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Anne Arundel County was established in 1650 from St. Mary’s County, Maryland. In 1654, Anne Arundel’s name was changed to Providence, but in 1658, renamed Anne Arundel again. In 1659, Baltimore was created from parts of Ann Arundel, Kent and unorganized territory. Note that most of the records for this county --so far -- are Combs-Associated, not Combs.
7 Dec 1663 - 9 Feb 1663-4. Will of Susannah BILLINGSLEY, widow of James BILLINGSLEY, A. A. Co., To brothers Richard and John EWEN, sisters Anne EWEN, Sophia, Eliza: TALBOTT, and Susanna BURGESS, brother-in-law Thomas BILLINGSLEY, Edward PARRISH and Walter CARR, personalty. Residue of estate divided among brothers and sisters (unnamed). Test: John CUMBER, Jr., John GRAY.
(1. 199. Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 1)
20 Nov 1676 - 7 Apr 1677 Will of John CUMBER, A. A. Co., To Thomas PRATT, personalty. To grandson John CUMBER, 200 A., “Cumberton.” Wife Judith and hrs., execx:, and residuary legatee of estate, real and personal. Test: Wm. BURGES, Robt. FRANCKLIN, Saml. GARLAND.
(5. 196. Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 1)
Note: Original records not viewed. Included herein due to possibility sp. could have been COMBES.
20th Oct., 1700 ; 5th Nov., 1700. Will of Richard HILL (about 70 yrs. of age) of Anne Arundel County, MD. To son Richard and hrs., “Horne Neck,” and “Manering Hall.” To son Joseph, ex., and hrs., “Tolly’s Point,” “Wither’s Outlet,” and “Mill Meadow” and “Little Worth” at hd. of Severn R. To son Henry and hrs., “Crancey Neck” and the “Addition to Beasly’s Neck.” To sons afsd., all other lands equally. To Mary YOUNG, Abigail PARR, in Worstershire, and to Johanna LONGMAN, personalty. Testator desires to be buried by dec’d wife Milchiah. Test: Rich’d KILBURN, Wm. MORRIS, Mary ENGLAND, Lucy PAINE, And. SUTHERLAND.
(6:394. MD Calendar of Wills)
14 Feb 1714 Anne Arundel Co, MD Prerogative Court Accounts. 36A.194. Account. Major Charles HAMMOND. L876.19.6. L34.3.10. 2nd Inv. in amt. of 213.15.4. Payments to Dr. Thomas COMES, John DODD, Thomas ALDIWES(?), Henry SNET per Lawrence GEORGE. Sarah DORSEY, Ruth HOWARD per -- RILEY, Mr. Benjamin FORDHAM, Thomas DOCWRA, Phillip HAMMOND per Charles HAMMOND. Executors Hannah BENSON, wife of Edmund BENSON, Charles HAMMOND, Phile. HAMMOND
Note: 13 Apr 1714 Anne Arundel Co, MD Inv. appraised by Richard and Alexander WARFIELD, approved by John DODD. (Skinner…)
See 1717-1719 St. Mary’s Co, MD estate account of Henry LOWE, which includes payment from “Dr. COME.” Henry’s brother Nicholas LOWE married Elizabeth ROE whose first husband was William COMBS of Talbot Co, MD. Maj. Charles HAMMOND of Anne Arundel Co, MD, d testate in 1713-14, naming eldest son, Charles, sons Philip, John, Rezin, Nathaniel, daughters Mahitabal and Ruth, wife Hannah, all children under age. He was the s/o John HAMMOND and Hannah HOWARD, d/o Phillip HOWARD and Ruth BALDWIN (d/o John BALDWIN, Quaker) of Anne Arundel Co, MD. Phillip HOWARD’S 1701 will names daughter, Hannah, her husband, John, and her sons, Charles and Philip.
The next few records are included here due to Combs associations with DARNELL, HATTON LOWE and SAYER. Col. Henry DARNELL (of 1689 Maryland Revolution fame) had married Elinor DARNELL, widow.
