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Combs &c.
Families of Todd Co., KY |
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Wesley GREENFIELD, complainant against Nathaniel BURRUS, Henry T. BURRUS, Fanny SNELLING and her husband Benjamin SNELLING, Mary Ann DICKERSON, and Elijah DICKERSON,
Roger BURRUS SNELLING and Mary Jane SNELLING, Cynthia M. KAY and her husband Robert G. KAY, Rebecca M. COOMBS and her husband David Combs, defendants. IN CHANCERY It appearing to
the satisfaction of the Court that the defendants, Fanny SNELLING, Benjamin SNELLING, Roger BURRUS SNELLING, Mary Jane SNELLING, Cynthia M. KAY, Robert G. KAY, Rebecca M. COMBS, and David COMBS are not inhabitants
of this Commonwealth, and they have failed to enter their appearance herein according to law and the rules of this court and answer the complainants bill, therefore on motion of the complainant, by his counsel, it is ordered that unless the said nonresident defendants enter their appearance herein on or before the first day of the next term of this court and answer the complainants bill the same will be taken against them as confessed.
William REEVES
James D. McGEHEE 43 w m bookkeeper 1500 100 VA
Emma 12 w f KY
Ella 9 w f KY
James 6 w m KY
Joseph McNEW 25 w m TN
America 25 w f housekeeper KY
William OATS 56 w m farm laborer KY
Note: Emma and Ella McGEHEE married John and Eli COMBS, sons of Eli and Maria HAMMOND Combs of Christian Co., KY. and later of Todd Co., KY.
District 4 p. 334a&b
HH 75/95
Aaron ATCHISON, 57, M, W, Boot & shoemaker, DE
Nancy, 58, F, keeping house, $200 real estate, KY
Columbus COMBS, 23, F, W, Seamstress, KY
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Deb Coombs)
Fairview 1 Jun 1880
William COMBS 48 m w trader KY KY KY
Margaret 38 w f wife keeping house AL KY VA
Martha S. 18 w f dau KY KY AL
Charles E. 12 w m son KY KY AL
Quincy A. 10 w m son KY KY AL
William O. 7 w m son KY KY AL
Thomas 5 w m son KY KY AL
Note: William COMBS 1832-1932 (see Christian Co., KY Death Certificate), son of Eli and Mariah HAMMOND Combs, was married to Margaret GRAY in 1857/8 (See Montgomery Co TN Marriage). Daughter Martha (Mattie) married James M. Rose and resided in Christian Co., KY, also.
Tabernacle Dist No. 3 2 Jun 1880
Eli COMBS 70 w m farmer KY VA KY
Mariah 66 w f wife keeping house KY VA KY
Notes: Eli was the son of Benjamin B. and Betsey PAYNE Combs. He and his wife Mariah HAMMOND Combs are found previously in Christian Co., KY.
John G. COMBS 25 w m farmer KY KY KY
Emma C. 23 w f wife keeping house KY KY KY
Winnie L. 5 w f dau KY KY KY
Jimmie C. 2 w f dau KY KY KY
White School District No. 2 (Trenton) year ending 30 June 1895 (Note: The town of Trenton is right on the Ky-Tn state line)
Children: O.W. COMBS 16 male
Geo. D. COMBS 14 male
Wm. H. COMBS 12 male
H.P. COMBS 11 male
Jno H. COMBS 8 male
Mary K. COMBS 6 female
Note: William E. COOMBS, son of George and Elizabeth HAM Combs, married Sally M. HAWES and are listed on the 1870 Christian Co., KY Census.
School District No. 3 year ending 30 June 1895
Children: Thomas COMBS 17 male
George COMBS 12 male
Mary COMBS 9 female
Note: William COMBS, son of Eli and Maria HAMMOND Combs, was married to Margaret GRAY.
Adolphus COMBS
Children: Walter COMBS 13 male
Lawrence COMBS 11 male
Ancil COMBS 9 male
James COMBS 8 male
Note: Adolphus COMBS is probably Eli COMBS, son of Eli and Maria HAMMOND Combs of Christian Co., KY. Eli married Ella McGEHEE and they are listed with son Walter on the 1880 Christian Co., KY Census.
Children: Minnie COMBS 18 female
Jimmie COMBS 13 female
Jessie COMBS 11 female
Rena COMBS 8 female
Verna COMBS 6 female
Note: John COMBS, son of Eli and Maria HAMMOND Combs, was married to Emma McGEHEE.
