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21 Nov 1775-12 Mar 1776 St. Mary's Co MD. Will of William WILLIAMS, wr 21 Nov 1775, pr 12 Mar 1776. Wife: Frances Children: James, Joseph, Nancy James, Monica WILLIAMS. GrDau: Nancy WILLIAMS. Witness: George MEDLEY, Bennit (sic) COMBS, John GREENWELL Jr.
(COMBS Researcher Loran D. Archer)
See William WILLIAMS as witness to the 1756 St. Mary's will of Enoch COMBS (h/o Mary MANNING) ; the Bennett COMBS of Greenwell's Company in the Revolution; and note that John GREENWELL, Jr. also witnessed the 1780 St. Mary's will of Phillip COMBS, s/o William & Mary HATTON COMBS.
1776 Newtown Church ledger, St. Mary's Co MD. Died. Elea. COMBS .
(The Jesuit Missions of St. Mary's Co. MD by Edwin Warfield Beitzell, 1960, 2nd ed 1976)
Identity of the above? Full name Eleanor? Is this daughter of William COMBS d 1774? It would appear probable given that she appears to be the only sibling not named in the 1791 will of Williams' son, Ignatius.
10 May 1777 - 10 Aug 1777 (St. Mary's Co MD Wills Wills Liber JJ 1 page 14( May 1776)) Will. Mary COMBS. In the name of God, amen. I MARY COMBS of St. Mary's in the province of Maryland being in health and sound Judgement, thanks be to almighty god, doe make my last will and Testament in manner and form following and first I command my soul to God hoping for eternal Salvation through the merits of his beloved son Jesus Christ my Saviour, my body to be decently inter'd without pomp by my Executer hereafter mentioned. Item I leaf the use of my Negro woman Cloraus to my daughter TABITHA COMBS six years, and then I give her and her and her Increase to my son THOMAS HATTON COMBS to him and his heirs forever. Item I give and bequaeth to my daughter MARY ADAMS five pounds Currency and know more of my estate. Item I give and bequeath to my daughter ELLENOR COMBS one Negro man named _osar, to her and her heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath to my daughter TABITHA COMBS Negro boy named Henry to her and her heirs forever and my will is that after my daughter TABITHA COMBS is paid off her part of her portion that was left by her father THOMAS HATTON COMBS, that then all the rest of my estate to be equally divided amongst the four children, GEORGE CRAGHILL COMBS, ELLENOR COMBS, TABITHA COMBS, THOMAS HATTON COMBS. And I constitute and appoint my son GEORGE CRAGHILL COMBS soul executer of this my last will and testament, In witness wherof I have here-unto let my hand & affixed seal this Tenth day of May 1777. MARY COMBS. Seal. signed sealed & delivered by the said MARY COMBS to be her last will & testament disannul-ing all other will or wills maid by her from the beginning of the World unto the date of these presents, in the preasents of us Henry JENKINS, James TAYLOR.
Saint Mary's County, to wit. August 5, 1777. Then came GEORGE CRAGHILL COMBS and made oath on the holy evangels of almighty God, that the above instrument of writing is the true & whole will and Testament of MARY COMBS, late of Saint Mary's County deceased, that hath came to his hands or possession, and that he doth not know of any other . Certified Jeremiah Jordon Reg. Wills Saint Mary's County on the 5th day of August 1777. Then came HENRY JENKINS, AND JAMES TAYLOR, the two subscribing witnesses to the within last will and Testament of MARY COMBS, late of St. Mary's County, deceased, and ______ made oath on the holy evangels of Almighty God, that they did see the Testator therin named, sihn & seal this will, and that they heard her publish pronounce & declare the same to be her last will and Testament; that at the time of her so doing she was at the best of their apprehensions, of sound and disposing mind, memory, and understanding; and that they respectively subscribed their names as witnesses to this will in the presence and the request of the Testatrix, and in the presence of each other. Certified by Jerimiah JORDON Reg. Wills. (Transcribed by Researcher Jerry L. Clark)
Mary (CRAGHILL?) COMBS was the widow of Thomas Hatton COMBS, Sr., d in St. Mary's Co MD in 1766. Thomas Hatton COMBS, Sr.'s will named sons, William, George Craghill and Thomas Hatton Jr., but left unnamed his "five daughters," three of whom appear to have been Tabitha COMBS, Mary COMBS Adams, and Ellinor COMBS. Note that she makes no mention of son, William COMBS, who may have already been deceased given that we know he was deceased by 1784 (St. Mary's Co MD will of his brother, her son, George Craghill COMBS). Was he the William who m either Mary or Eleanor, or in that case would she have named her granddaughters as well? Also note that her will, as was her husband's, was witnessed by a Henry JENKINS, and see the 1803 St. Mary's Co MD will of the unidentified widow(?) Milburn COMBS.
1777. (St. Mary's Co MD) Marriage of John SISSILL and ELEANOR COMBS, St. Mary's Co., MD; MESSINGER, John, Rector (MD Genealogy Society Bulletin 32, 1991, p. 77)
1777 (St. Mary's Co MD) Marriage of John CECIL [sic] & ELEANOR COMBS
(Marriages and Deaths of St. Mary's Co., MD, 1634-1900" by Fresco, 1982)
Eleanor COMBS Sissell a.k.a. CECIL has not yet been identified, but may have been d/o above Thomas Hatton & Mary CRAGHILL COMBS.
