![]() | Combs &c. Families of Middleborough, Plymouth Co, MA |
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Middleborough (Plymouth Court Records 11: 16) On 1 Jun 1669, the court granted township status to Namassakett and changed its name to Middleborough, its bounds being set between Plymouth, Taunton, and Bridgewater, and touching unincorporated land on the south. Middleborough had only six freeman residents as of 29 May 1670: John MORTON, Henry WOOD, Jonathan DUNHAM, Francis COOMBE, William NELSON, and Samuel EATON. (History of the Town of Middleboro, Massachusetts, Thomas Weston, Boston & New York, 1906, pp. 584-86, 594-96)
Notes: Francis COOMBE is believed by many to have been the s/o John & Sarah PRIEST Combs of Plymouth Colony in the early 1630s due to his freedman and headright status. In 1633 the court had enacted a law that the children born at Plymouth, "& next to them such as are heer brought up under their parents and are come to age of discretion" would be granted land before any subsequent newcomers. This promise was kept on 4 June 1661 when the court authorized the "first born children" to purchase two large tracts of land, one next to the Massachusetts bounds, and the other between Namassakett and Bridgewater. On 3 June 1662 the court approved a list of "first born children" to share in the lands to be purchased. Actually, one tract of land at Namassakett had already been purchased from Indians on behalf of the colony by Capt. Thomas SOUTHWORTH on 7 March 1661, and this became known as the Twenty-Six Men's Purchase. Another acquisition, called the Pachade Purchase, of 9 July 1662 by Maj. Josias WINSLOW on behalf of himself and others seems to be the specific tracts referred to on 4 June 1661. However, many names of the first proprietors of both purchases are the same. These and subsequent purchases in the Namassakett area gradually began to be inhabited, and on 1 June 1663 the court ordered that those settlers at Namassakett would be considered as belonging to the town of Plymouth. (Plymouth Colony Records 11: 16, 3: 215-16, 4: 20; Thomas Weston, History of the Town of Middleboro, Massachusetts, Boston & New York, 1906, pp. 584-86, 594-96; PCR 4: 41, 5: 19-20, 279.) A 16 May 1670 Plymouth record mentions "the bounds of a parcell of meadow that was Francis COMBES but now the aobes Edward GRAY'S..." and it is believed that he had sold his land and removed to Middleborough (although see also a 1672/3 Plymouth Record and Francis of Swansea, now-Bristol Co, MA in 1674).
1674 Middleborough, MA. Selectmen; Constables; Representatives. John THOMPSON, Jonathan DUNHAM, Francis COMBS; Isaac HOWLAND; John THOMPSON. (Extracted by Combs Researcher Debi Kendrick from "Peirce's Colonial Lists " by Ebenezer W. Peirce, 1880. Civil, Military and Professional lists of Plymouth and Rhode Island Colonies comprising Colonial, County and Town Officers, Clergymen, Physicians and Lawyers. MIDDLEBOROUGH. Incorporated JUNE, 1669. Indian names--ASSAWOMSET, NEMASKET)
1675 Middleborough, MA. Selectmen; Constables; Representatives. John THOMPSON, Jonathan DUNHAM, Francis COMBS; George VAUGHN; John THOMPSON. (Extracted by Combs Researcher Debi Kendrick from "Peirce's Colonial Lists " by Ebenezer W. Peirce, 1880. Civil, Military and Professional lists of Plymouth and Rhode Island Colonies comprising Colonial, County and Town Officers, Clergymen, Physicians and Lawyers. MIDDLEBOROUGH. Incorporated JUNE, 1669. Indian names--ASSAWOMSET, NEMASKET)
1676 Middleborough. Francis COOMBS with wife Mary. (Genealogical Dictionary of First Settlers of England, volume 1, James Savage, Boston: Baltimore Genealogical Publishing Company, 1860-62, pp. 453)("Genealogical Dictionary of First Settlers of England, volume 1, James Savage, Baltimore Genealogical Publishing Company, Boston, 1860-62, p. 438)
Oct 1678 "At the October 1678 Court "In answare to the petition prefered to the Court by Francis COMBE, and likewise the Court being informed that Sammuell FULLER is in a likelyhood to be procured to teach the word of God att Middleberry [Middleborough] the doe approve therof; and in case hee be obtained, and be likely to settle amongst them, doe hereby signify, that they will indeavor that the propriators of the lands within that townshipp may be healpfull towards his maintenance") (PCR5: 273) (Excerpted by Combs Researcher Sharon Natoli from "The Mayflower Descendant Volume 39, January 1, 1989, Errata 25, "Samuel Fuller of Plymouth and Middleborough" by Robert S. Wakefield, page 85/86, hereinafter Samuel Fuller...)
