![]() | Combs &c. Families of Wilkes Co, Georgia |
*Some records have just been "tossed in here," particularly land records. Additional to be added shortly.
Chronology of Wilkes Co, GA Records (ca 1821-19??)
Note: Early Records of Georgia, Wilkes Co, Grace Gillam Davidson, Vol. 2, JW Burke Co, Macon GA, 1932 will henceforth be referred to as Early Records Also, unless otherwise noted, everything was extracted by Combs Researcher S. C. Hefner.
1821 (Index to the Headright and Bounty Grants of Georgia: 1756-1909. Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr. Vidalia, Georgia: Georgia Genealogical Reprints, 1970.)
Jno COMBS (Wilkes Co. Book N. 5, p. 260) 442 acres
1821 (Early Records
, p 345, Georgia Land Lottery of 1821)
Capt. Beriah REEVES' Dist., GMD 168.
Thomas E. Combs, 1 draw
1822-1824 (Early Records
, p. 188, Wilkes County Records)
Samuel SLATON, deceased. William ROBERTSON,
administrator. Returns for 1822. Paid Thomas GREEN, Sr., for Willis GREEN'S doctor bill, William
Combs money lent the widow. All acounts paid for support of family. Henry C. and
William A. SLATEN, orphans of Samuel, deceased, William Combs, guardian. Board for
1824. Hire of slaves Handy and Esther.
24 Oct 1823 (Early Records
, p. 331, Wilkes County Marriage Records)
William Combs, md. Sarah SLATON.
DK Note: This is William Combs, b 1793/4, d in Chambers Co AL c1866 (I have exact dates for them) He m Sarah EVANS Slayton, widow of Samuel, d/o William & Susannah CLEMENTS Evans, and gd/o Benjamin & Susannah HILL Clements.
Combs Note: Sarah EVANS Slayton Combs' 1st cousin, Rachel CLEMENTS, d/o Benjamin & Mary BAKER Clements, Jr. m Henry Combs, 26 Sep 1788, in Montgomery Co VA. Henry Combs is believed to have been the son of John & Nancy Combs, and gs/o Mason Combs, Sr., d 1785, Surry Co NC.
27 Nov 1823 (The Wilkes County Papers:
1773-1833, recorded in Wilkes GA Book B, fo. 28, 8 May 1826)
Licence [sic], 27 Nov 1823 for Thomas MARLER to marry Marry Ann
Combs. Marriage ceremony was performed, [signed] JN. W. COOPER, J. P., 27 Nov 1823.
Combs Notes: Grace Gillam Davidson's Early Records , gives 1833 date (instead of 1823). Question: Whose daughter? Or is this the widow Mary Combs of 1830?
1824 (Index to the Headright and Bounty Grants of Georgia: 1756-1909. Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr. Vidalia, Georgia: Georgia Genealogical Reprints, 1970.)
Enoch COMBS (Wilkes Co., Grant Book P-5 p. 296) 100 acres
1827 (Early Records
, p. 348, Georgia Land Lottery)
List of persons entitled to draw for service. All served three months, all had one draw.
Capt. Philip Combs, Jr., 9 Feb 1827 [Son of Phillip Combs, Sr.?]
DK Note: Not necessarily Rev. Service: All late wars with Gr. Br. & Indians.
14 Jan 1827 (Early Records
, p. 351, Wilkes County Marriage Records)
Ann Combs married
Greenberry PINKSTON.
Aug 1827 (Early Records
, p. 351,
Wilkes County Marriage Records)
Polly Combs married Felix G. PINKSTON.
Combs Notes: Whose daughters? See Also Felix G. PINKSTON married Amelia HURLEY 21 Dec., 1830 Wilkes Co GA.
7 May 1828 (Early Records
, p. 331)
Thomas E. Combs married Margaret EUDAILY.
6 May 1828 (Early Records
, p. 243)
"Licence, 6 May 1828, for Thomas E. Combs to marry Margaret
EUDLEY [sic]. Marriage ceremony was performed, [signed] Lewis S. BROWN, JIC, 7 May 1828.
Recorded in Book B, fo. 142, 8 Dec 1828."
Combs Notes: Whose son? And has Thomas R. been confused with Thomas E, as in Thomas Eudaly Combs and/or Thomas EUDALY himself of 1829?
1828 (The Wilkes County Papers: 1773 - 1833,
p. 115)
John H. DYSON agent for the free school in Wilkes Co paid the 1828
tuition of the following to John WRIGHT:
children of Elizabeth COMBS
John COMBS, age 9
Elizabeth COMBS, age 14
children of Simon FLUNROY
Simon FLUNROY, age 11
Sarah FLUNROY, age 13
children of Robert MOSS, deceased
Francis Moss, age 9
Carter Moss, age 11
children of Mary CAFFIN
Martha Caffin, age 14
Jesse Caffin, age 17
Anderson Caffin, age 15
Nathan Caffin, age 13
children of James DOROUGH
Martha Dorough, age 11
Harriet Dorough, age 9
James Dorough, age 14
Joshua Dorough, age 13
1829 ("List of children in the 171st Dist. G[eorgia] M[ilitia] entitled to the benefit of the Poor School fund, 1829," Wilkes County [GA] Inferior Court, Miscellaneous Minutes: Distribution of Corn - Overseers of 1800-1867, [Minute book pages unnumbered, microfilm frames unnumbered]; microfilm no. 0214698, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah; extracted by Ann H. Auburg)
Males age Females age Parents
Enoch COMBS 15 Martha COMBS
Asia COMBS [sic] 10 [ditto]
5 Jan 1829 (Early Records , p. 221) Thomas EUDALY, deceased. Thomas R. [sic] Combs appointed administrator 5 Jan., 1829.
05 Jan 1830 (Early Records , p. 341, Wilkes County Marriage Records) Susan Combs married Henry HURLEY, by James DOROUGH, MG.
