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Combs &c.
Families of Wolfe Co., KY |
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Hazel Green Pct 2
Elizabeth Combs 17 F W works in house
(Elizabeth is living in HH of Stephen SWANGO)
Rebecca J. Combs 84 F W
(Rebecca is living in HH of Cevilla? LANE)
Note: Is this the same Rebecca listed with John Combs on the 1850 Morgan Co., Ky Census?
Martha Combs 21 F W works in house
(Martha is living in HH of Samuel SWANGO)
Note: Martha was the daughter of Mason and Malinda WHITELY Combs. She along with several other of their older children are missing from the 1860 Breathitt Co., Ky Census.
Isaac B. Combs 47 M W Farmer
Rebecca J 32 F W Keeping house
Lucinda F? 10 F W
John W. 6 M W
Arron T? 4 M W
Robert L 3 M W
Lucinda A ? F W
Notes: Isaac B. Combs, son of Matthew & Frances BROWN Combs, was listed on the 1860 Morgan Co., Ky Census with his 1st wife Levica McINTIRE and daughter Lucinda age 3 mos. Rebecca SWANGO was his 2nd wife per The Combs Genealogy. Is this the reason for the 2nd daughter named Lucinda? The April 7 1953 Wolfe Co DC for their son Aaron Thrasher Combs lists his parents as Isaac B Combs II and Rebecca SWANGO.
James K. Combs 25 M W works on farm
Elizabeth 26 F W keeping house
Nancy J 3 F W
Surrilda 1 F W
Notes: James was the son of Mason & Malinda WHITELY Combs & listed on the 1850 Morgan Co., Ky His wife was Elizabeth TRENT. He is later found on the 1880 Breathitt, 1900 & 1910 Wolfe Co., Ky Census.
Hazel Green Pct. 3
Rebecca Combs 15 F W
Martha E. Combs 1 F W ( Rebecca and Martha are living in HH of Elijah CHAMBERS)
Linda Wiedo Notes: Martha Combs married Frederick Kratzer in Clark Co., KY in 1891. She died in 1906 in Woodford Co. Ky. Martha listed her birthplace as Wolfe Co. but unknown as to where her parents were born. My grandmother, Mary Alice always told us that she was part Cherokee, (most people in Eastern ky. seem to be part Cherokee). Martha is the Marthia Combs living with A. F. (Albert F. Ramy son of Louisa Ramey whose daughter Martha was married to a Combs) in Wolfe Co., Ky in 1880. I can't find any solid record of Martha being related to the Chambers and Ramey families but I think she probably was. Also note: Who is this Rebecca Combs? Could she be the mother of Martha? Is she the same that is listed on the 1860 Morgan Co., Ky Census in the household of Solomon LONG?
Thomas Combs 22 M W Farmer
Nancy 27 F W Keeping house
Duloena? 7 F W
Notes: Thomas was the son of Mason and Malinda WHITELY Combs, listed as age 3 on the 1850 Morgan Co., Ky Census but is missing from his father's HH on the 1860 Breathitt Co., Ky Census as are several of their other children who show up later in Wolfe County. In 1900, there is a Thomas Combs listed (b 5/1842) with his 2nd? wife Mary born 1877 and several children. His sister Martha Combs born 5/1850 is living with him.
James Combs 24 M W Farmer
Arminia 21 F W Keeping house
Squire B 3 M W
Daniel 1 M W
Note: James Combs was married to Armina EVERSOLE per their son Daniel's 1945 Perry Co., Ky Death Certificate. Daniel's age is off on his death certificate which list him as being born in 1873 but he is listed on the 1900 Lee Co., Ky Census with his mother as being born in 1870. Who were James' parents?
Stephen S. Combs 29 M W Merchant
Mary J. 18 F W Keeping house
Villiage of Hazel Green
9 June 1880
Daniel G. COMBS 44 md miller Ky Ky Ky
Rachel wife 44 md keeping house Ky Ky Ky
Felix M. THOMAS sil 30 md physician Ky Ky Ky
Martha THOMAS dau 20 md at home Ky Ky Ky
Belle COMBS dau 17 s at home Ky Ky Ky
Lucy dau 14 s at home Ky Ky Ky
Cora dau 10 s at home Ky Ky Ky
Lenni dau 6 s Ky Ky Ky
Johnie son 3 s Ky Ky Ky
Note: Daniel COMBS, son of Samuel & Nancy CORNETT Combs, was married to Rachel TURNER 1834-1934, daughter of John TURNER. Daniel passed away on 16 Jan 1922 in Montgomery Co., Kentucky. See also the 2 Nov 1944 Mariemont, Hamilton, OH Death Certificate for daughter Nancy Belle Johnson.
