![]() | John UNDERWOOD, Sr. (bef 1679-ca1723) of Richmond and King George Cos, VA) |
Son of William UNDERWOOD, Sr. | |
including descendants of Orange and Culpeper Cos, VA; and Granville, Bute and Warren Cos, NC |
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I. John UNDERWOOD, Sr., s/o William and Mary BUTLER Underwood, Sr., was born bef 1679, died abt 1723, King George Co, VA; married bef 1702, Elizabeth SLAUGHTER (d/o Francis and Margaret HUDSON Slaughter, Jr. and gd/o Francis and Elizabeth UNDERWOOD Slaughter, Sr.
The earliest record mentioning John UNDERWOOD, Sr. is the 11 Aug 1678 will of his mother's brother, Amory BUTLER of Sittingbourne Parish, Old Rappa Co, VA (last husband of the above-noted Elizabeth UNDERWOOD Taylor Slaughter Catlett Butler): "… All my other Estate I give and bequeath unto my Godson and Nephew John UNDERWOOD…" (Amory having also identified William UNDERWOOD, Sr. as his "brother").
John Sr. was named co-executor of the 1717 Richmond Co, VA will of his father, William Sr., whose bequests to him included "unto my Loving Son Jon. UNDERWOOD ye Revertion of one Watermill now in the hands of Richard TUTT to him and his heirs for ever…" and "three hundred acres of land whereon he now Liveth beginning upon Robert MUNDANES Line by ye River side, thence along ye said line to ye back Line for breadth to Include three hundred acres…" (See also The History of Underwood's Mill).
28/29 Jun 1719 - 30/31 May 1743 (KG2:476-8) Francis WOLFENDALE Parish Hanover King George County to Thomas TURNER of same.. lease & release .. 10 pds. Sterling 100 A branches of Gengoteague Creek commonly called Rich Bottome .. said land being sold by John UNDERWOOD & Elizabeth his wife unto Francis WOFENDALE .. dated 28th/29th Jun 1719 records Richmond County .. is part of a patent for 550 A granted unto Francis SLAUGHTER by Patent 10th Sep 1662 and by SLAUGHTER bequeathed to Elizabeth UNDERWOOD by his last will & testament.. S/Francis WOLFENDALE, Wits: John WREN, John THORNLEY, Francis STROTHER, Harry TURNER. Rec. 3 Jun 1743 (Sparacio)
7 Jul 1722 - 5 Apr 1723 (KGWBA1:12) Last Will and Testament of John UNDERWOOD of Sittenbourne Parish, County of King George… weak of body but of Good and perfect sense and memory… Imprimis: I give and bequeath to my son George my plantation and land lying on the upper side of the Mill Road to him and his heirs forever… to my son Daniel all the cleared ground and land lying on the lower side of the Mill Road to him and his heirs forever… to my son William one Negroe man named Tom to him and his heirs forever… to my son John one Negroe woman named Cate with all and every one of her increase to him and his heirs forever… to my loveing Wife Elizabeth one servant boy named John LEWIS and one feather bed and furniture which we now lie on… to my loveing Wife Elizabeth and my two daughters Mary and Margaret all the rest of my personal estate to be equally divided between them… My Will is that my four sons George, Daniel, William and John UNDERWOOD shall stay with their Mother until they are twenty years of Age… appoint my beloved Brother William UNDERWOOD and my loveing Wife Elizabeth UNDERWOOD joint Executor and Execturix…. John UNDERWOOD {Seal} Wits: William PULLEN, Samuel [X] WOOD, his mark, Mathew PEBWORTH. At Court held for King George County on Fryday the fifth day of April Anno Dom: 1723 LWT of John UNDERWOOD, deceased, was presented by Elizabeth UNDERWOOD his widow and Executrix who made Oath thereto (William UNDERWOOD one of the Executors in the will named in open Court refused the trust reposed in him… )and the same being further proved by the Oaths of William PULLEN and Samuel WOOD two of the Wittnesses thereto subscribed was ordered to be and is Recorded. p/MR p/E: TURBERVILLE Cl: Cur: (King George County, Virginia Will Book A-1, 1721-1752 & Miscellaneous Notes, George Harrison Sanford King, Fredericksburg, VA, 1978, SHP, Easley, SC, 1986)
John UNDERWOOD'S children have not been traced; however, the following records provide both additional documentation and "clues:"
