Combs &c.
of Spencer Co., KY |
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Spencer Co., KY was established in 1824 from Bullitt, Nelson
and Shelby Counties, Kentucky.
-- -- -- Spencer Co., KY Marriage Records COOMBS, Nelson & ARNOLD, Mary Catharine (Extracted by Combs Researcher Pat Orton from var. Marriage CD'S)
04 Jan 1824 Spencer Co., KY Marriages Jonah Combs and Mary BUCKLOR (Extracted by Combs Researcher Jean Smallwood)
Notes: A marriage CD lists this date as 04 Jun 1824, and in Shelby Co, KY (possibly of record in both counties? The actual marriage record not yet viewed).
11 Jan 1827 Spencer Co., KY Marriages William Combs and Margaret MIRES (Extracted by Combs Researcher Jean Smallwood)
Note: MARGARET MYERS, b. 16 Mar 1804, Spencer Co., KY; d. 02 Jul 1881, Coles Co., IL; m. 11 Jun 1827, Spencer Co., Kentucky; WILLIAM H. COMBS, SR., b. 01 Sep 1801, PA or IN; d. 01 Sep 1874, Coles Co., IL. They removed to Clark Co., IN in 1827, and by 1850 were residing in Clark Co., IN and in 1860 were in Coles Co., IL . See the extraction of will of Margaret's father, John Myers below.
12 Sep 1827 Spencer Co., KY Marriages COOMES, Asa and JACOBS, Jemima (Excerpted by Combs Researcher Pat Orton from various marriage CD'S)
26 May 1828 Spencer Co., KY Marriages COOMES, Thomas & KERRICK, Elizabeth (Excerpted by
Combs Researcher Pat Orton from various marriage CD'S)
Notes: See 1850 and 1860 Nelson Co., KY Census, and see Sebert & Rosannah COOMES Kerrick below.
14 May 1839 Spencer Co., KY Marriages COOMES, Mary T & SHAW, George N (Excerpted by Combs
Researcher Pat Orton from various marriage CD'S)
13 Jun 1842 Spencer Co., KY Marriage Records COOMBS, Levin G & HEADY, Jane (Extracted by Combs
Researcher Pat Orton from var. Marriage CD'S)
3 Sep 1849 Will of John MYERS senr from Spencer Co. Will Bk C, p 229, 230 extracted from the transcription of Patricia O'Conner
contributed by Alice Westerberg
..."It is my will and desire that my Executor after my death pay out of my Estate to Thomas COLLINGS, Polly COLLINGS, Nancy COLLINGS and Elizabeth COLLINGS my Grandchildren & children of my Daughter Nancy COLLINGS Dec'd one Dollar each ....It is my will and desire that the balance of my Estate of every kind be equally divided among my following named children.and grandchildren. Towit One share to my daughter Elizabeth HOUGLAND to be hers and her heirs forever; one equal share to Rachel HOUGLAND to be her and her heirs forever. One equal share to Katherine McGEE to be hers & her heirs forever. One equal
share to Mararet COOMBS to be hers and her heirs forever. One equal share to William C. MYERS my son to be his and his heirs forever, one equal share to my son Matthias E. E. MYERS to be his and his heirs forever. One equal share to Margaret B. K. R. MYERS my Grand Daughter and daughter of John R. MYERS Jr Dec'd and one equal share to be divided among Polly CANFIELD, Rachel COOMBS, Maria HOUGLAND, Katherine HOUGLAND, Martin HOUGLAND and Moses HOUGLAND my Grandchildren and children of Jane HOUGLAND Dec'd who was my Daughter to be theirs and their heirs forever. And upon a Division and final settlement my Estate Elizabeth HOUGLAND is to be charged with the sum of seventy three Dollars advancements to her; Rachel HOUGLAND is to be charged with a like sum of seventy three Dollars advancement to her. Katherine McGEE is to be charged with Eighty Dollars advancement to her. Margaret COOMBS is to be charged with one hundred Dollars advancements to her. William C. MYERS is to be charged with one hundred and thirty Dollars advancements to him. Matthias E. MYERS is to be charged with one hundred and thirty Dollars advancements to him. Margaret E. K. R. MYERS is to be charged with one hundred & thirty Dollars advancements to her father in his lifetime. And Polly CANFIELD, Rachel COOMBS, Maria HOUGLAND, Katherine HOUGLAND, Martha HOUGLAND and Moses HOUGLAND Heirs of my Deceased daughter Jane HOUGLAND are to be charged in sd settlement as aforesaid with the sum of Seventy three Dollars advancement made to Jane HOUGLAND Dec'd their mother in her lifetime.....
