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-- -- --; 23rd Sept., 1700. Will of Francis MILES of St. Mary's Co. To grandson Francis, son of John MILES, 100 A., "Back Acres," and 100 A., "Miles Meadow," St. Mary's Co. To Robert WISEMAN, son of John WISEMAN, "Back Acres" afsd. in event of death of sd. grandson without issue. To Mary, dau. of John MILES, and hrs., "Miles Meadow" in event of death of sd. grandson without issue; to pass in turn to John, son of John MILES afsd. To dau. Catherine WISEMAN, personalty. Exs.: Wm. AISQUITH, Wm. AHORNE. Test: Cornelins MANNING, Abraham RHOADES, Mary MANNING.
(6. 375. Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 2)
15th Dec., 1701; -- -- --. Will of Arthur THOMPSON of St. Clement's Bay, St. Mary's Co., MD. To son Sebastian, personalty. To son John, 1/2 land lying by brother CARBERY'S. To dau. Tecla, residue of sd. land. In event of her death without issue her estate to pass to wife Susanna. To young, dau. Mildred and hrs., house and lots in St. Clement's Town, and 100 A. on Duck Pond. To son Oswald, 100 A. on Duck Pond. Testator provides that at the death of brother John CARBERY his plantation be recovered at the expense of 5 eld. child., viz., Sebastian, John, Oswald, Mildred SHIRTCLIFF and Tecla THOMSON. Wife Susanna, extx. and residuary legatee of estate, real and personal, including all land in Balto. Co. Wife to have charge of estate left to young. dau. Mildred. Test: Nich. GUYLICK, Jas. FRENCH, Martin FRENCH, Jno. CECILL.
11. 254. Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 2) GULICK CARBERRRY
4 Oct 1704 St. Mary's Co, MD Admin. Accts. Page 129. Acct of Wm AISQUITH and Edwd HORNE, executors of the will of Francis MILES, late of St. Mary, Decd… Disbursements to John WISEMAN; Abraham RHODES for proving the decd's will; Cornelius MANING; George MASON for 2 days appraising the estate and going to St. Mary' James MOUNTAGE'S debt, he being dead & no assets; legacy paid Jno. WISEMAN, left him by the decd. Total 310 lbs. tobacco. Oct 4, 1704. Proved then by oath of Mr. Wm. AISQUITH…
(Abstracted from St. Mary's Co MD Administrative Accts, TLC Genealogy) SW: MONTAGUE RHODES
Francis MILES' daughter, Catherine, married John WISEMAN. Testator Cornelius MANNING married Mary WISEMAN, d/o John and Catherine MILES Wiseman. See 1721 on for the Manning-Miles-Combs-Hatton land mysteries.
17 Feb 1700/01 (St. Mary's Co MD 20:216) Inventory. Henry BIGGS. Feb 17, 1700. Appraisers: Robert CLARKE, Enoch COMES. List of debts: Daniel LAWRENCE, Steven BEMBERRIGG, Richard RIGALL, Jr.
(Abstracts of the Inventories And Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland 1699-1704 Volume 6, V. L. Skinner, Jr.)
02 Jun 1701 (St. Mary's Co MD 20:207 #6806) Estate Accounts. Henry BIGGS. £15.10.0. Recieved from Daniel LAWRENCE, Steven BOMBRIGG, Richard RIDGELL, Jr. Payments to: Ethelred TAYLOR (administrator of John WRIGHT), Robert CLARKE, Enoch COOMES, Henry HENNINGTON, Arthur YOUNG paid to BROWNE & EMES, Robert COOMES, Elias HENNINGTON & Mary BIGGS, Mr. Thomas HATTON.
(Abstracts of the Inventories And Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland 1699-1704 Volume 6, V. L. Skinner, Jr.)
Robert CLARKE m Sarah COMBS, d/o Abraham. Enoch is probably either Enoch COMBS, Sr. or Jr. (husband or son of Barbrara who immigrated in 1665). The payments to them were probably their fee for the appraisal. Robert COMBS is unidentified (see next), but see Robert COOMES of 1698 Middlesex County, Virginia
17th Nov., 1702; 26th Apr., 1708. Will of Clement HILL, Sr. of St. Mary's Co., MD. To nephew Clement HILL and hrs., 1000 A., "Hill's Camp" on Gunpowder R., Balto. Co., also 1/2 of 1400 A., "Friend's Hope" in Prince George's Co. on s. side Eastern branch of Potomac R., taken up in 1675 by self and Richard GARDINER, late of St. Mary's Co. To godson Thos. COOPER, personalty, and to each niece and nephew -- 1 shilling. To Luke, Jr., and John GARDINER, sons of Richard GARDINER, afsd., exs. and residue of estate, real and personal, including balance of "Friend's Hope." Test: John MARROTT, John BULLOCK, Jno. ATTAWAY.
(12:252. Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 3)
In 1669, Clement HILL, Sr. of St. Clements Manor purchased the head rights of Abraham COMBS and his daughter, Sarah (later wife of Robert CLARKE), and in 1684, he witnessed Abraham's 1684 will. He married Elizabeth HATTON (d/o Richard and Margaret HATTON, and widow of Luke GARDINER). His nephew, Clement HILL, Jr., married Ann DARNELL (d/o Col. Henry and Elinor HATTON (Brooke) Darnell.
1702 - 15 Mar 1706/7 (St. Mary's Co MD Administrative Accounts, Book I, p. 148-157) Accounts of Mrs. Susannah MASON, executrix of will of Mr. Robt. MASON, late of SM, decd… my son, Robert MASON…(she was widow of Robert MASON)… Acct charges herself with all the tobacco recd of [among many, many others]: Robert COMES… George MUSCHAMP Esq., more on acct of CLARK'S exx… Colo. Rodham KENNER for one MILLION & CANNAWAY in Virginia… . G. MUSCHAMP Esq. Clerk of SM Court, as per rect appears, from the year 1702 to this present year mar 15 17[0]6/7; Mrs. Rebecca LOWE as due to her as executrix of her husband; Mr. W. MUSCHAMP. Total [receipts]: lbs. 62,726. SM Mar 20 1706/7. Then came Susanna MASON, executrix of the afd Robt MASON…
(St. Mary's Administrative Accounts, 1674-1720, TLC Genealogy, Miami, FL, 1993, pp. 42-45)
See Also COMBS, MASONS & KENNERS of Northumberland, Westmoreland and Richmond Counties, Virginia. A 20 Mar 1706 dated list titled "money and tobacco received" and published in Skinner lists Robert COMES immediately between William STONE (taylor) and Daniel LAURENCE (probably not significant).
