![]() | Combs &c. Families of St. Mary's County, Maryland 1656-1699 |
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The first Combs to St. Mary's was Phillip COMBES (aka COOMES, etc.), although the deed he witnessed was probably for land later in Charles County:
1656 - 1661 "West St. Marie's, St. Mary's County, Maryland (but (Charles County by 1658). Philip COOMES and Edward OKES witness an assignment from John TOMKINSON of his share of 600 acres (Andrew WATSON holding the other half) to John DELAHAY, the land described as lying "on the north side of Patomake [Potomac] Riuer begining at a marked Oake standing near a great March the sayd March respecting Machepungo on the south side of the sayd Riuer." Andrew WATSON assigns his share to Joseph LENTON.
Phillip was transported to Maryland by Thomas STONE (son of Gov. William and Verlinda GRAVES Stone) of Charles County, and then transported his wife, Elizabeth, in 1658, then himself (again?) in 1664 according to his declaration of 1669, at which time he was a resident of Charles County, although "in between" he had resided in Calvert County (1660) and St. Clements Manor of St. Mary's (1664) as overseer to Thomas GERRARD, and by 1670 was back in St. Mary's again (see below).
7th June, 1656 - __ ___ ____ Will of William JOHNSON, St. Wynefrid's, St. Mary's Co. To wife Emma and dau. Eliza: JOHNSON, entire estate if they, or either of them, arrive in Eng.; if not, following division of property to be made: To neph. William LANGWORTH, son of brother James LANGWORTH, 500 A. "St. Wynefride." To Roman Catholic Church, Emma SHANKS, dau, of John SHANKS of St. Clement's Bay, niece Mrs. Mary LANGWORTH, sisters Agatha LANGWORTH, Eliza: PRICE, Eliza: MORRIS, and mother, Mrs. Eliza: MORRIS, personalty. Ex., brother James LANGWORTH. Test: Luke GARDNER, Robt. COLE, Wm. THOMPSON. (1. 129. Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume 1)
William JOHNSON married Emma LANGWORTH, sister of James of Charles County who died ca 1660, father of James LANGWORTH whose wife, Agatha, was nee JOHNSON and possibly the sister of William JOHNSON. Emma LANGWORTH Johnson married 2nd Thomas TURNER, and third William ROSEWELL (see later records of this county).
1657 Maryland Land Records. "Robert COLE demandeth 450 acres of land for these servants, Robert GATES 1655, John JOHNSON, Mary MILES and Joseph ALVEY, by special warrant from his Lordship 100 acres and 100 more by assignment from John WHEELER (Alvey-Archdale Researcher Bob Alvey) Robert COLE was a St. Clements Manor freeholder, and Joseph ALVEY the son of Pope & Mary ARCHDALE Alvey, and grandson of Arthur & Alice ARCHDALE Alvey, the latter the daughter of Barnard ARCHDALE (& Anne FERNE) whose niece, Margaret ARCHDALE, married in 1587, in Antholin, Budge Row, London, John COMBE, merchant of London. Joseph ALVEY appears to have associated with Abraham COMBS, also of St. Clements Manor, who arrived about 1669 from Old Rappahannock County, Virginia, where he associated with the same individuals as Archdale COMBS in the 1660s, the latter believed to have been the son of John and Elizabeth LOVETT Combe and grandson of John and Margaret ARCHDALE Combe.
21 Jan 1660 - 26 Feb 1660 Nuncupative will of William THOMSON [THOMPSON]. Wife Mary, execx., and child., (unnamed) sole legatees. Overseer: Father-in-law Wm. BRETTON. Test: Walter PAKES, Frances PAKES, wife of sd. Walter (1. 123. Maryland Calendar of Wills, Vol. 1)
The second COMBES to St. Mary's was actually a COMBER or CUMBER, but included here "just in case:"22 Jul 1658 Maryland Provincial Proceedings. (Archives Vol. 3:351) Military Commissions authorized by Governor FENDALL on 20 Jul 1658 (Archives 3:350-1). [margin: Cap: Lieutnant, John COMBER] Commission to Captaine Lieutenant John CUMBER is the same mutatis mutandis with that of Lieut John JARBO fol: 24 dated as that of his Colonell.
One reason for including Capt. COMBER is that the above-noted John JARBOE of St. Mary's County married Mary TATTERSHALL, sister of William (whose 1670 will was witnessed by Abraham COMBS), and their daughter, Ann, married (1) John HAMMOND and (2) Pope ALVEY, brother of the above Joseph, raising the question as to whether the above John COMBER/CUMBER ight have actually been a COMBES or CUMBES.
2d Dec., 1661; 26th Mch, 1663. Will of John SHIRTCLIFFE of St. Mary's Co., MD. To wife Anne, execx., plantation on Bretton's Bay. To eld. son John, land on n. w. side Bretton's Bay. To young. son William, land on St. Clement's Bay. To eld. dau. Mary, land. To dau. Anne, land. To cous. Thomas SPALDING, land. In event of death of all child. without issue, estate to pass to Roman Catholic Church. Overseers: Brother-in-law Henry SPINKE and friend Peter MILLS. Test: Edward CLARKE, Edmond SMITH, Leonard GREEN. (1. 172. Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 1)
On 18 Dec 1648, "John SHIRCLIFF demands 100 acres for transporting self into Province in 1646. Warrant for surveying land in the New Town between Broad Creek & John Medley's Creek." (From notes taken at Loretto Motherhouse, Nerinx, KY ref: Early Settlers Book Liber ABH & Early Settlers #4, posted to St. Mary's Co MD list by MOman254). John SHERCLIFF'S eldest daughter, Mary married Peter MILLS, a witness to the 1684 will of Abraham COMBS of St. Mary's:
"Elizabeth MORGAN was transported by John SHERCLIF who died before 1667 and whose daughter Mary married Peter MILLS of Brittans Bay, St. Mary's County." (Liber FF:522 Film No.: SR 8204, Transcript. 10:477 [SR 7352] MSA SC 4341-5017, Gibb's Supplement to Skordas) Note: A second record may or may not be the same Elizabeth MORGAN: "Elizabeth MORGAN was transported between June & January 1659; serving Richard FOSTER in 1659." (Liber R:87b, 208a Film No.: SR 8199, Transcript. 4:198, 533 [SR 7346], MSA SC 4341-6722, Gibb's Supplement to Skordas) Mar 1663 (1664 NS) St. Clements Manor, St. Mary's County, Maryland. Thomas GERRARD, Lord of the Manor of St. Clements, hires and fires Phillip COMBS. In 1660 Phillip sat on a jury in Calvert County and in 1664, he claimed transport, probably as part of his "contract" with Thomas GERARD, but by 1665, was apparently back in Charles County.
1661-1663 (St. Mary's MD Admin. Accts., p. 49-67) The acct of Luke GARDINER, Gent., the sole surviving executor of the will of Robert COLE, late of St. Clements Hundred, in SM, as it stands allowed, by the judge for probate of wills and granting administration after exceptions made by Robert COLE, son and heir of the testator & Ignatius WARREN, who m Mary, the dau of the Testator. The acct. stands charged with all the goods and chattels of the decd, according to an inventory made by sd Robert COLE and left in the hands of the accountant by sd testator at his departure for England, which is as follows [18 pp of items] divers sums of tobacco by him deceived, due to sd estate in the year 1662, viz. tobacco recived of: Richard BENNETT, Colo EVANS, Joseph ALVEY, Matthew ROSE, Richd SHIPPEY, Doctor LUMBROZIO, John SHANK Capt. COOK for Mary COLE'S passage 4 £ sterling 1662 [nb: should be 67 or 68?] Tobacco was paid to: Joseph ALVEY for 6 barrels of corn 1669 Capt. Matthew BARNES for Edward COLE'S passage to England s/14 Feb 1673. Luke GARDINER. (St. Mary's Administrative Accounts, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, 1994, p. 136)
Both Luke GARDINER and the late Robert COLE were freeholders of St. Clements Manor. Luke had married Elizabeth HATTON, daughter of Richard and Margaret HATTON (later wife of Richard BANKS), the niece of Thomas HATTON, Secty of the Province. Robert COLE, son of Jane of Heston, Middlesex, England, by 1652 had married a widow, mother of Francis KNOTT, born 1649 (per 1663 inventory of Robert COLE). By 1668, Joseph ALVEY had had surveyed the tract Knotting in St. Clements Hundred, named after his birthplace, Knotting, Bedfordshire, England.
