Combs &c.
of Franklin Co., KY |
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Franklin County was established in 1794-5 from
Mercer & Shelby Counties KY. In 1798-99, Gallatin Co., KY was established from northern part of Franklin; in 1819, a further portion of northern Franklin was allocated to the newly-established Owen Co., KY; and in 1827, part of southern Franklin was allocated to the
newly-established Anderson Co., KY.
01 Nov 1798 (Franklin Co., KY Marriage Records) Asa Combs & Zelpha HACKLEY. (Marriage CD - record still needed)
Notes: The above thought to have been Asa Combs of Nelson Co., KY, son of John & Alice JOLLY Combs. Asa married (1) 23
Dec 1794, Nelson Co., KY, Sarah GRAY. He died 7 Oct 1807 (Nelson Co, KY and Combs
Family Bible Records)
10 Nov 1798 (KY Court of Appeals) p.66, Indenture, November 10, 1798, John FOWLER and Millicent his wife of Fayette County, Kentucky, to John CAMPBELL of Fayette County, for 37 pounds, a tract of Land in Franklin County, Kentucky adjoining the out-lots of the town of Frankfort, containing 7 acres. Witnessed by Abraham HITE and John H. Combs. Recorded November 10, 1798 by the Kentucky Court
of Appeals. Also on November 12, 1798 Lexington, Kentucky District Supreme Court. Kentucky Court of Appeals Deed Books A-G Volumne 1 by Michael L. Cook, C.G. and Bettie A. Cook, C.G., Cook Publications 3318 Wimberg Avenue Evansville Indiana 47712. 1985. page 148)
23-25 Feb 1800 (Barren Co., KY DB1, page 3:23) 23 Feb 1800. John MAYFIELD & Sally, his wife, of Barren Co. to Jonah Combs "of the county of Franklin"
Ky. 50 lbs - 100 acres (part of the tract said MAYFIELD purchased from John GARNETT Esq said land lying and being in County of Barren on the Waters of Beaver Creek. Rec'd 25 Feb. 1800. (Extracted by Birdie McNutt from Abstracts of Barren Co, KY Deed Book I, by Sandra K. Gorin, Gorin Genealogical Pub. Co., 205 Clements Ave, Glasgow Ky 42141-3409)
Notes: According to the William Franklin Coombs Manuscript, Jonah Combs, son of Samuel & Mary WILKES Combs of Loudoun Co., VA and Nelson Co., KY, married (1) a "Miss GARNETT" and (2) 5 Jul 1800, Catherine GATEWOOD (neè WEBB) in Jessamine Co., KY. Not known if this is the same Jonah Combs, although the
presence of his brothers Jesse and Asa Combs in the county at about the same time would tend to lend credence to the possibility (see court case of 30 Sep 1825 in Hardin Co., KY listing Jonah's brothers and sisters). Jonah is found in Henry Co., KY by 1810. Their relationship to Stephen Combs below, if any, also of Loudoun Co., VA, remains unknown.
07 Dec 1811 (Franklin Co KY Vital Records-Marriage Bond transcribed by Combs-McKinney Researcher
Loren Gardner) We Daniel F. McKINNEY and Stephen Combs are held and firmly bound to the Commonweath of Kentucky in the ______ sum of One Hundred pounds to the true performance we bind Our selves our heirs _____ Given under Our hands and Seals, this 7th day December 1811. The Conditions of this Obligation is such that wheras this above bound Daniel F. McKINNEY hath this day obtained a license to marry Effa Combs of this County now if there is no lawfull cause to Obstruct the Said marrage, then this Obligation to be void else to remain in full force and Vestage.
_______ |
Daniel F. McKINNEY
(seal) |
Stephen Combs
(seal) |
LG Notes: In all other listings "Effa" is shown as Hetha or Hethie. It is believed that she was actually Hetha/Hethie
(Esther? Easter? Beheathland?) Combs, b ca1795, and that she was the daughter of Stephen & Barbara ALLEN Combs. She was the 2nd wife of Danielf F.
