Combs &c.
of Casey Co., KY |
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Casey was established in 1806/7 from Lincoln Co., KY. In 1844, Casey gained from Adair Co. The earliest Combs &c. Families in Casey Co KY were undoubtedly in the county from the time of it's formation from Lincoln.
1807 Tax List transcribed by Sue Elfving from FHC Film #0007923 of original Casey
Co., Ky. Tax Lists 1807-1817, 1819-1831, 1833
SE Note: William COMBS is not in the Lincoln Co., Ky. tax list for this year either. His last Lincoln Co., Ky tax entry (1806) shows him to have 350a of 3rd rated land on W.
White Oak, entered in the name of Reed. He has one white male over 21, one male age 16-21, one black above 16, and 3
3 August 1807 Casey Co., Ky. Circuit Court Order Records 1807-1819, original books on FHC Film #
0593577 Submitted by Sue Elfving Researcher for Combs &c: Campbell GOODE served on Grand Jury (COB 1807-1819:3)
1808 Tax List - 2nd List transcribed by Sue Elfving from FHC Film #0007923 of original Casey
Co., Ky. Tax Lists 1807-1817, 1819-1831, 1833 p. 3 no date given
COMBS, William .......1wm>21, 1wm 16-21, 2 blks>16, tot blks=2, 4 hr/mares 350a Casey Co., north rolling fork S.R., land surveyed in the name of John REED, patented in the name of John Reed
COMBS, John ...........1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0 blks>16, tot blks=0, 1 hr/mare 174a 3rd rated land in Casey Co., Knob Lick Creek, surveyed in name of Ephraim RUSSELL, patented in the same name
SE Note: This John COMBS has yet to be identifed. He is in Casey Co. for only one year. He is back in the 1809 Lincoln Co., Ky. list with the same 174a of land entered in the name of Ephraim RUSSELL. He is in the same tax district as RW Soldier John "8" COMBS, and he is styled as John COMBS Jnr. He was not in the 1807 Lincoln Co. tax list (as was not William COMBS), but he was there in 1806, again styled as John COMBS Jnr. but with no land; HOWEVER, one Ephraim RUSSELL in 1806 was listed
with 164a of land on the Green River but shows no land in 1807 or 1808. The name RUSSELL is interesting because John COMBS gave consent for his daughter Polly to marry Sanders RUSSELL in 1810 in Lincoln Co.
4 Jan 1808 Casey Co., Ky. Circuit Court Order Records 1807-1819, original books on FHCFilm #0593577
Submitted by Sue Elfving Researcher for Combs &c: Frederick HIATT assignee of John ROGERS against Wm Alias William
COMBS Court ordered this suit be dismissed being agreed between both parties (COB 1807-1819:12).
4 April 1808 Casey Co., KY Deed Bk 1 p. 28 abstracted by Philo Lund and submitted by Combs &c researcher Sue Elfving
William COMBS & Betsy his wife of Casey County of the first part and Thomas FISHER of the second part, for 100 pounds...said bargained and sold 100 acres...signed William COMBS (seal) and Elizabeth COMBS (seal).
1809 -Tax Book of Moses Park p.1 transcribed by Sue Elfving from FHC Film #0007923 of original Casey Co., Ky. Tax Lists 1807-1817, 1819-1831,1833
13 May
COMBS, Wm..........1wm>21, 1 blks>16, tot blks=1, 6 hr/mares 250a Casey Co., W of hanging fork, entered in J. Bledsoe, surveyed in "my own name," patented in same
SE Note: The number of white male tithes between the ages of 16 and 21 was not recorded this year as has been the case in previous years. Also on the list was John CHRISTIAN with his 125a on White Oak in Casey Co. entered in the name of Walton [Mathew]. This John CHRISTIAN was always near Wm COMBS in the earlier Lincoln Co., Ky. tax records. Also note that the John
COMBS with his 174a on Knob Lick is not in Casey this year as he is back in Lincoln Co. with this land and is styled as John COMBS Jnr.
No STACYS or Joseph GOODE in 1809
1809 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note above) List #1
12 Jul Combs John Senr….1wm>21, 0wm>16, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 2hr
Combs John Junr….1wm>21, 0wm>16, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 0hr 174a Casey Co., Knob lick, N=Ephraim Russell, same, blank
Casey Co., Ky. Circuit Court Order Records 1807-1819, original books on FHC Film #0593577 Submitted by Sue Elfving Researcher for Combs &c
8 May 1809. William COMBS and others summoned to appear at next Term to show cause if any they can why they should not be fined for not attending as grand jurors when summoned......(COB 1807-1819:72).
10 May 1809. Wm COMBS sat on two juries (COB 1807-1819:85).
14 Aug. 1809. William COMBS sat on jury (COB 1807-1819:98).
15 Aug. 1809. William COMBS Pltf against Thomas FISHER Deft}: Upon a petition to dissolve this injunction. The court ordered the injunction dissolved and the plaintiff to have benefit of his judgment. Later on the same day both parties agreed to Plaintiff's Execution Replevy bond be quashed, set aside and annulled (COB 1807-1819:101-2).
