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County Dublin Baile Átha Cliath, “the town of the ford of the hurdles” was founded in the eighth century by the Vikings and remained a base for their commerce and raiding until the decisive defeat of the battle of Clontarf in 1014. Although their military and political power waned, Dublin remained the focus of Norman and English power in Ireland, and essentially foreign to the vast majority of the native Irish. When researching ancestors from Dublin, it is important to keep in mind that the city as it is now is relatively recent; and the records relevant to researching that population are essentially the same as those for any other part of the countryside. (Irish Times)
1614-1620. Dublin, Ireland? Marriage of John ARCHDALE (s/o Martin & Barbara SEXTON Archdale (Ayloffe)) of London and Suffolk EN and County Fermanagh, Ulster, Ireland, to 2nd wife, Katherine TEMPLE, eldest d/o Sir William TEMPLE, Provost of Trinity College, Dublin; and sister of Sir John TEMPLE, Master of the Rolls in Ireland. (Archdale Memoirs…)
15 Nov 1642 St Werburgh's, Dublin, IR. Buried: Katherine TEMPLE Archdale Veel, widow of John ARCHDALE and wife of Sir John VEEL (Archdale Memoirs…)
Extracted by Combs Researcher Joe Kendalll from the Conslidated Index to the records of the Genealogical Office of Dublin Ireland. Virginia Wade McAnlis Compiler. Issaquah Washington. 98027, 1994, v.i., p. A-19:
"Lettice d/o John ARCHDALE and Kathrine neè Temple, husband Tobias NORRIS burred Dublin 1642. ms. 64-78. Funeral Entry v. 10
ms 125 p. 106, 122 Heraldic sketches
ms 362-78 BETHAM letter books v. VI p. 210
John ARCHDALE d 31 Aug 1621 in Ireland. His widow, Katherine TEMPLE, m 2nd Sir John VEEL by whom she had child Cary VEEL. (Archdale Memoirs… includes var. sp. of VEEL and VEALE). Seeking additional info re the VEEL Family due to possibly early connections with the Butler-Combs-Veale Families of Essex County, Virginia.
1656 Extracted from A Census of Ireland circa 1656, Seamus Pender ed., Stationary Office, Dublin, 1639, by Combs Researcher Joe Kendall who adds that there were no Lovetts or Kendalls in this source):
Nicholas COMBES, gent. (p. 365)
Not yet identified.
1656 Robert MOULSWORTH, Dublin, merchant
Extracted from Index to Prerogative Wills of Ireland by Combs Researcher Vince Griffin
Christopher LOVETT (s/o Sir Robert and Anne SAUNDERS Lovett) was apprenticed as a Draper to Robert MOWLSOWRTH on 08 Jul 1646 for eight years, freed on 15 Mar 1653 (OS?) by virtue of his service to both Robert MOWLSWORTH and a second master, Roger LAMBERT, and may have been the same who was granted land for military service in 1651. By 1657, and probably much earlier, Christopher was in Dublin (but may have been here in 1649 - see below).
"Robert MOLESWORTH, Esq., was also a military officer during the civil wars in Ireland, and after that kingdom was delivered up by the Marquess of Ormonde to the Parliament of England, he became an adventurer for continuing hostilities, in order to reduce it to obedience, by making three several subscriptions, two of £600 each, and one of £300, for which he obtained two thousand five hundred acres of land in the baronies of Moghergallin and Lune, co. Meath. He was subsequently an eminent merchant in Dublin. He m. Judith, eldest daughter and co-heir of John BYSSE, Esq., who was afterwards lord chief baron of the Exchequer in Ireland; and dying 3rd September, 1656, was s. by his only child, Robert MOLESWORTH, who having been ambassador at the Court of Denmark for several years, was advanced to the peerage of Ireland, 16th July,1716, as Baron of Philipstown and Viscount MOLESWORTH. His lordship m. Letitia, third daughter of Richard COOTE, Lord Colooney, by whom he had, I. John, second viscount, ambassador at the court of Tuscany and Sardinia in 1710 and 1720. His lordship m. Mary, daughter and co-heir of Thomas MIDDLETON, Esq. of Stansted Montfichet, Essex, by whom he left a posthumous daughter, Mary, m. in 1751, Frederick GORE, Esq., M.P. The viscount d. 18th February, 1726, when the honours devolved upon his brother, Richard."