BENNETT COMBS , Ensign, Leonardtown Co., St. Mary's Co. Militia, Feb. 23, 1776. Second Lieutenant, Mar. 7, 1776 [Ref: A-181, A-205, C-346, M-64, M-214]. Took oath of Allegiance before the Hon. Henry REEDER in St. Mary's Co. in 1778. Captain, Lower Bn., June 22, 1780 [Ref: M-64, F-201]. Bennett COMBS died on July 2, 1815 [Ref: R-358]. ("Revolutionary Patriots of Calvert & St. Mary's Counties, Maryland 1775-1783" by; Henry C. Peden, Jr.) Note: All of the above data has not yet been confirmed. Either the Bennett COMBS who d 1815 is not the same who was Ensign/Capt. Bennett COMBS, or the latter is the same who d testate in St. Mary's Co MD in 1802. Is it possible that the Bennett COMBS of Pendleton Dist SC was the same as Ens./Capt. Bennett COMBS?
COMBS Researcher Loran Archer adds: The following is the complete Maryland archive section concerning the commissions for the Upper and Lower Battalion of the Militia from St. Mary's County MD. The Lower Battalion includes the brothers Ignatius COMBS and Bennett COMBS. It is not clear why the Bennett COMBS and James WILLIAMS commissions were included in this issuance since they were first issued their commissions on 7 March 1776.
Tuesday 26 August 1777.
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Robert COLLECT Thirteen Pounds Amount of Account.
That the said Treasurer pay to Charles Wallace HOWARD one hundred Pounds on account.
That said Treasurer pay to Samuel WILSON Eighty pounds on account.
Commissions issued to Jeremiah JORDAN appointed Col. John REEDER Lieut Col. John ALLEN Thomas MAJOR, Charles JORDAN Captain John EDEN 1st Lieut Samuel MADDOX second Lieut Meveral LOCK Ensign Gerard BOND Captain John SHANKS first Lieut. Clement GARDNER second Lt Stephen TARLTON Ensign, John THOMAS Captain Francis MILLARD 1st Lieut William THOMAS second Lieut Clement POWER Ensign, Thomas Attaway REEDER Captain John BREEM first Lieut. John CARTWRIGHT second Lieut Zachariah HAMMETT Ensign, John MILLS Captain Thomas NICHOLLS first Lt William WALTON second Lieut William RAPER second Lieut. Joseph WOODWARD Ensign, Edmund PLOWDEN Captain William SPINK first Lieut Joseph STONE second Lieut. Wilfred RESWICK Ensign William KILGOUR Captain John EDWARDS first Lieut. Benjamin EDWARDS second Lieut John Johnson SOTHERN Ensign, William BOND Captain Edward MATTINGLY 1st Lt Jonathan EDWARDS second Lieut. and William CARTWRIGHT Ensign belonging to the Upper Batt in Saint Marys County.
Ignatius FENWICK Col. Vernon HEBB Lieut Col. Ignatius TAYLOR Major John ARMSTRONG Capt. Alexander WATTS first Lieut Ignatius COMBS second Lieut, George Howel LEIGH Ensign, John Horn ABELL Captain Robert ARMSTRONG first Lieut. William BENNETT second Lieut. Benjamin WILLIAMS Ensign John SMITH Captain Zachariah FORREST first Lieut Zephaniah FORREST 2d Lt John SMITH Ensign, Ignatius Abell Captain Enock Abell first Lieutnant Barton ABELL second Lieut. John MILLS Ensign, John GREENWELL Captain Philip FENWICK first Lieut. Bennett COMBS second Lieut James WILLIAMS Ensign, John MACKALL Captain Thomas JENKINS first Lieut Benjamin MORGAN second Lieut Philip EVANS Ensign, Samuel JENIFER Captain John ABELL first Lieut Richard KING second Lieut George ASQUITH Ensign Hugh HOPEWELL Captain John ASQUITH first Lieut John CHESLEY second Lieut. Robert JARBOE Ensign, William Barton SMOOT Captain George GAITHER first Lieut Joseph LANGLEY second Lt Joshua TARLTON Ensign, belonging to the Lower Batt of Militia in Saint Mary's County. (pp.345-346 Archives of Maryland Vol. 16 William Hand Browne (ed) 1897 Maryland Historical Society Baltimore)
22 Jun 1780 Maryland archive entry, Commissioning of Bennett COMBS of St. Mary's County MD as a Captain in the Maryland Militia:
Thursday 22d June 1780
..Commissions issued to Zachariah FORREST appointed Capt. in the room of John SMITH. Zephaniah FORREST 1 Lt John SMITH junior 2 Lieut. Francis BROOKES Ens. Barton ABELL Capt in the room of Ignatius ABELL. Bennett COMBS Capt in the room of John GREENWELL, James WILLIAMS 1 Lt Robert FORD 2d Lt John HEARD Ens. of the Lower Batt of Militia in St. Mary's County.