Precinct. 2
19 June 1880
Martha COMBS 24 wd keeping house Ky Ky Ky
Carl E. L. son 11/12 Ky Ky Ky b July
Louisa RAMEY mother 61 wd at home Ky Va Va
Amanda J. WILSON 8 adopted s Ky Ky Ky
21 June 1880
Arberry LITTLE 21 md farmer Ky Ky Ky
Charlotte I. E. M.J . wife 28/38? md keeping house Ky Ky Ky
Nancy COMBS servant 24 md servant Ky Ky Ky
Town of Campton, pct. 3
11 June 1880
Chrisley C. WILLIAMS 28 md blacksmith Ky Ky Ky
Alsey wife 28 md keeping house Va Va Va
James A. son s Ky Ky Va
John W. son 6 s Ky Ky Va
Joseph T. son 5 s Ky Ky Va
Divey A. dau 2 s Ky Ky Va
Doctor T. son 4/12 s Ky Ky Ky
Rosan COMBS servant 21 s servant Ky Ky Ky
Sewell S. COMBS 39 md merchant & farmer Ky Ky Ky
Elizabeth wife 22 md keeping house Ky Ky Ky
Allice dau 9 s Ky Ky Ky
Anna Bell dau 2 s Ky Ky Ky
Courtney son 1 s Ky Ky Ky
Samuel AMYX adopted 1_ s works on farm Ky Ky Ky
Racheal WILDER servant 27 s servant Ky Ky Ky
Notes: Sewell Stephen COMBS, son of Henry & Temperance P. DAVIS Combs, was married four times. His first wife was Mary J. "Mollie ROSE (1850-1873), and his second wife was Elizabeth "Lizzie" Ann SWANGO (1853-1893). His third wife was Nancy Katherine AMYX 1852-1943.
Precinct 3
Pg 322a
Wilson COMBS m md w31 Ky Ky Ky farmer
Dulcina wife f md w 25 Ky Ky Ky keeping house
Samual son m s w 8 Ky Ky Ky
Ancie dau f s w 6 Ky Ky Ky
Martha dau f s w 3 Ky Ky Ky
Sarah dau f s w 2/12 Ky Ky Ky
(Extracted by Debi Houser from FamilySearch's 1880 National Census)
Notes: Wilson COMBS 1844-1937, son of Stephen & Martha FRANCIS Combs of Breathitt Co., KY, married Dulcenia ALLEN in Powell Co., Ky in 1893.
14 & 15 June 1880
Critendon COMBS 31 md farmer Ky Ky Ky
Catherine wife 21 md keeping house Ky Ky Ky
Hargis son 2 s Ky Ky Ky
Nancy dau ?/12 s Ky Ky Ky b April
Notes: Crittenden was apparently the son Samuel & Eliza COMBS listed on the 1850 Perry Co., Ky Census. This couple found next in the 1900 Texas Co, MO census. His death record states his parents were Samuel Combs and Elizabeth Combs. Also in Texas County with him and in Christian Co., MO is one James T Combs, suspected brother...
William HARVEY 31 md farmer Ky Ky Ky
Susan wife 33 md keeping house Ky Ky Ky
Elizabeth dau 9 s Ky Ky Ky
John son 6 s Ky Ky Ky
Melda J. COMBS cousin 17 s at home Ky Ky Ky
18 & 19 June 1880
Stephen COMBS 50 md laborer Ky Ky Ky
Nancy wife 30 md keeping house Ky Ky Ky
Patterson son 13 s laborer Ky Ky Ky
___ E. dau 10 s at home Ky Ky Ky
Rebecca dau 5 s Ky Ky Ky
Nancy E. dau 3 s Ky Ky Ky
Notes: Was Stephen the son of Stephen & Martha "Patsy" FRANCIS Combs?
Precinct 4
1 June 1880
Elhannon COMBS 29 md farmer Ky Ky Ky
Mary wife 23 md keeping house Ky Ky Ky
Susan dau 6 single Ky Ky Ky
Cora A. dau 4 single Ky Ky Ky
Laura B. dau 9/12 single Ky Ky Ky b Aug
Alacy POLLY servant 12 single servant Ky Ky Ky
Notes: Elhannon S. COMBS, son of Samuel & Eliza (below) married Mary DAVIDSON, daughter of Joseph & Alcy "Dutch" COMBS Davidson.
Samuel COMBS 57 md farmer Ky Va Ky
Elizia wife 51 md keeping house Ky Va Ky
Wesley son 20 single laborer Ky Ky Ky
Notes: Samuel was the son of Nicholas & Elizabeth COMBS Combs of Perry Co., KY. Samuel and his wife Eliza can be found living in Perry County on previous census records.
Precinct 5
2 June 1880
Thomas COMBS 35 md farmer Ky Ky Ky
Nancy wife 29 md keeping house Ky Ky Ky
Dulsena dau 12 s at home Ky Ky Ky
Luvina dau 10 s at home Ky Ky Ky
Alice dau 7 s Ky Ky Ky
Sarah dau 3 s Ky Ky Ky
Notes: Thomas COMBS, son of Mason & Malinda WHITELY Combs, was married 1st to Nancy LANDSAW. He is listed on the 1900 Wolfe Co., KY Census with his 2nd wife Mary. His daughter Sarah married Tilden King... see census and death certificates of the children of Sarah and Tilden King below.
