![]() |
Richmond > King George, Stafford, Culpeper Cos, VA |
And Father of Twelve
Note: The Primary Resource for this report is Hammett Families, Descendants of John Hammett, Sr. (ca. 1735 - 1822) and Sarah (Underwood) Hammett (ca 1740-1820), Named In Contemporary Family Letters And in Public and Family Records, Compiled by W. Thomas Edwards and Miss Delphine Miller, 1010 Mtn. Crk. Trl., NW, Atlanta, GA 30328. Printed USA, Industrial Printing Service, Inc., Rte 1 Arbor Hill Rd, Canton, GA 30114, hereinafter Hammett Families (Permission to reproduce the letters should be secured from Mrs. Phyllis Hammett Ballou, 1710 Dover Street, Murfreesboro, TN 37130), ©1978, W. Thomas Edwards and Delphine Miller, Permission to reproduce, in all or in part, must be secured from W. Thomas Edwards.) |
William HAMMETT II (William1), born bef 1705, probably in Richmond Co, Virginia, possibly the son of Sarah BROWN(?) Rose(?), died 1777 in Culpeper Co, Virginia. He may have married as many as four times - to (1) Elizabeth (JONES?) by 1725; (2) Mary _____ by 1739, (3) Elizabeth _____ by 1742; and (4) by 1763, possibly in Culpeper, to Catron/Catherine _____.
The earliest record located thus far for an 18th century William HAMMETT in Stafford County, Virginia records is in the summer of 1739:
26 Jun - 10 Jul 1739 (Stafford Co, VA WB M:264-265) An Inventory of the value of the Estate of Natha. SAVAGE Lying in Spotsilvania... items listed and valued... 14.3.3-3/4. Valued June 26th 1739 p Jno. PARRISH William WILLIAMS, John GORDON
An Inventory of the Estate of Nathl. SAVAGE deceased...items listed and valued...3.3 - June 29th: |
Presumably the William HAMMETT above is the same who was recorded with wife, Mary, in Overwharton Parish, Stafford Co, Virginia when they registered the birth of their daughter, Margaret, 10 Feb 1739/40:
Born: HAMMETH, Margaret daughter of William and Mary HAMMETH, February 10, 1739/40 (The Register of Overwharton Parish, Stafford Co, VA, 1723-1758 and Sundry Historical and Genalogical Notes, George Harrison Sanford King, , Fredericksburg, VA, SHP, Easley, SC, 1961) |
The above is the earliest William HAMMETT record in the Overwharton Parish Register of Stafford County, Virginia, pre-dating the record of William and Elizabeth _____ Hammett of Stafford by several years, yet this William HAMMETT has married a Mary, not an Elizabeth, and only two years later, we find William and Elizabeth HAMMETT in the parish records:
Born: HAMMET, Charles son of William and Elizabeth HAMMET, February 4, 1742/3 (ibid.) |
Born: HAMMET, Mary daughter of William and Elizabeth HAMMET, February 4, 1744/5 (ibid.) |
The next record located thus far for William HAMMETT II in Stafford county is in the company of his son, Robert HAMMETT, on 10 Oct 1746 when he recorded the accounts of his deceased son-in-law, Christopher BRODERICK. (See Also Sarah HAMMETT Broderick Cannon):
1745 (Stafford Co. Will Book M, p. 496) 1745. Christopher BRODRICK. To your funerall charges, to going to Orange Court for you, cash paid Mary MARTAIN, John HONEY, pd Cash Thos. TURNNUM from home a box from Rappahannock, Cash paid Mr. SHEDDON, 1 gallon Brandy Contra cash paid by Robet SMITH for sundry old cloaths, by Michael PYKE for a parcell of old cloaths, by Mark CANTON for Books, Robt. HAMMITT for a barrell of corn, John CANNON, by John HOGG . .
Errors excepted p me Willm. HAMMITT At Court held for Stafford County 7ber the 10:th 1746 William HAMMITT Admr. of Chrs. BRODRICK made oath . . admitted to record & Tobo rated @ 10/ p ct. (Stafford Wills, Sparacio) |
The reference to Orange County may indicate that William HAMMETT II'S later holdings in Culpeper County (a descendant county of Orange) may have begun much earlier than expected.
By 27 May 1748, William HAMMETT II had apparently removed to Prince William County where he patented land on Cannon's and Dorrel's Runs:
27 May 1748 (Prince William - NN Pat Bk F:289) William HAMMET of Pr. William Co. 270 A. in said Co. Surv. Mr. George BYRN. Adj. Mr. John SAVAGE dec'd, Cannon's Run, Dorrell's Run, Taylor Brentown Road. 27 May 1748. (Virginia North Neck Land Grants, 1694-1742, compiled by Gertrude E. Gray, GPC 1987, hereinafter NNLG) |
William HAMMETT II may not have moved very far, if at all. The above-described land was on a branch of the Occoquan River, and at it's furthest reaches, it's headwaters, it practically touched the border of Stafford County. Moreover, as will be seen below, this land later became part of Fauquier County, and according to Hammett Families , this land was later sold by William HAMMETT and wife Catron _____ of Fauquier County, Virginia on 6 May 1763. (See Below) Note also the reference to John SAVAGE, undoubtedly kin to Nathan SAVAGE mentioned earlier.