Combs Notes: Whose daughter?
19 Jan 1830 (Copy of John Combs' Revolutionary War Pension file provided by Gretta Combs and transcribed by Combs Researcher S.C. Hefner who adds that much of the copy was difficult to read.)
State of Georgia
County of Wilkes
On this the nineteenth day of January in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and thirty,
faces personally appeared in open court, before the Justice of the Inferior Court in and
for said county sitting for ordinary purpous [sic] & now in session Jno. Combs,
a resident in said county of Wilkes and State of Georgia aged sixty-nine years ? seventh
day of last September, who haveing been first duly sworn in form of law, doth on his oath
make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress
passed ?th June 1832. That he entered the service of the United States under the following
named officers, & served as herein stated. He first (at about the age of fifteen)
volunteered under Captain William Cooksey in the State of South of Carolina &
(as he thinks) in Fairfield District--He can not recollect the time when he entered
the service under Captain Cooksey but believes it was in 1779 or 1780 & he believes in
the winter season--That he continued in such service as long as six months when he was
taken prisoner of(?) war(?) by the tories. That after he was released from their custody
(the time he can not recollect, but knows it was after the British had taken possession of
Charleston) he was drafted in the same District & State of South Carolina and
witnessed the service under Captain Manis Lisle, and continued in such service for ?
months when he was discharged--That in about three months thereafter he entered the
service again by virtue of a draft under Captain Lisle where he continued to serve for
three months when he was discharged, and that soon thereafter peace was declared. That he
served in South Carolina & (as he thinks) in Fairfield di strict when he entered each
term of Service above mentioned--That during the time he was a volunteer under Captain
Cooksey, he was in rio(?) regular Camp, but carried on an irregular warfare with the
tories until he was taken by them. That during the first service under captain Lisle he
was en camped at Orangeburg, on the Edisto protecting the country from the incursions of
the enemy, the British in Charleston & the tories in the country. That during the time
of his last service he was encamped at the four hole Bridge within about thirty miles of
Charleston. That during his service under Capt. Lisle, Col. David (he thinks) Hopkins was
du? ? of ?air times under Capt. Lisle, Commander of the regiment to which his company was
attached. Applicant cannot say that he was in any regular(underlined) engagement. Neither
can he say that he served with any Continental Regiments, or companies, though he recalls
that during the time that he was encamped at the Four hole bridge, he saw Col. [sic]
Washington's horsemen. that he recollects that Genl. ? ? at Ninety Six about the time of
his Service. He hereby relinques [sic] his every claim whatever to a pension or annuity
except the present, and declares That his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of
any state. and that he has no evidence now acceptable of his service a [sic] Revolutionary
soldier. That there is a witness liveing whose evidence he has endeavored to obtain and
has been unable to succeed. Sworn to and subscribed in open court this day & year
first aforesaid.
John H. Dyson John Combs
Georgia Wilkes County 11th January 1834
We, Joseph A. Carter(?) a clergyman resideing in the county & state aforesaid and
Richeman [or Richesson?] Booker [or Bookes?] resideing in the same place hereby certify
that we are well acquainted with John Combs who has subscribed & sworn to the
above declaration, that we believe him to be sixty-nine years of age, that he is supported
& believed in the neighborhood where he resides, to have been a soldier of the
revolution and that we concur in that opinion.
Sworn to and subscribed this day & year first aforesaid.
R. Booker
Joseph A. Carter
John H. Dyson
The answers of the applicant to the interrogatories propounded by the court is pursuance of the direction [perhaps directives?] given by the War department.
To the first then applicant answers that he was born in AMELIA COUNTY State of VIRGINIA on the SEVENTH day of SEPTEMBER SEVENTEEN HUNDRED & SIXTY FOUR.
To the second he answers that there was a record of his age but he does not know where it now is.
To the third he answers that when called into service he lived in FAIRFIELD DISTRICT SOUTH CAROLINA where he resided until SEVENTEEN HUNDRED and EIGHTY-THREE when he moved into WILKES COUNTY State of GEORGIA where he has resided ever since.
To the fourth he answers that he entered the Service once as a volunteer and twice by virtue of a draft.
To the fifth he answers that he has stated every thing that ?ed he an answer to this interrogatory as fully as he is able, in his above declaration.
To the sixth he says that he reccollects of haveing received no written discharge from the Service.
To the seventh he answers in his present neighborhood he is known to Joseph A. Carter & Richemon Booker & who can testify as to any character for veracity & their belief of any Services as a Soldier of the Revolution.
Sworn to and Subscribed in open court this eleventh day of January 1834.
