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Jackson County was formed from Smith County, Tennessee in 1801, the latter established in 1799 from Sumner County, Tennessee, one of the original Middle TN Counties. County and State Lines were often fluid over the years, and Jackson one of the most fluid since it was adjacent to Monroe Co, Kentucky (See Below), Indian Lands, and the Military Reservation (land reserved for NC Rev. War Soldiers). Border disputes between TN and KY were not ultimately resolved until 1820 and as will be seen, some Tennessee Combs became Kentucky Combs during that period of adjustment. In 1806, Overton Co was established from Jackson, and White Co from Jackson and Smith Cos, with Warren from White in 1807. In 1824, Fentress was established from Overton, and in 1837-8, DeKalb was established from Cannon, Smith, Warren and White, with Van Buren established from Warren and White in 1840. Clay Co, Tennessee was established from Jackson and Overton in 1870, consisting of northern segments of both counties, and thus also on the state line.
Whether the early Combs of early Jackson County, Tennessee were all of one family is not known yet. There appear to have been at least two groups:
Note: Watch for Updates. These Records & Transcriptions are still in the process of being annotated by the Combs Research Group.
The following consists of both a chronology of Combs & Combs-Associated records in Jackson County, Tennessee unfortunately a very brief chronology since it appears that most Combs &c. Families ended up in Monroe Co, Kentucky or White Co, TN when those counties were organized and/or state boundaries changed. Land records herein are, for that reason, minimal, and instead found in either of the above two reports or in the later counties of record.
Note: Most of these records were extracted and annotated by Combs-Cody-Johnson-Ridge-Stacy Researchers George Baumbach, Barbara Stacy Mathews and C. Hammett from Land Entries From "Building Neighborhoods, Jackson County, Tennessee, Prior to 1820. Abstractions from Record Group 50, Early Land records, Tennessee State Library and Archives" by Betty Huff Bryant, 1992. Format: (Book/Page/Entry Number) Organization and land location notes are by George Baumbach.
No Combs by that spelling, although it is possible that one Samuel COMBLES was miswritten by either the tax collector or transcriber. A Samuel Combs may have been a McFarlin Creek [a.k.a. McFarland] Combs (See Below), and see also Jefferson Co, TN re a Samuel Combs of Indian Creek. It is also possible that the 1802 Jackson Co, Tennessee list was incomplete, and/or that some records are in KY.
10 Nov 1813 War of 1812. Deserted. Combs, John, Pvt., TN Militia, Capt. Bailey BUTLER'S Company, Col. John K. WINN'S Regt., Infantry; deserted . (Tennesseans of the War of 1812, transcribed and indexed by Byron & Samuel Sistler, Byron Sistler & associates, Inc., Nashville, TN, 1992)
Notes: The above John Combs has not been identified. One Balie BUTLER is listed on the 1820 Jackson Co, Tennessee Census, p. 3. Not known if same. No Bailey BUTLER found in early TN Tax Lists as yet; however, see several Bailey/Balie BUTLER/BUTLARS below.
Corrected from a digital image provided by John German, previous data indicated thusly.
P. 4:
Stacy, Biram: 000010-30010 00200
(3 in agriculture)
Stacy, John: 200101 200010 -01100
(2 in agriculture)
STACY, Anne: 300000-21030 2133(or 0)1
(5 in agriculture)
Notes: Although the stats are off for Anne STACY (1 female too young), it is believed possible that she was Ann Combs, widow of Benjamin STACY, and her sons, Biram and John, and their families. The enumeration of females in this particular Jackson Co. census is confusing due to the break/crease in the pages; therefore, a personal review of this record is recommended for anyone researching these families.
(alpha by first letter of surname)
p. 118
Nathaniel ALLEN: 011001-1000100001
Although it is not known when or where Winnifred Combs Ridge Allen died, it is possible that (a) she had a son, Nathaniel, by Nathan ALLEN, and (b) was living in his 1830 Jackson Co, TN census household. Important! This is totally speculative, but being actively researched since Nathaniel ALLEN'S household included: 1 male born 1790-1799; 1 male born 1815-1819; 1 male born 1820-1824; 1 female born 1800-1809; 1 female born 1825-1830, and 1 female born 1750-1759. Not found in 1820. See also Combs Land of Caney Fork.
(Extracted from 1850 Census - Tennessee, transcribed and indexed by Byron & Barbara Sistler, Evanston, IL, 1974, Byron Sistler & Associates, Inc., Nashville, TN, 1991 reprint)
17th Civil District
p. 441
HH#870 Balie BUTLAR 47 TN
Cyntha 50
Cotha 15
Jasper 13
James 11
p. 443
HH#889 COMES, William 35 KY
Polly 30 TN
Wiseman 11
James 9
Washington 7
Jane 5
William 2
Notes: The above William Combs has not been identified. Also, not found in Sistler, but indexed, was a Jane COMES listed in same district on same page (Not Yet Researched). See above re Capt. Bailey BUTLAR of War of 1812 w/Private John Combs, and note the given names, Cyntha and Sotha (Seth? Sintha, Sithe? Siotha?) in the BUTLER HH.