(Fuquay) McKINNEY, and they are found in Wayne
Co., KY in 1820 through 1825 tax records. In 1827, they moved to Pulaski Co., KY. In 1836-1848, they are found in Logan Co IL where Daniel
died in 1848-9. Hetha Combs McKinney died aft 1860. Known children of Hetha and Daniel are Abraham McKINNEY, b ca1822, m Rebecca (BROOKS?) and William McKINNEY, b ca1824, m Permalia BIRKS (a.k.a. BURK?). Census records indicate Hetha and Daniel had four daughters, but their names are not known. Daniel F. McKINNEY and William Combs are found in the tax lists of Washington Co., KY in 1808 & 1809, and Stephen Combs is also found there in 1809. No MESSENGERS are found in KY.
1812 Franklin Co KY Tax Lists (Transcribed by Loren Gardner): Stephen Combs
12 Apr 1816 (Franklin Co KY Marriage Records) TROWER, Samuel & Combs, Mary Ann (Marriage CD- record still needed)
Notes: Not found on any available 1820 Census Index
08 Jan 1820 (Franklin Co KY Marriage Records) YANCY, William & Combs, Susan (Marriage
CD- record still needed)
Notes: Susan(na) Combs was apparently the d/o of James Combs and his first wife Ann MARYMAN Hendley (d/o of Joseph MARYMAN of St. Mary's Co., Md.). She and her sister Elizabeth O'BRIEN (wife of Augustine O'BRIEN) are not included in their father's 1820 census household. William YANCY is found in the 1820 Scott Co., Ky. census and the 1830 Woodord Co., Ky. census. He and Susan migrated to Ralls Co., Mo, where they are found as neighbors of the O'BRIENS in the 1850 and 1860 census.
1820 Franklin Co, Ky Census (transcribed by Sue Elfving)
Lawrenceburg, (Source: Heritage Quest original images, Series: M33 Roll: 22 Page: 77)
p. 77/84
James Combes 310001 1001
3 m <10, 1 m 10-16, 1 m >45
1 f <10, 1 f 26-45
(enumerated next)
Gustavus OBRIANT 21001 0001
SE NOTES: James Combs (1772-1852) of St. Mary's Co., Md. and Scott Co., Ky., son of Philip Combs and Margaret FENWICK. The columns were not very clearly defined and it was difficult to get an accurate reading. Anyone interested in this James should recheck the original. The ages of the children fit the family group for James Combs of Scott Co., Ky., and his second wife Matilda SMITH (d/o of James SMITH). His two (2) eldest daughters (Elizabeth and Susanna) by his first wife Ann MARYMAN Hendley (d/o of Jospeh MARYMAN) have married and are no longer living at home. James and Matilda married 29 Sept. 1806 in Washington Co., Ky. James is previously in the 1810 Scott Co., Ky. census and returns to the same in 1830. St. Mary's Co., Md., Orphans Court records document that James Combs of Scott Co., Ky., and his wife Ann had two daughters named Elizabeth and Susanna. See records in St. Mary's Co., Md., and Scott Co., Ky., for more information about James Combs, his three wives, and his family. Neighboring Gustavus OBRIANT (aka O'Brien) appears to be the same as Augustine O'BRIEN who married one Elizabeth Combs, apparent d/o of James Combs and his first wife Ann. Elizabeth married Augustine OBrien prior to 1820 in Ky. They later removed to Ralls Co., Mo., where they are found with Elizabeth's sister Susan Combs and her husband William Yancy.
P. 086
Daniel F. McKINNEY
13 Jan 1825 Franklin Co, KY Marriage Records. COOMBS, Maria & SINGLETON, Elijah (Extracted by
Combs Researcher Pat Orton from var. marriage CD's)
Notes: Maria was the daughter of Asa and Zilpha HACKLEY Combs (See above).