John H. Dyson
And the Said court do hereby certify & declare their opinion after the investigation
of the matter & after ?ting the interrogatories prescribed by the war department; that
the above named applicant was a revolutionary soldier and served as he states. And the
court further certifies that it appears to them that Joseph A. Carter who has signed the
preceeding certificate is a clergyman resident in the county of Wilkes and that Richemon
Booker who has also signed the same is a resident of the same county & is a creditable
person, and that their statement is entitled to credit.
Lewis S. Brown
Thos. Anderson
William Killgore
Richard J. Willis
Indecipherable name
Georgia, Wilkes County
I, John H. Dyson, Clerk of court of ordinary in and for the county of Wilkes State of
Georgia, do hereby certify that the foregoing contains the original proceedings of the law
court in the matter of the application of John Combs for a pension.
?? whereof?
?? of office
this ?th day of February 1834
John H. Dyson
Washington Feb 14th 1834
I now transmit you the application of John Combs carried according to your
instructions. Will you have it attended to as early as possible as the applicant is in
great want--We have several applications that have been in ? office for months, almost
years, from which we have heard nothing. Such as Pas? TRUITT, and others, --We are very
anxious to know the result of these applications, particularly Mr. TRUITT'S as we think
his is unobjectionable--
Regretfully ?,
Andrew ? Chandler
SCH Note: The copy of the following looks as if the original was actually two rather thin pieces of paper taped together. On the left hand side appears a round blurry object (perhaps a stamp or seal) and the words "Date of death not on A.B." Does anyone know what "A.B." means?
Right hand side:
Georgia 23.832
John Combs of Wilkes in the State of Ga: who was a pr. in the company commanded by
Captian Cooksey of the _____ commanded by _____ _____ in the So Car line(?) for 1 year.
Inscribed on the Roll of Georgia at the rate of 40. Dollars _____ Cents per annum to
commence on the 4th day of March, 1834.
Certificate of Pension issued the 10 day of Apl. 34 [undecipherable area]
and Sisk(?), Andrews & Chandler, Washington, GA.
Amount to the 4th of March 34 120
? allowance ending 4 Sept. 20 $140
Revolutionary Claim As of June 7, 1832
Recorded by ? ?ice Clerk
Book C Vol. 6 Page 87
SCH Note: The blanks are actually blank. The next page shows another copy of what seems to be two thin pages. The left side is blank. The right says:
Earned as private / 12 mo $40
Andrews & Chandler
September 16, 1935
[name omitted by transcriber]
Washington, Georgia
John Combs
S. 31626
Dear Madam:
Reference is made to your letter in which you request information regarding John Combs and Philip Combs, both residents of Wilkes County, Georgia, in 1832 and 1841.
Revolutionary War data furnished by this office are obtained from claims for pension and bounty land which have been made to the United States based upon service in that war.
There is no claim for pension or bounty land on file based upon service in that war of a Philip COOMBS, under any spelling of that surname. The record of John Combs is given herein as found in the papers on file in his claim for pension, S. 31626, based upon his service in that war.
John Combs was born September 7, 1764 in Amelia County, Virginia; the names of his parents are not shown.
While a resident of Fairfield District, South Carolina, he enlisted in the winter 1779-1780, served six months as a private in Captain William COOKSEY'S South Carolina company, was taken prisoner by the Tories and was released sometime after the the [sic] British took possession of Charleston, South Carolina; after that, he enlisted and served three months as a private in Captain Manis LISLE'S company, Colonel HOPKINS' South Carolina regiment, stationed near Orangeburgh; subsequently, he enlisted and served another tour of three months in Captain Manis LISLE'S company, during which service he was stationed Four Holes Bridge.
The soldier moved from Fairfield District, South Carolina, in 1783, to Wilkes County, Georgia.
He was allowed pension on his application executed January 13, 1834, at which time he resided in Wilkes County, Georgia. He had continued to reside in that county ever since 1783.
John Combs made no reference to wife or children.
Very truly yours,
A.D. HILLER EXECUTIVE Assistant to the Administrator
SCH Note: See also Joseph A. CARTER who m Thomas and Lucinda GILBERT Combs on 25 December 1831 in Wilkes County. Also note (1) the Combs-Booker Families in reference to Amelia Co, VA; (2) the Combs-Mabry Families of Fairfield District, South Carolina; and John & Sarah MABRY Combs of Jefferson Co, TN, with this latter John Combs having had brothers who came to Georgia (See Carlton Combs Letter).
1830 (The Wilkes County Papers: 1773-1833, p. 119)
The Trustee of the Poor school fund of Wilkes County paid 1830 tuition to DARLING PURHAM for:
William WEAVER
Thomas WILLS
Enoch Combs
Asa Combs
1830 (p. 121)
John H. DYSON Trustee paid 1830 tuition to Andrew HULING for:
Elizabeth Combs daughter
Mary, age 9
Simon FLOURNOY children
Simon, age 11
Sarah, age 9
James SANAFORD daughter
Mary, age 9
Note: I think that Simon and Sarah "Flournoy" are the same as the Simon and Sarah "Flunroy" in the 1828 list. However, if so, their ages must be incorrect in one list or the other.