28 Apr 1711; 17 Jul 1711 Will of Henry DARNELL of Anne Arundel Co. To wife --, dwelling plantation and 1/3 personalty during life. To son-in-law Charles CARROLL and hrs., 3 tracts in Prince George’s Co., viz., 1726 A., “The Girl’s Portion,” 925 A., “The Outlet” at head of Western Brack of Patuxent R. and 406 A., “The Concord,” also 400 A., -- on Patuxent R., purchased from Philip GITTING, having been purchased by him from Cuthbert FENWICK. To son-in-law Clement HILL, tracts --, each of 400 A. in Prince George’s Co., one on lower side of Clement BROOKS’ land on east side of Piscataway Branch, and the other lying below afsd. tract but separated by land taken up by Thomas BROOK; also such estate as was agreed upon between testator and Clement HILL, Sr., upon his marriage with dau. Anne. To son-in-law Edward DIGGS and hrs., 1000 A., -- in Cecil Co., conveyed to testator by exs. of Col. Vincent LOW; also 2 tracts in Prince George’s Co., viz., 250 A., “Kingstone,” purchased from Peter JOY, and where sd. DIGGS now lives, and 125 A. adjoining, purchased from Nathan VEITCH, these tracts being given in lieu of 1000 A., “The Reserve” and 400 A., “Conveniency,” which were promised to him at his marriage with dau. Elizabeth. Sales Ratified. To Arnold LEVET of 200 A., --, Jno. MILLER 194 A., --, the sons of John SUMMERS 130 A., --, and to Henry CALVERT 150 A., tracts -- in Prince George’s Co. To son-in-law Clement BROOKS, 46 A., -- adjoining his quarter, about 2 miles from former dwelling place, “Wood Yard.” To grandson, eld. son of son Henry (DARNALL), and hrs., 200 A., “Knot’s Neck,” also “Burroughs” in Calvert Co., 2000 A., “Land of Promise” in Balto. Co., 500 A., “St. Jerom” in A. A. Co., all that land part of “Portland Manor” where his father, testator’s son Philip, lived, on east side Cabin Branch. To grandson Philip, young. son of afsd. son Philip, and hrs., lands bequeathed his brother Henry should he die without issue, also 3 tracts in Balto. Co., “The Reserve” and “Conveniency” afsd., 800 A., “Rich Levils,” 250 A., “Portland Landing” and that part of “Portland Manor” on w. side Cabin Branch where his father Philip lived. Should son Philip die without issue, his brother, Henry, afsd., is made reversionary legatee; and to grandsons at 18 yrs., personalty. To granddau. Eleanor DARNALL, eld. dau. of son Philip, and to Sarah, his young. dau., personalty at 15 yrs. of age. To grandson John (DARNALL), 2nd son of son Henry, and hrs., dwelling place, 1000 A., “Portland Manor” in A. A. Co., at decease of wife. To daus. Mary CARROLL and Ann HILL, personalty, and to Robt. BROOKE, Wm. HUNTER, Thos. MANSELL and Leo THOROULD, personalty. To son Henry, ex., residue of estate, real and personal, including tracts in Prince George’s Co., viz., that on which testator lived, 1100 A., “Mark’s Place,” 310 A., “Elizabeth,” 150 A., “Hale’s Adventure,” 200 A., “Charles Hils,” 1900 A., Darnall’s Delight,” 948 A., “Addition,” 262 A., “Darnall’s Last Addition,” 7000 A., “His Lordship’s Kindness;” also 2 tracts, viz., 105 A., “Darnall’s Chance” and 105 A., --, adjacent on both of last named tracts, part of Marlborough Town, and to sd. son, 1 lot in Charles Town, alias Mount Charles; also right in lease of 1,200 A. obtained from Charles, Lord Baltimore, for 21 yrs., and right in two mortgages given by Aaron RAWLINGS upon 563 A., “Bridge Hill” and 150 A., “Jones Lott,” A. A. Co. Test: Benjamin HALL, Jeremiah CHAPMAN, Cornelius WILDMAN, Webber CLARK. By codicil, 28th Apr., 1711, after setting forth that he has been his lordship’s agent for a term of years, mentions that the acreage of lease afsd. devised to son Henry is 2300 A. instead of 1200, as stated.
