Archdale-Archdall &c.
Barnard and Ann FERNE Archdale of
Cuddesdon, Oxfordshire
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1.3 Barnard ARCHDALE (John1) born bef 1530, Stafford, Staffordshire, England; died about 1577, Cuddesdon, Oxfordshire; married bef 1572 (based on est. ages of their children), Ann FERNE, the sister of Mary FERNE, wife of Barnard's brother, Richard (their relationship documented by their children's references to each other as "cousins german;" i.e., first cousins, and daughter of (Ralph?) and Dorothy FERNE of Cuddesdon. Bernard is documented as a son of John by the Harleian Visitations, London, 1633/4, Archedale Family, in which he is listed as "Barnard ARCHDALE of Oxford" and his wife as "da. of FERNE." Further documentation is provided by various family wills naming his widow and children (as noted below). According to the Archdale Memoirs, Barnard became a non-conformist before his death. This source states that on 22 Apr 1569, he took the citizen's oath of Oxford University, again on 7 Apr 1570, 26 Oct 1570 and 7 Apr 1573, but that on 11 Dec 1576, he refused to take the oath, and was excommunicated by the Vice Chancellor. On 17 May 1577, he again refused the oath and on 19 Feb 1577/8, administration of his estate was granted to his widow (Archdale Memoirs) Barnard may have been a Catholic, as were some of his descendants, and the vast majority of nonconformists at that time (those who refused to take an oath declaring the Crown to have religious supremacy). It is not known when or where Barnard's wife, Anne, died, but she was still living as late as 25 Dec 1597 when named in the St. Margaret Pattens, London will of her brother-in-law, Martin, who referred to her as "My sister Anna ARCHDALE of Oxford, widow" and also included a bequest to "The children of my cousin Katherine BROWNE, daughter of my said sister." Barnard and Anne FERNE Archdale had issue:
1.3.1 Richard ARCHDALE, b bef 1574, Cuddeson, Oxfordshire, d testate 1638 High Wycombe, Bucks, England; m bef 1605, Judith THORPE, b bef 1590, died aft 1638, the d/o Richard THORPE and Elizabeth BROOKE.
It is Richard who signed the 1633-4 Harleian Visitation ("Ric. ARCHEDALE"), and he is listed as "Richard ARCHEDALE, Merchant of London, living 1634, married "Judeth, da. of Richard THORPE of London by Elizabeth BROOKE."
Richard was apprenticed as a Draper to his uncle, Matthew ARCHDALE, by no later than 1589 (and possibly 1588), and attained his freedman status on 12 Jul 1596.
Richard is named in the 1599 St. Michael Paternoster Royal, London, will of his uncle, Matthew ARCHDALE, which includes a bequest to "my cousin Richard ARCHDALE five hundred pounds. To Edward BROWNE and his children five hundred pounds. To my cousin John ARCHDALE of Whetlie [Wheatley, Cuddeson, Oxford] thirty pounds.
He is also named in the 1609 St. Mary the Virgin Aldermanbury, London will of his uncle Thomas, which includes a bequest "To my cousin, Thomas ARCHEDALE, the son of my cousin Richard ARCHEDALE, my godson, ten pounds, to be paid at his age of twenty one years."
Richard is named yet again in the 1631 Wheatley, Cuddesdon, Oxforshire will of Abraham ARCHDALE (s/o Richard ARCHDALE and Mary FERNE), who refers to Richard as his "cousin german Richard ARCHDALE,".
Richard died testate in 1638 in Chipping (High) (Wycombe, Bucks, his will identifying him as the Richard who was "cousin german" to Abraham ARCHDALE in 1631 (to "My second son Richard ARCHDALE. Household stuff at Whately left unto me by my cousin Abraham ARCHDALE.").
1.3.2. Katherine ARCHDALE, born bef 1578; m bef 1597, Edward BROWN
Katherine ARCHDALE had married Edward BROWN by 1597 when she was named in the will of her uncle, Martin ARCHDALE. Her husband is termed "a marchant of London" in the Harleian Visitations.
Katherine's husband and children are named in the 1599 St. Michael Paternoster Royal, London, will of her uncle, Matthew ARCHDALE, which includes a bequest to "Edward BROWNE and his children five hundred pounds."
1.3.3. Alice ARCHDALE, b bef 1577; m abt 1590, Arthur ALVEY, b abt 1561 (of) Huntingdonshire, England, d aft 1644, of Knotting, Bedfordshire, England
Alice is named as "wife to Arthur ALUEY" in the Harleian Visitations. In 1608, their son, Pope ALVEY, was apprenticed to his maternal uncle, Richard ARCHDALE as a Draper (At least two of his descendants, Pope, Jr. and Joseph ALVEY, removed to St. Mary's County, Maryland).
In 1629, Pope was named in the Oriel College, Oxford University will of his cousin, Wiliam COMBE (s/o John and Mary ARCHDALE Combe). In 1638, Rev. Arthur ALVESY was termed "brother-in-law" by Alice's brother, Richard ARCHDALE.
1.3.4 Audrey ARCHDALE, b bef 1578, Cuddesdon, Oxfordshire; m bef 1634, James POVEY.
Audrey and James are listed in the Harleian Visitation, he as "James POUEY of Lichfield" (Southampton, Hampshire, England)
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