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Chester County was established in 1682, an original county of Pennsylvania.
There are three sources of land records involved: the warrant, the survey, and the patent.
Moses Comb obtained two warrants for land in Chester Co. in the year of 1717. He was apparently deceased by 25 Aug. 1720 which probably complicated the patent process. THE FIRST warrant (Old Rights Warrant for Chester Co) was dated 30 Oct. 1717 for 200 acres. The entry includes recording information for a 200a survey and a 450a survey. The survey for the 200 acres of land was requested by Moses' brother-in-law Peter BIZAILON. The request date isn't clear but it contains a paragraph to the effect there was a Last Will & Testament dated 25 Aug 1720, and Peter BIZAILON and John WARDEE were executors. THE SECOND warrant was dated 30 Dec 1717 for 450 acres and is the land referenced in the Last Will & Testamant. This second warrant for 450 acres was patented on 22 Dec 1728 by John Comb. It appears the original 200 acres may have later been included in the 450 acre warrant. We only have survey drawings for the 450 acres and the 200a survey directives included a reference to the 450a warrant. The Old Rights warrant record includes the reference for the 200a directive and the drawing for the 450 acres. Apparently Moses Comb left a will (copy needed). See later notes by Dale Larsen regarding burials of John {the Hatter}, Martha and Peter Bizailon and more about the family of John the Hatter, father of Moses, Martha, and John.
30 Oct 1717 Warrant No 49, Chester Co, Comb Moses, Type of Paper: ditto for Warrant; 200 acres, Date of Warrant: Oct 30 1717; Date of Survey: [blank]; Survey Recorded: A:106 & D-77:158 [200a and 450a]
(Source: PA State Archives, Digital Documents, Land Records, Old Rights Index For Bucks And Chester Counties, 1682-1740. {series #17.78}, Chester Co Index, Surname “C”, image/page 8)
SEAL By the Commissioners of Property
“At the request of Moses Comb by his Brother in law Peter Bizailon that we would grant him to take up amongst the new Surveys near Conestoga in the County of Chester ye quantity of two hundred acres of land for which he agrees to pay to the Proprs Use Twenty pounds money of Pensilvania [sic] for the Whole and Yearly Quitrent of one Shilling Sterling for each hundred acres These are to Authorize and Require thee to Survey or cause to be Surveyed unto ye said Moses Comb at or near the place aforesaid according to the method of Townships appointed the said quantity of two hundred acres of land that has not been already Surveyed nor appropriated nor is seated by the Indians and make returns thereof into the Secretarys Office which Survey in case the said Moses - fulfill the above agreement within three months after the date hereof shall be valid Otherwise the same is to be voyd as if it had never been made nor this warrant ever granted. Given under our hands & seal of ye Province at Phila_a 30th day of xbr Anno Dim 1717.” [signed] Richard Hill Isaac Norris James Logan
To Jacob Taylor Survr General
Three [sic] hundred acres are to be laid out to Moses Comb by virtue of ye above Warrant James Steel
Peter Bizaillon & John Wardee Executrs of ye last Will & Testamt of ye sd Moses Comb having engaged for ye payment of four hundred & ffifty acres Survey'd in pursuance of the above Warrt. The said quantity is allowed to be returned for the uses mentioned in the said Testament 25th 8br 1720 James Steel [Date 25 Aug. 1720]
Reverse of Warrant: Warrt to Moses Combs for 200 acres Conestogo Entered
(Source: PA State Archives, Digital Documents, Land Records, Survey from Copied Surveys, 1681-1912. {series #17.114}, Survey Book D-77:158, transcribed by S Elfving for Combs &c).
NOTES: Although in a survey book, there is only the directive/order for the survey relative to a Warrant for 200a dated 30 Oct. 1717. The reference to the Will and Testament of Moses Comb mentions a warrant for 450 acres dated 30 Dec. 1717. Patent records show this 450 acres was actually patented by John Comb on 22 Dec 1728 (First Series Patent Book A-6:89, image/page 43)
30 Oct 1717 - warrant (200a) for Mo Combs (see above and below)
30 Dec 1717 - warrant (450a) for Moses Comb documented in 22 Dec 1728 Patent by John Comb for 450 acres warranted by Moses Comb dated 30 Dec 1717. (see 1728 patent record below)
25 Jan 1719 - warrant (700a) for Martha Bizailion (see below)
12 Sept 1719 Survey for Moses Combs (450a) and Martha BIZALON (700a)
The drawing shows Moses Combs, 450 acres allowance 27. The SW line of the property is on the Susqehanna River and bounded on 2 sides by vacant land. The other side is adjacent to a 700a parcel for Martha BIZAILON which is also on the river. Martha's land is between Moses Combs and that of James Le TORT'S land.
