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25 Jun 1750 (St. Mary's Co MD 43:283) Estate Inventory. Mathew DAFT. £476.0.3. Appraisers: Enoch COMBS, Cornelius MANNING. Creditors: Robert FORD, Mary DOGON. Next of kin: William DAFTT, Mary PANE. Administratrix/Executrix: Elionor DAFT
(Provided by Combs-Clark Researcher Jerry Clark)
Mary PAYNE above may have been neè Mary DAFT, and the sister of Mathew DAFT, again assisting in placing Enoch COMBS in a "neighborhood" -possibly with Abraham COMBS' descendants.
26 Jun 1749 - 11 Jun 1750 (St. Mary's Co MD 44:24) Inventory. George CRAGHILL. £464.14.4. Appraisers: Robert CHESLEY, William HEBB. Creditors: John TENISON, Thomas Hatton COMBS. Next of kin: Thomas Hatton COMBS, Mary COMBS. Administrators/Executors: James SMITH, and his wife Mary SMITH
(Provided by Combs-Clark Researcher Jerry Clark. Source?)
Thomas Hatton COMBS is thought to have married by 1749 Mary CRAGHILL, daughter of George & Mary CRAGHILL based on the above and the following:
by 1749 COMBS, _____ m. by 1749 Mary CRAGHILL, dau/Geor. & Mary CRAGHILL
(Marriages and Deaths, St. Mary's County Maryland, 1634-1900, Margaret K. Fresco, 1982 Ridge, MD 20680)
The wills of Thomas Hatton COMBS, Sr., d 1766, his wife, Mary in 1777, and his son, George Craghill COMBS, d 1784, all in St. Mary's Co MD would seem to confirm this, but a source is still needed for George & Mary CRAGHILL as parents. See also HEBB in reference to 1716 St. Mary's Co MD record of Christopher COMBS and 1716/17 records of Simon COMBS
Jul 18 1750- July 25 1750. St. Mary's Co MD Estate Accounts, 43.300) Mr. James WAUHHOP. pds. 503.1.8. Appraisers: Barton SMOOT, John WHERITT. Creditors: Gilbert IRELAND, Enoch COMBS. Next of Kin: Thomas Pal WAUGHOP, William Coutanceau WAUGHOP. Admistratrix/Executrix: Mary WAUGHOP
17 Aug - 17 Dec 1750 Saint Mary's County, MD. Inventory 44.245. Mary SLEDMORE. Appraisers: John MORRISS, John SMOOT. Creditors present: Abraham BARNES, Thomas RUSELL. Next of kin: Mary RUSELL, Mary STOKINGS. Administrator/Executor: Matthew BROOMER
22 Dec 1750 - 5 Feb 1754 58.63 William MEDLEY. L72.10.0. Appraisers: Ignatius GREENWELL, James PIKE. Creditors: Enoch COMBES, Thomas BLACKHURST. Next of Kin: Phillip MEDLEY, Augustine MEDLEY. Administratrix/Executrix: Elenor MEDLEY
07 Mar 1751 (Undated St. Mary's Co MD Rent Rolls, Unnamed Hundred, p. 76) Thomas Hatton COMBS Tract: Rich Neck
(See Combs' Land of St. Mary's Co MD)
24 Aug 1752 - 29 Nov 1752 (St. Mary's Co MD Wills (Liber? Folio?) Will. Wm. MEDLEY. To wife, plantation I now live on with all my land during her life. After her death to my dau. Elinoer. To dau. Mary, Negro woman and child which she has in possession. To dau. Mary, cattle. I acknowledge that I have no right to five Negroes that come by my wife. To dau. Elinoer MADLEY, Cattle, mare, to be given to her at age 16 or day of marriage. Wife Elioner MEDLEY, Extx. Wit. Cornelius MANING, Clement MEDLEY Jr., George GREENWILL.