15 Aug. 1809. William COMBS Plaintiff against Saml Goldsmith} In case (COB 1807-1819:104).
13 Nov. 1809. Thomas Fisher and William Combs on Grand Jury (COB 1807-1819:106).
14 Nov. 1809 William Combs Pltf against Samuel GOLDSMITH Deft} In case (COB 1807-1819:116).
14 Nov. 1809. Thomas FISHER against William CombsDeft} In Chancery. Suit is set for a hearing at next term (COB 1807-1819:117).
1810 US Census Index, Casey Co., KY
White males:0-9 10-15 16-25 26-44 45+
Females: 0-9 10-15 16-25 26-44 45+ F.P. Slaves
Note: The birth year range of eldest male in HH has been added after stats.
p. 39
GOODE, William 10111-10101-02
Combs, William 12101-11101-01 (b bef 1765)
p. 46
GOODE, John C. 10010-2001000
p. 48
GOODE, Joseph 10100-00100-00 (b 1784-1793)
STACEY, Benjamin 11010-30010-00 (b 1765-1784)
(William Combs record transcribed by Combs Researcher Debi Kendrick. Remainder from Census Index, ergo unreliable source!)
Notes: This appears to be RW William Combs, earlier of Shenandoah Co., VA Lincoln Co., KY, and in Bath Co., KY by 1820, thence on to Fleming Co. Note that there may be a second family in his HH. Joseph GOOD married 02 Dec 1807 in Lincoln Co to Nancy Combs, daughter of William's brother, RW John "8" Combs who was of Shenandoah Co VA; East TN (pre-1798); Lincoln Co., KY (1798-1810+); Perry Co., KY (by 1820) and Washington Co., KY (died 1848). Benjamin STACY married 24 Dec 1798, Lincoln Co., KY, Barbara Combs, also a daughter of RW John Combs. EXCEPT, if this
is RW William Combs, then who is the William Combs, born pre-1765 in Clay Co., KY in 1810? No Combs are found in Casey Co., KY by
1820 (are there early extant tax lists for this county?). RW William Combs was in Bath Co., KY for that census; RW John Combs and Benjamin and Barbara Combs Stacy were in Clay Co., KY; and Joseph GOODE was back in Lincoln.
1810 -First tax list transcribed by Sue Elfving from FHC Film #0007923 of original Casey Co., Ky. Tax Lists
1807-1817, 1819-1831, 1833
p.4, 6 Sept.
COMBES, William ........1wm>21, 0 blks>16, tot blk-1, 7hr/mares 240a Casey Co., Waters Big outh Fork, entered in name of James Speed, surveyed in same, patented in same. NOTE: the land columns had "" marks and the Speed info was the same of several entries above it. It is possible there was nothing entered in these columns. The tax recorder was very
inconsistent in how he used "do" and " marks.
p.9, 6 Sept.
GOOD, Joseph....0a...1wm>21, 0 blks>16, tot blks=0, 3 hr/mares
SE Note: Joseph makes his first appearance in the Casey Co. tax list. There were several of the GOOD family already living in Casey Co. He married Nancy COMBS in 1807 in Lincoln Co., Ky., daughter of John COMBS. They leave after 1811.
p.19, 6 Sept.
STASEY, Benjamin.....0a...1wm>21, 0 blks>16, tot blks=0, 2 hr/mares
SE Note: This Benjamin was Benjamin STACY who married Barbara COMBS, daughter of John, in 1798 in Lincoln Co., Ky. He was the son of Benjamin STACY Senior and his wife Ann COMBS, daughter of Old Mason COMBS of
Stafford , Frederick Cos., Va ., and
later Surry Co., NC. In 1809, Benjamin was listed on the Lincoln Co. tax list. After his 1810 appearance in Casey Co., the next record we have for this Benjamin STACY is on the 1813 Clay Co., Ky tax list. This guy really moved around.
11 Jun 1810 Washington Co., KY DBC:459. Indenture between Mathew and wife Francis WALTON of Washington County and William Combs of Casey Co., KY 1200 a in Casey on Rolling Fork and White Oak Creek for 137f. No witnesses. (Extracted from Washington Co., Kentucky Deed Abstracts 1803-1811, v.2, comp. Faye Sea Sanders, 1992, p. 82 by Combs Researcher Sue Elfving who adds: I may have made a mistake per the 1200 a since the amount was for only 137. Mathew WALTON is from Virginia but no known connection to the Combs.)