in presence of us witnesses John MYERS [seal]
James H. BROWN
Samuel GATTON"
Note: MARGARET MYERS, b. 16 Mar 1804, Spencer Co., KY; d. 02 Jul 1881, Coles Co., IL; m. 11 Jun 1827, Spencer Co., Kentucky; WILLIAM H. COMBS, SR., b. 01 Sep 1801, PA or IN; d. 01 Sep 1874, Coles Co., IL. They removed to Clark Co., IN in 1827, and by 1850 were residing in Clark Co., IN and in 1860 were in Coles Co., IL .
25 Oct 1849 Spencer Co., KY Marriages William H. Combs and Cathern HAWS (Extracted by Combs Researcher Jean Smallwood)
Notes: A marriage CD gives not only the latter marriage (nmi), but also lists marriage of William Combs (nmi) and Catherine HANS [sic] dated 24 Oct 1849, probably a spelling or transcription difference between license and return? See also the Combs-Hawes Families of Daviess Co., KY.
1850 Spencer Co., KY Census (Extracted by Combs Researcher Debi Kendrick from 1850 Kentucky
Census - North Central by Sistler)
pg 74
Sarah COOMBS 43
Abner A. 23
Assa 20
John S. 16
Nannie 18
Richard 11
E. W. 44 male
Notes: The above appear to have been Sarah McKAY, married 23 Jun 1823, Nelson Co., KY, John COOMBS, son of Edward & Rebecca (WINK?) Coombs. E. W. COOMBS looks to have been her brother-in-law, Edward Wink COOMBS, who later
removed to Christian Co., KY where he died 23 Feb 1884.
pg 81
Hannah 26
Louisa 5
Thomas 4
Samuel C. 1
Uriah COOMBS 18
Note: Uriah appears to be Uriah Combs, Jr., born 6 Jun 1830, Spencer Co, KY, the son of Uriah and Betsey
HUDSON Combs, Sr., per his 8 Aug 1912 Hancock Co., Ky Death Certificate. See the 1821 Shelby Co, KY marriage of Uriah G. COOMBS and Elizabeth HUSTON [sic], and note the following, which may be Uriah's mother? According to Researcher
Deborah Woodrow, Michael ARNSPIGER [sic] m 15 Nov 1842, Spencer Co, KY, Hannah COOMBS (marriage record not yet located). Was Hannah possibly sister to Uriah?
Elizabeth COOMBS 52
Melinda 15
Susan 14
William H. COOMBS 20
Catherine 23
Amanda SUMMITT 22
Note: Same who married Catherine HAWS in 1849? Was William H. a son of Uriah G. and Elizabeth
HUDSON-HUTSON-HUSTON Coombs, Sr.? Also note that Uriah is a commonly found name amongst the Coombs of Nelson Co, KY. Could there be a relationship between Uriah G. COOMBS, Sr. and John, husband of Sarah McKAY?
pg 97
Sebert B. KERRICK 46
Rose A. 41
Mary S. 15
Rosa COOMBS 19
Harriet JONES 15
Notes: Sebert B. KERRICK married 18 Feb 1832, Nelson Co., KY Rosannah COOMES, daughter of Treacy COOMES.
pg 125
Benedic COOMBS 45
Ellen 37
Franklin 15
Joseph 14
Mary 12
James 11
Silvester 10
Elizabeth 7
Martha 9
Richard 4
Notes: Could this be Benedict and Mary Helen [aka Ellen?] GATTON Coomes who m 17 Sep 1832, Nelson Co, KY?