(p. 201 Archives of Maryland Vol 43 Bernard Christian Steiner (Ed) Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore 1924)
See also below as well as Capt. Bennett COMBS of Pendleton SC
1776 Revolutionary War Records: Bennett COMBS
[Barnes to Council]
Leod Town [Leonardtown] 23d Feby 1776
Genta Agreeable to the directions of our Committee I sent by Lieut NEALE seven gun locks which are all we have belonging to the Public I have also sent you some gold which be kind enough to give him paper money for Philip recd second Lieutenant in the Leod Town Company of Militia, has desired leave to resign his Commission, as being very inconvenient for him to attend should therefore be glad you would appoint Bennet COMBS in his place (who is ensign in the Company) and James WILLIAMS ensign, the Company belongs to the 21st Battn of Militia. If agreeable send the commissions by Mr NEALE. We have recd no powder as yet from Charles Coty
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I remain Gent your
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Hble Servt Richd BARNES
(Archives of Maryland vol 11, William Hane Browne (ed) 1892 Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore, pg. 181, extracted by COMBS Researcher Loran Archer)
Thursday 7 March 1776
Council met. Present as yesteerday.
Commissions issued to Bennett COMBS appointed 2d Lieut. and James WILLIAMS Ensign of a Company of Militia in St Mary's County.
(Archives of Maryland vol 11, William Hane Browne (ed) 1892 Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore, p. 205 extracted by COMBS Researcher Loran Archer)
The 1832 RW Pension Application of Bennett GREENWELL of St. Mary's Co MD & Franklin Co KY included the statement: "that he frequently carried expresses during the period that intervened between December 1777 and October 1781; that whilst he was engaged in watching the Potomac and carrying expresses as aforesaid several of these expresses were carried to Capt. John GREENWELL; several to RAIGHLY, the Lieutenant in said troop of horse; and several to BENNETT COMBS the Lieutenant of Capt. John GREENWELL'S company of volunteer militia."
(St. Mary's Chronicles page 5 & 6 of Vol 24 No. 11 November 1976)
IGNATIUS COMBS (1740-1790). Son of Enoch COMBS and Mary MANNING. He married Mary FENWICK in 1761 [ref: S-141]. Second Lieutenant, Lower Bn., St. Mary's Co. Militia, Aug. 26, 1777 [ref: M-64, C-346, M-214]. Took the Oath of Allegiance before the Hor. Bennett BISCOE in St. Mary Co. in 1778 [ref: J-1146, K-63, which listed the name as "Ignatius COOMBS"]. Elected to a General Committee in St. Mary's Co. in accordance with the resolves of the Continental Congress, 1774-1775 [ref: MR-127]. Member of the Council of Safety and the Association of Freemen [ref: S-141].
("Revolutionary Patriots of Calvert & St. Mary's Counties, Maryland 1775-1783" by; Henry C. Peden, Jr.)
All of the above data has not yet been confirmed. See Also the 1790 St. Mary's will of Ignatius COMBS (as versus the 1791 St. Mary's will of Ignatius COMBS).
WILLIAM COMBS, Private, St. Mary's Co. Militia, 1777 [Ref: M-215]. One WILLIAM COMBS, died testate by Sep., 1778, Leaving a son WILLIAM COMBS who was above the age of 14 in June, 1780, when he chose Stephen GREENWELL as his guardian [Ref: SO-13, SO-32] ("Revolutionary Patriots of Calvert & St. Mary's Counties, Maryland 1775-1783" by; Henry C. Peden, Jr.)
The author is clear that the above records may be of several William COMBS. The father and son William COMBSES (son b pre Jun 1780) may have been William COMBS, Sr. d testate 1774, naming son, William and/or William COMBS, baptized 12 Apr 1766 (Research in Progress) Was there a second William COMBS who d testate between 1774 and 1778?