Precinct 6
7 June 1880
Isaac B. COMBS 57 md farmer Ky Va Ga
Rebecca wife 42 md keeping house Ky Ky Ky
John H. son 16 s works on farm Ky Ky Ky
Aaron T. son 14 s works on farm Ky Ky Ky
Robert L. son 13 s works on farm Ky Ky Ky
Levisa A. dau 16 s assisting mother Ky Ky Ky
Rachel dau 9 s Ky Ky Ky
Marthia COMBS 30 s Ky Ky Ky
George son 3 Ky Ky Ky
Jeff__ D. CREECH s works on farm Va Va Va
E.E. PARKER 25 male s works on farm Ky Va Ky
John P. DOSEY 39 md works on farm Ky Ky Ky
Note: Isaac was the son of Matthew & Francis BROWN Combs. Isaac was married 1st to Louvisa McINTIRE, 2nd to Rebecca SWANGO.
9 June 1880
A.F. RAMY 32 md farmer Ky Ky Ky
Francis wife 27 md keeping house Ky Ky Ky
William S. son 2 s Ky Ky Ky
Marthia COMBS servant 11 s servant Ky Ky Ky
Henry FRALEY servant 19 s works on farm Ky Ky Ky
16 June 1880
Mason COMBS 67 md works on farm Ky Va Va
Malinda wife 61 md keeping house Ky Va Va
Note: Mason was married to Malinda WHITELY per the 1856 & 1858 Breathitt Co., KYVS birth records of their daughters Emily and Narcissa. Mason can be found previously in Morgan Co Ky in 1850 and Breathitt County Ky in 1860.
Precint 8
14 June 1880
James COMBS 31 md farming Ky Ky Ky
Armina wife 28 md keeping house Ky Ky Ky
Brownlow son 13 s works on farm Ky Ky Ky
Daniel son 12 s works on farm Ky Ky Ky
Sarah dau 5 s Ky Ky Ky
Marybell dau 9 s Ky Ky Ky
Merica dau 2 s Ky Ky Ky
"A baby boy about two months old was left on the stiles of Aaron Combs, a respectable citizen of Menifee, on the night of March 24. Mr. Combs when he had discovered it, pursued the mother and overtaking her about five miles from his house, compelled her to return and get it. The mother proved to be a Miss Nancy FUGETT, of Morgan County."
Later, another item appeared wherein the Commonwealth had sued Aaron Combs on a case of bastardy. The defendant was found not guilty but the Commonwealth planned to refile. I found no other entires in this paper for Aaron Combs.
Note: This Aaron would be the son of Richard Combs and Mary BACK.Notice of death in 17 Feb. 1886, Image 3
Died, at her home in Jackson, Breathitt County, February 15th, at 5:03 A. M., Mrs. Jane Combs of heart disease, wife of Wm M Combs. She had been a sufferer the last year.
February 17, 1886, Image 3
The second is a rather laudatory memorial for Jane (Combs) Combs of Breathitt Co, Ky.
3 March 1886 image 3, column 4.
In Memoriam
Mrs. Jane Combswas born six miles above Hazard courthouse, in Perry County, Kentucky November 25th, 1835. She was the daughter of Washington and Sallie Combs, who emigrated from Virginia at an early date. She was married to William Combs, the present jailor of Breathitt County, August 28th, 1851. The newly wedded pair immediately began housekeeping in Jackson, where the husband had located the previous year, and there they lived in happy union until February 15th, 1886, when death severed the bond that had so long bound them together. Her last illness was protracted through many weary months, during which she was not able to lie down, day or night, her disease being of the heart, and a prostrate position produced a smothering sensation. But a more patient uncomplaining sufferer never felt the power of affliction. Not a murmur escaped her lips. She was the mother of ten children, nine of whom survive her; the other one, the wife of J. H. Hager of the Missouri conference, having died almost 15 years before her mother. They all live in Breathitt county, except the wife of Mr. S. B. Smith, the assessor of Wolfe county. Mrs. Combs was a woman of sterling worth. Her virtues shown in all the relations of life. As a wife, she was gentle, faithful and true. The solemn vow taken at the marriage alter to "obey him, serve him, love him, honor, and keep him, in sickness and in health, in forsaking all others to keep her only unto him so long as they both should live," was sacredly kept. "God bless your precious soul fell upon his ear" from her dying lips. In her family government, she was kind but firm. She endeavored to train her children to practice love and virtue. From their birth to her dying hour, she advised, reproved or rebuked, as occasion required, with all the tenderness and earnestness with a loving, paternal heart. Her children will carry her admonitions to their graves - they can never forget them. Her home was a hotel from the day she began housekeeping until death. This, with the rearing of a large family, made her life one of labor. Industry marked every hour of her existence. Her position as landlady gave her a very extensive acquaintance. She was perhaps more widely known than any other woman in the county. At her home a generous and bountiful hospitality was dispensed. Her friends were always welcomed, while the hungry never went away unfed. She was received into the Methodist Church by the Rev. V. B. Daughertee October 23rd, 1883, but for several years previous she had professed faith in Christ. Her death was a glorious Christian triumph. "Perfect love had cast our all fear" Though light and shadow had been mingled in her life, in death all was brightness and glory. She was laid to rest in the family burying ground, there to wait the resurrection to glory, honor, and immortality. Husband and children, let us meet her. J.J.D.