Organization still incomplete
CANEY FORK RIVER (flows east, forms part of east and south boundary of White Co, flows though DeKalb Co then into Smith Co where it empties into the Cumberland River at Carthage)
11 Dec 1812 (28/86/9650) William RIDGE 30 acres Smith Co north side of Caney Fork above where Spice KENTLING now lives to include Spice KENTLING's improvement
Indian Creek of Caney Fork River (flows east from Putnam Co to where Smith & DeKalb join at north side of Caney Fork River)
Note: According to TN Gazeteer: "Caney Fork, a branch of the Cumberland river, rises in Warren, White and Jackson counties, and flowing northwest, enters Smith, and falls into the Cumberland at Carthage [Smith Co]. It is navigable as high up as Shippingsport, at the falls, in Warren County, where the whole stream falls over the rocks one hundred feet." [Falling Waters]
31 Aug 1807 (TN RG 50 58. 69 238). James ROULSTON..39-3/8 acs.. 6th section.. 3rd range.. Begin on the south fork of Indian Creek of the Caney Fork.. on a beech marked "A.S.I.V." Martin JOHNSON'S beginning corner.. to include said ROULSTON'S improvement..31 Aug 1807. James VANCE, Loc. (Building Neighborhoods, Jackson County, Tennessee Prior to 1820, Abstractions from Record Group 50, Early Land Records, TN State Library and Archives, Betty Huff Bryant, 1992, p. 33, Reel 17, hereinafter Neighborhoods - extracted variously by Combs Researchers George Baumbach, Barbara Stacy Mathews and C. Hammett)
29 Feb 1812 (TN RG 50 27 122 7709) William RIDGE ase of William P. ANDERSON .. 3 acs .. north branch of Indian Creek of Caney Fork .. to include a sale petre cave with a spring .. 3/4 mile above GOODWIN'S. 29 Feb 1812. William RIDGE, Locator (Neighborhoods)
11 Dec 1812 (Tennessee 28 86 9652) William RIDGE.. 6 acs .. on a branch of Caney Fork on which Col. RALSTON'S mill is set and about 1 1/2 mile above same. to incl an improvement made by Chesley WHEELER. 11 Dec 1812 ("Building Neighborhoods, Jackson County, Tennessee Prior to 1820," Abstractions from Record Group 50, Early Land Records, TN State Library and Archives, Betty Huff Bryant, provided by Researcher Barbara Stacy Mathews.)
(28/307/10512) 1813 Apr 2 William RIDGE 20 acres waters of Indian Creek; Robert LEE, Loc.
(28/307/10513) 1813 Apr 2 William RIDGE 20 acres waters of Indian Creek spring & improvemnt where Robert LEE now lives; Robert LEE, Loc.
(30/9/14535) 1815 Feb 18 William RIDGE 6 acres waters of Indian Creek adjoining David WOMACK's field to include WOMACK's improvement
WILLIAM Ridge: There are three more references, same area, mentions Sally WOMACK and David WOMACK'S field to include WOMACKS improvements. 18 Feb 1815.
Martin and Sarah Combs Johnson came to Middle TN sometime between 1802 and 1803 from Hawkins County, Tennessee where Martin JOHNSON'S last appearance in the records of that county was in 1802 when he witnessed a land trust for Mason Combs, husband of Dorothy, and father of Simon Combs, born 1785, NC, and Jeremiah Combs, b 1788, VA, both of whom had, by 1808-1810, joined Martin and Sarah Combs Johnson in Warren County, Tennessee (the relationship between Sarah, born 1779 in NC, and this family has not yet been determined, other than that it was close). Although not yet documented, it is believed highly probable that Mason Combs of Hawkins Co, Tennessee was the same who was born 21 Feb 1746/7 in Overwharton Parish, Stafford Co, Virginia, son of Mason & Sarah Combs, Sr., b 1714, Richmond Co, Virginia; d 1785, Surry Co, North Carolina. William RIDGE was the son of William RIDGE, Sr. of Surry Co, North Carolina who d 1780, Battle of Hanging Rock, SC, and Winnifred Combs (who m (2) Nathan ALLIN), born 14 May 1749 in Overwharton Parish, Stafford Co, Virginia, daughter of the same Mason and Sarah Combs, Sr. mentioned above. William RIDGE, Jr.'s property is further identified by the following record:
Among those who were near neighbors of Martin & Sarah Combs Johnson & William RIDGE, Jr. (s/o Winnifred Combs Ridge Allen); i.e., their property was adj. to either JOHNSON or RIDGE or to each other, were: Benjamin BLACKBURN, James COOK, John CHRISTIAN (a.k.a. CHRISTY), Thomas GILLIHAN, William GOODWIN, John LANCASTER, Robert LEE, Dempsey POWELL, Elifees ROBESON, Col. James ROULSTON, Duke SKELTON, William SMITH, James VANCE, Chesley WHEELER, Joel WILSON, with each having been referenced as "lived there."