(Maryland Calendar of Wills, Vol.10, pg. 246)
Wm.(?) MEDLEY m Eleanor COMBS, named in the will of her father, William COMBS, d 1742, St. Mary's Co MD, as "my daughter ELEANOR MEDLEY." (St. Mary's Co MD TA1:116) It is not known by what means "five Negroes came by his wife," as her father, William COMBS, mentioned only one, Nell (who may have had issue?); except see Fannie Combs Gough manuscript which states that Eleanor m James MEDLEY
(Sources? Records needed)
9 Jun 1753 - 23 Jul 1753. Will of Robert HENDLY of St. Mary's County. To wife use of dwelling. To son John HENDLY plantation I now live on with the third part of my land that is on the bay side. To son Jeremiah HENDLY, dwelling plantation after the death of his mother, and third on the bay side. If Jeremiah dies without heirs, then to John HENDLY, then to James HENDLY. To son John Negro Andrew, Negro Moll after death of wife. To two sons Jeremiah and James, Negro woman named Frank. To son James Negro Boson after death of wife. To three sons John, Jeremiah and James a copper still. To daughter Elizabeth GARBER furniture. To two granddaughters Elizabeth HORN and Ann HORN heifers. To daughter Rebecca ADAMS plantation called Hopsons Choice. That my daughter Mary COOMBS be paid 1000 pounds of tobacco by each of my sons: John, Jeremiah, James. That my wife pay 1000 pds. to my daughter Elizabeth GARBER. Wits: William CAVANAUGH, Robert GREVES, Barnaby ANGELL.
(28.518. Maryland Calendar of Wills, Cotton...)
No more has been located on Mary COOMBS as yet. According to Fresco, Mary HENDLEY, daughter of Robert, married by 1753 a Thomas COMBS, her source: Wills TA-1:223,306 (7) (Extracted by Combs Researcher Birdie McNutt from Marriages and Deaths of St. Mary's County, MD. 1634-1900, Fresco, MD, p. 65) The estate of Mr. Robert HENDLEY [sic] was appraised 22 Feb 1753 [sic] in Saint Mary's by Lewis SEWALL and Robert WOODWARD, next of kin: John and Jeremiah HENDLEY, Creditors Ann SLATER and John HENDLEY. The inventory, in the amount of L253.0.3, was filed on 4 Mar 1754 by Jane HENDLEY, administratrix/executrix (Inventories 58.64). A 9 Sep 1754 estate account lists the administratrix of Robert HENDLY'S estate as Jane HENDLEY, Joseph HOPEWELL and Rogert TOLE her sureties (Accounts 36.407). A Robert and John HENDLY were present as next of kin on 1 Dec 1750 at the estate appraisal of Thomas WALKER, deceased, Joseph WALKER the administrator/executor (Inventories 44.238). The estate of Stephen WATT was appraised 1 Jul 1751, next of kin: Robert HENDLY and John HENDLY, filed 15 Jul 1751 by Administratrix/Executrix Jane WATTS (Inventories 47.124) Which Thomas COMBS married Mary HENDLY? Thomas Hatton COMBS is thought to have m Mary CRAGHILL Combs, d/o George (see 1749 St. Mary's records). Is this another Thomas COMBS or a second marriage? According to "St. Mary's County, Maryland Colonial Period Tenants and Owners of "Beaver Dam Manor" and Surrounding Manors," by Mary Louise Donnelly, 1998, "Enoch COMBS m. probably Mary HENDLEY daughter of Robert Hendley (Robert H. named daughter Mary COMBS in his will in 1753)." Donnelly goes on to write, however, that "Enoch's will written on 18 Apr 1756, probated on 6 Jul 1756 names wife Mary, sons Enoch, William, Bennett, and Ignatius." This Enoch, however, married Mary MANNING, not Mary HENDLEY. If the marriage of Mary HENDLEY was to an Enoch COMBS, possibly then it was the s/o Enoch & Mary MANNING Combs (see 1756-7 St. Mary's Co MD Records). Not yet known why Fresco shows given name Thomas. HENDLEY will needed as is CRAGHILL.
