![]() | Archdale-Archdall &c. Memoirs of the Archdales With the Descents of Some Allied Families by Henry Blackwood Archdale, Privately Published 1925 |
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Memoirs of the Archdales, a study of the descendants of John ARCHDALE of Staffordtown, Staffordshire, was privately published by Henry Blackwood Archdale in 1925 (no copyright). It is extremely well-documented, containing the lineages, replete with records, on not only Archdales, but numerous associated families.
Archdale and Combs Researchers are in the process of converting this manuscript to HTML files (web pages), which will ultimately be uploaded to this site and searchable, In the meantime, however, the primary purpose is for downloads for the researchers working on this project.
In the meantime, pending completion of this project, much of the information on the earliest lines of John and Anne ARCHDALE can be found via a Descendant Chart for their family.
Important: Because this site is under construction, links may change rapidly (as was the case recently). Note, however, that its present location is its permanent site and that the only changes will be updates as the HTML pages are created.
For those who "can't wait," an Index has been provided and proofed by Archdale-Archdall Researchers Les Archdall and Peter Archdale, respectively. All additions and corrections have been made except please note that the addition of the surname Archdale-Archdall. Also note that the published index is (a) not a full-name index; and (b) that it is incomplete (does not include any "unrelated" individuals, such as witnesses to wills, etc.)
To aid in accessing the data pending the HTMLization of this manuscript, a legend has been provided to assist those who wish to read pages or view photographs, charts, etc. in graphic format:
Dedication page (which reads "TO MY MOTHER, who died October 30th, 1925.")
Contents p. i.
Illustrations, p. ii.
Old Castle Archdale p. iii.
Page iv. (which shows Pedigree I, which is John Archdale's)
Then Chapter 1, etc
Sir Audley Mervyn (photo), Page 17
Note: On page 18, facing the picture of Sir Audley Mervyn is the following;
Speaker of the Irish House of Commons, 1661-1666
(from the portrait at Castle Archdale)
Portrait of Angel Archdall (126.58 KB (129620 bytes)), p. 26
The Archdale family crest and motto, (frontispiece)
Funeral Certificate, Martin ARCHDALE I
Abbotts, Manor of, 4,6,7
Abercromby, Sir Ralph, 36
Acheson, 21, 23, 97
Adams, 12, 91
Alexander, 71, 76, 88
Alley, 45, 51, 88
Alvey, 79, 85, 88
Archdalestown, 10, 13
Archer, 63
Ardale, 1
Ardess, vault at, 30, 56
Arms, grant of, 4
Arms of allied families, 91, 100
Attanagh, parish, 68
Audley, 1, 18, 20, 93, 100
Augustus, Prince, 35
Australia, 71, 73, 75-77
Ayloffe, 6, 7, 8, 87, 89, 100
Bagge, 83
Baker, 6, 76, 89
Barnes, 3, 85, 87
Barrington, 71, 74, 75, 100
Barry, Spranger, 67
Belton, 61
Bennett, 3, 87
Bernard (Barnard), 64, 65, 66
Bett, 83
Betty, 45
Blackburne, 3, 87
Blackwood, 52-54