William RIDGE was still in Surry Co, North Carolina as late as 1797 when he m Sarah HORN, and is next found in White County, Tennessee (although his property holdings continued to include Jackson, Smith and White Cos, TN). Martin JOHNSON is found in Smith County, Tennessee as early as 1803 with 320 acres on "Indian Creek." That confusion in regard to county lines existed is further evidenced by the fact that in 1808 and 1809, Martin JOHNSON, with 320 A. on the Caney Fork, was listed as a tax delinquent in Jackson Co, Tennessee. He is next found in 1812 in Warren County, Tennessee (just across the river from William RIDGE, Jr.).
Mine Lick Creek (empties into Center Hill Lake in Dekalb Co, flows southwest from Putnam Co)
(28/84/9643) 1812 Dec 11 William RIDGE 30 acres waters of Mine Lick Creek to include Samuel MAXWELL'S improvement whereon he now lives
(28/84/9644) 1812 Dec 11 William RIDGE 30 acres on Mine Lick Creek to include Green WOOD'S improvement whereon Hubbard BREWER now lives.
(28/85/9648) 1812 Dec 11 William RIDGE 30 acres a part thereof in Jackson Co on the south fork of Mine Creek to include whereon one HARTFIELD now lives
(28/85/9649) 1812 Dec 11 William RIDGE 30 acres on Mine Creek to include improvement made by Hubbard BREWER; Larkin WOMACK, Loc.
(28/86/9651) 1812 Dec 11 William RIDGE 20 acres on Mine Lick Creek to include improvement occupied and cultivated last summer by Henry BREWER
(29/491/14134) 1814 Dec 26 William RIDGE 30 acres on Mine Lick Creek to include improvement made by Hubbard BREWER
(30/9/14534) 1815 Feb 18 William RIDGE 12 acres waters of Mine Lick Creek to include improvement where Sally WOMACK used to live
See also Ridge-Womack under Indian Creek of Caney Fork
Rock Island (Caney Fork, White Co)
16 Jun 1813 (28/425/10940) 1813 Jun 16 William RIDGE 19 acres White Co, north side of the road that leads from the Rock Island to White Plains 1-1/2 mile from the Rock Island
21 May 1814 (29 225 12672) John BUSSELL ase of Thomas DILLON, 16 acres, White Co, Caney Fork, S side of road leading from White Plains to Rock Island. Samuel BELLAH Loc.
Note: Goodspeeds' History of Tennessee, White County, refers to "Rock Island, on Caney Fork, at the mouth of Rocky River the first town of what is now Warren County, it having been the old [White] county seat" and now in Warren's 2nd District. See Also (1) John BUSSELL'S simultaneous entry for land (a) on Falling Water; (b) on Dry Fork of Martin's Creek (near Nathan ALLEN?); and (c ) in Smith Co on east side of Caney Fork; (2) BUSSELL-Combs-SOUTHER Families of Wilkes Co, North Carolina; and (3) Bussell-Combs-Johnson mystery of Hawkins County, Tennessee and Madison Co, Arkansas.
