![]() | Combs &c. Families of Clark Co, IN |
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Clark County was organized in 1801 from Knox Co IN. In 1803, Dearborn was est. from Clark. In 1808, Harrison was est. from Clark and Knox. In 1811, Wayne and Jefferson were est. from Clark and Dearborn; and Franklin from Clark, Dearborn and Jefferson. In 1814, Washington was est. from Clark, Harrison and Jefferson. In 1819, Floyd was est. from Clark and Harrison. In 1820, Scott was est. from Clark, Jefferson and Jennings.
Many, but not all, of the following records are of descendants of Joseph Combs, d 1803, Georges Twp, Fayette Co, PA - some of whom resided in Nelson Co KY prior to coming to Indiana, and who may have come to Pennsylvania from Loudoun Co VA. Also Note: Except where otherwise noted, source for all Clark Co, IN marriages is Combs Marriages of Indiana.
Our Special Thanks to Researcher David Fleming for his many, greatly appreciated contributions to this report.
In 1801, the same year Clark county was organized, among those who were early members of "The Church of Christ [Baptist] on Owen Creek" (organized on 22 Nov 1798 in "the county of Knox and territory northwest of the Ohio river, in the Illinois grant," and generally referred to as "Fourteen Mile Church") included Elisha CARR, and both William COOMBS (see below). The church rolls included, in addition to those listed below (Silver Creek): Reading from the roll up to about 1825: (besides those already mentioned) John DUNLOP, Jeramiah DUNLOP, Eliabeth SHIPMAN, Nancy CARR, Sarah BOYSE, James MCCOY, Hezekiah APPLEGATE, Rachel COMBS, William COMBS, Hannah COMBS, Nancy MCCOY, William GOODWIN, Nancy GOODWIN, Thomas DOWNS, Priscilla DOWNS, Rachel WORRALL, John BOYSE, Jincy MCCOY, Jane BIGGS, Spencer COLLINS, Catherine COLLINS, John and Charlotte PEYTON, several more MCCOYS, Ann COMBS, Jesse TUEL, Sarah PAYNE John STEWART, Elizabeth STACY, Hannah COOMBS, Mary COOMBS, Nathan KELLY, John JACKSON, Obediah RICHARDSON, Amos GOODWIN, Lydia WELLS, Margaret COOMBS, Millie CARR, (Combs Researcher Barbara Mathews who adds that many more are listed in this source)
This is taken from the 1807 voters list. Listed is:
Joel Combs 54 Clark Co., In.
Submitted by Patience Northern
22 Apr 1809 (Fayette Co PA Book H, page 176, item 944) "William COOMBS of Clark County, Indiana Territory" gave a power of attorney to his brother, John COOMBS of Fayette County, Pennsylvania to act in his behalf in regard the sale by William to Thomas CARR of Clark County Indiana Territory, 100 acres "which was devised to me by my father Joseph COMBS dec'd. (of Georges Twp.)…"
Notes: Joseph COMBS d testate in 1803 in Georges Twp., Fayette Co, PA. Thomas CARR m William's sister, Hannah COMBS, 23 Jun 1785, Westmoreland Co., PA. Also note that William COOMBS, and others, are found in Clark Co, IN when it was still Knox Co, Territory.
9 Apr 1810 - May 1810. Will of William COOMBS. Dated April 9, 1810, codicil added April 10, probated May term 1810. Heirs wife Nancy COOMBS; Children: John, Jesse, William, Margaret, executors: Thomas CARR and Nancy COOMBS. (Extracted by Combs Researcher Dale Larson from Clark Co, IN Abstracts of Wills and Executors Records 1807-1824 RIKEC)
Notes: William COMBS (s/o Joseph d 1803, Fayette Co, PA), b 18 Nov 1763; d Apr 1810, Clark Co, IN; buried in Worrell Cemetery, Clark Co, IN; m Nancy BOWELL (d/o Basil & Margaret BOWELL of Fayette Co, PA).
JMW Note: The maiden name of Margaret, mother of Nancy Bowell, was BOWEN. This is from Howard Leckey's "Tenmile Country. . . " on p. 117. And, it is somewhat important because Margaret, a daughter of Henry Bowen, Jr., was also a niece of Priscilla Bowen who m. William GADDIS in Frederick Co, VA, later migrating with her sons to Fayette Co., PA where her son John's son Jacob eventually married Sarah COMBS b. 1805 in Fayette, PA, a dau. of Mahlon Combs b. 1781 likely in Loudoun Co, VA. If my calculations are correct, Mahlon Combs and William Coombs (s/o Joseph d. 1803) were first cousins once removed.
submitted by Jane McCann Walsh
No Combs (or var. sp.)
11 Sep - 24 Nov 1811. The Roll of Capt. NORRIS' Company of Infantry of the Indiana Militia, from September 11 to November 24 1811 included: Joseph CARR, Ensign; George DRUMMOND, Sergeant; William COOMBS, Sergeant; Joel COMBS, Corporal; Robert HOMBS, Corporall; David KELLY, Corporal, appointed Corporal Sept. 30; Elisha CARR, Drummer; Privates William STACEY, James SHIPMAN; and Amos GOODWIN. (The Battle of Tippecanoe, Historical Sketches of the Famous Field upon Which General William Henry Harrison Won Renown That Aided Him in Reaching the Presidency, Lives of the Prophet and Tecumseh with Many Interesting Incidents of their Rise and Overthrow, the Campaign of 1888 and the Election of General Benjamin Harrison, 4th Edition, Reed Beard, Copyright, 1911, Hammond Press, W. B. Conkey Co., Chicago, provided by the US GenWeb (See Copyright Restrictions))
Notes: Corporal Joel COOMBS (s/o Jesse and Sarah), b 1779, PA; d 1853 Washington Co IN; m 25 Sep 1801, Shelby County, Kentucky Hannah GRIFFITH (b 2 May 1779, PA; d 8 Aug 1859, Tippecanoe Co, IN), d/o John GRIFFITH. Issue: Margaret, Hannibal Harrison, William, Nancy, and Joel. Sgt. William COOMBS was probably Joel's brother. Jesse and Sarah and son, Joel, are also found in records of Hardin Co, KY
19 Aug 1812 (Clark Co IN Marriages) COOMBES, John & CLEGHORN, Susanna [A marriage CD indexes as COOMBS and Susannah]
Notes: See 1850 Census and the Perry Co, IN Biography of their son, James M. Combs
03 Feb 1813 Clark Co IN Marriage License. COOMBES, David & DRUMMOND, Hannah 03-MAR-1813 [A marriage CD indexes as 3 Mar 1813 and sp. COOMBS]
Notes: David was the s/o Jesse & Sarah UNKNOWN Combs. He served in the War of 1812 under John STRATHER'S Indiana Militia while a resident of Clark Co, IN. He m 2nd 12 Oct 1837, Oldham Co, KY, Lurana REYNOLDS. He d 19 Apr 1857, Charlestown, Clark Co, IN.
4 May 1814
In the name of God amen I William Reed of Clark County Indiana Territory being weak in body, but of sound and perfect mind and memory, Blessed be almighty God for the same do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in measures and found following (that is to say)
First I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Sarah Reed one third part of all my landed property. Also her choice of one of my bed, and bedding, also my sorrel mare and Saddle, with all the cupboard and kitchen furniture.
2nd, I give and bequeath to my oldest son Joseph Reed One horse and Saddle, to be valued to sixty dollars to be paid to him any time within twelve months after sale, which with his trade, I consider his legacy, any of the rest of the boys choosing a trade the same legacy as Joseph when they come of age, If not, all the rest of my estate real and personal to be valued and the valuation thereof to be equally divided' amongst the rest of my children as they come of age. I do also appropriate my beloved wife Sarah Reed Executrix and Joel Coombs Executor of this my last will and Testament, hereby revoking all former by me made. Giltetucp(?) Whereof I have hereby set my hand and seal the twenty eighth day of March, the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fourteen.
Signed sealed published and declared by the above named William Reed to be his last will and Testament in the Presence of us who have hereby subscribed our names as witnesses in the presence of the Testator
Wm Harrod
James Fordyce
Robert Weir
I William Reed of Clark County Indiana Territory do this twenty eighth day of March, one thousand one hundred and fourteen make and publish this codicil to my last will and Testament in manner following that is to day. I give to my beloved wife Sarah Reed all her legacy that was left to her by her father which was twenty acres of land of his state for her to do of as she sees fit for the use of her self and children and Carthy(?) it is my desire that this my parent Codesil be amended to and made a part of my will.
Will and Testament to all intents and purposes. In witness therof I have heresut(?) set my hand and seal the twenty eighth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen.
William Reed
Signed and published and declared by the above named William Reed as a codicil to be awarded th his last will and testament in the presence of
Wm Harrod
James Fordyce
Robert Weir
Indiana Territory
Clark County Clerk Office Charlestown
May 4th 1814
On this day the above lst will and testament of William Reed deceased with the codicil thereto annum was produced and proven before us Isaac Shelby, Clerk of the county of acraid(?) by the oath of William Harrod and Robert Weir, two of the signing(?) witnesses thereto and the admitted to Rend. Isaac Shelby
Transcribed and provided by Neil Reed.
