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Combs &c.
Families of Floyd Co., KY |
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Important! Due to the New Series of Combs Research Family Research Reports prepared for East Kentucky Combs Families (see above), we are in the midst of adding both records and annotations to numerous of our Kentucky Combs Counties, particularly Perry and it's predecessors, Clay and Floyd. The result is that conflicts may be found in the annotations. Please let the webmaster know of any corrections.
See also the Dickey Diary Interviews.(Extracted by Combs Researcher Martin G. H. Combs from The Tax List: Floyd County, Ky - State Auditor's Land Records: Return of certificate for vacant lands granted settlers in Floyd County, compiled by W.R. Jillson.
Notes: Nicholas Combs, Sr., one of the "8" (early brothers to East Kentucky), born before 1756, Virginia; died after 1855, Perry Co., KY; married before 1773, Nancy GRIGSBY (relationship to William unknown), born ca 1754, Virginia, died Jan 1850, Perry Co., KY. Nicholas was on the 1796 and 1797 tax lists of Sullivan Co., TN, where RW William & Mary EVERAGE Cornett married in Apr 1796. In 1812 he is still listed in Sullivan Co, TN, but as a non-resident landowner. The above land on Lott's Creek became part of Clay Co., KY in 1806-7, and Perry Co., KY in 1820-1.SE Notes: Others on this list include: James BROWN (2), Abraham CHILDERS, Simon STACY, John SUMNER (son of Samuel & Winnifred Combs Sumner?), Enoch & William HARRELL, John HATCHER, Thomas JOHNSON (& 10 more), John KELLY (2), Edward POLLEY.
Also note: that according to The Combes Genealogy, the above John Combs was the same who died 1820, Floyd Co., KY, father of the "8," that he "settled at the mouth of White Oak, a small creek that runs into Carr's Fork, about eleven miles above Hazard [present-day Perry Co, KY]..." and that this is according to "the testimony of Jesse Combs... that this is where old John settled," adding that "Jesse was his grandson, twenty two years old when the old man died, and must have known where all his uncles and his grandfather settled." (The reference is to Jesse Combs, born 1798, son of Elijah, Sr. We are seeking an original source for Jesse's statements; i.e., oral or written family history, perhaps through his daughter, Susan Combs Eversole (born 1857, d ????)). In reference the land, see also 1822 Perry Co., KY records, and note that Dr. Combs states that this is not the same White's Creek as that granted William Combs in in 1797 in Lincoln Co., KY. The Combes Genealogy also states that the above Jeremiah was Jeremiah L. "Long" Combs, Sr., son of John Combs {III]. Two Jeremiah Combs are on the 1809 Clay Co., KY Tax list, only one on the 1810 tax list; but both on the 1810 Clay Co., KY Census. One was "Chunky Jerry," the son of Nicholas "Danger" & Nancy GRIGSBY Combs, Sr., and the other's ancestry remains unidentified (See Early Jeremiah Combs of the South).White males: 0-10 10-16 16-26 26-45 45+
Females: 0-10 10-16 16-26 26-45 45+ F.P. Slaves
Note: The birth year range of eldest male in HH has been added after stats.