02 Mar 1780 - 30 May 1780 (St. Mary's Co MD. JJ 1 page 142) The last will of Philip COMBS. Maryland. St. Mary's Co. In the name of God amen, I Philip COMBS being sick and weake of body but of sound and perfect mind & memory thanks be to Almighty God, and calling to mind the uncertainty of this transitory life, and withall the uncertainty of death, do make this my last will and Testament. First and Foremost, I reccomend my soul into the hands of Almighty God, my most merciful redeemer, trusting in his infininite mercy and merits to obtain remission of all my sins, my body I commit to the Earth, to be decently buried and all my worldly goods and Estate, I dispose in manner and form following __. First I will and desire that all my just debts be paid. I give and bequeath to MY BELOVED WIFE MARGARET COMBS three negroes. That is to say JAMES, JACOB, AND BIG SUCO to her and her heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath unto MY BELOVED DAUGHTER SUSANNA COMBS, two Negroes known by the name of MARY AND HER CHILD ELENOR, with all their increase, to her and heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath unto MY BELOVED SON JAMES COMBS, two negroes known by the name PATTY AND MATHEW, with all their increase, to him and his heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath unto MY BELOVED SON JOSEPH COMBS, three Negroes known by the name of MARY, TERRY, AND NACE, with all their increase, to him and his heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath unto MY BELOVED SON ROBERT COMBS, four Negroes, known by the name of little LUCE, JANE, STACE, AND ABRAHAM, with all their increase, to him and his heirs forever. Also my desire is that the four Negroes, hereafter mentioned I have made a reserve to pay off James MANNING'S heirs, Viz. WILL, NAN, TOM, AND JACK, should after paying off, if there should be any balance remaining, I will and desire is, that it should be equally divided asmongst four children above mentioned, Viz SUSANNA, JAMES, JOSEPH, AND ROBERT COMBS. Item my will and desire is that all the rest of my Estate should be equally divided amongst my four children above mentioned, after my last debts are paid, and my wife got her thirds. Item I will and desire is that either of my above mentioned children should dye under age, that their part of my Estate should be equally divided amongst the surviving ones, to them and their heirs forever. Lastly I constitute and appoint MY LOVING WIFE MARGARET COMBS, and HER FATHER JOHN FENWICK, Joint Executors of this my last will and Testament, In Testamony therof, I have hereunto __ my hand and affixed my seal, this second day of March, Anno Domini, 1780. Signed sealed and delivered. PHILIP COMBS Seal. in the presence of us. John MANNING, John GREENWELL Jun.
In the back of the foregoing was as follows, to ___ Saint Marys County, to wit. The 30th day of May 1780. Then came MARGARET COMBS, and made oath on the holy evangels of Almighty God, that the within instument of writing, is the true and whole will and testament of PHILIP COMBS, late of Saint Marys County, that hath come to her hands or possession and that she doth not know of any other. Certified Jeremiah JORDON, reg. of Wills.
Saint Marys County the 30th day of May 1780. Then came John MANNING and John GREENWELL Junr, the two subscibing witnesses that the within last will and testament of PHILIP COMBS, late of Saint Marys County, deceased, and severally made oath on the holy evangels of Almighty God, that the did see the testator therin named, sign and declare the same to be his last will and Testament; that at the time of his so doing, he was to the best of their apprehensions, of sound & disposing mind & memory and understanding; and that they respectively subscribed their names as witnesses to this will, in the presence, and at the request of the testator, and in the presence of each other. Certified by Jeremiah JORDAN Regr. Of Wills.
John FENWICK one of the appointed Executors, refuses to act as executor to this will, and doth transfer renounce all his right title & claim to said Executorship accordingly before Jeremiah JORDAN Regr. Of Wills.
On the 30th day of May 1780. Came MARGARET COMBS, the widow of PHILIP COMBS later of Saint Marys County deceased and _____ her claim to the several bequest and devises made to her in the will of her said husband deceased, and elected in lien thereof, her dower or third part of the deceased's Estate, both real and personal. Before Jeremiah JORDAN Regr. Of Wills (Transcribed by COMBS-Clark Researcher Jerry Clark)
Phillip COMBS, s/o William and Mary HATTON COMBS and h/o Margaret FENWICK who was the widow of James MANNING (his St. Mary's Co, MD will, TA 1:563, dated 05 May 1768, also refers to wife Margaret, and father in law John FENWICK) according to Fresco's Marriages and Deaths of St. Mary's Co MD, 1634-1690 (1982) which states that Philip COMBS' wife, Margaret, d 1817, was the d/o John & Monica FORD Fenwick, and the widow of James MANNING who d in 1768. Fresco also states that Margaret FENWICK Manning COMBS married (3) by 1790 Clement NORRIS who d in 1804 (Ref: Wills TA-1:563, JJ-1:182 & 29:88 (7) (57))
At least two of the children of Phillip & Margaret FENWICK (Manning) COMBS (Norris) removed to Kentucky early - James & Robert by no later than 1796. In 1818, son Robert COMBS, died [in Nelson? or Scott? Co KY], his will referring to property in both KY and MD. Three negroes were to go to his "beloved mother Margaret NORRIS of Saint Mary's County, Maryland.." ("That Troublesome Parish", St. Francis/St. Pius Church of White Sulphur, Kentucky, Mother Church of Diocese of Covington, Ann Bolton Bevins & Rev. James R. O'Rourke, 1985, pgs 19, 28 &29)