Note: This land may have been adjacent to the 1797 Lincoln Co., KY patent of RW William "8" Combs. North Rolling Fork and White Oak Creeks intersect in present-day Boyle Co., KY (est. in 1842 from Mercer and Lincoln), but White Oak itself meanders back and forth across the county line between present-day Lincoln and Boyle, but with the head of the creek in present-day Casey
County (northeast corner), and just south of North Rolling Fork,which is in present-day Boyle.
4 Aug 1810 Casey Co., KY Deed Bk 1 p. 140-1 abstracted by Philo Lund and submitted by Combs &c researcher Sue Elfving: William COMBS & Eliizabeth his wife of the first part and William BRYAN of the second part, $100 for 150 acres in Casey Co., Ky......signed William COMBS (seal) and Elizabeth COMBS (seal).
4 Aug 1810 Casey Co., KY Deed Bk 1 p. 144 abstracted by Philo Lund and submitted by Combs &c
researcher Sue Elfving : William COMBS & Elizabeth COMBS his wife of the first part to John Christian of the second part, for 122 acres in Casey County for 37 pounds. signed William COMBS (seal) and Elizabeth COMBS (seal).
4 Aug 1810 Casey Co., KY Deed Bk 1 p. 146 abstracted by Philo Lund and submitted by Combs &c researcher Sue Elfving: William COMBS & Elizabeth his wife of the first part and William THURMOND of the second part, for 1050 pounds sold 400 acres in Casey County, Ky. on White Oak Creek.......Signed William COMBS (seal) and Elizabeth COMBS (seal).
4 Aug 1810 Casey Co., KY Deed Bk 1 p. 150 abstracted by Philo Lund and submitted by Combs &c researcher Sue Elfving: William COMBS & Elizabeth his wife of the first part and George BROOKS of the second part, 125 acres in Casey County for 37 pounds and 10 shillings.......Signed Wm COMBS (seal) and Elizabeth COMBS (seal).
12 Nov 1810 Casey Co., Ky. Circuit Court Order Records 1807-1819, original books on FHC Film# 0593577 Submitted by Sue Elfving Researcher for Combs &c: William Combs on jury (COB 1807-1819:170).
1811 - First Tax Book transcribed by Sue Elfving from FHC Film #0007923 of original Casey Co., Ky. Tax
Lists 1807-1817, 1819-1831, 1833 p.4 no date
COMBS, Berryman ...0a...1wm>21, 0 blks>16, tot blks=0, 2 hr/mares
COMBS, William .............1wm>21, 1 blks>16, tot blks=0,5 hr/mares 250a Casey Co., Hanging Fork, entered in name of John Reed, surveyed in name of Will COMBS, patented in same
SE Note: In 1810, William COMBS had 7 horses/mares. Now he has 5 horses and a new COMBS, Berryman, appears with 2 horses. William COMBS had been recorded as having a white male age 16-21 in his 1806 Lincoln Co. tax entry and in his 1808 Casey Co. tax entry. His 1810 census record indicates he had a male age 16-26 in his household.
1811 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted
by Sue Elving (see note above) No tax list identification number or book number. Appears to be one large list.
p.14 Combs John……………….1wm>21, 0wm>16, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 2h
166a(3rd ) Casey Co ., Nob lick
Casey Co., Ky. Circuit Court Order Records 1807-1819, original books on FHC Film # 0593577 Submitted by Sue
Elfving Researcher for Combs &c
14 May 1811 Thomas FISHER against William Combs} In Chancery (COB 1807-1819:194).
12 Aug. 1811 Benjamin SAMPSON admin. Pltf. against William Combs &c Deft} In debt. On motion of pltf. it is ordered an alias capias be awarded them against the defts returnable here.....continued to
next term (COB 1807-1819:205).
13 Aug. 1811 Thomas FISHER Complt against William Combs Deft} In Chancery. Pltf. to recover from deft the value of the Cabbin in the Bill mentioned and also the rails in the Bill and in the depositions of Allen Howard mentioned....jury called to determine the value which was established to be $10.50 (COB 1807-1819:207).
1812 Tax List transcribed by Sue Elfving from FHC Film #0007923 of original Casey Co., Ky. Tax Lists 1807-1817, 1819-1831, 1833
p.2, No date
COMBS, Wm ....................1wm>21, 0 blks>16, tot blk=1, 4 hr/mares 250a Casey Co., Hanging Fork, name entered in Reed
COMBS, Beryamin .....0a.....1wm>21, 0 blks>16, tot blks=0,1
No STACY or Joseph GOODE
10 Oct 1812 recorded 17 Dec 1812 Casey Co., KY Deed Bk 2 39 abstracted by Philo Lund and submitted by Combs &c researcher Sue Elfving
This indenture between William COMBS and Elizabeth his wife of the first part and John ROCHESTER of Mercer Co., Ky. of the second part for the sum of 50 pounds sell a parcel in Casey County on the headwaters of White Oak Creek and Rolling Fork and joining the lands of Jno. Christison [sic] and George BROOKS and William BRYANT on the north........signed William COMBS (seal) and Elizabeth x COMBS (seal).