John WISEMAN died ca 1704, St. Mary's County, Maryland, naming wife, Catherine, daughter, Mary, and son-in-law, Cornelius MANNING in his will:
06 Dec 1703-13 Jul 1704 (3. 242. ) The Last Will of John WISEMAN. In the name of God Amen, the sixth day of December, Anno Seventeen hundred and three, I John WISEMAN of St. Mary's County in the province of Maryland being sick of body but of good & perfect memory, thanks be to Almighty God, and calling to rememberance the uncertaine Estate of this transitory life, and that all flesh must yeild unto death when it shall please God to call, doe make constitute, ordaine, and declare, this my last will & Testament in manner and form following. Jusp. I give and commit, my soul unto Allmighty God my Savior & Redeemer in ____ and by the merits, of Jesus Christ, I trust, and believe, assuredly, to be saved and my body to be buried, at the Chappell of St. Maries; and now for ___ setting, my temporall Estate, I doe order give and dispose the same in manner and Form Following. 1st I give & bequeath unto my eldest son John WISEMAN, all the plantation & Land I now live on, together with the one, _orty of land I bought of Hugh HOPEWELL, next adjoyning to the same to him the said John WISEMAN, his heirs, and assignes forever. 2ndly I give & bequeath, unto my youngest son Robert WISEMAN, the uppermost half of the land I bought of Hugh HOPEWELL, to him & his heirs forever. 3rdly I give unto my youngest daughter, my youngest negro boy, to be delivered to her at the age of eighteen or day of marriage and in case if said boy should, dye before she arrives at __ age of eighteen or day of marriage, then my will is that she be paid by my Executrix, the sum of ten pounds Sterling 4thly my eldest negro boy I give unto my eldest son John WISEMAN, to be delivered him, at the age of one & twenty. 5thly I give my negro man and Woman with all their future, encrease, to be equally devided, between my two sons, to be delivered them at the age of one and twenty years. 6Thly I give unto my Daughter Mary WISEMAN one hundred acres of Land, being near anomak [Accomack] Valley on Pattux out [Pattuxent] maine Roade to her & her heirs forever. 7Thly and lastly I leave my loving wife Catherine WISEMAN, my whole, and sole Executrix and the whole management of my personall Estate for the good of herself, and my children, during her widowhood. And in case she marry, then my will is, that she give good & suffiecient, secrity for two thir[d]s, therof, to be delivered, and paid, equally to my two youngest children, at ages, herein before mentioned, for the performance, whereof I leave my son in law, Cornelius MANNING Trustee to demand, require, and see, the same Legally performed according to the true intent, and meaning of this my last will, and testament, In Witness wherof I have hereunto, sett my hand, and seall, the day, and year, first within mentioned. Signed sealed & dd July 18th 1704 in presense of Tho COURTNEY, George MASON, Gilbert ROBINSON, C. BUTLER. Then came Thomas COURTNEY, & George MASON, Gilbert ROBINSON, three of the witnesses to the within witten will, and made Oath, that they saw the above, named John WISEMAN the testator, signe seale publish and declare the above and within written, to be his last will and Testament, and that at the doing thereof, he was of, sound perfect, mind & memory. Jurat die & anno Sup Corann me Maryland Regr ls Prerogative. Eldest son, John, underage.
(Combs Researcher Jerry Clark)
Note: The abstract in Cotton's Caldendar of Wills states Mary MANNING, not Mary WISEMAN:
Will of John WISEMAN of St. Mary's Co., 6th Dec., 1703; 13th July, 1704. To eld. son John and hrs., dwelling plantation and 1/2 of land bought from Hugh HOPEWELL. To young. son Robert, residue of land bought from Hugh HOPEWELL. To young. dau. (unnamed), personalty. To dau. Mary MANNING and hrs., 100 A. nr. Accomack Valley on Patuxent main road. Wife Catherine, extx. and residuary legatee of estate during widowhood. In event of her marriage to have dower rights only. Overseer: Son-in-law Cornelius MANNING. Test: Thos. COURTNEY, Geo. MASON, Gilbert ROBINSON, C. BUTLER.
(3. 242. Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume 3)
John WISEMAN'S widow, Catherine MILES, married next Richard SHIRLEY:
20 Sep 1705 St. Mary's Co MD Administrative Accounts, p. 130. Maryland. Acct of Richard SHIRLY and Katherine, his wife, exx. of the will of John WISEMAN, late of St. Mary's, planter, decd, as well as for the goods and chattels of sd decd… Inventory of the same appraised, amounting to F292.9.11, and with F24.17 cash recd of Elisabeth WATTS in England… Deputy Comissy's fees to W. TAYLARD, Esq; rent of land; 512 lbs of tobacco, supposed to be a debt due from John MANNING, but was paid before; W. TAYLARD for executing Commission & stating this acct. Total: 3240 lbs of tobacco. Sep 20 1705. By virtue of a special Commission to me directed.. examined and allowed and likewise probate thereof.. W. TAYLARD, Comissy. Longer time granted to finish the account.
(St. Mary's Administrative accounts, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach)
25th Mch., 1707; 1st July, 1707. Will of William SHERCLIFFE of St. Mary's Co., MD. To son-in-law Dennis MOHAWNY and to dau. Mildred, his wife, and her hrs., 30 A., part of land adjoining that obtained from Francis SPINKE, etc. (For description see will). Residue of land to be divided into 4 parts. To wife Mildred, during life, dwelling plantation. To son John, dwelling plantation at decease of wife and 1/4 residue of land afsd. To sons William and Thomas and hrs., each 1/4. To sons afsd. and son Peter, land leased to Francis KNOTT (for 99 yrs.), at expiration of lease. To 4 daus., Mary MELTON, wife of Thomas MELTON, and Anne, Elizabeth and Ticla at 16 yrs. of age and their hrs., residue of land bought of sd. SPINKE. To Ellinor, dau. of Thomas SPINKE, 25 A., "Ferny Hill" formerly belonging to John HOWARD. To wife Mildred, extx., and hrs., residue of estate, real and personal. Test: Edward FIELD, James MARTIN, Jno. DREWERY.