P. 97
Combs, John 00001 00001
(1 male born bef 1765, 1 female born bef 1765)
Combs, Jeremiah 1001 3001 (1 male born 1765-1784, 1 female born 1765-1784, 1 male under 10 and 3
females under 10)
CHILDERS, Abraham 22001-21001 (b. <1765)
(Transcribed by Researcher George Baumbach)
STACY, Simon 41101 - 1001
4 males <10, 1 male 10-16, 1 male 16-26, 1 male >45
1 female <10, 1 female 26-45
(Transcribed by Researcher Sue Elfving)
05 Jun 1816 (Floyd Co KY Marriage Records) Nicholas Combs, groom and Elizabeth Combs, bride. June 5, 1816 (ANNALS OF FLOYD Co., KY 1800-1826 by Charles C. Wells 1983, Marriages, p. 299)
Note: The groom, Nicholas Combs, was the son of Nicholas "8" & Nancy GRIGSBY Combs, Sr. (See 1810 Clay Co., KY Census) and the Bride, Elizabeth Combs, the daughter of the RW John "8" & Margaret Combs who were on the 1810 Lincoln Co., KY census (See below re William SMITH). Given that the Nicholas Combs were all residing in Clay Co., KY for both the 1810 and 1820 census enumerations (and tax lists in between), it is not clear as to why the marriage bond was in Floyd. It is also possible that the bond was taken out in the county of the minister (and/or that they were "county line Combs"). Question: Is the 05 Jun 1816 date the date of the minister's return? Note also that the date the bond was secured was the same as the following frustrating record(s):This is to certify that I have give my concent for my daughter Nelly Combs to join with William SMITH in Matrimony. Given under my hand this 19th day of April 1816. (S) Sarey Combs. Attest: Jeremiah Combs, Nicholas Combs. (ANNALS OF FLOYD Co., KY 1800-1826 by Charles C. Wells 1983, p. 147)
20 Apr 1816 (Floyd Co KY Marriage Records) William SMITH, groom and Nelly Combs, bride (ANNALS OF FLOYD Co., KY 1800-1826 by Charles C. Wells 1983, Marriages, p. 299)
20 Apr 1816 (Floyd Co KY Marriage Records) Combs, Milly & William SMITH (Excerpts from Old, The East Kentuckian, published in The Early KY Records, Vol. I)
Notes: The last record shows Milly Combs, not Nelly Combs. Someone needs to order a copy of these records (bond, return and consent); however, later records do indicate she was a Millie. William SMITH was the son of Richard & Alicia/Elitia Combs Smith, (the latter the daughter of Nicholas & Nancy GRIGSBY Combs, Sr. ), and, according to The Combes Genealogy, Millie was the daughter of John Combs [III] of Perry, in which case, John's wife was Sarey (Sarah), who is not mentioned by The Combes Genealogy. Her presence, however, raises the question as to where was John? Not only in April of 1816, but also in 1820, since Sarey seems likely to have been the Sarah of the 1820 Floyd Co., KY Census (see below).15 Jan 1817 (Source: Floyd Co., Ky. Survey Book A, p. 162-3 (FHC microfilm #2109950 of original survey book. (Transcribed by Combs &c. researcher Sue Elfving))
(Floyd County to wit)Surveyed on the 15th day of January 1817 for Jeremiah Combs 150 acres of land by virtue of Part of one Kentucky Land OfficeWarrant N.784 Lying and being in the County aforesaid in the Carr Fork of the Kentucky River and bounded as followeth Viz: Beginning at a Hickory Buckeye & Sugar tree on the South side of said Fork of the upper end of the narrows above John Kellys plantation. Then running down the said fork S10 W.44 poles to a Sourwood ?39 W.46 poles to a stake S58 W.26 poles to a stake N82 W.126 poles to a white Hickory. Thence S45 W.26 poles to a Hickory, S24 W.58 poles to a Dogwood & White Walnut N60 W.26 poles to a forked White Oak N45 W98 poles to a White Oak, S24 W.26 poles to a birch and Dogwood above a large rock lying in the said fork S47 W.74 poles to two Large Sycamores, thence N52 W.50 poles to a Black Walnut. Thence S49 W.48 poles to two Sycamores on the back of sd. fork. Thence running up and _nding on the fork of the ridges, S84 E.200 polesEast 200 poles, S50 E.200 poles Thence N49 W.41 poles to the beginning.
Stephen Harper D.S.
John Graham R.F.C
15 Jan 1817 Floyd Co., Ky. Survey Book A, p. 163 (FHC microfilm #2109950 of original survey book (Transcribed by Sue Elfving)
(Floyd County to wit)Surveyed on the 15th day of January 1817 for Jeremiah Combs 50 acres of Land by virtue of part of one Kentucky Land OfficeWarrant N.784 Lying and being in the County aforesaid in the Carr fork of the Kentucky River and bounded as followeth Viz. Beginning at a beech and 3 Sycamores on the bank of said fork above the Mouth of Yellow Creek. Thence N72 E.12 poles to a White Walnut, N60 W.46 poles to a beech & Sugar, S83 W.56 poles to a stake N47 w.32 poles to a beech S58 W.12 poles to a stake S16 E.31 poles to a White Oak S30 W.20 poles to a black Walnut. Thence S82E binding on the fork of the ridges 50 poles N34 E90 poles N8 E95 poles to the beginning.