3 May 1756 Saint Mary Count inventory of estate of Jacob JACOBSON lists his next of kin as Jane SWORD and Edward MORGAN (Inventories 60.580). The administratrix/executrix is Jane JACOBSON
04 18 1756 - 06 Jul 1756 (St. Mary's Co MD (Liber? Folio?)) The Last Will of ENOCH COMBS In the name of God Amen I ENOCH COMBS being sick in body but of sound perfect and disposin mind and memory, thanks be to god for the same & calling to mind the uncertain state of this life do ordain Constitute & appoint this my last will and Testament, hereby revoking and annulling all former other wills, by me heretofore made in manner and form following that is to say, _____ is I give and bequeath to MY TWO SONS ENOCH COMBS and WILLIAM COMBS, all the land I now live on, as also all that tract of Land I bought of Basil BROOK to them and their heirs for ever the said land to be divided by my son WILLIAM by running a straight line from the land whereon James PIKE now lives to the land of Captain John Attaway CLARKE, whereon Leonard GREENWELL now lives lying on Patomac River side and then I will that MY SON ENOCH, have his first choice of the said land begotten then the land belonging to my son who shall so die, shall become the right and property of MY SON BENNET; and his heirs for ever, MY SAID SON BENNET shall make over to MY SON IGNATIUS (If then living) & his heirs for ever, all his right which I by this will give him to my part of two lots lying in Leonard town as also my right to ten acres of Land thereto adjoyning which I attatched as the effects of Thomas BLACKHURST, & if it should happen that MY SAID SONS ENOCH and WILLIAM should die without issue Lawfully begotten then my will and desire is that the said Lands be equally divided between my surviving sons to them & their heirs forever Item I give and bequeath to MY SON ENOCH the following Negroes to wit Tom, Will, Sue, Monica, Abraham, And Sarah, them & their increase, to him and his heirs forever I give & to Wit; Ben Rate, Barbary, Nasey and Flora, and Sam; Item I give and bequeath to MY SON IGNATIUS COMBS & and his heirs forever, the following negroes and their increaseto wit, Rhoda, Philip, Agnas, Teresa, Mathew, and James Item I give and bequeath to my son BENNET COMBS my part of their two lots in Leonard Town and ten acres of land therto adjoyning, which I attatched as the effects of Thomas BLACKHURST on the terms as aforesaid to him & his heirs forever as also the following negroes & their increase to wit; Mathias, Daniel, Henrietta, Rachel, Harry, Honoritta and George Item I give and bequeath to my Dearly beloved wife MARY COMBS the following negroes, to wit Old Tom, betty, Old James, pegg, peter & Lucy, them & thier increase to her and her heirs forever Item my will is that all my personal estate Exclusive of what is before devised, be equally divided between MY FOUR SONS ENOCH, WILLIAM, IGNATIUS, AND BENNET COMBS after my wifes thirds are taken out, and my just debts paid to them and their heirs forever Lastly I do hereby appoint and nominate my dearly beloved wife MARY COMBS and my son ENOCH COMBS to be whole & Sole Executrix, and Executor of this my last will and testament as witness my hand and seal this eighteen Day of April Anno Domini 1756 signed sealed published and declared in accordance to the law of the testator.
St Marys County July 6th 1756 Then came William WILLIAMS, Nicholas MILLS & James ROACH the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing will, being duely and solemly sworn on the holy Evangalist of almighty god depose and say that they saw the testator ENOCH COMBS sign the foregoing will and heard him publish and declare the same to his last will and testament that at the time of his doing he was to the best of their knowledge of sound and disposing mind and memory and understanding, and that they scribed the respective names as witnesses to the said will in the presence and at the request of the aforesaid testator, and that they did see each other together with Luke CRISMAND the other subscibing witness, Subscribe their names therto as evidences Sworn before Owen ALLN Deputy Comissioner.