(12. 157. Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 3) SW: Tecla MEHONEY
22 Feb 1709/10 St. Mary's Co, MD Administrative Accounts, p. 182. Acct of William SHIRTCLIFF late of St. Mary's deceased, administered by Thomas GREEN and Mildred, his wife, executrix of the will of William SHIRTCLIFF, late of St. Mary's Co, MD, decd…
(St. Mary's Co, MD Administrative Accounts, TLC Genealogy)
William SHIRTCLIFF married Mildred, d/o Arthur THOMPSON died testate, will dated 1700, naming daughter Mildred SHERCLIFF.
31st July, 1710; 19th Mch., 1714. Richard SMITH of St. Leonard's, St. Mary's Co., MD. Mention is made of lands conveyed to son Richard by deed of gift, viz., 500 A., "Smith's Fort," 2000 A., "Smith's Forrest," as also personalty already given him. To dau. Elizabeth, wife of William TOM, and hrs., plantation, "Locust Thicket," being testator's part of "Brook Ridge"; and to dau. Ann, wife of Wm. DAWKINS, and hrs., 2500 A., jointly, "Valley of Jehosophat," also to sd. dau. Ann, 500 A., "The Addition to the Valley of Jehosophat." To son Walter at 21 yrs., dwelling-house and plantation, bought by father, --, from Mr. STONE, and land adjoining which was Robt. TAYLOR'S; also, tract "Hogg Pen," between dwelling-house and the mill at head of St. Leonard's Creek, 300 A., "Blinkhorne" on sd. creek, and 300 A., "Wolfe's Quarter," adjoining thereto, 800 A., "Stedmore" in Talbot Co., also, Stone Island in Patuxent R., at mouth of Island Creek. To Thos. JOHNSON and Mary, his wife, certain plantation --, on which they live; to pass to their son Thomas and hrs., and he dying without issue, to revert to son Walter and hrs. To dau. Barbary SMITH and hrs., residue of "Brook Partition," after portion sold to John SOLLERS and to John SUNDERLIN, deceased, shall have been made over to them or their hrs.; also, to sd. Barbary, "Upper Cock Town," commonly called "Vines Neck," 150 A., "Cock's Comb," 50 A., "Cock's Head," and 185 A., "Smith's Conveniency," also, 2000 A., "The First Part of Free Gift," in the forest behind Sassafrax and Chester Rs. To son Charles Somerset SMITH and hrs., 2 tracts, 1000 A. and 4000 A., to be entered as 1 tract, "Beaver Dam," at head of Chester R., and 725 A., part of "Calverton Manor"; he dying without issue, to revert to son Walter and hrs., and both sd. sons dying without issue, all lands devised them to be equally divided amongst three daus., Elizabeth, Ann and Barbary, and hrs.; also, to son Charles SOMERSET, punchbowl bearing coat-of-arms of Somerset. To 5 child. last named, residue of personalty. Testator mentions son ROUSBY in certain business transactions. Ex.: Brother Walter SMITH. Test: Wm. CREED, John STENNET, Jno. EASTERLING, Thos. TUCKER, James MACKALL, Wm. GRAY, Jno. BROME.
(Wills, 14. 83)
Richard SMITH, formerly of Calvert County, was the widower of Barbara MORGAN, widow of John ROUSBY of Calvert, and brother-in-law of Col. Peter SAYER (h/o Frances MORGAN) of Talbot County. See also the Maryland Protestant Revolution of 1689.
07 Mar 1711/12 (St. Mary's MD Admin. Accts., p. 219) The acct of Oswell DASH & Elisabeth, his wife, admx of all the goods and chattels, rights and credits which were of Joseph POWELL, late of SM, decd…. Disbursements went to: … Mr. HUNT, James THOMPSON, Joseph ALVEY, Colo. Henry LOWE. Total payments: £17.3.0. Mar 7, 1711. Then came Oswell DASH and Elisabeth his wife and made oath to the above account. S/Wm AISQUITH, Dep /Commisary.
(St. Mary's Administrative Accounts, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, 1994, p. 136)
Undated [but filed with next]. MD Prerogative Records. 36b.47 Saint Mary's County. Inventory of George SIMCON. Ll72.12.0. Appraisers:Thomas TAYLOR, William HARWOOD. Approvers: John MILLER, William HOWARD
(Skinner….) SW: SIMEON
17 Mar 1712/13 - 25 May 1713 Will of Thomas BEALE of St. Mary's. To Richard GOULDSMITH, Henry JENNINGS, and Thomas JENNINGS, personalty. Son John, exec. and residual legatee (personal). Test: William JOHNSON, Nath. CLAYPOOLE, Rich'd GRIFFIN. Codicil: To dau. Eliza: and hrs. should son John die without issue and to John BAKER personalty.
(Wills, 13.497-).
See below re estate accounts of Simon COMBS re BEALE and JENNINGS, and also BAKER. See Baltimore County re GOULDSMITH.
13 Jul 1713 Inventory. 35a.16. St. Mary's County. George PLOWDLEN . L16.89.10. Appraisers: Robert CLARK, William COMBS. Creditors and next of kin: (unnamed) Refused to sign.
George PLOWDEN [sic] married Margaret BRENT whose sister, Mary BRENT, married John NUTHALL III. Edmund PLOWDEN (see below) was their son.
4 Oct 1714. MD Prerogative Records. 36b.48 Saint Mary's County. Inventory of George SIMCON. L52.8.8. Appraisers: Nicholas WYETH, Thomas HOWARD.
(Skinner…) SW: SIMEON
22nd Nov., 1713; 28th Sept., 1714. Will of John NUTHALL, Sr., gentleman, St. Mary's Co., MD. To grandson Breant NUTHALL, at 21 yrs., and granddau. Elinor NUTHALL, at 16 yrs., personalty. To son John, ex., residue of estate, real and personal, and reversionary legatee in event of death of either grandchild afsd. during minority. Test: Edmund PLOWDEN, Thos. SPRIGG, Dorothy ASHE.
(13. 728. Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 4)
04 Oct 1714 (Inventories and Accounts, Liber 36B, pages 21-22, Hall of Records) An Inventory of the Goods and Chattels of Mr. John NUTHALL Senior (Jr.) Deceased Appraised by us underwritten Sworn Appraisers this 4th day of October 1714. £ s d. £ 184.12. 6. /s/ John CLARKE, John READ. Testis: Edmd PLOWDEN, Elinore NUTHALL, Wm. (his X mark) COMBS
Note: Skinner lists as John NUTTHALL, Sr. Elinor NUTTHALL and William COMBES (but does not ever indicate marks in his abstractions.