1830? 1831? (p. 121)
List of children of the 176th District entitled to the benefit of the poor school fund:
Children of Augustus W. FLYNT
John B. Flynt, age 11
Wm. Jasper Flynt, age 9
Orphans of John W. WILLIS, deceased
Ausker Willis, age 17
Francis Willis, age 15
Mary Willis, age 10
Edney Willis, age 8
Orphans of Wm. LITTLETON, deceased
Matilda Littleton, age 10
Children of Isaac McCRARY
Frances Edney McCrary, age 7
Children of Enoch Combs [related to the Enoch Combs in the 1830 list?]
Abagail Combs, age 10
SC Note: The date for the above must have been on the preceding page which I didn't copy. However, I think that it is probably 1830 because towards the bottom of the same page is a list for the 1831 tuition: Francis WILLIS, Mary WILLIS, Edney WILLIS, Jasper FLYNT, Matilda LITTLETON, and Wm. LITTLETON.
p. 289
JOHNSON, Stephen A.
p. 308
JOHNSON, Stephen
Wilkes City
p. 309
Phillip Combs
1 m 5-10; 1 m 30-40
1 f < 5; 2 f 5-10;, 1 f 10-15; 1 f 20-30
John Combs
1 m 30-40
1 f 60-70
p. 313
Mary Combs
1 m 10-15
1 f 5-10; 1 f 15-20; 1 f 30-40
p. 315
Patsy Combs
1 m 5-10; 1 m 10-15; 1 m 20-30)
1 f 5-10; 1 f 15-20; 1 f 20-30; 1 f 50-60)
p. 321
Phillip Combs 1 m 10-15; 1 m 15-20; 1 m 20-30; 1 m 50-60)
1 f < 5; 1 f 10-15; 2 f 15-20; 2 f 20-30; 1 f 30-40; 1 f 50-60; [smudged] 1 f 80-90; [smudged] 1 f 90-100)
Enoch Combs 1 m under 5; 1 m 40-50)
1 f 10-15; 3 f 15-20; 1 f 40-50; [smudged] 1 f 90-100)
21 Dec 1830 (Early Records , p. 351) Felix G. PINKSTON married Amelia HURLEY.
Combs Note: See Felix G. PINKSTON m to Polly Combs Aug 1827, Wilkes Co GA. The same?
1831 (p. 121) Trustee of the Poor School fund of Wilkes County paid 1831 tuition to William COX for:
Lucinda Combs
Charles WALKER
Zechariah BRADY
Edward McCARNE
Rozeann McCARNE
James BELL
1831 (p. 123)
Trustee of the Poor School Fund of Wilkes Co. paid 1831 tuition to Stephen W. HOOD for:
Ann COFER, daughter of same, age 12
John COFER, son of Thos. COFER, age 14
Elizabeth Combs, orphan of (blank) Combs, age 10
Mary SANDFORD, daughter of (blank) SANDFORD, age 8 [the blank should probably read
"James"-see "Mary Sanaford" on the 1831 list]
Wm. COATS, son of Calvin COATS, age 15
Sarah COATS, daughter of same, age 13
Jesse COATS (blank) , age 11
Joshua TAYLOR, son of Jordon TAYLOR, age 10
John TAYLOR, son of Jordon TAYLOR, age 8
Anderson CHAFIN, orphan of CHAFIN died [sic], ages 10-16
Nathan CHAFIN [SC Note: Could this be the same child as "Nathan Caffin" found on
the 1828 list? The age is correct.]
01 Jan 1831 (Early Records , p. 210, Wilkes County Estate Records) Zachariah Combs, deceased. Henry ROSE appointed administrator, 1 Jan., 1831.
01 Jan 1831 (Early Records , p. 243) Combs, Zachariah- dec'd. Henry ROSE app. admr, 1 Jan 1831.
Notes: This is apparently Zachariah Combs who m Mary ROSE 19 Dec 1819, Wilkes Co GA, listed as a minor in the land lottery that same year. Whose son?
11 Jan 1831 (Early Records , p. 210) Thomas Eudaily Combs, deceased. James DOROUGH appointed administrator 11 Jan., 1831. Returns for 1831, paid Margaret Combs, $30.00.
11 Jan 1831 (Early Records ) Combs, Thomas Eudaly- dec'd. Jas. DOROUGH app admr, 11 Jan 1831. Returns for 1831, paid Margaret Combs $30.00.
Note: In 1828, James DOROUGH'S children attended the free school with the children of Elizabeth Combs.
07 Mar 1831 (Early Records , p. 221) Thomas EUDALY, deceased. James DOROUGH appointed admr. debonis non 7 Mar., 1831. Returns for 1831 paid Dr. John L. WINGFIELD and Dr. James T. HAY. Tuition of William EUDALY, minor paid Darling PARHAM, 1831.
Note: Neither Thomas Eudaily Combs, nor Thomas EUDALY has been identified. It is possible that the second record above is a mis-transcription. See also the 1832 Land Lottery listing below for Margaret Combs & Thomas Eudaily [Combs?], orphan. It appears that Thomas R. [sic] Combs may have been the Thomas E. Combs who m Margaret EUDALY in 1828, was named administrator of est. of Thomas EUDALY in 1829, then died himself causing James DOROUGH (the same who m them?) to assume administration of both estates?