2 Oct 1662 - 21st Jan 1662/3. Will of Thomas TURNER, St. Winifred's, St. Mary's Co. To Roman Catholic Church, personalty. To wife Emma, residue of estate, real and personal during life for maintenance of herself and "our" 3 child., viz., Thomas and Mary TURNER, and Eliza JOHNSON. To son Thomas, estate in Essex, Eng., due testator by his father's will. To dau. Mary TURNER, estate in Essex, Eng., should son Thomas afsd. die under age. Child, to be of age at 16 yrs. Overseers: Luke GARDNER and kinsman Wm. BRETTON. Test: Wm. ROSEWELL, Chas. ALEXANDER. (1. 169. Maryland Calendar of Wills, Vol. 1)
Thomas TURNER married Emma LANGWORTH, sister of James and widow of William JOHNSON who died 1656 St. Mary's. Witness Luke GARDINER married Elizabth HATTON, d/o Richard and Margaret HATTON (Banks).
30 May 1670 - 25 Jun 1670 (St. Mary's Co MD) Will of William TATTERSHALL. In the Name of God Amen. I William TATTERSHALL of Brittains Bay in the County of St. Mary's being weake in Body yett in perfect mind and memory doe therefore make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in manner and form Following. First I bequeath my soul to God my maker and to Jesus Christ my Redeemer and my body to the earth from wence it was taken to be decently buried at the discretion of my overseers hereafter mensioned and for what temporal Estate it hath pleased Allmighty God of his mercy to bestow upon me in this present world. I bequeath Thomas _olloweth Imprimis I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary TATTERSHALL all and every part and parcell of Land belonging to that plantation, wherein I now live lying and being upon Brittains Bay called by the name of St. John's with all the _____ to names thereunto belonging to her and her heirs for ever after the decease of my wife Ann TATTERSHALL but if in case my said daughter Mary shall chance to Marry before the decease of my said wife Ann, that then she may have free priveledge to seat and make use of any peace or parcell of the said Land without lett or molestation. And in case my daughter Mary shall dye without issue that then the said land to return and desend to her brother Lawrence TATTERSHALL, and his heires forever. Item I give and bequeath to my Eldest son Lawrence TATTERSHALL one tract of land Containing four hundred and fifty acres called TATTERSHALL's Gift. Formerly belonging to Thomas COLE lying and being in Charles County to him the said Lawrence TATTERSHALL and his heires for ever and also one hundred acres of Land more lying at the head Horeth Creeke to between the land of Dr. Luke BARBIER and the land of John GREENWELL for ever. Item I give and bequeath all my personall Estate both moveables and inmoveables all my debts and funerall charges being satisfied and discharged to my Loving Wife Ann TATTERSHALL, and to my son Lawrence TATTERSHALL and my daughter Mary TATTERSHALL to be equally devided between them and the said estate to be and remain in custody of my said Wife till they shall come to age and in case either of them shall chance to dye before they come to age that then part or person that did belong to the deceased party shall go and desend to the survivors equally to be devided between them and in case both my said children shall chance to dye before they come to lawful age that then their parts of the said Estate to go and desend to my brother John TATTERSHALL of Odd Stoakes in Wiltshire [EN] his oldest son forever in case or they shall come in five years time after me decease having convenient notice given them and in case they shall not come within the time limitted that they then shall go and desend to the Roman Catholic Church and the poor distressed Roman Catholics equally to be devided between the Church & them. Item I give and bequeath unto Mrs. Mary ANDREWS one ____ of tobacco to be paid to her immediately after my decease to be paid to her by my overseers or Executors here after nominated. Item I give to the Reverend Father of St. Ignatius Chappell in St. Mary's County one thousand pounds of Tobacco. Item I make appoint and ordain my loving wife Ann TATTERSHALL my sole and ___ Executrix of this my last will and Testament . And do likewise ordain and appoint my loving brother in law Lt. Col. John JARBO and my loving friend Mr. WALTER shall to be my overseers desireing their assistance in the performance of this my last will and testament. I do also declare and publish this to be my last Will and Testament revoakeing and makeing void all other Wills and Testaments by me at any times here to fore made In testimony whereof I have here unto sett my hand and seal the day and year above written. Will. TATT. Seal. the hand writeing of William TATTERSHALL .signed, sealed and delivered & published in the presence of John JARBO, Will. ASSISTER Abraham COMBE, David DRIVER June the 25th 1670 The aforegoing Will and Testament of William TATTERSHALL was by the oathes of John JARBO, and Abraham COOMBE witnesses thereunto in comon forme proved before me Will. CALVERT. (Transcribed by COMBS-Clark Researcher Jerry Clark)
As noted above, William TATTERSHALL'S sister, Mary, married John JARBOE, and their daughter, Ann, married (2) Pope ALVEY, Jr. Wm. ASSITER was either father-in-law (Registry of Heraldic Families of Maryland) or grandfather-in-law (Colonial Settlers St. Clement's Bay, 1634-1780 St. Mary's County, Maryland, Mary Louise Donnelly) of the Henry PAINE who wit. the St. Mary's Will of Abraham COMBES in 1684. Also, re the Mrs. Mary ANDREWS, note the ANDROWES/ANDREWES connection to ARCHDALE-Combs Families in EN. Although COMBS have been found in Wiltshire, England, no relationship to William TATTERSHALL has been discovered, but has been noted in reference to ANDREWS & NASH Families.
10 Oct 1670 Charles County Court Proceedings. Philip COOMES of St Maryes County in the Province of Maryland plantr sells 150 tract "Coomes Purchase" in Charles County to John ALLEN.
12 Jan 1671 - 24 Jan 1671. Will of Mordecay HAMON of St. Mary's Co., MD. To wife Margaret, 300 A., "St. Margaret's." To brother Daniel HAMOND, father-in-law Pope ALEY [ALVEY] and Ann, wife of sd. Pope, William STYLES, Martha TOSSEY, sister of sd. STYLES, Edward ROCKWOOD, and Eliza: PEAKE, personalty. Ex. not named. Test: Francis FITZHERBERT, Geo. COX. (1. 473. Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 1) SW: ALVEY
Pope ALVEY, Jr., s/o Pope and Mary ARCHDALE Alvey, Sr., m Ann JARBOE, d/o John and Mary TATTERSHALL Jarboe, and widow of John HAMMOND by whom Mordecai, Daniel, Barnard and Ann HAMMOND. One Edward ROOKWOOD [sic] died testate 1717/1718, probably of Charles Co, MD, his will witnessed by an Eliza COOMB and a payment from his estate distributed to a Phillip COMBE.