Nevertheless at least one William HAMMETT, probably William II, also still owned property in Stafford County as late as 1758, as is evidenced by his right to participate in poll of that county:
24 Jul 1758 (Stafford VA DBP:181-5) A Poll for Electing Burgesses for the said County Given 24th day of July 1758. [included] William HAMMETT and Will: HAMMETT. (Stafford Deeds 1722-1728/1755-1765, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA) |
Note, however, that although it appears that two William HAMMETTS voted in the above poll, that they were undoubtedly the same individual. Tithables were permitted to vote for more than one candidate. William and Will: HAMMETT appear once on each list, and these polling lists reflect that many of those listed were duplicates.
William HAMMETT II granted several pieces of property during the 1760s-1770s, but apparently not all of the above land given the following record:
16 Feb 1749/50 - 16 Sep 1793 (Prince William - NN Pat Bk. W:224) 16 Sep 1793 William BRONAUGH asne. of William HAMMETT 107 A. (16 Feb 1749/50) in Pr. William Co. on Br. of Cannons Run adj. Said HAMMETT, Robert ASHBY, Jr., William BETHEL, JONES, William HUGHES. (NNLG) |
Thus, less than a year after his original patent, William HAMMETT II had granted 107 acres of it to William BRONAUGH. Also note the presence of William BETHEL, possibly father-in-law of William HAMMETT II'S son, Robert, who married Seth BETHEL on 7 Feb 1748/9 in Overwharton Parish, and see also Capt. John ASHBY, husband of Jane/Jean Combs of Stafford VA), and son of Robert ASHBY, Sr.
The HAMMETT lands are further identified by the following record:
(NN Pat Bk. I:307) 22 Dec. 1777. William LYNN of Fairfax assignee of Robert ASHBY Jr. 282 A in Fauquier Co. Surv. 9 Nov 1743 for Robert ASHBY by George BYRN and Forfeited (Advertisement recorded in Book N). LYNN obtained Deed. Adj. Henry TAYLOR, James PETTERS, Charles COLLSON, Br. Of Dorrell's Run, Cannon's Run, William BETHELL, Jo's WOOD. (NNLG) |
The above deed shows clearly that the land on Dorrell's and Cannon's Runs in Prince William County became part of Fauquier County when it was organized in 1759. However, Dorral's run, even after Fauquier County was organized, still flowed through Prince William where it joined the waters of the Occoquan River. (Question: Is the above Jo's WOOD possibly kin to Peter WOOD who married bef 1776, Mary, daughter of William HAMMETT II?)
WILLIAM HAMMETT II'S land purchases in Culpeper County apparently began long before his removal from Fauquier County, and can be partially measured by the following patent, which is further identified by the second patent below:
(NN Pat Bk. G:353) 29 Jan 1749. William HAMMET of Pr. William Co. 550 A. in Culpeper Co. Surv. Mr. John BAYLIS. Adj. DEWIT & DETHERAGE, by Indian Run, WILLIS, OUTTERBACK. (NNLG Virginia North Neck Land Grants, 1694-1742, compiled by Gertrude E. Gray, GPC, Baltimore, 1987) |
(NN Pat Bk M:75) 18 Oct 1762. William TAPP of Culpeper Co. 311 A. adj. James SPILMAN, Red Oak Mt. In said Co. Surv. Mr. John BAYLIS. Adj. Thomas CORBIN, Indian Run, WILLIS on Mill Run, William HAMMETT. (Virginia North Neck Land Grants, 1694-1742, compiled by Gertrude E. Gray, GPC, Baltimore, 1987) |
Note that the above two patents indicate that it was possible that one or more William HAMMETTS may have removed directly to Culpeper from Dorral's Run when it was still Prince William county, without ever having lived in Fauquier County, organized from Prince William in 1759.
The 1753 Prince William Rent Rolls include William HAMMETT, 2 years due, and in 1754, 3 years due (HF). It is not yet known if this was William HAMMETT II, or his son, William III, and may have been both).
Between 1757 and 1776 William HAMMETT II executed a series of deeds of gift to his children, John HAMMETT, William HAMMETT, Martha (HAMMETT) FARGUSON, Charles HAMMETT, Margaret (HAMMETT) UNDERWOOD, Sarah (HAMMETT Broderick) CANNON, and Mary (HAMMETT) WOOD, most of which identify the grantees as his children, as well as one deed to James MASON, husband of William's granddaughter, Margaret BRODERICK.
William II still resided in Fauquier in 1757 when the land described in the following deed was earlier conveyed by William II to his son, John:
(Culpeper DBD:236) s&r/19 May 1763, John HAMMETT, Culpeper Co., and Sarah, his wife, to John FORGESON of Fauquier Co ... 200 A ... given by William HAMMETT of Fauquier Co. to said John HAMMETT by deed bearing date of 26 July 1757 ... /s/John HAMMETT /s/Sarah "/" HAMMETT. Wit: Thomas UNDERWOOD, William "X" HARRIS. (HF) |
John FORGESON above was the husband of William II's daughter, Martha, and witness Thomas UNDERWOOD was brother to Sarah UNDERWOOD, the wife of John HAMMETT. The above-referenced 1757 deed was either never recorded or has been lost. Without it, John HAMMETT, Sr. would have been technically undocumented as a son of William; however, the deeds to John HAMMETT'S siblings, identified as such in The Nova Scotia Letters clarify that John, too, was a son of William II. In fact, it is probable that sons, Robert, James, Daniel, George and Joseph were also recipients of earlier unrecorded deeds of gift - another reason it will be necessary to trace the land holdings of William HAMMETT II acre by acre - particularly in the case of George who appears to have remained in Culpeper Co, VA for some while after the removal of most of the others.