{Isaac Southard} &
Stephen Harper
{William Smith } C.C. & H.K. John Graham R.F.C.
16 March 1818 ( FC-COB3:11 extracted by Combs Researcher Sue Elfving): Jeremiah COMBS is appointed surveyor of the road from John COMBS to the rocky ford in place of Jas. Jones deceased and it is ordered that all the hands residing along said road do assist him to keep the same in repair according to law.
18 Aug. 1818 ( FC-COB3:36-38 extracted by Combs Researcher Sue Elfving). Jinny BROWN affidavit regarding Robt WALKER father of her bastard child. This child was born 9 Jan. 1818. She defines her uncle as Saml BROWN. One Moses WALKER said he had spent the night at the house of Robert BROWN in the spring of 1817. Moses stated Robert BROWN was the father of Jinny and that he, Robert BROWN, had married a sister of the defendant [Robert Walker].
SE Notes: The above entry, combined with the marriage record below, indicates Jinny's step-uncle was the father of her bastard child. There is a 17 Feb. 1816 Floyd Co., Ky., marriage bond by Robert BROWN and Robert WALKER for a marriage between Robert BROWN and Jamima WALKER (Annals, p. 151). Also, one Robert WALKER was security in 1820 for Elijah COMBS' administration of the estate of John COMBS deceased. See 1820 record.Free White Males: -1010-1616-1816-2626-4545+ Free White Females:-1010-1616-2626-4545+ Slaves (last 2 digits) Note: The birth year range of eldest male in hh has been added after stats.)
28 SUMNER John 0310010-11010-02 (1775-1794) (210010-11010-00-0 <GW>)
29 CODY John 310001-30010-02 (<1775)
32 RIPEY Joshua 000010-00010-00-0 <GW>
33 TOLSON Thomas 200021-00101-00-0
37 ALLEN William 000000-00000-00-5
Notes: #28 John SUMNER (son of Samuel and Winnifred Combs Sumner (Hicks)?) married Judah (STEWARD?); 29 John CODY (son of William and Sinai STACY Cody) married 14 Mar 1809, Clay Co., KY, Elizabeth SUMNER (sister of John SUMNER); Joshua RIPPEY married 28 Oct 1818, Clay Co., KY, Sarah HICKS (half-sister of John & Elizabeth SUMNER). Winnifred Combs Sumner Hicks was the daughter of William and Seth STACY Combs, the latter the sister of Sinai STACY Cody and daughter of Simon and Judith TOLSON Stacy, Sr. (See Cody-Combs-Stacy Connections). The relationship of Thomas TOLSON (indexed as TOULSON in 1810) to Judith TOLSON Stacy Pettit is not yet known. Seeking ancestry of William ALLEN.
88 ALLEN William 220010-40010-03 (1775-1794)
89 VARVIL Andrew 100101-01000 <GW>
98 COPE James 110011 42010 00 0 <GW>
Notes: Was Andrew VARVELL possibly the same who married Sarah (HANKS?), later resided in Edgar Co., IL where she affianced on behalf of the pension application of Sarah MILLION Combs, widow of William Combs, Sr. of Stafford Co., VA, that she first new Sarah Combs in Russell Co., VA?
195 DUFF Daniel 201010 22110 000 <GW>
Notes: Daniel & Nancy ELLISON Duff. Their son, John A., married 1823, Perry Co., Mary Combs, daughter of Elijah "8" Combs, Sr, and their son, Shadrach, may have married Lucinda, who may have also been a daughter of Elijah "8." (See Matilda DUFF Lewis' Dickey Diary Interview and 1829 Perry Co., KY Records)
227 CLEMINGS Benjamin 0001000010000 0 <GW>
Notes: Possibly kin to Benjamin whose dau Rachael m 1788, Montgomery Co., VA, Henry "8" Combs?