23 July, 1886 Notice of funeral scheduled for 25 July, 1886.Hazel Green
James COMBS H W male 7/1873 26 married 1 yr Ky Ky Ky
Elizabeth W W female 4/1880 20 1-1 Ky Va Ky
Charley S W male 9/1899 8/12 single Ky Ky Ky
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Debi Houser)
Elizabeth COMBS H W F 2/1834 66 wd Ky Ky Va
Wiley COLDIRON GS W M 10/1887 12 s 4-2 Ky Ky Ky
John GS W M 4/1890 10 s Ky Ky Ky
Courtney GS W M 7/1893 6 s Ky Ky Ky
Mallie GD W M 7/1895 4 s Ky Ky Ky
Note: Who is this? I believe the "4-2" was suppose to be listed for Elizabeth but was mismarked.
Campton Pct., Campton Town
Courtney COMBS H W male 2/1879 21 single Ky Ky Ky
Note: Could this be the Courtney Combs listed as the son of Isaac W. M. B. Combs in The Combs Genealogy?
Isaac COMBS W H W M 8/1863 36 15yrs Ky Ky Ky
Margaret W W F 1/1866 33 8-8 Ky Ky Ky
Lula D W F 1/1886 14 s Ky Ky Ky
Lizzie D W F 3/1887 13 s Ky Ky Ky
Sarah D W F 3/1888 12 s Ky Ky Ky
Margaret D W F 10/1890 9 s Ky Ky Ky
William S W M 3/1892 8 s Ky Ky Ky
Leeotie ( sp) D W F 10/1893 6 s Ky Ky Ky [prev. listed as Lieotie]
Ellen D W F 4/1897 3 s Ky Ky Ky
Greenbury S W M 3/1899 1 s Ky Ky Ky [prev. listed as Greenloe]
Notes: Isaac W. M. B. Combs 1863-1940, son of William M. & S. Jane Combs Combs, was married to Margaret MORTON per their son James Greenberry Combs' (1899-1993) obituary posted in the Wolfe County News.
Sewill S. COMBS H W M 12/1840 59 5 yrs Ky Ky Ky [prev. listed as Surtill]
Catherine W W F 4/1830 50 0-0KKy Ky Ky
Annie B D W F 7/1876 23 s Ky Ky Ky
M--- WYATT boarder W F 2/1876 24 s Ky Ky Ky [prev. listed as "Many"]
Notes: Sewell Stephens Combs 1840-1916, son of Henry & Temperance P. DAVIS Combs. According to The Combs Genealogy by JHC, Sewell S. was married 3 times. His 1st wife was Mary ROSE (1850-1873) in which JHC lists a daughter Annabelle. If the census has the right age for Annabelle then she's the daughter from Sewell's 2nd marriage. His 2nd marriage is to Lizzie Ann SWANGO (1853-1893). And his 3rd marriage was to Nancy Catherine AMYX . This marriage is confirmed by Katherine AMYX Combs' 1943 Kentucky Death Certificate, which lists her as the widow of Sewell Combs and the daughter of Jarepha H. & Frances VICKNELL Amyx.
Campton Pct.
Andrew Combs H W M 6/1865 34 md 12 yrs Ky Ky Ky
Pocahontas W W F 10/1870 29 md 6-5 Ky Ky Ky
Charley S W M 12/1890 9 s Ky Ky Ky
Courtney S W M 8/1892 7 s Ky Ky Ky
Osaac M. S W M 10/1894 s Ky Ky Ky [prev. listed as Osall M.]
Lula B. D W F 12/1896 3 s Ky Ky Ky
Rebecca M. D W F 11/1898 1 s Ky Ky Ky [not listed previously]
Notes: The Combs Genealogy by JHC, lists Aaron Thrasher Combs, son of Isaac B. & Rebecca SWANGO Combs, as married to Pocahontas daughter of Henry DUFF.
Ike B. Combs H W M 10/1863 36 3 yrs Ky Ky Ky
Mar- W W F 4/1878 22 married 2-2 Ky Ky Ky [prev. listed as Mary]
Hazel D W F 8/1890 9 single Ky Ky Ky [prev. listed as Lucy]
Lizzie D W F (blurred) /1896 3 single Ky Ky Ky
Larkin S W M 9/1898 1 single Ky Ky Ky
Notes: Who are Ike B. & his wife Mary? On the 1920 Breathitt Co., Ky Census, Lizzie is married to George STAMPER and her brothers Larkin 21 and Charlie 15 are living with them.
Rodney COMBS H W male 7/1873 26 married 4yrs Ky Ky Ky
?Carrie wife 8/1874 25 married 1-1 Ky Ky Ky
?Sarah ___ 12/1899 5/12 single Ky Ky Ky
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Debi Houser)
Note: Rodney, son of William COMBS & his 2nd wife, Sarah DANIEL of Powell Co., Ky per his 1912 Breathitt Co., KY Death Certificate. He and Carrie are later found on the 1910 Breathitt Co., Ky Census. After his death, Carrie remarried to S.H. Stidham and can be found on the 1920 Breathitt Co., Ky Census.
