![]() | Combs &c. Families of Sumner Co, TN |
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Sumner County was established in 1787 from Davidson Co, Tennessee. In 1799, both Smith and Wilson Cos were established from Sumner, and in 1819-1821, Sumner lost land to Allen and Simpson Cos KY as the result of a land dispute settlement. Also note that because Sumner Co, Tennessee was on the Kentucky-Tennessee state line, records may overlap:
Background: With only a few exceptions (as noted below), all Combs of this county were members of the family of David Combs, born either 27 Sep 1773 or 27 Dec 1773, d 8 Jun 1844, probably in Sumner Co, TN. David apparently married twice, first, bef 1806, to Rachael, and second, in 1809, to Christanna HASSELL, and he appears to have had only two children, both by Rachael: a son, William W., b 1806, and a daughter, who was probably Sarah F., wife of Thomas N. RASCOE (See below and see also two David Combs Family Bible Records. David may have been the same who (a) married 6 Jul 1805, Bertie Co, NC, Rachel GARRETT; (b) is listed on the Bertie Co, NC Census of 1810; and (d) appeared on the tax lists of Sumner County, Tennessee for the first time in 1820, on Station Camp Creek. David's relationship, if any, to other Combs of this county (all of whom are still “dangling”) remains unknown (except see Catherine, b 1768, d 1851).
1788 Miscellaneous Records, Methodists in Middle TN [Cumberland]: According to minutes of the Holston Circuit: “… In 1787, the Kentucky Circuit and the Cumberland Circuit appear in the minutes of the [Methodist] General Conference… Benjamin OGDEN, [sent] to Cumberland… [In 1788], Benjamine OGDEN went to the Brunswick Circuit in Virginia. David Combs and Barnabas McHENRY were sent to Cumberland in his place…” (Red River Settlers, Records of the Settlers of Northern Montgomery, Robertson, and Sumner Counties, Tennessee Edythe Rucker Whitley, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD 1980, p. 136)
Note: The above Rev. David Combs remains unidentified, and may never have lived in Tennessee, as the Cumberland Circuit included parts of Kentucky as well as Tennessee. No other record has been located for an early David Combs in TN, and the only early Kentucky David Combs was in Nelson Co, KY.
No Combs
26 Mar 1806 (Sumner Co, Tennessee Marriage Records) Abner SHOULDERS & Elizabeth Combs married 26 Mar 1806 bondsman Isaac BAKER ("Marriages of Sumner County Tennessee 1787-1838" compiled by Edythe Rucker Whitley)
12 Feb 1817 (Sumner Co, Tennessee Marriage Records) Rueben WILBANKS & Nancy BARRETT (a.k.a. BARNETT) (Combs Researcher Herbert G. Holcomb)
Notes: Reuben WILBANKS/WOOLBANKS was the widower of Jane Combs whom he married 01 Oct 1807 in Warren Co. KY. The WOOLBANKS were earlier from Pendleton SC, and Wilkes Co, North Carolina before that - as may have been the Combs of Warren KY and Pendleton SC. See also the 1829 Anderson-Combs marriage below. See Also Isaac BAKER and John Combs of Wilkes Co, North Carolina and see Joseph Combs and Mary BAKER in Warren Co, Kentucky (and possibly later in Gibson Co IN --- see below) See also the Revolutionary War Pension file of David McNEELY of Augusta Co, Virginia; Madison Co KY; Madison County, Tennessee; and Madison Co AL, which includes both BARNETT [sic] and Combs. Neither he nor any Combs are found on either the 1816 or 1817 Sumner Co, Tennessee Tax Lists (other years not checked for Wilbanks/Woolbanks)