30 Oct 1678. Middleboro'-- PERSONS LICENSED TO RETAIL SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS. Francis COMBS Beer, Wine and Liquors Oct. 30, 1678.
Extracted by Combs Researcher Debi Kendrick from Peirce's Colonial Lists by Ebenezer W. Peirce, 1880. Civil, Military and Professional lists of Plymouth and Rhode Island Colonies comprising Colonial, County and Town Officers, Clergymen, Physicians and Lawyers. MIDDLEBOROUGH. Incorporated JUNE, 1669. Indian names--ASSAWOMSET, NEMASKET
30 Oct 1678 Middleborough-INNKEEPERS. Francis COMBS Licensed: Oct. 30, 1678. Cancelled: He died Dec. 31, [1682-4?]
19 Dec 1678. "In the Plymouth church, records under the date of 19 December 1678 we find: "Our brother, Mr Samuel FULLER being called to preach at midlebury did aske counsell of the chh, which motion they tooke into serious conseration till the next chh-meeting, which was on Jan: 16 & then the chh did unanimously advise & encourage him to attend preaching to them as oft as he could, but not yet to remove his family, but waite a while to see what further encouragement God might give for his more settled attendance upon that service there"(MD12: 27)
1 Jun 1680 Middleborough, MA "On 1 June 1680 Mr. Samule FULLER was chosen to be one of the Celect Men: of Middleberry (PCR6: 35) (Samuel Fuller...)
1680 Middleborough, MA. Selectmen; Constables; Representatives. John THOMPSON, Francis COMBS, Samuel FULLER; Daniel THOMAS, Jr. John THOMPSON.
Extracted by Combs Researcher Debi Kendrick from Peirce's Colonial Lists by Ebenezer W. Peirce, 1880. Civil, Military and Professional lists of Plymouth and Rhode Island Colonies comprising Colonial, County and Town Officers, Clergymen, Physicians and Lawyers. MIDDLEBOROUGH. Incorporated JUNE, 1669. Indian names--ASSAWOMSET, NEMASKET
1681 Middleborough, MA. Selectmen; Constables; Representatives. John THOMPSON, Francis COMBS, John NELSON; Ephraim TINKHAM, Jr.; John THOMPSON.
1682 Middleborough, MA. Selectmen; Constables; Representatives. John THOMPSON, Francis COMBS, John NELSON; Samuel WOOD; John THOMPSON
1 Jul 1684 Middleborough-- INN KEEPERS. Mrs. Mary COMBS Licensed: July 1, 1684.
12 Jan 1687 COMBS, Elizabeth Married: Spouse: RING, Eliazur City: Plymouth, County: Plymouth
Source: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Ut, Film #0416330-0416336, extracted by COMBS Researcher Barbara Rivas from Family Tree Maker CD231, Online, Marriage Index: Massachusetts, 1633-1850 Family Finder Search
9 Dec 1729 "Handwritten Division"
"On back of handwritten deed William CANEDY/Elkanah LEONARD - notations
show deed was acknowledged 18 March 1727 by Capt. William CANEDY: and recorded
9 December 1729, Plymouth County Book, 24 folio 197"
The Bounds made and Run Between the Lot of Land of William THOMAS and
he Heirs of Mr. Francise COOMBES Heirs by a Commtte:
On the Front
Know all men by these presents that we whose names are hereunto subscribed
having been chosen and appointed by William THOMAS of Middleborough on
the one part: and Ralf JONES, Samuel, BARROW, John MILLER and Ebenezer
BENNET and Francis COOMBS on the other part as a committee to setle
and determine the boundaries between the lot of the said William THOMAS
whereon he now dwelleth; and the north east of the lots which did formerly
belong unto
Mr. Francis COOMBS, deceased: by bonds under the hands
and seals of the partys above named bearing date the first day of this
instand November: may more fully appear: wherefore we the aforesaid committee
have run the line and setled the boundaries between the two aforesaid lots
as fooloweth: begining at a stake with stones about it by the river side
by the southeast side of a white oak stump: about three pole and a half
below the foot of the bridge: and from thence ranging northwest and by
west one degree westerly unto red oak tree marked standing before the door
of the house of the said William THOMAS: and from thence on the same rang
by a rang of marked trees unto a heap of stones about a red oak stump at
the fence of Ebenezer TINCOM: The said William THOMAS his lot being sixteen
pole and a quarter broad at the north west end: In witness whereof we have
hereunto set our hands this 15th day of November 1707. s/Isaac HOWLAND.
