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Note: Unless otherwise noted, all Kennebec Records were extracted by Combs Researcher Beverly Dunn from sources as noted.
Kennebec was incorporated 20 Feb 1799 from Lincoln.
Incorporated Towns within Kennebec include: Augusta, Gardiner, Hallowell, Phipsburg, Pittston
Page 122
David COOMBS 00110-10100-00
Page 1302
Jonathan COOMBS 31010-20010-00
(Census CD - unreliable transcription)
p. 427 ln 4 ENUMERATOR: Samuel Cony 2nd
Coombs Jonathan
3 m<10; 1 m10-16; 1 m26-45
2 f<10; 1 f26-45
Partial transcription, David Coombs not enumerated, USGenWeb Census Project
p. 742 ln 6
Combs Jonathan
2 m<10 2 m10-16; 2 m16-26; 1 m>45
2 f<10; 1 f10-16; 1 f16-26; 1 f 26-45
Partial transcription, USGenWeb Census Project
Reel No: M432-256
p. 105; Sheet No: 53B Enumerated on: 5 Aug 1850 by: I.H. Clapp
612/719 Dennis Coombs 25 M Blacksmith ME
Thankful Coombs 25 F ME
USGenWeb Archives Census Project
p. 171 Sheet No: 86B Enumerated on: August 16, 1850 by: J.H. Clapp
1008/1156 Mary Coombs 45 F 900 ME
USGenWeb Archives Census Project
p. 182; Sheet No: 92A; Enumerated on: August 19, 1850 by: J.H. Clapp
1088/1238 Abner Combs 66 M Farmer 4400 ME
Abigail Combs 61 F ME
Rachel Combs 17 F ME
Jachua Combs 36 M Millman ME
Isabell Combs 20 F ME
Thomas MADDELE 40 M Laborer MA
1089/1240 Abner, Jr. Combs 23 M Millman ME
Augusta Combs 25 F ME
Augusta: Augusta was first incorporated as a part of Hallowell in 1771. It was set off from Hallowell, and incorporated as Harrington, Feb. 20, 1797, and the name changed to August the same year. It became the shire town of Kennebec County in 1798, and the capitol of Maine in 1828. It was incorporated as a city in 1849. In 1850 a portion of town with parts of Hallowell, Litchfield, Readfield and Winthrop was incorporated as Kennebec, now Manchester.
The following are Coombs vital records for Augusta, Kennebec Co., ME, from the published records project:
Edwin Forester, s. of Lucretia G., bapt. March 5, 1848.
Eugene Chandler, s. of Lucretia G., bapt. May 3, 1846.
Abby D. and J. A. CHADWICK, March 14, 1869
Abigail and William STONE 3rd, Sept 26, 1847. Int.
Abner and Ruth A. MILLER, both of Hallowell, Oct. 1, 1871
Abner Jr. and Augusta A. PARTRIDGE, Jan. 1850. Int.
Aphia of Windsor and Seward B. COOMBS, Feb. 16, 1834. Int.
Dennis and Thankful D. BRAGG of Sidney, Oct. 7, 1849. Int.
E. F. and Ruth A. KINCAID, Sept 20, 1865. Int.
Fred A. of Windsor and May M. TAYLOR, Feb. 23, 1887
Freeman A. and Emma W. MARSHALL, Nov. 17, 1867.
Freeman A. and Rosada SHAY, Dec. 25, 1880. Int.
Helena and Erastus I. DEANE, March 1, 1874. [Int. Erastus S.]
Isabelle F. and William DERBY, May 5, 1863 [Int. Mrs. Isabelle]
Joshua and Issabella F. MCCORISON of Bath, Jan 21, 1846. Int.
Liona L. and Geo. A. CRAIG, Feb. 9, 1890
Maggie B. and Capt. Ebed L. MURPHY of Bath, June 30, 1881
Margaret H. and Philip WEAVER, March 10, 1844. Int.
Maria L. and Wm. J. ROCKWOOD of Gardiner, June 15, 1879
Nellie E. and Frank. M. BOWMAN in Oldtown, Dec. 31, 1888.
Rachel (age 20, d. of Abner) and David C. STONE (age 24, s. of William), June 30, 1853
Sarah and John JEWETT, May 14, 1837. Int.
Seward B. and Aphia COOMBS of Windsor, Feb. 16, 1834. Int.
Silas of Hallowell and Margaret J. BOYD of Bristol, April 7, 1864
Waldo T. of Whitefield and Louisa H. KENDRICK, Nov. 30, 1882.