Station Camp Creek
David COMB, 33 1/3 acres
Armstead ROGERS, Sr., 300 acres (may have tithed George PEDEN's 40 acres, not clear)
Lemuel ROGERS, 113 acres
Alexander RASCO, 458 acres (also taxed for land on Sharps & Drakes Creek)
Brittain ROGERS, no land
Tabitha ROGERS, 80 acres
James ROGERS, 60 acres
Samuel ROGERS, 85 acres
Stanton ROGERS, heirs, 75 acres
Ruth ROGERS, 100 acres
Notes: David was not found on the 1819 Sumner Co, Tennessee tax list. If no documenting records can be found in either Bertie Co, NC or Sumner Co, TN, that the David Combs of each county were one and the same, implied documentation might be obtained either (a) by a determination that David of Bertie disappeared from the tax lists of that county shortly before 1820; and/or (b) if a comparison of the Sumner Co, TN tax lists to those of Bertie Co, NC, document that others from Bertie were also in this county (A list could be made (using copy/paste) of all those also found on Station Camp Creek in 1820 who were, like David, not on the 1819 tax list, and then compared to either the 1810 census or 1810-1820 tax lists of Bertie Co, NC). See also RASCO and ROGERS below. Also Note: A John B. ANDERSON (see below) is on the 1820 Sumner County, Tennessee tax list (but not on 1819), on Deshas Creek. A William H. ANDERSON is on Cumberland River in 1820, but in 1819 was listed on both Cumberland River and East Station Creek.
ANDERSON, John B., p. 137 (per Bentley Index, not listed in AIC)
BARROTT, George and Richard, p. 139 (Bentley)
BARROTT, Thomas, p. 141 (Benton)
COMBS, David, p. 147 (or 148 per Bentley Index) 01001-01001
GARRETT, James, Jesse, John, Robert , Timothy (pp. 155-6 per Bentley Index)
(1820 TN Census, AIC (stats not accurate) & 1820 TN Census Index, Benton, Clearfield, Baltimore, 1981)
Notes: The above census record, listing David and wife as both born pre-1776, and two children, both born 1800-1810, agrees with both David's age and those of his son, William W., b 1806, and his presumed daughter, Sarah F., b 1807, who m Thomas N ROSCOE in 1827 (See Below). Also Note: the 1810 Sumner County, Tennessee Census Index lists three John B. ANDERSON entries: Muhlenberg Co, KY, p. 396: 20010-22010-00 (one page before James WALKER); Sumter District, SC, p. 211; and Caroline Co, VA, p. 27: 220010-31100-37.
7 Sep 1820 Sumner Co, TN. Will of Elizabeth ROGERS, 7 Sep 1820 - Life estate to mother, then to four sisters unnamed. Wit: David COMBS (wo, 111) (Extracted by Combs Researcher Sherry Marine from "Sumner Co, Tennessee Will Abstracts, 1788-1882, by Shirley Wilson, CG, Family History call no. 976.847 p2w)
David COMBS, 36-1/3 acres [sic], Station Camp Creek
David COMBS, 36 acres [sic], Station Camp Creek
29 Dec 1824 (Sumner Co, Tennessee Marriage Records) Thomas N. RASCO & Sally Combs md 29 Dec 1824 by J.B. WYNNS. Bondsmen: MG HARVEY, C. DOUGLASS ("Marriages of Sumner County Tennessee 1787-1838" compiled by Edythe Rucker Whitley)
Notes: No RASCO found on either 1820 or 1830 Sumner Co, Tennessee Census; however, Alexander RASCO was on the 1820 tax list on same creek as David Combs (1821 and 1822 not checked), and Sally Combs is listed in the David Combs Family Bible Record as Sara F. ROSCOE [sic], b 19 Sep 1807, d 16 Sep 1861, and believed to have been the daughter in David's 1820 Census household. See also RASEAU/RASCOW below.