“These two tracts of Land scituate on Susquehanna River survey'd the 12th of 9br 1719.” Signed Isaac Taylor
Warrt dat, 25th 1s mo 1719 for ye 700 a's
Ditto 30th xbr 1717 to Mo Comb for 200a's
to be pd for 3 mo after date of ye warrt.
Reverse: Moses Combs 450a Martha Bizalion 700 on Susquehanna L.C. a copy taken.
(Source: PA State Archives, Digital Documents, Land Records, Survey from Copied Surveys, 1681-1912. {series #17.114}, Survey Book A:106, transcribed by S Elfving for Combs &c.)
The patent for Martha Bizalion's 700a in Chester Co shows warrant dated 25 Mar 1719, and the patent dated 23 Dec. 1728 (Pat Book A-6:14)
SE Notes: This would be Moses Comb and his sister Martha BIZALLION, the wife of Peter Bizaillon. It appears they were the children of John Coombe, Hatter, of Philadelphia. See below for more information. This group of records consistently used the spelling Comb.
22 Dec 1728 Patent recorded: A-6:89; Patent Date: 22 Dec 1728; Patentee: Comb John; 450a; Warrantee: Comb Moses; Date of Warrant: 30 Dec 1717, Chester Co (Source: PA State Archives, Digital Documents, Land Records, Patent Indexes, 1684-[ca. 1957], {series #17.147, 154 & 155}, Surname “C”, Image/page: 43)
Notes: It is not clear whether this John Comb was the father or brother. According to Dale Larsen notes, the nephew John was a minor in 1728. More research needed to clarify.
From Lancaster County, PA (Deed abstracts and Oaths of Allegiance, Deed Books A-M, 1729-1770, abstracted by R. Thomas Mayhill)
C-69 Christian Priniman (Prennaman) and w Susanna: rel. to son Melchor 5/amp; love-affection 187a.-Paxton TP: On Susq. R., No adjacent owners shown 450a.-Paston TP: No description (Gr. by John COMBS, Phila., hatter to Martha Bizailon, w. of Peter, Chester Co 25 Apr 1738, who gr to Christian ?
Martha Bizailon of Chester, widow 2 Aug 1746 gr. Christian Priniman land on Suss. R. in Pextang TP joining James Latort and Moses COMBS.
G261 Martha Bizailon: widow of Chester Co. rel to Christian Prennemaan of L. Co. 700a-Paxtang TP: Jacob Lotost, Moses COMB, on Susq. R. Pat 3 Dec 1728 to Martha Bizailon 2 Aug 1746 Jas Hays, George Larew J30 3 Dec 1761 James Hays and George Larew, witnesses
G262 Peter Bizailon & Martha: of Caln, Chester Co., rel to Christian Prenneman of L. Co. 450a-on Susq. R. near Conestoga: no new description By rel 25 April 1738 John COMB, hatter, of Phila rel. to Martha Bizailon, w of Peter Bizailon adj. owners: Peter Bizailon
Submitted by Butch Hicks
Martha Combe, John Combe, and Moses Combe were the children of John Comb of Philadelphia, a hatter.
John and Moses were indian traders in Chester Co. PA. Martha was married to Peter BEZAILLION who was also an indian trader in that area. They all owned land in that shows up in Lancaster Co. Deeds. John, Martha and Peter have tombstones in the churchyard adjoining St. John's Church in Pequea town of Compass. John died Sept. 12, 1736 aged 78 years. Moses died about the same time no indication where he is buried. Martha died in 1764 at the age of 73, hard to read from tombstone picture, 3 is in question. John Combe had two children noted in the documents Martha and John. Moses left land to his niece and nephew but by the time the patent on the land was obtained in 1728 Martha the niece had died, at that time the nephew John was a minor. Nothing more is known about nephew John from my information. This is from Minutes of the Provincial Council of Pa Vol. V., and Lancaster Historical Society documents. John Comb was listed as an English Inhabitant of Conestoga Twn. in 1718.
Jane McCann Walsh Note: Based on this I'm less inclined to suspect a relationship between Samuel the Quaker emigrant and John the Hatter of Philadelphia although given the early location of John on the frontier in Chester (the part which later became Lancaster) it is feasible that there is a connection to our earliest Joseph but I don't see this as being as probable/plausible as Samuel the Quaker.
Roll 764
East Bradford Twp
p. 229
109 Anthony TAYLOR 68 farmer $25000 b. (Persions/Persia?)
(and family and others)
Samuel COMBS 35 M black laborer
W. Bradford Twp
p. 249b
155 Joshua BATTIN 27 farmer PA
(and others)
Rebecca COMBS 9 F PA