Falling Water and Cane Forks (at east boundary of White, Putnam and DeKalb Co, at Center Hill Lake)
20 Apr 1808 (TN Land Book/Page/Entry No. 23/258/1597) 1808 Apr 20 Richard PORTERFIELD assignee of Samuel PRICE, 20 acres on Falling Water of Caney Fork, White Co. Voided 15 June 1814 per order of Richard PORTERFIELD. ("Building Neighborhoods, Jackson County, Tennessee, Prior to 1820. Abstractions from Record Group 50, Early Land records, Tennessee State Library and Archives" by Betty Huff Bryant, 1992)
10 May 1808 (White TN Volume A, p. 212). Indenture. Thomas K HARRIS and Thomas STONE, $100 paid, 2500 acres granted to Robert KING, assignee of James WILLIAMS, grant no. 341, being on Cane Creek a branch of Caney Fork of Cumberland River, after taking out of it 9 small tracts this day conveyed by deed to following persons, to wit: Stephen AUSTIN, 309 acres, William DYRE 207 acres, Joseph PARKER, 207 acres, Pink HUDSON, 170 acres, John NELSON, 81 acres, Richard HILL, 170 acres, said Thomas STONE, 386 acres, William RIDGE __ acres, and Bryant BREEDING __ acres. 684 acres hereby deeded to Thomas STONE. (White County, Tennessee Deed Abstracts 1801-1820. Abstracts of Deed Books Volumes A, B, C, D, E, and F. J. M. Murray, Dallas, Tx)
(White TN Volume A, p. 225). Indenture Date and Grantor above, to William RIDGE, $100 paid, 120 acres. (White County, Tennessee Deed Abstracts 1801-1820. Abstracts of Deed Books Volumes A, B, C, D, E, and F. J. M. Murray, Dallas, Tx)
12 Aug 1814(?) (RG 50 Roll 28 Book "G" (TSLA Vom 18) Page 546) Survey for Jacob JOHNSON. 10 acres. White Co. Waters of Falling Water. David PEARCE, Ruben CASADA, S.C.C. Surveyed Aug 12, 18(14?) (Abstracted by Researcher Fred Smoot who adds: "on the waters of" indicates he might have been on a creek flowing into Falling Water, not on Falling Water itself.)
26 Jan 1813 (28/176/10015) William DODSON 50 acres Cane Creek of Caney Fork, improvement whereon John MORGAN Jr now lives
28 Jan 1814 (29/145/12067) 1814 Jan 28 William RIDGE 20 acres White Co, waters of Cane Creek to include 2 saplings between Abner NORRIS and Reuben PURKINS. (nb: Two 1811 Entries by Reuben and Robert B. PURKINS, land adjacent to David NORRIS, are described as "on the ridge between Hutchins Creek and Cane Creek. Absolom Norris' 1813 entry described as on Hutchins Creek beginning on Samuel SMITH'S south boundary on both sides of road leading from said NORRIS'S to Reuben PURKINS - See Below)
02 Oct 1812 (White TN Volume E, p. 299). Indenture 2 Oct 1812 William RIDGE and Christopher CATRON, $100 paid, 120 acrs on Cane Creek, part of tract of 2500 acres originally granted by North Carolina to Robert KING, assignee of James WILLIAMS, JR, Grant No 341 dated 1 Mar 1797. Witnesses: Benjamin GRIFFITH, James McCORMACK. Sworn by Ira BEDWELL (White County, Tennessee Deed Abstracts 1801-1820. Abstracts of Deed Books Volumes A, B, C, D, E, and F. J. M. Murray, Dallas, Tx)
21 May 1814 (29 225 12673) John BUSSELL, ase of Thomas DILLON, 15 acres, White Co, south side of Falling Water. Samuel BELLAH, Locator
Notes: See Bussell-Ridge Notes under Rock Island of Caney Fork
Hutchins Creek & Pigeon Roost Creek (part in White Co; both flow southward from Cookeville in Putnam Co to Falling Waters River just inside White Co. Also note that the original Bounds-Lovelady grant (see below) is described as on the Jackson-White Co Line at the Military Line)
14 Jan 1811 (25 40 5753) Samuel MOORE .. 10 a. in White Co .. on waters of Caney Fork .. to include a large salt petre cave .. formerly worked by Jacob DRAKE and sold by said DRAKE to said Samuel MOORE and which cave said MOORE has rented to Jno. JAMES.
06 Jul 1812 (27 309 8394) Richard ROSE, 2 acres, head waters of Pigeon Roost Creek
07 Aug 1812 (27 361 8610) William G. BULLER .. 2 acs, water of Pigeon Roost Creek, a spring formerly made use of by John DICK and last by Drury MOSELEY
15 Sep 1813 (29/9/11424) William DODSON 20 acres, on Pigeon Roost Creek, adjoining Daniel ALEXANDER… the military line
06 Dec 1813 (29/98/11821) William RIDGE 20 acres between Hutchins Creek & Pigeon Roost Creek about 1/4 mile west from Samuel MOORE'S
22 Dec 1813 (29/114/11889) William RAGLAND 30 acres Pigeon Roost Creek.. Thomas RIDGE'S corner on the military line
27 Sep 1813 (29 29 11511) John YOUNG, 2 acres, Pigeon Roost Creek, adj. 70 acre survey, name of Thomas BOUNDS & Thomas LOVELADY
14 May 1814 (29/218/12627) William RIDGE 50 acres White Co, mouth of Hutchins Creek adjoining John CROOK .. BOUNDS and LOVELADY'S
31 Oct 1814 (29/403/13675) Joseph WILLIAMS 20 acres White Co., Pigeon Roost Creek near the Widow BULLAR'S mill pond, to include improvement made by Thomas RIDGE
Notes: (a) See (1) Revolutionary Soldiers of Warren & White Cos TN re Samuel MOORE and a Tory Connection; (2) the 1811 Clay Co, Kentucky Tax List, which includes a Samuel MOORE along with David, John and Robert ROSE, and later on the 1830 White Co, Tennessee Census, the 1836 Warren Co, Tennessee tax lists, and the 1850 Van Buren County, Tennessee Census. (b) Presumably, the above Thomas RIDGE is the same who was brother to William RIDGE, Jr. (c) See Jacob DRAKE as later neighbor to Martin & Sarah Combs Johnson in both Warren Co, TN and Madison Co, AR. (d) This William DODSON has not been identified; however, see DODSON-JOHNSON of Hawkins County, Tennessee and Combs-Dodson of White Co, TN and Warren Co, TN
Eagle Creek (flows east from Smithville in DeKalb Co into Center Hill Lake)
(54/81/179) 1803 July 5 James ORE, 500 acres Eagle Creek to include where Jacob COONS now lives
Notes: See Jefferson County, Tennessee for brothers Phillip & George Combs who m sisters, Rebecca and Agnes ORE, respectively, and 1799 marriage of Joseph & Deborah Combs Coons.