(Transcribed by Combs-Clark Researcher Jerry Clark)
The above was Enoch COMBS who m Mary MANNING Mills who d testate in 1769 in St. Mary's Co MD. Also Note that although neither Enoch COMBS nor his wife, Mary, name any daughters, they may well have had same - already "taken care of" by virtue of doweries. Also Note: This will may be missing a line identifying the recipient of the bequest of Ben Rate, Barbary, Nasey and Flora, and Sam.
Two abstracts of Enoch's inventory are listed below due to the discrepancy in dates:
Jul 6 "last" - 2 Nov 1756. Maryland Prerogative Court, Inventory 62:127. Saint Mary's County. Mr. Enoch COOMBS. L1,211.13. Appraisers: James ROACH, John COLE. Creditors: William WILLIAMS, Henry JERNAGAN. Next of kin: Mary WAUGHON [sic], Elenor MEDLEY. Administrators/Executors: Mary COOMBS, Enoch COOMBS.
02 Nov 1757 Inventory No. 62, page 127. The inventory of estate of Enoch COMBS, late of St. Mary's County, deceased. Appraisers, James ROACH and John COLE. Creditors, William WILLIAMS and Henry JERNEGAN. Kin, Mary WAUGHOP and Eleanor MEDLEY (his sisters). Representatives are the widow and Enoch of full age [born December 30, 1733/4, died 1761 per Family Bible]. Ignatius about 18 [Family Bible born Nov. 24, 1740]; Bennett about 10 [Family Bible June 10, 1745]. Distribution of Estate of Enoch COMBS late of St. Mary's County, deceased by Mary, Executrix. Nov. 2, 1757. (Fannie COMBS Gough Manuscript)
2 Nov 1757 MD Prerogative Court Balance Books Liber 2.73. Saint Mary's County. Estate Distribution. Enoch COMBS. Value: L1,304.11.11. Sureties: Nicholas MILLS, Cornelius MANNING. Legatees: Enoch, William, Ignatius, Bennett and Mary COMBS. Distribution to widow of 1/3. Executors: Mary COMBS, Enoch COMBS (Skinner...)
According to "St. Mary's County, Maryland Colonial Period Tenants and Owners of "Beaver Dam Manor" and Surrounding Manors," by Mary Louise Donnelly, 1998: "The next of kin listed on his inventory 4 Nov 1756 [sic] were sisters Mary WAUGHOP and Eleanor MEDLEY; sons Ignatius was 18, son Bennett was 10."
5/15 May 1758 "Then received of Mary COMBS executrix of Enoch COMBS, deceased all my demands against Enoch COMBS estate beginning of the world to this day I say received per me." (Signed) William COMBS.
(Fannie COMBS Gough ms.)
16 Jan 1759 - 1776 The 1818 Bath Co KY RW Pension application of Beane/Beane [a.k.a. Bain] SMALLWOOD included his declaration that he was born on 16 Jan 1759 in St. Mary's Co MD, but enlisted in 1776 in Frederick Co VA, that he lived in Russell Co VA ca1788-1794, following which he removed to Kentucky. An 1818 Fleming Co KY affidavit in his file by a William COMBS declared that he had served with Beane SMALLWOOD. This may have been the RW William COMBS of Bath Co KYwho enlisted in Shenandoah Co VA. See also the COMBS-Smallwood families of Charles Co MD
15 May 1759 "Then received of Mary COMBS executrix of Enoch COMBS, deceased all my demands against the said Enoch COMBS estate. Witness my hand, Enoch COMBS."
(Fannie COMBS Gough ms.)
