Combs &c.
of Trimble Co., KY |
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Trimble was established in 1837 from Gallatin, Henry and Oldham. In 1838,
Carroll was established from Trimble, Gallatin and Henry.
See also the William F. Coombs Manuscript and the Hardin Co., KY 30 Sep 1825 Court case Mary Wilks vs Samuel Coombs heirs & adms which names heirs of Samuel Coombs of Loudoun Co., VA.
1840 Census Trimble County, Kentucky Transcribed by Combs researcher Birdie McNutt
page 2
Elizabeth RICKETTS 0001000000000 1111001
NOTE: See also Allen Co., KY for law suit involving Elizabeth Rickets (possibly the same above) and Thomas Combs/Coombs begun February 16, 1829 and continued 16
Mar 1829. See also the archives for any ongoing discussion on the parentage of Thomas Combs/Coombs of Allen Co., KY
males 0000020000000
females 1210010000000
NOTE: Perlina/Paulina Ashburn married 1) Thomas Combs/Coombs in 1827 in Henry Co., KY and secondly James Buchanan. in 1939, also in Henry Co., KY. Evalina, Elvoree, and Elvina/Elvira were all daughter of Thomas Combs/Coombs according to his will in 1834 in Henry Co., KY.
April 1840: Trimble Co., KY Court Order Bk 1 p. 191 transcribed by Deb Coombs from FHC Film 0420373: Isham Combs infant orphan of Thomas Combs deceased being 14 years of age came into court and made choice of Addison Mitchell as his guardian who thereupon took the oath required by law and entered into and acknowledged bond with John F. Pitman Joseph H. Larue John Wright and Andrew Mitchell his Securities in the penalty of $1000 conditioned as the law directs
which bond is approved by this court.
NOTE: Isham later resided in Hardin Co., KY and Hart Co., KY.
April 1840: Trimble Co., KY Court Order Bk 1 p. 191 transcribed by Deb Coombs from FHC Film 0420373: Greenberry Combs infant orphan of Thomas Combs and being 14 years of age came into court and made choice of Addison Mithell as his guardian who thereupon took the oath requited by law and entered and acknowledged bond with John F. Pitman Joseph H. Larue John Wright and Andrew Mitchell his securities in the penalty of $1000 conditional als the law directs whichbond is approved by this court.
Greenberry later resided in Hardin Co., KY and Hart Co., KY
14 Jany 1842 Henry Co., K Y Deed Bk A p. 496-7 extracted by Deb Coombs from FHC FIlm 420363: This Indenture made and entered into this 14 day of Jany 1842, between Benjamine BRANCH and Mitilda M., wife of the aforesaid Benjamine of the one part of the County of Trimble and State of Kentucky and Pauline Buchanan 1st Pauline Combs widow of Thomas Combs deceased and Greenberry Coms,
Emily Mitchell late Emily Combs, Isham Coombs, Elvina Coombs, Evaline Coombs & Elviree Coombs of the second part of the state aforesaid witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of $132.50 to them in hand paid by the said Thomas Coombs in his lifetime the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledbed by said Branch and wife hath this day bargained and sold and by these presents doth grant, bargain and sell and convey unto the said party of the second part above mentioned one tract or parcel of land situated in the County of Trimble and State of Kentucky on the waters of Little Kentucky river containing two hundred and sixty five acres be the same more or less and bounded as follows and towit: Beginning at Achilles Hoskins in
the dividing line between Head and Ford and James Mercer 5000 acre survey then N240 poles to a sugar tree and beech on Meredith Prices line thence west 240 poles to a stake in John W. Wrights thence south 240 to an ironwood and beech corner to A.