Blennerhasset 11, 13, 19, 66
Bonaparte, Joseph, 69
Booth, 71, 75
Bow, Elizabeth, 84
Bradfield, 63
Brady, 54
Brereton, 66
Broadbent, 71, 73
Brooke, 20, 22, 28, 46, 85
Browne, 6, 45, 79, 85, 87, 89
Bruce, 59
Bruce, Robert, 23, 95
Buckinghamshire, 79-83
Bury, 59
Butt, Isaac, 27
Byrn, 59
Caldwell, 22
Camden, Earl, 53, 99
Carolan, Turlough, 21
Carolina, 81-82
Carrickmacross, 95, 96
Cary (Carey), 19, 78, 82
Castle Archdale, 9 10, 13, 14, 27, 30, 39, 40, 49, 56, 92
Catalani, Angelica, 44
Caulfield, 69
Chetwood, Hester, 34
Church, 83
Clare, 67
Clarencieux King of Arms (Cooke), 4
Clarke 10, 18, 42, 57, 66, 100
Clerke, 54
Clifford, Morgan, 37
Clifton, 3, 46, 89
Colchester, Lord, 88
Cole, 22, 95
Colles, Sarah, 65, 69
Collins, 63
Combe (Combes), 3, 85, 87, 89
Conway, 32, 52
Cope, 58
Corry, 19, 39, 96, 97
Cregan, Martin, 30, 39
Crevinishaughey, 9, 10 13, 25, 39
Crouch, 73
Cutler 11
Dalbiac, 84
Daly, 45, 63, 75
Damer, 31, 32, 100
Danson, 82
Darsham, parish, 4, 6, 7, 9, 89
Davys (Davies), 16, 20
Dawson, iv, 30, 31, 72, 100
Derrybrusk, 22, 23, 95, 96
Derrygonnelly, 22-24, 92, 95-97
Derryvullen, parish 13 14, 40
Dewar, 76
Dillon, Mary, 19
Dobbs, Susanna, 23
Dobson, 67
Dodwell, Henry, 81
Donnellan, Elizabeth, 65, 66
Dorrington, 1, 2, 6, 86
Downman, John, 44
Doyne, 30, 100
Drew, Sir Thomas, 56
Dromard, 45, 50, 55
Drumadravy (Riverstown), 23, 46, 55
Dublin 12, 26, 28, 33, 39, 44, 48, 51, 67, 69, 72
Dunbar, v, 13, 24, 92, 95-97, 100
Dustan, 70
Dutton, 71, 76
Edwards 19, 74
Egerton, 61
Eglinton, v, 100
Egypt, campaign in, 36-37
Ellis, Catherine, 73
Ellison, 70
Elphinstone, 55
Emmett, Mary, 84
Enniskillen 14, 28, 66, 95
Essex, 6, 8
Evatt, 19
Faulkner, George, 26
Fermanagh, 9-66, 95-97
Ferne, 3, 78, 79, 85, 87
Fitzgerald, 76
Fleetwood, 80, 85, 88, 90
Fleming, 59
Folliott, Thomas, Lord 14
Forde, 1,52
Fox, George, 81
Frazer, 73
Freeman, 76, 91
Fuller, 72
Garrick, David, 67, 99
Gibson. 63
Gillespie, Dr., his tragic death, 41
Glynn, 63
Gonne, 65, 67
Gordon, 23
Gore, iv, 14, 15, 100
Gorges, 80, 81, 82
Gorle, 70
Goulding, 49
Graham, 24, 52, 55, 92
Grattan, Henry, 29
Green, 18, 23, 96, 97
Halfpenny, result of swallowing a, 58
Hamilton 10, 19, 24, 33, 34, 52, 54, 62, 65, 70, 88, 93, 96
Harris, 60, 67, 85
Harvey, 69
Harwood, 57, 69
Hawkins, 82, 88
Hawthorn, Mary, 67
Henry, 65, 69
Hewan, 71, 72
Hogge, 83
Honings (Hunnings), iv, 7 11, 12, 89, 100
Humphrys, iv, 44, 45, 88, 100
Irvine, 16, 19, 21, 26, 27, 28, 45, 49
Jephson, 18
Jermyn, 5
Johnston, 45, 66
Jones, Sir Thomas, 33, 48, 88
Karow, 71, 76
Kelly, Elizabeth, 71, 72
Kennedy, 45
Kent, 3, 4, 6, 7, 87, 99
Kewley, 61
Killadeas, 16, 49
Killaloe, 70
Kilmeaden, parish, 73, 75
King, 15, 66, 96
Kinleside, 59
Kynaston, 52, 74
Langley, 75
Ledwich, Edward, 68, 69
Lee, 80, 88
Leslie, 23, 72
Linen Manufacture, 25, 26, 39, 72
Lisgoole, 13, 16
Lloyd, 61, 74
Loakes, Manor of, 79, 80, 83, 88
Lodge's Peerage, revised, 68
London, Heralds' Visitation of, 85
London, Parish Registers, 89
Lowe, 3, 82, 85, 87
Lusk, parish, 66, 67, 72, 91
Lyon, 63
Macalister, 76
Madden, 54, 76, 88