Extracted from Burke's Colonial Gentry, Sir Berard Burke, Genealogical Publishing Co., 1970, Molesworth of Edlington, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia by Combs Researcher Vince Griffin
See Also Lovett-Molesworth of the Drapers Company Archdale-Molesworth-Palmer Connections with additional data available from Combs Research List Archives; List: Combs; Message ID: 354A74C8.C96C0A9A) SW: CODY. Also note that Ancestral Files give a marriage date of 10 Oct 1654 for Sir Robert MOLEWSORTH and Judith BYSSE, and 7 Sep 1656 as the birth date of his son, Robert, which, if so, means he was born posthumously. See also lands granted to a Christopher LOVETT (the same?) in County Kilkenny some time after 1651.
1656 Oxfordshire and London. Elizabeth LOVETT Combe of Oxfordshire, widow of John COMBE of Sparsholt, Berkshire (whom she had m in 1630 in Soulbury, Bucks), apprenticed her son, Archdale COMBE, b 1641, Soulbury, to her brother, Christopher LOVETT, Draper.
Elizabeth's husband, John COMBE, was the eldest son of John & Margaret ARCHDALE Combe who m 1587 in St. Antholins Budge Row, London, Margaret having been the first cousin of the above John ARCHDALE.
21 Feb 1653 St. John the Evangelist, Dublin, Ireland. Married: Lettuse PIGGOT and John BOLTONE [BOLTON?] (1)
7 May 1657 St. John the Evangelist, Dublin, Ireland. Married: Christopher LOVETT and Frances MOORE. (1)
1662 Dublin, Ireland. Christopher LOVETT paid quarterage (Drapers)
According to Burke's Lineages, "Christopher, who, at the time of the Restoration [May 1660], was settled in Turkey as a merchant, buty removed, in 1660, to Dublin, of which city he became sheriff and lord mayor. He m. Frances O'MORE..." Although Burke makes no note of the fact, clearly Christopher was in Dublin as early as May 1657, and St. John the Evangelist christening records (below) show a son, Christopher, was christened on 18 Apr 1658, and then a daughter, Elizabeth, christened 27 Nov 1663. If he was the Christopher of Turkey, he was not there long.
20 Jan 1671/2 - 28 Sep 1696 Abraham FOXHALL died s.p., his will dated 20 Jan 1671/2, proved in Dublin, Ireland, 28 Sep 1696 by Ambrose FOXHALL, and also in Lichfield (Genealogies of Virginia Families, "Foxhall - Vaulx - Elliot Families," Vol. 1, p. 102)
Abraham FOXHALL was the s/o Ambrose & Mary FOXHALL of Aston-by-Birmingham, Warwickshire. His brother, John FOXHALL, Sr. removed to Old Rappa Co VA where he is found in the records of that county with Archdale Combs of that county. John FOXHALL, Sr.'s daughter, Mary, m (among others) one Alexander GORGES (relationship to the Archdale-Gorges Families unknown). John FOXHALL, Jr. named one Susannah CAMMOCK in his 1696 Westmoreland Co VA will, her relationship to the Cammock-Rich Families still a mystery. (See Also Foxhall Families)
1672-1677 Parish of Chapelizod (including the townland of Chapelizod, and a portion of the Phoenix Park).
"At some point between 1672 and 1677 (during the tenure of the Earl of Essex as Viceroy), Col. Richard LAWRENCE "surrendered the linen factory at Chapelizod," as it was leased by the latter date to "Alderman Christopher LOVETT." The factory was controlled by the Duke of Ormonde, father of Lord Arran until the accession of James II in 1685 (when the Earl of Clarendon replaced them in the government. As late as the end of the century "The linen factory was still carried on there by the LOVETT family although they had been displaced for a time under James II. in favour of a Quaker called BROMFIELD, and twenty looms for linen were still working, besides others used in making tapestry." (A History of the County of Dublin, The Parish of Chapelizod, by Francis Elrington Ball, 1902-20)
1676-1677 Dublin, Ireland. Christopher LOVET, Lord Mayor. (Trish Loughman's Mayors and Lord Mayors of Dublin, 1229-1924)
1679 Christopher LOVETT, Dublin, gentleman
Extracted from Index to Prerogative Wills of Ireland by Combs Researcher Vince Griffin
1679 Fun. Ent. Ulster's Office. Christopher LOVETT, Alderman of Dublin.
Extracted by Combs Researcher Vince Griffin from The General Armory of England, Scotland, Ireland, & Wales, Sir Bernard Burke, Heritage Books, 1996, p 625<.p>
From the National Archives of Ireland in Dublin re: Christopher LOVETT, deceased 1679, Robert MOLESWORTH, deceased 1656: "These wills are no longer extant. They were destroyed in the fire in the Public Records Office (Four Courts) in 1922."