Hoskins thence east 240 poles to two beeches to the beginning with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining unto the party of the second part and their heirs and asigns forever and the said Benjamine Branch and Matilda M. his wife for themselves their heirs will warrent and defend the title of the aforesaid premises against the claim of
themselves and their heirs only. In testimony whereof Benjamine Branch and Matilda M. His wife who hereby relinuishes her right of dower set their hands and seals the day and year above written. B. Branch Matilda M. Branch
22 Jul 1844 Hardin Co., KY Deed Bk W transcribed by Deb Coombs from LDS Film #0388602 p. 18: "This Indenture made and entered into this 22nd day of July 1844 by and between Adin COOMBS and Mary his wife, and William W. BOWLING and Martha his wife to the County of Hart, William Coombs and Martha his wife, Thomas F. COOMBS and Chloe his wife and Isham COOMBS and Martha his wife
and Amelia COOMBS widow and relict of Adin COOMBS, Sr deceased of the County of Hardin and Greenberry COOMBS Addison MITCHELL & Emily his wife (late Emily COOMBS) of Trimble County children and heirs of Elizabeth COOMBS deceased late a daughter of said Adin COOMBS Sr dec'd and Amelia WILLIAMS of Larue County & William N. CHEATHAM and Keziah his wife (late Keziah WILLIAMS) all of the state of Kentucky and Fielding COOMBS and Valinda his wife of Marion County and State of Indiana all (except) the said Amelia) heirs of Adin COOMBS Sr. deceased of the firstpart and Stephen SAVAGE of the
County Oneida & state of New York Witnesseth that whereas the said Amelia COOMBS sometine since sold to the said SAVAGE the tract of land herein after described under the belief that she was authorized to do so by the last Will & testament
of the said A. COOMBS decd which was since proved to be invalid and whereas the said Amelia COOMBS has applied that part of the purchase money which she has received to the payment of the debts of the said A. COOMBS Sr deceased and whereas the said Adin COOMBS & wife & others the heirs of the said Adin COOMBS Sr deceased as above named are willing to Join inthe conveyance to said SAVAGE of saill and Now therefore in consideration of the premises and for the further consideration of the sum of two hundred and seventy five dollars all but the sum of about one hundred and fifteen dollars heretofore paid to the said Amelia & applied by her as aforesaid the said parties of the first part have the day granted bargained and sold and by these presents do grant bargain and sell unto the said Stephen SAVAGE all their rights title and Interest in and to a Certain Tract of land with all its appurtences lying and being in the County of Hardin and State of Kentucky on the waters of Nolinn and immediately on the Turnpike road leading from Louisville to Nashville". "a small distance above the mill house" . Containing 48¼ acres be
the same more or less" .. Wm. W. BOWLING Wm F.COOMBS Martha COMBS Isham COMBS Martha A. COMBS Pamelia WILLIAMS Fielding COOMBS Valinda COOMBS Wm N. CHEATHAM his mark Kezia CHEATEM Adin COOMBS Mary J COOMBS Martha BOWLING T. F. COOMBS Cloea COOMBS Pamelia COOMBS Addison MITCHELL Greenbury COMBS Emily MITCHELL a
DC NOTE: Most relationships are explained fairly well above, however, Isham Coombs is a grandson of Adin, also a son of Adin's daughter Elizabeth Coombs who married Thomas Coombs in Hardin Co., KY See will of Thomas Coombs p. April 1834 Henry Co., KY. See also the will of Adin Coombs of 28 Aug
1834 Hardin Co., KY See also William F. Coombs manuscript
3 Sep 1847 Trimble County, KY Land Deed Bk D, pg 8 LDS Film #420361 (transcribed by Deb Coombs)
This Indenture made and entered into between Addison MITCHELL and Emily his wife of the County of Trimble and State of Kentucky of the one part and Isham COOMBS of the County of Hardin and State aforesaid of the other part witnesseth that for and in consideration of an interest which the party of the second part have this day conveyed to the said party of the first part by deed in the Name of Greenberry COOMBS and the said Isham COOMBS which Deed bearers even date with
this Deed and includes all the interest the said Greenberry and the Said Isham have in and to the tract of land on which the Said Addison MICHELL now resides together with Sundry claims which the said Greenberry and Said Isham holds against the said party of the first part growing out of Said Addison being guardian for the said Greenberry and Isham. We the Said Addison and
Emily MITCHELL late Emily COOMBS have this day bargained and sold and by these presents do bargain sell and convey unto the said Isham COOMS and Greenberry COOMBS their heirs and assigns forever all the interest we or either of us have in
and unto the estate of Thomas COOMBS deseased except the said tract of land on which the said Addison and Emily now resides and this day conveys to them by the said Isham and Greenbery COOMS this interest hereby conveyed by the said
party of the first part includes all the interest the party of the first part now have or ever may be entitled to both real personal estate mixed touching the said estate of Thomas COOMBS deceased which real estate is lying being in the County of Trimble and State of Kentucky on the waters of the Little Kentucky River it is understood by the parties aforesaid that the interest hereby conveyed
is to include the reversionary interest that the said party of the first part have or hereafter may have in the dower interest of Polina BUCHANAN late Polina COOMBS relic and widow of said Thomas COOMBS deceased which interest of the party of the first part forever named and defend against the claim or claims of any and all persons whomsover Given under our hands and deeds
this 3rd day of September 1847. Signed Addison MITCHELL, Emily MITCHELL attest: Daniel MITCHELL, Andrew MITCHELL.