6 Oct 1760 COMBS, Raphael, child of William and Eleanor COMBS, bap. 6 Oct 1760 at St. Andrews Anglican/Episcopal. Source: Parish Reg. p. 5
(Excerpted from the baptism/birth card file of COMBS records 1760-1800 of the St. Mary's Historical Society (MD) by COMBS Researcher Ann Krahn who adds: Reportedly, there were no records in the file prior to 1760 for COMBS. According to MD law, all marriage, death and baptism records prior to the American Revolution had to be recorded in the Episcopal Parish)
William COMBS, d 1774, s/o Enoch and Mary MANNING COMBS and first wife, Eleanor UNKNOWN.
2 Nov 1760 COMBS, Raphael, bap 2 Nov 1760, Sponsors Thomas and Mary TANEY. Source: Church Records of Frs. BOLTON & MOSLEY Register
(Excerpted from the baptism/birth card file of COMBS records 1760-1800 of the St. Mary's Historical Society (MD) by COMBS Researcher Ann Krahn)
Are the above two records or one? Was the Anglican baptism only because required by law and the second baptism the 'real one,' or are these two Raphael COMBS and two William COMBS? See also TANEY in reference to Bennett COMBS(s/o Enoch, d 1756).
2 Jun 1761 Maryland Prerogative Court. Inventories 74.258. Saint Mary's County. Enoch/Enock COMBS. Value: L1,026.2.10. Appraisers: Cars. MANNING, Peter FORD, Jr.. Creditors: James COMBS, Norman BRICE for John GLASSFORD and Company. Next of kin: Ignatius COMBS, William COMBS. Administrator: Catherine COMBS.
10 Feb 1762 Maryland Prerogative Court Balance Books. Liber 3.116. Estate Distribution. Saint Mary's County. Enoch COMBS. Value: L1,121.14.5. Distribution to: "Representative unknown to this office." Executrix Catherine COMBS
According to the Family Bible (Fannie Combs Gough Manuscript), Enoch COMBS, son of William, Sr., was born 30 Dec 1733 or 1734, and died 1761 (no month and year). No mention is made of a marriage, but see the Charles County will of John LANCASTER who names daughter, Catherine COOMBS, and note:
John LANCASTER of Charles married as his second wife (no issue), Mary GARDINER, d/o Richard GARDINER of St. Mary's County, and widow of Henry NEALE. Mary signed her will on 16 Sep 1765, naming sons, James, Gerrard and Richard, and daughters, Tereca, Henrietta and Mary, including a bequest to James of the tract "Chancellor's Point near Saint Mary's." The 9 Sep 1743 will of Wilfred GARDINER of St. Mary's includes bequests to brother George SLY, mother Mary SLY, and sisters Mary LANCASTER and Ann NEALE, to whom he bequeathed the tracts "http://www.combs-families.org/combs/records/canada/canoe Neck" [Canough] and "Helleleway." Executors were John LANCASTER and Henry NEAL. The 10 Dec 1744 will of Mary SLY of St. Mary's named daughters Mary LANCASTER, Henrietta PLOWDEN, Anne NEALLE, and son, Gerrard SLYE. The 31 Dec 1744 will of "Amon T. Teresia" FORD of St. Mary's County, widow and relict of Robert FORD, includes a bequest to "James NEALE, son of Henry NEALE of Cob Neck, dec'd., and of Mary NEALE now intermarried with John LANCASTER, part of the tract "Chancellor's Point" in Saint Mary's, and if James without heirs, to his brother, Gerrard NEALE; and to their sister, a trunk to Teresia NEALE, that "belonged to me before my last husband" and a mourning ring to Henrietta NEALE. The 13 Oct 1717 will of John GARDINER, gent, of St. Mary's names wife, Mary (to whom "http://www.combs-families.org/combs/records/canada/cannon Neck"); sons John and Clement (to whom the tract "Hillaley") and Richard and Wilfred; and five daughters, Susanna, Elizabeth, Mary, Ann and Henrietta Maria GARDINER. John HALL, attorney, declared to the court that "Amon T. Teresia" FORD died on 1 Jan 1754 without signing her will (29.168). The 1753 will of Robert FORD of St. Mary's County (no month and day) was proved 31 Jan 1754, named, among others, wife, Teresia FORD, grandson Joseph FENWICK, and if he without issue, daughter, Margaret FENWICK, thence granddaughter, Mary FENWICK, thence heirs of daughter, Monica, wife of John FENWICK (29.88). Of the children of John and Monica FORD Fenwick, two married COMBS: Mary FENWICK married 3 Sep 1760, St. Mary's, Ignatius COMBS (s/o Enoch and Mary MANNING Combs) and Margaret FENWICK married bef 1769, Phillip COMBS (s/o William and Mary HATTON Combs).