(2/4/230/3116) 1809 Mar 6 21 Gen. NOLEN asignee of Uriah ANDERSON originally of Rodham HOME, 143 acres on south side of Cumberland, beginning where Howell BARKER'S north boundary croses said river running east, up the meanders of the River, east with PARKER'S line, including a place were Dervin JARMED (might be JAMES or JARVIS), last year, opposite the mouth of
Indian Creek. Removed 1810 Dec 21 [GAB: likely Rezia JARVIS]
(24/300/3513) 1809 May 27 Wm. T. LEWIS and Wm. TYRELL asignees of Henry M. RUTLEDGE. Warrant no 215 enter 1,000 acres on south side of Cumberland River joining Thomas CLARK'S west boundary. "The above entry was originally made May 26, 1796, on Warrant No 2116, Location No 5863, and re-entered this the 27th day of May 1809 agreeable to an Act of Assembly in that case made and provided" Hayden WILLS, Loc.
Scanland's Branch
(27/359/8600) 1812 Aug 6 Thomas SCANLAND 3 acres Scanland's Branch, salt petre cave formely worked by Charles ELLIOTT and lately worked by the STACYS
(27/370/8647) 1812 Aug 12 Hannaniah LINCOLN, Jesse STACY, and James WILSON assignee of John C. McLEMORE, one acre south side of Cumberland River on Scanland's Branch. Also entry no. 8648
Sugar Creek (north of Roaring River, present Jackson Co)
(54/8/25) 1802 Mar 25 William Terrell LEWIS assignee of Stockley DONNELSON, 640 acres, headwaters of Sugar Creek, beginning at a chestnut and poplar marked by Capt. WILLIAMS in April 1800 as mile trees, surveying for John LOVE; Moses FISK, Loc.
(26/185/5365) 1810 Oct 24 William HIX, 50 acres on Sugar Creek to include Isaac ABNE'S improvement; William HIX, Loc.
(28/170/9990) 1813 Jan 25 John C. McLEMORE 100 acres headwaters of Sugar Creek, improvement where HILLUMS formerly lived and where a family by the name of STACY now lives.
(28/261/10347) 1813 Mar 9 John C. McLEMORE 10 acres, south side of Cumberland, north fork of Sugar Creek 1/2 mile below where some families named STACY now live…a fall…where an old pounding mill formerly stood
(28/262/10350) 1813 Mar 9 John C. McLEMORE 20 acres north fork of Sugar Creek a mile below where STACY now lives
(29/76/11727) 1813 Nov 10 John ROGERS 1-1/2 acres, Hill's Branch, to include mouths of two salt petre caves lately found by Benjamin STACY and worked at by said STACY & WEAVER
(30/332/16706) 1816 Mar 14 John MURREY 19 acres on ridge between Sugar Creek & Hill's Branch, including the place where Byram STACY formerly lived
(31/155/19506) 1818 Jan 21 John MURREY 5 acres waters of north fork of Sugar Creek to include a cabin built by Byram STACY
(31/156/19511) 1818 Jan 22 John C. McLEMORE headwaters of north fork of Sugar Creek to include part of a sugar orchard above where Byram STACY now lives
(31/536/22416) 1823 Apr 30 Abiram STACY 10 acres head waters of Sugar Creek to include said STACEY'S improvement & house; Price BUTLER, Loc.
Doe Creek (south of Roaring River and north of Flynn's Creek, present Jackson Co.)