Abigail, w. of Abner, b. July 24, 1788, d. March 3, 1868 gy
Abigail F., Oct. 27, 1865
Abner, Feb. 24, 1860, a. 78y 3m
Abner, Jan 16, 1847, a. 47 gy
Mrs. A. G., Oct. 26, 1865, a. 65
Mrs. Augusta A., May 2, 1889, a. 64. [w. of Abner, b. 1826 gy]
Dennis, May 9, 1875, a. 50y 2m gy
Mrs. Emma W., Sept 7, 1876, a. 37y 2m 23d [Emma W. (Marchall?), w. of
Freeman A., b. 1838 gy]
Herbert M., April 3, 1862, a. 4
Joshua, Aug. 24, 1860, a. 49
Mrs. Seward B., Jany 19, 1849, a. 32 gy
Thankful D., w. of Dennis, Dec. 6, 1881, a. 57. gy
Gardiner: The town of Gardiner was incorporated February 17, 1803. It comprised all of the town of Pittston which lay west of the Kennnebec River. The act incorporating Gardiner as a city was approved August 11, 1849, and was accepted by the legal voters at a town meeting November 26, 1849. February 24, 1834, a part of Hallowell, known as the Bowman-Point Tract, was annexed to Gardiner. August 8, 1850, a part of Gardiner was incorporated as a separate town by the name of West Gardiner. April 3, 1852, a part of Gardiner was taken to form part of a new town by the name of Farmingdale.
The following are Coombs births and marriages from Gardiner, Kennebec Co, ME, from records published by the Maine Historical Society.
Edith C., d. Erving H. and Lucy, Nov. 20, 1888
Gertie May, d. Erving H. and Lucy, Aug. 15, 1890
Harry G., s. Erving H. and Lucy, Nov. 2, 1887
Howard W., of Pittston, and Rose M. Quimby, Nov. 22, 1879
Ivory W., of Monmouth, and Melinda Parker, int. July 27, 1839, (m. Aug 15, Co. Rec)
Margarete D., and Dunham Whitney, int. May 8, 1871
Marie Louise, of Augusta, and W[illia]m J. Rockwood, int. June 5, 1879.
Joseph F., s. Irving, Nov. 8, 1889, a. 6 mo.
Hallowell: The town of Hallowell was first permanently settled about 1754 and was incorporated April 26, 1771. In 1797, a portion of the town was incorporated as Augusta. In 1834, a portion of the town was annexed to the town of Gardiner. In 1850, that portion of the town which is situated east of the Kennebec River was incorporated as Chelsea. In 1850, a portion of the town with parts of Augusta, Litchfield, Readfield and Winthrop, was incorporated as Kennebec (Manchester). In 1852, a portion of the town, with parts of Gardiner and West Gardiner, was incorporated as Farmingdale. In 1852, the city charter was adopted.
The following are Coombs vital records for Hallowell, Kennebec Co, ME, from records published under the direction of the Maine Historical Society:
Abigail, ch. Archibald G. and Abigail, Jan. 25, 1829
Abner F., Jan 25, 1847
Adaline, Feb. 13, 1842
Cordelia, ch. Archibald G. and Abigail, Aug. 12, 1827
Eben F., ch. Archibald and Abigail, Apr. 25, 1834
Edward, ch. David and Judith, June 9, 1816
Elizabeth, Jan 28, 1822
Esther F., ch. Archibald G. and Abigail, July 28, 1830
Herbert L., ch. Abner F. and Ruth A., Aug. 30, 1872
Mabel H., ch. Sylvanus and Hattie F. (HOWES), Nov. 18, 1872
Mary J., -----, 1817
Samuel F., ch. Archibald G. and Abigail, Jan 21, 1826
Sarah A., Mar. 8, 1859
Sylvanus, Mar 25, 1849
Waldo Thomas, ch. Archibald G. and Abigail, Mar. 17, 1832
Abigail D., w. Archibald G., Nov. 26, 1865
Abner T., consumption, July 9, 1889, a. 42y 6m
Archibald G., Feb. 24, 1860, a. 63
David, Dec. 2, 1817, a. 25
Eben F., ch. Archibald G. and Abigail, Oct. 1, 1836, a. 2y 5m
Esther, d. A. G., Oct. 27, 1831, a. 1y 3m
Hattie F. House, w. S. C., Feb. 26, 1874, a. 20y 3m
Herbert L., ch. Abner F. and Ruth A., Oct. 1, 1872, a. 1m
Samuel F., s. Archibald G. and Abigail D., Nov. 25, 1851, a. 25
----------, inf. d., Sept. 27, a. 2m.