301 HANKS, Fielding 311110 11110000 <GW>
Notes: According to HANKS Family Researchers, Fielding was the brother of Abraham HANKS who m 12 Jan 1792, Caswell Co., NC, Mary Combs (ancestry unknown), and Sarah HANKS who married Andrew VARVELL (See 89 above).
306 HOWERTON John 100100 10100 00 0
307 HOWERTON William 010001 02110 00 0
Notes: See 1781 Montgomery Co., VA Militia List and Russell Co., VA, with RW William HOWERTON a near neighbor to Cody-Combs-Stacy Families.
334 KELLEY, John 000010 00001 000 <GW>
335 CORNETT, John 200200-20200 00-02
336 Jeremiah Combs 310210-00110-04*
[*<GW> transcription differs for females in HH; i.e., 22110]
337 John Combs 000001-00001-01
338 William Combs 200010-10100-01
339 Sally Combs 000100-00001-01
340 Abraham CHILDRESS 010101-01001-03
Notes: Jeremiah L. "Long" Combs, Sr. (GW transcription of females more likely based on both 1810 census and later records) . John KELLEY and John CORNETT (possibly same who was s/o RW William CORNETT by first wife, Rhoda GILLIAM) may have been same who were appraisers of estate of John Combs who died by Dec 1820 (see below). William Combs, born 1775-1784, is unidentified. Sally Combs, born pre-1765, may still have a son in HH, b 1786-1794 (possibly Mason, later m Matilda WATTS?).
361 Simon STACY 020201-31010-05 (b. <1775)
362 William STACY 000100-10100-01 (1775-1794)
365 JOHNSON, Thomas 100100 10000 000 <GW>
366 JOHNSON, Patrick 210101 1221000 0 <GW>
Notes: Elijah Combs, Sr. (who was on the 1820 Clay Co KY Census), died in 1855 in Perry Co., KY whose Vital Statistics, deaths, show his age as 85, born VA, son of John and Nancy Combs. Generally, estates were ordered for appraisal fairly quickly, thus it was likely that John Combs died in late 1820 and was therefore one of the John Combs on the 1820 census of either Floyd or Clay Co., KY. Appraisers are normally chosen from among near neighbors, and John ADAMS, Thomas JOHNSON, John KELLY and John CORNETT were all on the 1820 Floyd Co KY census. It is believed, but not documented, that the above John Combs was Elijah's father, and therefore John Combs, Sr., "father of the 8." On the same date that Elijah Combs was appointed executor, one Jeremiah Combs also appears in court minutes:
Dec Term Monday 18 Dec 1820 (Floyd Co KY Records) ...Jeremiah Combs appears and gives in his list of taxable property for 1820 as 1 white tithe and 1 black tithe over 16 years of age and two total blacks valued at $700 and 200 acres of land valued at $5.00 per acre and two horses at $130 for a total of $1,830. (ANNALS OF FLOYD Co., KY 1800-1826 by Charles C. Wells 1983, p. 190)
Notes: Believed to have been Jeremiah L. "Long" Combs, Sr. who apparently lived near to or adjacent to John Combs who died 1820; however, a big question might be whether "John Combs' old improvement" as referenced in early Perry Co., KY records, referred to John Combs who d 1820 or John Combs [III], father of Jeremiah L. according to The Combes Genealogy.
18 Dec. 1820 ( FC-COB3:241 extracted by Combs Researcher Sue Elfving): On the motion of Elijah COMBS who made oath there to according to law and together with Robert WALKER George MARTIN and Benjamin WEBB his securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of one thousand dollars conditioned agreeably to law Leave is granted him to obtain letters of Administration of the estate of John COMBS Deceased in due form of Law which is ordered accordingly.