Notes: William and Sarah, daughter of Joseph Coombs II, apparently migrated from Fayette County, PA to KY to IN circa 1794-1800, William bought the land in Clark County, 132 acres, a part of Illinois Grant 186 near Charleston in Union Township, Indiana (see map -- Part of Union Township, Clark County, Indiana plot map from c.1880. Also shown are several different Coombs' families in the area). William Reed died in the Charleston area of Clark County, Indiana 28 Mar 1814.
aft 1814 Resided Clark Co, IN: COMBS, David & Jane ROGERS, married 22 Feb 1808 Hampshire Co, VA; he served in William NEILY'S VA Mil, lived in Clark & Harrison Cos IN; died 29 Oct 1871 in Elizabeth, Harrison Co, IN; Jane ROGERS Combs died about 1876. (WC-5281, SC 7503, Index to War of 1812 Pensions Files, Vol 1, Virgil D. White)
20 Mar 1820 (Clark Co IN) Born: Joseph COMBS, s/o Joseph & Rachel [HERRON] Combs, the former born in PA, the latter in Nelson Co, KY where they married 20 Mar 1798 w/both later dying in Indiana. (Biography of Joseph Combs (Jr.) of Greene Co IA) See Parke Co, IN re 1850 census and death of Rachel.
Charles Twp
P. 005
Combs, David
Combs, Jesse
Combs, Nancy
P. 037
Combs, William
P. 040
Combs, John
Monroe Twp
Combs, Joseph [h/o Rachel HERRON?]
30 Jul 1821 (Clark Co IN Marriages) COOMBS, Jeese [Jesse] & McCOY, Lydia [A marriage CD indexes as Jesse COOMBES]
13 Dec 1821-12 Apr 1822. Will of William COOMBS. Dated Dec. 13, 1821, Probated April 12, 1822. Heirs: wife Rachel COOMBS; Children: Joseph, Bazil, Sally, Jesse, John, Thomas (and two others illegible). Executors: wife, John BOWELL and John COOMBS my brothers. (Extracted by Combs Researcher Dale Larson from Clark Co, IN Abstracts of Wills and Executors Records 1807-1824 RIKEC)
Notes: William COMBS, Jr. (s/o Jesse & Sarah of Fayette Co, PA), b 7 Aug 1777, d 15 Nov 1821, buried Silver Creek Cem., Clark Co, IN; m Rachel BOWELL (d/o Basil & Margaret BOWELL of Fayette Co, PA)
4/23/1823 Clark Co IN Marriage Records. COOMBS, Margaret & ALSTOT, George
7/4/1824 Clark Co IN Marriage Records. COOMBS, Susan & GOODING, Samuel
7/24/1826 Clark Co IN Marriage Records. COMBS, Margaret & BERRY, James
3/8/1827 Clark Co IN Marriage Records. COOMBS, Sarah & TYLER, Moses
7/31/1827 Clark Co IN Marriage Records. COOMBS, Jesse & DRUMMOND, Malinda
5-8-1828 Clark Co, IN Marriages. Lydia COOMBES & Thomas MCCORMACK
3/7/1830 Clark Co IN Marriage Records. COOMBS, Polly & TYLER, Allen (license)
P. 10
P. 12
COMBS, Joseph
P. 110
STACY George
STACY William
P 112
COOMBS, William
P. 114
COMBS Jesse [Jr.?]
P. 134
COOMBS Jesse [Sr.?]
COMBS Rachel
(1830 Indiana Census Index, Combs Researcher Gloria B. Carter)
Note: Jr. and Sr. are indicated by another Census Index source.
11-30-1830 Clark Co, IN Married: COOMBS or COMBS, John & HESTER, Sarah (Index to Combs Marriages of IN)
Notes: See 30 Nov 1838 Scott Co, IN Index to General Deeds, Book N, page 47 whereby John COMBS and his wife Sarah formerly Sarah HESTER and others signed over their part of the estate of Mathias HESTER deceased. According to Brinkehoff History of Marion Co, IL, Milton Payne HESTER came to Marion Co, IL in 1839. His siblings are listed in the article and Sarah HESTER, the eighth child, was b 11 Sep 1807, married John COMBS, born 1809, died 16 January 1885. (Combs Researcher Joyce Kahre who adds: See Silver Creek Cem., Clark Co, IN.)
18 Jan 1831 Combs, Sarah January 18, 1831 Entry 415 (Will book volume 1 Page 52)
See photo provided by Neil Reed.
26 May 1831 (Clark Co, IN Wills) LWT of Sarah COOMBS.
In the name of God amen. I Sarah COOMBS, of the county of Clark and State of Indiana, being of sound mind and memory, though frail in body do make this my last will and testament, viz. First it is my will that upon my decease my body be decently interred and that my funeral expenses be first paid.
Secondly, it is my will and I give and bequeath of my worldly estate, unto Hiram Coombs, one hundred dollars to be paid by my sons, John Coombs and Jesse Coombs, upon my decease. Thirdly, it is my will and I give and bequeath all the residue of my worldly estate whether consisting of money or goods and matters, to my three sons, viz., John Coombs, Jesse Coombs, and David Coombs, the same to be divided among them, share and share alike. They being equally bound to provide for my comfort and maintenance during my natural life. And with regard to my other sons, viz., Joel Coombs, William Coombs deceased, and Joseph Coombs, likewise deceased, I do not give nor bequeath any thing, not because of any want of love and affection for them and their heirs, or either of them, but because I am fully satisfied that they have been provided for heretofore; equally with the others first named.
I do hereby constitute and appoint my trusty friend, Absalom CARR,
my sole Executor of this my last will and testament; hereby revoking any and
all others. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this
twenty sixth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and thirty one.
Witness present
Benjamin MATHER
(Combs Researcher James VanDerMark)
Notes: See photo for entry for 18 Jan 1831 in the GENERAL INDEX TO WILL RECORDS. Probate date still needed for this will. Sarah Combs was the widow of Jesse Combs, s/o Joseph Combs d 1803, Georges Twp., Fayette Co, PA, whose will included bequests to the six sons of Jesse, deceased. Jesse is found in the records of both Nelson and Hardin Cos, KY, last listed on tax lists of Hardin in 1797 w/his widow, Sarah, first appearing in 1799. Sarah and the children were possibly also in Shelby Co, KY before coming to Clark Co, IN since their son, Joel, married in that county in 1801.
7-14-1831 Clark Co, IN Marriages. Julian COOMBES & John WORK
11/22/1832 Clark Co IN Marriage Records. COOMBS, Thomas & HARRIS, Lurana
12/7/1832 Clark Co IN Marriage Records. COMBS, James & BIRD, Lanna or Laura
4/2/1833 Clark Co IN Marriage Records. COOMBS, Sarah & MITCHELL, Samuel H
4/24/1834 Clark Co IN Marriage Records. Combs, Barbary H & BEEDLES, John G
3/8/1835 Clark Co IN Marriage Records. COOMBS or COMBS, Eden & DRUMMOND, Rebecca
1835/09/14 Clark Co. Indiana Land Records, extracted by Combs Researcher Harriette Jensen from the La Porte/Winamac Database:
COMBS, Jesse
3/14/1837 Clark Co IN Marriage Records COOMBS, Hannibal H & HOAGLAND, Rachel
11/8/1837 Clark Co IN Marriage Records. COOMBS, Rachel & LEWMAN, Isaiah
Notes: Rachel, d/o Jesse (see 1856)
8/1/1839 Clark Co IN Marriage Records. COOMBS, Sarah & WORK, Andrew
11/7/1839 Clark Co IN Marriage Records. COOMBS, Fielding & SPANGLER, Sarah
4/15/1840 Clark Co IN Marriage Records. COOMBS, Felix & DAILY, Rebecca J
P. 244
Jesse COOMBS, Sr.
P. 287
P. 289
Fielding COOMBS
P. 296
Jesse COOMBS, Jr.
P. 297
John COOMBS, Sr.
P. 298
Een [Eden? Ian?] COOMBS
William COOMBS
P. 309
Transcribed by Birdie McNutt from Microfilm
pg 487
COOMBS, Thomas 1100100000000 0000100000000
11/9/1844 Clark Co IN Marriage Records. COOMBS, Lavina & COOVERT, Lucas
I, Zebulon COLLINGS of the County of Clark and State of Indiana being afflicted in body but of sound mind considering the certainty of death and the uncertainty of time therefore being desirous to settle my worldly affairs and thereby be the better prepared to leave this world when it shall please God to call me hence. I therefore make and publish this my last will and testament in the manner and form following that is to say.
"First and principle I commit my soul to God who gave it and my body to be decently buried as is the custom of the county.
"2nd. I do order and allow my funeral expenses and all other of my honest debts to be paid.
