![]() | Dr. James Henry Combs of Hays Co, TX |
Dr. James Henry Combs was dentist in Hays County, TX.
We thank Carla H. Ratcliff, Hays Co TXGenWeb coordinator who copied this text from Record of Southwest Texas, Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers, Pub, 1894, which belonged to her great grandfather.
Pages 166- 168
DR. JAMES HENRY COMBS. The dentist when well up in his profession is a most valuable man in any community, and in Hays County, Texas, there are none who rank higher than Dr. James. H. Combs. He commands a thorough knowledge of his profession, and his ability and insight into his calling have won him a large and constantly increasing practice. He is a product of the State of Missouri, and there first saw the light in 1841, being the youngest of five children born to David B. and Rebecca (BURRAS) Combs, who were natives of the Blue Grass State. They removed to Missouri in 1834, settling in Johnson County, where the father followed the occupation of farming and was also engaged in the manufacture of tobacco. He died in 1841, after which his widow married D. B. Cocreham, with whom she came to San Marcos, Texas, in 1845, and soon after purchased land in the vicinity of Stringtown where Mr. Combs engaged in tilling the soil and stock raising for many years, but now resides in San Marcos. The mother died, December 31, 1891. The paternal grandfather, David Combs, was an early settler of Kentucky, and was a Captain in the Indian wars of that State at an early day. He came originally from Virginia, as did also David Burras, of Kentucky, the maternal grandfather of the subject of this sketch. In the public schools of Texas, James Henry Combs obtained a practical education, but his school days were cut short by the opening of the Civil War, for he at once dropped his books to enter the Confederate service, becoming a member of Company E, Sixth Texas Infantry, and after the capture of Arkansas Post, being assigned to Company H, Seventeenth Consolidated Texas Regiment, served in the trans-Mississippi Department. He was in the battle of Harrisburg, La., also in other engagements of considerable note, and took part in numerous skirmishes till the battle of Mansfield, when he was severely wounded and left on the field of battle. This wound incapacitated him from further duty in the infantry, and he was detailed to the Commissary Department in which he served until the close. He had four brothers in the service: John Wesley was wounded at Port Hudson and later assigned to duty in the Commissary Department in Texas, with the rank of Captain; David S. was a member of Terry's Rangers until the war closed; John William and Sylvester Cocreham were in the Fifteenth Texas Cavalry, and the former died at Little Rock, Ark. in 1862. Sylvester was taken prisoner at Arkansas Post, was exchanged at City Point, Va., and was soon after killed in the battle of Chicamauga. After returning from the war, James H. Combs was engaged in farming for a few years, then began the study of dentistry and entered upon the practice of Dentistry at San Marcos in 1868, and has since done remarkably well in following this calling. He was married in November, 1864, to Miss Fannie DAILEY, a native of Georgia and a daughter of David DAILEY, who came to this State in 1855 and followed the occupation of farming, practicing medicine and preaching the gospel, being a minister of the Methodist Church. He died in 1873, a well known and highly esteemed citizen. His wife was Mary E. LAMAR, a member of the well known LAMAR family of Georgia. To the union of Dr. and Mrs. Combs twelve children have been given, three of whom are deceased: John William studied dentistry with his father and graduated at Vanderbilt University, and is now practicing his profession at San Marcos; David A. also graduated in dentistry at that institution, and is at present associated with his father and brother in San Marcos. Their offices are fitted up in excellent taste, are beautiful and comfortable, and they have also an office in New Braunfels; Henry B. graduated in medicine from the Medical Department of Vanderbilt University, and is now practicing at Bastrop, Texas; Robert Lee was educated at the Philadelphia Dental College, and is now located at Seguin, Texas, engaged in the practice of his profession; James F is a student in the schools of San Marcos; Kay died at the age of two years; Marvin and Lizzie are students at Coronal Institute, San Marcos; Mary E., wife of O. E. DuBOSE, of Marlin, Texas; and two children who died unnamed. In 1893 Dr. Combs erected a fine business building, two stories in height, on the Public Square, in which they have their offices, besides which he owns other buildings and residence property, and has a comfortable, commodious and handsome home. He and his family are members of the Methodist Church and since 1872 he has been an officer in the church, and has been a member of the annual and general conferences. He has been Sunday School Superintendent since 1883, and has been active in all church work. In 1884 he was elected to the State Legislature; was an active member of that body, and served on the committees of Education, Public Health, and other special committees. Dr. Combs has always been interested in educational matters, and upon the organization of Coronal Institute he was elected trustee, and has served in that capacity ever since. He is one of the most enterprising citizens of the county, is a courteous and agreeable gentleman, is a skillful and successful dentist, and was one of the organizers of the “San Marcos Chautauqua”, the first institution of the kind in Texas, and for a number of years he has been one of the Board of Directors.
Last updated (New 11 Jul 2009)
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