16 Nov 1714 MD Prerogative Court records. 36B.49 Inventory. John NUTHALL, Jr. L238.2.5. Appraisers: Robert CLARKE, John REED. Creditors: Edmond PLOWDON, Will. COMBS
See additional re NUTHALL below. The Oct 1714 record is John NUTTHALL II and the Nov 1714 record is John NUTHALL III, who married (1) abt 1693, Mary BRENT, by whom he had Brent NUTTHALL and (2) Elinor (surname not known) by whom he had Elinor NUTTHALL. In 1689, either John NUTHALL II or III was on the Calvert County, MD Protestant Petition with Enoch COMBS (Sr. or Jr.). Elinor NUTHALL I, d/o John NUTHALL I, married Thomas SPRIGG who, by his first wife, Katherine GRAVES, had Sarah, widow of John PEARCE and last wife of Enoch COMBS of Prince George's County (thought to have been Enoch COMBS Jr.)
1716 Test. Proc. 36c.19. Saint Mary's County. Inventory of John MANNING. Folio 219, 120, (!), 221 and 222. Appraisers: James GOUGH, Marshall LOWE. Creditors and next of kin: Mary MORGAN, William HARBERT, William HERBERT, Margarett TAUTE.
(Skinner…) SW: TANT [This estate was apparently first appraised without next of kin and creditors present (37a.161, which lists the two appraisers only, and L23.0.0.0)]
This is apparently the John MANNING, deceased, named in the 1721 will of Cornelius MANNING, with a son, John. See May 1718 and note Mary MORGAN below.
26 Apr 1716 (St. Mary's MD Admin. Accts., p. 307) The acct of Justinian JORDAN, executor of the will of Nicholas CLOUD, late of SM, decd. .. tobacco, due to the decd at the time of his death, was recd of: Henry WHARTON, George WHITTER, John SANDERS, Thomas REVES, Mr. James DOYNE, William RIOGERS, Samll MADDOX, William HOSKINS, Gerard JERDAIN, Thomas SWANN, JOSEPH ALLVEY, Abraham BROOKBANK, John HOULDSWORTH. Disbursements went to: Mr. Jonathan KEY for preaching a funeral at the decd's funeral; Mr. Samll WILLIAMSON; Rotherick LOYD. Apr 26 1716. Then came Just JORDAN and made oath to the above acct. s/Wm AISQUITH, Dep Commisary.
(St. Mary's Administrative Accounts, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, 1994, p. 101) SW: ROGERS, ALVEY, HOLDSWORTH, JORDAINE
11 Jun 1716 MD Prerogative Court Records. 37A.169. St. Mary's County. L168.5.10. Inventory of Mary SYMONS, relict and administratrix of George SIMMONS [sic] Appraisers: William HARBERT, Jos. VANSWEARINGEN. Creditors: William HARBERT, William HARWOOD. Next of Kin: Only Children (not named).
9 Jul 1716 MD Prerogative Court Records. 37a.164. Saint Mary's County. Inventory of John WISEMAN. L41.16.6. Appraisers: Charles KING and Richard HOPEWELL. Next of Kin: Robert WISEMAN, Katherine GREENWELL.
03 Sep 1716 (St. Mary's Co MD 37A.138) Account of John NUTHALL Jr. £238.2.5, £175.16.5. Sept. 3, 1716. Received from Hector MACKLEAN, Peter IVY, Mr. Robert NEWSTOP. Payments to: Mr. Wornell HUNT, Mr. Thomas SPRIGG, Thomas COOPE , Hector MACKLAIN, William Marea FARTHING, William COMBS, John READ, James MAKIN, Martha WELMAN , John SEWELL, Thomas BLACKMAN, Lewis HOSSALL, Col. Henry LOWE. Executrix: Ellianor NUTHALL. (Abstracts of the Inventories and Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland. 1715-1718 Libers 37A, 37B, 37C, 38A, 38B, 39 A, 39B, 39C, Volume 10-11 . Compiled by V.L. Skinner. Published by Family Line Publications.) TLC adds: "Execturtix begs a further reference, ther bieng more debts to pay and receive, until next Apr 10th." Granted.
13 Sep 1716 (St. Mary's MD Admin. Accts., p. 296) The acct of Elinor NUTHALL, executrix of the will of John NUTHALL, Jr., late of SM, decd - in which she charges herself with all the decd's personal estate, amounting, as per inventory, to £238.02.5, and with cash recd of … Disbursements went to: [partial] Thos COOPER, Peter MACKLAIN, Riched WINSETT; Wm Marea FARTHING; WM. COMBES; John READ; James MAKIN; Martha WELLMAN; Jno SEWALL; Thomas BLACKMAN; Lewis HARELL; Colo. Henry LOWE… Total Payments: £175.16.5. The executrix begs a further reference… until next Apr 10. Granted per W. BLADEN, CG. Sep 13 1716. Then came the above exx and made oath to the above account. S/Wm. BLADEN, CG
(St. Mary's Administrative Accounts, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, 1994, p. 136)
The underlined M and S indicate the transcriber was not certain of those letter.
The above are two "semi-duplicate" transcriptions. Presumably this is William COMBS, Sr. (thought to have been a son of Enoch & Barbary COMBS I) who deposed in 1721 in the Brent Nuthall suit (below) that he was age 50 (born ca 1671).
28 Oct 1716 - ???? Will of Edward HALAYRD of St. Mary's Co. To godsons Wm. WATTS, Christopher COMBS, Jacob WILLIAMSON, granddau. Jeane HEBB, personalty. Residue of estate, real and personal, to wife --, son-in-law Thomas HEBB, Jr., and dau. Frances. Test: Geo. DAFFAN, John SEIKES, Wm. CANNADY. Author's Note: Test. proceedings, 1718, give Jane HILLYARD extx. of Edward HILLYARD, St. Mary's Co.
(14. 306. MD Calendar of Wills, Cotton) SW: SIKES, HILLIARD
25th Oct., 1717; 6th Nov., 1717. Will of Henry LOWE, Sr., gent., St. Mary's Co., MD. To son Henry, Jr., and hrs., tract where he now lives, 1,300 A. To son Bennett and hrs., tract where he now lives. To son Thos. and hrs., old plan. in the Freshes. To son Nicolas and hrs., dwel. plan., with all lands belonging thereto. To daus. Ann, Elizabeth and Henrietta Maria and their hrs., "Golden Grove" equally among them. To dau. Dorothy and hrs., "New Design" in the Freshes. To dau. Mary and hrs., "Woods Quarter." To son Henry and hrs., "Green Oak" and £300. To son Bennett and hrs., all lands in Balto. Co. held between Mr. DARNALL and testator, and £200. To dau. Susanna Maria, wife of Chas. DIGGS, £100 in full of her portion of estate. Residue of personal estate in England and in this province equally divided between child. (with the exception of dau. Susanna Maria DIGGS). Ex.: Sons Henry and Bennett. Test: Samuel GRASTY, Rich. BROOKS, Michall JENEFER [JENNIFER].