"3rd. as to such personal property as God has blessed me with in my lifetime I will and bequeath to my beloved wife Sarah One hundred and fifty dollars worth of her own selection on the appraisement bill or the sale of such property that part of her dower share that is made and provided for by the laws of the State of Indiana for widows made and provided. Also in addition to the aforesaid One hundred and fifty dollars I will and bequeath to my beloved wife Sarah the horse she owned when I married her with the other horse that has been traded for one she owned at the time and the remainder of my personal property that may be left after the aforesaid selection and bequest. I allow to be sold and after my debts are paid I allow to be equally divided between my daughters Rachel who is married to William EDWARDS and Nancy who is married to Joel H. GREY and Elizabeth who is married to Thomas PRINCE and Satchel (Sicha) who is married to James BELDON with this exception I will and bequeath to my four grand children Jane M. COMBS, Rebekah M. COMBS, William M. COMBS and Nancy M. COMBS ten dollars each out of the proceeds of the sale of my personal estate to be first paid to them after my debts are paid before there is distribution between my heirs first mentioned. Also I will and bequeath to my grand daughter Sarah GUERNSEY my bed and beding which is not to be sold with the other of my personal property under the exception of the last named four grand children. "
"4th. As to my real estate which I possess I do will and bequeath to my daughter Jane PARKER five acres of land including the house she now lives in.
"5th. And the remainder of my real estate I do allow to be sold and the proceeds thereof to be equally divided between my heirs before mentioned but if such respective share should exceed two hundred dollars after all my debts are paid out of my real and personal estate then in that case I do allow my daughter Phebe PERRY to have an equal share of the balance…… with her and my heirs aforementioned.
"6th. I also will and bequeath to my son George COLLINGS an equal share with my other heirs after they four first mentioned shall recieve three hundred and twentY five dollars each if there should be a remainder after they have first received the said sum ($325).
"7th. I do hereby ordain and appoint my beloved wife Sarah COLLINGS Executrix and Henry ENLOW my Executor of this my last will and testament.
"8th. and lastly I do revoke and annull all wills by me heretofore by me and at any time made declaring this my last will and testament written on one sheet of paper this 8th day of Aug 1845.
Test. William O'HARA
Notes: No COLLINGS-Combs marriage located in Indiana. Of the other children of Zebulon, marriages located on the on-line Indiana State Marriage Index (pre-1850) include (plus selected additional marriages):
25 Feb 1828 Clark Co, IN Marriage License. Rachel COLLINGS and William EDWARDS
24 Feb 1832 Clark Co, IN Marriages. Nancy COLLINS [sic] and Joel GRAY
19 Mar 1834 Clark Co, IN Marriages. Zebulon COLLINS [sic] & Polly GUERNSEY
11 Apr 1839 Clark Co, IN Marriages. Sicha COLLINGS and James F. BELDING
10 Oct 1839 Clark Co, IN Marriages. Jane COLLINGS and Lorinzo D. PARKER
01 Oct 1840 Clark Co, IN Marriages. Elizabeth COLLINGS and Thomas G. PRINCE
06 Jul 1843 Clark Co, IN Marriages. Zebuon COLLINS [sic] & Sarah McCOMBS [sic]
Note: Since all children named by Zebulon had middle initial M, were they all in fact, McCombs rather than Combs?
10 Dec 1846 Clark Co IN Marriage Records. COOMBS, Nancy J & TAGGART, Robert
COOMBS, William. Service: Mexican War, Sergeant, 3rd Regiment, Company I, Clark County. Mustered in 22 Jun 1846, at New Albany, Indiana, by Colonel Samuel CHURCHILL, mortally wounded, died 23 Feb 1847, at the Battle of Buena Vista, Mexico. Source: Indiana in the Mexican War, Oran Perry, 1908
Notes: According to Combs Researcher James VanDerMark, William COOMBS, b 1814, was the s/o Joel & Hannah GRIFFITH Coombs.
COMBS, Joseph. Service: Mexican War, 2nd Lieutenant, 4th Regiment, Company D, Marion County. Mustered in 28 May 1847, at Jeffersonville, [Clark Co] Indiana, by Captain GATLIN, mustered out 16 Jul 1848, at Madison [Jefferson Co], Indiana, by Major H. A. GOFF. Source is Indiana in the Mexican War, Oran Perry, 1908.
COMBS, Joseph. Service: Mexican War, Sergeant Major, 4th Regiment. Mustered in 22 Jun 1847, at Fort Clark, by Captain GATLIN, mustered out 16 Jul 1848, at Madison [Jefferson Co], Indiana, by Major H. A. Goff. Source is Indiana in the Mexican War, Oran Perry, 1908.
COMES, Elias. Service: Mexican War, Private, 4th Regiment, Company D, Marion County. Mustered in 28 May 1847, at Jeffersonville, [Clark Co] Indiana, by Captain GATLIN, mustered out 16 Jul 1848, at Madison [Jefferson Co], Indiana, by Major H. A. GOFF. Source is Indiana in the Mexican War, Oran Perry, 1908. (Extracted by Combs Researcher Debi Kendrick from Jerry Morris Mount's Indiana Mexican War Soldiers)
Notes: Was this Elias Combs of Fleming Co KY and Hendricks Co, IN in 1840? If so, was he somehow kin to 2nd Lt. Joseph Combs of the same company?
5/27/1847 Clark Co IN Marriage Records. COOMBS, Hester Ann & HESTER, James S
Notes: James S. and Hester Ann are on the 1850 Monroe Co, IN census.
12/1/1849 Clark Co IN Marriage Records. COMBS, William & BRIGHTWELL, Susan E
3/20/1850 Clark Co IN Marriage Records. COMBS, Jesse & BOWER, Elizabeth M (license)
Notes: Not found in 1850 census. May have been enumerated in their parents' households.
(Transcribed by Combs Researcher Debi Houser)
Owen Township
pg 46
7/7 William COMBS 20 M Carpenter
Susan 22 F IN
Notes: See 12/1/1849 Clark Co IN Marriage of William Combs & Susan E. BRIGHTWELL.
pg 47
18/18 Lucas COOVERT 40 M farmer IN
Levina 34 F IN
Wm 17 M IN attended school within the year
Andrew 17 M IN attended school within the year
Susan 15 F IN attended school within the year
Henrriet 15 F IN attended school within the year
Peter 12 M IN attended school within the year
John 11 M IN attended school within the year
Catharine 9 F IN attended school within the year
James 3 M
Franklin 1 M
Note: 11/9/1844 Clark Co IN Marriage Records. COOMBS, Lavina & COOVERT, Lucas
pg 53
117/117 Andrew WORK 32 M farmer $2000 IN
Eliza 28 F IN
Manerva 8 F IN
Julia 6 F IN
Sarah? 2 F IN
Note: See 8/1/1839 Clark Co IN Marriage of Sarah [sic] COOMBS & Andrew WORK. There is another marriage for an Andrew J. WORK listed in Clark Co., IN Marriage Records: 16 Mar 1848 to Eliza Jane HOSTETLER. If this is the same Andrew that was married to Sarah COOMBS then the two older children are hers with a possibility that the younger child is also hers. See also older children, Sarah A. and John C. WORK, in household of John & Susan CLEGHORN Combs below.
Charlestown Township
pg 94 ( 19 Aug 1850)
47/47 John COOMBS 40 M Farmer IN
Sarah 41 F IN
Thomas 15 M IN attended school within the year
William M. 13 M IN attended school within the year
Christopher C. 9 M In attended school within the year
John M. 7 M IN attended school within the year
Eleanora 4 F IN
Laura 1/2 F IN
Notes: John COOMBS m 30 Nov 1830, Clark, Sarah HESTER
pg 99
123/123 John M. COMB 31 M Cooper
IN md within census year
Mildred 24 F Ky md within census year
pg 109
266/266 William COOMBS 49 M $5000 IN
Margaret 46 F Ky
Mary J. 20 F IN
Nancy 16 F IN attended school within the year
Catherine 12 F IN attended school within the year
Margaret 10 F IN attended school within the year
William H. 8 M IN attended school within the year
Elizabeth 5 F IN
J. Matthias 2 M IN
Silas ALLEN 18 M IN
268/268 Felix COOMBS 35 M $2000 IN
Rebecca 29 F IN
Arabel 8 F IN attended school within the year
Mary A. 7 F IN attended school within the year
Dallas 3 M IN attended school within the year
Rebecca 4 F IN
Felix G. 2 M IN
Napthalia? RUSSEL 38 M NC
Notes: Felix G. per census index. Felix m Rebecca J. DAILY 15 Apr 1840, Clark.