In 1763, yet another deed was recorded that implies an earlier unrecorded record:
(Culpeper DBD:223) s/20 Apr 1763, r/21 Apr 1763. William HAMMETT, Junr. of Culpeper Co ... to my Father, William HAMMETT, Senr ... 100 A. ...which was formerly given me by my Father, William HAMMETT . . . /s/ William HAMMETT. Wit: Thomas UNDERWOOD, John GAINES. Note: No Release of dower by wife, Rosamond, was recorded (Hammett Families ) |
It is not known if this deed also included the date of the earlier deed; but apparently first John and then William III returned in some fashion, for reasons unknown, land previously given them by their father.
In 1770 a William HAMMITT, was listed on the rent rolls of Fauquier Co, Virginia, in the district of Leeds Manor (Census Index: Colonial America, 1607-1789). It is believed that this was William HAMMETT III who may have returned to Fauquier County, since by 1765, William HAMMETT II was residing in Culpeper Co, too.
On 6 May 1765, William HAMMETT of Culpeper Co, Virginia executed three more deeds of gift to his children:
(Culpeper DBD:627) s/6 May 1765, William HAMMETT, Culpeper Co ... to Charles HAMMETT, same county ... /s/ William HAMMETT Wit: Wm. SMITH, Henry COURTES, Thos UNDERWOOD. At Court, Thursday, 16 May 1765, Indenture ... William HAMMETT to Charles HAMMETT, his son, ... acknowledged ... recorded (Hammett Families) |
(Culpeper DBD:628) s/6 May 1765, r/16 May 1765. William HAMMETT Culpeper Co ... to Margaret UNDERWOOD my daughter, wife of Thomas UNDERWOOD 102-½ A ... /s/ WM. HAMMETT Wit: Wm. SMITH, Charles "C" HAMMETT, Eliabeth "X" COURTES (Hammett Families) |
(Culpeper DBD:629) s/6 May 1765, r/16 May 1765, William HAMMETT of Culpeper Co ... to Sarah CANNON, my daughter and wife of John CANNON ... 102-1/2 A ... /s/ William HAMMETT. Wit: John FORGESON, John HAMMETT, Henry COURTES. (Hammett Families) |
Another question, giving the family migratory patterns of the times, and of the HAMMETT family in particular, would be whether Wm. SMITH above might have been somehow kin to Rosamund SMITH, wife of William HAMMETT III. Henry and Elizabeth COURTES appear in a number of deeds as witnesses, but it is not known if there was a possible relationship between them and the HAMMETTS.
On 19 Oct 1772, William HAMMETT II executed yet another deed of gift, this time 200 A to his daughter, Martha:
(Culpeper DBF:559) s/19 Oct. 1772, r/16 Nov. 1772, William HAMMETT, Senr. of Culpeper Co. ... to my daughter Martha FARGESON ... 200 A ... /s/ William HAMMETT. Wit: Thomas UNDERWOOD, Eli THOMPSON (Hammett Families ) |
According to Hammett Families this deed is for the same 200 A granted to Martha HAMMETT'S husband, John FORGESON by deed dated 19 May 1763 (Culpeper D:223). Witness Thomas UNDERWOOD was the husband of Margaret HAMMETT3, and in Nova Scotia Letter No. 4, dated June 24, 1824, John Ferguson HAMMETT, son of John and Sarah UNDERWOOD Hammett, wrote: "...Aunt Polly [UNDERWOOD] married Eli THOMPSON, Fauquier County, Virginia. I know nothing about them..." (Hammett Families )
Although the above deed made no mention of a wife, nor have any relinquishments of dower been located for any of the earlier deeds, a deed signed by William HAMMETT II less than a month later, included as grantor his wife, Catron a.k.a. Catherine; to wit:
(Culpeper DBF:560) s&r/16 Nov 1772. William HAMMETT and Catherine, his wife, of Culpeper Co. to James MASON, same county ... 100 A /s/ Wm. HAMMETT /s/ Catron [sic] HAMMETT (no marks indicated) Wit.: John FORGESON, Thomas UNDERWOOD. (HF) |
James MASON, the grantee, had married William HAMMETT II'S granddaughter, Mary BRODERICK, daughter of Christopher and Sarah HAMMETT Broderick (Cannon). It is not known, given the brevity of the above abstract, if it was a deed with consideration or a deed of gift. Note: A James MASON was named on the 1771 tax list of Surry Co, North Carolina, who may have been the same as above.
This deed is the only deed in which Catherine a.k.a. Catron is named. A search of Sparacio's indices for Culpeper's deed transcripts through 1790 and will abstracts through 1803, indicate this deed is the only document with Catron's HAMMETT'S name for those time periods.
On 13 Apr 1776, William HAMMETT II signed his last deed of gift, to his daughter, Mary, now wife of Peter WOOD:
(Culpeper DBH:579-80) s/13 Apr 1776. William HAMMET Senr Culpeper Co and Peter WOOD and Mary, his wife, daughter of said William HAMMETT same county I the said William HAMMITT [sic] for natural love and affection which I bear towards my said Daughter Mary WOOD and for sum of Five shillings I the said William HAMMET have given unto said Mary WOOD and her heirs forever One hundred acres of land being part of the tract I now live on and bounded beginning in the line that divides my land and Walter STALLARDS at a red oak running thence South East to four white oaks on the South side of Great Indian Run thence No. to a pine thence South Westerly to a white oak on the Bank of Little Indian Run about One hundred and twenty yards above the Fork thence down the said Fork to a markt red oak saplin in an Island thence a strait course to the Beginning William HAMMETT. Wits: Ellis CANNON, George HAMMIT, John FORGUISON. At Court 21 October 1776, partly proved by oaths of Ellis CANNON and John FORGUISON and ordered certified; at Court 16 Feb 1778, fully proved by oath of George HAMMIT and ordered recorded. (Sparacio) |
Witness Ellis CANNON was the son of John and Sarah HAMMETT (Broderick) Cannon; John FOREGSON the husband of Martha HAMMETT, and George HAMMET believed to have been William II's son, whose oath was not recorded until after his father's death, his estate inventory, entered 19 May 1777 (Culpeper WBB:205) No relinquishment of dower was recorded for the above deed and William II's inventory does not include mention of Catron, she apparently having predeceased him.