3/4 Nov 1736 (KG2:47-49) George UNDERWOOD of Parish Sittenbourn county King George of one part and John TRIPLETT of same county and John FOX of parish Washington county Westmoreland of other part .. by deeds of lease and release .. for Thirty pounds current money of Virginia sold (no acreage) all the reversion of a Pattent granted to William UNDERWOOD dated the 10th of 7br: 1658 in parish Hanover King George.. S/George UNDERWOOD Wits: Isaac ARNOLD, William [x] HARVEY, Original BROWN. 5 Nov 1736.. Deeds of lese & release recorded. (Sparacio)
3/4 Nov 1736 (KG2:59-62) Daniel UNDERWOOD of Parish St. Marks in county Orange Planter and Colo. John TAYLOE Esqr. county Richmond and Company of the City of Bristol .. deeds of lease and release.. sum of one seasoned Negro sold 70 A in Parish of Hanover King George County near the Bristol Ironworks & bounded by line of sd Companys Lands in old Field near road side; corner of sd UNDERWOOD’S cornfield; land of Mary TUTT; land of William TUTT; foot of Beverdam hills.. s/Daniel UNDERWOOD, Wits: Isaac ARNOLD, William [x] HARVIE, Original BROWN. Rec. 5 Nov 1736. (Sparacio)
George UNDERWOOD also sold on this date, to Col. John TAYLOE of Richmond Co, VA and the Co. of Bristol, a 70 acre tract of land in Hanover Parish, King George Co, near Bristol Iron Works, adj. "said George UNDERWOOD'S land and that of Mary TUTT (Source to be entered)
By 1742, George and Daniel UNDERWOOD were residing in Orange Co, VA:
6 Aug 1742 (King George DB2:429-431) Whereas [officers of Bristol Ironworks] of the City of Bristol & the Honble. John TAYLOE, Esqr. in Richmond Co. Colony of VA and other Partners some of whom are dead stand Seiz'd of Parcels of land bought of Richard TUTT, John UNDERWOOD, Benjamin JOHNSON and Daniel UNDERWOOD situate in King George County on Rappahannock River computed in the whole 440 A being part of William UNDERWOOD'S patent.. on which lands the Co Partners have Erected one Iron Furnace, a Grist Mill, Coal House, Stables and Divers other Houses .. and the sd Co have come to Resolution to Dispoose of all .. Power of attorney bearing date in City of Bristol 13 May 1741 between John TAYLOE… and auth given him by other partner of one part and Ralph FALKNER and Edward NEAL in the Province of Maryland, John TRIPLETT, Charles EWELL and Nathaniel CHAPMAN of the Colony of Virginia .. in consideration of 225 pounds Sterling money of great Brittain .. hath granted all those Tracts formerly bought by the Iron Mine Company of Bristol.. S/ For Self & Company John TAYLOE; Wits: James RALLINGS, Owen CAMPBELL, Thomas x DUE, Thomas HARPER, William BALLENDINE. Deed of Feeofment together with Livery & Seizen rec. 6 Aug 1742 (Sparacio)
30 Sep/1 Oct 1742 (KG DB2:441-3) Indent. George & Daniel UNDERWOOD’S of county of Orange and John FOX of county of King George of one part and John TRIPLETT of county King George of other part.. deeds of lease & release … sum 130 pds. current money VA sold 200 A bounded .. beg at Fork of the Rappahannock Iron Mine Company’s Waggon Road & extending along the said Road where it crosses ye Reedy Swamp .. lands of the Company .. Francis TRIPLETT & John TRIPLETT their several courses .. Road that leads from the Furnace to the place commonly called the Cross Roads .. the said land being part of a Patent originally granted to Capt. William UNDERWOOD & by several conveyances became in possession of George & Daniel UNDERWOOD & John FOX.. S/Geo:UNDERWOOD, Daniel UNDERWOOD, Wits: John THORNLEY, Henry DRAKE, Wm. LONGMIRE. At a court held 1st Oct 1742 .. Deeds of lease & release recorded & Elizabeth wife of George UNDERWOOD being Solely Examined acknowledged her free consent. (Sparacio)
Except where otherwise noted, all of the following North Carolina records and notes were edited and compiled by Sherrill Underwood Williams:
In 1746, Daniel UNDERWOOD of Orange Co, VA purchased land in Granville County, North Carolina, from which Bute Bute County was created in 1764 (the earliest minutes are missing). Bute County was abolished in 1779 to create Warren and Franklin counties.