Elizabeth appeared apart
from her husband and examined. Ralph LANCASTER.
SE NOTE: The page number (39) is correct but we have made a mistake or the recorder made a mistake with the date Elizabeth was examined apart from her husband. The deed was executed on 10 Oct. 1812, William affirmed it was his act and deed on 17 Dec., 1812, and then Elizabeth was privately examined on 12 July 1812 which cannot happen because she can't release her rights of dower prior to the execution of the deed. Therefore, she must
have been examined in 1813 or 1814. The index to the deeds had two dates 1814 (recording) and 1812 (execution of deed). Note that William and Elizabeth also executed a deed on 17 Dec. 1812 when they sold land to Jonathan Reed. This deed was recorded in Book 2, p.31. So it looks like William also affirmed the other 1812 deed on 17 Dec. and Elizabeth came in later, maybe as
late as 1814 to relinquish her rights. The release may have been 1814 as the index suggests.
17 Dec 1812 Casey Co., KY Deed Bk 2 p. 31 abstracted by Philo Lund and submitted
by Combs &c researcher Sue Elfving: William COMBS and Elizabeth his wife of Casey County, Ky., of the first part and Jonathan Reed of the second part, sell 100 acres lying in Casey Co., Ky., .....along southwest boundary of Combs 500 acres...for 60 pounds. Signed Wm COMBS and Elizabeth COMBS (seal).
1813 Tax List transcribed by Sue Elfving from FHC Film #0007923 of original Casey Co., Ky. Tax Lists
1807-1817, 1819-1831, 1833 p.3 23 July
COMBS, William .............1wm>21, 1 blk>16, tot blk=1, 3hr/mares Capt. Lobbs Militia District 250a Casey Co., W. Hanging Fork, entered in name of Jno Reed, surveyed in name of Wm COMBS, patented in same
COMBS, Berryman ....0a...1wm>21, o blks>16, tot blks=0, 4 hr/mares
24 May 1813 Casey Co., Ky. Circuit Court Order Records 1807-1819, original books on FHC Film #0593577 Submitted by Sue Elfving Researcher for Combs &c: Benjamin SAMPSON Adm? Pltf against William Combs and others Defts} In debt. Court ordered the suit to be dismissed (COB 1807-1819:258).
1814 Tax List transcribed by Sue Elfving from FHC Film #0007923 of original Casey Co., Ky. Tax Lists
1807-1817, 1819-1831, 1833 p.3 no date
COMBS, William .............1wm>21, 0 blks>16, tot blk=1, 3 hr/mares TV=$994 250a Casey Co., N. Roling Fk, entered in name of Jno Reed
22 Aug. 1814 (COB1807-1819:321-23). Casey Co., Ky. Circuit Court Order Records 1807-1819, original books on FHC Film #0593577 Submitted by Sue Elfving Researcher for Combs &c
Thomas FISHER Pltf against William Combs Deft} In Chancery. It is the opinion of the Court of Appeals of the State of Ky. on 25 May 1813 towit: [blank space] Combs being the owner of a tract of land with a Cabbin [sic] & other improvements thereon on the 10th day of Jan. 1806 sold the same to Fisher & promised to deliver possession thereof to Fisher in same
situation it their was against the first day of January thereafter: To recover the amount of an obligation executed by Fisher in part pay for the land and improvements Combs prosecuted suit and obtained Judgment in the Casey Circuit court for the purpose of obtaining relief against the Judgement, Fisher exhibited his Bill in Chancery alledging the purchase of the land and improvements
aforesaid the promises of Combs to deliver possession in the same situation it was when purchased was made [unreadable symbol] Andcharges that the place was not delivered in the situation, but that place was not delivered in the situation, but
that the cabbin was burnt & number of rails destroyed....one final circuit court decree was given with jury.....Appeals court thinks the circuit court decree was correct....Combs said cabbin was burnt by accident but that does not release him from his obligation.... Affirm Circuit court decree.....
1815 Tax List transcribed by Sue Elfving from FHC Film #0007923 of original Casey Co., Ky. Tax Lists 1807-1817, 1819-1831, 1833 p.3 no date
COMBS, George ............1wm>21, 0 blks>16, tot blks=0, 3hr/mares TV=$1080 250a Casey Co., Rolling Fork, entered in W._______,surveyed same, patented same [Could not read name land entered in]
SE Note: Did tax recorder make a mistake when entering the name George instead of William COMBS? It is obviously the same land even though the land entered name is confusing and doesn't state Jno. Reed. Or has William gone elsewhere and left George behind to care for things until William has resettled. The entry shows no blacks further indicating William has moved. Research
in progress to locate next residence of William COMBS. 1815 is the last year for a COMBS on the Casey Co. tax list through the year 1838.