Note: Felix G. Combs, Father-in-law, found living with daughter Arabelle and her husband Thomas GREENWOOD in the 1880 Elk Co, KS census. Felix and his family are not located in 1860 unless he is the Felix Combs of the 1860 Linn Co, KS census; however, the wife is different, and all the kids are missing except a son Felix, age 10. Some of Arabelle's children were born in Illinois indicating the family may have migrated there after leaving Indiana.
pg 110
269/269 Thomas M CORMACK 46 M farmer $3000 VA
Lydia 46 F IN
Mahala Ann 20 F IN
John C. 18 M IN
Leander C. 15 M IN attended school within the year
Joseph C. 12 M IN attended school within the year
Elizabeth COLLINS 12 F Ark
Moses H. WORRALL 19 M IN
Note: 5-8-1828 Clark Co, IN Marriages. Lydia COOMBES & Thomas MCCORMACK
278/278 Sarah MITCHELL 46 F $3000 IN
William 16 M IN attended school within the year
Melvina 12 F IN attended school within the year
Rachel 10 F IN attended school within the year
Elizabeth 8 F IN attended school within the year
James M. 6 M IN attended school within the year
Note: Sarah COOMBS (d/o William & Rachel BOWELL Coombs, Jr.) married Samuel MITCHELL on 2 Apr 1832, Clark Co., IN?
pg 112
305/207 Jesse COOMBS 62 M farmer $4000 KY
Mary 60 F PA
Jesse 28 M IN [d 8 Dec 1853]
William 18 M farmer IN attended school within the year
Notes: Jesse (s/o Jesse & Sarah COOMBS). According to McCoy: "Mary WHITE, John WHITE'S sister, was the wife of Jesse Combs, the father of our President, Dr. D[avid]. H. COOMBS…"
306/308 David COOMBS 60 M farmer $6000 KY
Loraine 34 F farmer KY
Newton 11 M IN
Margaret 9 F IN
Rebecca 6 F IN
Sarah A. 3 F IN
Mary E. 2 F IN
Note: David (s/o Jesse & Sarah COOMBS) married 1st 3 March 1813, Clark Co, IN, Hannah DRUMMOND and 2nd, 12 Oct 1837, Oldham Co, KY, to Lurana REYNOLDS (Combs of the War of 1812).
Pg 113
326/325 Hannabal COOMBS 40 M IN
Rachel 33 F IN
Nancy 19 F IN
Hannah 18 F IN
Margaret 12 F IN attended school within the year
Benj. F. 10 M IN attended school within the year
Maria C. 8 F IN attended school within the year
Mary 6 F IN
Hannibal Jr. 3 M IN
Notes: Hannibal Harrison COOMBS (s/o Joel & Hannah GRIFFITH) m (1) 4 Jan 1830, Washington Co, IN, Catherine NEWLAND; m (2) 14 Mar 1837, Clark Co IN, Rachel HOAGLAND (a.k.a. HOUGLAND).
pg 117
379/379 Jesse COOMBS 45 M farmer $1200 IN
Melinda 42 F IN
Sarah 21 F IN attended school within the year
James 17 M IN attended school within the year
Madison 15 M IN attended school within the year
Julia A. 12 F IN attended school within the year
John 9 M IN attended school within the year
Thomas D. 8 M IN attended school within the year
David 5 M IN [d 30 Nov 1926, Jefferson
Co, KY]
Campbell 2 M IN
George Weir COOMBS 22 IN [name had ditto marks after Weir indicating
COOMBS as the last name]
Notes: Jesse COOMBS m 31 Jul 1827, Clark Co, IN, Malinda DRUMMOND, d/o James
pg 118
392/392 Robert TAGGART 30 M physician $3200 PA
Nancy 22 F IN
Lydia A. 1 F IN
Leona FUNK 45 F IN
Note: 12/10/1846 Clark Co IN Marriage Records. COOMBS, Nancy J & TAGGART, Robert
pg 133
611/611 Eden COOMBS 40 M farmer $1500 IN
Rebecca 35 F IN
Jesse 14 M IN attended school within the year
Eden 12 M IN attended school within the year
Malinda 6 F IN attended school within the year
Margaret 8 F IN attended school within the year
Rebecca 3 F IN
David D. 1 M IN
Notes: Eden COOMBS (s/o Jesse & Mary WHITE Coombs) m 8 Mar 1835, Clark IN, Rebecca DRUMMOND.
Jefferson Township
pg 150
141/144 William COMBS 24 M laborer VA cannot read or write
Lenora A. 22 F TN cannot read or write
Mary A. 1 F IN
Utica Township
pg 192
670/721 Fielding COOMBS 32 M farmer $4300 IN
Sarah 32 F IN
Mary C. 10 F IN attended school within the year
Susan E. 8 F IN attended school within the year
Chris C. 5 M IN attended school within the year
Oliva Ann 5 F IN
Angaline A. 2 F IN
Lucinda 6/12 F IN
Notes: Fielding m 11/7/1839, Clark Co, IN, Sarah SPANGLER
pg 196
729/780 John COOMBS 69 M farmer $1800 PA
Susan 55 F IN
Nancy 26 F IN
Jesse 24 M farmer IN
Martha J. 22 F IN
John W. 19 M farmer IN attended school within the year
Wm M. 17 M farmer IN attended school within the year
J. M. 14 M. IN
Sarah A. WORK 14 F IN
John C. WORK 11 M IN attended school within the year
Notes: John & Susanna CLEGHORN Coombs m 19 Aug 1812, Clark Co, IN. See the Perry Co, IN Biography of James M. Combs, b 10/22/1835 (J. M., age 14 above), "one of nine children of John Combs and Sarah KLEGHORN [sic], d/o Jonathan KLEGHORN of Hamilton Co, IN. The WORK children not identified, but see also the 8/1/1839 Clark Co IN Marriage of Sarah COOMBS & Andrew WORK (who may have remarried - see above Andrew WORK census record)
pg 199
Isaiah LEWMAN 39 F farmer $4700 NC
Rachel 37 F IN
James A. 10 M IN
Mary E. 8 F IN attended school within the year
Sarah A. 6 IN attended school within the year
Catharine L. 2 F IN
John 2 M IN
Note: 11/8/1837 Clark Co IN Marriage Records. COOMBS, Rachel & LEWMAN, Isaiah. Rachel was the d/o Jesse & Mary WHITE Coombs.
11/27/1850 Clark Co IN Marriage Records. COOMBS, Sarah J & FARRIS, William W (license)
12/17/1850 Clark Co IN Marriage Records. COOMBS, Nancy & McCLARY, John (license)
August 1853. Obituary, The Christian Record, Page 64.
Clark County, July 11, 1853
Bro. Mathes: I will now inform you of the death of my Father Joel COOMBS who died June 16, 1853, aged 73 years 11 months and 12 days. He moved to the Indiana territory when he was a young man, where he has resided ever since. He suffered a great deal of hardship and fatigue on the frontiers of Indiana; he was also one of the soldiers at the battle of Tippecanoe. He spent the prime of his days in folly and the vain things of this world. He was a member of the Christian Church for about nine or ten years, in the latter part of his life. he was not in his right mind for the last two years, and in a manner helpless. But is gon to join the millions gone before him.
Your friend and brother in the Lord,
Hannibal COOMBS
(Combs Researcher James Vandermark)
JVNotes: Joel COOMBS m 25 Sep 1801, Shelby Co, KY, Hannah GRIFFITH, b 2 May 1779, d 8 Aug 1859, Tippecanoe Co, IN, buried Mt. Zion/Hebron Cemetery, Tippecanoe Co, IN (Tippecanoe. Cemeteries by D.A.R.)
Mar 18 1856 Clark Co, IN Will Book D page 198. Jesse COOMBS Will.
I Jesse COOMBS of Clark County in the State of Indiana hereby make and delare the following to be my last will and testament.
1. I appoint Eden COOMBS my executor.
2. I direct that all my just debts be paid out of my personal estate.
3. After the payment of debts and expenses I will and direct that all my personal estate be equally distributed between my children _____Eden COOMBS, David COOMBS Jr, William COOMBS, and Rachel LOOMAN [LEWMAN] wife of Isaiah LOOMAN [LEWMAN]
4. All the real estate which I now own in Indiana, Iowa or elsewhere, I give bequeath and devise to my said children above named to be equally divided among them. Share and share alike.
In witness ______I hereunto set my name this 18th day of March A D 1856.
Jesse COOMBS (seal)
The above and foregoing instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Jesse COOMBS was this day signed and sealed and declared to be his last will and testament by the said Jesse COOMBS in our presence, and we hereunto sign our names as witnesses at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other March 18, 1856.
David COOMBS, Sr.
Jno CARR Jr.
State of Indiana
Clark County I do solemnly swear that I saw Jesse COOMBS subscribe in writing and within instrument of writing as and for his last will and testament and at the time of so doing he was of lawful age, of sound and disposing mind, memory competent to [dispose?] his property and not under coersion and that I together with David COOMBS Sr. in presence of each other and in presence of testator and at testator's request subscribed in writing we witnessed to said will.
John CARR, Jr.