24 Jan 1829 (Sumner Co, Tennessee Marriage Records) James LUTON & Anny STONE md 24 Jan 1829 bm William W. COMBS ("Marriages of Sumner County Tennessee 1787-1838" compiled by Edythe Rucker Whitley)
19 Apr 1829 (Sumner Co, Tennessee Marriage Bonds) William COMBS & Elizabeth LUTON md 19 Apr 1829 bm John J. KING ("Marriages of Sumner County Tennessee 1787-1838" compiled by Edythe Rucker Whitley)
Notes: William W. Combs, s/o David & Rachael, married Elizabeth on 24 Apr 1829. She was the d/o King and Caroline LUTON, Jr. (Bible Record), s/o King LUTON, Sr.
Thomas COMBS to } M. Bond
The Governor 1829
KNOW ALL MEN, That we Thomas COMBS and John ANDERSON of the county of Sumner and State of Tennesse, are held and firmly bound unto the GOVERNOR of the said State, for the time being, or his successors in office, in the penal sum of Twelve Hundred and Fifty Dollars, to be void on condition that there be no lawful objection why Thomas COMBS and Anna ANDERSON may not be joined together as husband and wife, in the holy estate of Matrimony. Witness our hands and seals this 30th day of May A.D. 1829.
Thomas [his X mark] COMBS
Witness:: R. G. DOUGLAS
BY virture of the full power and authority
in me vested, I do hereby author-
ize and empower you, or any of you, to celebrate and perform the Rites of Matri-
mony between Thomas COMBS and Anna ANDERSON and join them together
as husband and wife; he having given security according to law. Given
under my hand, at office, this 30th day of May A.D. 1829 and 53rd year of
American Independence.
A. W. DOUGLAS, Clerk
(Transcribed by Combs Researcher Birdie McNutt from copy of original, Sumner County, TN Archives.)
Notes: The above Thomas Combs appears to have been the same who was in Allen Co, Kentucky by 1830, and deceased by 1838. If so, his widow and his children (who appear to be Martha Ann Combs Vachel, Peter Anderson Combs and James W. Combs) are later found in Gibson Co IN where the Combs, Duffs, Wilbanks, Holcombs Putmans, Skeltons and many other families earlier from Pendleton SC are also to be found (See Above). It is not yet known if Thomas Combs was kin to David and Rachael (GARRETT?) Combs, but based on their 1820 Sumner County, Tennessee census record, he was not their son.
Also Note: Due to questions as to the ages of Thomas & Anna ANDERSON Combs, Birdie corresponded with TSLA re marriage consents, and was advised that Sumner Co, Tennessee did not require, nor have parental consents, although some (very small %) parents took the initiative and sent a small scrap or note with permission “just in case” there was a question. These consents were placed in the file with the marriage record and are sent out with any and all requests for records from that file.
Note: The following extracted from the US GenWeb (See below) provided since it may indicate a possible “neighborhood” (entered by line):