Granville Co, NC Deed Book A: p. 5/7. 2 Dec 1746. David PHILLIPS to Daniel UNDERWOOD of Orange County, Virginia; L14, 213 acres on bank of Little Shocco, being part of 640 acres granted to said PHILLIPS April 20, 1745. Wits: Jno. WADE, Will JOHNSON (SUW: Except where otherwise noted, all Granville Co, NC records published by Zoe Hargett Gwynn)
Granville Co, NC Court Minutes: 31 May 1748. Wm. EATON'S petition for erection of a mill on Shoccoe Creek granted, warrant issued to surveyor to lay off two acres of land of Col. Edward MOSELY on opposite side of creek, and Daniel UNDERWOOD, David PHILLIPS and Abraham BLEDSOE apptd. appraisers. (HISTORY AND GENEALOGIES OF OLD GRANVILLE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, 1746-1800, Thomas McAdory Owen)
Granville Co, NC Court Minutes: 6 March 1749/50. The grand jury qualified, Daniel UNDERWOOD, Foreman (HISTORY AND GENEALOGIES OF OLD GRANVILLE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, 1746-1800, Thomas McAdory Owen)
Granville Co, NC Deed Book A: P. 82/83. 30 May 1749. John LILES to James MOSELEY; L10, 200 acres on S side of Little Shocoe Creek at Liles' line, running to UNDERWOOD'S line to JONES' line, patented by said LILES Mar 25, 1749. Wits: none
>Granville Co, NC Deed Book A: p. 84/85. 30 May 1749. Daniel UNDERWOOD to James MOSELEY; L18, 300 acres granted to Daniel UNDERWOOD March 25, 1749 on S side of Shocoe Creek to Edward JONES' line. Catherine, wife of Daniel UNDERWOOD relinquishes her dower right in land. Wits: none givenp.
Granville Co, NC Estate records, p. 27. 16 Nov 1750. Will of Edward JONES Eldest son: Sugar JONES Son: Edward JONES Daughter: Priscilla MACON Daughter: Sarah JONES Daughter: Obedience JONES Son: James JONES - negroes, and all land below Cabin Branch south of Deep Bottom to Dan'l UNDERWOOD'S line, etc. Daughter: Rebecca JONES Son: Rabone JONES Daughter: Abigail JONES Wife: Abigail - legacy for life, then to my five children: Sarah, James, Abigail, Rabone, Obedience JONES. Son: Daniel JONES Exrs: my son Sugar JONES, my son-in-law Gideon MACON, friend Thos. PARKER. Wits: Daniel UNDERWOOD, John MARTIN, John BURT
George and Daniel's land in Orange Co, VA was in that part that became Culpeper County, and in 1750 further evidence of Culpeper to Granville migrations is found in Granville's records:
Granville Co, NC Deed Book A: p. 319/320. 3 Dec 1750. Thomas ZACHREY to John ZACHREY of Culpepper Co, St. Thomas Parish, Virginia; L5, 300 acres on N side of Little Shocco Creek. Wits: John MARTAIN, Geo. UNDERWOOD, Matthias CREWS (CROW). Sophia, wife of Thomas ZACHREY, relinquishes her dower right. (ibid., SUW: The ZACHARY family ends up in Rowan/Surry Co, NC)
Granville Co, NC Deed Book A: p. 333/334. 6 March 1750/1. John MACON to Gideon MACON; L 45, 400 acres in Granville Co. which was granted to John LILES 22 Feb 1749 on both sides of Stonehouse Creek at Hargrave's corner, and also land where the mill stands containing 100 acres. Wits: Wm. JOHNSON, Benj. KIMBALL, Daniel UNDERWOOD.
Granville Co, NC Deed Book B: p. 40/41. 25 Feb 1752. Davis (sic) PHILLIPS to Richard PINNION; L40, 327 acres at PHILLIPS plantation to Daniel UNDERWOOD'S line, beting part of 640 acres granted to David PHILLIPS April 20, 1745. Wits: James BRANTLY, Jno. GIBBS, Shirley WHATLEY.
Granville Co, NC Deed Book B: p. 45/46. 4 March 1752. John DOZER, cooper, to William MOSS, carpenter, 320 acres on S side of Little Creek at Israel ROBERSON'S corner. Wits: John SALLIS, Daniel UNDERWOOD.
Granville Co, NC Deed Book B: P. 145/146. 2 March 1753. James PHILLIPS of Edgecombe Co, NC to Thomas ZACHARY of Granville Co; L10, 100 acres on S side of Little Shocco Creek on Richard TINNELL'S line. Wits: Daniel UNDERWOOD, James and William UNDERWOOD, George UNDERWOOD.
Granville Co, NC Estate records, p. 7. 15 March 1753; probate 1753. Will of Abraham BLEDSOE: Sons: Isaac, Abraham, Thomas and Jacob - 5 shillings each Son: Moses - land and plantation whereon I now dwell Son: Aaron - negro girl Pat; if either of the last two named sons die without heirs, the property to go to my wife and children hereinafter named; Wife: Sarah - remainder of estate for life or widowhood Exrs: Henry THORNTON, and wife, Sarah BLEDSOE Wits: George UNDERWOOD, Richard PINNOLL
Granville Co, NC Deed Book B: p. 199/200. 20 May 1753. William WILLIAMS and wife Elizabeth to Richard YANCEY of Louisa Co, VA; L20, 143 acres on both sides of Jonathan Creek. Wits: Richard HARRIS, George UNDERWOOD.
