![]() | Combs &c. Families of Campbell Co, TN |
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See also our Tennessee Combs Counties of Record
Campbell Co, Tennessee was established in 1806 from Anderson and Claiborne. In 1820 a land dispute settlement between TN and KY resulted in the northernmost segment of Campbell Co, Tennessee becoming part of Wayne Co, Kentucky (primarily). In 1849, Scott Co was established from Anderson, Campbell, Fentress and Morgan Cos. In 1850 (new) Union Co was established from Anderson, Campbell, Claiborne, Grainger and Knox.
The earliest extant tax list for Campbell County, Tennessee is 1818; however, Combs are found in this county from its inception, having been located already in the parent county of Anderson:
1811-19 See James W. Combs Letters re brothers-in-law Eli and Levi WILSON of Jacksboro, Campbell Co, Tennessee (See Anderson County, Tennessee for earlier records).
"List Returned by Joseph PETERSON Esqr."
No Combs
John ROARK, 25 acres on Coal Creek by Deed & 1 wp.
John ROARK, Jr. , 1 white poll
Joshua ROARK 50 acres & 1 wp
Jacob SOUDERS, 10 acres & 1 wp
John THOMPSON 740 acres and no polls
Abraham WILSON, 52 acres & 1 wp
Eli WILSON, 95 acres by Deed & 1 wp
Wm. WILSON, 20 acres and 1 wp
"Returns Made by Thos. MOAD Esquire"
John RICHARDSON, 1 w.p.
Amus RICHARDSON, 100 acres, 0 wp.
Francis STARR, 160acres and 1 wp
James STARR, 200 acres and 1 wp
Wynant VANDERPOOL, 1 wp [See Ray Co MO]
Anthony VANDERPOOL, 137 acres, 1 w.p.
Isaac WILSON, 1 wp
Levy WILSON, 1 wp
"Extra Returns for the Year 1818"
(Early East TN Taxpayers, Polly Creekmore)
Notes: See Combs-ROARK Families of Hawkins County, Tennessee & Perry Co, Kentucky (where Combs-Richardson & Combs-Wilsons are also found); see Amos RICHARDSON & John Combs of Wilkes Co GA (and see below). See VANDERPOOLS and WILSONS to Ray Co MO where found with Combs.
Also Note: According to Researcher Joan Beyer: "Lewis Overstreet is on the 1818 Campbell County Tax List. He is not on the1820 Tax List there. There is no 1820 Census for Campbell County."
Notes: See also 1822 Jefferson County, Tennessee where Joseph Combs, s/o John & Sarah MABRY Combs, is found on tax list with a Levi WILSON; and 1825 Monroe Co, Tennessee (not researched yet) where an Eli and Levi WILSON are found on a tax list. The 1820 US Census is not extant for most of East TN, and no James W. Combs is found in the remainder of TN in 1820. It is not until 1830 that we have a complete census for TN, and the only James W. Combs found then is in Giles County, Tennessee down in south central TN on the present day Alabama state line with no recognizably familiar names near his.
P. 226
Joel MEADOR 00011001-0322101
Jason MEADOR 00001-20001
P. 227
Eli WILSON 00100001-002001
Anderson REYNOLDS 20001-00001
Amos RICHARDSON 000020001-000120001
P. 238
Phillip MALLICOAT 231101-1011021
(1830 East TN Census, Sistler and Associates, Nashville, TN)
Notes: See 1812 marriage of Phillip & Nancy Combs Mallicoat in Grainger County, Tennessee. Not known if same.
Re Amos RICHARDSON & the MEADORS, see also Wilkes Co GA where John, Jonas & Jason MEADOR are listed on a ca 1785 tax list near a John Combs who was trustee for land of an Amos RICHARDSON. Two Amos RICHARDSON'S were RW Pensioners however, both appear to have been probably related based on migratory patterns:
RICHARDSON, Amos. NC Line. Soldier lived in Burke Co, NC at enl, soldier applied 1 Sep 1832 Campbell Co, Tennessee aged 70, soldier was b in 1762 in Bedford Virginia; married Fanny FARMER 17 Dec 1840 [nb: apparently a 2nd marriage?] & soldier d 2 May 1853, widow applied 3 Jan 1854 Campbell Co, TN aged 65, soldier & his 2nd wife Fanny had no children, a Thomas RICHERSON [sic] had signed m bond with the Rev soldier Amos "RICHERSON" in Anderson County, Tennessee on 11 Dec 1840, children of soldier & his 1st wife were mentioned, but no names were given. (RW Pension File W8552, White's RW Pens Abstracts)
RICHARDSON, Amos. NC Line. Soldier was born 18 Sep 1764 in Loudoun Co Virginia & he lived on the headwaters of the Holston River in NC which is now in TN & afterwards lived in Bedford County Virginia for 1 year, then moved to Union Dist, SC, for 5 years, then moved to Elbert GA where he applied 19 Sep 1832. (RW Pension File S31932, White's RW Pens Abstracts)
Notes: Also of particular interest in regard to these records is that according to a letter by his grandson, Carlton Combs, the John Combs of the 1800 Jefferson County, Tennessee tax list had two brothers who removed to Georgia. (See Wilkes GA)
F. M. Comer to Elizabeth J. Philips 09-24-1864 (No return)
Levi Comer to Jennie Hutson 03-16-1879