18 Apr 1831 (Early Records , p. 355, Wilkes County Marriage Records) Emily Combs married Wilkinson SMALLWOOD
DK Note: Emily Combs Smallwood, d/o John & Martha "Patsy" HAMMOCK Combs, m. 2 James RUNNELS (His source for ancestry of Emily Combs not known)
25 Dec 1831 (Early Records , p. 338, Wilkes County Marriage Records) Lucinda Combs m. Thomas GILBERT, by J. A. CARTER, M. G.
Combs Question: Whose daughter?
1832 (Early Records
, p. 353, Georgia Gold Lottery)
Registrants of Capt. LUNCEFORD'S District.
Margaret Combs, wid., 1 draw [Widow of Thomas Eudaly Combs?]
Eudaly, Thomas, orph. of, 1 draw [s/o Thomas Eudaly Combs or Thomas EUDALY?]
Thomas R. Combs, orph. of, 1 draw
[skip 4]
Terry RUNNELS, 1 draw
Terry RUNNELS sol., 1 draw
Israel, Jr.; Elisha; Michael HINDSMAN
[skip 3]
William B. EVANS, 2 draws
[skip 11]
Patsy Combs, wid., 1 draw [Martha HAMMOCK, widow of John
Combs who d when?]
John Combs, orph. of, 1 draw [s/o John & Martha HAMMOCK
Enoch Combs, 1 draw
[skip 4]
Mary Combs, wid., 1 draw [Mary ROSE COMBS? widow of
Zachariah, d. 1821]
Thomas Combs, orph. of, 1 draw [son of whom? Widow Mary
Combs' son?]
DK Notes: William B. EVANS was William Bennett EVANS. Among the other names that may be significant in this district are: BATES, EVANS, HENDERSON, AND HAMMACK. General area would appear to be Kettle Creek. James HAMMETT and FRANCIS F. HAMMETT are also shown.
Ed Note: From a second source, is added Phillip F. Combs of the 174th, and additional detail:
1832 (The 1832 Land Lottery of Georgia)
p. 129 13th district, 2nd section. Wilkes County. #13 Margaret Combs, w.,
p. 137 14th district, 2nd section. Wilkes County #42 Mary Combs, w., Lunceford's
p. 401 14th district, 4th section. Wilkes County* #219 Philip F. Combs, 174th
Note: * means granted previous to first day of January 1838. w. means widow. These were 40 and 60 acre lots.
13 Sep 1832 (Early Records , p. 331, Wilkes County Marriage Records) Philip F. Combs married Sarah Ann GARRETT, with H. L. EMBRY, M. G.
Combs Notes: See 1892 and 1895 Wilkes Co GA obituaries below
27 Oct 1832 (Early Records
, p. 342, Wilkes County Marriage Records)
Dasey Combs married Anselm S. JACKSON
Combs Notes: S.C. Hefner adds that another published source of Wilkes Co, GA marriage records shows the spelling as Daisy, not Dasey. Also note that Daisy was a common nickname for Margaret. Rather than the above being a daughter, could she have been Margaret, widow of Thomas Eudaly Combs? (Again, we are hampered by not yet having the census records.)
1835 (Georgia Pension Roll of 1835) Georgia Pension Roll. John Combs, Wilkes County. Private, South Carolina Militia. $40 Annual Allowance, $120 amount received. April 10, 1834, Pension Started. Age 69.
Notes: By 1840, RW John Combs was in Cobb Co GA where he d in 1850.
1835 (Early Records
, p. 111)
A.H. GIBSON Correspondence. Two letters of George Combs and S.T.
Combs to A.H. GIBSON, Augusta, 1835 about business matters and one letter of Charles
WILLIS to A.H. GIBSON, 7 Apr 1835 about business.
Note: "S. T." is possibly Sterling Thomas Combs.
Phillip Combs, Sr. of Wilkes Co GA was deceased by 1836 and the following Estate Accounts, administered by Phillip Combs, Jr., serve to help identify his descendants. All the entries in the following section came from p. 210 of Early Records...
06 Dec 1836 Estate of Phillip Combs, Sr., decd. Martha JACKSON'S receipt for money, Walnut chest, etc., collected from Robert B. WASHINGTON as part of her share, 6 Dec., 1836.
1836 (Georgia Legislative Documents; Content of Act / Resolution; Vol. 1, p. 258; Sequential Number 159; Type: An Act)
Full Title: For the incorporation of the Savannah and Augusta Steam Boat Company.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the following persons, viz; Samuel B. Parkman, William Duncan, Henry Harper, J&W Harper, J.P. King, G. B. Cumming, Benj. Burrough, Edw'd Padelford, Padelford Fay & Co., Adams and Burroughs, Saml D. Corbitt, Dannn'l Kirkpatrick and John S. COMBS and their and assigns, be, and they are hereby created and made a corporation and body politic, by the name and style of "The President, Directors and Company, of the Savannah and Augusta Steam Boat Company," and by that name and style, shall be, and are hereby made able and capable in law, to have, purchase, receive, possess, enjoy and retain to them and their successors, lands, rents, tenements, hereditaments, goods, chattels, and effects of what kind, nature or quality soever to an amount not exceeding the capital of said corporation at the time of hold such property
26 Feb 1838 Estate of Phillip Combs, Sr., decd. Receipt of William, Jane and Nancy HAMMOCK and Marth [Martha] Combs of Wilkes Co., for their share, except part of land in Telfair County [GA], 26 Feb., 1838.