1830 Franklin Co, KY Census Index: No Combs
25 Nov 1835 "Sarah Combs, daughter of Dr. Ennis Combs, of Montgomery County, Ky married Thomas Burke STEVENSON of Frankfort [Franklin Co]. M in the latter place, November 25, 1835." (Extracted from the Lexington
Observer and Reporter, issue dated December 2, 1895, by Combs Researcher Pat Osborn Orton)
Notes: Ennis Combs was the son of Cuthbert & Sarah "Sallie" EVANS Combs, Sr. of Stafford Co VA and Clark Co KY.
1840 Franklin Co, KY Census Index: No Combs
1850 Census Franklin Co., KY
District 1
Lamson? L. NOEL 32 M farmer $775 Ky
Mary E. 21 F Ky
Ellen 3/12 F Ky
Burk H. Combs 12 M Ky attended school within the year
Notes: The Fayette Co., KY will of Gen. Leslie COMBS (son of Benjamin & Sarah RICHARDSON Combs of Stafford Co, VA and Clark Co, KY), begun Aug. 14, 1873, Signed Oct. 8, 1875 with a Codicil dated July 2, 1879, includes the following clause:
"Item 5 I give to my son, Howard, my sword now in his possession; my saddle, my uniform when captain of artillery, Leslie Combs, and walking canes - The picture of a captain in uniform and General Harrisons likeness, both in frames in the basement entry - all the books which he doesn't want, to the law library in Lexington and such public documents and pamphlets as he doesn't want, to my nephew, Burke Combs, of Bremard Texas - Also the silver pitcher given to me in 1844 by the Whigs of Kings County New York, the friends of Henry Clay, for whom I made a public address in Brooklyn. This pitcher is not to be sold but
handed down to one on his children as an heir to me - and so on."
05 Apr 1866 Ky Yeoman (newspaper) "Capt. William R. Combs, Frankfort, KY. The eldest living brother of Gen. Leslie Combs. He was a gallant officer in the War of 1812-15; in peace, as fearless as any man on earth, and very
powerful in single combat" He died on Easter Monday (Apr 1866) in his 80th year." (Notes on Ky Veterans of the War of
1812 by G. Glenn Clift)
Notes: William R[ichardson?] Combs was the son of Benjamin & Sarah RICHARDSON Combs of Clark Co., KY; he earlier resided in Fayette Co., KY
1870 Franklin Co KY Census (Transcribed by Combs Researcher Deb Coombs)
Forks of Elkhorn Dist p. 079
HH 50/49
Henry CARTER, 32, M, Mulatto, Farm Laborer, KY
Martha, 30, F, Black, Keeping House, KY
Joseph COMB, 28, M, Black, Farm Laborer, KY
Sophia COMB, 28, F, Black, at home, KY, cannot read or write
Alice COMB, 9, F, Black, at home, KY
Susan COMB, 6, F, Black, KY
Sarah COMB, 2, F, Black KY
Frankfort p.106
HH 207/196
Horace COMBS, 30, M, Black, Teamster, KY, cannot write
Fannie, 30, F, Black, House Keeping, KY
Frankfort p.122
HH. 468/441
Henry COMBS, 42, M, Mulatto, Cooper, KY, cannot write
Mary B., 26, F, Mulatto, Seamstress, $250, KY
Lucinda, 3, F, Mulatto, KY
William JOHNSON, 8, M, Mulatto, KY, attended school
Frankfort 126
HH 3/3
Daniel QUARRELS, 65, M, Black, Basket maker, KY, cannot read or write
Ann E., 35, F, Black, Keeping House, MO, cannot read or write
Henry COMBS, 15, M, Black, Domestic Servant, KY, cannot read or write
Robert COMBS, 12, M, Black, KY, cannot read or write
Susan A. COMBS, 7, F, Black, KY
William COMBS, 2, M, Black, KY
Bell Point Village p. 174
HH 3/3
Lutz COMBS, 24, M, Laborer, $450, KY
Elizabeth, 21, F, Keeping House, KY
Margaret, 1/12, F, KY, (b. Apr.)
Note: Lutz resided in Jefferson Co., KY in 1880. See also the 2 Feb 1937 Cincinnati, Hamilton, OH Death Certificate for his daughter Mrs. Victoria Myers.