I William Samuel clerk of the County Court for the County aforesaid do certify that this deed from Addison MITCHELL and Emily MITCHELL his wife to Isham COOMBS was this day produced to me in my office and proven by the oath of Daniel MITCHELL and Andrew MITCHELL to his act and deed and the said Emily his wife being by me examined purely and apart
from her said husband declared that she did freely and willingly seal and deliver said writing said wished not to retract it and acknowledged said writing shown and explained to her to be her act and deed and consenteth that the same may be recorded.
Whereupon the same together with this certificate hath been duly admitted to record in my office Given under my hand this 4th day of September 1847. Signed W. SAMUEL, clerk (Combs Researcher DebCoombs)
Notes: Addison Mitchell married Emily Combs in Jefferson Co., IN across the river from Trimble Co., KY. Emily was the daughter of Thomas Combs, son of Amos & Tacy DRAKE Combs, and his wife Elizabeth Combs married 19 Jan 1817, Hardin Co, KY; Thomas married (2) 23 Jul 1827, Paulina (Perlina) ASHBURN. Thomas's 1834 will was recorded in Henry Co, KY. Paulina ASHBURN (as Combs) married (2) 11 May 1839, Henry Co, KY, James BUCHANAN. See also the William F. Coombs Manuscript which confirms most of the above, and
which states: "Emily married Addison MITCHELL of Trimble County, Kentucky, where they lived and died, leaving several children." (See also this source for other Trimble Co, KY mentions.) Both Isham and Greenberry are on the1850 Hardin Co., KY Census.
1850 Trimble Co, KY Census (Transcribed by Combs Researcher Deb Coombs)
Roll 220 p. 408b.
Addison MITCHELL, 39, farmer, $2000, b. KY
Emily, 29
Thomas A., 15
Isham, 12
Allen, 8
M.V., b
Daniel, 3
El vira, 4/12
Andrew MITCHELL, 66, farmer, $4000, b. VA
NOTE: Addison MITCHELL married EmilyCOMBS/COOMBS in Jefferson Co., IN, the daughter of Thomas
COMBS of Hardin and Henry Co., KY. Andrew Mitchell was Addison Mitchell's father.
25 May 1851 Deeds - D-91. Benj. HARDIN, wife Elvira, Hardin Co from Marield Colbert, interest of
Thomas COMBS, father of Elvira. Unrecorded Deeds, Hardin Co (Extracted from "Trimble Co Ky Bedford Courthouse Deeds" - Ky Ancestors, Vol 11, by Wanda Lee Whitney and provided to Combs Researcher Deb Coombs)
22 Sep 1853 Trimble Co., KY Will Book 1 p. 149-150 (transcribed by Deb Coombs from LDS FHC Film #0420379 ): I Perlina Buchanan of Trimble County Kentucky being of Sound mind and disposing memory do Make this my last will and testament in manor and form following. To wit. Item 1st It is my will that all my just debts & funeral expenses be first paid. I will that after all my debts are paid that all my perishable property be equally divided Between my four Daughters (viz) Evalina Milner, Elvoree Cash, Elvina Hardin & Susan F Buchanan except two Cows one a black cow & the other a red cow and her calf the black cow I give to my daughter Evalina the red and calf I give to my daughter Susan. Item 3rd It is my will that my son in law Layfaette Milner and his wife Evalina have the farm on which I now on one year from the first of March 1855 & free rent Item 4th It is my will that after the 1st of March 1855 this farm be rented out and the rents equally divided between my four children above named and I also wish to sale the land above named at any time they think proper & to equally divide the proceeds of the sale among them. Item 5th It is further my will that all my property in Campbellsburg be rented or sold as they may thing best and the proceeds also to be equally divided between my four children & their heris Signed and acknowledged this 22 day September 1853 Perlina Buchanan (her mark)
J. F. Butler
James Miles State of Kentucky Trimble County Court.
A writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Perlina Buchanan dec'd was produced in court and proven by thge oathes of J. F. Butler and James Miles the two Subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded which is accordingly done. Att. W. Samuel
DC NOTE: There was no Item 2 in the will above. Perlina/Paulina Ashburn married 1) Thomas Combs/Coombs in 1827 in Henry Co., KY and secondly James Buchanan. in 1939, also in Henry Co., KY. Evalina, Elvoree, and Elvina/Elvira were all daughter of Thomas Combs/Coombs according to his will in 1834 in Henry Co., KY.
1860 Trimble Co., KY Census (Transcribed by Combs Researcher Deb Coombs)
Abbotsville PO p. 226
HH 207/207
Addison MITCHELL, 50, M, farmer, $4000, $2500, KY
Emily, 43, F, KY (married in last year column checked ?)