(13. 223. Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume III, 1703-1713, by Baldwin, pg 198)
Edward DIGGES married Elizabeth DARNELL, d/o Col. Henry and Elinor HATTON (Brooke) Darnell. Charles CARROLL, who died abt 1720, had married Mary DARNELL, daughter of Col. Henry DARNELL and Elinor HATTON, and his son, Charles CARROLl, Jr., surgeon of Annapolis, had married Dorothy BLAKE, daughter of Charles BLAKE of Queene Anne’s County, nephew of Peter and Frances MORGAN Sayer of Talbot County:
1 Dec - 1718 - 28 Jul 1720 Will of Charles CARROLL of Anne Arundel Co, MD. To the poor, 5000 lbs. tobacco. To the poor of this town, £10. To exs., 10,000 lbs. tob. and £20 to be disposed of to charitable purposes. To 2 daus., Mary and Eleanor, a share of 20,000 A. on Potomac R., 5000 A. to each; shd. either die without issue, survivor to inherit portion of dec’d; shd. both die without issue, or enter into religion, remainder to descend to hrs. at law. (Mss. defaced.) Also £1000 each at age of 16 or marriage. To 2 sons, Charles and Daniel, all real estate in Baltimore County except that herein expressed. To 4 kinswomen, Elinor BOYD, Margaret MACKNAMARA, Joyce BRADFORD and -- MACCOY, “Uncle’s Good-will” in Baltimore County, equally. To kinswoman Johanna CROCKSDELL, £5, and to cousin Maj. John BRADFORD, £6. To wife Mary, personalty at house in Annapolis (excepting plate, which is to he divided among 3 sons, equally, as they come of age, excepting altar plate, which is bequeathed to son Henry); 1600 A. “Enfield Chase,” Prince George’s County, and dwelling house in Annapolis, during life; £1000 absolutely; the rents of houses and lots in Annapolis, during widowhood; except lot bou. of Mr. Wornell HUNT, which is bequeathed to son Charles; market-house lot to son Daniel; lot bou. of Wm. TAYLORD to dau. Mary, and lot whereon Edward SMITH lives to dau. Eleanor. To kinsmen Thos. MACNEMERA, James CARROLL, William FITZREDMOND, Charles and Dominick CARROLL, Michael TAYLOR and Daniel CARROLL, £6 each. Overseers: Bros.-in-law Henry DARNALL and Benj. HALL, kinsmen James and Daniel CARROLL. Test: Luke GARDNER, Rev. Jacob HENDERSON, D. DULANY, Jno. GRESHAM, THOS. STEWART.
(16, 176. Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume 5)
24 Aug 1723 - 8 Mar 1732 Will of Charles BLAKE of Queen Anne’s Co., MD. To son John and male hrs., “Ruesendale” and “Coursey’s Neck” adj. to it in Wye R.; sd. son dying without male issue, sd. tracts to son Philemon and male hrs., he dying without male issue. sd. tracts to female hrs. of son John; residue of lands lying bet. Wye. R. and the wading place, provided sd. John relinquish all claim to personal estate by virtue of Uncle SAYER’S last will, and likewise makes good to Peter HARWOOD land sold him which was property of testator’s wife ---. To son Philemon and hrs., lands on Cheater R. viz.: “White Banks”, “Coursey Neck” and “Long Neglect”. Testator states that his Father has given him an estate in England by his will, and given leave to dispose of it by will, disposes of same as follows: To dau. Dorothy CARROLL £50 a year to be pd. her for space of ten yrs., to son John 1/3 of remaining revenue, and to son Philemon 2/3s until he shall receive £300 more than his bro. John. To dau. Henny personalty. Residue of estate to 2 sons afsd. exs. Test: Richard TILGHMAN, Otto COURSEY, Richard TILGHMAN, Jr. 3rd Sept., 1725, Codicil: Whereas Charles CARROL, surgeon, Annaplis, husband of dau. Dorothy bath lately exhibited a bill in Chancery Court, thereby suggesting a promise made him of giving dau. Dorothy £500 as portion, in case sd. Charles shall obtain a decree in Chancery Court for sd. £500 the within clause giving sd. dau. £500 is declared void. Test: Philemon LLOYD (LOYD), Richard BENNETT, John STEVENS
(20. 597, MD Calendar of Wills)
One Charles CARROLL, likely the above son-in-law of Col. Henry DARNELL was appointed to fill the position of agent and receiver of Lord Baltimore (vacated by the death of Henry DARNELL in 1711) by his Lordship on 12 Sep 1712.