7 Jan 1851 Spencer Co., KY Marriages COOMES, James A & MERCER, Nancy Margaret (Excerpted
by Combs Researcher Pat Orton from various marriage CD'S)
25 Oct 1852 Spencer Co., KY Marriage Records COOMES, Charles H. and LAWSON, Mary H. (Excerpted by
Combs Researcher Pat Orton from various marriage CD'S)
26 Oct 1852 Spencer Co., KY Marriages COOMES, Charles H. and COOPER, Mary H. (Excerpted by Combs
Researcher Pat Orton from various marriage CD'S)
Notes: Same record w/different transcriptions?
26 Oct 1853 Spencer Co., KY Marriages COOMES, Nancy & RUSSELL, Enoch (Excerpted by Combs
Researcher Pat Orton from various marriage CD'S)
25 Mar 1854 Spencer Co., KY Marriage Records COOMBS, Susan E & NICHOLSON, James (Extracted by
Combs Researcher Pat Orton from various marriage CD'S)
1860 Census Spencer Co., KY Transcribed by Deb Coombs from microfilm
Taylorsville PO 438
HH 208/208
James NICKELS, 28, M, Farm Laborer, $150 personal, KY, cannot write
Susan, 24, F, KY, cannot write
Edward, 3, M, KY
Elisabeth, 1, F, KY
Jane HUDSON, 67, F,
KY, cannot write
Elisabeth COMBS, 60, F, KY, cannot write
Note: Elizabeth *may* be the same as Betsey HUDSON who married Uriah COMBS, Sr. She and her daughter Susan are listed on the 1850 Spencer Co., Ky Census. Spencer Co., KY Marriage Records shows Susan E. COOMBS marrying James NICHOLSON
on Mar 25, 1854.
Taylorsville PO 453
HH 310/310
Daniel LENARDS, 90, M, Farmer, $1920, $1260, MD
Hannah LENARDS, 62, F, KY
Joshua LENARDS, 29, M, Farm Laborer, KY
Daniel RUMAGE, 29, M, Farm Laborer, KY
John RUMAGE, 26, M, Farm Laborer, KY
Susan RUMAGE, 13, F, KY
DAVID RUMAGE, 6, M, KY, attended school
Angeline RUMAGE, 17, F, KY
Edward MILLER, 26, M, Farm Laborer, KY
Cleopus COMBS, 24, M, Farm Laborer, KY
DC Notes: The index had his name as Eleopus COMBS, not Cleopus, which I read.
1870 Spencer Co., KY Census
Nations Pct , Mt. Eden PO, p. 157
HH 130/130
John F. BROWN, 23, M, Farm Laborer, KY, cannot read or write
Sintha, 23, F, Keeping House, KY, cannot read or write
James C., 1, M, KY, cannot read or write
Jerome COOMBS, 22, F, without occupation, KY, cannot read or write
Taylorsville Pct p.175
HH 163/163
Charles COOMS, 47, M, Farmer, $400 personal, KY
Mary H., 34, F, Keeping House, KY
George C., 15, M, at school, KY, cannot write
Susan E., 13, at school, KY, cannot read or write
John L., 10, M, at school, KY cannot read or write
William L., 5, M, KY
Annie E., 5/12, F, KY, Feb.
29 Dec 1870 Spencer Co., KY Marriage Records COOMBS, Jane & BROWN, Alexander (Extracted by Combs Researcher Pat Orton from various marriage CD'S)
08 Aug 1912 Kentucky Death Certificate of Uriah Combs, Jr., white male, occupation farmer, age 82 yrs 2 mos 2 ds, born 6 May 1880? Spencer Co., Ky, died 8 Aug 1912 Hancock Co., Ky, died of chronic bronchitis, son of Uriah Combs, Sr. born Spencer Co. & Betsey HUDSON born Spencer Co., Ky, informant John Combs, Havesville?, Ky (Transcribed by
Combs Researcher Debi Kendricks from microfilm copy)
Notes: If 82-2-2 years of age and died 08 Aug 1912, then birth date would be 06 Jun 1830. Conversely, if born 6 May 1880, and 08 Aug 1912, then age would be 32-3-2. No marriage record found for parents as yet.
Important: All records collected for this county may not have been added here; see also the Combs Research List Archives.