?Rolan S.Combs H W male 4 /???? 32 Ky Ky Ky [prev. listed a P---]
Leatha W W female 5 / 1877 23 4 yrs 3-3 Ky Ky Ky
Lella D W female 4 / 1897 3 single Ky Ky Ky
William S W male 11 / 1898 1 single Ky Ky Ky
George S W male 1 / 1900 4/12 single Ky Ky Ky
Thomas Bro. W male 5/ 1877 22? single Ky Ky Ky
Notes: Roland COMBS, son of William COMBS & his 1st wife, Sarah HARDWICK, married Letha MAY in Lee County Ky in 1905. Roland's half-brother Thomas was son from William's 2nd married to Sarah DANIEL.
Holly Voting Precient # 5
Thomas Combs H W male 5 /1842 58 married 2 yrs Ky Ky Ky
Mary W W female 7 /1877 22 married 1-1 Ky Ky Ky
Frankie S W male 12 /1891 8 single Ky Ky Ky
Thomas S W male 3 /1893 7 single Ky Ky Ky
Henry S W male 5 / 1895 5 single Ky Ky Ky
Maranda (sp) D W female 10 /1896 3 single Ky Ky Ky
Martha Sis. W female 5 / 1850 50 single Ky Ky Ky
Notes: Thomas and Martha were children of Mason and Malinda WHITELY Combs.
Amanda HOLLON head 3/1844 56 wd 11-8 Va Va Va
Johnathan son 7/1873 26 single Ky Ky Va
Rebecca dau 12/1875 24 single Ky Ky Va
Josie dau 8/1879 20 single Ky Ky Va
Nathan son 9/1881 19 single Ky Ky Va
Malicia Combs dau 4 /1867 33 2-2 widowed Ky Ky Ky
Kelley GS W male 9 /1892 7 single Ky Ky Ky
Charley GS W male 3 /1896 4 single Ky Ky Ky
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Debi Houser)
James Combs H W male 5/1844 56 married 35 yrs Ky Ky Ky
Elizabeth W W female 2 /1844 56 married 9-8 Tn Tn Tn
Caroline D W female 2 /1882 18 single Ky Ky Tn
Isaac S W male 1/1872 28 married 0 yrs Ky Ky Tn
Polly D W female 2/1886 14 single Ky Ky Va
Dora dau in law W female 12/1885 md 0yrs 0-0 Ky Ky Ky
Notes: James, son of Mason & Melinda WHITELY Combs, was married to Elizabeth TRENT. He and his wife Elizabeth are listed on the 1880 Breathitt Co., Ky Census. Their son Isaac was married to Dora WILLIAMS.
HH 150/151 p 9A Enumeration District: 96 transcribed by Deb Coombs
Tilden King, Aug 1880, 19, m, 5, KY, KY, KY, day laborer
Sarah, wife, Dec 1877, 22, m, 5, 2, 2, KY, KY, KY
Maude M., daughter, Dec 1896, 3, S, KY, KY, KY
Dallis, son, Dec 1898, 1, S, KY, KY, KY
Dowie Combs, brother in law, May 1880, 20, s, KY, KY, Ky, day laborer
NOTE: Sallie and Dowie Combs are probably children of Thomas Combs and Nancy Landsaw. Thomas and Nancy are residing in Wolfe Co., KY in 1880. See death certificates of children of Tilden and Sallie King below.
Stillwater Precient # 6
Daniel LANDSAW H W M 3/1854 46 11 yrs Ky Ky Ky
Rachel W W F 2/1871 29 5-5 Ky Ky Ky
Stella L. D W F 11/1888 11 s Ky Ky Ky
Edna B. D W F 10/1890 9 s Ky Ky Ky
Della D. D W F 1/1893 7 s Ky Ky Ky
Mettie L. D W F 3/1897 3 s Ky Ky Ky
Mystie E. D W F 9/1899 8/12 s Ky Ky Ky
Rebecca COMBS M-I-Law W F 2/1838 62 Wd 5-5 Ky Ky Ky
Note: The Combs Genealogy by JHC has Isaac B. Combs, son of Matthew & Francis BROWN Combs, married to Rebecca SWANGO. Their daughter Rachel is listed as marrying D.D. LANDSAW.
Nathan S. Combs H W M 10/1865 34 12yrs Ky Ky Ky
Silvia W W F 3/1866 34 7-6 Ky Ky Ky
Rollin S W M 11/1887 12 s Ky Ky Ky
James G. B. S W M 7/1890 9 s Ky Ky Ky
Francis M. D W F 2/1892 8 s Ky Ky Ky
Bertie E. D W F 2/1896 4 s Ky Ky Ky
Sarah D W F 4/1898 2 s Ky Ky Ky
Note: Nathaniel Combs married 1889 Knott Co., Ky to a Sylvia Combs.
47/49Hazel Green Pct.