SE Notes: Often, those individuals who serve as security are related to the deceased or to the widow or widower or are very closely associated with the administrator and/or executors. James BROWN, son of James BROWN, was bound out as apprentice to George MARTIN in 1816. One Robert WALKER was named in a suit as the father of the bastard child of Jinny BROWN, the daughter of Robert BROWN.
18 Dec. 1820 ( FC-COB3:241 extracted by Combs Researcher Sue Elfving): On the motion of Elijah COMBS Administrator of the estate of John COMBS Decd, it is ordered that John ADAMS, Thomas JOHNSON, John KELLY, and John CORNETT or any three of them being duly sworn do appraise vs current money the persona estate of the said John COMBS deceased and report according to Law.
18 Dec. 1820 ( FC-COB3:242 extracted by Combs Researcher Sue Elfving): Commonwealth against Jeremiah COMBS } for not giving his taxable property for 1820. The defendant being heard on oath is discharged without fine, and gave his list of taxable property for 1820 which is one white tithe, and one Black over 16 years of age and two total blacks valued at $700, and 200 acres of land valued at $130, Total amount $1800 which is ordered to be certified to the Auditor.
SE Notes: This 1820 entry regarding the taxable property of Jeremiah is important since it indicates he had possession of two blacks and only had 200 acres of land. The ownership of the blacks may be a clue that he was the same Jeremiah with one black on the 1807 Clay Co., Ky. tax list where one of two Jeremiah COMBS has 1 black and 3 horses. The other Jeremiah remains in Clay and records show him to be Jeremiah C. COMBS aka Chunky Jerry, the son of Nicholas COMBS. In 1808, the Jeremiah COMBS with the black tithe is gone (probably in Floyd Co.) and a third and younger Jeremiah shows up on the tax list with no horse. This Jeremiah is the one who married Elizabeth COMBS. Jeremiah L. COMBS aka "Long Jerry" who removed to Floyd Co. was joined one year later by Simon STACY.
19 March 1821 ( FC-COB4:8 extracted by Combs Researcher Sue Elfving): An Inventory of the estate of John COMBS deceased is received by the court and ordered to be Recorded.
23 June 1823 (FC-COB4:172 extracted by Combs Researcher Sue Elfving): A Sale bill of the estate of John COMBS decd was returned into court by the administrator received and ordered to berecorded.
25 Aug. 1823 (FC-COB4:188-89 extracted by Combs Researcher Sue Elfving): Joseph R. WARD deputy sheriff of Floyd Co. against Jesse ADAMS late Sheriff of Perry Co. and Benjamin ADAMS and Elijah COMBS his securities. Jesse ADAMS no longer an inhabitant of the state. Elijah COMBS appeared in person...the plaintiff to recover from COMBS and Benjamin ADAMS $145.17 with his costs. Elijah COMBS appealedthe judgment which was dismissed in Sep. 1825 (p.316).
27 Sep 1824 (Floyd Co KY Records) September Term Monday 27th day of September 1824 Margus D. Combs produced a license to practice as an Attorney at Law in this State, where upon he quailified to practice as such in this court. (ANNALS OF FLOYD Co., KY 1800-1826 by Charles C. Wells 1983, p.217)
Note: Margus D. Combs (probably Marcus or Marquis) may have lived anywhere, although likely within the State of Kentucky, and applied to numerous counties to practice. Not found as a resident of Floyd.p. 436, Aug. 12, 1850
HH 353/353 Sarah PATTON 40, f, b Ky
William, 18, m, b Ky