----------, inf. d. Sylvanus, Jan. 2, 1874
Phipsburg: constitutes the southern point of Sagadahoc County. It lies between the Kennebec River on the east and the New Meadows Harbor and West Bath, on the west; is very nearly 12 1/2 miles in extreme length and an average width of about 3 miles. Phipsburg contains the site of the earliest English colony in New England. The peninsula on the eastern side of the southern part, that bears on its north-eastern point the lofty granite walls of Fort Popham, still bears the marks of its occupancy by Popham's colony in 1607. At Small Point Harbor, on the south-west side of the town, is the site of a fishing settlement established by the Pejepscot proprietors in 1716, with the name of AUGUSTA. Dr. Oliver Noyes, one of the proprietors, was the principal director and patron. Captain John Penhallow, author of a noted history of the Indian Wars, in 1717, resided here. Dr. Noyes, in 1716, erected here a stone fort 100 feet square, for the purpose of protecting the settlers who were coming rapidly. A sloop named 'Pejepscot' was employed as a packet between this Augusta and Boston, carrying out lumber and fish, and bringing back merchandise and settlers. The settlement continued untill Lovewell's War, when the houses were burnt and the fort destroyed by the Indians. In 1737 an attempt at re-settlement was made. Among those who came at this time were three families of Halls, Clark, Wallace, Wyman, James Doughty, David Gustin, Jeremiah Springer, Nicholas Rideout and John Owens. Phipsburg was included in the Pejepscot grant to Purchase and Way, and after Whaton;s Purchase their lands were confirmed anew to some of the purchasers. The south part of the town was bought of the Indians by Thomas Atkins, the remainder by John Parker, Jr., in 1659, and the northern part was assigned to his brother-in-law, Thomas Webber, who also obtained an Indian title. Silvanus Davis, widely known in his day, owned and improved a farm south of Webber's. In 1734 Col. Arthur Noble built a strong garrison on the north side of the peninsula near Fiddler's Reach. The first house of worship known in this settlement was erected near this garrison in 1736. Some thirty-five years later an Episcopal church was erected on the site of this first house. The present Congregational church at the Center was built about 1802. The extention of the North Yarmouth Line direct to the ocean brought the southern part of Phipsburg into that town; but the whole, for convenience to the inhabitants, was in 1741, annexed to Georgetown. In 1814 Phipsburg was separated from the town and incorporated under its present name, which was adopted in honor of Sir William Phips. Eminent names among the citizens of this town in days that are past are Hon. Mark Langdon Hill, Andrew Reed, Parker McCobb, James Bowker, William M. and Thomas M. Reed. The town of Phipsburg was incorporated in 1814. (From the Gazetteer of the State of Maine, by George J. Varney, printed 1881.)
The following are Coombs vital records for Phipsburg, Kennebec Co, ME, from records published under the direction of the Maine Historical Society:
Hannah, d. Sylvanus and Martha, bap. July 8, 1767
Charles Albert and Rhoda Clifford Perry, (d. William Alden and Margaret Sarah (Clifford)), [----------]
Frances Campbell and Thomas MINNOTT, Dec. 18, 1825
Harriet, Miss, of Bath and Charles SPAULDING of P., int. Apr. 18, 1827
Hiram of Bath and Miss Esther Ann ROGERS of P., int. Dec 16, 1848
Jean, Mrs. of Georgetown and John PARRETT of Brunswick, int. May 19, 1774
Mercy of Brunswick and Samuel WILLIAMS of Georgetown, int. Aug 24, 1754
Warren of Bath and Mis Ruth SPAULDING of P. int. Oct 18, 1825
[-----------], (sister to Anthony of Harpswell), and John Mathews of P., [---------]
Pittston: The town of Pittston, previously known as the Plantation of Gardinerston, was incorporated by the General Court of Massachusetts, February 4, 1779. At the time of its organization, it was situated in Lincoln County, but became a part of Kennebec County on the incorporation of the latter, February 20, 1799.
February 17, 1803, all of Pittston lying west of the Kennebec River was incorporated as a separate town by the name of Gardiner. February 29, 1844, a part of Hallowell was annexed to Pittston. February 20, 1855, the farm of John BARKER, in the town of Chelsea, was annexed to Pittston. March 4, 1887, all of Pittston north of the south line of Worromontogus Stream was set off and incorporated by the name of West Pittston, changed to Randolph previous to its organization.
The following are Comes/Coombs vital records from Pittston, Kennebec Co, ME, from records published under the direction of the Maine Historical Society.
Hannah, d. Sylvanus and Martha, bap. July 8, 1767
Howard W. and Rose M. QUIMBY, Nov. 22, 1879 in Gardiner
Jennie W. and Fernando W. GREEN, Feb. 12, 1881
Mertice B. of China and Hiempsal WHITEHOUSE, Oct 3, 1876
Mary Ellen, Dec. I. 1860