Sarah (Broderick, Cannon, Mason) | Robert (Bethel, Brooker, Head, Taylor, Warner) | William (Smith) | John (Brockman, Cockerill, Foster, Haskins, Mason, Park, Tate, Underwood) |
James (Dodd) | Martha (Forgason) | Margaret (Underwood) | Charles |
Mary (Wood) | Daniel | Joseph | George |
Note: Except where documented by the records of Overwharton Parish, we will not attempt to sort out the mothers of William HAMMETT II'S children as yet, but only to list those who are documented (to varying degrees). Also Note: The children are not necessarily listed in birth order, but an estimation of same.
Married: HAMMET, Sarah and Christopher BRODERICK; December 19, 1744 Married: BRODERICK, Sarah and John CANNON, Jul 8, 1745 Born: BRODERICK, Mary daughter of Christopher and Sarah BRODERICK, October 20, 1745 Born: CANNON, Ellis, son of John and Sarah CANNON, January 3, 1748 Born: CANNON, John, son of John CANNON, February 1, 1750 Born: CANNON, Henry, son of John and Sarah CANNON, April 10, 1752 Born: CANNON, William, son of John and Sarah CANNON, July 4, 1754 Born: CANNON, Sarah, daughter of John CANNON, June 9, 1757 (The Register of Overwharton Parish, Stafford Co, VA, 1723-1758 and Sundry Historical and Genealogical Notes, George Harrison Sanford King, Southern Historical Press, Easley, SC, 1961, hereinafter OPR) |
Note that Christopher BRODERICK, first husband of Sarah HAMMETT, has remained a mystery to researchers, in good part due to the 'holes' in Stafford County, Virginia's records; however, the 1745 Stafford County estate account entered by his father-in-law, William HAMMETT II, and including a mention of Orange County, Virginia, may provide additional clues to his ancestry (See William HAMMETT II, 1745, Stafford VA).
Sarah HAMMETT Broderick Cannon is documented as daughter of William HAMMETT II, and wife of John CANNON, by a deed of gift dated 6 May 1765 and recorded ten days later of 102-1/2 acres in Culpeper County, Virginia, from William HAMMETT of Culpeper "to Sarah CANNON, my daughter and wife of John CANNON.
In Nova Scotia Letter No. 1, John HAMMETT, Sr., brother of Sarah HAMMETT (Broderick) Cannon, writes from Spartanburg District, South Carolina, on Feb. 9, 1822, to his son, George in Nova Scotia:
" the next spring which was in 1785 I received a letter [in Burke Co, Georgia] that Thomas UNDERWOOD, George UNDERWOOD, John CANNON, William HAMMETT, Charles and Daniel HAMMETT and all their families had moved out from Virginia and were settled on Pacolet [River] and Fairforest [Creek], near where I had lived " (NSL1, Hammett Families ) [nb: It is believed this letter, which was an old transcription, not a copy of the original, was mistranscribed, and that it should have read, William, our brother, not your brother] |
John CANNON died ca 1787 in Spartansburg Co, SC, at which time Sarah was still living. (Spartanburg WD 1787). Sarah was deceased by 24 Jun 1824 when George HAMMETT, son of John and Sarah UNDERWOOD Hammett, wrote his brother, James Ferguson HAMMETT, that "Aunt Sarah married twice. I don't recollect her first [Christopher BRODERICK], the last John CANNON who moved to this country and are both dead. She had one daughter [Mary BRODERICK] by her first who is Francis MASON'S mother who married [our] Sister Ellender [HAMMETT]. The CANNONS are chiefly on Pacolet." (NSL4, Hammett Families ) Note: Francis MASON'S mother was Mary BRODERICK who married James MASON to whom William HAMMETT II deeded land in 1772.
The Revolutionary War Pension Records of Sarah HAMMETT (Broderick)
Cannon's son, Henry, born 10 Apr 1752, Overwharton
Parish, Stafford, includes the declaration, made 29 Sep 1832 in
Greenville District, South Carolina that he was born 11 Apr 1751
or 52 in Stafford Co, VA & that he had lived in Culpeper Co,
Virginia when he enlisted and that in 1784, he had moved to Spartanburg
District, South Carolina, and later to Greenville District, South
Carolina, where he stated he had lived 22 years. His brother,
Elam CANNON, was mentioned, as was 'a clergyman,'
Ellis CANNON (relationship not stated). (RW Pension File
S8187, White, p. 533) See Also Martha HAMMETT Ferguson
Return to Top of Page
Married: HAMMIT, Robert and Sythe BETHEL, February 7, 1749 Born: HAMMET, William son of Robert and Sith Hammet Nov 14, 1749 (OPR) |
After the birth of William (hereinafter William IV), they are not found in the extant records of the county. (OPR) The only Stafford Co, VA record of Robert HAMMETT, other than the Overwharton Parish Register, that has been located thus far is when he Robert is named in the 1746 estate account of his brother-in-law, Christopher BRODERICK.