P. 200
1719 CANADA, Elizabeth 001001001
1720 STEWART, Charles 10000110001
1721 CANADA, Prudence 00111010110001
1722 LASSITER, Frederick 001100010000001
1723 DARK, Charles 100010001
1724 DARK, Sarah 20001100011001
1725 PACE, Rebecca 000010001001
1726 HARRISON, Low 20000120001
1727 MULLENICKS, Jesse 100010000101
1728 HARRISON, Richard 0001010220001
1729 WALKER, John 010012000101
1730 McRUNNELS, Joseph 101001110001
1731 DOUGLASS, Reuben 00011000111032001
1732 NOTKINS, Charles 0000500100010001
1733 GRIMM, Sarah 000201110001 [See Gibson Co IN]
1734 HARRIS, Bright B.120201100001
1735 LOOTON, King 002001220001 [& Caroline, parents of Elizabeth LUTON Combs]
1736 COTTON, Moore 2101100111002
1737 COMBS, David 00000001-000000001
1738 COMBS, William 00001-0001 [& Elizabeth LUTON]
1739 HUNTER, Laton 00002100101
1740 RICE, William 000000001-000040001
1741 GARRETT, Timothy 1230001120001 [Ancestry? See above]
1742 GAMBLIN, Jesse 0101010001010010001
1743 LOONY, Rachael 000011000010001
1744 WALTON, Josiah 2120001101101
1745 CLARK, John T. 02001000002
1746 WORMINGTON, Edward 01101000100101001
1747 COTTON, Prissella 000001000001
1748 COTTON, Noah 0200001122101
1749 ROGERS, Tabitha 10000010000010001 [mother of Elizabeth of 1820?]
1750 ROGERS, Britton 1100001230001
1751 BURSBY, James 30000101002
1752 HASSEL, Jennett 1000001-003001
1753 FORISTER, Ellen 120002
1754 GRIFFEN, John 20100110001001
1755 MARLAND, John 0000110001
1756 GRIFFIN, William 1000100001
1757 CREWS, John 1000110001
1758 CREWS, Jane 00020001
1759 STEPHEN, Abraham 021001200001
1760 McCRAY, Thomas 2000110001
1761 McCORMAK, Andrew 11010001102001
1762 JACKSON, Jesse 000010001
1763 McKAY, William 0020300010001101
1764 MARLAND, William 21010010111001
1765 LOONY, Isaac 1121001000201
1766WILLIAMS, Elijah 0000000111001
Notes: Not known if significant that a GARRETT is nearby (See 1820 Notes above).
P. 206
L18 Joseph BARROT 210001-11001
L19 Thomas RASEAU 200001-10001 [m Sarah F. Combs]
L20 John B. MILLONS 000010001-000001001
L21 King PARKER 00212001-00030001
L22 Samuel PARKER
L23 William JONES
L24 Stephen WINHAM 000000001-110001
L25 Robert LAWRENCE 000000001-00000001
L26 Jacob TOMPSON 000000001-000010001
(Sistler's 1830 Middle TN Census) SW: BARRETT THOMPSON
Notes: Thomas RASEAU is indexed as RASCOW and appears to be the same who m Sallie Combs in 1824. Is it significant that he is listed next to a MILLION? Particularly given the nearby Jacob THOMPSON? (See RW William & Sarah Ann MILLIONS Combs, Sr. and son, William and Anna THOMPSON Combs, Jr. of Russell Co, Virginia) Also note that this name could be ROSCOE or ROUSSEAU.
P. 092
COMBS, William
P. 094
COMBS, David
(US Census Index)
8 Jun 1844 Died: David COMBS, presumably in Sumner Co, TN. No estate records located as yet.
Dist. 10
HH 019 Catherine COMBS 82 NC deaf $1000
HH 106 William W. COMBS 38 NC $1000
Elizabeth 37 TN [LUTON]
David 19 TN
Isaac 17 TN
Timothy 15 TN
William 13 TN
Rachel 9 TN
Caroline 7 TN
Virginia 4 TN
Mary 6⁄12 TN
(Sumner County Tennessee 1850 published by Louise G. Lynch)
Note: Catherine Combs has not been identified, but a relationship to David Combs' family is presumed due to her presence in the Hassell Cemetery (see below and see Bible Records). Could Catherine, b ca 1768, have been same as either Rachael or Christanna? (According to bible record, the full name of the above Rachel Combs, age 9, was Rachel Catherine.) Who was listed on either side of Catherine Combs in this census? Was Timothy Combs named after Timothy GARRETT?
11 Jun 1853 S. W. Coombs to Martha Hampton (Tennessee Early Marriages SUMNER COUNTY 1839-1875 extracted by Phyllis Combs)
15 Jan 1856 (Sumner Co, Tennessee Marriages) Isaac COMBS & Mary E. BARR md 15 Jan 1856 (Sumner County Tennessee Marriages 1839-1875 by Era W. Stinson and Elizabeth Sue Spurlock)
Notes: Isaac Combs, s/o David & Rachael (Bible Record)
30 May 1859 (Sumner Co, Tennessee Marriages) Timothy COMBS & Charity PATTON md 30 May 1859 (Sumner County Tennessee Marriages 1839-1875 by Era W. Stinson and Elizabeth Sue Spurlock)
Notes: Timothy Combs, s/o David & Rachael (Bible Record).