2 Oct 1781 Will of John FENWICK, son of Robert and Monica COOPER Fenwick b-, d-1781 will JJ. No. 1 page 192 Leonardtown [St. Mary's Co], Maryland. Pr, Oct 2, 1781. To son Robert, he left silver tankard and mentioned son Joseph, son in law, Phillip COMBS, who married Margaret FENWICK; son in law Ignatius COMBS, who married Mary FENWICK, born 1746, died 1813, m Lt. Ignatius COMBS b 1740 died 1790., son in law Robert MANNING. (Fannie COMBS Gough ms. and Ref. Bible possession of Mrs. I.P. (Fanny) Gough)
08 Mar 1784 - 18 Jun 1784 (St. Mary's Co MD Wills liber JJ 1 page 274 (Mar 1784)) GEORGE CRAGHILL COMBS. His last Will & Codicil. In the name of God Amen I GEORGE CRAGHILL COMBS being sick and in weak of body but of sound mind and memory, thanks be to God make and ordain this my last will and Testament as follows. I bequeath my soul unto the hands of Almighty God, hoping to ___ through the merits of our Dear Redeemer and Saviour Jesus Christ Everlasting Bliss in his Heavenly Kingdom. Juspus I give to my cousin Eleanor CRAGHILL negro boy by name of Jacke, I give to Mr. Vincent THORTON, three thousand pounds of neel crop tobacco, All the remainder of my Estate, both real & personal (after my just debts are paid) I give to my brother THOMAS HATTON COMBS to him and his heirs forever to be delivered to him by my Executor hereafter named at the age of twenty one years, and not before, but my will & desire that so much of the interest of said real and personal Estate as shall be ______, Shall be applied towards defraying the expences of my said brothers boarding, schooling and cloathing, during his minority, and the remainder of the Interest to be delivered to him, with the principal at the aforesaid age of Twenty one. Lastly I do constitute and appoint Mr. Vincent THORTON Executor of this my last will and Testament as witness my hand and seal, this 8th day of March Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and eighty four. GEORGE CRAGHILL COMBS seal. Signed sealed & acknowledged before us N LEWIS SEWALL, W BELWWOD [BELLWOOD?]; WILLIAM HOLTON & Codicil to be added as part of the last will and Testament of GEORGE CRAGHILL COMBS____ ___ _ ______ and _____ of adding this my Codicil not withstanding what is afore mentioned I give and bequeath to MR. VINCENT THORTON my Executor afore mentioned all the arrears of rents due me on my lands, and mills, from the decease of my brother WILLIAM COMBS to the decease of my mother the said arrears of rents to the proper use of him the said Vincent THORTON, and his asigns, in witness whereof I have to this Codicil set my hand and seal this Eighteenth Day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred Eighty four. GC COMBS seal. Signed sealed and published by the said GEORGE CRAGHILL COMBS as a Codicil added to be part of his last will and Testament in the presence of N LEWIS SEWELL, W BELWOOD, William HOLTON.
On the back of the foregoing was this indorsed. Saint Marys County to wit. The 18th day of June 1784 then came VINVENT THORTON and made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, that the within Instrument of writing is the true and whole will & Codicil of GEORGE CRAGHILL COMBS late of Saint Marys County deceased, that hath come to his hands or possession, and that he doth not know of any other. Certified per Jerimiah JORDAN Regr of wills. Saint Marys County the 8th day of June 1784 then came Nicholas Lewis SEWALL, William HOLTON and William BELLWOOD. Three of the subscribing witnesses to the within last will and Testament, and Codicil, thereunto annexed of GEORGE CRAGHILL COMBS late of Saint Marys County Deceased and so orally made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that they did see the testator therin named sign and seal this will and that they heard him publish pronounce & declare the same to be his last will and Testament, that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their apprehensions of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding and that they Respectively subscibe their names as witnesses to this will in the presence and at the request of the testator. And in the presence of each other. Certified by Jeremiah JORDAN Regr of Wills.
(Transcribed by COMBS-Clark Researcher Jerry Clark)
George Craghill COMBS was the son of Thomas Hatton & Mary CRAGHILL COMBS. The former d in 1766 and the latter in 1777, both testate, and both in St. Mary's Co MD. Apparently George Craghill also handled the estate of his brother, William. Given the fact that his father d in 1766 and his brother, Thomas Hatton COMBS, Jr. was still under age, the latter has been assigned a birth year of 1764-1766. Was William COMBS, Private, in 1777, the same who was brother of George Craghill?
15 Mar 1787 (St. Mary's Co MD, Folio 6) Deed. THOMAS H. COMBS. Tract: Charles'es Chance. (See Combs' Land of St. Mary's Co MD)
Thomas Hatton COMBS, Jr., s/o Thomas & Mary (CRAGHILL?) COMBS, Sr.
19 Dec 1787 (St. Mary's MD Alienations & Transfers, Folio 9) Deed. BENNETT COMBS. Tract: Marks Delight & Fortune (See Combs' Land of St. Mary's Co MD)
Bennett, s/o Enoch and Mary MANNING COMBS?
21 Mch 1788 COMBS, Filiam, child of Enoch COMBS and Ann COMBS, bap. 21 Mch 1788 at St. Inigoes, Fr. James WALTON, S.J., sponsors Ign. COMBS, Jr. & Mary COMBS. Source: Jes.Miss., p. 79. (Excerpted from the baptism/birth card file of COMBS records 1760-1800 of the St. Mary's Historical Society (MD) by COMBS Researcher Ann Krahn) (AK Note: I typed this as I received the copy of the file card, would need to be checked back against original record for spelling.)
Enoch COMBS (s/o Ignatius and Mary FENWICK COMBS), born Dec. 30, 1763; d 9 Dec 1825, m 22 Jan 1787, Ann ROACH per Fannie COMBS Gough ms.