Jam? Combs 40 Ky Ky Ky farmer
Lizzie 32 6-4 Ky Ky Ky wife housekeeper
Charley 10 Ky Ky Ky son
Winnie Gray 8 Ky Ky Ky dau
Minnie Clay 6 Ky Ky Ky dau
Sarilda 1 Ky Ky Ky dau
Notes: James Combs is listed on the 1920 Wolfe Co., Ky Census. Who are his parents? His wife was Lizzie CAMPBELL per Ky Birth Index.
Torrant Pct.
Joseph Combs 53 md1 33yrs Ky Ky Ky farming
Elizabeth 63 9-4 Ky Va Va
Listion? 6 Ky Ky Ky g-son
Notes: Who is this? Joseph and wife Elizabeth are living in Powell Co., Ky in 1900.
Samuel P. Combs? 26 md1 1 yr Ky Ky Ky
Merica 16 Ky Ky Ky wife
Dova CAMPBELL 32 wd 2-2 Ky Ky Ky sister
Lizzie CAMPBELL 5 Ky Ky Ky neice
Ur--al CAMPBELL 3 Ky Ky Ky nephew
Notes: Samuel Combs, son of the above Joseph and Elizabeth Combs is listed on the 1900 Powell Co., Ky Census with his parents. His wife is probably America McALISTER.
Holly Dist. 5
Malissa Combs 43 wd 2-2 Ky (rest to faded to read)
Kelly 17 Ky (to faded to read) son
Amanda HOLLON 66 wd Ky Tn Tn mother
James Combs 60 m1 38yrs (unreadable)
Lizzie (age faded) 10-8 (unreadable) wife
Nannie 30 wd 8-5? (unreadable) dau
J____ 7 (unreadable) g-son
Jeff 4 (unreadable) g-son
Isaac Combs 40 m1 10yrs Ky Ky Ky
Dora 24 8-5 Ky Ky Ky Wife
James H. 8 Ky Ky Ky son
Gracie? 7 Ky Ky Ky dau
Stellie M. 4 Ky Ky Ky dau
Taylor N. 2 Ky Ky Ky son
William E. 1/12 Ky Ky Ky son
Isaac WILLIAMS (unreadable) nephew
Notes: Isaac was married to Dora WILLIAMS per the 1994 obit of their son Taylor Combs. They are found later on the 1920 Breathitt Co., Ky Census.
HH 107/104 Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 197 transcribed by Deb Coombs
Tilden King, head, 27, m1, 15, KY, KY, KY, farmer
Sallie, wife, 40, m1, 15, 7, 5, KY, KY, KY
Maud, daughter, 12, s, KY, KY, KY
Dowe, son, 11, s, KY, KY, KY
Rosie, daughter, 8, s, KY, KY, KY
Henry T., son, 5, s, KY, KY, KY
Sarah A., daughter 2, s, KY, KY, KY
Note: The age of Sallie seems quite out of line with other census years. Sallie Combs, wife of Tilden King, is probably the daughter of Thomas Combs and Nancy Landsaw. Thomas and Nancy are residing in Wolfe Co., KY in 1880. See death certificates below of two of the children of Tilden and Sallie King.
Stillwater Pct. 6 Mare? Creek
Nathan Combs 44 wd (unreadable)
Rillin 22 son (unreadable)
Bertia 14 dau (unreadable)
Buck 18 son (unreadable)
Mont. 10 son (unreadable)
Jane 12 dau (unreadable)
Bickham 8 son (unreadable)
Susie 6 dau (unreadable)
Notes: Nathan Combs may be the same Nathan Combs that married in 1889 Knott Co., Ky to Silva Combs. Nathan later married Sylvania HATTON per the Ky Birth Index and the 1920 Wolfe Co., Ky Census. His parents were William M. and Jane Combs Combs. Rollin Combs appears on the 1920 Breathitt Co., Ky Census with his wife Ida TURNER.
? Combs 42 md 11yrs (unreadable)
_____ 34 wife (unreadable)
____er ? son (unreadable)
____ ? dau (unreadable)
____ ? son (unreadable)
Jason? 3 or 5 son (unreadable)
Note: see below
HH 238/238, Page: 14A; Enumeration District: 198 transcribed by Deb Coombs
Calvin Combs, head, 32, m1, 11, KY, KY, KY, labor, farm
Caroline, wife, 34, m1, 11, 4, 4, KY, KY, KY
Goebel, son, 10, s, KY, KY, KY, labor, farm
Nancy J., daughter, 9, KY, KY, KY
Arthur, son, 6, KY, KY, KY
John, son, 3, KY, KY, KY
Ninth District Enumerated by W.H. Drake, Jan. l920 Enumeration District 236
36 HORTON, Amelia 70 HH/wid
Combs, Morton I. 25 s/i/law
Mary J. 37 dau
Notes: The Ky Birth Index lists Isaac M. Combs, Jr. born 4/2/1920 Wolfe Co. as the son of Mary Jane HORTON.