119/219 Combs, Timothy, 27
Charity, 27 [PATTON]
Zacheriah, 1⁄12
154/236 Combs, Isaac, 28
Mary, 23 [BARR]
William, 3
154/236 [sic] Combs, W.W., 53 (m)
Elizabeth, 45 [LUTON]
David, 30
Rachel, 17
Caroline, 15
Verginia, 12
Mary, 10
John K, 2
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Sherry Summers Marine)
10 Dec 1860 Alfred B. Comer to Rebecca A. Halbert (Tennessee Early Marriages SUMNER COUNTY 1839-1875 extracted by Phyllis Combs)
02 Apr 1867 (Sumner Co, Tennessee Marriages) James W. HENDRICK & Rachael C. COMBS md 2 Apr 1867 (Sumner County Tennessee Marriages 1839-1875 by Era W. Stinson and Elizabeth Sue Spurlock)
Notes: Bible Record lists marriage as 4 Apr 1868 or 1869 (hard to read) James W. HERRIN [sic]. Rachael Catherine, d/o William W. & Elizabeth LUTON.
10 Jan 1870 (Sumner Co, Tennessee Marriages) N.B. COMBS & K. MOSLEY md 10 Jan 1870 (Sumner County Tennessee Marriages 1839-1875 by Era W. Stinson and Elizabeth Sue Spurlock)
Notes: Who was N. B. Combs? Did the initials N. B. stand for Napoleon Bonaparte? Where was this couple in the 1870 census? (Not listed in family bible record of W. W. LUTON Family)
Civil Dist. 08
p. 18; 9 Aug 1870, W. G. Lanier
120/120 Timothy COMBS 35 MW Farmer 800 200 TN
Charley E. [PATTON] 35 FW Keeping House Tn wife
Mary E. 8 FW TN
Robert 5 MW TN
Draper 3 MW TN
Civil Dist 9
p. 24; 8 Aug 1870, Wm. Dodd
150/150 James HENDRICKS 38 MW Farmer 2300 920 VA
Rachel [Combs] 27 TN FW Keeping House
Lillie 3 FW TN
John 9⁄12 MW TN sept
Civil Dist 10
p. 5; 4 Jul 1870
31/31 David COMBES 28 TN sept
Martha 28 TN sept
32/32 William Combes 64 MW Farmer ./500 NC
Elizabeth 54 FW Keeping House TN
Mary 20 FW TN
John 11 MW TN
Civil Dist 12
p. 3; 21 Jun 1870
17/18 Isaac COMBS 36 MW Farmer ./500 TN
Mary [BARR] 36 FW Keeping House TN
William 13 MW at school TN
Sarah 5 FW TN
Caroline 1 FW TN
Charles 9 MB MS
Note: Question: How did Isaac's family come to be in Mississippi for birth of Charles? Could either have had family there? By 1880, this family was in Kaufman Co, TX.
Note: No marriage record located for David, s/o William W. Combs. Also note that William W. did not die until 1871, and his wife, Elizabeth LUTON until 1885 (Family Bible Record), yet they are not found in either this census or in 1880. Are they missing or in another county?
CRG-Note: Charles previously mis-transcribed as age 9⁄12 (last child in next household is 9⁄12). I've looked at the imaage and it clearly is 9. and race is B.
18 Dec 1871 (Sumner Co, Tennessee Marriages) John T. HERRING & Mary E. COMBS m 18 Dec 1871 (Sumner County Tennessee Marriages 1839-1875 by Era W. Stinson and Elizabeth Sue Spurlock)
Notes: The Family Bible record lists this marriage (same date) as Mary E. (do William W.) to Robert HERRIN.