Although no deeds have been located whereby William HAMMETT II gifted land to Robert, he is documented as a son by virtue of the following deed:
(Culpeper DBH:534) KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I Robert HAMMET & Sythe HAMET both of the state of Georgia of one part have sold unto Thomas UNDERWOOD his heirs all our right and title of our Father William HAMMETTS Estate both real and personal for Twenty four pounds Ten shillings Sterling Witness our hands this 22nd day of August 1777. Robert [R] HAMMET Sythe [X] HAMMET Test Benjamin THOMPSON George BAGBY, John FORGUSON At a court held for Culpeper County 20th october 1777 This Indenture from Robert HAMMET & Sythe his Wife to Thomas UNDERWOOD was proved and ordered to be recorded. (Deed Abstracts of Culpeper County, Virginia, 1775-1778, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, Virginia, 1988) |
Given the fact that William HAMMETT was believed to have been the father of twelve children, based on the above, his personal estate was valued at over £300, probably considerable at the time (Research in Progress) We do not know yet where this document was signed, but Thomas UNDERWOOD appears to be the husband of Robert's sister, Margaret. Witness John FORGUSON may have been the same who married Martha HAMMETT.
In Nova Scotia Letter No. 4, John Ferguson HAMMETT, son of John and Sarah UNDERWOOD Hammett, wrote on 24 Jun 1824 to his brother, George in Nova Scotia: "By your request, I will give the best information concerning our relations. Father's Uncle Robert, as you know, moved to Georgia and then died and his son Robert also and Edward and I expect William. James was alive not long since. As to the girls I rather think them dead."
Note that John Ferguson refers to Robert as "Father's
Uncle Robert," when in fact, it is believed that John
and Robert were brothers. This may have been simply an
error, or it may serve to open another Pandora's box in the genealogy
of the HAMMETT Family (Research in Progress) (See Also
Descendants of Robert and Seth BETHEL Hammett,
including their eldest child, William HAMMETT IV
who married Martha WARNER, and Greene Co, GA Records).
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(Fauquier DB1:153) 25 Sep 1760. Proprietors' Lease 200 A out of the Manor of Leeds granted to William HAMMETT and wife Rosanna HAMMETT and Nathaniel Jones HAMMETT. (Hammett Families) |
Question: Identity of Nathaniel Jones HAMMETT? Probably William III'S son?
Note: A Nathl. JONES is listed on the 1723 Stafford Co, VA 1723 Rent Roll (Census Index Colonial America, 1607-1789). According to a King footnote in OPR: "Charles CALVERT, Gentleman, (circa 1664-1733) moved from MD to Stafford County and married Mary HOWSON, daughter of Robert HOWSON who possessed a handsome landed estate in the Northern Neck of Virginia. They had two daughters, viz: (1) Anne wife of Thomas PORTER (16??-1740) and Sarah HOWSON wife of Nathaniel JONES (1696-1754). (Ella Foy O'Gorman's Descendants of Virginia Calverts, 1947, pp. 64-5, 68-73.)" (OPR)
William HAMMETT II is later found in the records of both Fauquier and Culpeper Counties with his wife Rosamund and a Nathaniel Jones HAMMETT who is believed to have possibly been their son.
According to Hammett Families James and William Hammett appear several times in the records of Fauquier Co, VA during 1760-1763, mostly in regard to debts; and a Wm. Hammitt is listed on the 1770 Fauquier Co, VA, Leeds Manor Rent Roll. (Census Index Colonial America, 1607-1789)
William HAMMETT III was residing in Culpeper VA at the time of his father's death when on 16 Jun 1777, Walter STALLARD, Senr. and wife, Hannah granted to Wm. HAMMET of Culpeper Co ... 37 A ... running on a line of William HAMMETT, decd ... (Culpeper DBH:454)
This family has not been traced, but apparently also came to South Carolina based on John Sr.'s statement, also in NSL1, that William HAMMETT, presumably his brother, had been among those who removed to Pacolet and Fairforest. (See Sarah HAMMETT (Broderick) Cannon)
William HAMMETT III had apparently removed to Spartanburg, South Carolina by 1790 when he appeared on the 1790 census, page 88 as William HAMMIT, 2 white males 16+, and 3 females. In 1795 William HAMMETT, Senr. and wife, Rosannah [sic] sold land in Spartanburg (Spartanburg DBF:297), and again in 1803 as William and Rosamon HAMMETT. (Spartanburg DBH:352) (Hammett Families )
On 9 Feb 1822 John HAMMETT, Sr. of Spartanburg Co, South Carolina, wrote his son, George, in Nova Scotia Letter 1: "William, your brother is dead," but it is believed John was referring to his own brother, William, since he had definitely died by the 24 of Jun 1824 when John F. HAMMETT, son of John HAMMETT, Sr. wrote his brother, George, in Nova Scotia Letter 4: " Uncle William is dead and as to his family I know nothing about them " Moreover, John's son, William was still alive at the time. (NSL4, Hammett Families ) It is not known whether William HAMMETT died in Spartanburg or if he had moved on before then. Return to Top of Page
Sarah UNDERWOOD was the sister of Thomas UNDERWOOD who married John HAMMETT'S sister, Margaret, and George UNDERWOOD, who married his first cousin, Sallie, daughter of John and Margaret JACKMAN Underwood. (NS 1, Hammett Families) John HAMMETT had removed to Culpeper Co, Virginia by 1757 and it may have been there that he married Sarah that same year, with the deed of gift from his father, William II (Culpeper DBD:236), having been a wedding gift. (Hammett Families)
In 1763, John HAMMETT leased this land to his brother-in-law, John FERGUSON, after whom John had named his second son. (Hammett Families); and in 1765 sold it to FORGASON. At some time after this, some of his family lived "on the Yadkin" in North Carolina near Fisher's Gap (although this may not have included John and his family). In 1771 John HAMMETT appeared as a chain bearer in a survey on the Packlet [Pacolet] River, Spartanburg County, South Carolina. No ownership records have been located, but he referred in his 1822 letter to George to having moved back (from Georgia) to near where he had previously lived."