11-12 Nov 1673. Maryland Provincial Court Proceedings. Comaund is given to the Sheriff of St Maryes County that he cause to come before the Justices of the Provincial Cort at the Citty of St Maryes on the Eleaventh day of November next being the first day of the same Cort. Twelve &c by whome &c who neither &c because aswell &c to Recognize &c and the same day is given to both ptyes.... At wch said Twelveth day of November in the 42th yeare of the Dominion of Caecilius &c Annoq Domini 1673. came as well the said Thomas SIMSON by John MORECROFT his Attorney as the said Richard & Justinian by Robert CARVILE their Attorney and the Jurors of that Jury likewise came to wit Thomas ALANSON [ALLENSON] Morgan JONES Philip BOGGAS (BOGGESSE) Nicholas CARRE Curtis FLETCHER Thomas KNIGHTON John BALLEY Brian DAYLY Abraham ROADES Patrick FORREST Francis WYNE and William HARPER... (Archives of Maryland, Vol. 65:143-44)
See Philip BOGUS of 1670 and 1676 Calvert County, and Philip BAUGOS of 1731 Westmoreland County, Virginia, the latter son-in-law of Phillip COMBS deceased.
14 Apr 1674 Chancery Court Proceedings. At the order of the Court, St. Mary's Sheriff issued a writ to Thomas GERARD [Jr.]:
"... the fourtenth day of April in the 42th yeare of the Dominion of Caecilius &c came the said Sheriff and made returne of the writt aforesaid and saith that by Virtue of that writt he hath made knowne to the within named Thomas GERARD that he be and appeare at the day and place within specified as the writt requires. Wittnes Capt John JORDAINE and Abraham COMBES. (Archives of Maryland, Vol. 51, page 440)
30 Sep 1675 - 3 Feb 1675/6. ill of George MACKALL of St. George's St. Mary's Co, MD. To wife Ann, execx., entire estate during life. To eld. dau., Jane [var. sp. Jean, Joan], and hrs., "Pine Point" at death of wife afsd. To dau. Rachel, 2 tracts of land, 400 A., viz., "Hepburne's Choice" and "Magys Jointure," on Sassafras R., Baltimore Co., at death of wife afsd. To daus. Hannah and Sarah, personalty. In event of death of dau. Jane afsd. without issue, her estate to pass to her sisters, viz., Hannah, Sarah and Rachel, and their hrs. in natural succession. Overseers: Jno. WAGHOP, Jno. CAMPBELL, Robt. GRAHAM, Henry WILLIAMS. Test: Francis LOWTON, Richard LOYD, Wm. BREWERTON, Chris. WILLIAMSON. (Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume ) Vol. 1, 2. 387)
John WAUGHOP married Joan MACKALL, d/o George and Ann MACKALL, and they were the guardians of George REID (READ), s/o George READ, Sr. of Calvert County, and Joan (surname unknown), who afterwards m Robert TYLER, and in her 1675 Calvert County, MD will named goddaughter, Elizaeth COMBS and entrusted her minor son, George REID, to the care of George MACKALL and John WAUGHOP. In 1680, George REED, son of George REED of Calvert County deceased, complained to the provincial court of "the bad usage of him by Mrs Joane WAGHOB" and was permitted to choose his own guardian (thus at least 14, but still a minor), one Hugh JOHNSON of Talbot County, Maryland. In 1718 in St. Mary's County, William COMBS, Sr. (believed to have been the s/o Enoch I) approved as next of kin the estate appraisal and inventory of one William READ. The name of William COMBS' first wife is not known, but before 1730, he was married to Mary HATTON, d/o Thomas and Elizabeth WAUGHOP Hatton.
23 Feb 1675/6 Inventory 2.85. St. Mary's County. Thomas HATTON. Servants Mentioned: John SPICKETT, Thomas BASSON, Thomas FULLER (boy). Appraisers: Peter WATTS, John HEVART (Skinner...)
24 Jul 1676 (St. Mary's Co MD, Inventories & Accts.) Mr. Thomas CEELY, 2.287, St. Mary's, MD, Inventory, #44457. list items at house of Nehemiah BLACKISTONE. Also Goods consigned to Mr. Thomas DENT (deceased). Appraisers: William WATTS, Justinian GERRARD, John COODE. List of debts: John HOSKINS, Thomas GLOVERS, Samuel ABBOTT, James TOMSON [THOMPSON?], John SHERCLIFF, Mathew CARTWRIGHT, John WARRING, Stephen GOBTAILL, Nehemiah BLACKISTONE, Abraham COMBS, John TURLING, ----- STEPHENTON, John SLYE, Kenelym CHESELDYN, Henry KING, John SHANKES, Dr. HENLY, Dr, PEARCE, John COAD, Just. GERARD, Robert COLE, Col. John WASHINGTON, Dr. PEAN, John TENISON, the ship Luce. (Abstracts Of the Inventories And Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, provided by COMBS-Clark Researcher Jerry Clark who adds that he forgot to write down which Liber # this came from)
Thomas CEELY of Cornwall, England and St. Mary's Co, MD, died testate in Jul 1676, mentioning parents (unnamed), and naming brother, William CEELY, sisters Jane, Honor, Katherine and Anne CEELY, sister Honor PRIDAUX, Judith QUARME, wife of kinsman Robert QUARME, Judith and Honor QUARME, aunt Jane PRADE, Charles BOSCAEEN, and brother Peter. John COODE was named overseer. William WEST and Henry KING witnesses (5. 53). The reason for debts by Abraham COMBS to Thomas CEELY is not yet known. The mention of a ship might indicate CEELY was a merchant or mariner? We have also been watching the GERARD-SLYE family closely, both due to their Westmoreland County, Virginia connections, and also because of John COODE whom we suspect may be kin to Researcher George Baumbach's CODYS with whom Mason COMBS, Sr. (gs/o Archdale) later associated, as well as possibly the above John WASHINGTON. (Registry of Heraldic Families of Maryland)
Nov 1676 ([St. Mary's Co MD] Provincial Court Procedings, 1676, Liber NN Page 328, p. 199) Abraham COMBES agt. Edward MORGAN the defendant MORGAN being heretofore attached by Clement HILL Sheriff of St. Maries County to answer unto the said Abraham COMBS [sic] in a plea that he render unto him nine hundred forty five pounds of tobacco which to him he oweth & unjustly deteineth & the Said Edward not appeareing to answer the suite aforesaid the Said Sheriff Standeth amerced and now her at this Court to wit in November 1676 came the said Abraham by Robert CARVILE his Attorny & prayed the bayle bond of the said Edward to be assigned to him & it is granted unto him. (Archives of Maryland, Vol. 65, p. 328)
St. Mary's Co MD. Provincial Court Procedings. 4.537. Accts. #3021. St. Mary's County. John BAILL (also BEALE). Payments to: Johanna FORIER, George GUTTRIDGE, Dr. WINN, William KANADAY, William WATTS. Executrix: Rebecca DAVIS (relict). (Skinner...)
21 Feb 1677/8 "Comand was given to the Sheriffe of St. Maryes County, that whereas John ROUSBY & Barbara his wife in An action of Ejectment against William COMBES Elizabeth his wife & Mary ROE Ex of Edward ROE deceased recovered their possesion of one Messuage & six hundred acres of land in Tredaven Creek called Plymhimmon lying in Talbot County..."
William COMBS of Talbot County married ca 1676, Elizabeth ROE, daughter of Edward ROE and his wife, Mary (above). The fact that the action of ejectment was issued in St. Mary's rather than Talbot indicates that the three were residing in St. Mary's at the time. See also the suit this same week by Mary CLEMENTS Exx of John CLEMENTS of Talbot, deceased, against William ORCHARD and George LEWEN, Merchants of London, William COMBES [Marylander; county not stated] their factor. Barbara MORGAN Rousby's sister, Francis MORGAN (daughters of Henry and Francis of Kent Island), married Col. Peter SAYERS of Talbot who was later a close associate of William COMBS, was also involved in this land dispute and in 1676, demised 250 acres of Coomes Purchase in Charles County to one John WADE, despite the fact that Phillip COMBES had already demised the said land to John ALLEN in 1670.