12 Sept 1876 Franklin Co., KY Vital Statistics -Births: Fred D. COMBS - male - alive - born Franklin County - father, Richard Combs - mother, Mary Johnson - brown - father, born Franklin County - mother, born Franklin County - residence of parents, Franklin County.
10 Oct 1878 Franklin Co., KY Vital Statistics -Births:- Births: James COMBS - male - alive - born Franklin County - father, Dick Combs - mother, Maud Johnson - black - father, born Franklin County - mother, born Franklin County - residence of parents, Franklin County.
24 Jun 1915 Commonwelth of Kentucky, Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics: Certificate of Death, Volume 029 Cert 14414 Deathvol 15 Place of death: County: Franklin, Vot pct: Gaines stable, City: Frankfort, Ky, No: 620 High St., Full name: Henry Combs, Sex: Male, Color or race: Colored, Marital status: Widower, Date of birth: 1830, Age: 85 yrs, Occupation: Cooper, Industry: Retired, Birthplace: Woodford Co. Ky., Name of father: Don't know, Birthplace: Unknown, Maiden name of mother: Don't know, Birthplace: Unknown, Informant: James Calhoun, Address: frankfort, Ky., Filed: June 26, 1915, Lizzie Diamond, Registrar, Date of death: June 24, 1915, I hereby certify that I attended deceased from Jan 14, 1915, to Jun 24, 1915 that I lasw saw him alive on Jun 24, 1915 and that death occurred on the date stated above. Cause of death: Senility, Duration: 6 mos, Contributory: Anararca (sic), Duration: 3 mos, Signed: E. E. (unreadable scribbled) m.d., Jun 24, 1915 Address: (unreadable), Place of burial: Frankfort, Ky., Date of burial: June 26th, 1915, Undertaker: Thos K. Robb (sic), Address: Frankfort. (Death Certificate provided by Combs researcher Lynda Combs Gipson Transcribed and posted by Combs researcher Jimmie "CrashedOne" Combs)
6 May 1917 Commonwelth of Kentucky, Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics: Certificate of Death, Volume 028 Cert 13701 Deathvol 17 Place of death: County: Franklin, Vot pct: Bridge, City: Frankfort, No: 409 Shelby, Full name: Elizabeth Strother Combs (sic), Sex: F, Color or race: W, Marital status: Single, Date of birth: Mch 11, 1914, Age: 3 yrs 1 mos 26 ds, Birthplace: Tennessee, Name of father: David S. Combs, Birthplace: Ky., Maiden name of mother: Forence McChang (sic, inked over and scribbled), Birthplace: W. Va., Informant: Thos McChang (sic scribbled), Address: 409 Shelby St., Filed: May 8, 1917, Lizzie Diamond, Registrar, Date of death: May 6, 1917, I hereby certify that I attended deceased from May 4, 1917 to may 6, 1917 that I last saw her alive on May 6, 1917 and that death occurred on the date stated above at 8 p.m., Cause of death: Acute Caharrhal (sic) Laryngitis, Duration: 3 ds, Signed: L. T. Murish, m.d., May 7, 1917 Address: Frankfort, Ky., Place of burial: Lexington, Date: 5/8/1917, Undertaker: RRogers, Address: Frankfort. (Death Certificate provided by Combs researcher Lynda Combs Gipson Transcribed and posted by Combs researcher Jimmie "CrashedOne" Combs)
5 May 1919 Commonwelth of Kentucky, Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics: Certificate of Death, Volume 032 Cert 15844 Deathvol 19 Place of death: County: Franklin, Vot pct: Gains Stable, City: Frankfort, Full name: Hugh Combs, Sex: Male, Color or race: White, Marital status: Child, Date of birth: May 4, 1915, Age: 4 yrs, Occupation: Child, Birthplace: Franklin, Name of father: Walker Combs, Birthplace: Franklin, Maiden name of mother: Minnie Anistion (sic), Birthplace: Franklin, Informant: Melvin (inked up scribbled unreadable), Filed: May 6, 1919, Lizzie Diamond, Registrar, Date of death: May 5, 1919, I hereby certify that I attended deceased from May 5, 1919 to May 5, 1919, that I last saw him alive on (blank), and that death occurred on the date stated above at 9 a.m., Cause of death: Bronchial Pneumonia, Duration: 4 ds, Signed: R.M. Coblin M.D., May 5, 1919, Address: Frankfort Ky., Place of burial: Green Hill, Date of burial: May 6, 1919, Undertaker: (unreadable scribbled). Address: Frankfort Ky. Death Certificate provided by Combs researcher Lynda Combs Gipson Transcribed and posted by Combs researcher Jimmie CrashedOne Combs
1920 Census Frankfort, Franklin Co Ky., (Incomplete)
State Reformatory (Submitted by Jessie Coe Combs)
COMBS, JAMES O. W M prisioner 50 KyKyKy
Note: James O. Combs resided in Perry Co., KY in the1880 and 1900 Census.