Isham, 20, M, KY
Allen, 16, M, KY
Minerva, 14, F, KY
Elvira, 12, F, KY
Melvina, 9, F, KY
Daniel, 13, M, KY
Emeline, 4, F, KY
Dorcas, 2, F, KY
1870 Trimble Co., KY Census (Transcribed by Combs Researcher Deb Coombs)
Burrows District p. 201
HH 1/1
Addison MITCHELL, 63, farmer, $6000, $500, KY
Emily, 43, F, house keeping, KY
Daniel, 23, M, KY
Evaline, 14, F, at school, KY
Dorcas, 12, F, at school
Mana ROBERSON, 24, F, housekeeping
Isham MITCHELL, 27, M, house carpenter,KY
Ben MILNER, 19, M, farm hand, KY
Note: Addison's daughter Emma Eveline married her first cousin -- Samuel COOMBS (see below) who later lived
in Carroll Co., KY. Samuel was a son of Isham COOMBS and Martha Ann CASH. Isham was also a son of Thomas COMBS of Hardin and Henry Co., KY.
12 Aug 1874 Marriage Certificate (Transcribed from certificate by Combs Researcher Deb Coombs) This is to
Certify, That on the 12 day of August 1874 the Rites of Marriage were Legally Solemnized by me between Samuel Coombs and Eveline Mitchell at Addison Mitchell's in the County of Trimble in the presence of T. H. Coombs and W. L.
1880 Census Antiock, Trimble Co., KY p. 111 HH 86861 extracted by Deb Coombs
Abraham Mitchell, 75, farmer, KY, KY, KY
Emily, 64, KY, KY, KY
Isham, 37, KY, KY, KY
Daniel, 31, KY, KY, KY, widower
Dorkus, 21, KY, KY, KY
DC NOTE: This is the HH of Addison Mitchell although the census taker has written it as Abraham
25 Feb 1882 Trimble Co., KY Will Bk 2 p. 64 transcribed by Deb Coombs from LDS Film 0420379: Trimble Court Kentucky Feby 25 1882: I addison (sic) Mitchell do make and publish this my last will and Testament First I direct that all my
debts and funeral expenses be paid as soon after my decease as possible out of the first moneys that shall come into the hands of my executors from any portion of my estate real or personal Also I direct that a fair valuation or appraisement be made by these judicious neighbors & all my personal estate including my household furniture and after being siged by these that a copy be
delivered to my executor my beloved wife retaining any articleor articles that she may desire if she be living at the time of my decease but is she shall not survive me the proceeds accruing from the sale thereof to be devided as herein after stated also I direct that my real estate shall be and remain the absolute property of my beloved wife if she shall be living at the time of my
decease but if she shall not survive me then the following disprstion shall be made viz The farm shall be divided equally between T.A. Mitchell, Isham Mitchell, Daniel Mitchell, Melvina Roberson & Lina Combs my Children the son Isham Mitchell shall pay to the sons TA Mitchell Daniel Mitchell Minerva Robinson & Lena Coombs the sum of one hundred Dollars in
consideration for one horse which he had over and above the others I also bequeath to my other two Daughters Angeline Greewood & Dorcas Greenwood one dollar each as their sole and entire interest in my personal or real estate In Witness ... I Addison Mitchell the Testator have to this my will written in one sheet of paper set my hand and seal this the twenty fifth day of February
Eighteen hundred and Eighteen Addison Mitchell his mark Atest: Emily Mitchell J. A. Tandy W. R. Love Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of us who have subscribed in the presence of each other
Codicil: Whereas I Addison Mitchell of Trimble County and State of Kentucky have by my last will and Testament in writing
duly executed bearing (sic) date February 25 1882 given and bequeathed to Isham Mitchell and equal those with others of my children Now I the said Addison Mitchell being desirous of altering my siad will in respect to the writing which I will and direct to be annexed as a codicil to my said will and taken as a part thereof and I do hereby revoke the said legacy by my said will givin
to him (Isham Mitchell and I do give to him the said Isham Mitchell the sum of one dollar only and I do notify and affirm my said will in everything except where the same is hereby revoked and altered as offical? In Witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this the 30th day of Sep 1882 Addison Mitchell his Mark Witness W. R. Love Henry Branch
State of Kentucky:
Trimble County Court March Term 1884 A Writing perporting to be the last will and testament together with codicil of Addison Mitchell Decd was produced into open court and proven by the oath of WR Love & A. Tandy and Henry Branch subscribing witnesses ... the last will and testament of said Decedent and the same is ordered to be Recorded as such which is done Witness my hand this 12 Day March 1884 J. W. Lee clerk
April Term, 1884 Trimble Co., KY Estates Book B p. 435 & 6 transcribed by Deb Coombs from LDS Film #0420380
Articles Set apart for the widow of Anderson Mitchell, Dec'd of Trimble Co., KY March 24, 1884 (several articles totaling $549.10 including bed/bedding/stand/table/settee/kitchenware/2 wagon wheels/loggon wagon/coc.. signed W. A. Devaree, G. May, W. H.