---- 1677 - 18 Mar 1677/78 Will of John WAUGHOP of Piney Point, St. Mary's Co, MD. To wife Anne, execx., ½ plantation, "Piney Point" at St. Mary's Co. To son Thomas and hrs., residue plantation at 18 yrs. of age. To dau. Rebecca and hrs., 800 A., "Piney Point" in Pocomoke, Somerset Co.; to be of age at 15 yrs. To grandson Thomas HATTON and to the child. (unnamed) of Henry HYDE, dec'd, and hrs., sd. real estate should child. afsd. of testator die without issue. To Ame MOUNTFORD, personalty. Overseers: Robt. GRAHAME, Henry WILLIAMS. Test: Jo: WATSON, Jno. WYNNE, Wm. BREWERTON. (Wills 5. 343, Maryland Calendar of Wills, Cotton, p. 201)
11 Apr 1678. Provincial Court Proceedings, 1677/8. Ordered by the Court, that the Justices of the peace for St Maryes County & Charles County doe forthwith meet together effectually to consult about mending the high way att the Mill lately called John ALLENS Mill att the head of Wiccommico river betwixt St Maryes & Charles County. (Archives of Maryland, Vol. 67:247)
See Charles County re Phillip COMBS and ALLEN'S mill (including RASPIN and MARSHALL)
19 Jul - 9 Oct 1678. St. Mary's Co, MD Chancery Court Proceedings. Clement HILL and Richard GARDNER seated "twelve good and lawfull men" for a jury in the case of the land ownership of John WARREN, they being:
Robert COLE John BAYLY
This was an Inquisition regarding several tracts of land in New Town Hundred that had been owned variously by John SHERCLIFFE, Henry SPINK, Edward COTTON, John WARREN, John NUNN, William NEWGENT, Richard HILL, William ASSITER and Henry LEE (although not in that order). It is interesting that Ignatius WARREN (h/o Mary COLE, d/o Robert of St. Clements Manor) is on the jury given that it is the determination as to his father's interest in the land that is the question (Edward COTTON having made bequests to both John WARREN and his son, Ignatius).
1 Oct 1678 Maryland Prorogative Court Proceedings. 5:298. No County. (#58060 #59052). Account of estate of Robert FARRAR. Payments to: [includes] Abraham COOMBS. Executrix: Jane FARRAR (Skinner...)
Robert FARRAR of St. Mary's died testate, will dated 24 Aug 1675, proved 6 Nov 1675, naming wife Joanna executrix and sole legatee. Wits: William KENNEDY, George DUNDAS (Wills, 2.361). The estate was inventoried on 17 Dec 1675, appraisers John WACHOP and William KENNEDY, and included a lengthy list of both debts and accounts. Abraham COMBS was included on neither. Among those on the list of debts were: Daniell HAMMOND [step-son of Pope ALVEY, Jr.); Elias BEECH, John DITCHFIELD and Rebecca MORGAN. Accts included: Thomas HATTON, Dr. John PIERCE, and Leonard GREEN (Inventory, 1.486)
5 May 1679 Maryland Chancery Court Proceedings, 1679. St Maries County ss: [Inquisition Thomas DINIARD'S Land] We the Jurors underwritten haveing Enquired of the Tenure and present Occupier of the Lands that Thomas DINIARD late of this County dyed Seized of as of ffee in the Said County do find as followeth vizt That the Said Thomas DYNIARD dyed Seized of five hundred acres of Land held of the mannor of West St maries in free and Common Soccage by Fealty only for all Services at the Rent of ten Shillings or five Bushells of Good Corn p annum That these Lands and Tenements are of value Twelve hundred pounds of Tobacco p Annum That the Said DINIARD dyed about the fifth of November Anno 1659 without heirs That these Lands and Tenemts Since the Said DYNIARDS Death hath been Occupied by Charles MYNARD Since Said MYNARDS Death by James MARTIN & his wife an hundred acres by Bartholomew PHILLIPS & his Successors Two hundred acres by John MACART & John DASH Two hundred acres That no Title appears by wch the Said Lands are or have been held Since Said DINIARD's Death, And that the Rents have been duely paid by the present possessors to the Severall Sheriffs from time to time In Wittness whereof we have hereunto Set our hands & Seales may the 5th 1679
John GOLDSMITH sealed Jno. BULLOOKER sealed
Abraham COMBE sealed Jno. KNEVETS sealed
Henry HORNLEY sealed Robert BAGEN sealed
Thomas JORDAN sealed John PULER sealed
Thomas LOVE sealed Thomas TURPIN sealed
Coline MACKENZIE sealed Wm COLES sealed
On the Back Side of the aforegoing Inquisition was thus written These are to Certifie that by virtue of a writt from the Hon.ble Chancellors to us directed We have taken this Inquisition as Wittness our hands and Seals this fifth day of may Annoq Domini 1679 John COAD sealed Justinian GERRARD sealed
Which Inquisition being Read and heard it is the Judgemt of the Court here this day to witt the fourth day of June in the fourth year of the Dominion of the Right Honble Charles Lord Baltemore &c.a Annoq Domini 1679 that the hundred acres of land on which DINIARD Seated and is Escheated by the assignm.ts on the Patent (is Escheated for want of heir. Nic: Painter Cl Cur Prov.alis (Archives of Maryland, 51:265-266)
4 Jun 1679 St. Mary's Co, MD Chancery Court Proceedings (MD Archives Vol. 51:282). Clement HILL and Richard GARDNER again select a jury, this time for a determination and division of the estate of William EVANS, the court to convene "at the house of Mr. Cuthbert SCOTT Scituate and being near St Clements bay on the East Side thereof in the County of St. Marys in the Province of Maryland." (William's widow, Elizabeth, had married first John JORDAINE, then Cuthbert SCOTT). The Jurors were:
Stephen GOUGH Michael THOMPSON
Abraham COMBE Robert BEARD
John BROWN William COLE
01 Sep 1679 (St. Mary's Co MD, Source?) Abraham COMBS of St. Mary's assigns to Clement HILL of St. Mary's Co. (Gent) the right of 100 acres due him for transporting "myself and my daughter; Sarah COMBE. 9-1-1679. witness Richard GARDINER, Luke GARDINER. (Combs-Clark Researcher Jerry Clark) Sarah COMBS, still apparently single in 1679 (or at the time of her transport, which may have been as early as 1668) had married Robert CLARKE by 1684. Luke & Richard GARDINER were also earlier of Virginia. Luke GARDINER m Elizabeth HATTON (d/o Richard & Margaret (-----) Hatton (Banks)) and after his death she m Clement HILL. Abraham COMBS land was probably in St. Clement's Hundred. Clement HILL was also a witness to the 1684 will of Abraham COMBS, and also formerly from VA (found in the records of Old Rappa. County, Virginia with the WARE/JONES/BLAGG &c. Families)
20 Jul 1680 (St. Mary's Co MD 7A:137, #13117, #3108) Estate Accounts of Joseph ALVEY. Payments to Mr. TURLING, Mr. LANGWORTH, Abraham COOMBE, Ann MARTIN, Abraham TAYLOR, Daniel HAMON, Henry FIRMLY. Executrix: Elizabeth ALVEY (Widow) (Abstracts Of the Inventories And Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland 1679-1686, Libers 6, 7a, 7b, 8, V. L. Skinner, Jr.)
The presence of Abraham COMBS in this record is considered exceedingly significant due to not just ALVEY, but LANGWORTH (Chrian, sister of John COMBS of London, married a LANGWORTH of Devonshire).
29 Jul 1680 (St. Mary's Co MD 7A:347. #1760) Estate Inventory. David DRIVER. Apraisers: Peeter [Peter] MILLS, Abraham COOMBS (Abstracts Of the Inventories And Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland 1679-1686, Libers 6, 7a, 7b, 8, V. L. Skinner, Jr.)