(54/49/113) 1802 Oct 30 Levi JARVIS enters in Jackson County and State of Tennessee by virtue of a military warrant granted to Levi JARVIS a private in the Continental Line in the State of North Carolina two hundred and twenty eight acres of land number of the warrent No 26 lying on Doe Creek that emtys into Cumberland River below six hundred and forty acres of land entered by John BILLINGSLEY and TAYLOR beginning at a cabbin partley rased against the mouth of a branch or near it and running up and down for compliment; David COX, Locator.
(23/148/1643) 1808 Nov 5 David COX asignnee of Levi JARVIS, 528 acres on Doe Creek. Surety returned 5 Sept 1811 by John MURREY, DS.
Flynn's Creek (downriver from Doe Creek, present Jackson Co)
(54/95/209) 1803 Oct 10 Robert PRICE, a little beech marked R P, west side of Uriah ANDERSON'S, north to FITZGERALD'S, THOMPSON'S line, ANDERSON'S line
(25/246/7140) 1811 Oct 29 Redmond D. BARRY, 20 acres, waters of Flynn's Creek & on the Horse Branch, including where PAIN now lives.
(28/286/10440) 1813 Mar 23 John MARTIN 60 acres, Flynn's Creek, east bank of said creek about 1/4 mile above Wm. THOMPSON'S mill on said creek, west then south, to incude a small improvement
(28/325/10583) John PAYNE 10 acres head of Horse Hollow of Dry Fork of Flynn's Creek, near said PAYNE'S house, to include said PAYNE'S improvement; James VINSON, Loc.
(30/206/15823) 1815 Oct 13 Elijah PRICE on branch of Flynn's Creek adjoining tract on which Uriah ANDERSON now lives to include improvement made by Robert PRICE where the widow PRICE nowlives; Elijah PRICE, Loc.
(30/287/16381) 1816 Jan 10 Uriah ANDERSON 100 acres, waters of Flynn's Creek adjoining John MARTIN's 60 acre entry on STOTHART'S west boundary
(30/328/16680) 1816 Mar 11 John MARTIN 60 acres waters of Flynn's Creek adjoining Uriah ANDERSON near branch which divides THOMPSON's land from Uriah ANDERSON's where he lives
(30/471/17741) 1816 Oct 12 Nathan HAGGARD 20 acres head of Horse Branch of Flynn's Creek to include improvement where the widow DUDLEY now lives where John PAINE formerly lived; Edmund JENNINGS, Loc.
Martin's Creek (follows near southern Jackson Co line with Putnam Co)
15 Sep 1813 (29/9/11423) William DODSON 10 acres, on Martin's Creek, adjoining John SHOEMAKE'S, 10 acres whereon he formerly lived
07 May 1814 (29 214 12600) James VINSON, 5 acres, waters of dry fork of Martin's Creek in a hollow called The Valley adj. John PETTY'S 10 acre entry on which he lives.
21 May 1814 (29 225 12675) John BUSSELL, ase of Thomas DILLON, in Jackson Co, 25 acres Woolf pen branch of dry fork of Martin's Creek to include improvement where William HARDCASTLE now lives.
19 Jan 1819 (31/303/20670) 1819 Jan 19 John TEMPLE on Dry Fork of Martin's Creek to include where Nathan ALLEN now lives; Richard CLARK, Loc.
Notes: See John BUSSELL and William RIDGE Notes under Rock Island of Caney Fork.
Big Branch (south of Flynn's Creek, present Jackson Co)
(30/266/16235) 1815 Oct 15 John TEMPLES 5 acres, ridge between Big Branch and Woolf Pen Branch (Martin's Creek?) to include part of land Sam ALLEN formerly claimed
(31/158/19527) 1818 Jan 28 John TEMPLES 6 acres on the Big Branch to include PRICE'S sugar camp on top of a ridge
Martin's & Flynns Creek
24 Apr 1813 (28 338 10627) John MARTIN, ase of Sampson WILLIAMS, 50 acs, the ridge that divides the dry fork of Martin's Creek and the dry fork of Flynn's Creek, to incl. place where John RAGLAND now lives. John MARTIN, Loc.
(29/482/14083) 1814 Dec 19 James VITTITO 6 acres, on the ridge between waters of Martins & Flynn's Creeks adjoining John PETTY to include improvement where Ellis PAYNE formerly lived
(29)/513/14261) 1815 Jan 16 James VETTITO 6 acres on the ridge between waters of Martin's & Flynn's Creek in John PETTY'S west boundary, to include where Ellis PAYNE formerly lived
(31/332/20889) 1819 apr 12 Robert THOMPSON 5 acres waters of Flynn's Cr to include where Benjamin BURCHETTE now lives; Robert THOMPSON, Loc.