3 Mar 1928 Commonwelth of Kentucky, Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics: Certificate of Death, Place of death: Volume 013 Cert 06185 Deathvol 28 County: Franklin, Vot pct: Voegler, City: Frankfort, Full name: Mahala Combs, Residence no: 105 Logan, Sex: Female, Color or race: Colored, Marital status: Married, Husbands name: Robt. Combs, Age: (unreadable), Occupation: Housekeeper, Birthplace: Anderson Co., Name of father: (blank), Maiden name of mother: Phoebe Hackley, Birthplace: Anderson Co., Informant: Robt. Combs, Address: 105 Logan St., Filed: Mar 5, 1928, Lizzie Daimond, Registrar, Date of death: march 3rd, 1925, I hereby certify that I attended deceased from Feb 27th, 1928 to mar 3rd, 1928 that I last saw her alive on March 3rd, 1928 and that death occurred on the date stated above at 3 p.m., Cause of death: La Grippe, Duration: 6 ds, Contributory: Bronchial Asthma, Duration: 4 ds, Signed: E. E. (unreadable scribbled) m.d., 3/5/1928, Address: 310 Moro St., Place of burial: Green Hill Cemetery, Date of burial: Mch 6, 1928, Undertaker: Thos K (sic) Robb, Address: 304-306 Clinton St. (Death Certificate provided by Combs researcher Lynda Combs Gipson Transcribed and posted by Combs researcher Jimmie "CrashedOne" Combs)
2 Aug 1930 Commonwelth of Kentucky, Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics: Certificate of Death, Place of death: Volume 039 Cert 19322 Deathvol 30 County: Franklin, Vot pct: Madison, City: Frankfort, Full name: Kate Combs, Residence no: 300 Clinton, Sex: Female, Color or race: Col, Marital status: Widow, Husbands name: Bias Combs, Date of birth deceased: Sept 1843 (sic), Age: 86 yrs 11 mos, Occupation: At home, Birthplace: Fayette Co., Name of father: Tom Kenney, Birthplace: Ireland, Maiden name of mother: Mary Lou Love (sic) Birthplace: N. K. (sic), Informant: Thos. K. Robb, Address: 300 Clinton, St., Filed: 8/4/1930, Mrs A. Hyette, Registrar, Date of death: Aug 2, 1930, I hereby certify that I attended deceased from July 2, 1930 to Aug 2, 1930 that I last saw her alive on Aug 2, 1930, and that death occurred on the date stated above at 3 p.m., Cause of death: Gastritis, Duration: 1 mos, Contributory: Senility, Duration: 1 mos, Signed: E. E. (unreadable scribbled) m. d., 8/4/1930, Address: 310 Mero, Place of burial: Frankfort, Date of burial: 8/4/1930, Undertaker: Thos. K. Robb, Address: frankfort, Ky. (Death Certificate provided by Combs researcher Lynda Combs Gipson Transcribed and posted by Combs researcher Jimmie "CrashedOne" Combs)
1 Aug 1930 Commonwelth of Kentucky, Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics: Certificate of Death, Volume 039 Cert 19208 Deathvol 31 Place of death: County: Franklin, Vot pct: Court House, City: Frankfort, Full name: Mrs Willina Combs, Residence no: 308 Long Lane Ave, Sex: F, Color or race: C, Marital status: Married, Husbands name: Lindsey Combs, Occupation: Home, Brithplace: Ky., Name of father: Jack Vinegar, Birthplace: Ky., Maiden name of mother: Susie (last name blank) Birthplace: Ky., Informant: Lindsey Combs, Address: Frankfort Ky., Filed: Aug 1931, Mrs A Hulilts (sic) Registrar, Date of death: 8/1/1931, I hereby certify that