(Archives of Maryland, Vol. 73:128)
Elinor HATTON, daughter of Richard and Margaret HATTON and niece of Thomas HATTON, Secretary of the Province, married (1) Major Thomas BROOKE (s/o Robert and Mary BAKER Brooke of Calvert); and (2) Col. Henry DARNELL:
31st Mch., 1724; 21st Feb., 1725 Will of Elinor DARNELL of A. A. Co., MD. To son Thomas BROOKE and dau. Mary WITHAM, £10 each. To Rev. George THOROLD, £25. To the poor, £10. To dau. Eleanor, wife of William DIGGS, £100, and to her children Henry and Philip Darnall DIGGS, £50, being the debt due from son-in-law William DIGGS. To children Eleanor DIGGS, Mary CARROLL, Ann HILL and Henry DARNALL, ex., residue of estate. Debt of son Clement BROOKE to John HYDE & Co., mchts. of London, to amount of £460 to be pd. before division of estate. Test: George ATTWOOD, John DAVISON, John DARNELL.
(18, 492. Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 5)
29 Jun 1726 - 14 Jan 1726/7 Will of Thomas BORDLEY, Esq. of Annapolis, “youngest son of Stephen BORDLEY, clerk, late prebendary of St. Paul’s and rector of St. Mary’s, Newington, London, starting on a voyage to London.” To son Stephen and heirs [incomplete abstract]… , son William and heirs, “Painters Rest” with “The Addition” thereto, containing 1,900 acres in Cecil County, at head of Sassafrax River, house and lot in Annapolis wherein John JORDAIN lives, bought of Mr. Thomas BLADEN… son John [incomplete abstract]… son Thomas, share of “Augustine Mannor” in Cecil County, surveyed for his mother’s grandfather, Augustine HERMAN [incomplete abstract]… should son Thomas die in minority and without issue to surviving children of present wife. [incomplete abstract]… son Matthias [incomplete, but includes land in Prince George county, 2000 acre tract “Backland”], daughter Elizabeth residue of 500 acres of “Backland”… unborn child tract in Prince George’s taken up with Benjamin GAITHER… wife Arianna executrix, use of real estate during children’s minority… residue to children equally… daughters in law Sarah, Margaret and Augustina FRISBY, personal estate of their father (unnamed), sisters Mary and Elizabeth in Newcastle upon Tyne, all claims against them, cousins Thomas and Steven personalty, should any children die during minority and without issue, survivors to divide, except in case of Augustine Mannor. Chgs in suits between Forward and Cockey in one part and testator to be pd. out of estate. Overseers: Brother James HARRIS Esq., and John BEALE, Esq. Should wife die, they to act as executors. Witnesses: Elizabeth BEALE, Anne DENTON, Richard CLAGGETT, Phillip PLAFAY, Thos. WORSLEY.
(Wills, 19:99).
Thomas BORDLEY, Esquire, is in numerous estate accounts of the Combs and Combs-associated accounts of St. Mary’s County. Thomas BORDLEY’S “presnt wife” Ariana was the sister of Henry WARD of Cecil County who died testate ca 1733, with bequest to Sarah FRISBY and hrs., she dying without issue to testators’ sister, Ariana JENINGS. He also names godson, John, sonof York YORKSON, land left testator by Matthew CHAPMAN, dau. Margaret, if she dies without issue to nephew Peter JENNINGS, and if ditto to nephew Edmund JENNINGS, but only on condition the nephews agree to use the surname WARD. Nephews failing issue, then to 3 sisters: Francina HYNSON, Augustine HARRIS and Ariana JENNINGS; more land to daughter, Margaret, and if dies without issue, then to nephew Matthew HARRIS, for want of heirs to nephew Thomas BORDLEY, son of sister Ariadne JENINGS, for want of heirs to nephew Matthias BORDLEY, then to nephew Beale BORDLEY, same conditions as above… Execs: Brothers James HARRIS and Edmund JENINGS. Wits: John BEALE, John PASMORE, Thomas DOUGHTY
(Wills, 21.85)
25 April 1751 Pennsylvania Gazette “William COOMBS, West Country Englishman age c. 18 or 20, bricklayer, with Thomas BIBBING age 30, runaways from Gamaliel BUTLER and Patrick DOAREN of Annapolis MD. “They have been seen at the house of Col. Benjamin CHAMBERS in Canogogige.”
Extracted by Combs Researcher Thom Mont from Abstracts from the Pennsylvania Gazette, 1748-1755, Kenneth Scott et al; Gen. Pub Co Inc; Balt; 1872)
11 Jun 1760 MD Prerogative Court Records. 71.30. Anne Arundel County. Estate of Joshua MERRIKEN. Appraisers: Philip PETIBONE (also PETTYBONE), Elijah COMES. Creditors: James BRICE, Richard TOTTELL. Next of Kin: John MERIKEN [sic], Elisabeth HOMEWOOD.