Maguire, Rory 13, 19
Mangnall, Richmal, 44
Manor Archdale, grant of, 9
Martin, 66, 73, 88, 97
Maude, 51, 55, 100
May, iv, 57
McNamara, 33, 88
Meade, 58
Mercer, 77
Mervyn, iv, 16, 18, 19, 27, 42, 57, 93-94, 100,
Mervyn, Sir Audley, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 93, 94
Miles, 46
Miller, Dr. George, 44
Miller, Isaac, 80-81
Mills, 2, 75
Milton, John, 3
Molesworth, 22
Mompesson, 18, 43
Monasticon Hibernicum, 68
Montagu, 58
Montgomery, v, 22, 23, 63, 88, 92, 95-97, 100
Montgomery, Manuscript, quoted, 95
Moore 10, 19, 45, 63
More 10, 87
More, Dr. Henry, 80-81
Moulton,3, 85, 87
Mountney, 5, 7
Moutray, 15, 19
Murray, 65, 69, 71, 75
Neville, 25, 27, 78, 80
Neville-Rolfe, 76
Newberry, 58, 59
Newtownbarry, parish, 72, 73
Nixon, 23, 25, 28, 97
Noel, 20
Norfolk, 66, 83
Norris 12
Oakley, 72
O'Brien, 45, 74
O'Donnell, 23
Ogilvy, 76
Olphert, 62, 63
Orr, 53
Owle (Owleas) 11
Oxfordshire, 3, 79, 82, 87
Palmer, 3, 85,87
Parnell, Sir John, 34
Pearce, 75
Penington, Isaac, 81
Pitt, William, 83
Pococke, Richard (Bishop, 67, 68
Portarlington, Earl of, 29, 31
Porter, 46, 60, 100
Povey, 79, 85, 88
Powell, 3, 85,87,88
Pratt, 19, 53 99
Preston, 31, 65, 67, 70, 83
Preston, William, 67, 68, 70
Price, iv, 51-53, 99, 100
Prior, Thomas, 67
Purser, Miss, 58
Purser, Miss, 56
Pynnar's Survey, quoted 10, 15, 24, 93
Raymond, 73
Rebellion of 1641 12 13, 14, 24, 95
Richardson, 19, 30, 42, 44, 54, 88,94
Ripton, Richard, 6, 87
Riversdale, 43, 50, 59
Rochfort, 40, 94, 100
Rook (Rooke), 82
Rose, 65, 70
Rotheram, Barbara, 88
Rotunda Hospital, 67
Royal Irish Academy, 58, 68, 70
Russel, 61
Ryan, 65
St. Clair, Sir James, 35, 42
St. George, 15, 19, 62
Sare (Sayers), 3, 85, 87
Saunders, 55
Savage, 52, 53
Savile, 73
Segar, William, 7, 86
Seward, Anna, 84
Sexton,iv, 4, 5, 6, 86, 89
Shelburne, Lord, 83
Sievers, 59
Slane, parish, 69, 92
Smith, 3, 60, 61, 67, 69, 74, 86, 87, 96
Southwick, parish, 75, 76, 9l
Spurling, Sarah, 26, 27
Squerie, 18
Staffordshire, 1, 2
Stamp (Stampe), 8, 85, 87
Starke, 46
Stewart, 15, 30, 33, 46, 62, 88
Suffolk, 4, 5, 6, 7, 89
Sutton, Henrietta Sarah, 71, 72
Swanby, Susanna, 84
Swift, Dean 12, 66
Taddy, 83
Talbot, 59
Temple 12, 13
Tenison, 74
Thaung, 63
Thompson, 60, 76, 88
Thorneycroft, 64
Thorpe, 55, 78, 79, 85
Tintern, parish, 72
Tottenham, 61
Townley, 54
Trillick, 19, 39, 40, 49, 93, 94
Trory, parish, 44, 51
Turner, 78, 83, 91
Tyrone, county, 19, 27, 56, 93-94
Ulster Plantation, 7, 9, 10, 93, 95
- Volunteers, 29
Union, legislative, 29
Veel (Vell) 12
Vittoria, battle of, 69
Wake, 63
Walker, J. C., 69
Waller, Edmund, 79, 80
Wallis, Charles, 16
Wauchope, 54
Weir, 24, 97
Wellington, Duke of, 38
Wesley, John, 83
West, 52
White, 49, 68, 70
Wickliffe, 15
Widmere, 80
Wilfred, Blith, 3, 89
Wilkinson, 73
Wills, abstracts of, 5, 6, 27, 33, 82, 87, 88, 96
Wilson, 78, 83, 91
Windsor, 18
Wingfield 11, 15, 20
Wyatt, James, 83
Wycombe, Chipping or High, 79-83, 90, 91
Wyndham Land Act, 55, 56
Yeomanry, Irish, 42, 43
Young, Abigail, 69
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