81 Combs, Thrasher 55 HH
Pochontas 49 wife
Irene l4 dau
A.T., Jr. l2 son
Edgar 28 servant
Marander 23 servant
Arthur 5+ll son
Notes. Aaron Thrasher Combs was the son of Isaac B. & Rebecca SWANGO Combs per The Combs Genealogy. It also lists Pochontas DUFF was the daughter of Henry DUFF. More research is needed.
Precinct Number 1 Enumeration taken by Wm. Tester, Jan., l920 district 234 Outside the incorporated area of Lee City
121 KING, Tildon 38 HH
Sallie 39 wife
Dow 2l son
Clay l5 son
Sarah A. l0 dau
Ealy 8 son
Clarah 5 dau
Combs, Dow 39 hired hand
NOTE: Sallie Combs King and Dow Combs appear to be the children of Thomas Combs and Nancy Landsaw. Thomas and Nancy are residing in Wolfe Co., KY in 1880. See also the 1900, and 1910 census above for Tilden and Sallie King as well as the death certificates of two of their children. Tildon's King HH was next to the HH of of Sim King, aged 40 and wife, Alice, aged 45.
Hazel Green Precinct Enumeration taken by Stanley M. Ward, Jan. l920, Enumeration Dist. 235
66 GILL, Ezra 29 HH
Anna 20 wife
Neveda 2 dau
Junior 7m son
Combs, Courtney 27 HH
Rowena 23 wife
Notes: Courtney Combs may be the son of James Goodlow & Margaret STRONG Combs listed on the 1900 Breathitt Co., Ky Census, OR he was the son of Aaron Thrasher & Pocahontas DUFF Combs. Both families had a son Courtney born in the 1892/93 time range.
69 Combs, Charlie l9 HH
Minnie A. l9 wife
Note: Charlie was the son of James and Lizzie CAMPBELL Combs.
94 Combs, James 52 HH
Lizzie 42 wife
Winnie l8 dau
Minnie l7 dau
Angeline l0 dau
Lillie 3 dau
James W. l son
Notes: James Combs was married to Lizzie CAMPBELL per the Ky Birth Index listing their son James Woodrow born 24 Aug 1918 Wolfe Co., Ky.
Torrent Precinct Enumerated by: Joel Cox on Jan. 1920 Enumeration District 238
53 Combs, America 26 HH
Preston 8 son
Nannie B. 7 dau
Crit 6 son
Elmer W. 5 son
Albert M. 2 son
James C. 2m son
CAUDILL?, Elizabeth l4 servant
Notes: Samuel P. Combs, son of Joseph and Lizzie Combs, was listed on the 1910 Wolfe Co. Census with wife "Merica" age 16. America McALISTER is listed on the Ky Birth Index as having Crit born 2/4/1914; Elmer born 9/11/1915; George born 4/3/1917; and Albert born 1/28/1918, all born in Wolfe Co., Ky. Where is Samuel? Is he deceased?
TERRILL, Charles 28 servant [Black]
SCOTT, Bessie 57 servant [Black]
Hattie 28 servant
GREEN, Elizabeth l7 servant [Black]
BROOKINS, James 52 servant [Black]
YEATS, Gilbert 35 servant [Black]
FROSTER, William 36 servant [Black]
Combs, Minnie 2l servant [Black]
Minnie 3
LEWIS, John T. 2l boarder
MOORE, Bacom 32 boarder
[This was the Hotel]
153 SPENCER, William 42 HH/wid
Clayton 19 son
Callie 17 dau
Etta 9 dau
Lura 7 dau
Vallen 4 son
Jesse 3 son
Combs, Leatha 17 s/i/law
Clara 14 s/i/law
BROWN, Pheby 52 m/i/law
Notes: Could Pheby BROWN actually be the widow of William Combs born 1854 Powell Co., Ky, son of James E. & Margaret FRENCH Combs? William and wife Phoebe were listed on the 1900 Breathitt Co Ky Census.
173 FISHER, Kelly 33 HH
Fanny l9 wife
Combs, Otto 22 bro/i/law
Chelcie l9 sis/i/law
Notes: Otto Combs and his sister Fanny Combs Fisher were both children of William and Phoebe Combs and were listed with their parents on the 1900 Breathitt Co., KY Census.
Holly Magisterial District Number 5 Enumeration taken by Ola H. Miller, Jan. l920, Enumeration Dist 239
85 Combs, Tom 26 HH
Sarah 35 wife
HATTON, Arlie ll s/son
Minnie 7 s/dau
Note: Thomas Combs was the son of Thomas Combs listed on the 1900 Wolfe Co., Ky Census.
95 TYRA, George W. 2l HH
Willa l7 wife
Combs 9m son
114 Combs, Melissa 52 HH/wid
HOLLON, Amanda 75 mother/wid
Beach l4 cousin
DUVALL, Irene l0 adopted child
Stillwater Magisterial District Number 6 Enumeration taken by James Dunn, Jan. 2, l920, Enumeration Dist 240 [Transcriber's note: Note: I had a lot of trouble with Mr. Dunn's 7's, 8's, & 9's. He made them all so similar.]
l8 Combs, William M. 27 HH
Mary 26 wife
Ruby 1+4 dau
Notes: William M. Combs was the son of Isaac W. & Margaret C. MORTON Combs. He was married to Mary BARRETT per their daughter Ruby's birth 29 Aug 1918 recorded in the Ky Birth Index.