Sept 23, 1856
(Transcribed from FHC Microfilm # 1636972 CLARK CO., IN PROBATE RECORDS, by Combs Researcher Barbara Lovera who adds: (1) Jesse COOMBS b. 1787/88 KY m. 1809 Mary WHITE b. 1790 PA per 1850 census and McCoy (Mary a.k.a. Rachel?) ; (2) This will was such a bad copy that I couldn't decipher everything, and may include omissions).
May 2 1857 (Clark Co, IN of Will Book D, Index) David Coombs, Sr. p. 203
DC Note: Next to this entry is Vol 1 p. 55, but I don't know what it refers to.
Submitted by Neil Reed
(Provided by Researcher David Fleming from records of Jeffersonville, Indiana Library))
Format: Date-Groom-Bride-Bk-Page
18 Mar 1856 COOMBS, Madison & WHITE, Mary G 115
30 May 1858 COOMBES, Jesse J. & HANES, Martha J. G 325
Note: Martha J. was HAWES, not HANES, per later Clark data
20 Jan 1859 COOMBS, Newton M. & HOWELL, Rose Ann G 390
29 May 1859 COOMBS, Eden & BISHOPL [BISHOP?], Nancy Jane G 424
17 Jan 1860 COOMBS, William C. & NUGENT, Rebecca M. G 484
(Provided by Researcher David Fleming from records of Jeffersonville, Indiana Library)
Format: Date-Bride-Groom-Book-Page
8 Jan 1857 COOMBS, Margaret Jane & BOTTORFF, James G 201
2 Dec 1858 COOMBS, Jemima & HARDIN, William G 377
27 Sep 1859 COOMBS, Julia A. & RUDDELL, Cornelius G 446
24 Apr 1860 COOMBS, Elizabeth B & BARNS, John C. H 15
(Abstracted by Combs Researcher Debi Houser from "Clark County, Indiana 1860 Census" by Diane Eden Henley ©1985)
Silver Creek Twp
534 James BOTTORFF 27 IN
Margaret J. 22 In
Rachel C. 2 IN
Notes: Margaret Jane COOMBS married 8 Jan 1857 Clark Co., IN to James BOTTORFF
Union Twp
555 Hannibal H. COOMBES 49 IN
Rachel 42 IN
Benjamin F. 20 IN
Maria C. 17 IN
Hannibal J. 13 IN
Joel S. 9 IN
Notes: Hannibal H. COOMBS married 14 March 1837 Clark Co IN to Rachel HOAGLAND
583 Jesse COOMBS 54 IN
Malinda 52 IN
John 19 IN
Thomas 18 IN
David 15 IN
Campbell 12 IN
Mahlon 8 IN
Rebecca PORTER 12 IN
Notes: Jesse COOMBS married 31 Jul Clark Co IN Malinda DRUMMOND. Who was Rebecca PORTER? (See also Spencer Co, IN re Combs-Porter)
634 John McCLARY 32 LA
Nancy 29 IN
Mary J. 5 IN
George C. 3 IN
John Otto 2 IN
James L. 1/12 IN
Notes: John McCLARY & Nancy COOMBS were married 12/17/1850 Clark Co IN (license)
636 James W. COOMBS 27 IN
Martha 33 PA
James W. 3 IL
Elizabeth 2 IL
Marietta 6/12 IN
William FERGUSON 18 IN
Notes: No marriage record located (in Indiana). Not identified in 1850 census.
637 Jesse J. COOMBS 23 IN
Martha 26 IN
Margaret J. 1 IN
Edward McCULLY 23 Scotland
Notes: Jesse J. COOMBS (s/o Eden & Rebecca DRUMMOND Coombs) married 30 May 1858 Clark Co., IN to Martha J. HANES (or HAWES).
647 William C. COOMBS 28 IN
Rebecca M. 27 IN
Richard ENLOW 31 PA
Notes: William C. COOMBS married 17 Jan. 1860 Clark Co., IN to Rebecca M. NUGENT
663 Eden COOMBS 50 IN
Nancy J. 39 IN
Eden 22 IN
Margaret E. 18 IN
R. Elizabeth 14 IN
Matilda Ann 8 IN
David D. 10 IN
Millard W. 3 IN
Nancy 9/12 IN
Hannah JONES 19 IN
Notes: Eden COOMBS (s/o Jesse & Mary WHITE Coombs, Jr.) married 29 May 1859 Clark Co., IN to Nancy Jane BISHOPL [BISHOP?] following the death of his first wife, Rebecca DRUMMOND on 6 Apr 1857.
Charlestown Township
73 D. H. COOMBS 35 IN (male)
Sarah 28 IN
Amelia D. 8 IN
Mary W. 2 IN
Notes: David H. COOMBS (s/o Jesse & Mary WHITE Coombs, Jr.) m 3 Nov 1851, Clark, Sarah GOODWIN, d/o Amos.
165 Rebecca COOMBS 39 IN
Lunnetta? 13 IN
India 8 IN
Notes: Not Identified.
179b William COOMBS 50 IN
Susan E. 26 MD
James B. 2 IN
Joseph L. 1/12 IN
Notes: William COOMBS m 12/1/1849, Clark, Susan E. BRIGHTWELL.
311 Rachel COOMBS 80 PA
Notes: Rachel BOWELL (d/o Basil & Margaret BOWELL), widow of William COOMBS, Jr. (s/o Jesse & Sarah Combs, Sr.)
312 John COOMBS 50 IN
Sarah 52 IN
Thomas J. 24 IN
William M. 22 IN
Christopher C. 20 IN
John M. 18 IN
Ellanora 15 IN
Laura 10 IN
Albert WOOD 20 IN
Notes: John COOMBS married Sarah HESTER in 1830.
362 Robert TAGGART 42 PA
Nancy J. 31 IN
Lydia A. 11 IN
Emma J. 4 IN
Florence A. 2 IN
Notes: Robert TAGGART married 10 Dec 1846 Clark Co IN to Nancy J. COOMBS
374 Madison COOMBS 24 IN
Mary 25 PA IN
Albert H. 2 IN
Notes: Madison COOMBS married 18 Mar 1856 Clark Co., IN to Mary WHITE
376 Lurana COOMBS 44 KY
Newton 21 IN
Rosa Ann 21 KY
Margaret E. 19 IN
Rebecca 16 IN
Sarah A. 13 IN
Mary E. 11 IN
Notes: Lurana REYNOLDS who m 12 Oct 1837, Oldham Co, KY, David COOMBS (d 11 Apr 1857, Clark) Their son, Newton COOMBS, married 20 Jan. 1859 Clark Co., IN Rose Ann HOWELL.
456 William W. FARIS 37 IN
Sarah 31 IN
John 5 IN
Rebecca 67 PA
William MOORE 13 KY
Notes: William W. FARRIS md 27 Nov 1850 Clark Co IN to Sarah J. COOMBS (license)
City of Jeffersonville
536 Wm. GUY 42 ENG
Mary 32 KY
Camilla 14 KY
Willie 12 KY
Maria 8 IN
Frederic 22 ENG
Howard FUEL? 29 ENG
Madison COMBS 23 IN
Utica Township
1 William HARDIN 70 VA
Jemima 65 KY
Sarah BEGES 67 KY
Persyla CHAPEL 10 IN
Notes: William G. HARDIN married 2 Dec 1858, Clark, Jemima COOMBS. She is not on the 1850 Clark census. Was she a widow? Of whom? Ancestry of William HARDIN?
160 Fielding COMBS 43 IN
Sarah 43 IN
Mary 20 IN
Susan 18 IN
Christopher 16 IN
Anna 14 IN
Angeline 11 IN
Lucinda 9 IN
Julia 5 IN
Ida 2/12 IN
Moses BARRICK 23 France
Notes: Fielding COOMBS married 7 Nov 1839 Clark Co IN to Sarah SPANGLER
190 John COMBS 80 PA
Jesse 35 IN
Nancy 29 IN
Martha 27IN
William 25 IN
W. Edgar 8 IN
Notes: John COMBS, widower of Susannah KLEGHORN (See 1850 census)
Jeffersonville Township, 6-Ward Jeffersonville
ED#13, Sheet 4A, p. 148, 19 April 1910
56/56 KENDALL, James L. Head m 36 md.1 (7yrs) KY KY KY Clerk - Government
Flora M., Wife f md 1 (7 yrs) 2ch/2 liv. IN IN OH
James L., Son m s 6 IN KY IN
Elizabeth, Dau f s 4 IN KY IN
SE Note: Flora M. KENDALL (daughter of Isaac Gray Combs, son of Joseph A. Combs) identified in 1922 Morgan Co, IN will of her mother Elizabeth Combs.