No issue for Enoch and Catherine LANCASTER Combs have been located as yet; however, note that two sons of Phillip COMBS and Margaret FENWICK (who m 2) Clement NORRIS and 3) James MANNING), James and Robert COMBS, both migrated to Kentucky. If Enoch and Catherine had issue, she and/or her children, if any, may have also gone to Kentucky.
29 Aug 1762 COMBS, Eleanor, child of William and Eleanor COMBS, bap. 29 Aug 1762 at St. Andrews Anglican/Episcopal. Source: Parish Reg. p. 5
(Excerpted from the baptism/birth card file of COMBS records 1760-1800 of the St. Mary's Historical Society (MD) by COMBS Researcher Ann Krahn)
Dec 21 1762 - Mar 7 1764 "Inventory of Thomas FANEY 83.87. St. Mary's Co MD. 50.1.0 pounds sterling. Appraisers: Samuel ABELL, Jr., Samuel ABELL; Next of kin: Benjamin FENWICK, Elisabeth COMBS. Administrator: John FANEY"
(Extracted from Pg 26 of "Abstracts of the Inventories and Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland 1679-1686," compiled by V.L. Skinner Jr, Family Line Pub., Westminster MD 1992 by COMBS Researcher Loran D. Archer who adds: See 1765 inventory of John TANEY [sic] below)
According to "St. Mary's County, Maryland Colonial Period Tenants and Owners of "Beaver Dam Manor" and Surrounding Manors," by Mary Louise Donnelly, 1998, "Bennett COMBS [s/o Enoch, d 1756] b. 1746 in SMC, MD m. Elizabeth TANEY the daughter of John Michael Thomas TANEY and Catherine FENWICK. (Elizabeth COMBS was next of kin on Thomas TANEY'S inventory in 1763; Bennet COMBS was listed as next of kin on the inventory of John TANEY in 1765). Their children: bp. at St. Andrew's: Mary b. 28 Jun 1767; Barbara b. 9 Feb. 1767; John bp 29 Apr 1770" (See these records for additional).
-- 1763 Maryland Prerogative Court 79.59. Saint Mary's County. Inventory. Robert HAGER. L347.11.0. Appraisers: Steven CHILTON, William GUITHER, Jr. David DOWNIE, William KILGORE and Co. Next of kin: Susannah HAGUR, Henry NOWELL. Executrix: Milbun COMBS, wife of ----- COMBS.
4 Feb 1763 Maryland Prerogative Court Balance Books. 3.178. Saint Mary's County. Distribution of estate of Robert HAGAR. L404.21.4 Administratrix: Milburn COMBS, wife of William COMBS
See 1803 Will of widow(?) Milburn COMBS. Which William COMBS not yet determined.
