Archdale-Archdall &c.
John and Anne ARCHDALE
of Stafford, Staffordshire, England
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IntroductionJohn ARCHDALE of Staffordtown was born bef 1508, quite probably in Acton Trussell, a small parish in Staffordshire only three miles from the town of Stafford, where he died in 1577. At the time of his death, he was married to Anne,* whom he predeceased, and about whom nothing more is known at this time (research in progress). John was clearly a man of means in his community, serving in 1540 as Bailiff of Stafford, 1541 as Chamberlain, 1546 as Bailiff again, and in 1551 as Chamberlain again. His sons appear to have all been well-educated and successful -- "men of the world" at a time when many never left the villages in which they were born. The Archdale Memoirs (written by Henry Blackwood Archdale in 1925) provides most of the little we know of John and Anne themselves, and much of what we know so far of their descendants, most of whom are primarily documented by a combination of the Harleian Visitations and extant family wills, extant marriage and christening records. Although the Memoirs has been found to be accurate in most respects (and highly documented for that era of family histories), it nevertheless leaves a number of mysteries unsolved. This, together with the fact that Archdale-Combs &c. researchers have uncovered yet more facts and descendants, has caused us to create this report, and one for each of John and Anne's children. We have made every effort not to duplicate the Memoirs except where absolutely necessary, and also plan to use these reports for footnoting the Memoirs (where applicable). Other than the mysteries of John ARCHDALE himself, these reports will concentrate primarily only on John's children and grandchildren. While some information about later generations is provided herein, for a comprehensive overview, including links to the applicable "counties of record," family reports, etc., see Descendants of John ARCHDALE.
*No wife's name was given in the Harleian Visitations, and it is not known when John married Anne, or if she was the mother of his sons, only one of whom, Martin, is known to have named a daughter, Anne, which may have been for the wife of his brother, Barnard. Richard named a daughter Mary, but this was likely for his wife. Richard and Thomas each named a daughter, Barbara, but this may have been for Martin's wife. Richard and Thomas each named a daughter, Margaret; Richard and Barnard each named a daughter, Alice; and Martin and Thomas each named a daughter, Sarah. So far as is known, none named a daughter, Elizabeth (after their sister).
The Children of John ARCHDALE
1.1. Richard ARCHDALE, b bef 1528, d ca 1577; m bef 1561, Mary FERNE (d/o (Rafe?) and Dorothy FERNE), d after 1609.
1.2. Martin ARCHDALE,* b bef 1558, d 25 Dec 1597, m Barbara SEXTON (d/o Thomas SEXTON), b ca 1557; d 1617. She m (2) Sir William AYLOFFE.
1.3. Barnard ARCHDALE, b bef 1530, died ca 1577; m bef 1577, Anne FERNE (d/o (Rafe?) and Dorothy FERNE), d after 1596.
1.4. Thomas ARCHDALE, b 1540-1543; died testate 27 Nov 1611; m (1) 31 Oct 1568, Mary CLIFTON (dau of Richard and Margaret MORTON Clifton), b bef 1554; d Nov 1578; m (2) 29 Dec 1583, Blith WILFRED, d bef 1609.
1.5. Matthew ARCHDALE, b bef 1558, d testate and s.p. 1599.
1.6. Elizabeth ARCHDALE,* b bef 1558, d aft 1597; possibly married a RIPTON.
* All of the known children of John are listed in the above-noted Harleian Visitations of London, 1633-5, Archdale Family, except Elizabeth and (inexplicably) Martin, both of whom are documented by other records as noted in their reports.
Page 1 of the Memoirs includes the statement that John ARCHDALE "is stated to have been "of kin" to Alice, Elizabeth and Rose, daughters and co-heiresses of John COWELL of Dungworth Storrs, in the chapelry of Bradfield." (Ref. Harleian Ms. No. 326). The only Bradfield chapelry located thus far is in the parish of Ecclesfield, Yorks (northern division of the wapentake of Strafforth and Tickhill, west riding). There are a number of 1560-80 patrish extracts, with naming patterns that are quite intriguing (females Alice, Katherine and Margaret, all names also given to daughters by the Archdale brothers)
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