Granville Co, NC Deed Book B: p. 221/223. 1 July 1753. John MARTIN to John MOSELEY of Cumberland Co, VA; L50, 640 acres in Granville Co which was granted to MARTIN March 25, 1749 on S side of Isenglass Creek on John BRANTLEY'S line. Wits: Phil HAWKINS, Sugar JONES, Benjamin WOODS.
Granville Co, NC Deed Book B: p. 230/231. 28 Aug 1753. Richard PENNELL to Thos. DAVIS for L 25, 230 acres on both sides of Little Shocco Creek in David PHILLIPS line. Wits: William WILLIAMSON, Daniel UNDERWOOD.
Granville Co, NC Deed Book B: p. 279/281. 4 March 1754. Lodowick ALFORD to William MANNARD; L20, 600 acres on Little Creek part in Granville and part in Johnston Cos. NC, which this deed contains 200 acres thereof. Wits: Daniel UNDERWOOD, Thos. WEST
Granville Co, NC Records. Will of Thomas DAVIS, dated 20 Aug 1754; probated 7 March 1758 Wife: Elizabeth - all estate during widowhood Dau: Mary - wife to pay her L8 at age 16 yrs.; remainder of estate to be divided between 4 sons: John, Thomas, Reubin and Richard. Exrs. Wife, Daniel UNDERWOOD, Richard PINNILL Wits: John GIBBS, Thos. COOK, Tho. ZACEE (sic) [must be Zachary] (HISTORY AND GENEALOGIES OF OLD GRANVILLE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, 1746-1800, Thomas McAdory Owen)
1755 Granville Co, NC Tax List
George UNDERWOOD, son James, negro Dick 2 white 1 black total 3
Daniel UNDERWOOD, son Daniel, negro Sam 2 white 1 black total 3
Granville Co, NC Deed Book B: p. 445/446. 5 March 1755. Jonathan WHITE, esq. to Thomas BRADFORD; L10, 292 acres which was granted 3 Oct 1754 to said WHITE. Wits: Jesse PARKER, Wm. UNDERWOOD, George JORDAN.
Granville Co, NC Deed Book B: p.474/475. 21 April 1755. John PHILLIPS to :John GIBBS; L20, 100 acres, being part of the John GIBBS' tract which he had sold John PHILLIPS on William WILLIAMSON'S line. Wits: Daniel UNDERWOOD, Benjamin WARD
Granville Co, NC Deed Book B: p. 524/525. 7 Feb 1756. Thos. ZACHARY to Benjamin WARD; L20, 100 acres on S side of Little Shocco Creek to Richard PINNELL'S line. Wits: Richard PINNOL, George UNDERWOOD, William UNDERWOOD.
Granville Co, NC Deed Book C: p. 6. 2 Feb 1756. Daniel OSHEAL gave to his friend Elizabeth WALKER, both of Granville Co, 346 acres on N side of Little Shocco commonly called Strothers plantation, 40 cattle, 16 sows, and 78 pigs which belong to my home plantation on Great Shocco Creek: Wits: William UNDERWOOD
Granville Co, NC Deed Book C: p.. 89/90. 3 Sept 1756. George UNDERWOOD to Francis STROTHER; L50, 300 acres in Granville Co, on S side of Little Shocco Creek on Thos. ZACHARY'S line. Wits: Jno. WRIGHT, Jos. WRIGHT, Richd. PINNOLL
Granville Co, NC Deed Book C: p. 154/155. 8 Nov 1756. Francis STROTHER of Granville Co to Rev. William MILLER; L20, 300 acres on S side of Little Shocco on Thomas ZACHARY'S line [Elizabeth STROTHER also signs]. Wits: William UNDERWOOD, Williamson SILAS (LILES), Nath. CHAPMAN.
Granville Co, NC Deed Book C: p. 318/320. 5 May 1757. Grant to Samuel HUCKABAY of Granville Co for 275 acres on both sides of Little Shocco in Granville Co, adj line of UNDERWOOD and GANT. Wits: Sugar JONES, Thos. ZACHARY.