James SOULE. Jacob TOMSON"
Excerpted by Combs Researcher Sharon Natoli from The Mayflower Descendant Volume 37, July 2, 1987, Howland Deeds 2, Page 196
11 Jul 1770 [sic] COOMBS, Benjamin Married: Spouse: BENSON, Mrs. Priscilla City: Middleborough, County: Plymouth
Source: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Ut, Film # 0945011-0945012, extracted by COMBS Researcher Barbara Rivas from Family Tree Maker CD231, CD 231 Online, Marriage Index: Massachusetts, 1633-1850 Family Finder Search
26 Jul 1772 Benja[min] COMBS and Priscilla BENSON of Middleb[oroug]h, int. July 26, 1772
Extracted by Combs Researcher Beverly Dunn from Rochester, Plymouth Co., MA Marriage Records, as found in the series, Massachusetts Records Before 1850
Notes: See also Rochester
29 Dec 1770 COOMBS, Mrs. Abia Married: Spouse: SHEARMAN, Job City: Middleborough, County: Plymouth
Source: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Ut, Film # 0945011-0945012, extracted by COMBS Researcher Barbara Rivas from Family Tree Maker CD231, CD 231 Online, Marriage Index: Massachusetts, 1633-1850 Family Finder Search
11 Aug1 781 COOMBS, Simeon Married: Spouse: MILLER, Mrs. Expirance City: Middleborough, County: Plymouth
25 Aug 1781 Rochester, Plymouth Co, MA Marriage Records. Simeon COOMBS of Middle[boroug]h and Experience MILLER, int. Aug. 25, 1781
Extracted by Combs Researcher Beverly Dunn from Rochester, Plymouth Co., MA Marriage Records, as found in the series, Massachusetts Records Before 1850
13 Jun 1782 COOMBS, Simeon Married: Spouse: MILLIER, Experance City: Middleborough, County: Plymouth
Source: Family History Library: Salt Lake City, Ut, Film # 0945011-0945012, extracted by COMBS Researcher Barbara Rivas from Family Tree Maker CD231, CD 231 Online, Marriage Index: Massachusetts, 1633-1850 Family Finder Search
4 Jun 1785 COMBS, Stephen Married: Spouse: TABER, Abigail City: Middleborough, County: Plymouth
14 Dec 1788 Middleborough, Plymouth Co, MA. Married: COMBS, Mary & PRATT, Job
9 Aug1789 COOMBS, Ithamar Married: Spouse: TABER, Mary City: Middleborough, County: Plymouth
1794-1800 Middleborough Vital Records. Births
Children of Simeon & Experience MILLER Combs:
"Experience COOMBS daughter of the Revd Simeon COOMBS & Experience his wife was Born in (Levertt) October 9th, 1794"
"Simeon COOMBS, son of the Revd Simeon COOMBS & Experience his wife was Born in Wardsborough September 28th 1795"
"Polly COOMBS daughter of the Revd. Simeon COOMBS & Experience his wife was Born in Jamaica July 22nd 1797"
"Stephen COOMBS son of the Revd. Simeon COOMBS & Experience his wife was Born in Jamaica June 30th 1799"
"Sally COOMBS daugher of the Revd. Simeon COOMBS & Experience his wife was Born in Jamaica December 22d 1800"
Extracted by Combs Researcher Sharon Natoli from Middleborough Vital Records, Volume I, Book 7, Births 1796-1838, page 345)
23 Jun 1802 COMBS, Asa Married: CUSHMAN, Abigail City: Middleborough, County: Plymouth
Source: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Ut, Film # 0945011-0945012, extracted by COMBS Researcher Barbara Rivas from Family Tree Maker CD231, CD 231 Online, Marriage Index: Massachusetts, 1633-1850 Family Finder Search
17 Dec 1803 COOMBS, Phebe Married: Spouse: MUXHAM, Caleb, Jr. City: Middleborough, County: Plymouth
25 Jan 1806 COMBS, Benjamin Married: CARVER, Patia City: Middleborough, County: Plymouth
17 Feb 1807 COMBS, Benjamin Married: CARVER, Patia City: Middleborough, County: Plymouth
3 Dec 1809 COOMBS, Chloe Married: Spouse: CLARK, Samuel S. City: Middleborough, County: Plymouth
Benjamin COMBS
7 Jan 1810 COOMBS, Chloe Married: Spouse: CLARK, Stillman City: Middleborough, County: Plymouth
Source: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Ut, Film # 0945011-0945012, extracted by COMBS Researcher Barbara Rivas from Family Tree Maker CD231, CD 231 Online, Marriage Index: Massachusetts, 1633-1850 Family Finder Search