St. John the Evangelist, Dublin, Ireland. Christening records from the source, IGI Entry, Ba: C700241, + So: 941.83 B4PRS V.1, Pr: 0933451, records not yet viewed)
18 Apr 1658 Christened: Christopher LOVETT, s/o Christopher LOVETT.
27 Nov 1663 Christened: Ellizabeth LOVETT, d/o Christopher LOVETT.
14 Jan 1664 Christened: Mary LOVETT, d/o Christopher LOVETT
08 Oct 1670 Christened: Francis LOVETT, s/o Christopher LOVETT.
06 Aug 1673 Christened: Hana LOVETT, d/o "Aldr. Xpher LOVET" [Alderman Christopher LOVET]
29 Jan 1674 Christened: Rebeckah LOVETT, d/o Christopher LOVETT.
15 Jul 1676 Christened: Arable LOVETT, d/o Christr LOVETT.
02 Aug 1678 Christened: Edward LOVETT, s/o Christopher LOVETT.
Note: Christopher LOVETT died 1679. The records do not begin again until 1694. See Chapelizod re difficulties during the reign of James II (1685-1688). It is not known if Frances O'MORE Lovett and the children remained in Ireland during this period, and if so, where. The following records are for their son, John.
29 Nov 1692 Christened: Robert LOVET, s/o John and Shushann LOVET.
11 Apr 1694 Christened: Christpher LOVET, s/o John and Shushanna LOVET.
20 Sep 1695 Christened: Franses LOVET, d/o John and Shusanna LOVET.
23 Sep 1696 Christened: John LOVET, d/o John and Shusanna LOVET.
Notes: John LOVETT (s/o Christopher and Frances O'MORE Lovett, married 3 Dec 1691, Quainton, Bucks, his 1st cousin, Susannah LOVETT, d/o Lawrence LOVETT of Eythorpe (s/o Robert & Anne SAUNDERS Lovett) and widow of John HORTON. Neither Combs nor Archdales are found in the IGI in this parish.
19 Sep 1695 St. John the Evangelist, Dublin. Married: Rebecka LOVETT and Jonathan ASH (Combs Researcher Thom Mont)
Rebecca LOVETT, d/o Chirstopher and Frances MORE Lovett and Jonathan ASH of Ash Grove, Tipperary.
St. Michan, Dublin, Ireland. Parish records from the source, IGI Entry, IGI, Ba: C700251, +, So: 941.83 B4PRS V.3, Pr: 0933468, records not yet viewed)
08 Jul 1674 Christened: John COMBS, s/o William & Wilmote [Wilmot? Wilmoth?] ()
06 Jul 1684 Christened: Andrew COMBS, s/o Andrew COMBS
05 Aug 1699 Christened: James COMBE, s/o Samuel & Bridget COMBE
Notes: No marriage record has been located for a William COMBE to a Wilmot. Probably irrelevant is the fact that Mason COMBS, Sr. of Stafford County, Virginia, s/o John, nephew of William & gs/o Archdale COMBS of Old Rappa County, Virginia, named a daughter Wilmot in 1751. Possibly not irrelevant is the appearance of Andrew, John and Samuel COMBS in these records given the later Andrew, Samuel and John COMBS of Loudoun Co, Virginia. See also Samuel COMBE of Cork in 1697.
10 Feb 1680 Saint Catherine, Dublin, Dublin, Ireland. Married: Joseph LOVET and Grace ASH (Combs Researcher Thom Mont)
Not identifed, but see marriages of Robert LOVETT of Tipperary and Sarah ASH, d/o Jonathan ASHE, D.D. of Ashe Grove; and Rebecca LOVETT 19 Sep 1665, St. John the Evangelist, Dublin, to Jonathan ASHE of Ash Grove (brother to Sarah?).
