![]() | Combs &c. Plats and Warrants of Wilkes Co, GA |
The original images for the Georgia Headright and Bounty Plats from the George Archives are being digitized and placed on the Georgia Secretary of State website.
Original plats of survey for headright and bounty land plats. The documents in this collection are from RG 3-3-26, Surveyor General Headright and Lottery Loose Plat File.
Description provided as follows:
Beginning in 1783 a head of household living in Georgia could be granted 200 acres of land on his own head-right and fifty acres for each additional family member, including slaves, up to 1000 acres. To acquire a land grant, an applicant obtained a warrant of survey from the land court in the county in which he wanted land. The county surveyor then surveyed the land, made a plat of survey, and forwarded a copy of the plat to the Surveyor General to be recorded. The applicant then applied to the Governor’s office for the grant after he paid all office fees. The grant was then issued and recorded.
Below are abstracts of 4 Combs records:
17 Aug. 1784. Georgia, Wilkes County. Combs, Philip, 300 acres. Warrant dated 17 Aug. 1784 for a tract of land in Wilks Co on the waters of Fishing Creek & Upton Creek agreeable to the old lines containing three hundred acres Estwardly [sic] by Lewis POWELL and Westwardly by Michael SMAULEY and all other sides by vacant lands…Certified 17th day of August. Signed Sanders WALKER.
Reverse side of warrant (p.2) shows: Recorded Liber B, folio 29, Liber B, folio 40 #116 by Saml CUSWELL, "Philiip Combs Citizen of this state…" Samuel CUSWELL
The plat diagram shows west bordered by SMALLEY and the water running north to south through the west side of the tract.
(Source: Georgia Headright and Bounty Plats from Georgia Archives, digital image database Georgia's Virtual Vault, Secretary of State of Georgia website, abstracted by Sue Elfving for Combs-Coombs &c)
.SE Notes: According to the description of the collection…“beginning in 1783 a head of household living in Georgia could be granted 200 acres of land on his own head-right and fifty acres for each additional family member, including slaves, up to 1000 acres.”
10 Jan. 1819. Georgia, Wilkes County. Combs John, 442 acres. Plat shows John Combs land 442 acres, bounded on the E by George BANKS land and John FLYNTS, on the S by Widow GARROTS & Josiah FARIS'S land, on the N by Josiah HOLMES land, and on the W by John W WILLIS land, and beginning at an Old Pine
.Warrant from Thos ANDERSON John W COOPER and Obadiah FLOURNOY Esrs. dated 4th January 1819 and Executed 10th January 1819. Recorded and advertised the 8th of March 1819 by John LANDRUM S.W.C.
Chain Carriers: Archibald HARRIS, Mark Combs
Reverse side of warrant (p.2) “John LANDRUM certifies the within platte is a copy of survey made by me for John Combs who resides in this state and same is recorded in my office in Liber A B foli 231 and advertised the 8th of March 1819 which platt & warrant is lost. 7 May 1821. John LANDRUM S.W.C.”
(Source: Georgia Headright and Bounty Plats from Georgia Archives, digital image database Georgia's Virtual Vault, Secretary of State of Georgia website, abstracted by Sue Elfving for Combs-Coombs &c).
SE Note: This number of acres suggest John had an additional 5 members in his household (slaves or otherwise). ALSO note that one Mark Combs was a chain carrier. See Baldwin Co, GA records for Mark Combs.
8 Sept. 1820. Georgia, Wilkes County. Combs Enoch, 54.5/10 acres. Plat diagram shows this tract was bounded on the E by Mathew TALTBOTS land, on the S by Enoch Combs land, on the W by John Combs land, and on the N by BARNETTS lands. Chain Carriers: John JONES, John Combs.
Pursuant to a warrant from land court held in & for said county on 4 Sept. 1820 I have adm??sured unto Enoch Combs who actually resides in this state a tract of land containing 54 & half acres on the waters of Rocky Creek - as the above plat represents. Surveyed & certified 8 Sept. 1820. By John LANDRUM S.W.C.
Reverse side (p.2) Recorded Book A - B. foli 231 this 24 Oct. 1820 Advertised the same
(Source: Georgia Headright and Bounty Plats from Georgia Archives, digital image database Georgia's Virtual Vault, Secretary of State of Georgia website, abstracted by Sue Elfving for Combs-Coombs &c).
15 Aug. 1828. Georgia, Wilkes County. Combs, John 24 acres of land, Water Cedar Creek. By virtue of Land Warrant dated 3 March 1828 from…presiding Justices at a Land Court, I have laid out for and in the name of John Combs who actually resides in this state on his own head right a tract or parcel of land lying and being in state aforesaid, on the waters of Cedar Creek containing 24 acres…as appears by the above plat August 15 1828…Charles H NELSON D. SWC, Caleb SAPPINGTON S.W. Count.
29 January 26th
CC: Helory RUSSEL, Phillip Combs
Plat shows land begins at a red oak and bounded by James WOODRUFF'S on two sides, REVERS land, and MORRISS'S land.
Reverse side (p.2): Recorded in Book E foli 50 on 26 Jan. 1829 and advertised 26 May 1829 by Caleb SAPPINGTON S W C.