Francis, 15, f, b Ky
Elizabeth, 13, f, b Ky
Amy 12, f, b Ky
Mary 10, f, b Ky [married John Wesley Combs]
Stephen 8, m, b Ky
John 5, b Ky
Ambrose 5, Ky
George SIZEMORE 22, Ky
#360 Combs, James 24 KY
Malinda 22 KY
Lemuel 1 KY
(Combs-Hicks Researcher Gloria B. Carter who adds that this is the only Combs census record in Floyd Co., KY in 1860)
p. 48, Prestonsburg PO, July 25 1860
318/318 SIZEMORE, George 32 M KY FarmerPCT No 1
p. 27/14 June 14, 1870 PO Greenupsburg
HH 199/193
SIZEMORE George 40, m, w, Farm Laborer, pp=$200, b Ky
Frankie 35, f, w, HouseKeeper, b Ky
Hiram 16, m, w, Farm laborer, b Ky
Melda 15, f, w, b Ky
Stokeley 13, m, w, b Ky
Elizabeth 11, f, w, b Ky
Magrady 9, m, w, b Ky
Stephen 7, m, w, b Ky
John B 5, m, w, b Ky
Aletha 3, f, w, b Ky
Rosella 1, f, w, b Ky
PATTON Sarah 60, f, w, Housekeeper, b Ky
SE Notes: Family previously found in 1850 and 1860 Floyd Co, Ky., census. DC for daughter Melda states her mother was Frankie PATTON. Sarah PATTON was the mother of Mary PATTON who married John Wesley Combs of Perry Co, Ky., and is further documented by Frankie Sizemore's 6 June 1918 Greenup Co, Ky., DC, stating she was born 5 July 1833, mother Sarah PATTON, father unknown.John Wesley Combs was the s/o of Millie Combs (d/o of Long Jerry) and Andrew Combs (d/o of Chunky Jerry). Sarah is not found in the 1880 Greenup Co, Ky., census.
HH 200/194 PATTON John 25, m, w, Farmer, PP=$250, b Ky
Clarinda 22, f, w, House Keeper, b Ky
Mary A 3, f, w, b Ky
Frankie J 1, f, w, b Ky
Leonard BLAIR 19 W Kentucky
Annie 24 wife Kentucky
Joe NR son Kentucky
Charley COMBS 8 stepson Kentucky
Ballard F COMBS 32 W Kentucky
Minta 27 wife Kentucky
Baby 02 son Kentucky
Baby NR son Kentucky
Russ A ??ELTNER 20 not reported Kentucky
Ruby NR son Kentucky
Note: Ballard F. COMBS was married in 1907 Knott County KY to Arminta PERKINS. He was the s/o John Wesley COMBS and Clemetine CODY.
Charles B COMBS 37 W Kentucky
Dora B 36 wife Kentucky
Eunice G 12 daughter Kentucky
Maymie L 11 daughter Kentucky
Sallie A 09 daughter Kentucky
Charley E 07 son Kentucky
Olive L 05 daughter Kentucky
William Virgis 02 not reported Kentucky
Dora Lou NR not reported Kentucky
Shade COMBS 65 W Kentucky
Elizabeth 55 wife Kentucky
Bennett 27 son Kentucky
Iva 20 daughter Kentucky
??harley 1 son, Kentucky
??es?? 14 son Kentucky
James E. VERSTERS 21 non relative Kentucky
Allen Combs W 35 Ky
Gracey wife 26 Ky
Dorsie dau 7 Ky
Bud son 5 Ky
Lora dau 3 6/12 Ky
DH: Allen B. COMBS was the s/o George B. and Emma HICKS Combs and can be found previously in Knott Co., KY.. Allen was married to Grace PATRICK per the Ky Birth Index listings of their children Dorothy b 28 May 1912 Floyd Co., KY and Lora b 5 Dec 1916 Knott Co., KY.
Ballard F. Combs W 42 Ky
Minta wife 35 Ky
Ballard F. son 11 Ky
J. Leroy son 9 Ky
Paul Claudie? son 9/12 Ky
Tina mother 60 Ky
DH: Ballard F. COMBS was the son of John Wesley & Clementine CODY Combs. Ballard married in1907 Knott Co., KY to Arminta PERKINS.
C. B. Combs W 46 Ky
Dora B. wife 45 Ky
Mamie dau 21 Ky
Sallie dau 19 Ky
Charley son 17 Ky
Olive dau 15 Ky
Virgil son 12 Ky
Dora dau 10 Ky
Howard son 8 Ky
Lillian dau 5 Ky
Annie dau 2 Ky
DH: Charles B. COMBS was married to Dora HOWARD per the Ky Birth Index listings of their children - all born in Floyd County: William Virgil born 22 Sep 1907; Dora L. born 15 Sep 1909; Howard born 7 Sep 1912; Lillian Irene born 28 Oct 1915; and Anna Lois born 14 Sep 1917.