25 Jan 1724/5 Registry of Deeds, Dublin 426 Charles NICHOLSON, Lieut. and adjutant in Col. Wm. COSBY'S Regiment. 25 Jan. 1724-5. Pr‚cis, 1/2 p., 30 May 1730. His cousins and sisters Frances [wife of] FARRELL and Margery [wife of] ORMBSY, daughters of Capt. Wm. NICHOLSON of Castle Baldwin [testator's uncle]. Arthur KNOX of Castle Rea, Co. Mayo, mortagee. All his estate in the counties of Leitrim and Mayo, his effects in the Island of Minorca and Dublin. Witnesses: Owen YOUNG, Castlereagh, John BULLINGBROOKE of same, James MAGRAH of same, all in Co. Roscommon. Memorial witnessed by: James MAGRAH, Charles RUTLIDGE, Castlereagh. Frances FARRELL als. CARY (seal) 62, 424, 43487 Margery ORMSBY (seal)
Extracted by Combs Researcher Debi Kendrick from Registry of Deeds, Dublin Abstracts of Wills, Volume I, 1708 to 1745 1956. Reprint, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing, Co., Inc., 1996)
25 Mar 1725 Registry of Deeds, Dublin 390 Edward LOVETT, Dublin, Esq. 25 March 1725. Pr‚cis, 1/2 p., 23 Aug. 1728. His son John LOVETT. His daughter Clotilda LOVETT (who will be 19 years in 1728). His sister-in-law Clotilda Lady EUSTACE. His sister-in-law Euphemia HAUGHTON, her second son Richard HAUGHTON. His brother-in-law George HAUGHTON, Esq., and Henry CODDINGTON, Dublin, Esq., and Rev. James HARVEY of Killeane, Co. Wexford, exors. and guardians. Farm of Drina [situation not mentioned], and his real estate. Witnesses: Val. NEEDHAM, Dublin, clerk, Ralph BLUNDELL and Lewis JONES, Dublin, Esqrs. Memorial witnessed by: Henry HANLON, Denn. DELANY, Dublin, gent. 57, 298, 38552 Hen. CODDINGTON (seal)
Extracted by Combs Researcher Debi Kendrick from Registry of Deeds, Dublin Abstracts of Wills, Volume I, 1708 to 1745 1956. Reprint, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing, Co., Inc., 1996)
1726 John MOLESWORTH, Lord Viscount 1726
Extracted from Index to Prerogative Wills of Ireland by Combs Researcher Vince Griffin
Undated? John LOVETT, Dublin, esquire, marshal of town courts
Extracted from Index to Prerogative Wills of Ireland by Combs Researcher Vince Griffin
18 Feb 1735 Registry of Deeds, Dublin 561 Arthur, Earl of ANGLESEY. 18 Feb. 1735. Full, 1 1/4 p., 1 Sept. 1737. My cousin Charles ANNESLEY, son of my uncle Charles ANNESLEY deceased. My dear cousin Fras. ANNESLEY, Esq., of Portugal Row, Lincoln's Inn Fields, Co. Middlesex, exor. My cousin Fras. WINGATE of Harlington, Bedfordshire, Esq. My nephew Robt. GAYER, Esq. Ann Green, daughter of my late cousin Dorothy GREEN deceased. Mr Jno. GREEN, brother of said Ann GREEN. œ14 to be laid out pursuant to the will of my brother James late Earl of Anglesey for erecting a monument in the church of Farnborough, Co. of Southampton. The Hon. Dixie WINDSOR. The Hon. Brigr. Andrews WINDSOR. Rev. Mr Archdeacon GOOCH. Thos. SCOTT, keeper of my park in the Co. of Wexford. Mr Martin COLLIS, one of the recds. [? an agent] of my estate in Ireland. The park of Knockengarrow orse. Knockgrenon near Camolin, Co. Wexford, and the mansion house and keepers lodge by me there built to Chas. ANNESLEY. Dwelling house in Bletchingdon, Co. of Oxford, wherein Brig. Edwd. JONES lately lived, to Mrs Dorothy COMBE. A dwelling house in Bletchingdon wherein Jno. PERRIN now lives to Mrs Eliz. WATKINSON. My real and personal estate in Great Britain and Ireland. My lands in parishes of Bletchington and Hampton Poyle, Co. Oxford. Witnesses: Richd. SHUTTLEWORTH, Garthrop, Co. of Lancaster, Esq., Thos. LISTER, Gisburn Park, Co. of York, Esq., Thos. BARSHAM, Inner Temple, London, gent. Memorial witnessed by: Henry ADAM, Inner Temple, gent., Thos. BARAHAM. 89, 21, 61889 Fra. ANNESLEY (seal)
Extracted by Combs Researcher Debi Kendrick from Registry of Deeds, Dublin Abstracts of Wills, Volume I, 1708 to 1745 1956. Reprint, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing, Co., Inc., 1996
Notes: Mrs. Dorothy COMBE not yet identified, but according to The Lovett Memorials: "The head of the Lovett family at the present time is Robert Jonathan Arden LOVETT, 32nd male representative, who married 22 March, 1892, Elizabeth Emily Helza, only child of Marescoe Lloyd FREDERICK, (1) by Maria Louisa, daughter of George White WEST, of Ardenode, Co: Kildare, great granddaughter of Richard, 2nd Earl Annesley."