DK Note: Martha "Patsy" HAMMOCK Combs was the d/o Robert & Nancy Combs Hammock.
Combs Question: Were William, Jane and Nancy HAMMOCK the children of Robert & Nancy Combs Hammock also? Who was Martha Combs?
08 Mar 1838 Estate of Phillip Combs, Sr., decd. Receipt of Daniel C. JACKSON for Martha JACKSON'S share 8 Mar., 1838.
Combs Questions: Who was James WOODROOF? Basis for his share? and Martha JACKSON? Basis for their shares?
24 Mar 1838 Estate of Phillip Combs, Sr., decd. Pamelia, Jane and Mary Ann and Pamelia Combs, guardian of Franklin Combs, Putnam Co., GA, power of attorney to William Combs of this state to receive from Philip Combs, administrator of Philip Combs, Sr., deceased, of Wilkes Co., GA, all we are due as legatees, 24 Mar., 1838.
02 Apr 1838 Estate of Phillip Combs, Sr., decd. Pamelia Combs of Putnam Co., GA, guardian of Francis Combs, orphan in right of his father James Combs, deceased, power of attorney to William Combs for the same purpose of said orphan Francis, son of James Combs, deceased, 2 April, 1838.
Combs Notes: One James Combs, the h/o Mildred "Millie," signed his will in 1814, proved 1818; thus his son, Francis Combs, was b bef 1815, and at least 23 years of age by the time of the above record. Unless his son, Francis, was disabled in some way, it does not seem likely that the above Francis was the same. Also note that Pamelia may have submitted the second power of attorney due to the name Franklin having been in error on the first power of attorney. Pamelia Combs, widow of James Combs, is listed under the 1830 Census index of Eatonton, Putnam Co GA, p. 218, as Permelia Combs. She is apparently the same who died testate c1843, probably in Putnam, naming daughters, Jane and Mary Combs; son, William P. Combs; and granddaughter, Sarah J. Combs. Who was the William Combs given power of attorney for the orphans of James Combs?
05 Jun 1838 Estate of Phillip Combs, Sr., decd. Jas. WOODROOFS [sic] receipt for his distributive share.
Combs Questions: Who was James WOODROOF? Basis for his share?
8 Aug 1838 Estate of Phillip Combs, Sr., decd. Receipt of William HAMMOCK and Daniel LEE to Philip Combs for $42.00 for the heirs of Nancy HAMMOCK, 8 Aug., 1838.
DK Note: Nancy HAMMOCK was neè Combs, the d/o Phillip Combs, Sr., and w/o Robert HAMMOCK
08 Aug 1838 Estate of Phillip Combs, Sr., decd. William HAMMOCK's receipt for his share, 8 Aug., 1838.
(partial, transcribed by S. C. Hefner)
176th District
p. 251
John Combs [perhaps Jr.? - can't read] 1 m 70-80)
"John Combs, Rev. Sold., was still living in 1840, when in the Census of Revolutionary Pensioners he was shown as age 78 (b. ca 1762), living in Wilkes Co., GA, in the household of John Combs, Jr."
Notes: If John Combs, Jr., was the son of John Combs Sr., this would mean that John Combs (b 1764) could not be the father of John Combs who m. 1811 Martha "Patsy" HAMMOCK, as that John Combs was deceased by the time of the 1832 land lottery (in actual fact died between 1820 and 1830).
1844 - 1855 (Early Georgia Wills and Settlements of Estates Wilkes County. by Sarah Quinn Smith. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1983. "Wilkes County Wills: 1830-1860", p. 233. Extracted by Katherine C. Bray.)
ROSE, Catherine. Sept 7, 1844; July 13, 1855. To my Father Henry ROSE. To Mother Elizabeth ROSE. To nephew James H. COMBS. To brother-in-law Thomas H. MARLOW. To sister Ann MARLOW. To nieces Sarah J. MARLOW and Catherine R. MARLOW. To nephew John T. MARLOW. Exr: My Father, Henry ROSE. Wit: James W. DYSON, John D. COOPER.
Birdie McNutt Note: (Scr: CD151 1791-1809 U.S.
CENSUS INDEXES & TAX LISTS; MID-ATL., S., MID-WWW. Automated Archives Inc, ©1993)
The ROSE family is found in Franklin
County, Georgia Tax Lists as listed:
H. ROSE 1800, Henry ROSE 1802, Thomas ROSE 1807, Henery ROSSE 1807, Henry ROSSE
1807; _____ ROSE 1808, Henry ROSE 1808.
They also appear in the Wilkes Co., NC 1800
census, along with several other families of interest (some found formerly of
Amelia, Halifax, Chesterfield & Henrico Co., VA):
John MARLOW, George COMBS, James COMBS, William DISON, James JOHNSON, Randolph
S. C. Hefner Note: See also 1831 when Henry Rose is appointed executor of Zachariah COMBS's will and 19 Dec 1819 when Zachariah Combs married Mary ROSE.