Both John and his son, George, were British Loyalists, and John HAMMETT, Sr. removed to Burke Co, Georgia for some time during the Revolution, not returning to South Carolina until 1785 upon receiving word that many of his and his wife's family members had removed to Pacolet and Fairforest. (NSL1) By this time, of course, his son, George, was long gone, having shipped out on a British ship for Nova Scotia.
It was not until 1821 that John HAMMETT learned that his eldest son, George, was alive and living in Nova Scotia. The original letter is not extant, but John's reply to his son, dated 9 Feb 1822, Spartanburg, is one that survived, and begins with: "Dear Son and Daughter, I joyfully received your letter dated Oct. 25, 1821 which gave me and all my collection here great joy to hear that you are alive for we have not seen or heard from you for more than 40 years past " (NSL1)
John went on to advise his son that: " I must inform you that your dear mother [Sarah UNDERWOOD] I hope is gone to Heaven. She parted this life the 12th day of Jan. 1820. She got up in the morning and dressed herself and sat down in a chair and died without any complaint "
John and Sarah UNDERWOOD Hammett apparently also lived on the Yadkin River, Surry Co, North Carolina based on the 24 Jun 1824 letter (NSL4) that John F. HAMMETT wrote his brother, George: "Mother's Uncle John [UNDERWOOD] married a woman by the name of JACKMAN whose daughter I married. The most of their children live in Tennessee. There is one at Fisher Gap thirty miles above where we lived on the Yadkin, North Carolina." (Hammett Families )
John UNDERWOOD was listed on 1774 tax lists of Surry Co, NC (not listed in 1771-2 & 1773 missing); and the State Census for NC 1784, lists John UNDERWOOD and John HAMMETT in Wilkes Co, NC. (Hammett Families)
In 1790 John HAMMETT was listed on the census of Spartanburg District, South Carolina, on p. 89, with his brother-in-law, Thomas UNDERWOOD:
HAMMETT, John (Sr.) 2 white males 16+, 1 white male -16, and 3 females. (Hammett Families)
On 9 Feb 1822 John HAMMETT, Sr. wrote
his son, George, in Nova Scotia Letter 1: "I must
inform you that your dear mother (Sarah UNDERWOOD) I hope
is gone to Heaven. She parted this life the 12th day of Jan. 1820.
She got up in the morning and dressed herself and sat down in
a chair and died without any complaint." John HAMMETT
died in October 1822, about eight months after he wrote this letter,
well over 80 years of age. (File No. 1022, Probate Records of
Spartanburg County, South Carolina, Hammett Families)
(See Also Thomas and Margaret HAMMETT Underwood and Daniel
Note: Tom Edwards and Delfina Miller were both descendants
of John and Sarah UNDERWOOD Hammett and their book, The
Hammett Families, contains considerably more information than
that included herein.
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(Fauquier MB 1760-1763) "James and William HAMMETT appear several times, mostly debts" (Hammett Families) This is believed to have been James, husband of Hannah DODD, based on proximity alone, but not yet documented. It is not known if James HAMMETT ever lived in Culpeper Co, Virginia; since according to Hammett Families he was the first of William II's children to remove to South Carolina.
Hammett Families lists James' wife as Hannah _____. The will of Nathaniel DODD of Fauquier names his daughter, Hannah HAMMIT. Nathaniel DODD was the son of John DODD of Richmond Co, VA, whose property was adjacent to that of William HAMMETT I, grandfather of Hannah DODD'S husband, James HAMMETT:
(Fauquier Co, VA Wills) Will of Nathaniel DODD, dated 9 May 1783. Dau Mildred PINKARD; dau Sarah GARNER, to my dau Sarah GARNER'S children; son Allen DODD; son Nathaniel; dau Hannah HAMMIT; son John; dau Elizabeth WILLIAMSON; son Benjamin; dau Mary WHEATLEY; son James; wife Sarah DODD all the remainer ... and after her death the land to be divided, the mansion house and land I give to my son Nathaniel DODD excepting the land purchased of Morgan and Waugh DARNELL his son. I give to my sons James DODD the stills; I will to Nathaniel & James one to each, James to have first choice. ... remainder wife to dispose ... as she think proper ... exors: my beloved wife Sarah, son Nathaniel, son James. wit: Daniel MARR, Martha ALLEN, Paul WILLIAMS. Proved 24 May 1784. (Fauq. Co. Wills 1759-1800; John Gott) |
James HAMMETT, Jr., the first listed child for James and Hannah DODD Hammett, was not born until 1771 according to DODD researchers, thus it is possible that Hannah may have been a second wife and that there was issue from an earlier marriage.