(14. 453)
Brother of Nicholas LOWE who married Elizabeth ROE, daughter of Edward, and widow of William COMBES of Talbot County? Henry married Susannah Maria BENNETT, d/o Richard and Henrietta Maria NEAL Bennett, and widow of John DARNELL.
7 Jan 1717/18 St. Mary's Co, MD Prerogative Court Records, 390.115. Account Edward HILLYARD. L193.5.3 L137.14.11. Rec'd from John RICHARDSON. Payments to: Mr. RICHARDSON, Thomas HEBB, John HILLYARD, Marshall LOWE, Maj. WATTS, Dr. SWALE, George GILLESPIE, Jacob WILLIAM [sic], Mary LOWE, John PREENE, Term SWEENY, Robert LAWRENCE. Legatees: Thomas HEBB, son (unnamed) of Jacob WILLIAMS. Executrix Jane RAY, wife of Daniel RAY.
Note: First record states Jacob WILLIAMSON, but possibly Jacob WILLIAMS' son based on second record. Christopher COMBS remains unidentified, but was "somehow kin" to the also unidentified Simon (or Simmons) COMBS who follows:
06 Mar 1716/7 (St. Mary's Co MD 27B.131) Inventory of Mr. Simon COMBES £36.15.10. Apraisers: Thomas HEBB, Jr. , John MACKEY. Creditors: John HEBB Jr. Next of Kin: Mary COMBS.
(Abstracts of the Inventories and Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland. 1712-1718 Libers 37A, 37B, 37C, 38A, 38B, 39A, 39B, 39C, Volume 11 Compiled by V.L. Skinner. Published by Family Line Publications.)
03 Dec 1717 - 22 Apr 1719 St. Mary's MD Admin. Accts., p. 405. The acct of Henry & Bennett LOWE, Exrs of Henry LOWE, late of SM, decd… inventory of estate, dated Dec 3 and Jan 18, 1717, returned Apr 9, 1719, amtg to 2821..0..7-3/4… add'l inventory dated Oct 1 and Jan 7, amtg to 90..14..8-1/2; cash recd of [among others]: "tobacco recd of: Doctr COME, Richd JOHNS, Luke BARBER… "
(St. Mary's Administrative Accounts, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, 1994, p. 136)
The underlined M indicates the transcriber was not certain of that letter, thus Doctor COME.
Doctor COMBS was probably Thomas COMBS based on later records (see below). Col. Henry LOWE died 1717, married Susannah BENNETT, d/o Richard and Henrietta Maria NEAL Bennett, Jr. and widow of John DARNELL.
14th June, 1718; 23rd May, 1718. Will of Anne LOWE, late of St. Mary's Co., now of Prince George's Co., MD. To bro. Nicholas LOWE, 500 A., pt. of "Golden Grove" (cont. 1,500 A.), Dorset Co. To sister Jane (wife of Mr. James BOWLES), 25s. for mourning ring. To sister Dorothy, £100 and personalty at age of 16 or marriage. To Mildred (wife of Denis MEHONY), of St. Mary's Co., £5. To sisters Susanna Maria DIGGS, Elizabeth and Mary, bros. Henry, Bennett and Nicho., godson Henry DIGGS (2nd son of sister Susanna Maria DIGGS, afsd.), residue of estate, equally. Testatrix desires to be buried according to rites of Roman Catholic Church. Exs.: Bros. Henry and Bennett. Test: Luke GARDINER, Benj. WHEELER, Eliza: WHEELER.
(15. 115. Maryland Calendar of Wills) SW: MAHONEY
Based on siblings, Anne was the daughter of Col. Henry LOWE died 1717, St. Mary's. Mildred SHERCLIFF married Dennis MEHONEY.
17 May 1718 Test. Proc. 1.49. Saint Mary's County. Account of John MANNING. L207.14.6. L119.8.1. Received from: Archbold MACKFERTHERICK, John WHEATLEY, James COCKS, Capt. DENT, John MACKINTASH, Nicholas MILLS. Payments to: James TANT, Marshall LOW, George GILLESPIE, John MERSON, William HERBERT, John GREENWELL, Matthew WELLMAN, Barbary COOPER. Charles GWINNAN, Mr. CHESYLDYN, George EGERTON, William MORGAN, William SPADLING, John BISCOE, James FRENCH, Mr. Henry LOW, Dr. RICHARDSON, William STILES, Randall EGARTON, Alexander HEATHMAN, Edward MORGAN, Sarah PHILLIPS, Grace GREENWELL, John PLUMER, Justinian GREENWELL, Mary CHRISTIAN, Elizabeth COLE, James GOUGH, Marshall LOWE, William AISQUITH. Administrator: Cornelius MANNING
John MANNING was probably the brother of Cornelius MANNING who made a bequest to John MANNING, son of John MANNING, deceased in his will. Later records (below) show that a Mary MORGAN was listed as next of kin present at the estate inventories of both John and Cornelius MANNING.
18 Mar 1717/18 - 22 Apr 1718. Will of William READ of St. Mary's Co, MD. To son John, north part of land --. To son William, south part of land --. Sons not to sell land nor rent for longer than 3 yrs. at a time, their sisters to have refusal of it. To wife Ann, extx., certain personalty during life; at her decease to son John, and residue of estate divided equally with children --. Test: Robert SCOT, John READ, James MEAKIN.
(14. 489. Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 4)
3 Jun 1718 Maryland Prerogative Court Records. Inventories 1.297. No county stated.* Mr. William READ. L91.13.0. Appraisers: Robert PHILLIPS, Edmond PLOWDEN. Creditors: Michael REYLEY. Next of Kin: William COOMBES, John READ, James MARTIN
Well, goodness gracious us! What have we here? How were William COMBS, John READ and James MARTIN kin to William READ?