3 Jun 1788 - Matthew MEDLEY ( b. 2/16/1766), son of Clement, wills to his wife Margaret Combs MEDLEY all of his lands including "Dry Docking" during her lifetime and widowhood, and to his daughter Mary Ann Walbert MEDLEY, the land after the death of his wife. On 29 Nov. 1774, Bennett MEDLEY, son of Clement, willed to his brother, Mathew MEDLEY, 150 acres of "Dry Docking now in hands of Mary DRURY, widow of Robert DRURY".
(Source: Records for Dry Docking Farm compiled from deeds, wills, and lawsuit records of St. Mary's County, Maryland found at Genealogysource.com/drydocking_records. No specific reference given.)
Note: Margaret MEDLEY is named as the sister of Ignatius Combs in his will (02 Jun 1791 - 06 Mar 1792 (St. Mary's Co MD Wills Liber JJ2, page 25). This Ignatius Combs was baptized 23 Dec 1773 at St. Francis Xavier, Newton, St. Mary's Co, the s/o William and Mary COMBS, and full brother of Charles who was baptized 9 May 1773.
30 Sep 1788 (Liber J.J. No. 1. fol. 453) Leonardtown. Sept. 30, 1788, Will of Mary JENKINS: Granddaughter, Susannah SPALDING, granddau. Susannah COMBS, Dau. of Philip COMBS, grandson Robert COMBS, brother of Susannah, also two other brothers of Susannah, grandau. Treasy COMBS, sons John JENKINS, Joseph JENKINS, Augustus JENKINS and Edmund Courtney JENKINS, dau. Susannah COOPER, granddaus. Anne COMBS and Elizabeth COMBS. Legacy to Rev. John BOARMAN. Executors; John JENKINS and Edmund C. JENKINS. (Fannie COMBS Gough ms.)
Mary HATTON m (1) William COMBS (s/o Enoch and Mary MANNING COMBS) and (2) Joseph JENKINS. Who were granddaughters, Susannah SPALDING and Treasy [Theresa?], Anne and Elizabeth COMBS? Daughter Susannah COOPER was also named in will of her brother, James. Her spouse has not yet been identified.
30 Nov 1788 COMBS, Eleanor, child of Ign. and Mary COMBS, bap. 30 Nov 1788 at St. Inigoes, Fr. James WALTON, S.J., sponsors Enoch and Anna COMBS.
(Source: Jes.Miss.,p. 81, Excerpted from the baptism/birth card file of COMBS records 1760-1800 of the St. Mary's Historical Society (MD) by COMBS Researcher Ann Krahn)
Ignatius and Mary FENWICK COMBS.
Mar 1789 - 6 Mar 1792 Will of Francis WILLIAMS of St. Mary's County. Bequests to nephew Henry FORD, niece Bibianen PIKE, niece Ann FORD, niece Annistase MATTINGLY, nephew Francis GREENWELL (son of John), godson John WOTEN, Rev. John BOARMAN, the poor, negroes Dick and Sam to have their freedom, and to nephew John GREENWELL (of Ignatius) all residue of estate, and he to be exec. Frances (her mark) WILLIAMS (seal). Wits: Bennet COMBS, John BOON. Rec. 6 Mar 1792 by John GREENWELL of Ignatius and proved the same date by Bennet COMBS including that he "did see John Boon, subscribe the same as a witness." Certified per Jeremiah Jordan Reg Wills for Saint Mary's County
(Abstracted from transcription from original by Elizabeth F. Randolph, efrpac@mocty.com, who adds that Frances was the third wife of Wiliam Williams and that this will is in the MARYLAND STATE ARCHIVES, HALL OF RECORDS, ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND, VOLUME JJ #2, PAGES 26, 27, AND 28)
p. 333
Combs, Ignatius
1 Free white male 16 and upward including heads of families
0 females
0 slaves
Note: This Ignatius, who appears to be single, may be the same that died between 02 Jun 1791 - 06 Mar 1792 (Will -St. Mary's Co MD Wills Liber JJ2, page 25) and that named brothers Raphael, William, Charles, and sisters Margaret MEDLEY and Ann GREENWELL. Ignatius, Raphael, and William were adjacent to each other in the alphabetized list while the second William and Bennett were a few entries further down the list. If so, he was baptized 23 Dec 1773 at St. Francis Xavier, Newton, St. Mary's Co, the s/o William and Mary COMBS, and full brother of Charles who was baptized 9 May 1773. His brothers, Raphael and William would appear to have been half-brothers and the same who were born to William and Eleanor COMBS, baptized in 1760 and 1776 respectively, as were sisters, Margaret, baptized in 1764, and with Ann possibly the Mary Ann who was baptized in 1768, now wife of John Lewis GREENWELL (presuming Ignatius mother did not remarry to a GREENWELL with Ann and John Lewis being issue of that marriage?).
Combs, Raphael
1 Free white male 16 and upward including heads of families
1 Free white male under 16
4 Free white females
9 slaves
Note: This Raphael (d. 1800) was the son of William Combs (d. 1774) who was a s/o Enoch and Mary MANNING COMBS.
Combs, William
3 Free white male 16 and upward including heads of families
1 Free white male under 16
2 Free white females
5 slaves
Note: Possibly William, brother to above Ignatius and Raphael.