Granville Co, NC Records. Will of George ANDERSON, of St John's Parish, Granville Co; dated 6 July 1757; pr. 7 March 1758. Wife: Mary Dau: Eave - land and plantation; if she die, land and planta to George ANDERSON, son of William ANDERSON; remainder of estate to be divided between George ANDERSON, and Elizabeth UNDERWOOD, daughter of John UNDERWOOD Exrs: wife and Osborn JEFFREYS Wits: James BRAZER, Wm. ANDERSON, Tho's SMITH. (HISTORY AND GENEALOGIES OF OLD GRANVILLE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, 1746-1800, Thomas McAdory Owen)
Granville Co, NC Court Minutes: 21 Sept 1758. Pet'n for a road from Trinity Church to Dan'l UNDERWOOD'S path. Referred. (HISTORY AND GENEALOGIES OF OLD GRANVILLE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, 1746-1800, Thomas McAdory Owen)
Granville Co, NC Court Minutes: Same date. Daniel UNDERWOOD ord. to take care of Jno. & Richard DAVIS, orphans of Thomas DAVIS until next Ct. (HISTORY AND GENEALOGIES OF OLD GRANVILLE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, 1746-1800, Thomas McAdory Owen)
Granville Co, NC Court Minutes: 20 Dec 1758. Jno. 14 yrs, Thoms 12, Richard 7 & Mary 5, orphans of Thomas DAVIS dec'd, bound to Daniel UNDERWOOD according to Law. (HISTORY AND GENEALOGIES OF OLD GRANVILLE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, 1746-1800, Thomas McAdory Owen)
Granville Co, NC Deed Book D: p. 24. 1 Nov 1759. James MOSELEY and wife Mary to Thomas COOK; L60, 200 acres in Granville Co on S side of Shocco Creek in William LILES, UNDERWOOD lines, which was granted to John LILES on 25 March 1749 and conveyed to MOSELY 30 May 1749. Wits: none.
Granville Co, NC Deed Book D: p. 27/28. 3 Dec 1759. James MOSELEY and wife Mary to Shurley WHATLEY, Jr.; L30, 300 acres in Granville Co on S side of Shocco at Edward JONES' corner, which was granted to Daniel UNDERWOOD March 25, 1749 and by him conveyed May 30, 1749 to MOSELEY. Wits: none.
Granville Co, NC Deed Book D: p. 138. 12 Dec 1760. Rachel MARTIN to William MARTIN; 5 shillings, 529 acres in Granville Co on S side of Buffalo Creek on LILES and UNDERWOOD lines. Wits. none
Granville Co, NC Deed Book D: p. 185/186. 29 Nov 1760. Grant to Rachel MARTIN, widow, for 529 acres in Granville Co on S side of Buffalow Creek in her own line and UNDERWOOD'S.
Granville Co, NC Deed Book E: p. 30/31. 13 July 1761. Benjamin THOMPSON and wife Elizabeth to John POUND; L50, 100 acres at THOMPSON'S lower corner on SIMMONS' line to mouth of Spring Branch. Wits: James FAIR, DANIEL UNDERWOOD.
Granville Co, NC Records. Estate of Thomas HARRIS. Admin. Bond 13 Feb 1761 - Theophilus GOODWIN, Admn. Sur: Daniel UNDERWOOD, Thomas GOODWIN. (HISTORY AND GENEALOGIES OF OLD GRANVILLE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, 1746-1800, Thomas McAdory Owen)
Granville Co, NC Deed Book E: p. 140/141. 25 July 1761. Grant to Daniel UNDERWOOD for 560 acres in Granville Co, NC on Shocco Creek along HILL'S line, JONES' line.
Granville Co, NC Records. p.76. Henry SHARP (Milly SHARP signs) to Daniel UNDERWOOD. 22 Aug 1762; L200 lawful money of Great Britain - conveys negro boys Sam (9yrs) and Ned (6 yrs). Wits: Wm WILLIAMS Assigned by Daniel UNDERWOOD to Benjamin WARD. Wit: Jn'o UNDERWOOD, Mary WARD (HISTORY AND GENEALOGIES OF OLD GRANVILLE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, 1746-1800, Thomas McAdory Owen)
Granville Co, NC Deed Book F: p. 68/69. 4 Dec 1762. Daniel UNDERWOOD to William HILL; L50, 340 acres on S side of Shocco Creek in lines of Edward JONES, Benjamin WARD, to James JONES' line. Wits: Thomas COOK, Christr. STROTHER, Abraham SMITH.
Granville Co, NC Deed Book F: p. 103. 5 Feb 1763. Daniel UNDERWOOD to Benjamin WARD; L170, 400 acres on Little Shocco Creek at PERSON'S line. Wits: Buckner KIMBAL, Paul PATRICK, Thomas BELL, John DAVIS.