22 Combs, Isaac W. 56 HH
Laura 46 wife
James G. 20 son
Notes: Isaac W. M. B. Combs, age 16 [born ca 1864], is in the 1880 Breathitt Co KY HH of William and Jane Combs Combs. Isaac was married three times: 1st to Margaret MORTON 1865-1902; 2nd to Laura MORTON 1873-1926; and 3rd to Mary Miller.
108 Combs, Nathan L. 54 HH
Sylvania 3l wife
Buck 30 son
Furn l3 dau
Beckham l9 son
Gaden 9 dau
Woodrow 3+2 son
Vermont 1+8 son
Notes: Nathan L. Combs was probably the same Nathan Combs that married in 1889 Knott Co., Ky to Silva Combs. He was listed as a widower on the 1910 Wolfe Co., KY Census. His 2nd wife was Sylvania HATTON per the Ky Birth Index record of their son Woodroe 16 Oct 1917 Wolfe Co., Ky. Nathan was the son of William M. and Jane Combs Combs.
114 Combs, Lemard K. 24 HH
Lula 22 wife
Reva M. 5 dau
Marie 3+5 dau
Irene 6m dau
Notes: Lemard is actually Leonard Combs, possible son of J. Goodlow and Margaret STRONG Combs. Lula Mae was a HAULSEY per the Ky Birth Index for Marie Combs born 8 Oct 1916 and Lula's 1944 Wolfe Co., KY Death Certificate.
124 Combs, James F. 28 HH
Mary 2l wife
Becky S. 4+7 dau
Lulie G. 3+7 dau
General S. 7m son
138 RUSSELL, Andrew J. 59 HH
Anna L. 32 wife
Nora l6 dau
Jewel l4 dau
Cappie 11 dau
Combs, Sibyl H. 22 sis/i/law
Mildred 3 neace/niece
l54 Combs, Henry 24 HH
Bessie 24 wife
Garnet 4+7 dau
Arnit 3 son
30 Jun 1939 Owsley County Courier "A. T. COMBS, Jr. Dies at Campton"
A. T. COMBS, Jr., 32, died at the home of his father, Judge A. T. COMBS, Sr. at Campton, Ky, Tuesday morning. Funeral services were held at the home Wednesday afternoon 2 o'clock.
He is survived by: His parents (Aaron Thrasher COMBS and Pocahontas DUFF); one daughter, Miss Joe Lynn COMBS; three sisters, Mrs. G.W. JONES of Paris; Mrs. Roy ARNETTE of Helechawa and Miss Irene COMBS of Owensboro; three brothers, C. C. COMBS of Fayetteville, Ark.; Courtney COMBS of Owensboro and I. M. COMBS of Campton.
He was a cousin of Z. T. HURST, Mrs. A. B. COX and Mrs. South ROSE of Beattyville. (Extracted from microfilm by Combs Researcher Debi Houser)Mollie J. Combs, wife of S.S. Combs, August 1, 1850 - November 17, 1873
Infant son of S.S & M.J. Combs, Born & died May 2, 1869
Lizzie Ann Combs, wife of S. S. Combs, November 14, 1853 - March 6, 1893
S. S. Combs, son of S. S. & Lizzie A. Combs, March 6, 1893 - August 6, 1893
Notes: Sewell Stephens Combs 1840-1916, son of Henry & Temperance P. DAVIS Combs, is the S. S. Combs listed above. He was married three times. His first wife was Mary J. "Mollie ROSE, and his second wife was Lizzie Ann SWANGO. His third wife was Nancy Katherine AMYX 1852-1943.
Kash Cemetery (Provided by Combs Researcher Carole Bays)
George Washington TYRA b. April 29, 1889 d. April 20, 1952,
Ella Evelyn (Combs) TYRA b. Jan. 23, 1902 d. Aug. 13, 1966.
Note: Ella "Willie" Combs was the daughter of J. Goodlow Combs and Madglene STRONG.
Hazel Green Cemetery (Provided by Combs Researcher Carole Bays)
Rowenia Kash Combs b. 1895 d. 1975 Same stone as
Courtney Allen Combs b. 1892 d. 1950
Pochontas Duff Combs b. 1868 d. 1954
Aaron Thrasher Combs b. 1865 d. 1953
G.B. Combs b. Mar. 20, 1899
Hazel Combs b. June 28, 1902 d. July 30, 1978
Evans Crossing Cemetery (Provided by Combs Researcher Carole Bays)
Sarah Combs b. Mar. 25, 1884 d. Mar. 28, 1975
Tom Combs b. Mar. 25, 1894 d. Nov. 24, 1966
Mary J. Horton Combs b. Jan. 18, 1882 d. Mar. 16, 1974
Isaac Morton Combs b. Oct. 25, 1894 d. Feb. 16, 1960
I.M. Combs, Jr. b. 1920 d. 1946