Clauda Combs W 19 Ky
Nannie wife 18 Ky
Earl Combs W 25 Ky
Nervie wife 24 Ky
Birchie dau 6 Ky
Veola dau 11/12 Ky
DH: Earl, parentage unknown, was married to Manerva THORNSBERRY per her obituary.
Nerva THORNSBERRY, daughter of Winston and Mary THORNSBERRY; born Nov 13 1893 died Sep 5 1963; married: Earl COMBS, 1913; 5 children, 2 deceased, leaving one girl, Birchie Howard, Dema, Ky and Arthur Combs, Dayton, Ohio and Okey at home, and Earl her husband. Member of the Old Regular Baptist Church.
Daniel Combs W 44 Ky
Polly wife 25 Ky
Car? son 18 Ky
Andrew son 17 Ky
Bertha dau 15 Ky
Sallie dau 13 Ky
Green son 9 Ky
Kelly son 7 Ky
Eva dau 4 5/12 Ky
Elva dau 9/12 Ky
DH: Daniel COMBS, a son of Franklin COMBS & Sarah ALLEN, was married to Polly HANDSHOE per the Ky Birth Index listings of Elva born 25 Apr 1919 Floyd Co., Ky.
Dolph Combs W 22 Ky
Lon wife 29 Ky
Percy dau 10 Ky
Sim Combs W 43 Ky
Martha wife 49 Ky
Pearlie dau 16 Ky
Ervin son 13 Ky
Doffey son 19 Ky
Dolley dau 7 Ky
Silas son 3-2/12 Ky
DH: Simon COMBS, son of Fielding and Cynthia COMBS Combs. He was married to Martha SOUTHWOOD per the Ky Birth Index listings of Dalla [sic] born 18 Feb 1912 and Silas born 5 Oct 1916. Both children were born in Knott Co., KY, where this family can be found in 1910. According to descendant Silas' daughter Anita Combs Mulllins, the family always knew Martha as Martha Armstrong which may be explained by the fact that Martha's 1945 Floyd Co. DC states she was the d/o of Bill STRONG and a [blank] SOUTHWOOD. Sim and Martha's 1910 Knott Co. census record shows their marriage was the second for both. (Martha's death certificate: Martha COMBS, cert# 7629, white female married. age: 72 yrs, Spouse: Seim COMBS age 68, born: 6 Aug (blank) Breathitt Co., Ky; died: 27 March 1945 Floyd Co., Ky of cardio vascular & cancer of uterus; buried: Garrett, Ky 29 March 1945 funeral director S. D. RYAN Martin, Ky' d/o Bill STRONG b Breathitt Co. & ---- SOUTHWOOD b Breathitt Co.; informant: Seim COMBS of Garrett, Ky; filed 20 April 1945 Lucy RAUSDELL registar; (Source: Submitted by Debi Hendrick))
Weeksbury, 94 Weeksbury Rd
Riley Combs W 42 Ky
Marg wife 32 Ky (Mary)
Hearbert son 10 Ky
Irvin son 7 Ky
Bayard dau 5 Ky (Evelyn)
Dortha dau 2 Ky
Note: John Riley COMBS 1878-1947, son of Andrew & Nancy FRANCIS Combs, was married to Mary TURNER 1886-1968, darughter of Morgan & Nancy HOPKINS Turner per grandson Clark Combs (son of Irvin).
Shade Combs 76 W Ky
Elizabeth wife 67 W Ky
Charles son 27 W Ky
Burnette son 37 W Ky
COMBS, Claud 02-28-1896 04-05-1971
COMBS, Nanie 03-03-1897 11-02-1966
COMBS, Glenden 10-28-1932 12-19-1953 21 yrs old
COMBS, Lou 09-30-1890 ?
COMBS, Dalpha 10-07-1886 10-23-1946