18 Oct 1812 COOMBS, Priscilla Married: Spouse: GIBBS, Andrew City: Middleborough, County: Plymouth
21 Apr 1813 COOMBS, Priscilla Married: Spouse: GIBBS, Andrew City: Middleborough, County: Plymouth
(ibid. Film # 0945011-094501)
1 Mar 1813 COOMBS, Huldah Married: Spouse: BRIGGS, Abiather, Jr. City: Middleborough, County: Plymouth
Source: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Ut, Film # 0945011-0945012, extracted by COMBS Researcher Barbara Rivas from Family Tree Maker CD231, CD 231 Online, Marriage Index: Massachusetts, 1633-1850 Family Finder Search
11 May 1817 COOMBS, Experience Married Spouse: PARRIS, Elias City: Middleborough, County: Plymouth
12 Jun 1817 COOMBS, Experience Married: Spouse: PARRIS, Elias City: Middleborough, County: Plymouth
Benjamin COOMBS
March 6, 1824 Mr. Jacob CUSHMAN of Taunton and Mrs. Roxa SHAW of Middleborough, Also Mr. William DOTY of Fairhaven [Bristol Co, MA] and Miss Abigail COOMBS of Middleboro; Also Mr. Nehemiah DEMARANVILLE and Miss Phebe PARRIS both of Middleboro; Also Mr. John M. HASKINS & Miss Mary MAXHAM both of Middleborough"
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Sharon Natoli from Middleborough Vital Records Volume II, Book 8, Marraige Intentions, 1823-1825)
14 Apr 1824 COOMBS, Abigail Married: Spouse: DOTY, William City: Middleborough, County: Plymouth
Source: Family History Library, Salt: Lake City, Ut, Film #0945011-0945012, extracted by COMBS Researcher Barbara Rivas from Family Tree Maker CD231, CD 231 Online, Marriage Index: Massachusetts, 1633-1850 Family Finder Search
Page 257
4 Jul 1839 COOMBS, Thornton W. Married: Spouse: JACKSON, Hannah S. City: Middleborough, County: Plymouth
Source: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Ut, Film # 0945011-0945012, extracted by COMBS Researcher Barbara Rivas from Family Tree Maker CD231, CD 231 Online, Marriage Index: Massachusetts, 1633-1850 Family Finder Search
2 Feb 1833 COOMBS, William A. Married: Spouse: BISBEE, Hannah City: Middleborough, County: Plymouth
9 Mar 1834 COOMBS, William A. Married: Spouse: BISBEE, Hannah City: Middleborough, County: Plymouth
13 Dec 1840 COOMBS, Hannah Married: Spouse: PAUL, Asa, Jr. City: Middleborough, County: Plymouth
Source: Family History Library, Salt: Lake City, Ut, Film #0945011-0945012, extracted by COMBS Researcher Barbara Rivas from Family Tree Maker CD231, CD 231 Online, Marriage Index: Massachusetts, 1633-1850 Family Finder Search
4 Mar 1841 COOMBS, Hannah Married: Spouse: PAUL, Asa, Jr. City: Middleborough, County: Plymouth
23 Jul 1861. Birth registration. Born: Walter H. COOMBS, Middleborough, MA. s/o Levi COOMBS, carpenter, and Betsey B COOMBS, nee HAS REHS(??). [nb: Her maiden name is not entirely readable but it definately starts with an H.]
Combs Researcher Cheri Astrahan who adds that this is the same Walter H. COOMBS who was listed in the 1890 Great Register of Voters in Los Angeles, CA
transcribed by Deb Coombs
pg 197b
43 William A. COOMBS, 47, M, farmer, MA
Hannah, 40, F, MA
William A., Jr., 13, M, MA, attended school within the year
Betsy C., 11, F, MA, attended school within the year
Clarence A., 10, M, MA, attended school within the year
Hopestill B., 8, M, MA, attended school within the year
p. 210a
Simeon COOMBS, 54, M, mason, MA
Sarah, 55, F, MA
Levi, 24, M, carpenter, MA
Joseph C., 18, M, MA, attended school within the year
Sarah M., 14, F, MA, attended school within the year
abt. 1860 Mrs. Estella B. COOMBS Marsel born in Middleboro, MA to James M. COOMBS (1840-1909) and Charlotte E. Marchant (1842-73), his wife, m. 1865.
Ref: DAR Application Vol Volume 79, page 248: Mrs. Estella B. COOMBS Marsel. DAR ID Number: 78678