(Bell's Chapel) District No. 37
Ed COMBSDistrict No. 39 (Kirkmansville)
children: Bettie COMBS 13 female
George COMBS 11 male
Belle COMBS 9 female
Esbert COMBS 7 male
White School District No. 4 (Fairview)
Adolphus COMBS
Children: Walter COMBS 17 male
Lawrence COMBS 15 male
Ancel COMBS no age or sex given
James COMBS 12 male
Lula COMBS 8 female
Children: Minnie COMBS 20 female
Jennie COMBS 15 female
Jessie COMBS 12 female
Rena COMBS 10 female
Verna COMBS 8 female
Richie COMBS 16 female
William COMBS
Children: George COMBS 14 male
Mary COMBS 11 female
White School District No. 47 (Edwards or Kirkmansville)
T. J. COOMBSpg 10
T. J. COMBS 10/1862 md 19yrs K K K
Dellia 8/1861 8-8 K K K
Bety A. 9/1882 K K K
George C. 2/1884 K K K
Prsilla B 2/1886 K K K
Herbert 2/1888 K K K
Pink 8/1890 son K K K
Clarence E. 1/1893 K K K
Minnie L. 2/1896 K K K
Robert P. 1/1898 K K K
pg 50
Mack C. SHANKLIN 10/1878 1yr K K K
Jessie 1/1882 0-0 K K K
Note: Jessie COMBS, daughter of John and Emma McGEHEE Combs, married M.C. SHANKLIN in 1899 Todd Co., KY.
pg 68
Ella COMBS 4/1860 wid 7-6 K V V
Walter 10/1879 son K K K
Lawrence 2/1882 son K K K
James 4/1884 son K K K
Ancle 4/1886 son K K K
Eula 9/1888 dau K K K
Lya V. 5/1893 dau K K K
John 10/1881 neph K K K
James McGEHEE 7/1864 brother K V V
(Note: Ella is the widow of Eli COMBS son of Eli COMBS & Maria HAMMONDS and were listed on the 1880 Christian Co., KY Census. I believe John COMBS, nephew, is the son of John COMBS [brother of Eli] and Emma McGEHEE. John married 1900 Bessie McGEHEE)
Thomas COMBS 8/1876 5yrs K K K
Mattie 2/1875 wife 0-0 K K T
Hughs 11/1894 son K K K
Note: Thomas was the son of William and Margaret GRAY Combs.
pg 109
John COOMBS 11/1853 md 25yrs K K K
Emmer 7/1859 wife 10-9 K K K
Rena 4/1884 dau K K K
Verna 8/1885 dau K K K
Willie R. 12/1888 son K K K
Laura 11/1891 dau K K K
Albert 3/1894 son K K K
Archie 4/1897 son K K K
Minnie BRYANT 1/1876 dau md 3ys 0-0 K K K
Cross BRYANT 11/1876 son-in-law K K K
Jinnie STOVALL 3/1879 dau md 0yrs 0-0 K K K
Willie STOVALL 3/1871 son-in-law K K K
Fairview Dist. 3
3 Jan 1920
HH 13/13
Thomas H. COMBS 42 m w KY KY KY blacksmith
Mattie 44 f w wife KyTnTn
Herbert H. 23 m w son KY KY KY hardstore clerk
Lee D. WARREN 47 m w bro-in-law Tn Tn Tn Grocer Clerk
7 & 9 Jan 1920
HH 49/49
Lawrence COMBS 37 m w KY KY KY carpenter
Mollie 31 f w wife Ky Tn Tn
Herbert 12 m w son KY KY KY
Emmett 10 m w son KY KY KY
Eugene 1/4 m w son KY KY KY
Note: Lawrence, son of Eli and Ella McGEHEE Combs, married in 1904 to Mollie SCOTT.
Trenton Dist. 5
7 Jan 1920
HH 94/94
Walter W. WILLIAM 63 m w KY KY KY contractor
Nellie E. 45 f w wife KY KY KY
Theodore 30 m w son married KY KY KY contracter
Tommie COMBS 22 f w dau div KY KY KY
Rosa L. WILLIAMS 24 f w dau single KY KY KY
Andrew P. 22 m w son single KY KY KY
Charles H. 16 m w son KY KY KY
Walter W. 14 m w son KY KY KY
Mary 12 f w dau KY KY KY
Nettie 8 f w dau KY KY KY
Allensville Dist. 6
12 Jan 1920
HH 176/176
Ellis COMS 41 m w Tn Tn Tn tenant farmer
Mary N. 34 f w wife KY KY KY
Willard 18 m w son Ky Tn Ky
Lucile 14 f w dau Ky Tn Ky
Mamie 13 f w dau Ky Tn Ky
Eulier 10 m w son KyTn Ky
Aubrey 7 m w son Ky Tn Ky
Noel 5 m w son Ky Tn Ky
Glenn 3 m w son Ky Tn Ky
30 Jan 1920
John COMBS 68 m w Ky US US
Emma 64 f w wife Ky Va Va
Archie 21 m w son KY KY KY
Highland Cemetery, Guthrie, Ky recorded Jul 1994
double stone
Emma M. COMBS 1856 1946
John C. COMBS 1854 1945
Edgewood Cemetery, Trenton, Ky recorded 17 Oct 1994
double stone