17 Jun 1719 Test. Proc. 2.27. Saint Mary's County. Account of George SIMCON. L168.5.10. L192.8.8. Payments to William HARWOOD, William BLADEN, Esq., Robert HANNIT [HAMMIT?], John ROUSBY, Esq. Administrator: Cornelius MANNING (administrator of Mary SIMCON (administrator of George SIMCON deceased)).
(Skinner…) SW: SIMEON
17 Jun 1719 Test. Proc. 2.43. Saint Mary's County. Account of George SIMEON. L172.12.0. L128.3.1. Payments to Mary GUYTHER, William ADDERTON, Jane MORRIS, James TAYLAY, Nathaniel WEST, Thomas HEBB, Barnaby ANTHILL, Edward EVANS, George FORBES, John MERRITT, Thomas PRICE, John MILLER, Robert ROSEN, William Maria FARTHING, Edward BREEDING, W. BLADEN, Esq., William HARWOOD, "Henry LOWE Jr. paid by Mary SIMEON," Luke RUSSELL, Phil. BRISCOE, "fees paid by accountant who married Mary (executrix)" vs. Vincent VAUGHAN and his wife Elizabeth VAUGHAN, Phill. LLOYD, Esq., Mr. Thomas BORDLEY, Mr. MACNEMARA, Perter PELLITIER, Thomas PRICE.Administrator: Cornelius MANNING (administrator of Mary MANNING (administrator of George SIMEON deceased)).
17 Jun 1719 Test. Proc. 2.43. Saint Mary's County. Account of George SIMEON. L172.12.0. L128.3.1. A second inventory in the amount of L23.0.0. Received from: Walter PYE, Bridget RICHARDSON. Payments to: John BRUCE paid to John WAUGHOP, Thomas BORDLEY. Administrator: Cornelius MANNING (administrator of Mary MANNING (administrator of George SIMEON deceased)).
17 Jun 1719 Test. Proc. 2.50. Saint Mary's County. Account of John MANNING. L163.5.1. L182.1.1. 2nd inventory cited in amt of L23.0.0. Received from: [long list, mostly same as others]. Payments to: Margaret TANT, Robert TERRIN, Thomas COOPER, John MEADSLEY, Gilbert TERBERVILL, Vitus HERBERT, William Maria FARTHING, Thomas BORDLEY, Esq., William BLADEN, Esq. Mentions Marshall LOW. Distribution to: (children equally) Mark, Mary, John. Administrator: Cornelius MANNING.
Another accounting on 25 Jul 1719 is another distrubution to above children (2.136).
01 Sep 1719 (St. Mary's MD Admin. Accts., p. 387) The account of Henry COLBY & Mary his wife, admx of Simmond COMBS, late of SM, decd… amtg to £36..15..10; decd's crop of tobacco, it being 910 lbs., at 2nd per is 7..11..08; tobacco paid me by Mr. BEAL upon account of Mr. JENNINGS as executor; tobacco paid me by John WILLSON. Total received: £52..15..2. Disbursements to: Dr. JOHNSON; Mr. CONNANT; Thomas COOMBS; John SLEADMORE; Comissary General fees due to Esqr. BLADEN; Colo. William AISQUITH, Deputy Commissary; Mr. Joseph VANSWERINGEN; Capt. LEE; William Maria FARTHING; Margaret BAKER; John BAKER… Total Payments: £48..19..0… 1 Sep 1719. Then came Henry COLBY & Mary his wife, and made oath to above acct. s/Jno. BAKER, dep. Commissary.
(St. Mary's Administrative Accts, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, 1994)
Henry COLBY has married Mary COMBS, widow, sister, mother or daughter (next of kin) of Simond COMBS who had died by 1716, whose ancestry is unknown, and ditto for his relationship to (Dr.?) Thomas COMBS. Dr. JOHNSON was probably Archibald who is also named in the 1721 will of Cornelius MANNING, Sr., and first name given in the 1719 estate account of John COOD.
Mr. BEALE and Mr. JENNINGS are John BEALE and Edmund JENNINGS of Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, Maryland.
23 Sep 1720 Test. Proc. 3.177. Saint Mary's County. Account of George SIMEON. L172.12.0. L133.4.1. Payments to James COOK, Henry LOWE. Administrator: Cornelius MANNING (administrator of Mary MANNING (administrator of George SIMEON deceased)).
24 Aug ---- 17 Nov 1720. Will of William MORGIN of St. Mary's County. To Eliza BROWN, executrix, entire estate. Wits: Robert LANE, David EVERSON (Wills, 16:211)
23 Sep 1720 Test. Proc. 3.185. Saint Mary's County. Account of John MANNING. L362.15.1. L200.4.7. A second inventory in the amount of L23.0.0. Received from: Walter PYE, Bridget RICHARDSON. Payments to John BRUCE paid to John WAUGHOP, Thomas BORDLEY. Administrator: Cornelius MANNING.
19 Aug 1721 - 31 Jan 1725/6 (St. Mary's Co MD) Will of Robert CLARKE, St. Mary's Co. To eldest son Thomas and hrs., land he now lives on in "Beaver Dam Manor"; personality. To son Robert, "Addition"; and personality. To little son Benjamin and hrs. (son of wife Elizabeth), dwelling plantation ________ and personality; to be in care of his mother and to be brought up in faith of Church of England; should. he die during minority, plantation after wife's decease to son Thomas and hrs. To wife Elizabeth, extx., residue of personal estate during life; at her decease, to be divided among eldest children, viz. Thomas, Robert, daus. Sarah GREENWELL, Anne HALL, Jany GOUGH and Elinor, wife of Henry GREENWELL. Test: Richard OSBORNE, Robert HUTCHINGS, Michael REALY. Codicil, 8th Nov., 1725: Shd. wife die during minority of son Benjamin, she may assign him as she thinks fit, security for complying with above will being given. Test: M. JENIFER, Jno. READ, Henry REALY
(Provided by Researcher Jerry Clark)
Robert CLARKE was the widower of Sarah COMBS (d/o Abraham COMBS d 1684 in St. Mary's Co MD) who died between 1691 and 1700 (per Combs-Clark Researcher Jerry Clark, source for death year range unknown); and married next Elizabeth (-----). He and William COMBS, Sr. both deposed in the case of Brent NUTHALL:
8 Oct 1721 (MD Chancery Court Records Liber CL, p. 748-50) Deposition taken regarding the right of Brent NUTHALL to title of a tract in St. Mary's Co. called Crop Mannor. (1) Robert CLARKE of St. Mary's Co., age ca. 71, that he very well knew John NUTHALL the elder, the grandfather of Brent NUTHALL, and that he and the deponent were the same age, except that said John was as much older than the deponent as March til November. The deponent would be 71 on the fifth of November next. (2) Levina TWISDEN of St. Mary's Co., age ca. 71, that she knew John NUTHALL, the great-grandfather of Brent NUTHALL and father of John NUTHALL, the grandfather of said Brent NUTHALL. John the great-grandfather lived on land called Crop Mannor about 54 years ago, when she came to this country, and where he died about 53 years ago last July. (3) William COMBS of St. Mary's Co., ca. 50. (4) Charles CALVERT of St. Mary's Co., Gent., age ca. 59, who was son of William CALVERT.