(Provided by Researcher David Fleming from records of Jeffersonville, Indiana Library))
Format: Date-Groom-Bride-Bk-Page
29, Oct. 1861 COMBS, James M. & BRINER, Mary E. H 138 [To Perry Co, IN]
19 Nov. 1863 COOMBS, Thomas B. & CARR, Hannah J. H 312
15 May 1864 COOMBS, Eden M. & GUERNSEY, Mary A. H 379
7 June 1866 COOMBS, David D. & GUERNSEY, Emily J. I 119
24 Dec 1867 COOMBS, John D. & DEITZ, Lida [Lydia] I 351
Notes: The DAR Application of Cora COOMBS Waldrip (Vol. 163), born Memphis, Clark Co, IN, names her parents as John D. COOMBS, s/o Jesse & Malinda DRUMMOND Coombs & Lydia DIETZ, d/o Thompson Mack & Abigail GUERNSEY Dietz. John D. and Lydia are buried in Silver Creek Cemetery, Clark Co, IN.
14, Sep. 1869 COMBS, William L. & NILES, Georgia A J 20
29, Dec 1870 COMBS, C Columbus & PRATHER, Ella J 177
23 June 1871 COOMBS, Malon C. & BOWEL, Anna B. J 227
8 Jan. 1874 COOMBS, Thomas J. & WASHBURN Lula J 512
29 Jan. 1874 COOMBS, Newton M. & BAXTER, Jennie J 517
14 Oct. 1877 COOMBS Campbell H. & DEITZ, Alice K 223
(Provided by Researcher David Fleming from records of Jeffersonville, Indiana Library)
Format: Date-Bride-Groom-Book-Page
21 Oct 1862 COOMBS, Susan E. & DRUMMOND, Thomas J H 216
23 Apr 1863 COOMBS, Maggie E. & HAWES, Andrew J. H 262
13 Oct 1863 COOMBS, Martha J. & BRINER, John H 300
23 May 1870 COMBS, Maggie E. & DAVIS, George W. J 102
15 Jan 1871 COOMBS, Mary E. & LEACH, James T. J 181
14 Dec. 1871 COOMBS, Matilda Ann & REYNOLDS, James M J 268
18 Sep 1872 COMBS, Laura V & BOLLINGER, Conrad J 364
7 Oct 1872 COOMBS, Rebecca E. & GUERNSEY, Elam L. J 368
23 May 1873 COOMBS, Angie A. & MEAD, William H. J 447
Extracted by Researcher David Fleming
Format: Date-Groom-Bride-Bk-Page
07 Dec 1880 COOMBS, Edgar J. & OGLESBY, Kate L 42
10 May 1881 COOMBS, Joseph L. & ECKERLE, Emma L 102
14 Jun 1881 COOMBS, David H. & WHITESELL, Ellen L 473
23 May 1882 COOMBS, Williard W. & BOWELL, Mary A. L 285
18 Jan 1883 COMBS, James W. & GUERNSEY, Agnes R. L 395
24 Dec 1885 COMBS, Richard B. & TAYLOR, Margaret T. M 330
04 Jan 1887 COOMBS, Fielding & WILSON, Fannie N 2 (Colored)
26 Sep 1888 COMBS, John T. & DUGAN, Hattie N 412
13 Jan 1889 COOMBS, Lester & HURRLE, Mary O 13
31 Dec 1889 COMBS, Couran C. & BALL, Sudie O 282
Extracted by Researcher David Fleming
Format: Date-Bride-Groom-Bk-Page
13 Oct 1880 COMBS, Mary W. & WORK, Q. L 17
28 Dec 1881 COMBS, Emma B. & FRANCE, John H. L 213
24 Jan 1882 COOMBS, Ida L. & BRIGGS, William O. L 233
27 Jun 1882 COOMBS, Marietta & BIGGS, Clinton G. L 299
4 Aug 1882 COMBS, Mattie E. & WILSON, Alvah S. L 316
Lic 4 Jun 1884 COOMBS, Estelle L. & RUDDELL, Charles M. M 36
9 Dec 1885 COMBS, Paulina C. & SNOW, Robert C. M 323
19 Oct 1886 COOMBS, Lucky K. & SHRADER, Adam W. M 511
15 Jul 1887 COOMBS, Luella & HUNTSBERRY, Charles R. N 102
17 Nov 1887 COOMBS, Jessie M. & YOUNG, James A. N 187
Lic 10 Sep 1888 COOMBS, Emma L. & HUTCHINGS, William O. N 391
24 Aug 1889 COOMBS, Bertie, Colored & MADISON, Georg Col O 168
(Researcher David Fleming)
Format: Date-Groom-Bride-Bk-Page
15 Apr 1892 COOMBS, Samuel & KURD, Charlotte P 343
21 Nov 1892 COOMBS, Adin H. & PRUETT, Margaret P 592 SW: PREWITT
28 Jul 1897 COOMBS, Amos G. & WEST, Mary S. S 521
(Researcher David Fleming)
Format: Date-Bride-Groom-Bk-Page
9 Sep 1891 COOMBS, Celia & HUGHES, W. Clay P 173
22 Mar 1892 COOMBS, Fannie & SHERLEY, John W. P 358
30 Sep 1892 COOMBS, Cossetta & PIERCY, John W. P 488
3 Jun 1893 COOMBS, Millie M. & DISMORE, Isaac E. Q 64
25 Dec 1896 COOMBS, Lizzie & HOOVER, Frank M. S 314
25 May 1897 COOMBS, Laura A. & ACHENBACK, Henry S 454
Extracted by Researcher David Fleming.
(Format: Name-Sex-Col.-Age-Date of Death-Place of Dea.-Bk-Pge)
COMBS, Albert M W 4 May 22, 1885 Uniontownship H 12 68
COMBS, Joel S. M W 34 Mar 10, 1886 Memphis H 21 78
COMBS, Annie R F W 33 Mar 31, 1904 Jeffersonville H 28 5
COMBS, Bennie M W 13 Aug 19, 1903 Woodtownship H 27 15
COMBS, Isabelle F W 69 May 19, 1917 Jeffersonville Ch 3 90
COMBS, Martha Ellen F W 58 ........................ Charlestown H 12 77
COMBS, William M M W 72 Aug 14, 1910 Clark County H 31 22
COMBS, William S M W 58 Feb 4 1901 Jeffersonville H 25 4
COOMB, Mary A. F W 52 Mar 13, 1915 Memphis H 31 100
COOMBS, Charles M W 6 mo Aug 7, 1906 Jeffersonville H 30 23
COOMBS C. Columbus M W 75 Apr 23, 1919 Jeffersonville H 32 118
COOMBS, David M W 1 Sept 12, 1908 Jeffersonville H 31 6
COOMBS, David H. M W 41 Dec 8, 1911 Charlestown H 12 85
COOMBS, Eden M W 74 Mar 10, 1913 Memphis H 31 46
COOMBS, Fielding M W 94 Mar 24, 1912 Utica H 31 46
COOMBS, Jennie F W 68 July 15, 1916 Memphis H 32 30
COOMBS, Julia F W 79 Jan 1, 1908 Jeffersonville H 31 1
COOMBS, Madison M W 65 Sept 18, 1900 Memphis H 24 23
COOMBS, Martha F W 81 Oct 1, 1914 Memphis H 31 91
COOMBS, Martha Ellen F W 58 Nov 25, 1907 Charlestown H 30 42
COOMBS, Nellie F W 18 Feb. 3, 1910 Jeffersonville ch 1 34
COOMBS, Newton M W 80 Feb 27, 1919 Charlestown H32 111
COOMBS, Rebecca S F W 87 ........................ Charlestown H 12 79
COOMBS, Richard M M W 65 Mar 7, 1905 Jeffersonville H 29 5
COOMBS, Samuel M C 60 Feb 21, 1886 Jeffersonville H 21 80
COOMBS, Sarah F W 79 Oct 17, 1896 Utica H 23 15
COOMBS, Thomas J M W 73 Nov 20, 1909 Charlestown H 31 16
COOMBS, William M W 0 Apr 1, 1911 Charlestwon H 12 84
COOMBS, W. C. M W 76 Jan 8, 1907 Union Twp H 30 3
COOMBS, W. C. M W 76 Feb 8, 1907 Union Twp H 30 5
COOMBS,.......... M W 25 Mar 18, 1886 Clark Co. H 21 81
COOMBS............. F W 0 Nov. 29, 1903 Jeffersonville H27 21
Extracted by Combs Researcher Robert George from Southern Indiana Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol VI Nr 2, April, 1985
off Brick Church Road on property of Louisville Cement Co., Speed, In (Clark County), Submitted by Elaine Collier, page 53
Nancy COOMBS, b. 21 Oct 1770; d. 28 Sep 1836
Wm. COOMBS, b. 18 Nov 1763; d. Apr 1810
Note: William and Nancy BOWELL Combs, Sr. of Fayette Co, PA
(Provided by Researcher David Fleming who adds: In my last visit to Charlestown, Clark County, Ind. library I found the following information. Please note that the row number is the row number for the cemetery, the page number is the page the Coombs listing was on. From: The Hoosier Journal…..Clark County…..Silver Creek Cemetery) See also transcription at Clark Co. USGenWeb
Page 28
Row 16
4-COMBS, Sarah wife of John 11, Sep. 1807 - 24 Mar. 1877
John 15 Sep. 1809 - 16 Jan. 1885
(John Married Sarah HESTER 1830, Clark)
5-COMBS, Christopher, son of John & Sarah, 29 Mar 1839 - 8 Aug. 1865.