28 Aug 1680 (MD Admininstrative Accounts, Liber 7A:215, #7290, #12694) No county.* James PEAN. Received from Robert COLE, John TANT, Henry SPINKE, John DAVIS, Michael THOMPSON, Robert BRIGEN, James PATTISON, John WARREN, Sr., Michael REALY, John ANGELL, William FARTHING, Richard CRAYDON, William ROSWELL, John WILLIAMS. Mentions Peter HOWARD, Peter MILLS. Payments to Abraham COMBS, Robert CRAFT, Michael DUQUAS, Randolph HANSON, remainder of payments to Abraham BEALE (merchant) & John STONE (merchant) David DRIVER, Thomas SPALDING, Thomas NOTTINGHAM for wages for administrator's wife Mathew CARTWRIGHT, Thomas SALMON, Nehemiah BLACKISTON, John BAYLEY of Clements bay, Gerrard SLYE, William ROSWELL, John ADDISON, Robert RIDGLEY for fees for naturalization of deceased & his wife & daughter. Administratrix: Magdalen BAYLEY(Widow), wife of John BAYLEY (Abstracts Of the Inventories And Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland 1679-1686 Libers 6, 7a, 7b, 8, V. K. Spiller) *The inventory of James PEAN's estate was taken in Saint Mary's County on 19 May 1679 by John STEVENTON [STEVENSON?] and John Datridgecourt [DABRIDGECOURT] (Inventories 6.166)
03 Sep 1680 St. Mary's County. MD Prerogative Court. 7A:226, #5870. Estate Accounts of Gregory ROUSE. Payments to: George PAYTON, Thomas NOTINGHAM, Robert DRUERY, John ANGELL, John STILES, Henry EXON, Abraham COMBS, James PATTISON, William ROSEWELL, Henry SPINKE, Mr. Clement HILL. Distribution to executor. Executor Thomas EVENS. (Abstracts Of the Inventories And Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland 1679-1686 Libers 6, 7a, 7b, 8, V. L. Skinner, Jr.)
25 Feb 1680/1 (St. Mary's Co MD, Liber 7B:179, #16871) Inventory. Thomas LEMARE. Apraisers: Justian GERRARD, John GOLDSMITH. List of Debts: Morris MILES, John GRUBB, Capt. John COOD, Thomas DOXEY, Philip SAUNDERS, John HARTWELL, Edward BRADBURNE, Vincent MANSELL, William MEDLEY, Christopher ROUSBY, Emanuell RATCLIF, Joseph GUIBERT, Robert LARGE, Abraham COOMBES, Simon SPRATLIN, William COLE, John HARRISON, Derby DUNAVAN, Samuell HARRIS, John STEPHENSEN, Thomas TILLIT, Thomas TURPIN, Thomas CARVILE, William SAUNDERFORTH, Capt. John BOMAN, John MORRIS, Joseph FOWLER, William HULSE, Robert TEATE, William GUYTHER, ANN ALVAY, Thomas BURFORD, John CHESHIRE, James GREENE, Thomas PRICE, Thomas DEAKINS, Thomas WRIGHT, Thomas LECTLEY, Thomas STONESTREET, Edmund DERMOT, John NOBLE, Edward COLE, John TURNER, John GOOSH, Thomas RUSSELL, Capt. James NEALE, Henry HENLY, Thomas TACKERALL(?), Robert DOYNE, Richard CARPENTER, Peter ARCHILLES, Edward MADOCK, John WORLAND, Edmund DENNIS, Richard HODGSON, John CORNISH, Robert TOMPSON, Jr., Henry HAWKINS, Abraham BLAGGE, Henry NORRIS. (Abstracts Of the Inventories And Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland 1679-1686 Libers 6, 7a, 7b, 8, V. L. Skinner, Jr.) search words: Alvey, Thompson, Donovan, Bowman, Guither, Gooch
5 Nov 1681 [Probably, St. Clements Hundred, St. Mary's County]. Archives of Maryland, Vol. VII, p. 224, Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678 - November 1683, Upper House Journal, Nov 1-12, 1681:
Upper house of Assembly November the 5th 1681
Then read a Petition from Diverse the Inhabitants above the head of Wicocomoco River and Divers other parts of this Province Praying an Act of Assembly for Building houses Convenient by the Water Side for Sheltering Tobaccos of the Forresters either at the Charge of the Forresters or owners of the Land, by a Jury to be Asscertained at what rates
A Letter also to Mr CARVILE one of the Members of the Lower house to speak to the Same Subscribed by James BOWLING, Thomas MUDD, Richard LLOYD, William BOARMAN Junr, John DENT, William ROSEWELL, Thomas TURNER, Thomas MARSHALL, Abraham COOMBES, and Thomas GRUNWIN
Mr GERRARD being called Declares that he had already received Sufficient Damage by the Forresters bringing their Tobaccoes, by Seamen continually Lying at his house all the time of Shipping besides the Spoiling and throwing Down his Plantation and Fencing, that he had proposed unto them to Build them Houses Sufficient for Securing their Tobaccos, and be Answerable for the Same at ten pounds Tobacco pr hhd
All of the above men appear to have been of St. Clements Manor: James BOWLING married Mary BROOKE, daughter of Elinor HATTON (d/o Richard and Margaret), who married 2nd Henry DARNELL. Mary BROOKE BOWLING married 2nd Benjamin HALL, s/o Richard of Calvert County. Thomas TURNER was the s/o Thomas TURNER, Sr. (died St. Mary's 1662), 2nd husband of Emmar LANGWORTH, and step-son of William ROSEWELL, the 3rd husband of Emma LANGWORTH), who had married first William JOHNSON (died St. Mary's 1656), and was the sister of James LANGWORTH who died ca 1660 in St. Mary's or Charles County. Thomas MARSHALL may have been the same against whom Phillip COMBES testified in Charles County.
29 Jul 1682. St. Mary's County. Maryland Prerogative Court Records 7c.197. Account. Thomas BASSEN. Payments to: John LAWRENCE sheriff for several actions vs. Margarett BASSEN (administratrix of Thomas BASSEN) and Henry PAINE, John BLOMFEILD witness to will of Mary PAINE, Richard LLOYD, Jr., and John CAMBWELL, legatees in will Thomas SPOLDING. Admin: Margaret FISHBECK wife of Edward FISHBECK (Extracted from "Abtracts of the Inventories And Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland," 1679-1686, V. K. Spiller, Family Line Publications, Westminster, Maryland, 1992)
Margaret married Thomas BASSETT [sic] according to some researchers, their source unknown, but perhaps due to the Thomas BASSETT who immigrated with wife, Margarett by 1659 (Gibb's Supplement to Skordas). If, however, Thomas was truly a BASSEN, then the 1685 record of a Thomas BAISON, age 26, which references his uncle Richard COOMBS may be quite significant (See Earliest Combs of Maryland) Also note suit vs. Henry PAINE, witness to will of Abraham COMBS.
16 Oct 1683 (Old Rappa Co., Va DB 7:155) Oct. 16, 1683. " Abraham COMBE of the Province of Maryland, Gent . in regard to the MEADOR Family of Old Rappahannock Co VA [where he formerly lived]. s/Abra: COOMBE [sic]. Wits: Henry AUBREY, John ALMOND. (See Old Rappahannock County, VA)
See Clement's Manor where AUBREY aka AWBRY aka AWSBRY may be ASBURY.