(Re-typed w/corrections by Combs Researcher Jerry Clark from "Abstracts of CHANCERY COURT RECORDS of Maryland, 1669-1782," by Debbie Hooper, Family Line Publications, Westminster, Maryland 21157, 1996, Pages 49-50)
William BRENT of Stafford Co VA (s/o Giles & Mary BRENT Brent, and brother of Mary BRENT Nutthall and Margaret BRENT Plowden), d 26 Nov 1709, St. James, Clerkenwell, Middlesex, EN; m 12 May 1709, London, EN, Sarah GIBBONS who m next 20 May 1717, Overwharton Parish, Stafford Co, VA, Rev. Alexander SCOTT of Richland, Stafford Co, VA. This is apparently the same record referenced as 1722, MD Chancery Liber P.L. No. 1, p. 750), "William COMBS, gent., of St. Mary's county aetat 50 years in 1722." in the Fannie Combs Gough Manuscript.
Enters Pork Hall (aka Park Hall) and Cornelius MANNING who married (1) Mary WISEMAN, (2) Mary, widow of George SIMEON, and (3) Elizabeth HATTON:
10 Apr 1721 - 15 Aug 1721 (St. Mary's Co MD PC 1 Page 263) The Last Will of Cornelis MANNING. In the name of God Amen. I Cornelius MANNING of St. Mary's County being sick of body but of sound & perfect memory thanks be to god do make & ordaine this my last will & Testament in form following. First I give unto my loving wife the plantation I now live on commonly called Hattons, during her natural life provided that my said wife shall abide & live hereupon during her life, and if my said wife should leave the said plantation and leave also where that then it shall be in the power of John MILLS my other executor to take the said plantation unto his _____ ______ & Keep the the same and the houses in tenent able repair until my son Cornelius MANNING shall arive to age and then the said plantation & tract of land thereunto belonging I give and bequeath unto my said son Cornelius MANNING all the plantation in porke hall neck whereon Henry NOWELL lately lived and now possed by Doctor JOHNSON according to the meets and bonds that Henry NOWELL held to him the said Cornelius MANNING his heirs and assignes forever. I give and bequeath unto my son Cornelius MANNING all that plantation and tract of lane in Smiths Neck called Mannings Hold together with a tract of land thereunto adjoyning to Calverts Creek bought of George PARKER to him the said Cornelius and to the heirs of his body lawfully begotten and for want of such heirs to his sister and to the survivour of them & to their heirs and asignes of the survivour of them forever. I give & bequeath unto my two daughters Mary MILLS and Ann MANNING the remaining part of Porke Hall Neck to be equally devided between them the said Mary and Ann their & either of their heirs & assignes forever. And my true intent & meaning is that if eaither of my foresaid daughters should die without issue of their bodys that then the surviving daughter & her heirs shall take place and enjoy the remaining part of porke hall neck to the said survivour and their heirs & assignes forever. I give and bequeath unto John MANNING son of John MANNING dec'd all that plantation called the rigg on Cornelius Swamp & to the heirs of his body lawfully begotton and for want of such heirs then to the heirs of me the said Cornelius MANNING & to their heirs & assignes forever. I give to Wm MORGAN son to Edward MORGAN one three years old heifer and as to my personal Estate after debts and changes payd I leave to be equally devided in three parts, one part thereof to my wife & the other two parts to be equally devided amongst my three children Cornelius, Mary and Ann. I leave my son Cornelius under the care & government of John MILLS untill he arrives to twenty one years of age. I leave my daughter Ann under the care & Government of her Grandmother SHIRLY if she will take that care upon her if not to my sister MILLS until she arrives to the age of sixteen years or day of marriage which shall first happen. I give unto Mr. George THUROLD my horse a fidler. & I do hereby constitute & Appoint my loving wife Elizabeth and John MILS to be joynt Executors of this my last will & testament, witness my hand and seale this tenth day of April 1721. Cornelius MANNING seal. signed sealed and delivered August 15th 1721. in presence of Archibald JOHNSON, Mary JOHNSON, Rudolph MAN, Wm. JOHNSON. Then came Mary JOHNSTONE subscribing evidences to the within will & made oath upon the holy evangelist of Almighty God that they saw the testator sign & seal the within instrument as his last will & testament and that he published and declared the same so to be , and that at the time of his so doing he was of sound & perfect mind & memory to the best of their knowledge August 21st 1721 sworn to before me Jn BAKER Depty Commissioner then came RODHAM subscibing evidence to the within will & made oath upon the holy evangelist of Almighty God theat they saw the testator sign & seal the same so to be & that at the time of his so doing he wass of sound & perfect mind & memory to the best their knowledge. Sworne to before ___ Jn BAKER Depty Commissioner
(Transcribed by Combs-Clark Researcher Jerry Clark)
Cotton's abstract states "her sister MILLS," not "my sister MILLS;" and Rodolf SIMON, not Rudolph MAN. Rodolf apparently was a SIMON, the s/o George SIMON/SIMEON, and step-son of Cornelius MANNING based on Cornelius' 13 Aug 1722 inventory (below). The relationship of Cornelius to John MANNING, deceased, has not yet been determined (Cornelius' brother? nephew?). John MILLS is not identified as the husband of Mary MANNING in Cornelius' will, but is in other records (see below).
14 Oct - 4 Dec 1721. MD Prerogative Court Records. 6.238. Saint Mary County. Account of Cornelius MANNING. L444.13.10. Appraisers: William THOMPSON, A. THOMPSON. Creditors: William Maria FARTHING, James WHITE. Next of Kin: Mary MORGAN, Mary SIMES. Executors: Mary MANNING, John MILES.
