B. ROSE, prosecutor. Samuel LANCE & Nicholas COOK, securities.
State vs. Anthony LANCE. A True Bill. Wm. B. ROSE, prosecutor. Samuel LANCE & Rezia JARVIS, securities
22 Jan 1823 Court Minutes, p. 601. Juror: Pearce CODY
(White County, Tennessee Court Minute Book, Vol. 6 1820-1823 WPA Records. Mountain Press, Signal Mountain, TN)
16 Apr 1824 April 16 Court Minutes. On application of Jacob HARWICH…it is ordered that a capias issue against Pearse CODY directed to the Sheriff of White County to cause him to bring here… The body of Sally CODY a child of Bennett CODY bound to him the said Pearch as an apprentice…
18 Oct 1824 October 18. Court Minutes. George LONG vs. Pierce CODY. Debt Appeal. Recovery for defendant by default.
(White County, Tennessee Court minutes Book 1824-1827, WPA Records, Mountain Press, Signal Mountain, TN)
10 Jul 1828 (White Co, Tennessee Minutes) "Ordered by court that Eli SIMS Esquire be allowed the sum of 60 dollars for and towards the support of an old lady that is blind by the name of Phebe Combs, a pauper, to be paid out of the poor tax not otherwise appropriated by the term of one year…Issued."
(Transcribed by Combs-Hamblet Researcher Arlina Moss)
Notes: The above was undoubtedly Phoebe, widow of George Combs, d 1799, Halifax Co VA. It is not known as yet when she removed to White County, Tennessee, nor why she was living with Eli SIMS rather than with one of her daughters (or had SIMS also married into the family?) And why was she termed a pauper given the acreage and personalty of her deceased husband back in Halifax?
Also: Seeking to identify this Eli SIMS. Was he kin to Bartlett SIMS of Henry VA and Hawkins Co, TN, s/o James SIMS, d 1773, Pittsylvania Co VA?
p. 03
16 Samuel A. MOORE 00100001-00000001
p. 30
18 Thomas YEATES 02001001-11010001?
p. 47
13 John McGEE 010000001-000000001
16 Harrison WHITSON
17 Jacob CLARK
18 William CREASY
19 Robert HOWARD 200001-120001
20 Sally CRIM 11101-011101
10 Aug 1831 (White TN Volume H, p. 295). Indenture 10 Aug 1831 Thomas LITTLE, one part, and Brice LITTLE and William LITTLE, other part, $500 paid, 220 acres in Blue Spring Cove and on south side Bleu Spring Creek, tract adjoining dividing line between LITTLE and DENTON. Witnesses: Eliphalet JARVIS, Rezia JARVIS Registered 9 June 1832. (White County, Tennessee Deed Abstracts. Volume II 1820-1834. Volumes G and H. J. M. Murray.)
Notes: Although this is a White County, Tennessee record, one Blue Spring Cove was in Warren Co, TN, and the location of the marriage of Nancy Combs (b 1797, Knox Co, TN, ancestry unknown, but closely associated to Mason Combs, Jr.'s family) m John FLEMING in 1812.
11 Mar 1832 (White TN Volume G, p. 262). Indenture 11 Mar 1832 John COOTS Jnr, Jackson Co., AL, one part, and William GLENN, other part, $100 paid, 75 acres in 1st District on Cedar Creek of Caney Fork, beginning near south boundary of tract where said John formerly lived. Witnesses: Samuel WILLIAMSON, Joseph B. GLENN
(White County, Tennessee Deed Abstracts. Volume II 1820-1834. Volumes G and H. J. M. Murray.)
09 Jul 1832 (White TN Volume H, p. 330). 9 July 1832 William GLENN and Zachariah JONES, $200 paid, tract of 18 3/4 acres, beginning on boundary line of 100 acres survey made in name of John COOTS, and being all of 100 acre survey, being all of Gran 9877, issued by Tennessee to James TOWNSEND for 5 acres, 8 Nov 1814; other tracts described. Witnesses: Jas TOWNSEND, Jesse ALLEN Jr.
Notes: See earlier TOWNSEND and note ALLEN, and see Wilkes Co, NC
p. 53
COMBO, James
Notes: Not identified.
23 Apr 1846 (White Co, Tennessee Marriages) GOOLSBY, Wm & Nancy RIDGE Apr 23, 1846 by Rev. Levi PERKINS, p. 23.
(White County, Tennessee. Oldest Marriage Book, 1809-1859. MF Mitchell & JS Johnson Dollante 1991 Clearfield Company. p. 26)
Notes: No Combs Marriages during this time period, and no other RIDGE marriages. Nancy not identified.
8th District
p. 135
HH904 Richard COMBEY 30 VA
Nancy 28 VA
James H. 10
Elizabeth 25
William Y. 6
Mary C. 3
Martha F. 2
John 1
Notes: Who is this? Family not identified, and not found in Census Index. Not known if Richard COMBEY was Combes or Combey (original record needs to be viewed)
Richard COMBEY was Richard H. CUMBY and his wife was Nancy BLANKENSHIP. He and his family can be found on the 1860, 1870, and 1880 Cookeville, Putnam Co, TN, census. (Source: Paula Warren, gg-granddaughter of Richard and Nancy, who states the family always spelled the name CUMBY. No documentation provided).
District (not yet pulled)
1133 Piaree? CODD 38 TN
Rebecca " 38 NC
Melton H " 16
1205 William GOOLSBY 45 TN
Nancy " 30 TN
Saroah [sic] " 11
Isaac " 8
Jane " 4
District Not Known (Not Indexed)
p. 204
1398 John W. COMBS 70 VA
Amey 68 NC
John 13
(1850 Census - Tennessee, transcribed and indexed by Byron & Barbara Sistler, Evanston, IL, 1974, Byron Sistler & Associates, Inc., Nashville, TN, 1991 reprint) Record needed!
Dec 1861 According to Goodspeeds, in Dec 1861, White Co, Tennessee Confederate Civil War Captains David SNODGRASS and Wm. M. SIMPSON organized a company each and joined "Combs' battalion".
(History of Tennessee, Cannon, Coffee, DeKalb, Warren, White Counties , The Goodspeed Publishing Company, Nashville, 1887, Reprinted by Southern Historical Press, Easley, SC, 1979, 1995, p. 806)
Note: This battalion has been identified as the 1st Battalion, Tennessee Infantry (Colms') (search: Confederate; TN; 1; Infantry;). Major Stephen H. Colms (possibly the S. H. Combs mentioned below?) was in command. No other Combs or variant spellings found in this Unit.
1865-? According to Goodspeed's, for several years after the close of the Civil War, among the attorneys of White County, Tennessee were one S. H. Combs.
(ibid, p. 805)