Eludra dau of John & Sarah 24 Sep, 1845 - 9 Jul. 1865
Row 17
18-COOMBS, Millard W. 1857-1927
Mary A. 1858-1915
Page 30
Row 23
14-COOMBS, Cora A. 1876-1881
Annabelle 1882-1883
Hannibal C. 1884-1884
Rosena P. 1885-1886
Amanda J. 1855-1939 "Mother"
Joel S. 1850-1886 "Father"
Infant born & died 1881
Page 32
Row 24
23-COOMBS, Nana A. 1868-1943
Bertram A. 1875-1946
Bertha M. 1875 - blank back of stone
COOMBS, Jesse J. 1836 - 1893 "father"
Lincoln H. 1860 - 1886
Martha J. 1833 - 1914 "mother"
Ella B. 1865 - 1934
Margaret J. 1859 - 1865
J. Frankline 1862 - 1876
Willie M. 1872 - 1873 "Resting at Mountain Grove"
26-COOMBS, Arthur W. 1875 - 1954 "Son"
27-COOMBS, Eden M. 1838 - 1918 "father"
Mary A. 1838 - 1925 "mother"
28-COOMBS, Florence E. 1870 - 1964, "daughter"
Page 33
Row 28
14-COOMBS, David D. son of Eden & Rebecca, 18 Aug. 1849 -29 July 1876
20-COOMBS John O. 30 Apr 1840 - 7 Feb 1897 [John D.]
21-COOMBS, Lydia D. 11 June 1845 - 12 Feb. 1916 [Lydia DIETZ]
(20 & 21 Match)
22-COOMBS, Clifford 1873 - 1956
3-COOMBS, Jesse 22 Jan 1827 aged 28 yr. 28 days b 1799
4-COOMBS, Bazzle, Bowen son of Jesse & Lydia 11 Sep 1837 aged 14 yrs. 1 mo. and 6 days.
Page 34
row 30
4-COOMBS, William 7 Aug 1777- 15 Nov 1821
Rachel wife of William 11 Aug 1779 - 23 Feb 1872
Joseph 23 Aug 1823 - aged 24 yrs 4 mos 3 days [b 4/20/1799]
Basil 5 Sep. 1823 - aged 20 yrs 11 mos 11 days [b 9/24/1802]
Bowen 23 Oct 1823 - aged 15 yrs 9 mos 24 days [b 12/30/1807]
Mahlon 22 Nov 1826 aged 14 yrs 10 mos & 14 days [b 1/1/1812]
5-COOMBS, Joseph (same as #4) 23 Aug 1823 aged 24 yrs 4 mos 3 days
6-COOMBS, Jesse 8 Dec 1853 - aged 31 yrs 2 mos. 17 days [b 9/21/1822]
7-COOMBS, Viola daughter of J & ER 23 Aug 1854 aged 10 mons
8-Base Stone gone
9-Small Stone no Markings
10-COOMBS, Infant son of WC & Rebecca, no dates
11-COOMBS, William C. 1831 -1907
12-COOMBS, Rebecca M. [NUGENT] 1833 - 1920
(The Last Three Match)
25-COOMBS, James W. consort of Martha 5 Mar. 1833 - 8 Nov 1873
Transcribed as Combs by Clark Co. USGenWeb
Page 35
Row 30B
12-COOMBS, Bowen B. son of John & Sarah 12 Oct 1833 - 7 Feb 1839
Transcribed as Combs by Clark Co. USGenWeb
13-COOMBS, George W., son of John & Sarah 22 Feb. - 20 Aug. 1841
Transcribed as Combs by Clark Co. USGenWeb
14-COOMBS, Jesse Sen. d. 12 Sep 1856 in his 69th yr. [b ca 1788]
16-COOMBS, Willis, son of Jesse & Mary d. 11 Oct 1837 in his 18th year.
Row 31
5-COOMBS, David, 8 Sep. 1790 - 11 Apr. 1857
(he is on another stone in row 32 with his family)
7-COOMBS, Matilda, Daughter D & E 15 Jan - 17 Mar 1843
15- Base there is broken stone between 12 & 13, which reads:
COOMBS, John son of Jesse & M d. 20 ??? 1830, rest broken.
16-COOMBS, John W. son of E & NJ 20 Oct 1861 - 2 July 1863
17-COOMBS, Mary Ann daughter of E & R d. 15 July 1849, aged 9 yrs. 6 mos. & 22 days.
(This stone is down and nearly burried)
18-COOMBS, Malinda Jane, daughter of Eden & Rebecca d. 18 Mar 1853 aged 8 yrs 4 mos 12 days.
19-COOMBS, Sarah Jane, daughter of Eden & Rebecca 23 Mar. 1854 - 30 Feb 1855
21-COOMBS, Eden d. 28 Sep 1873 aged 63 yrs 8 mos. 17 days
Rebecca, wife of Eden d 6 Apr 1857 age 42 yrs. 1 mos. & 20 days
Nancy J. wife of Eden d 8 June 1869 age 47 yrs 11 mos. & 16 days.
26-COOMBS, Thomas B. 1842 - 1903
Hannah J. 1842 -1911
Page 36
27-COOMBS, Jesse 26 Jan 1805 - 28 Jan 1896 (b.1806 per USGenWeb)
Malinda, wife of Jesse, 12 June 1808 - 29 July 1890
(Md. 1827, daughter of James DRUMMOND)
28-COOMBS, Madison 1 Aug 1836 - 18 Sep 1900
29-COOMBS, Mary, 7 May 1835 - 28 Nov. 1905
(These last two match & are within a concrete border)
Row 32
12-COOMBS, David 1790 -1857
Transcribed as Coombes by Clark Co. USGenWeb
Hannah 1791 -1834 (daughter of James DRUMMOND)
Lurana 1816 -1890
Combs Researcher Marilyn Carr Scott adds that Thomas CARR and his wife Hannah Combs are also buried in Silver Creek Cemetery.
Hannibal Harrison Coombes
1882 "Mr. Hannibal Harrison COOMBES (COOMBS) was born in Clark County, Indiana Territory in August 1810. He was a son of Joel COOMBES, who became a citizen of this county in 1801, formerly a resident of Pennsylvania. He was married in Kentucky and moved to Washington county [IN] in March 1816 where he lived about three years and returned to Clark county and resided there till his death, which was in 1853.
"In 1847 H. H. COOMBES moved upon his farm, where he still resides in Union Township. His father's family consisted of four sons and two daughters, Mr. COOMBES being the only surviving member. His brother William was killed at the battle of Buena Visa. The others died at difference ages.
"In the year 1837 he and Rachel HOUGLAND were united in marriage. They have had a family of fourteen children; three only are living. Both Mr. and Mrs. COOMBES are members of the Christian church. Politically he is an old Jackson Democrat, for whom he cast his vote.
"Mr. COOMBES' father was a Tippecanoe soldier and appointed captain of a company of sixty men and stationed at the blockhouse at the Pigeon Roost massacre.
"Mr. COOMBES served his county as sheriff during the years of 1857-58-59." (Extracted by Combs Researcher James d. VanDerMark from "History of The Ohio Falls Cities and Their Counties," Vol. II, published by L. A. Williams & Co.,1882)
Notes: Hannibal Harrison COOMBS was the s/o Joel and Hanna GRIFFITH Combs (m 25 Sep 1801, Shelby Co, KY. Hannibal); and m (1) 4 Jan 1830, Washington Co, IN, Catherine NEWLAND; (2) 14 Mar 1837, Clark Co, IN, Rachel HOAGLAND.
C. H. Coombs
1882 Biography of C. H. COOMBS. C. H. COOMBS was born in Clark County, Indiana in 1848. He is the fifth son of Jesse J. COOMBS, an early settler of the township. Mr. C. H. COOMBS was married in 1878 to Miss Alice DIETZ, of Union Township. He is a member of the firm of J. D. COOMBS & Brother, proprietors of the Silver Creek Flouring mills, of Memphis, Clark County, Indiana. (History of The Ohio Falls Cities and Their Counties, Volume II, L. A. Williams & Co., 1882, published by Clark Co, IN GenWeb Biography of C. H. Coombs)
Madison Coombs
1882 Biography of Madison COOMBS. Madison COOMBS was born in Clark county, Indiana in 1835. He is the third child of Jesse COOMBS. Madison COOMBS was married in 1856 to Miss Mary WHITE, daughter of Absolom WHITE, of Memphis. Their family consists of four children, all of whom are living. He has for the last ten years been a leading merchant in Memphis, and is at present stationmaster of the Jeffersonville, Madison & Indianapolis, railroad at Memphis. (History of The Ohio Falls Cities and Their Counties, Volume II, L. A. Williams & Co., 1882, published by Clark Co, IN GenWeb Biography of Madison Coombs)
Notes: Campbell COOMBS and Madison COOMBS were both s/o Jesse & Malinda DRUMMOND Combs.