(31/332/20890) 1819 Apr 12 Robert THOMPSON on waters of Flynn's Creek adjoining his own
Opposite Brimstone Creek and Dry Fork Creek (at Clay-Jackson Co., line)
(54/87/192) 1803 Aug 11 The Hairs of William RHODES, 1,000 acres, north side of Cumberland, a few miles below the mouth of Oby, mouth of Dry Creek.
(54/110/236) 1805 Sep 6 Andrew PEDDY, 140 acres, south of Cumberland above island Creek, above heirs of William RHODES, opposite the mouth of Brimstone Creek
(54/100/237) 1805 Sept 6 Heirs of William RHODES, 1,000 acres, south side of Cumberland, above Little Island Creek, opposite mouth of Brimstone Creek
(29/448/13910) 1814 Nov 22 Bennet JARVIS 5 acres, north side of Cumberland, to include his spring & improvement
(30/152/15467) 1815 Aug 14 Philip OVERTURFF 20 acres, north side of Cumberland, adjoining JARVIS's, adjoining McCLOGIN'S
(31/403/21423) 1820 Nov 17 William C. WALKER 10 acres north side of Cumberland adjoining John NICHOLS to include where Robert PRICE now lives; Will C. WALKER, Loc.
McFarland's Creek (begins in north Clay Co, flows north east through Monroe Co., KY into Cumberland River)
(29/40/11562) 1813 Oct 6 Simeon PENNINGTON 20 acres on headwaters of McFarlin's Creek, near spring now used by the Widow Combs to include said spring
(30/192/15728) 1815 Sept 30 Simeon PENNINGTON 20 acres, McFarland's Creek, the spring now used by the Widow Combs, to include her improvement; John PLUMLEE, Loc.
Knob Creek (downriver from McFarlands Creek, in Clay Co., TN)
(28?261/10348) 1813 mar 9 John C. McLEMORE 9 acres north side of Cumberland, waters of first branch that runs into Knob Creek below Jacob BENNETT'S, a number of fock houses…found by George THOMPSON
Brimstone Creek (empties into Cumberland River at the Clay-Jackson Co. line)
(28 313 10538) 06 Apr 1813 Samuel MOORE, 40 acres, Brimstone Creek, near field occupied by Moses SWAFORD
(28/378/10770) 1813 may 25 Philip MULKEY one acres, waters of Brimstone Creek, near said MULKEY'S salt petre cave at present worked by Jesse STACY___________________
7 Sep 1816 (TN RG 30 448 17566) 7 Sep 1816 John PLUMLEY.. 15 A on Brimstone Cr on both sides .. to incl where TOMPKINS ODLE now lives. (Neighborhoods)
See Also Marriage of one Thompkins (a.k.a. Thompson?) ODELL to Abigail Combs, 3 Sep 1788, Washington County, Tennessee. See Also Marriage of John DENTON to Sarah, dau of Isaac ODELL, their daughter later marrying Gilbert Combs in Shenandoah Co, Virginia.
ROARING RIVER (begins in Overton Co, flows east through Jackson Co to Cumberland River)
(26/45/4449) 1810 Feb 19 David JOHNSON asignee of Abner HENLEY asignee of Philip BRITTAIN, 15 acres on Roaring River to include said JOHNSON'S improvement and spring.
Sampson's Fork of Mill Creek, Roaring River
(54/9/27) 1802 Mar 25 William T. LEWIS, 640 acres headwaters of Sampson's Fork and some of the branches of Roaring River, ridge near where the path leading from David MITCHELL'S to HUTCHERSON'S and another leading from BLACK'S to HUTCHERSON'S, Moses FISK, Loc.
(54/73/163) 1803 May 26 William LEWIS asignee of Stockley DONELSON, 640 acres, between Roaring River and Sampson's Fork of Mill Creek, south of the place which John BLACK got of George HUTCHESON, adjoining Moses FISK which includes improvement made by said HUTCHESON
Dry Creek, East Fork of Roaring River
(54/15/44) 1802 July 9 John and Robert ALLEN, 274 acres on Dry Creek which empties into the east fork of Roaring River, Moses FISK, Loc.
Middle Fork, Roaring River
(54/39/94) 1802 Oct 8 Christian RHODES, 640 acres middle fork of Roaring River, including improvement of Martain JOBE and David WALDSON
Spring Creek, South Side of Roaring River (starts north of Cookeville at where Jackson, Overton, Putnam Co lines join)
(54/98/121) 1802 Nov 4 Isaac TAYLOR, 502-1/2 acres, north side of Spring Creek of Roaring River, near a thousand acres granted to John RICE, adjoining Christopher RODES
(54/78/172) 1803 June 23 James OAR, 2,000 acres adjoining James MAYBEN'S line of 5,000 acres, adjoining Hennary ROWEN'S survey of 330 acres, to include Alexander AKEMON'S improvement
(54/78/173) 1803 June 23 John CHISUM, 50 acres Roaring River, including plantation whereon said CHISUM now lives, James OAR, Loc.