(transcribed by S. C. Hefner)
p. 294
86-86 P. F. COMBS 39 Male farmer GA
Sarah 37 Ga
Elizabeth 15 GA
William 12 GA
George 10 GA
John 8 GA
Thomas 6 GA
Ann 4 GA
Lucy 2 GA
Infant 4/12 Female GA
Notes: (from Katherine C. Bray) "P. F." is "Philip Fowler" who maried Sarah GARRARD. Elizabeth later married George HYMAN. George COMBS served in CSA. John was killed at Ft. Gregg, VA in 1865. "Thomas" is "James Thomas." Nancy Ann married Robert CHAPMAN.
87/87 Elizabeth COMBS 72 GA
Jeremiah 44 GA
Nancy 2(?) GA
Notes: (from Katherine C. Bray) Elizabeth Combs is probably Elizabeth EIDSON COMBS, the widow of Philip COMBS.
p. 303
213/213 Willis R. DOROUGH 38 GA
Elizabeth 28 GA
Martha Ann 12 GA
Mary C. 10 GA
Sarah S. 7 GA
James E. 4 GA
Elizabeth D. 2 GA
Harriet 1/12 GA
Mary COMBS 60 GA
John ?WART 13 GA
p. 309
307/307 Mary COMBS 30 GA
Henry 11 GA
Wm. F. 9 GA
Lucy 7 GA
Sarah 5 GA
p. 323
**/544 Mary W. MARLOR 37(?) NC(?)
Sarah J. 20 Ga
Catharine R. 18 GA
John T. 17 GA
James H. COMBS 30 GA
Note: James H. COMBS appears to have been the child of Zachariah and Mary ROSE COMBS.
Undated (Early Records
, p. 316)
Thomas Combs [a lawyer?] signs "Recommendation
of members of the Bar to enforce the law requiring practitioners of law to appear
at the Bar in black silk surplus or gown."
Combs Question: Which Thomas Combs & when?
(transcribed by S. C. Hefner)
p. 810
in the household of Patrick J. BARNETT
George P. COMBS 21 Farm Laborer GA
p. 813
309-309 Mary A. COMBS 43 NC
Mary L. 14 GA
Sarah L. 13 GA
Notes: (from Katherine C. Bray) Sarah married William Henry MARTIN.
310-310 Jerry B. COMBS 54 GA
Nancy 33 GA
Sarah MARLOW 60
311-311 Philip F. COMBS 49 GA
Sarah G. 47 GA
John A. 19 GA
James T. 17 GA
Ann Joyer 15 GA
Lucy Jane 13 GA
Charles E. 11 GA
Gabriella 8 GA
Philip N. 5 GA
Mary M. 2 GA
Notes: (from Katherine C. Bray) Charles married Lucy E. GARRARD. Gabriella married Wylie Thomas CORBIN. Philip Norman married Carried Davis CORBIN. Mary married John COMBS COOPER.
p. 815
324-324 in the household of Daniel Fouche(?)
W. W. COMBS 23 Farm Laborer GA
Note: (from Katherine C. Bray) Daniel FOUCHE was married to an Elizabeth COMBS. W. W. COMBS is, therefore, possibly her brother.
p. 847
Mary A. JONES 80 Maryland
Mary E. COMBS 51 GA
(1864 Census for Re-organizing the Georgia Militia. Abstracted and compiled by Nancy J. Cornell. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2000. Extracted by S. C. Hefner)
29th Senatorial District, 174th Militia District
COMBS, J. R., 58 yrs., 11 mos., Planter, b. Georiga, Exemption: Spasms
COMBS, P. F., 52 yrs., 11 mos., Planter, b. Georgia
Note: "J. R. Combs" is probably the "Jerry B. Combs" found in the 1860 Census.
4 Mar 1876 (Southern Christian Advocate, Augusta, GA. Obituary, submitted by Clement A. Evans)
Mrs. Sarah Garland EVE, daughter of Sterling Combs and Mildred WINGFIELD, and wife of Dr. Joseph A. EVE,
was b. in Jackson Co GA June 6th, 1811; and died in Augusta, Ga,
March 4th, 1876. Her parents were Virginians, who had quite early in
life removed to Georgia. The father after residing in Jackson county many years,
closed his long life of nearly eighty years at the house of Dr. EVE, June 15,
1847, the mother having died about nine years before. One of the daughters became
the wife of Mr. ANDREW, a young Methodist itinerant, who later became Bishop
Andres. On the first of April 1833, the daughter was joined in happy marriage
to Dr. Joseph A. EVEN [?] in Augusta. God blessed the union with eleven children,
eight of whom survive their mother.
(Extracted from Family Search's "1880 United States Census" CD by DHK)
District 179
p. 228B
Wesley P. COMBS M M W 43 GA GA GA farmer
Martha J. Wife F M W 39 GA GA GA keeping house
Joseph W. Son M S W 19 GA GA GA farm laborer
Frances B. Dau F S W 15 GA GA GA at home
John M. Son M S W 13 GA GA GA farm laborer
Thomas C. Son M S W 11 GA GA GA farm laborer
Perry F. Son M S W 9 GA GA GA
Charles W. Son M S W 7 GA GA GA
Rebecca S. Dau F S W 6 GA GA GA
Phillip W. Son M S W 4 GA GA GA
Farmer M. Son M S W 2 GA GA GA
DHK: Wesley P was the s/o Phillip F. & Sarah GARRARD Combs.