20 June 1815 Casey Co., KY Deed Bk 2 p. 37 abstracted by Philo Lund and submitted by Combs &c researcher Sue Elfving
William COMBS of Clay County, Ky., and George COMBS of Casey County, Ky., for $1000 paid that parcel on the headwaters of White Oak Creek, a branch by the Hanging Fork containing 500 acres as follows...Clarks run...Signed Wm COMBS (seal) and Elizabeth x COMBS (seal). Kentucky Casey County to wit I Abner BAKER Clerk of the forward Clay County Court do
certify that the within named William COMBS personally appeared in my office and acknowledged the within instrument of writing to George COMBS to be his act and deed. Signed A. BAKER 20 June 1815.27 July 1815. Casey County, Ky. This day appeared before two of the Commonwealth Justices Mrs. Elizabeth COMBS examined apart from her husband freely relinquished her right
of dower of mentioned tract 27 July 1815. Signed Charles KIRKLAND and Jacob JOHNSON.
28 July 1815. George COMBS
brought to my office 28 July 1815 to record. Signed Ralph LANCASTER.
SE Note: The above deed clearly styles William COMBS as being of Clay County, Ky., and his wife Elizabeth as still being in Casey Co., Ky. In 1815, there is no William COMBS in the Casey Co. tax lists. The 1815 Clay Co., Ky. tax lists show two William COMBS, one styled Jr. By 1816 there is only one William COMBS remaining in Clay County. Elizabeth appears to have remained behind in Casey but it is unclear as to how long she stayed in Casey. Only George COMBS appeared in the 1815 Casey Co., Ky. tax list.
20 July 1815 Casey Co., KY Deed Bk 12 p. 38-39 abstracted by Philo Lund and submitted by Combs &c researcher Sue Elfving
This indenture dated 20 July 1815 between George COMBS and Elizabeth COMBS of Casey County, Kentucky, of the first part and James JONES of Casey County of the second part, 50 pounds for a parcel of 50 acres in Casey County on the waters of Salt River and White Oak Creek, corner of Thomas FISHER. Signed George x COMBS and Elizabeth x COMBS This day appeared apart from her husband.......signed Charles KIRKLAND and Jacob JOHNSON, 27 July 1815. This day appeared before me George
COMBS and affirmed this to be his act and deed, Ralph LANCASTER 28 July 1815
SE Note: If one looked at this deed independent of the others, it might appear that Elizabeth was the name of George's wife but I believe the Elizabeth named in the above instrument was the wife of William COMBS.
22 July 1815 Casey Co., KY Deed Bk DB2 p. 3-40 abstracted by Philo Lund and submitted by Combs &c researcher Sue Elfving
This Indenture between George COMBS of Casey Co., Ky of the first part and John ROCHESTER of Mercer Co., Ky., of the second part...$313 for 114 & 2/3 acres in Casey Co., Ky., lying on Salt River and
White Oak Creek. Signed by George COMBS. George appeared and confirmed instrument was his act and deed, 28 July 1815, Casey Co., Ky., Ralph LANCASTER.
24 July 1815 Casey Co., KY Deed Bk 2 p. 40 abstracted by Philo Lund and submitted by Combs &c researcher Sue Elfving
This indenture between George COMBS of Casey County of the first part and John ROCHESTER of Mercer County, Ky., for $240 for a parcel of 139 &1/2a in Casey on the waters of Clarks Run and White Oak Creek. Signed George COMBS.
28 Aug. 1815 . George GIVENS Pltf against William Combs} On an attachment. Judgment by the court for plaintiff to recover from the defendant 13 pounds 18 shillings with interest thereon. The defendant not appearing.....the sheriff levied attachment against William Combs to include...1bay mare, 1 yearling colt, 1 kettle, 1 pot, 1 frying pan, 1 oven____, 1 stewpot & _____ & 3 pot hooks, 1 cupboard & h___kle, 1 flat iron, 1 feather bedstead, and bead [sic] furniture 1 long post bedstead,1 hick__l, 1 table the cupboard furniture, 1 delph dish, 4 boles, 1 pair of ______, one brindle cow....( COB
1807-1819 :360).
SE NOTE: No further court entries found for William Combs in this volume after 28 Aug. 1815. Book ended Aug. 1819.
1820-1840 Casey Co, KY Census: No Combs
1850 Casey Co., KY Census - Extracted from images by Combs Researcher Debi Houser.
District No. 1, pg 355a & 355b
HH 415/415
George T. RUSSELL 30 farmer Ky
Eliza 27 Ky
Agilia 7 f Ky attended school
William C. 6 Ky attended school
Julia J. 4 Ky
John 3 Ky
Bird 10/12 m Ky
Note: George T. RUSSELL was the son of Sanders and Mary COMBS Russell of Lincoln &
Boyle Counties Ky. George's wife, Eliza, was the daughter of Hardin and Nancy
COMBS Combs of Clay & Owsley Counties Ky.