"...James could be the James HAMMETT who appears on the Grand Jury List, 1778, Spartan Division, 96th District, and whose will, dated May 4, 1781, was proved March 9, 1787 - Book 107, Pack 2893, Abbeville District, South Carolina." (Hammett Families ) Note: The source of the Hammett Families for Hannah as first name of James HAMMETT'S wife is unknown, but it may be the James HAMMETT estate records in South Carolina, further documenting that Hannah HAMMETT of Fauquier Co, VA was the same as the wife of James who died in 1787.
James HAMMETT appeared on the Old 96th Dist 1779 tax list. A Thomas HAMMET appeared on the Charleston Dist 1778 and 1780 tax lists, relationship, if any, unknown. (Census Index, Colonial America)
James was old enough to have been the first of the siblings to have removed to South Carolina; and close enough in age to his brother, John, that his was the first of his sibling's deaths mentioned to his son, George when on 9 Feb 1822, John wrote from Spartanburg in Nova Scotia Letter 1: "My brother James is dead."
On 16 Oct 1823, John F. HAMMETT, son of John HAMMETT, Sr. wrote his brother, George, in Nova Scotia Letter 3, "We live 120 miles from Augusta and 30 miles from Uncle James HAMMETT'S old place on Pacolet River." In Nova Scotia Letter No. 4, dated 24 Jun 1824, John Ferguson HAMMETT wrote his brother, George: "Uncle James and wife are dead and his family moved off mostly to Kentucky." (Hammett Families)
In 1790, A Nathaniel HEMMIT, 3-1-1-0-0, was listed on the Spartanburg 96th Dist SC 1790 Census, possibly the son of James and Hannah DODD Hammett, the latter's father having been named Nathaniel, and a Nathaniel being listed as a son by DODD researchers.
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In Nova Scotia Letter No. 4, dated 24 Jun 1824, John Ferguson HAMMETT wrote his brother, George: " Aunt Martha married a man by the name of FERGUSON. I don't know much about them though expect dead. There are some of theirs in Virginia. Fauquier County. One married Peter WOOD, I think Mary. I know nothing about them though expect dead. There are some of theirs in Virginia. Fauquier County "
A Jno. FERGUSON was listed on the 1773
Prince William Co, VA Rent Roll, but it is not known if he was
the same as Martha's husband. (Census Index Colonial America,
1607-1789) The 1787 tax list B of Culpeper Co, Virginia, included
the following:
John FARGASON (2-3-3-3-7) tithed 3, including Jesse
and Elisha FARGUSON (sons?)
John CANNON (1-2-0-3-2)
A second John CANNON (0-0-0-0-2) appeared on the 1787 Culpeper
Tax List A, and it is not yet known which was John CANNON,
husband of Sarah HAMMETT. (1787 Census of Virginia,
Nettie Schreiner-Yantis)
Note: According to Hammett Families , Martha HAMMETT Ferguson named a daughter, Catron, which might indicate that she was a daughter of Catron also; however, she appears to have been older based on the various Culpeper deeds.
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Thomas and Margaret HAMMETT Underwood had removed to South Carolina in 1785. (NSL1) The 1790 Census for Spartanburg District, South Carolina includes on page 89:
HAMMETT, John - 2 white males 16+, 1 white male under 16, and 3 females. UNDERWOOD, Thomas - 4 white males 16+, 1 white male under 16 and 4 females. (Hammett Families) |
The 1800 census lists Margaret as a widow over 45 years of age. (Hammett Families)
On the 24 of Jun 1824 John F. HAMMETT, son of John HAMMETT,
Sr. wrote his brother, George, in Nova Scotia Letter
4: "Aunt Margaret married Uncle Thomas UNDERWOOD,
both dead. Their children are mostly here."
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Charles HAMMETT was listed on the 1790 Census in Spartanburg District South Carolina, page 88:
HERMIT, Charles
3 white males 16+, 4 white males -16, and 4 females.
(Hammett Families
Charles was still alive on the 24 of Jun 1824 when John F. HAMMETT wrote his brother, George, in Nova Scotia Letter 4: "Uncle Charles is still living on Pacolet and the most of his children. His wife died." (HF)
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On the 24 of Jun 1824 John F. HAMMETT wrote his brother, George, in Nova Scotia Letter 4: "One [aunt] married Peter WOOD, I think Mary. I know nothing about them." (Hammett Families) Return to Top of Page
Both an early and a later Daniel HAMMETT are found in the records of St. Paul's Parish (Stafford Co, VA in the early record; and King George in the latter). These HAMMETTS have not been identified, but it is possible that Daniel was named after the earlier Daniel HAMMETT about whom nothing is known other than from the St. Paul's Parish Register.
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xi. Joseph
HAMMETT3 (William2,
William1). On 24 Jun 1824 John F. HAMMETT wrote
his brother, George, in Nova Scotia Letter 4: "There
were two more [Uncles] that I never saw, one dead and the other
I know nothing about, George and Joseph
" (HF)
Although it is not clear as to which brother was dead, no record
has been found as yet for a Joseph HAMMETT, whereas one
George HAMMETT appears to be a probable candidate as a
son of William II. (See Below).
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In his Revolutionary War Pension Application (S8693) George HAMMETT stated he was born 13 Jan 1756 in Fauquier Co, Virginia* and that he lived in Culpeper Co, Virginia at enlistment. George's application also included the information that he had removed after the Revolutionary War to Frederick Co, Virginia, and by 20 Nov 1834 when he made his declaration, he was living in Scioto Co, OH. (White) *Prince William at the time of his birth, but shortly thereafter Fauquier was organized from Prince William.