I attended deceased from July 26, 1931 to Aug 1, 1931, that I last saw her alive on July 31, 1931, Cause of death: Cardiac Insufficiency, Duration: 6 mos, Contributory: Anararca (sic) Duration: 3 mos, Signed: E. E. (unreadable) m.d., 8/3/1931, Address: 310 Mero St, Place of burial: Frankfort Ky., Date: 8/3/1931, Undertaker: Thos. K. Robb, Address: Frankfort, Ky. Death Certificate provided by Combs researcher Lynda Combs Gipson Transcribed and posted by Combs researcher Jimmie CrashedOne Combs
25 May 1940 Commonwelth of Kentucky, Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics: Certificate of Death, Volume 029 Cert 14408 Deathvol 40 Place of death: County: Franklin, Vot pct: Madison, City: Frankfort, Full name: Lindsey Combs, Residence no: 413 Washington, Sex: M, Color or race: C, Marital status: Married, Wifes name: Katie Nelson, Date of birth: (blank), Age: (ink faded out too badly to read), Profession: Interior decorator, Birthplace: Frankfort, Ky., Fathers name: Joseph Combs, Birthplace: Franklin Co. Ky., Mothers maiden name: Kisiah McKee, Birthplace: Ky., Informant: Mrs Lindsey Combs, Address: Frankfort, Ky., Burial: Frankfort Ky., Date: 5,27,1940, Undertaker: Robb Funeral home, Address: Frankfort Ky., Filed: June 1940, (registrar ink faded to badly to read), Date of death: May 25, 1940, I hereby certify that I attended deceased from March, 28, 1940 to May 25, 1940, I last saw him alive on May 25, 1940, death is said to have occurred on the date stated above at 10:40 p.m., Cause of death: Cardiac insufficiency, Date of onset: March 20, 1940, Contriburoty: (ink faded and scribbled, unreadable), Signed: (scribbled, unreadable), Address: 310 Mero St. (Death Certificate provided by Combs researcher Lynda Combs Gipson Transcribed and posted by Combs researcher Jimmie "CrashedOne" Combs)
10 Jan 1945 Commonwelth of Kentucky, Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics: Certificate of Death, Volume 011 Cert 05397 Deathvol 45 Place of death: County: Franklin, City or town: Rural, RR#9, usual residence of deceased: State: Ky., County: Franklin, City or town: Rural, St. Green Mill, Full name: William Taylor Combs, Social Sec nr: 400-12-6160, Sex: male, Color or race: Col, Marital status: Married, Name of wife: Millie Combs, Birth date of deceased: Aug 14, 1901, Age: 44 yrs, Birthplace: Woodford County, Ky., Occupation: Laborer, Industry: Farm, Fathers name: William Combs, Birthplace: Woodford County, Ky., Informant: Mrs Millie Combs, Address: RR9 Frankfort, Kentucky, Burial place: Frankfort, Date: 1/13/1945, Funeral dir: Robb Funeral Home, Address: Frankfort, Kentucky, Date rcvd by registrar: 3/19/45, Agnes B. Campbell, Registrar, Date of death: Jan 10, 1945, Time of death: 6:30 p.m., Cause of death: Coronary Occlusion, Signed: Louis Lecompte Coroner, Address: Frankfort, Ky., Date signed: Mar 16/1945, (Death Certificate provided by Combs researcher Lynda Combs Gipson Transcribed and posted by Combs researcher Jimmie "CrashedOne" Combs)