12 May 1864 death of Combs, George W., pvt, Co (I?) 13th KY Cav, cem Family, Casey Co, KY (extracted by Combs researcher Natalie McClelndon from Card Records of Headstones provided for deceased Union Civil War Veterans ca. 1879 - ca. 1903, Nat'l Archives microfilm #M1845 consisting of 3x5 index cards listed name of veteran, rank, company & regiment, cemetery of burial, city, county, state of cemetery, date of death, name of headstone maker, date of contract to make the headstone. NOTE: See submission below on migration from Fentress Co., TN to Casey Co., KY by Birdie McNutt where the cemetery that George W. Combs was buried in was named Omar Bell and also see Combs Union Confederate Soldiers in Civil War
1867-1895 Casey Co., KY Marriages (by Combs Researcher Gunderat Combs - See below for more re
this family)
17 Mar 1867 Charlotte J. Combs & Thomas J. BROWN
16 Nov 1869 Clemenza Combs & Thomas FOSTER
1870 Casey Co., KY Census (Transcribed by Deb Coombs)
Lee Pct 216
HH 3/3
James H. COMBS, 50, M, Farmer, $300, $1000, LA
Lucy, 50, F, Keeping House, LA, cannot write
Thomas, 28, M, Farm Hand, LA
James A., 17, M, attended school, LA, cannot write
Theodore, 10, M, LA, cannot write
Scynthia, 8, F, LA
William G., 6, M, LA
Note: James H. "Joseph" COMBS lived in Fentress Co., TN in 1850 & 1860. His wife was Lucy HUDDLESTON.
Tates Pct p. 289
HH 169/167
Asa ROLERS, 60, M, Farmer, $250, $600, KY, cannot read or write
Nancy, 64, F, Keeping House, KY, cannot write
Nancy E. COMBS, 20, F, KY, cannot write
1867-1895 Casey Co., KY Marriages (by Combs Researcher Gunderat Combs)
27 Feb 1879 William M. Combs & Virginia CHELF
8 Mar 1879 Theophelus Combs& Martha HELM
1 Jan 1880 James Allen Combs & Marietta EDWARDS
15 Nov 1882 JH Combs & Jane BEATTY
13 Dec 1885 Thomas C. Combs & Elizabeth EDWARDS
12 May 1888 JH Combs & Nancy OWENS
11Feb1891 Maud Combs & J L CAMPBELL
02 Nov 1892 Casey Co., KY Land Grants/Surveys. Grantee: Combs, J H; Acres: 65; Book: 118, Page:
286; Date Survey: 11- 2-1892; County: Casey; Watercourse: Woods Fk (The Kentucky Land Grants, A Systematic Index to All of the Land Grants Recorded in the State Land Office at Frankfort, Kentucky 1782 -- 1924, Volume1, Part 1, Willard Rouse Jillson, Sc.D. (Originally published as Filson Club Publications, Number 33, KY, p. 1123)
11 Apr 1895 Casey Co., KY Marriages (by Combs Researcher Gunderat Combs): JA Combs & Julia WHEELER
Copy of letter from Mary Lou Guinn to her neice, Bertha Strickfaden. (Submitted by John Russell)
E. Ferguesons Shenandoah, Iowa
February 29, 1932
Mis. Bertha Strickfaden
dear niece I will ans your most recent welcome letter. I was so glad to here from you & you all were well. We all are sick now we have the flu. Vergie was awful bad for one week she is some better, now. I hope you all don't have it. We
all wish we could see you all. Tell Paull to come on to see us all. Tell your mother and dadie that we all want to see them so bad & take a long talk with them. Well you ask me how many brothers pa had had two brothers & six sisters.
I will try to tell you who they married. I will comence with the oldest one aunt Sallie married Uncle tomie Botoms & aunt pollie married uncle daniel gaud & aunt kittie married uncle jim may aunt betsie married uncle george russell & aunt emily married uncle jeff macginnes & aunt
julie ann married uncle silas booling & his two brothers names was william and john & grandpa russell married grandpa Combs sister. mother maiden name was combs before she married & she had one brother three sisters their names was aunt caroline she married uncle joe marcel
aunt pop married uncle bob white & aunt plinia married uncle will coriam & her brother name was harden he was twenty years older than the oldest girl that. was aunt caroline & mother was
the next girl & her given name was liza ann & when pa married her he didn't like that name & he named her mag that all I know about them & I don't know where any of them live & don't know if any of them are living or not that all I know about the proud folks you must try to come to see us for I am to old to try to go anyplace without falling down write
me a long letter and tell me how all of the folks are where does flossie live & how many children does she have write her tell your aunt bertha that she mustn't spoil that boy to much or he will take the lead & they will have to follow him that all love and best wishes from us all to you this is for all to you all write soon & come soon as ever your old auntie guinnoh
I forgot to tell you yes Leighton Russell is lots better.