Love....that at the April Term ... widows list of Adason Mitchell Dec'd was filed and ... to be ... this 22 day Apr 1884 signed JN Seickera (?)
DC NOTE: Addison Mitchell married Emily Coombs, the daughter of Thomas Coombs of Hardinand Henry Co., KY; the Lina Combs above is Emma Eveline Mitchell who married Samuel
Coombs of Carroll Co., KY. the son of Isham Coombs of Hardin and Hart Co., KY.
18 Apr 1888 Trimble Co., KY Will Bk 2 p. 92 transcribed by Deb Coombs from LDS Film 0420379: I Emily Mitchell of the County of Trimble and State of Kentucky do make this my last will and Testament viz That I leave all my personal & Real Estate to my seven children viz Thomas A. Mitchell Isham Mitchell Minerva M. Robinson Daniel mitchell Melvina A. Greenwood Evaline Coombs & Susan D. Greenwood to share and share alike after paying all indebtedness and
burial expenses Signed and sealed in our presence of two undersigner witnesses this the eighteenth day of April 1888 Emily Mitchell Attest: W. A. Danner W. R. Love
State of Kentucky Trimble County: October Term 1888: A Writing purporting to be the last will and Testament of Emily Mitchell Decd was produced into open court and know by the oath of Wm Danner and WR Love subscribing witnesses thereto to be the last will and Testament of the Decedent and the same is ordered to be recorded as such which is done Given under my hand this 1- day of October 1888
DC Note: Emily Mitchell was the daughter of Thomas Coombs of Hardin and Nelson Co., KY. Her daughter Evaline married Samuel Coombs of Carroll Co., KY
8 Dec 1899 (Friday) The Elizabethtown News, Hardin Co KY. Mrs. Elveree CASH died Friday, Dec. 1.
Was the daughter of Thomas COOMBS of Trimble Co., (Ky) Was 66 years old and married R.T. CASH in 1852. Leaves one sister, Mrs. Evaline MILLINER of Indianapolis [Marion Co], In., and 8 children: Miss Katie and Thomas CASH of Elizabethtown, Mrs. Henry PICKARILL of Glendale, Mrs. Stephen
BRODWELL of Elizabethtown, Mrs. Hagan BLAND, Mrs. Wm JONES of Sonora, Leslie CASH of Garden City [FinneyCo], KS., and John CASH of Mo. Burial Sunday at Glendale Church. (Extractedby Combs Researcher Carolyn Wimp)
Notes: Thomas Combs d in 1834 in then-Henry Co., KY.
1900 Census Mag Dist, Bedford, Trimble Co., KY ED 76, Sheet 7A HH 116/123 transcribed by Deb Coombs
Charles F. Coombs, Sep 1867, 32, KY
Martha A. Coombs, Mother, Mar 1828, 72, KY
Edward Coombs, nephew Feb 1863, 17, KY
Anna B. Coombs, niece, Nov 1895, 19, KY
NOTE: Charles is a son of Isham Coombs and Martha Ann Cash of Hardin Co., and Hart Co., KY. Edward and Ann are children of
Charles's brother Warren Thomas Coombs who is buried in Barren Co., KY in the Combs Cem. off old 31 nr. Richardville. Ann's birth date listed on census as 1895, but in family records as 1885
05 January 1913 Prestonville, Carroll Co., KY Death Certificate 3205 for Benie Roberson, housekeeper, widow, female, born 16 Mar 1845 Trimble Co., KY; died 5 Jan 1913, aged 68; father: Addison Mitchell, born Henry Co., KY; mother: Emily Coombs, born Hardin Co., KY; informant: Saml Coombs; burial
Campbellsburg, KY 7 Jan 1913
NOTE: Emily Coombs was the daughter of Thomas Coombs of Hardin Co., KY (son of Amos Coombs and Tacy drake) and his first wife Elizabeth Coombs (daughter of Adin Coombs and Pamelia Williams.) Samuel Coombs, the informant, was her first cousin and also her brother in law, since he married Minerva/Mariam/Beanie's sister Emma Eveline Mitchell.
Important: All Records collected for this county may not have been added here.