Granville Co, NC Deed Book G: p. 216/217. 26 April 1764. Francis STROTHER to Daniel BARRAE of Southampton Co, VA; L55, 145 acres on N side of Sandy Creek on HAWKINS' line. Wits: Thomas BELL, John UNDERWOOD. [Elizabeth, wife of STROTHER, relinqushed dower]
From "Bute County, North Carolina Minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, 1767-1779, by Brent H. Holcomb, 1988:
p. 1. Court the last Tuesday in Oct 1767. A deed of bargain and sale from Jos: WILLIAMS to John UNDERWOOD for 290 acres dated 24th day of October 1767 proved by oath of John STROTHER.
p. 11 Thursday after second Tuesday in February 1768 Petit jury to wit: Jesse ROLAND, Edward HOLOMAN, Thomas HARTHORN, Joshua INGRAM, John UNDERWOOD, Kador BEST, William SMITH, Thomas PENIL, Charles JOY, David WALKER, Joseph SHEARING, James WHITE.
p. 22. Thursday after second Tuesday in August 1768. Petit jury [includes]: Thomas MOSELEY, John UNDERWOOD
p. 30. Wednesday after the 2nd Tuesday in November 1768 Petit jury [includes] John UNDERWOOD, Francis STROTHER
p. 44. Wednesday after the 2nd Tuesday in May 1769. Petit jury [includes]: John UNDERWOOD
p. 131. 14 February 1772 A deed from John UNDERWOOD to Joseph WILLIAMS was proved by oath of Benjamin HAWKINS a witness thereto and on motion the same is ordered to be Registered.
From "Warren County, North Carolina Records, Volume II, Abstracts of Deed Book A, 1764-1766, Deeds of Colonial Bute County, NC, Compiled by Mary Hinton Kerr:
DB-A, p. 145/146. Lord Granville Grant. Certificate from Tho. CHILD, Special Agent, Lord Granville Office, 5 Dec 1760. Certifies that a grant was issued by him to John UNDERWOOD, 11 March 1760, for 300 acres in Parish of St John, in Granville Co., on SS Buffelow Creek, adj. Jeremiah STROTHER, which grant was delivered to Major William HURST, to be delivered to John UNDERWOOD. Wits: Richd. VIGERS, Will HURST
Granville Co., 12 Dec 1760. Certificate from Will HURST that he delivered the above grant of Tho. CHILD, Esq. to John UNDERWOOD & that it was destroyed by fire when his house burned while he and his wife were away.
Both certificates Ordered Registered, Bute Jan Court 1765, when William JOHNSON, Esq. proved the signatures of Thomas CHILD, Esq., Special Agent for Earl Granville and of the late Williamd HURST, Esq. Ben McCULLOCH CC. Reg. 19 April 1765, Sugan JOHNSON, PR
From "Bute County Record Book No. 1" and recorded as Will Book I, Warren County Registry.:
WB-1, page 68. Admr. Bond in Estate of Robert McKENNIE, dec'd. Thomas BELL, Administrator. Bond, dated 28 April 1767, to Governor William TRYON. Securities: Paul PATRICK, John UNDERWOOD.
WB-A, page 15. Joseph WILLIAMS to John UNDERWOOD. Dated 24 Oct 1767. Sale of livestock, household goods, crops & tools. Mentions Charles LYLES mark. Wits: John STROTHER, Martin WILLIAMS, Joseph WILLIAMS Rec: Oct Ct 1767
From "Warren County, North Carolina Records, Vol II Supplement, Abstracts of Bute Co, N. C. deeds registered in Warren County Deed Books 1,2,3,4,5,6, & 7 (A Supplement to Vol II, Abstracts of DB-A, 1764-1766 & completing Bute Co. deed abstracts), by Mary Hinton Kerr, Jesse Eubank Harris:
Bute Co NC DB-A, page 117. Joseph MONTFORT to Thomas HILL, both of Halifax Co, 26 Dec 1764; for L40 proc. money, 425 acres on Shocco Creek, Fishing Creek, Maple Branch, part of a grant to Edward MOSELY, Sr., dec'd & bought from his heirs……..
DB-1, page 1. 12 Oct 1765. James JONES & Charity, his wife, to Edward JONES, all of Bute Co; L200 VA money, 400 acres on SS Great Shoco Creek, Sheep Bottom, Cabbin Branch, adj. Daniel UNDERWOOD, old line of Edward JONES, all of the land left to James JONES in the will of his father Edward JONES, dec'd. Wits: Nathaniel HENDERSON, William KIMBALL. Reg. 21 Oct 1766.
DB-1, page 130. 22 July 1766. Humphrey BEARDIN & w. Anne to William TABB, all of Bute Co. - 546 acres in Bute Co, Parish of St. Johns on BS Little Shockoe Creek, adj. Joshuway PERRY, Nelam, UNDERWOOD>, HILL, JONES, WHATLEY, GIBS…….etc. Wits: Thomas COOKE, William GREEN. Reg. 24 Nov 1766
DB-1, page 284. 30 August 1766. William TABB and w. Dianna of Bute Co, to George KERR, Merchant, of Surrey Co, VA - 546 acres in Bute Co. on BS Little Shocco Creek adj. PERRY, NELLUMS, UNDERWOOD, HILL, JONES, WHATLEY & GIBBS.