Combs, William
1 Free white male 16 and upward including heads of families
3 Free white males under 16
4 Free white females
6 slaves
(Source: Heritage Quest Original Images, extracted by Sue Elfving)
COMBS, Bennet:
Free white males of 16 years and upward including heads of families: 2
Free white males under 16 years: 1
Free white females, including heads of families: 4
All other free persons: 0
Slaves: 19
(Loran D. Archer)
If this is Bennett, h/o Elizabeth TANEY, son John would have been 20 years of age, making 2 males over 15, and wife (if any) and daughters, Barbara and Mary would have made a total of three females.
16 Sep 1790 - 8 Feb 1791 (St. Mary's Co MD Wills Liber JJ 1 page 520) IGNATIUS COMBS his last Will. In the name of God, amen. I IGNATIUS COMBS Sainty Marys County, do make this my last will and Testament, in manner and form following, Vizt. I give and bequeath unto my son, ENOCH COMBS, my dwelling plantation, the death or marriage of his mother, whichever may first happen or at any time when his mother may think proper to give unto him. To him and his heirs forever, and I give unto my said son, ENOCH COMBS, the use of my plantation wherein he now lives during his mother's widowhood, and I give unto my son, ENOCH COMBS, one negro man named Edward, and one named Daniel, and the stock (all) and household furniture which I have heretofore given up to him. I give and bequeath unto my son, BENNET COMBS, all my lands where my quarter is called Colonel Luiz Jarbo's Discovery, the Stradford and the addition to Stradford, (at the death or marriage of his mother whichever may first happen or at any time when his mother may think proper to give it up to him) to him and his heirs forver, and should my said son, BENNET COMBS, die without heir, the lands aforesaid given to him and shall go to my son, LEWIS COMBS, and his heirs, and should my son , LEWIS COMBS, die without heir the lands aforesid, falling from his brother BENNET COMBS to him shall there go to my son, JOHN PERRY COMBS, and his heirs, and I give unto my son, BENNET COMBS, one negro lad from thirteen to sixteen years of age and negro girl from ten to fourteen years of age, to be paid to him when he arrives to the age of twenty one years of age. I give and bequeath unto my son, Samuel COMBS, all my lands where my son ENOCH COMBS now lives (at the death or marriage of his mother whichever may first happen) to him and his heirs forever, and should my said son, SAMUEL COMBS die without heir, the lands aforesaid give unto him shall go to my son CORNELIUS COMBS and his heirs, and should my son, CORNELIUS COMBS, die without heir, the lands aforesaid falling unto hism by his brother SAMUEL COMBS, shall then go to my son, JOHN PERRY COMBS and his heirs, and I give unto my said son SAMUEL COMBS one negro lad from thirteen to sixteen years of age and one negro girl from ten to fourteen years of age, to be paid to him when he arrives to the age of twenty one years. I give and bequeath unto my six children, LEWIS COMBS, CORNELIUS COMBS, JOHN PERRY COMBS, MONICA COMBS, MILDRED COMBS AND ELEANOR COMBS all the remainder of my estate and the increase of the same (at the death or marriage of their mother whichever may first happen). To be portioned to them by their mother, sas she in her wisdom shall think proper, reserving unto my sons BENNETT COMBS AND SAMUEL COMBS, and any part of the household furniture and stock that their mother may think proper to give them. I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife MARY COMBS, the use of all my Estate , both real and personal as heretofore in this writings reseved for her and during her widowhood, she shall not during the said period be answerable for any loss on my estate, nor prosper by the increase, and should she at any time marry, she is then no longer have any part of my Estate, but it shall then be given to my children as before mentioned in these writings, and Lastly I constitute and appoint my beloved wife MARY COMBS Whole and solely to be my Executrix in the administration of my Estate. In Winess wherof I have here unto set my hand and affixed my seal this sixteenth day of September, one thousand seven hundred and ninety. IGN. COMBS seal. Signed sealed, published & declared in the presence of us the subscribers, which he requested did in the presence of the Testator, & in the presence of each other of us have hereunto subscribed our names. Robert CHESLEY, Wm LILBURN, Jo. ARMSTRONG.
In the back of the foregoing was as follows, to wit. Saint Marys County, to wt. The eighth day of February, 1791. Then came MARY COMBS, and made oath on the holy evangels of almighty God, that the within instrument of writing , is the true and whole will & Testament of IGNATIUS COMBS, late of Saint Marys County deceased, that hath come to her hands or possesion, and that she does not know of any other. Certified per Jeremiah JORDAN Regr of Wills for Saint Marys County.