Notes: Mary Lou GUINN was the daughter of George T. RUSSELL and his wife Eliza Ann "Margaret"COMBS.
George was theson of Sanders and Mary COMBS Russell of Lincoln &
Boyle Counties. Eliza Ann was the daughter of Hardin & Nancy COMBS Combs of Clay & Owsley Counties.
29 Jan 1933 Kentucky Death Certificate Vol: 002, Cert; 00523, DVol: 33 for: Clayborn Combs; white male; married; wife Nancy Ann SIZEMORE; age 90 yrs 8 mos 23 ds; born 6 May 1842 Perry Co., Ky; died 29 Jan 1933 Casey Co., Ky; died of malignant trouble of stomach; son of ?? and ??; informant Kermit GREER (Transcribed by Combs Researcher Debi Kendrick from microfilm copy.
Notes: See Clayborne Combs, age 6, Perry Co., KY HH of Biram and Mariah MESSER Combs, 1850 Census, District 2,007-007.
The Combs of Fentress Co., TN and Casey Co., KY
Excerpted (with permission) by Combs Researcher Birdie McNutt from "James H. Combs Family 1822" by Hazel
Mozell Nelson Russell, Bryan County Heritage Association Library, Calera OK.
.....James H. "Joe" Combs was born 1822 in Tennessee. About 1842 he married his first wife, Lucy HUDDLESTON.
About his family and Green B. MURPHY'S and Charlotte MURPHY family moved to Liberty, Casey County, Kentucky. Charlotte was a sister to James' wife Lucy HUDDLESTON. Lucy was born January 20, 1820, in Tennessee. Her father was
Jarriott M. HUDDLESTON, born June 27, 1775 in Virginia. He married Charlotte HILL July 6, 1807. She was born August 19, 1790, in North Carolina. Jarriott M. HUDDLESTON's father was Thomas C. HUDDLESTON. His mother was Millie TANNER. They married in 1774 in Goochland County, Virginia. The Full story of Jarriott M. HUDDLESTON'S family is in print. Tim Huddleston wrote a book in 1979.
.....The reason James Combs and Green B. MURPHY moved to Kentucky was the Civil War. Some of the family was divided in their loyalties between the North and South. James and his son, George Washington Combs served with the North in Company I, 13th Kentucky Calvery. James, Lucy, George W., Charlotte, Clemansy, and their husbands are buried in the Ormar Bell Cemetary on the old family farm west of Liberty, Kentucky. George W. Combs died while in the war.
.....Thomas C. Combs' family is buried in the Rainey Cemetary. All the Combs are buried in Casey County, Kentucky except Theophalus and Martha (HELM) Combs,who went to Leonard [Fannin Co], Texas and Fannin County, Texas area about 1902. The following are children of James H. "Joe" and Lucy (HUDDLESTON) Combs.
1. Jarriott M. Combs b: Aug. 9, 1843, Fentress Co. TN; d. June 1, 1856, in TN
2. George Washington Combs b: Sept 2, 1844, Fentress Co. TN; d: April 26, 1864, Died of disease contacted
in service, Company I, 13th KY Calvary. Bur: Omar Bell Cemetary on Farm, Casey County, Kentucky See also Combs Union Confederate Soldiers in Civil War
3. Thomas C. Combs b: Dec. 26, 1846, Fentress Co. TN; m: Elizabeth Edwards WILLIAMS; d: May 11, 1922, Casey Co. KY
4. Charlotte G. Combs b: Feb 3, 1849, Fentress Co. TN; m: Thomas Jeff BROWN, March 17, 1867; d: Dec 18, 1917; Bur: Omar Bell Cemetary
5. Clemansy A. Combs b: June 13, 1851, Fentress Co. TN; m: Thomas FOSTER Nov. 16, 1869; d: March 7, 1924;
Bur: Omar Bell Cemetery
6. Siddy W. Combs b: Dec. 25, 1852, Fentress Co. TN; d: June 14, 1856, Fentress Co. TN
7. John W. Combs b: August 16, 1854, Fentress Co. TN; d: April 18, 1856, Fentress Co. TN
8. James A. Combs b: August 5, 1856, Fentress Co. TN; m: Marietta EDWARDS Jan. 1, 1880 d:
9: Theophalus Combs b: August 30, 1859, Fentress Co. TN; m: Martha HELM March 8, 1879; d: Feb. 17, 1923, Calera, Bryan Co. OK; Bur: Calera, OK
10. Cynthia G. Combs b: Jan. 16, 1861, Casey Co. KY; m: Willis LEE July 6, 1882; d: May 1921; Bur: Casey Co. KY
11. Ulysses S. Grant Combs b: July 29, 1864, Casey Co. KY; m. Addie SANDERS; d: June 23, 1941; Bur:
12. Evaline Combs b: July1894; m: Mr. _______Whitelor Whiteel; d:____________; Bur:__________
.....After Lucy (HUDDLESTON) Combs, died Mary 12, 1876, Liberty, Casey Co. Kentucky, JamesH. "Joe" Combs married Jane BEATTY, May 22, 1880. Marriage Number three was to Elvira JUSTICE, May 22, 1884. Marriage number four was to Nancy OWENS, May12, 1888, and marriage number five was to Julia WHEELER, widow of William "Bud" WHEELER. No issue is
known from marriages two, three and four, or five. Julia had the following children: 1. Mary Alice Wheeler, b: 1884, 2. Clarence Wheeler, b: 1886, and 3. Edna Wheeler, b: 1889.