DB-1, page 324. 27 April 1767. John UNDERWOOD & Margaret UNDERWOOD to Charles LILES. 35 pds VA. money (& payment of Quit Rents); 150 acres in Bute Co. on NS Little Bufflow Creek, old line of Liles, the course of the creek to be the bounds. Wits: Joseph WILLIAMS, John STROTHER, Thos. WOOTON. Proved by Joseph WILLIAMS, Bute April Court 1767, Ben McCULLOCH, CC Reg. 5 June 1767, by William JOHNSON, P.R.
SUW: This appears to be the John UNDERWOOD with 300 acre grant in 1760. Might this be John UNDERWOOD and Margaret JACKMAN (d/o Thomas and Hester WRIGHT Jackman of Fauquier Co, VA) who later appear in the records of Surry Co, NC?
Ed. Note: John and Margaret JACKMAN Underwood's daughter, Emelia "Milly" (Amelia) UNDERWOOD, married ca 1784, probably in Wilkes Co, NC, James Ferguson HAMMETT (s/o John and Sarah UNDERWOOD Hammett of Culpeper Co, VA; Surry Co, NC; and Greenville and Spartanburgh Co, NC and gs/o William and Elizabeth (JONES?) Hammett of Richmond, Stafford, Fauquier and Culpeper Cos, VA). William HAMMETT's father, William of Richmond and Stafford, was neighbor to William COMBS (s/o Archdale I) in Richmond Co, VA. Sarah UNDERWOOD Hammett was sister to Thomas UNDERWOOD (married Margaret HAMMETT, sister of John) and George UNDERWOOD (married Sarah UNDERWOOD, d/o John and Margaret JACKMAN Underwood).
DB-1, paged 438. 21 September 1767. Thomas MOSELEY & wife Mary to William KIMBROUGH, all of Bute - 300 a in Bute Co on SS Tarr River & BS Buffalo Creek, adj Francis MABRY. --- Wits: James LOCKETT, Thos. SMITH, Robert MOSELEY (proved by Robert Moseley, Oct Ct 1767).
DB-1, page 445. 24 October 1767. Joseph WILLIAMS to John UNDERWOOD, both of Bute Co; for L75, two [--torn--] on both [--torn--] adj. BROGDON, WOOTAN, Flat Rock Creek, the Fall Branch. Wits: Martin WILIAMS, John STROTHER, Joseph WILLIAMS Proved by John STROTHER, Bute October Ct 1767, Ben McCULLOCh CC Reg: 15 December 1767 by William JOHNSON, P.R.
DB-2, page 10. 15 August 1767. George KERR of Surry Co, VA to James WORTHAM of Brunswick Co, VA ---546 acres in Bute Co on BS Little Shoco Creek adj. Perce, Nelms, UNDERWOOD, HILL, Jones WATLEY & GIBBS………….
DB-2, page 152. 20 October 1767. Joseph WILLIAMS to John STROTHER, both of Bute Co; L30, 100 acres in Bute Co on Flat Rock Creek & up a branch adj. WILLIAMS & WOOTON. Wits: John UNDERWOOD, Moses FUSSELL, Joseph WILLIAMS Proved by John UNDERWOOD, 11 May 1769, before Richard HENDERSON Reg: 7 June 1769
Bute Co NC DB-2, page 228. 6 August 1768. William MOSELEY, Jr., planter & Sarah MOSELEY, to Benjamin MOSELEY, planter, both of Bute Co; for L35 VA money, 150 acres in Bute Co. on SS Buffelow Creek on SS Tarr River adj. William MOSELEY. Wits: Thomas MOSELEY, William CIMBRE, William MOSELEY, Sr. Proved by William CIMBRE, Bute May Court 1769.
DB-3, page 23. 15 February 1769. Thomas COOK to Daniel JONES, both of Bute Co. - 470 acres on BS Linches Creek adj. GOODWIN, HAWKINS & Sugar JONES. Wits: Nathl. HENDERSON, Richard STROTHER.
DB-3, page 24. 17 December 1769. Shurley WHATLEY & wife Mary of Bute co. to John BILBRO of Surry Co, VA; L145, 200 acres in Bute on SS Shocco Creek to Richland Branch, adj. Edward JONES, Shurley WHATLEY, Sr. - being part of the land granted to Daniel UNDERWOOD 25 March 1749, sold to James MOSLEY 30 May 1749, from whom it was bought 3 Dec 1709(sic). Wits: Richard WHATLEY, Wilson WHATLEY. Proved by Wilson WHATLEY Feb Ct 1770.
SUW: I think you will find a Shirley WHATLEY in records of NW South Carolina; also possibly in Georgia.