30 Aug 1945 Commonwelth of Kentucky, Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics: Certificate of Death, Volume 034 Cert 16656 Deathvol 45 Place of death: County: Franklin, City: Rural, Usual residence of deceased: State: Ky., County: Franklin, City: Rural, Street no: Harvieland, Full name: Ray King Combs, Sex: Male, Color or race: White, Marital status: Married, Name of spouse: Grace Chism Combs, Birth date of deceased: Sept 27, 1890, Age: 54 yrs 11 mos 3 ds, Birthplace: Woodford Co., Occupation: U.S. Store keeper & Gauger, Business: Distillery, Fathers name: Rufus King Combs, Birthplace: Fayett Co., Mothers maiden name: Ella Nora Mullen, Birthplace: Scott Co., Informant: Grace Chism Combs, Address: frankfort Route #4 Box 20, Burial: Lexington Cemetery, Date: Sept 1st, 1945, Funeral director: Louis LeCompte (sic), Address: Frankfort Ky., Date rcvd by registrar: 9/4/45, Agnes B. Campbell (sic), Date of death: Aug 30, 1945, I hereby certify that I attended deceased from Feb 1st, 1944 to Aug 30, 1945 that I last saw him alive on July 6, 1945 and that death occurred on the date stated above at 8 a.m., Cause of death: (unreadable, scribbled), (Death Certificate provided by Combs researcher Lynda Combs Gipson Transcribed and posted by Combs researcher Jimmie "CrashedOne" Combs)
20 Jul 1946 Commonwelth of Kentucky, Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics: Certificate of Death, Place of death: Volume 030 Cert 14991 Deathvol 46 County: Franklin, City: Frankfort, 221 E. Third St., Usual residecne of deceased: State: Ky., County: Franklin, City: frankfort, St no: 221 E. Third St., Full name: Mrs Mamie Combs, Sex: F, Color or race: C., Marital status: Married, Spouse name: Ben Combs, Age of spouse: 67, Birth date of deceased: Not known, Age: 70 (apparently) (sic), Birthplace: Franklin Co., Ky., Occupation: Housewife, Fathers name: Samuel Johnson, Birthplace: Ky., Mothers maiden name: Florida Morrison, Birthplace: Ky., Informant: Mrs Mary E. Curd, Address: 619 9.town st., Lex.Ky., Burial place: Frankfort Ky., Date: 7/22/1946, Funeral dir: Robb Funeral house, Address: Frankfort Ky., Date rcvd by reg: 7/20/1946, Agnes B. Campbell registrar, Date of death: July 20, 1946. I hereby certify that I attended deceased from 3/15/1946 to 7/20/1946 that I last saw her alive on 7/20/1946 and that death occurred on the date stated above at 8 a.m., Cause of death: Myocarditis, Duration: yrs 2, Due to: Nephritis, Signed: NAMaxwell m.d., Address: 320 Clinton St., Date: 9/20/46. (Death Certificate provided by Combs researcher Lynda Combs Gipson Transcribed and posted by Combs researcher Jimmie "CrashedOne" Combs)
Frankfort Cemetery (Extracted by Combs Researcher Lynda Combs Gipson)
Harry Combs Mar 5, 1915 - Mar 15, 1980
Brownie Combs blank blank
Margaret S, Glenn Combs 1913 - 1983
Kisiah Combs (Mother) blank - Aug 18, 1905
Tina Combs age 22
Abby Combs April 4, 1874 - Sept 21, 1887
dau of B. and M. Combs
Maud Combs Mar 1, 1857 - Mar 11, 1896
wife of R. H. Combs
Geo H. Combs no dates
Mary B. Combs blank - Oct 13, 1910
Courtney A. Combs Mar 22, 1922 - Jun 6, 1988
Gene E. Combs Apr 22, 1923 - Feb 4, 1985
Note: Courtney was the s/o Courtney Allen COMBS & Nancy Clay OWEN of Clark Co., Ky.
Henry Harmon Combest 1917 - 1979
Flora Della Combest 1911 - 1970
Nannie T. Craddock Calmes 1843 - 1898
wife of Marcus Calmes
To Be Continued