.............. . Second Generation
..........Thomas C. Combs and Elizabeth EDWARDS
.....Thomas C. Combs was the third Child of James H. "Joe" Combs and Lucy (HUDDLESTON) Combs. Thomas was
born January 12, 1846 in Fentress County, Tennessee. He was a farmer and a Deputy County Court Clerk in Casey County, Kentucky. His granddaughter Nora CLEMENT CARMEN lives on the home place now, which is the year of 1986. Elizabeth EDWARDS Combs was born in 1846. She died May 21, 1918 in Liberty, Casey County, Kentucky. Thomas C. Combs died March 13, 1922, Liberty, Casey County, Kentucky. They are both buried in the Rainey Water Cemetery.
.....Children of Thomas C. Combs and Elizabeth EDWARDS Combs;
1. Maud Allen Combs b: June 18, 1873, Liberty,Casey Co. KY; m: James L. CAMPBELL Feb. 11, 1891; d: Dec. 22, 1958; Bur: Rainey Cemetery, Casey Co. KY
2. Mattie Combs b: May 7,1878, Liberty, Casey Co., KY; m: James WETHINGTONN; d: April 27, 1955
.....Maud and James brought Mattie's half of the home after Thomas and Elizabeth died. After Maud and James
CAMPBELL died Nora CLEMENT CARMEN bought the homeplace and has raised their family there. They have built a new house across the road from the old house which still stands and has furnishings including curtains from fifty years ago. Thomas' great, great, great grandchildren get together every Labor day for a dinner and a walk down to the old house.
..........Theophalus H. Combs, the 9th child of James H. and Lucy HUDDLESTON:
.....Theophalus was born August 20, 1859 in Tennessee, died Feb. 17, 1923. In Calera, Oklahoma. was buried Feb. 19, 1923 in Calera, Bryan County, OK He was married to March 8, 1879 in Liberty, Casey County, Kentucky to Martha HELM. Martha was born Feb. 1859. Died Nov. 12, 1936 and buried Nov. 14, 1936 in Calera, Bryan Co. Okla. (Rose Hill), Her father was Henry HELM and her mother was Maragret LEE. Theophalus and Martha were married by W.N. Crockett J.P.
.....Children of Theophalus Combs and Martha HELM Combs:
1. James E. Combs b: August 31, 1877, Liberty, Casey Co. KY; d: August 16, 1957
2. Thomas Combs B:____________, Liberty, Casey Co. KY
3. George Washington Combs b: August 12, 1882, Liberty, Casey Co. KY; d: March 31, 1955
4. Uriah Cleveland Combs b: June 11, 1885, Liberty, Casey Co. KY; d: October 16, 1954
5. Frankie Combs b: May 1888
6. Della Combs b: December 1890; d: 1961-Sacramento,CA
7. Laura Belle Combs b: Mary 1892
8. Ella Mae Combs b: June1895
9. Clellie O. Combs b: June 1898; d: 1905or1907
10. Maggie Combs b: Jan. 1901; d: 1951, Denison,TX
.....About 1902 Theophalus and Martha moved to East Texas, around Leonard, they moved to indian territory about 1912 after Theophalus shot and killed, Luther QUICK,when he was trying to run off with one of his daughters. Luther shot first, hitting Theophalus in the right arm, Theophalus then changed the gun from his right to his left hand, shooting Luther QUICK in the back of his head killing him instantly. His son Uriah Cleveland Combs was in the buggy with his Father.
..........James E. Combs and Mary Alice WHEELER
.....James E. Combs, born August 31, 1877 in Liberty, Casey County, Kentucky, died August 16, 1957 in Atoka Oklahoma., was buried August 18, 1957 in Nobility, Fannin County, Texas. Mary Alice was born September 14, 1884. Died 1968 and buried in Indian Creek Cemetery Nobility, Texas. Her Father was Bud WHEELER, her mother Julia WHEELER Combs. Her step-father (Husband's grandfather) James H. Combs.
.....James Left Liberty, Kentucky about 1901. He went to east Texas, working a while and then sending for his sweetheart, who was his step-aunt. She slipped out, rode a horse about twenty miles, and caught a train to Texas. They married in 1902. They
worked on farms for themselves, and shared-cropped until they retired.
Important: See also the Combs Research List Archives for more re the later Combs of this county.