(Extracted from the Sumner Co, TNGenWeb)
Note: Per intro “The 1880 Sumner County, TN census was transcribed directly from census microfilm in 1988. The transcribers, Linda Carpenter and Theda Womack, have submitted their work for publication on the Sumner County TNGenWeb page. The transcriptions do not contain all information found on the microfilm, but DO contain enough information for you to locate your ancestors. For complete information you should obtain a copy of the page from the microfilm.”
District 6
Page 191
113/97 Combs, Timothy W M 46 TN
[Patton], Charity E. W F 48 TN
Robert W M 10 TN
Susan H. W F 6 TN
Walter S. W M 8 TN
John P. W M 3 TN
District 7
Page 202
51-104 Hurt, Mary B F 45 VA
Combs, Fannie M F 3 TN
District 8
Page 225
34-116 Combs, David W M 49 TN [s/o William W. and Elizabeth]
Martha A. W F 40 TN
James T. 8 TN
Sarah E. W F 6 TN
William W M 4 TN
Leslie W M 3 TN
Note: David's age 47 per Sistler & Associate's "1880 Census Sumner County Tennessee" (Nashville)
District 9
Page 250
37-129 COMBS, John W M 22 TN [John King, s/o William W. and Elizabeth]
Susan S. W F 24 KY
Beulah W F 2 KY
William W. W M 11⁄12 TN
WILTSHIRE, William W M 73 VA
Notes: Although their son, John King, is now back in the county, Elizabeth is still missing (d 1885 per Bible Record).
State of Tennessee,
Sumner County,
Rites of Matrimony
John Combs
Bettie Harrison
Given at the Clerk's office of said County, this 22nd day of Jany, 1892.
Harris Brown County Court Clerk
MB-Note: This is John T. Combs, Son of Samuel Combs, Grandson of Thomas Combs of Allen Co., KY. John is the son of Samuel Combs and Mary Ann Harrison (Samuel's first wife) of Allen Co., KY.
Myra Britt
1945/05/25 KY Death Certificate of James Henry COMBS cert# 9175 white male widower resides: Macon Co., TN occupation: farmer born: 23 June 1879 Ky died: 25 May 1945 Allen Co., Ky of congestive heart failure buried: Akersville [Monroe Co], Ky 26 May 1945 funeral director Ben L. HOOPER Hartsville [Sumner Co], TN; s/o Samuel COMBS b Ky & Mary BERGEN b Ky informant: J. H. COMBS Rt. 2 Westmoreland, [Sumner Co] TN filed 29 May 1945 Feruadine? HOLLAND registrar (Combs Researcher Debi Houser)
Notes: Not identified?
HASSELL Cemetery, 8/10 mi. W on Nolen Road: 100 ft. S of road on Sam Strother Farm, Sumner County, Tennessee (Extracted by Combs Researcher Sherry Marine from Sumner Co, Tennessee Cemetery Records by Margaret Cummings Snider and Joan Hollis Yorgason, 1981. Family History Center call no. 976.847, v3g, pg 15-41)
HARRIS, Bright H. Son of G.G. and M. A. HARRIS 24 Jul 1866 - 22 Jun 1868
HARRIS, Martha 5 Dec 1854 - 6 Jun 1857
HARRIS, Martha K. 3 Jun 1818 - 15 May 1856
HASSELL, Jennet Father 16 Nov 1789 - 17 Dec 1868
COMBS, Catharine 12 Aug 1768 - 12 Dec 1851
HASSELL, Sally J. Dau of Millas J. and Anne HASSELL 5 Oct 1850 - 10 Oct 1855
HASSELL, Jane P. Wife of Jennet HASSELL Mother 24 Dec 1793 - 18 Aug 1867
Notes: See also David and Rachel Combs Family Bible Records re HASSELL Family. Catherine not identified (See 1850 Census Notes)