22 May 1885 National Democrat (Clark County, Indiana newspaper) Friday, May 22,1885. Title of article: Silver Creek Annual Cemetery Association meeting. Abstracted by Combs-STACY Researcher Barbara Stacy Mathews who notes that COOMBS and Combs both are used in the article:
"Deaths for the year of 1885: John COOMBS January 15, 1885; Infant of Joel COOMBS December 2, 1884.
Silver Creek Annual Cemetery Association meeting
Thomas CARR SR married Hannah COMBS, sister of William COMBS Sr. Thomas CARR Sr died October 26, 1822. Absolom CARR eldest son of Thomas and Hannah was born September 12, 1786 in PA. Gen. John CARR, second son was born April 6, 1793 in PA and died January 20, 1845 and is buried in the Charlestown Cemetery (Clark Co., IN). Joseph CARR was the third son, and known as "Singer Joe". He died in 1844 and is buried in Silver Creek Cemetery. Thomas Jr. and Jeferson CARR were their other son's. Thomas is buried at Charlestown Cemetery, Jefferson in Silver Creek Cemetery. Elisha CARR was the youngest son, and he lived at Laporte [La Porte Co], IN and died in 1826.
The next most numerous family buried here is that of the COOMBS. They came from PA in 1797 or 1800. The first of those to settle here were William Sr. and William Jr., and their father Jesse COOMBS, brother of William Combs Sr. This Jesse was killed by the Indians. William [Combs] Sr., was an uncle of William Jr. They married sisters, Nancy and Rachel BOWEL. William COOMBS Sr. settled on the farm near here known as the TAGGART farm and now belonging to the heirs of Mr. Wm. KIRKPATRICK. He died many years ago and is buried in WORRALL grave yard.
There were four brothers of this particular family namely; William, Jesse, John, and Joseph, and it is said they all settled in this part of the country. there were also two sisters, Hannah and Nancy. Hannah married Col. Thomas CARR, sr., and Nancy married Elisha CARR, Sr. William COOMBS Jr. settled on the farm known as that of Uncle John COOMBS who died this last winter. He was a great church man…
His wife was Aunt Rachel COMBS who lived and died his widow. He was the father of Uncle Jesse and John COOMBS and of Aunt Sallie MITCHELL. Both he and his wife are buried here (Silver Creek Cemetery).
The brothers of William COOMBS, Jr. soon followed him to this country from Kentucky. They were John, Jesse, David, Joseph, and Joel. John settled first near WORK'S Mill, then afterwards removed to near Utica [Clark Co]. he was the father of Felix and Fielding COOMBS. Joseph died in early times down the river. Joel COOMBS settled on the farms of where William NICKES (NICKLES? NIX?) now lives, from here he removed to Washington County, IN where he died at a good old age. He was the father of Ex-sheriff Hannibal COOMBS. Jesse COOMBS settled on the farm where Mr. John LOWMAN now lives.
Barbara Stacy Mathews Note: One of his daughter's married a STACY in Clark County, IN, a descendant of Peter STACY, brother of Simon STACY of Stafford Co., VA, two of whose children married children of Mason Combs, Sr. of Stafford who removed to Surry Co, NC.
He (Jesse) was the father of Eden COOMBS, deceased, Dr. D. H. COOMBS, our President, and W.C. COOMBS of Memphis, Indiana."
David COMBS settled on Sinking Fork north and west of his brother Jesse. His first wife was Miss DRUMMOND. She died twenty years after their marriage; he then married Miss Lorena REYNOLDS, whom he left a widow. Jesse and David COOMBS are both buried here.
The DRUMMONDS came from Virginia and settled on the farm now owned by James and George MATHIS… James DRUMMOND is the head of this family… His daughters were Mrs. Col. John CARR, Mrs. David Combs, Mrs. Nellie BROWN, Mrs. Joseph CARR, Mrs. Matilda BIGGS, Mrs Polly DAVIS, Mrs. Lettie MATHIS, Mrs. Jesse COOMBS and Mrs. Rebecca COOMS.
William GOODWIN was the father of this family. He came here in 1801 from Kentucky. He settled on Pleasant Run… one daughter married a STACY". (Barbara Stacy Mathews Note: This is where Peter STACY settled also. Elizabeth GOODWIN married William STACY, son of Peter STACY)
Mr. William GOODWIN brought his father to this country with him, who was born in 1717. He died two years after his son, which occurred in 1826, at the age of 108 years...
BSM Note: William GOODWIN had a son, Amos GOODWIN. Amos GOODWIN'S sons-in-law were John P. NICHOLSON and Dr. D. H. COOMBS. (Extracted by Combs-STACY Researcher Barbara Stacy Mathews)
21 May 1886 Extracted by Combs Researcher Barbara Stacy Mathews from "The Pioneer Families of Clark County" by W.E. McCoy, 1886, and copied and indexed by Elizabeth Hayward of Ridgewood, New Jersey, 1947, extracts from the May 21, 1886 issue of The Democrat (newspaper), Clark Co., Indiana.
Taking part in the process [meeting of the Silver Creek Cemeterial Association, held near Charlestown] were Dr. D. H. COOMBS, who presided…
Bazel BOWELL, a younger brother of John, came to this Territory in 1811. He came all the way from Pennsylvania to care for the wife and children of his brother-in-law, Mr. William COOMBS, who was drafted in the army. He was the father of Mr. George BOWELL who now lives in Memphis, Ind. He died in 1854 and is buried in this cemetery (Silver Creek Cemetery).
Mary WHITE, John WHITE'S sister, was the wife of Jesse COMBS, the father of our President, Dr. D.H. COOMBS…
Elder MCCOY did not move to this Territory until 1811. He was a Baptist preacher. He often came from his home in Kentucky to Silver Creek to preach, at times preaching at the homes of either Elisha CARR or William COOMBS, in the Grove or at the Church.
John MCCOY, my grandfather, came here in 1804. He raised his first crop of corn in the field just west of the Worrell Cemetery on the farm of old Uncle William COMBS, Sr. In 1806, he settled on land of his own on the Muddy Fork where Speed's Cement Mills are located.
11 Dec 1893. Obituary (Found in the Library at Jeffersonville, Clark Co, Ind., the name of the newspaper not noted on the obituary).
Jesse J. Coombs
Jesse J. COOMBS died at Memphis [Clark Co], Ind. November 25, 1893. He was in his fifty-seventh year, and was the eldest son of the late Eden and Rebecca COOMBS. On May 30, 1858 he was united in marriage with Marth Isabel HAWES, who survives her husband with four children, three daughters and a son. Shortly after his marriage the deceased united with the Christian church here, under the ministrations of Elder Silas W. LEONARD one of the pioneer preachers of the denomination and though during the latter years of his life he seemed to have no profound religious convictions, it is believed that ere crossing the dark valley between the known and unknown, he had made his peace with the Master and been again restored to the fold. The funeral services held at the family residence Monday morning were largely attended despite the heavy rain. Rev. T. M. HAWES of Highland Presbyterian church Louisville, a nephew of the deceased, opened the services with a reading and prayer, followed by Elder Wm. C. COOMBS, an uncle, who made a few remarks based upon the familiar text from Job 14: "If a man die shall he live again?" A lienghty corege [lengthy cortege] then followed the hearse to Silver Creek cemetery, the last resting place of the deceased. Mr COOMBS was a brother of Eden and Milliard COOMBS, Mrs. Dr. REYNOLDS and Mrs. Andy HAWES, of this place. Of a charitable and liberal nature, his was the very essence of hopitality and with a kindly greeting for everybody in his daily intercourse, he died without an enemy on earth.
(Researcher David Fleming)
March 4, 1912. The Evening News. Clark Co, IN. Obituary.
Fielding Coombs
Fielding COOMBS. Oldest Native of Clark County (Indiana) Critically Ill; Stricken Suddenly on Sunday. Fielding COOMBS, believed to be the oldest native of Clark County now living, was stricken ill Sunday at the home of C. C. COOMBS, near Utica and his condition is precarious. He was born in the county December 21, 1817, and is thus 94 years old. He rose feeling as well as usual Sunday morning save a cold but was taken sick later and it is feared he can- not live. He has a number of relatives in the county, but his wife is dead. Until Sunday he was remarkably well preserved and would pass for a man in the seventies and would be considered active man even at that.
(Researcher David Fleming)
From Christian Standard Jan 31, 1885
On Jan. 15, at his home near Charleston [sic, Charlestown?] Ind., Bro. John Combs, aged 76.
Bro. Combs had been a member of the Christian Church at Stony Point for over forty years. He was born in the same house in which he died. Stony Point has lost by his death one of its best members, society one of its best citizens, and his family a kind father.
After a life of honor he sleeps in peace.
F. E. Andrews.
Sellersburg, Ind. Jan 16.
Submitted by Linda Berney