08 Apr 1684 (St. Mary's Co MD Estate Accounts, Liber 8:247, #7639 ) Edward FISHWICK, £181.1.7. Payments to: Abraham BLAGGE of Virginia paid Mr. Richard GARDINER (attorney), Richard WALKER, Richard GARY, Richard BROWNE, William ROSEWELL, Nicholas SYLVESTER, Michael THOMPSON, Richard EDELEN, paid to James ELLIS. Administratrix: MARGARET COMBE, wife of Abraham COMBE. (Abstracts of the Inventories and Accounts of The Prerogative Court Of Maryland, 1679-1686 Libers 6, 7a, 7B, 8, V. L. Skinner, Jr.)
date? MD 4:170, #7353. Inventory. William ASSETTER. Appraisers: Peter MILLS, Thomas BASSETT. (Abstracts of the Inventories & Accounts of Maryland 1674-1678, 1699-1703, Volume 1, V. L. Skinner, Jr.)
Thomas BASSETT is thought to have been the first husband of Margaret who m next Edward FISHWICK, then Abraham COMBS (-1684), then James VANRESWICK. Witnesses to the will of Abraham COMBS had included Peter MILLS and Henry PAYNE, grandson-in-law of William ASSITER. (See also above re BASSEN)
The above Richard GARDINER married Elizabeth WARE, daughter of Maj. John and Honoria _____ Ware of Old Rappahannock County, VA. His brother-in-law, Abraham BLAGG, also of Old Rappa was the 2nd husband of Margaret WARE, also a daughter of Maj. John and Honoria _____ WARE, and widow of John WATTS. Abraham BLAGG III, grandson of Margaret WARE Watts Blagg is found over 50 years later owning property in King George County (descended from Richmond) adjacent to that owned by the grandchildren of John COMBS, son of Archdale COMBS I of Old Rappa County, who probably died ca 1684 (as did Abraham COMBS)
20 May 1684 (St. Mary's?? Co MD, Liber 8:144) Inventory. Michiall TOMPSON.£371. 11.4. Apraisers: Cuthbert SCOTT, Abraham COOMBE (Abstracts Of the Inventories And Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland 1679-1686 Libers 6, 7a, 7b, 8, V. L. Skinner, Jr.)
19 Jun 1684 (St. Mary's Co MD, Liber 8:208) Inventory. Mr Stephen MURTY. £43.9.9. Servants mentioned: Morris MURPHEY. Apraisers: Mr. Cuthbert SCOTT, Mr. Abraham COOMBS (Abstracts Of the Inventories And Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland 1679-1686 Libers 6, 7a, 7b, 8, V. L. Skinner, Jr.)
As noted in earlier reports, appraisers usually lived in the "neighborhood." Stephen MURTY is found in Clements Hundred.
10 Nov 1684 - 30 Apr 1687 Daniel HAMMOND was deceased by 10 Nov 1684 when the estate of Daniell HAMMOND was appraised by John TANT and Stephen GOUGH for L34.5.3. Debts: John ANGELL, Sylent BRYAN, John HOSSE, Arthur THOMPSON, Stephen GOUGH, Lewis DERRIM. The estate account of Daniel HAMMON was recorded on 30 Apr 1687 with payments to Mr. Stephen GOFF ("by order of Col. Henry DARNALL), Richard CHAPMAN, Robert CLARKE, Richard EDLEN, James HEATH. Administrator: Thomas DEAKINGS. (Accts. 9.262)
26 Dec 1684 - 30 Jan 1684/5 (St. Mary's Co, MD) Will of Abraham COMBS.
In the name of God amen, The twenty sixth day of December Anno Domini one Thousand six hundred eighty & foure. I Abraham COOMBS of St. Maries County in the province of Maryland Govt. being sick and weake in body but of sound and perfect memory. (Thanks be to God for the same), and calling to mind the uncertain state of this transitory life & that all flesh must ____ unto death when it shall please God to call, and being desirous to settle things in order do make this my last will & testament wherein is contained my last will and testament in manner & form following. Revoking and anulling all former will and wills by me made, and this only to be taken for my last will and testament & use other ________ I bequeath my soul unto Almighty God, my Maker & to Jesus Christ, my Redeemer, and to the Holy Ghost, my Sanctifier. And my body to the earth from whence it came to be buried in such decent and Christian manner. As to my dear & loving wife shall seeme meete and convenient. Secondly, I give and bequeath to my dear & loving wife all my servants, being two boys and one woman servant together with all my stock of hoggs. Thirdly, my will is that after my debts and funeral expenses are first paid, that the remainder of my estate except what is before bequeathed unto my wife, Margaret COOMBS, shall be divided equally into two parts, one half whereof I give and bequeath unto my said wife and the other half, I give unto my daughter, Sarah CLARKE. Fourthly, I do hereby order, nominate, and appoint my dear and loving wife, Margaret COOMBS, executrix of this, my last will and testament and witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and affixed my seal the day and year first above written.
Abraham COOMBS
Sealed, signed, published and declared
in the presence of
Clement HILL
Thomas SWALE
The 30th day of January anno 1684, then came before me Henry PAINE, Thomas SWAILES, and Peter MILLS witnesses to the within written will and took their oaths upon the holy Evangelist that they saw the within named, Abraham COOMBS sign, seal, publish & declare the within written will to be his last will and testament sworne before me the day and year above written.
Clement HILL (signature)
(Transcribed by Researcher Jerry Clark)
Only four days after the proving the will of Abraham COMBS, an estate inventory was filed for Abraham Combs in Charles County [sic], indicating Abraham owned personal property in that county:
03 Feb 1684/5 (Charles MD. Inventories, Liber 8:289) Abraham COMBS £336.80. Apraisers: William ROSWELL, Mr. Stephen GOPH (Abstracts of the Inventories and Accounts of The Prerogative Court Of Maryland, 1679-1686 Libers 6, 7a, 7B, 8, V. L. Skinner, Jr.) SW: GOUGH
William ROSWELL was the third h/o Emma LANGWORTH who had married (1) William JOHNSON and (2) Thomas TURNER. A copy of this inventory reveals that it included personalties. Was Abraham living in Charles Co MD at the time of his death?
In July of 1685, the estate records of Abraham COMBS identify the husband of his named daughter, Sarah COMBS Clarke, as Robert CLARKE:
10 Jul 1685 MD Prerogative Court, Testamentary Proceedings Book 13, p. 243. 10 Jul [1685]. "Mr. Ca.... Pray ... a Citacion... and ... to the Sheriffe of St. Mary's County agt. John [Van] RESWICK and Margaret his wife Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Abraham COMBES her late husband.... be ... this .... of Robert CLARKE and Sarah his wife Daughter of the Said Abraham. Lett it bee made .... the .... day of August... the Judges have appoyntd to writ. s/Ro. CARVILE. This upon Citationi ... as a Gov. Direct... (Maryland State Archives No. SM15, Roll 76, Transcribed by C. Hamnett, 1998)
In November of 1685, a Mr. Abraham COMBS is listed as a payee on the Estate Accounts of one Daniel HEALLY:
30 Nov 1685 (?? Co MD Liber 9.3, #1818 ) Estate Accounts. Daniell HEALLY. Payments to Dr. John WYNNE, Mr. Abraham COMBS, William HUSBAND. Distribution to administrator. Administrator: Robert COLE (Abstracts Of the Inventories And Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, 1685-1701, Libers 9, 10, 101c, 11a, 11b, V. L. Skinner, Jr.)
Although County not given, most probably St. Mary's, or possibly Charles? (A check should be made for a will for Daniel HEALLY) It is not yet known if this is a different Abraham COMBS or a belated accounting. Also note that Joseph ALVEY was a headright of Robert COLE, Sr. (This is Jr.).
