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02 Feb - 25 Apr 1613 Survey of the Undertakers and Servitors planted in Ulster between February 2nd 1612/13and April 25th 1613. The county of Fermanagh p.167. #45 1,000 acres -- “John ARCHDALE only came over, viewed his proportion, took possession, and returned into England, leaving neither English nor Irish upon that land.”
(Extracted by Combs Researchers Joe Kendalll and Denise Mortorff from the Historical Manuscripts Commission 78, Report on the Manuscripts of the late Reginald Rawdon Hastings, Esq. of the Manor House, Ashby De La Zouch, Vol. IV. ed. by Francis Bickley. 1947. Crown Copyright Reserved. pub'd by HSMO)
John ARCHDALE (s/o Martin and Barbara SEXTON Archdale and nephew of John and Margaret ARCHDALE Combe), born 30 Dec 1578, All Hallow's Barking, London; died 31 Aug 1621, Ireland; married (1) 14 Jan 1600/1, Eye, Suffolk, England, Frances HONINGS (d/o Edward HONINGS and Ursula WINGFIELD); (2) 1614-1620, probably in Dublin, Katherine TEMPLE (Eldest daughter of Sir William TEMPLE, Provost of Trinity College, Dublin; and sister of Sir John TEMPLE, Master of the Rolls in Ireland); buried: 15 Nov 1642, St. Werburgh's, Dublin, Ireland. John probably came to Ireland about or shortly after 1613.
From Combs Researcher Peter Archdale, excerpted primarily from the Archdale Memoirs…:
John ARCHDALE was left by his father the Manor and house of Abbots, at Darsham, Suffolk, EN, together with the farm called Molletts; an estate “which, according to the ancient and laudable customs of this Realm of England ought to descend unto the said John ARCHDALE,” the said Manor being held of the Queen in chief by knight's service. He was 18 years 11 months at that time.
John ARCHDALE sold his property at Darsham (in 1612?) - apparently to the BEDINGFIELD family, who held it shortly afterwards. He went to Ireland as one of His Majesty's “undertakers” in the Plantation of Ulster. (See Calendar of State Papers, James I 1611-1614, p 315, No. 606 and p. 201, No.304, which give the residences of the undertakers in England. The barony of Lurg was set apart for Norfolk and Suffolk, whilst Mageraboy was allotted to Scottish families.)
By Letters Patent, dated July 13th 1612, John ARCHDALE obtained a grant of lands in the barony of Lurg, Co. Fermanagh. These lands were erected into the Manor of Archdale, the following being an extract of the grant:
“The small proportion of Tallanagh, containing the lands of Coilenure, half-quarter or two tates, viz. Coilenure and Knockakasy; the half-quarter of Tallanagh, being two tates, viz. Tallanagh and Carrauny; the half-quarter of Coulcoppocky, being two tates, viz. Coulcoppocky and Dromscoole; the half-quarter of Coylaghmore, being four tates, viz. Coylaghbegg and Lisharra; Etadd, one tate; the island of Crewinshaghy in Lougherne, being one tate; 1000 acres. The parcel of land of Derryroine, being one part of Etadd, and containing 60 acres, is excepted from this grant for glebe lands.
Free fishing in Lougherne. The premises are created the Manor of Archdale, with 300 acres in demesne; power to create tenures, and to hold a Court Baron. Rent, £5 6s 8d, English. To hold for ever as of the Castle of Dublin, in common soccage, subject to the conditions of the Plantation of Ulster.”
(See Calender of State Papers, James I, 1611-1614, p.315, No.606, which gives the residences of the undertakers in England. See also p. 201, No. 384.)
It should be noted that the acreage mentioned in the grants referred to the amount of arable or “profitable” land, to which were added areas of wood and bog. Hence, in most cases, the grantee actually received a more extensive property than his Patent indicated. The grant was preserved at Castle Archdale until the 1970's. The spelling “Archedale” is used in it.
Although the grant of Tallanagh to John ARCHDALE is dated 1612, he must have received these lands in the distribution in 1610; as in the year 1611 it was found that while he had a thousand acres allotted to him, he did not appear, or anyone for him, and that nothing had been done. In fact, it is improbable that he was resident in Fermanagh before 1614 or 1615.
On his lands at Tallanagh, he built the old Castle of Archdale in the year 1615 “one fort or bawne of lime and stone, contayninge 3 score and 6 foote square, everie way, and 12 foote in height, with two flankers in two corners of the bawne contayninge 15 foote square everie way, and 17 foote in height, there is likewise built upon Coilenure one castle or capitall messuage of lime and stone adjoining to the foresaid bawne or forte, contaynonge 3 score and 10 foote in length and 38 foote in height, and in breadth 28 foote.”
The tenure was “in fee and common soccage, and not ‘in capite’ or by knight's service”.
The name “Archdalestown” appears in records of that period, refers doubtless to a cluster of cottages near on of the houses built by John ARCHDALE and has been identified with Cosbytown, in Mageraboy. In the grant of 1612, it was stipulated that the tenants' houses should, for the sake of security, be built in a group (vicinatim) and not in a scattered manner (sparsim).
John had one child by Katherine TEMPLE, Lettice who married Tobias NORRIS.
Extracted by Combs Researcher Joe Kendalll from the Conslidated Index to the records of the Genealogical Office of Dublin Ireland. Virginia Wade McAnlis Compiler. Issaquah Washington. 98027, 1994, v.i., p. A-19:
Lettice d/o John ARCHDALE and Kathrine neè Temple, husband Tobias NORRIS burred Dublin 1642. ms. 64-78. Funeral Entry v. 10
ms 125 p. 106, 122 Heraldic sketches
ms 362-78 BETHAM letter books v. VI p. 210
Katherine TEMPLE m a Sir John VEEL by whom she had child Cary VEEL. (Archdale Memoirs). Seeking additional info re the VEEL Family due to possibly early connections with the Combs &c. Families of Essex County, Virginia.
1656 Extracted from A Census of Ireland circa 1656, Seamus Pender ed., Stationary Office, Dublin, 1639, by Combs Researcher Joe Kendall who adds that there were no Lovetts or Kendalls in this source:
Fermanagh County
p. 116
Frances ARCHDALL gent and Cpt. Wm COSBY
p. 114
Manor Archdall, William ARCHDALL
p. 645