(54/78/174) 1803 June 23 John CHISUM 170 acres Spring Creek, to include said CHISUM's improvement where he now lives; James ORE, Loc
(25/125/6306) 1811 May 29 George PRICE assignee of William T. LEWIS enters 15 acres on south side of Roaring River beginning at north west corner of Abner LEE'S tract on which he now lives
(25/124/6308) 1811 May 24 George PRICE 15 acres on the ridge between Spring Creek and Roaring River, including said PRICE'S improvement where he now lives
(25/125/6310) 1811 May 29 George PRICE on the north side of Spring Creek including and excellent Sugar Camp between where Jos HAWKINS & Thomas PRICE lives
(25/152/6502) 1811 July 6 John CHAPMAN on Roaring River adjoining George PRICE
(25/165/6584) 1811 July 25 John CHAPMAN 10 acres, on Roaring river beginning at George PRICE'S upper corner
(26/45/4451 & 4452) 1810 Feb 19 James SIMPSON Roaring River where Abner LEE now lives, and to include John RUTLEDGE'S improvement which he purchased of John SHANKLIN; also Entry No. 4453 to include small improvement made by Benjamin JOHNSON
(26/175/5305) 1810 Oct 15 John RUTLEDGE assignee of Stephen CANTRELL, 15 acres, on Roaring River on the north bank, including Thomas PRICE'S improvement
(26/176/5306) 1810 Oct 15 John RUTLEDGE, 25 acres on Roaring River, including improvement where Geo. PRICE lives
(27/509/9297) 1812 Oct 24 John CHAPMAN 8 acres on Roaring River adjoining PRICE
(27/174/7901) 1812 Mar 31 Sampson WILLIAMS 50 acres west fork of Roaring River including place where Nimrod DODSON lately lived where Susanna RUTLEDGE now lives
(28/54/9548) 1812 Nov 26 John C. McLEMORE & James VAULX, 4 acres waters of Roaring River, near the Rockhouse Cave, & a salt petre cave, entered in the name of George PRICE
(28/320/10563) 1813 Apr 9 John C. McLEMORE 3 acres, Roaring River, cave lately found by Daniel SHIPMAN, east fork of PRICE'S spring branch.. at Asa LYNN's field, north side of Roaring… cave now occupied by said SHIPMAN
(28/329/10595) 1813 Apr 19 George PRICE one acre, Hooper's Creek of Roaring River to include the Big Lick
(28/329/10596) 1913 Apr 19 George PRICE 10 acres Spring Creek waters of Roaring River, to include improvemnt whereon John BODELY now lives
(28/330/10597) 1813 Apr 19 George PRICE 10 acres south side of Roaring River, at Abner LEA'S southeast corner
(28/330/10598) 1813 Apr 19 George PRICE 5 acres south side of Roaring River near Abner LEA'S
(30/363/16919) 1816 Apr 27 William RASH 30 acres on a branch of Roaring River, to include a field between KINNARD's & ALLEN's now occupied by Wm. & Jos. TERRY; William RASH, Loc.
Morrisson's Creek, South Side of Roaring River
(30/351/16836) 1816 Apr 8 Jesse ALLEN 15 acres east side of Morrisson's Creek.
West Fork, Roaring River
(29/384/13572) 1815 Oct 15 William WOOD 56 acres west fork of Roaring River including place & improvent where Nimrod DOTSON (DODSON?) lately lived where said WOODS now lives
Flat Creek, North Side of Roaring River
(54/95/206 1803 Sep 27 Isaac TAYLOR, 640 acres west fork of Flat Creek on which William THOMPSON lives, to include improvement of said THOMPSON andwhere William BALLON
the trunkmaker lives, and Hennary RAYBOURN
Webster's Creek (Can't find on maps or USGS Tiger Map Service)
(31/535/22414) Josiah COPELAND 5 acres north side of Cumberland on Webster's Creek, Reuben PRICE'S west boundary; Price BUTLER, Loc.
Coperas Creek
(54/76/168) 1803 June 20 Moses FISK, 100 acres on Coperas Creek south of a location made for John and Robert ALLEN, south of a poplar and blackgum marked as said ALLEN'S southwest corner by said FISK present Moses BINGERMAN and JACKSON'S then to run east
(54/77/170) 1803 June 20 Moses FISK, 200 acres on Coperas Creek adjoining John & Robert ALLEN