07 Jan 1686/7 St. Mary's County. 9.459. Inventory of Robert LEE. £54.16.5. the amount of the inventory also included #12282. Appraisers: Garratt VANSWERINGEN, Thomas BEAL. List of debts: Michall TANEY, Robert CARVILE, Col. DIGGS, Mr. Anthony UNDERWOOD for note on Michael TANEY, Thomas MARSHALL, George SULIVAN, John KOCK, GEORGE COOME, Gilbert CLARK, John SKREECH, John HARRIS, Samson STODDART. (Abstracts of the Inventories and Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland. 1685-1701 Libers 9,10,101C, 11A, 11B Volume 3 Compiled by V.L. Skinner. Published by Family Line Publications)
Is this perhaps the George COMBES who may have captained The Palm Tree between Colonial Virginia and Plymouth, Devonshire, England in 1685 and obliquely involved in the Maryland Protestant Revolution of 1689? Or is he possibly the same George COMBES who was headright of Richard BALL of Lancaster Co VA & Baltimore County, Maryland in 1665? See also 20 Mar 1693/4 below.
19 Apr 1687 - 3 Dec 1687. Will of Richard GARDNER, St. Mary's Co. To son Luke and hrs., all lands on both sides of the run. To son John and hrs., "Barberton Manor," Chas. Co. To wife Eliza: and hrs., plantation in Va., and certain personalty during minority of son Luke. To brother Luke, by agreement, "St. John's." To sd. sons, Luke and John, and hrs., residue of land equally. To father-in-law Clement HILL and his wife, to niece and goddau. Eliza: GARDNER, dau. of Luke GARDNER, to Monica, wife of Luke GARDNER, and to priests of Catholic Church, personalty. [p.20] Exs.: Uncle, Col. Henry DARNALL, father Clement HILL, brother Luke GARDNER.. Test: Wm. LANGWOORTH, Jno. HERD, Thos. MATTINGLY, Charles CARLES, Wm. DENT. 4. 276. Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume 2) SW: LANGWORTH, CARROLL
Richard GARDINER was the son of Luke GARDINER whose wife, Elizabeth HATTON (d/o Richard and Margaret HATTON (Banks) married second Clement HILL, Sr., who married second Ann, daughter of Col. Henry and Elinor HATTON Darnell, the latter also a daughter of Richard and Margaret HATTON (Banks).
28 Dec 1687 - 04 Jan 1687/8 Will of Robert LEE of St. Mary's County. To Henry DARNALL and wife, Col. DIGGS and wife, Maj. Nicholas SEWALL and wife, Mrs. Eliza: BAKER, Mrs. Eliza: BEALE, Mr. HEATH, Thomas GRUNWIN, John POWELL, Mrs. Van SWERINGEN, Maria Van SWERINGEN, Francis PENNINGTON, Mrs. Ellinor BROOKES and her sister Mary DARNALL, and to Henry DARNALL, Jr., personalty. To father and mother, Michael and Christian LEE, in Waterford, Eng., personalty. To John BEALL, Jr., son of Thomas BEALL, and hrs., 200 A., "Low's Gift," in Dorchester Co. Ex.: Col. Henry DARNALL. (4. 280. Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume 2)
7th May, 1692 - 10th Oct., 1693. Will of JAMES BOWLING of St. Mary's Co, MD. To brother Thomas, 100 A., "Keet's Rest;" 100 A., "Miller's Choice;" 125 A., "Chesam;" 152 A., "Charley," and 150 A., "Bowling's Plains," all in St. Mary's Co. To Richard HUBBARD, Joseph SPE****KE, and to cous. Bowling SPEAKE, personalty. Wife Mary, extx. and residuary legatee of estate, real and personal, including "Calvert's Hope." Overseer: Father-in-law Henry DARNALL. Test: Henry DARNALL, Jas. CULLEN, Wm. BOREMAN, Jr., Thos. CLARKE. 2. 272. By codicil testator gives to brother Thomas land nr. Newport Town, and to wife Mary land in Newport Town and land purchased from Maj. Wm. BOREMAN. To his nephew, John BOWLING, and hrs., he gives a certain plantation (unnamed) nr. Newport Town after the death of his brother Thomas, sd. John's father. By sec. Codicil dated July 17th, 1692, testator orders that should wife Mary die without issue, all lands bequesthed to her should pass to Roger and then to John, sons of brother Thomas, and their hrs. To Cous. Millesent HIGDEN, personalty. ( )
James BOWLING married Mary, daughter of Col. Henry DARNELL who died in Anne Arundel County in 1711. Mary DARNELL Bowling later married Benjamin HALL who died in Prince George's County in 1721. James' nephew John BOWLING died in Calvert County in 1711. Land records show that one John LOVEIT was in service (indentured) to Mr. James BOWLIN by 1668 (Liber GG:485; Film No.: SR 8205; Transcript. 11:426 [SR 7353]; 12:164 [SR 7354]; Original. HH:192b [SR 8206]; MSA SC 4341-5329).
20 Mar 1693/4. St. Mary's County, MD Prerogative Court Accounts. 12.63. Account of estate of Justinian GARRAD. Payments to Mr. CARROLL, William SMITH by order of George PLATER upon account of Richard GRIBLE, Mr. CARROLL due estate of Anthony UNDERWOOD, John BEARCROFT, Mr. HILL, Robert CARSS, George COMES, Thomas JORDAN, Samuell WATKINS, John BAYNE, William THEOBALD, Robert FOSTER, William SMITH, George PLATER, William TAYLOR, John BRYER, John BAYNE due to James WICKS, Henry WRIOTHESLY, due to William TAYLOR, William SMITH, Mr. BLOOMFEILD, Thomas NATIONS, Mr. BLACKSTONE. Executrix Sarah CURTIS, wife of Michael CURTIS (Skinner)
Justinian GERARD was the s/o Thomas GERARD, former employer of Phillip COMBS. Thomas GERARD died testate in 1673, leaving recorded wills in both Westmoreland Co, VA and St. Mary's Co, MD. George COMBS has not been identified, but may have been a Ship's Captain found in a number of early transports.
09 Nov 1694 - 01 Aug 1721 Resurrection Hundred. Tract: Addition. Acres: 100. Rent: £0.4.0. Surveyed Nov 9, 1694 for Rob: CLARK on the No: of Resurrection Mannr. Possessor: same CLARK. Later Entry: Acres: 100. Rent: £0.4.0. Robert CLARKE from Robert CLARKE, Aug 1, 1721. (St. Mary's Co MD Rent Rolls, 1639-1721, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, FL, 1993, p. 65)
The above Robert CLARKE married between 1679 and 1684, Sarah COMBS, d/o Abraham. He died in 1721, bequeathing Resurrection Hundred to his eldest son, Robert. Jr., as is confirmed by the above transfer. According to Researcher Jerry Clark, All Faiths Parish, Resurrection Hundred was earlier located in Calvert County. When St. Mary's Co boundaries changed in 1695-6, some of Resurrection Hundred ended up in Calvert County, some in Prince George's County, and some in St. Mary's County.
Ed. Note: In 1695-1696, Prince George's was established and both Charles & St. Mary's Cos MD gained substantially from Calvert Co. No COMBS Land has been located in Resurrection Hundred as yet, but at least one COMBS, Enoch, h/o Sarah SPRIGG (d/o Thomas and Katherine GRAVES Sprigg and widow of James PEARCE) is later found in Prince George's.
20 May 1696 MD Prerogative Court Records. Accounts 13B:134-143. List of debts for the estate of Mr. James HARPER [includes] Robert COOMES (Skinner...)
This list is very long, signifying that Mr. HARPER may have been a merchant. Other names on it include Michael JUDD (of Baltimore County?), Mr. Phillip CLARKE, Barbary ANKTELL, Col. Peter SAYER (of Talbot?), Mr. John VANRESWICK (m Margaret, widow of Abraham COMBS), Gilbert CLARKE, George MASSON, Dr. Robert SYNCOCK, Mr. Robert MASSON (the last two immediately above Robert COOMES name), William CLARKE, Sarah CLARKE, Thomas MARTIN. Robert COOMES is found two more times in the records of St. Mary's County, but no more is found of him after 1701-6, and he is found in no other counties. See also Robert COOMES of Middlesex County, Virginia in 1698.