Charles E. COMBS M M W 30 GA GA GA farmer
Lucy C. Wife F M W 23 GA GA GA keeping house
Robert E. Son M S W 3 GA GA GA
Julia L. Dau F S W 2 GA GA GA
Ola M. Dau F S W 1 GA GA GA
Martha GARRARD Sisin-law F W 21 GA GA GA
DHK: Charles E., s/o Phillip F. & Sarah GARRARD Combs.
District 171
p. 255D
William COMBS M M W 40 GA GA GA farmer
Sarah Wife F M W 42 GA GA GA keeping house
Willie Dau F S W 21 GA GA GA
Sarah Dau F S W 12 GA GA GA
Daisy S. Dau F S W 11 GA GA GA
Lulu W. Dau F S W 7 GA GA GA
Minnie Lee Dau F S W 6 GA GA GA
Georgia M. Dau F S W 4 GA GA GA
E. Dau F S W 3 GA GA GA
Emma Dau F S W 6 mos GA GA GA
Thomas F. Son M S W 19 GA GA GA laborer
James Son M S W 14 GA GA GA
John S. Son M S W 13 GA GA GA
DHK: William, ?s/o Phillip F. & Sarah GARRARD Combs.
District 174
p. 265A
Philip F. COMBS M M W 69 GA VA VA farmer
Sarah G. Wife F M W 68 GA GA GA housekeeper
Philip N. Son M M W 25 GA GA GA farmer
Carrie D. DauLaw F M W 19 GA GA GA housekeeper
James T. COMBS M M W 38 GA GA GA farmer
Mary L. Wife F M W 34 GA GA GA housekeeper
Ellen S. Dau F S W 13 GA GA GA laborer
Hallie T. Dau F S W 11 GA GA GA laborer
Franklin Son M S W 8 GA GA GA
Mary H. Dau F S W 6 GA GA GA
Peter Son M S W 4 GA GA GA
DHK: James Thomas Combs, s/o Phillip F. & Sarah GARRARD Combs.
Page 265B
John COOPER M M W 25 GA GA GA farmer
Mary M. Wife F M W 20 GA GA GA housekeeper
Babe Son M S W 1mo GA GA GA
Cheney BOOKER F S B 13 GA GA GA laborer
Nancy S. COMBS F S W 58 GA GA GA
DHK: Mary M. COMBS Cooper was the d/o Phillip F. & Sarah GARRARD Combs.
District 169
p. 301A
John WRIGHT M M B 21 GA GA GA farm laborer
Annie WRIGHT Wife F M B 20 GA GA GA farm laborer
William WRIGHT Son M S B 5mos GA GA GA
Becky COMBS Niece F S B 8 GA GA GA
Page 302C
Felix ANDREWS M M B 26 GA GA GA farm laborer
Mandy ANDREWS Wife F M B 24 GA GA GA farm laborer
Adline COMBS Sis-in-law F S B 23 GA GA GA
Hattie COMBS Niece-in-law F S B 2 GA GA GA
Page 314C
Wylie T. CORBIN M M W 30 GA GA GA gabbage on R.R.
Gabriel S. CORBIN Wife F M W 27 GA GA GA housekeeper
Firfur CORBIN Son M S W 6 GA GA GA
Clarence R. CORBIN Son M S W 5 GA GA GA
Ruth CORBIN Dau F S W 6mos GA GA GA
Annie M. CORBIN Sister F S W 11 GA GA GA at school
DHK: Gabriella COMBS Corbin was the d/o Phillip F. & Sarah GARRARD Combs.
Mar 1892 (Chronicles of Wilkes County,
extracted by Katherine C. Bray)
Death Mrs. Sarah G. Combs died on March 2, 1892. She
was the wife of Rev. Philip F. Combs, and was born April 10, 1813, married
Sept 13, 1832. She was a member of the Methodist church for fifty odd years.
She was the mother of 7 boys and 5 girls, of whom 6 are still living, all members
of the Methodist church; two of them official members. She left 59 grandchildren
and 10 great grandchildren making in all 77 living descendants. Her funeral
took place at Mt. Zion church Sunday afternoon last at 4 o'clock. "A good
Jun 1895 (Chronicles of Wilkes County, extracted by Katherine C. Bray) Death of Mr. Philip Combs On Sunday morning [11 Jun 1895], died one of the most venerable men in the county. He was 85 years old, and died in the neighborhood where he was born and had lived all his life. He was a member of the Methodist church for 68 years and about 40 years a local preacher. Mr. Combs married Sarah Green GARRARD, and they had been married for 60 years when she died four years ago. They had 10 children, of whom 7 survived their father. Wesley P. Combs, Thomas Combs, living in Warren, Mrs. Nannie CHATMAN, living in Taliaferro, Mrs. Lucy SMITH, Mrs. Gabriella CORBIN, Phillip M. Combs. and Mrs. Matild COOPER. He left about 75 grandchildren and 20 great grandchildren. He was truly a patriarch. During the 68 years in which he had been a member of the Mount Zion church, he was never absent except for sickness if there was service. He was buried on Sunday afternoon at Mount Zion church with services conducted by Rev. Mr. TIMMONS.
Notes: See Phillip F. Combs m Sarah Ann GARRETT [sic] 13 Sep 1832, Wilkes Co GA.
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