Saint Marys County, _. The eigth day of February, 1791 Then came Robert CHESLEY and John ARMSTRONG, two of the three subscribing witnesses to the aforegoing last will and Testament of Ignatius COMBS late of Saint Marys County, deceased, and severally made oath on the holy evangels of almighty God, that they did see the Testator therin named sign and seal this will, and that they heard him publish, pronounce, and declare the same to be his to the best of their apprehensions, of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding; and that they respectively subscribed their names as witnesses to this will, in the presence and at the request of the Testator, and in the presence of each other; and also that they did see William LILBURN the other witness subscribe the same. Certified by Jeremiah JORDAN Regr of Wills for Saint Marys County. (Transcribed by COMBS-Clark Researcher Jerry Clark)
According to the Fannie COMBS Gough Manuscript, the above Ignatius COMBS was the s/o Enoch & Mary MANNING COMBS (See ms. also re bible records for children, etc.). See Also 1777 Revolutionary Service of Ignatius COOMBS and COMBS Land of St. Mary's Co MD
02 Jun 1791 - 06 Mar 1792 (St. Mary's Co MD Wills Liber JJ2, page 25) IGNATIUS COMBS his Last Will. In the name of God Amen June 2d 1791 I IGNATIUS COMBS of St. Mary's County in the Province of Maryland being of good health of body and sound perfect mind and memory, praise be therefore given to Almighty God do make & ordain this my last will and Testament in manner and Form Following. First and principally I commend my soul unto the hands of almighty God, hoping through the merits death & passion of my Savoir Jesus Christ to have full and free pardon for all my sins and to inherit everlasting life. Item, I give & bequeath to my beloved brother CHARLES COMBS all my estate that my brother WILLIAM COMBS has in possession, to him and his heirs Forever, excepting the interest of the same which I give to my beloved brother WILLIAM COMBS, and his heirs forever. And likewise I give to my beloved sister Margaret MEDLEY ten pounds of the Estate above mentioned, to her and her heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath to my beloved brother RAPHAEL COMBS my part of Little Rachel during his life, and then to my beloved Brother JOHN LEWIS GREENWELL. Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved sister ANN GREENWELL all my Estate my father by late has had in possession. I should be glad you would give a trifle towards prayers for me. Signed sealed and delivered in presence of Francis [his mark] FENWICK, John Basil NOTTINGHAM, witnesses.
On the back of the foregoing was the following, to wit. Saint Mary's County, __ the 6th day of March 1792. Then came John Basil NOTTINGHAM and francis FENWICK the ___ subscribing witnesses to the aforegoing last will and Testament of IGNATIUS COMBS, late of Saint Mary's County deceased, and severally made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that they did see the testator therin named sign this will, and that they heard him publish , pronounce & declare the same to be his last will and Testament that at the time of his so doing. He was to the best of their apprehensions, of sound and disposing mind memory, and understanding, and that they respectively subscribed their names as witnesses to this will, in the presence, and at the request of the Testator, and in the presence of each other. Certified by Jeremiah JORDAN Regr of Wills for St. Mary's County. (Transcribed by COMBS-Clark Researcher Jerry Clark)
No little confusion has been occasioned by the above will, coming as it does so close to the will of IGNATIUS COMBS, s/o Enoch & Mary MANNING COMBS; however, it appears that this is Ignatius, COMBS who was baptized 23 Dec 1773 at St. Francis Xavier, Newton, St. Mary's Co, the s/o William and Mary COMBS, and full brother of Charles who was baptized 9 May 1773. His brothers, Raphael and William would appear to have been half-brothers and the same who were born to William and Eleanor COMBS, baptised in 1760 and 1776 respectively, as were sisters, Margaret, baptized in 1764, and with Ann possibly the Mary Ann who was baptized in 1768, now wife of John Lewis GREENWELL (presuming Ignatius mother did not remarry to a GREENWELL with Ann and John Lewis being issue of that marriage?). (See Also Combs' Land of St. Mary's Co MD)
05 Mar 1792 (St. Mary's Co MD, Folio 34) THOMAS HATTON COMBS. (See Combs' Land of St. Mary's Co MD)
13 Jan 1796 (St. Mary's MD Alienations & Transfers, Folio 41) Deed. ENOCH COMBS. Tract: Poke Hall.
The above reference is to Pork Hall a.k.a. Park Hall Manor. See Combs' Land of St. Mary's Co MD)
25 Jul 1796 James COMBS & Ann HENDLEY (Extracted by COMBS Researcher Debi Kendricks from "Maryland Records Colonial Revolutionary County Church," Brumbagh)
18 May 1797 (St. Mary's Co MD (51)) James COMBS Tract: Cowles Purchase. (See Combs' Land of St. Mary's Co MD)
7 Jun 1797 Elizabeth COMBS & Edward SMITH 7 Jun 1797 Extracted by COMBS Researcher Debi Kendricks from "Maryland Records Colonial Revolutionary County Church" by Brumbagh, Marriages from St. Mary's County, MD)
Which Elizabeth? See also COMBS-Smith Families of Charles Co, MD
4 Dec 1798 Nathaniel COMBS & Hellen JONES
(Extracted by COMBS Researcher Debi Kendricks from "Maryland Records Colonial Revolutionary County Church," Brumbagh)
See 1803 will of Milburn COMBS. The same?
18 Nov 1799 - 04 Nov 1800 (St. Mary's MD Alienations & Transfers, Folio 69) Deed. ENOCH COMBS. Hunting Neck. (Combs &c. Land of St. Mary's Co MD)
[ Intro to St. Mary's | 1600s | 1700s | 1800s | Land | St. Clements | Combs &c. of Maryland ]