2 Jul 1696 Thomas SPRIGG and Eleanor his wife to John NUTHALL of St. Mary's county, 250 acres in Resurrection Manor, purchased by the said Thomas SPRIGG from Capt. Thomas CORNWALLIS. Wits: John and Elias SPRIGG (Provincial Court, Liber W.R.C. no.1, Folio 760,771).
Thomas SPRIGG m (1) Katherine GRAVES by whom he had Sarah SPRIGG who m (1) John PEARCE; and (2) by 1720, Enoch COMBS (presumably Enoch, Jr.) of Prince George's County; and (2) by Jul 1668, Elinor NUTHALL, sister or aunt to the above John NUTHALL (II or III). One John NUTTHALL (II or III) and Enoch COMBS (Jr. or Sr.) are on the 1689 Calvert County Protestant Petition. Thomas CORNWALLIS, Esq. had patented the 4000 acre tract, Resurrection Manor (in Resurrection Hundred) on 24 Mar 1650/1, described as "on the north side of St. Nicholas Creek on Puttuxent [Patuxent] River. On 25 Mar 1722, the land was deeded to Michael JENIFER by Brent NUTHALL (s/o John NUTHALL III and Mary BRENT). One William REID also held part of this tract by 12 Mar 1722, obtained from Alexander REID (St. Mary's Rent Rolls). See also 1700s St. Mary's re Combs, Clark, Nuthall and Read.
23rd Sept., 1697; 1st Apr., 1698. Will of James PATTISON, St. Mary's Co., MD. To John HALL, personalty. To grandchild., child. of dau. Elinor HARBERT, now wife of William HERBERT, formerly wife of John ANGELL, viz., James, John, and Angelor ANGELL, Vitires, Luke, Michael, Francis and Mark HARBERT, and grandson John HAMMOND, son of Daniel HAMMOND, dec'd, personalty as each reaches his majority. To Ann ANGELL and hrs., certain tract of land. (For description see will). To John ANGELL and hrs., certain tract of land. (For description see will). To Angelor ANGELL and hrs., land on St. Jerome's Plain. (For description see will). To Francis HERBERT and hrs., land on St. Jerome's Plain. (For description see will). To Mark HARBERT and hrs., tract of land. (For deseription see will). To dau. Ellinor HARBERT and hrs., testator's part of "Churchill"; and new dwelling plantation (for description see will), during her life and the life of her husband, James HARBERT. To Luke HARBERT and hrs., "The New Ground." (For description see will). To Michael HARBERT and hrs., parcel of land (unnamed). To Vitriss HARBERT and hrs., tract of land. (For description see will). To James ANGELL and hrs., home plantation at the death of his mother Elinor and father-in-law William HERBERT. To John Stills and hrs., land. (For description see will). In event of death of all the ANGELL hrs. their lands to pass to the HARBERTs, and in like manner there being no HARBERT hrs. ANGELLS to inherit their portion. Dau. Ellinor afsd. to collect all rents during her lifietime; her son James ANGELL to succeed her. Exs.: William and Ellinor HARBERT afsd. Test: Thos. JAMESON, Thos. HATHCRSAL, Philip DEL POOLE. (6. 85. Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 2)
Given name of Daniel's wife not known, nor what happened to his son. Also note Combs-Pattison-Lowe marriage in Talbot County, and see also William HARBERT/HERBERT with Combs and Clark in St. Mary's.
25 Jun 1698 MD Prerogative Accounts. 16.204. Inventory. Saint Mary's County. William HEUNTON. L30.3.6. Appraisers: John NUTTHALL, Sr., John NUTTHALL, Jr. Approvers: Thomas COOKE, Robert COOMES (Skinner...)
An "approver" should have been either a creditor or next of kin. No accounting has been found for William HEUNTON; however, he may instead have been William HEWTON. (nor any of a score of variant spellings). See Robert COMBS of 1696 above and of 1701-2, St. Mary's, and also see Robert of Middlesex County, Virginia.
30th May, 1698; 15th July, 1701. Will of John LOW of St. Mary's Co., MD. To wife Rebecca, extx., personalty including testator's interest in certain vessels. To daus. Elisa:, Alice and Ellinor, personalty. To son John at majority and hrs., "Brothers' Joint Interest" in Prince George's Co. In event of his death during minority or without issue to revert to wife Rebecca. To dau Rebecca, "The Guardian," In event of her death during minority or without issue to revert to son John afsd. Test: Henry PHIPPS, Robt. MASON. By note attached to afsd. Will testator binds his kinsman Marshall LOW to Chas. BECKWITH for term of 5 yrs., desiring that he be brought up a Protestant. 11. 175. Maryland Calendar of Wills) SW: LOWE
30 May 1709 St. Mary's Co, MD Administrative Accounts, p. 181. The additional acct of Thomas MUDD in the right of Rebecca his wife, late decd, who was executrix of the will of Maj. John LOW, late of St. Mary's, decd.... money paid Elisabeth MUDD, daughter to sd. Majr. LOWE, in part of her portion left her by her father, in his will. Then came Thomas MUDD who m Rebecca LOWE, executrix abovesd, and made oath... but could not make positive oath to several articles by reason they were paid by sd Rebecca before his marriage to her... (St. Mary's Co MD Administrative Accounts, TLC Genealogy)
The above is Thomas MUDD, Jr., s/o Thomas MUDD, Sr. who died ca 1696 in Charles County. Eliza LOWE Mudd may have been the wife of Henry MUDD, also a son of Thomas, Sr.
14 Dec 1698 Inventory 15.310 St. Mary's County. Thomas ENNES. L22.8.4. Appraisers Edward SISSONS (and SISONS) and John REDMAN. List of Debts: Andrew FOY, Mr. Robert CLARK, Widow RED. (Skinnner....)
March 15, 1698/9 St. Mary's County, MD Admin. Accts, 18:124. Account of Ann ENNIS, Admr of the goods & Chattels, debts and credits of Thomas ENNIS, late of St. Mary's deceased. Said Account charges herself with all the estate of Sd decd, as per the inventory of same, amounting to £22.8.4. Disbursements went to ENOCH COMBS; ROBERT CLARKE; WILLIAM COOMS; John NUTHALL; and Andrew FOY. Due to the estate: £13.1.6. Allowed by the Commissioner General Batson Regr. (St. Mary's County, Maryland, Administrative Accounts, 1674-1720, T. L. C., Miami, FL, p. 93; and Abstracts of the Inventories And Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, Volume 5, V. L. Skinner, Jr.)
Neither Enoch COMBS nor William COOMS have been specifically identified as yet; however, Robert CLARKE above is believed to have been the same who m between 1679 and 1684, Sarah COMBS, d/o Abraham COMBS of Old Rappahannock Co VA who d 1684/5 in St. Mary's Co MD. Their relationship, if any, to Ann ENNIS, widow of Thomas, remains unknown; however, see also COMBS Land of St. Mary's County, and see also Beach-Burton-Innes Families
14 Jun 1699 - 8 Mar 1708 (St. Mary's MD Admin. Accts., p. 170) The acct of Adam HEAD, who m the relict & exex of John SAWELL, late of SM decd paid tobacco due from the deceased to Francis KNOTT and Joseph ALVEY (St. Mary's Administrative Accounts, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, 1994, p. 136) Note: The underlined S in the first record indicates difficult to read. [nb: SEWELL?]
The above Joseph ALVEY was probably(?) the same as Joseph ALVEY II, h/o Margaret GREEN (d/o Leonard GREEN of Green's Inheritance, Charles Co., MD), s/o Joseph & grandson of Pope & Mary ARCHDALE Alvey.
[ Intro to St. Mary's | 1600s | 1700s | 1800s | Land | St. Clements | Combs &c. of Maryland ]