Archdale-Archdall &c.
Elizabeth ARCHDALE (Ripton?)
of Stafford, Staffordshire, England
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1.6. Elizabeth ARCHDALE (John1) was born before 1558, the year of her father's death, probably in Stafford, Staffordshire, England; and died after 1597, when she was named in the will of her brother, Martin ARCHDALE> of St. Margaret Pattens, London who termed her "my poor sister Elizabeth." Like Martin ARCHDALE, she is not included in the Visitations of London, 1633-5, Archdale Family. The wills of three of her brothers named their nephew Richard RIPTON: the above-noted 1597 will of Martin; the 1599 will of Matthew of St. Michael Paternoster Royal, London, and the 1609 will of Thomas of St. Mary the Virgin Aldermanbury, London. None of them further identify him. Unless a second sister was unnamed in the Visitations, Richard RIPTON may have been Elizabeth's son. In 1581, one Richard RIPTON achieved his freedman status (citizen of London) by completion of his apprenticeship to Thomas ARCHDALE as a Draper. Presumably, this Richard RIPTON is the nephew of Thomas (or perhaps his brother-in-law). Normally, an apprenticeship began when a young man was about 15 and extended for roughly eight years, resulting in an estimated birth year for Richard of circa 1568. No marriage record has been located for Elizabeth, and it is not known what became of Richard. The only Richard RIPTON located in records thus far is in Essex, but has not yet been researched.
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