26 Oct 1721 MD Prerogative Court Records. 6.131. Saint Mary's County. Inventory. Estate of Thomas COOMSES [sic]. L48.12.0. Appraisers: Henry BACON, Henry COLBY. Creditors: Stephen MACKEY. Next of kin: Christopher COMBES, Mary COMBES. Administratrix: Mary COMBES.
The next two records have the same date, presumably filed at the same time, one by Mary COOMBS (wife?), and the other by Mary SLEGEMORE, wife of John (widow of John BOOMER?):
29 Jan 1721/2 Maryland Test Proc 4.78. St. Mary's County. L45.12.0, L10.9.11. Account of Thomas COOMBS. Received from Mr. John Baptista CARBERY, Luke LEE, Peter BUELL, John SLEADGEMORE. Payments to Esq. BORDLEY, Mary JACKSON, Luke LEE, Chrit. COOMBS, John SLEDGEMORE, Henry COLBEY, Patrick FISHER, John BAKER. Admin. Mary COOMBS
29 Jan 1721/2 Maryland Test Proc Accounts 4.79. St. Mary's County. L45.1.6. L11.6.6. John BROMER (also John BOOMER). Payments to Esq. BORDLEY, Stephen MACKEY, Henry COLBY, Patrick FISHER, John BAKER. Admin. Mary SLEGMORE wife of John SLEGMORE (also John SLEAGMORE
27 Apr 1722 - 19 Jun 1722 MD Test Proc. Accounts 7.221. William MARGAINE. L36.0.6. Appraisers: Thomas PLUMER, Gilbert HARTE. Next of Kin: William MORGAINE. Administratrix: Mary MORGAINE.
The first accounting of Cornelius MANNING'S estate was not presented until a year after his will was recorded:
13 Aug 1722 Maryland Prerogative Court Records. Liber 12, p. p. 40, Annapolis. "The account of William COMBS and Elizabeth his wife and John MILLS executors of Cornelius MANNING of St. Mary's County lately deceased. Balance L 482, 2 s. 2 d. August 13, 1722. Then came William COMBS and Elizabeth his wife and John MILLS and made oath upon the Holy Evangel to the above account the day and year above written. John BAKER, Depty. Commr."
(Fannie Combs Gough Ms.)
9 Oct 1722. (Test. Proc. Liber 26, fol. 67) Cornelius MANNING "his account by William COMBS and Elizabeth his wife executrix and John MILLS."
(Fannie Combs Gough Ms.)
By Oct 1722, Mary COMBS, widow(?) of Thomas, has married William MORGAIN(E) (also aka MORGAN). Note also that Christopher COMBS appears in the estate records of both Thomas and Simon COMBS, and a Mary BOOMER:
03 Oct 1722 Maryland Test Proc 4.241. St. Mary's County. L38.16.10. L8.19.0. Account of Thomas COOMBS. Received from Marshall LOWE, Christopher COOMBS, Henry CORBIN, Henry BACCON, Mary BOOMER. Payments to Esq. BORDLEY, John BAKER, Col. GREENFIELD, John HILLTON, Stephen MACKEY. Admin. Mary MORGAIN wife of William MORGAIN (also William MORGAINE)
4 Jan 1722/3 Maryland Test Proc 5.48. St. Mary's County. L0.0.0. L12.7.5. Account of John BOOMER. Received from Thomas JENKINS. Mr. Andrew EATON (merchant), Richard JACKSON, James BAKER, Robert SALMOND, Col. GREENFIELD, Esq. BORDLEY, John BAKER, Col. WATTS, Michael JENIFER, Col. HOLLAND, and Daniel DULLANEY, Esq. Admin. Mary SLEDGMORE wife of John SLEDGMORE
2 Apr 1723 Test Proc. 5.108. Saint Mary's County. Account of John REALY, Sr. (also John REALY). ----- L43.12.0. … Payments to: Cornelius MANING as to effects of estate of John MANING (and others)…
21 Sep 1723 MD Estate Accounts 5.290. William MORGAIN L40.12.6. L10.15.3. Received from Nicholas NOWLAND. Payments to: … [omitted known merchants] William MORGAINE, Jr., Thomas BEALE, Patrick HAYLEY, Thomas BROWN, John AURTHURS, Thomas UNDERWOOD, John BAKER. Administratrix: Mary GRIGGS, wife of William GRIGGS (also William GRIGGES).
1723/4. (Testamentary Proceedings, Liber 27, fol. 18) William COMBS and John MILLS ask for administration bond of Cornelius MANNING of St. Mary's County.
(Fannie Combs Gough Ms.)
18 Mar 1723/4 MD Prerogative Court Records. 5.3.93 Saint Mary's County. Account of Cornelius MANNING. L ---. L85.11.11. Received from: William SPALDING, Thomas MATCHETT, Darby CARTER, James COCKES. Executors: Mr. William COOMBS and his wife Elizabeth COOMBS, Mr. James [sic] MILLS (also James MILES)
2 Jun 1724 Maryland Test Proc 6.34. St. Mary's County. L32.17.9. L7.18.6. Account of Thomas COOMBES. Received from Christopher COOMBS, Machall [sic] LOWE. Payments to Col. William HOLLAND and Col. Thomas ADDISON and Daniel DULANEY, Esq., paid to Col. Thomas Trueman GREENFIELD, Col. ADDISON and Daniel DULANEY, Esq., Thomas BROOKE, William HOLLAND and Thomas ADDISON paid to Col. GREENFIELD, John BAKER, William GARNER, Thomas HEBB, Jr., Joseph TAYLOR. Administrators: William MORGAINE and his wife Mary MORGAINE.
13 Aug 1724 MD Prerogative Court Records. 4.237 Saint Mary's County. Account of Cornelius MANNING. L444.3.10. L353.5.8. Received from: Margaret TENT. Payments to: Mrs. Mary TANT for John MANNING (orphan), and Mary MANNING (orphan). Rodelph SIMMONS for his sister, Dorothy SIMMONS, Rodelph SIMMONS, Esq., Thomas BORDLEY, Michael JENIFER, Esq. BORDLEY, John BAKER, Col. GREENFIELD, Dr. William SWAILE, William JOHNSON, John HERNE, William Maria FARTHING, Archibald JOHNSTON, Martha WELLMAN, Richard GILES, John HARWOOD, James WHITE, John BAKER, William INKINS, John BATSON, William LUCAS, James THOMPSON. Executors: William COOMBS and his wife Elizabeth COOMBS, John MILLS (Probate cites William COOMBS and his wife, Mary COOMBS)