George HAMMETT is found later in the records of Culpeper in 1779 in the company of his brother-in-law, Peter WOOD:
(Culpeper VA WBB:287) Will of Elizabeth Marshall. dated 17 Apr 1779 and probated 17 May 1779. Names (1) son Wm., (2) dau. Mary McClanahan ("Molly"), (3) son Markham, (4) dau. Margaret Snelling (called "Peggy" in father's will*), (5) g.dau. Eliz., dau. to my son Thos., (6) g.son. Lewis, son to my son Wm., (7) g.son George, (8) g.son Thos., s/o John, (9) g.son Thos. Smith, (10) g.son Wm. Lovell. Wm. Marshall was named as executor and the will was witnessed by Samuel Stallard(?), Peter Wood and Geo. Hammett. (Researcher Ed Kutz) |
What causes the above record to be of particular interest is the company the two men are keeping. The above Elizabeth was neè MARKHAM, the widow of John MARSHALL, who died 1752 in Westmoreland Co, VA (Westmoreland Co VA Wills & Deeds 11, p.419). John and Elizabeth MARKHAM Marshall were near neighbors of William HAMMETT I of Richmond & King George Counties; and it may be significant that the families still lived adjacent to each other in the late 1700s. Given William IV'S marriage to Rosamund SMITH, it may also be of import that two of John and Elizabeth MARKHAM Marshall's daughters married SMITH'S: Sarah MARSHALL married Robert LOVELL, Ann MARSHALL married Augustine SMITH and "Lize" MARSHALL married John SMITH (VA Genealogist Vol. 2 No. 2)
George HAMMETT, No. 17 [or 37?], was also among those named in the "Culpeper County Classes," following an act passed by Virginia's Legislature, while sitting in session between 16 October 1780 and 2 January 1781 (Hening 10:326-327) which called for each county to supply a specific number of men. The act further called for the county militia to be divided into equal units, or classes, and one man to be chosen by lot to serve 'during the war, or for the term of three years.' If the quota was not thus recruited, one man was to be drafted from each class. Culpeper County was responsible for furnishing 106 men. This collection lists all the men in each class and the individual drafted from each. In some cases a trade or physical description of the draftee is given. (Virginia State Library and Archives Special Collections, Entry 227 in Auditor of Public Accounts Inventory (Richmond, 1992)).
George HAMMETT has not been located in the records of Frederick Co, VA; but may be the George HAMMETT found in the neighboring county of Loudoun in 1787 in the company of a MASON:
Loudoun Co, VA, Personal Property Tax List A, 5/14/1787 (partial for this date)
George HAMMITT (0-0-0-0-0)
AB Thompson MASON
(Nettie Schreiner-Yantis' 1787 Census of VA, Loudoun
Co, VA)
The ancestry of the UNDERWOODS of Culpeper who married into the HAMMETT Family has not been researched; however, the relationships of the various UNDERWOOD family members, with the exception of the father and mother of Sarah, Thomas and George UNDERWOOD, is explained in the Nova Scotia Letters, particularly No. 4, dated 24 Jun 1824, from John Ferguson HAMMETT to his brother, George:
" Aunt Margaret [HAMMETT] married Uncle Thomas UNDERWOOD. both dead. Their children are mostly here Mother's Uncle John [UNDERWOOD] married a woman by the name of JACKMAN whose daughter [Amelia "Milley"] I married. The most of their children live in Tennessee. There is one at Fisher Gap (4) thirty miles above where we lived on the Yadkin, North Carolina. Uncle George [UNDERWOOD] married my wife's sister [Sallie] who lives here. Aunt Polly [UNDERWOOD] married Eli THOMPSON, Fauquier County, Virginia. I know nothing about them. Aunt Jennie [UNDERWOOD] married a man by the name of Francis STROTHER. They have lived here but moved to Georgia, from there to the Mississippi " The UNDERWOOD land was near Roaring Gap. John Ferguson HAMMETT, probably in Wilkes Co, NC. (Hammett Families)
The marriage of John UNDERWOOD to Margaret JACKMAN is confirmed by the will of her father:
15 Mar 1776 - 25 Mar 1782 (Fauquier WB1:430) Will of Thomas JACKMAN. To son, Thomas, 130 A, to pay Betty STONE 50 s. for it; to son, Richard, 130 A of Pigmit Bridge tract, he is to pay my daughter, Sarah NEAVILL, 50 s. for it; to son Adam, old plantation, old plantation, he is to pay Margaret UNDERWOOD 50 s. for it; to son, William, 100 A where he now lives; to son, Joseph -----. Daughters: Rebecca SMITH and Hannah SMITH, a slave each. EXRS: sons, Thomas, Richard, Adam JACKMAN. Wits: /Thomas James, John JOHNSON, Henry MOFFETT, Jr. (Fauquier Co, Virginia Wills, Adms & Marriages, King) |
Question: Could Thomas JACKMAN'S daughters, Rebecca and Hannah SMITH have married into the same family as that of Rosamund SMITH who married William HAMMETT III in Stafford?
John UNDERWOOD'S will, dated 1793, proved 1811 in Surry Co, NC, named daughters, Milley and Sallie. (Hammett Families) m Margaret JACKMAN.
"The name of Francis STROTHER appears in the 1820 records of Wilkes County, Georgia. The residence of F. STROTHER is shown on the 1816 Map of "Southern Section of the United States including Florida" by John Melish, in the area which is now northern Alabama, then in the Mississippi Territory." (Hammett Families)
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