8 Aug 1770 Registry of Deeds, Dublin 453 Jonathan LOVETT, Kingswell, Co. Tipperary. 8 Aug. 1770. Pr‚cis 1/2 p. 14 Sept. 1770. To his second son Verney LOVETT (exor.) lands of Kingswell and Marshallswrath. Farm and lands of Carrons Reddy. Two houses in town of Tipperary sett to John BLUETT and two small fields sett to Patrick MANGAN which were left to testator by the Will of Mrs. Jane KING, interest in lands of Montgasty, commonly called the Hills of Tipperary which testator purchased from Mr. Solomon DELANE, all in Barony Clanwilliam, Co. Tipperary. Witnesses: William RUSSELL, Tipperary, Esq., Hugh MASSY, Pegsborough, Esq., James RUSSELL, Tipperary, Esq., all Co. Tipperary. Memorial witnessed by: Bryan MEHEUX, Dublin, gent., William RUSSELL. 274, 624, 182901 Verney LOVETT (seal)
Extracted by Combs Researcher Debi Kendrick from Registry of Deeds, Dublin Abstracts of Wills, Volume II, 1746 to 1785 1954. Reprint, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1996
4 Oct. 1771. Narrate 1 3/4 p. 16 Jan. 1773. Registry of Deeds. Dublin. 495 John Peter TRIQUET of Meath Street, Dublin, silk dyer. His two sisters Lucy ROBERDEAU and Susanna LECRAS, both resident in London. A part of testator's effects for their children to be paid into hands of Mr. Isaac ROBERDEAU for use of said children. To Jno. COMBS and his wife Margaret COMBS who resided and dwelt in his dwelling house in Meath street, Dublin, until their daughter Mary COMBS should arrive at the age of 21 years, his house and concerns at or near Stephen's GREEN, Dublin tenanted by Jno. CARDEN, Esq. To said Jno. COMBS and Margt. COMBS his lease of his said dwelling house in Meath Street. His friend Mark BLOXHAM and said Jno. COMBS, exors. Witnesses: Jno. LENNON, Dublin, silk dyer, Lewis MOORE, Dublin, gent., George CULLEN, Dublin, then apprentice to said Lewis MOORE. Memorial witnessed by: Lewis MOORE, Geo. REYNOLDS, Dublin, apprentice to said Lewis MOORE. 294, 192, 194340. John COMBS (seal)
Extracted by Combs Researcher Debi Houser from Registry of Deeds, Dublin Abstracts of Wills, Volume II, 1746 to 1785, P. Beryl Eustace. 1954. Reprint, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1996
Mar 13, 1772 Richard ARCHDALE, third son of Nicholas ARCHDALE, late of the City of Dublin, Ireland, esq., decd. Called to the Middle Temple 12 Feb. 1779. (Combs &c. Families of the Middle Temple)
Notes: John's name followed immediately by Arthur McANEANY, preceded immediately by James WILSON
Extracted by Combs Researcher Joe Kendall from the Consolidated Index to the records of the Genealogical Office of Dublin Ireland Virginia Wade McAnlis Compiler. Issaquah Washington. 98027, 1994, v.i. pages C-61 and C-62:
COMBE; ms 223-54 BETHAM Will abstract (bwa) Lodge 4/52
COMBES; ms 5-526 Irish coats of arms p. 105
COMES " by c. 1661" ms 64-79, Funeral Entries v. 4, 14,16
COMBS; ms 223-54 bwa 18/344 and 25/52.
Extracted by Combs Researcher Joe Kendalll from the Consolidated Index to the records of the Genealogical Office of Dublin Ireland Virginia Wade McAnlis Compiler. Issaquah Washington. 98027, 1994, v.iii. p L-54:
LOVET; bwa 4/163, 5/85, 9/30, 13/172, 17/282, 18/179, 24/367, 26/20 "3 or 8", 31/285. Lodge 3/115, 5/238, 8/24 ms 125 Heraldic sketches p. 53
Extracted by Combs Researcher Joe Kendalll from the Consolidated Index to the records of the Genealogical Office of Dublin Ireland Virginia Wade McAnlis Compiler. Issaquah Washington. 98027, 1994, v.iii. p. K-9:
KENDALL; ms 103-111 a-h
Grants and confirmations of Arms v. 103 p 27
Bwa 3/225 and 22/366
1 Extracted from FamilySearch.Org, IGI, their sources: (a) The registers of St. John the Evangelist, Dublin, 1619-1699, edited by James Mills, Film No. 0824047, includes copies of the original register and lists of parishioners taxed in 1621, 1646 and 1687; and (b) Parish Register Extracts, Church of Ireland. St. John the Evangelist's Church (Dublin), 1597-1878 (film not yet read) Print Callout No. 088375.