DB-3, page 74. 15 March 1770. Robert MOSELEY & wife Mary to Osborn JEFFREYS, all of Bute Co.; L65 proc. money, two adjoining tracts in Bute Co south of Tarr River on BS Buffalow Run & where Robert MOSELEY now dwells: (1) 100 acres, the upper part, bought from Thomas SMITH of Buffalow Feb. 14, 1763, having been sold to him 11 Nov 1760 by William MOSELEY who had bought it 11 Mary 1757 from Francis MABRY, being part of a 639 acre grant to him from Earl Granville; (2) 250 acres bought from Thomas PERSON 2 June 1767. Wits: William JEFFREYS, Simon JEFFREYS, William MOSELEY
DB-3, page 213. 6 Feb 1771. John UNDERWOOD to Jenkins DEVINIE, both of Bute Co; L75 proc. money, 150 acres in Bute Co. on SS Buffalo Branch adj. sd UNDERWOOD, William PARK, Thomas WOOTON, LILES & land of Lord Granville. Wits: Thos. BELL, John BLAKE
DB-3, page 336. 6 Nov 1771. Benjamin WARD to his son Richard WARD; for 5 shillings proc. money & affection, Deed of Gift, - two tracts of land: (1) 200 acres on SS Shocco Creek adj. Edward JONES & bought from MOSLY & Robert WALTON, known as St. Johns Church Land & where Richard WARD now lives; (2) 600 acres on SS Shocco Creek adj. UNDERWOOD, LYLES & sd WARD, a Granville grant, by Frans. CORBIN & Joseph BODLEY & wits. by Jno. & Charles LYLES, Sr., Chn Carriers. Wits: William PARK, William ELLIOT. Proved by William ELLIOTT, Bute Ct Nov 1771.
DB-3, page 363. 30 Dec 1771. Abraham SMITH & Rachel his wife of Bute Co. to William C(r)aswick [CROSWICK]; for L32.10, 50 acres in Bute Co. on SS Shocco Creek adj. Benja. Ward & UNDERWOOD, to Underwoods Spring Branch, part of land where William HILL, Sr. now lives. Wits: John BROWN, William ELLIOTT, Thos. COOK
DB-3, page 425. 5 August 1771. John UNDERWOOD to Joseph WILLIAMS, both of Bute Co; L50 VA money, 290 acres in Bute Co. on BS Flat Rock to the falls & by Falls Branch, adj. BROGDON, STROTHER, WOTON. Wits: Charles PETTEGREW, Benjamin HAWKINS, Martin WILLIAMS. Proved by Benjamin HAWKINS, Bute February Court 1772. Reg: 4 May 1772 by Jas. JOHNSON, P.R.
SUW Summary:
It appears that John UNDERWOOD (wife, Margaret) is selling out in early 1770's and is probably John UNDERWOOD of Surry Co, NC will. George UNDERWOOD falls from the records. No mention appears of his "known" son [from tax lists] James UNDERWOOD. The name George UNDERWOOD does appear in Moore Co, NC 1790 census, so that may be remnants of his family. This need further research.
The property line of Daniel UNDERWOOD holds up throughout these deeds. Apparently his property is still in his possession (or of his children) through at least 1772. No mention is made of his death, or of any of his possible heirs. The answers to his family may be found in later, unpublished, Warren Co, NC deeds. However, the 1790 census gives us no clue about the Daniel UNDERWOOD family. Daniel UNDERWOOD is not enumerated on the 1790 North Carolina census. It is possible that the George UNDERWOOD name found in Moore Co, NC actually stems from Daniel UNDERWOOD, as it is not unreasonable that he could have named a son named George. The fact that Daniel UNDERWOOD was born in the early 1720's would only make him be in his 50's in early 1770's. All kinds of possibilities exist as to his (or his family) whereabouts after the above records. So far I have not stumbled on a Daniel UNDERWOOD who seems to qualify as "this" Daniel of Warren Co, NC. Possibly he just died there and his family moved on. The question is, who are they and where did they move. Oh, one thing of interest we did learn from these records: Daniel UNDERWOOD married Catherine "Somebody." Wonder where they married, and who was she?
If someone becomes interested in pursuing this family, I would suggest ordering microfilm of the Warren Co, NC records following the ones above given, from the LDS. I would not be surprised if the George UNDERWOOD of Tory leanings who shows up pre-Rev on the western NC/SC frontier, and even in Washington Co, (NC), TN does not connect to the Daniel/George UNDERWOOD family. He associates with people who go to Wilkes Co, GA eventually. Gerry HILL of Prodigy has collected info on those connections.
Ed Note: George HAMMETT, s/o the above-noted John and Sarah UNDERWOOD Hammett, was a Tory (as was, probably, his father), enlisting in South Carolina, and later catching a ship to Nova Scotia where he eventually died (See Hammett Families re the correspondence between Tory George Hammett and his family).
©2000, Sherrill UNDERWOOD Williams,