13 Apr 1764 COMBS, Margaret, child of William and Eleanor COMBS, bap. 13 Apr 1764 at St. Andrews Anglican/Episcopal. Source: Parish Reg. p. 5
(Excerpted from the baptism/birth card file of COMBS records 1760-1800 of the St. Mary's Historical Society (MD) by COMBS Researcher Ann Krahn)
2 Aug - 3 Sep 1764 (St. Mary's Co MD TA 1 page 459 (Aug 1764)) The Last will of Cornelius MANNING. In the name of God Amen I Cornelius MANNING of St. Mary's County being sick & weak of body , but of sound and perfect sence, and memory thanks be to Almighty God, and my body to the earth to be buried at the discreation of my Executors, hereafter named, and as to my wordly Estate I leave as follows Vizt. Item I give and bequeath to my well beloved son John MANNING, one negro called Charles, and his wife called Monica, and their two children called Mathew and Prudence upon his returning to my estate Mills or Nace, which pleases him best to him and his heirs forever. Item my will is that my Estate should pay the debt my son John he owes to Mr. FISHERS Books and Mr. THEOBALD'S Books. Item I give and bequeath to my above son John MANNING four cows and Calves to him and his heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath to well beloved daughter Ann Elizabeth FENWICK two hundred acres of land I bought of Raphael TAWNY [TANEY?] being in the forrest to her & her heairs forever. Item I give and bequeath to my grandson Cornelius FENWICK, one negro girl called Susanna to him & his heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath to my well beloved daughter Ann Elizabeth FENWICK, two cows and calves to her and her heirs forever. Item my will is, that my above said son, John MANNING and my above named daughter Ann Elizabeth FENWICK shall have no other part of my Estate nor what is mentioned above, Item I give and bequeath to my dearly beloved wife, Jane MANNING four negroes Vizt. Joseph, Nell, Jance, and shoemaker, James to her and her heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath to my well beloved son Robert MANNING six negoes vizt. Sal, and her two children, Stacy and Man, and Will and Basil, and Tom; to him & his heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath to my above named son, Robert MANNING one fifth part of my stock, such as horses cattle sheep, and hogs, and one sixth part of my household furniture to him and his heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath to my dearly beloved children hereafter named vizt., Monica MANNING, Frances MANNING, and Mary MANNING the following negroes vizt. Boc and two children Betty and Mary, Neland one child called Frank, Enoch Raphael, Moses, and Barnaby, and that one my son John MANNING shall think proper to return to my Estate the above negroes & their increase to be equally devided among my above said children, Monica MANNING, Frances MANNING, & Mary MANNING as they severaly arrive to the age of sixteen years or day of marriage to them & Their heirs forever. I give and bequeath to my son in law John GREENWELL one negro girl called Rachel to him and his heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath to dearly beloved wife, Jane MANNING the plantation. I now live on during her natural life, and after her decease to be equally divided amongst my three children vizt., Monica MANNING, Francis MANNING, & Mary MANNING. To them and their heirs forever, item I give to my beloved wife, Jane MANNING one other piece of land I bought of John SMITH, known by the name of "Nan's Oak", during her natural life, and after her decease to be equally divided among my three children vizt., Monica MANNING, Francis MANNING, & Mary MANNING. To them and their heirs forever. I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Jane MANNING all the remaining part of my stock of horses, cattle, and sheep, and hogs, together with the remaining part of my household furniture to her and her disposal. Item I do apoynt my dear beloved wife Jane MANNING my whole and sole executrix of this my last will and testament. Revoking and disanuling any other will or wills by me heretofore made but do acknowledge this and no other to be my last will and testament, in witness whereof I set my hand and affix my seal this second day of August in the year of our Lord God one thousand seven hundred and sixty four. Cornelius MANNING Seal
Signed, sealed, and delivered. presence of Peter FORD Jr., William WILLIAMS, Frances WILLIAMS, Mary COMBS. On the 3rd day of September 1764 came Peter FORD Jr., William WILLIAMS, & Francis WILLIAMS three of the subscribing witnesses to the within named will and made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that they did see Cornelius MANNING the Testator, sign and seal this will and heard him publish pronounce and declare the same to be his last will and Testament and that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their & each of Their apprehension of sound and disposing mind and memory and that they subscribed their respective names as witnesses to the said will in the presence of the Testator, and that they did also see, MARY COMBS the other, subscribing witness sign her name as a witness in the presence of the said Testator and in the presence of each of them. Sworn before, Stan EDWARDS Deputy Com. Of St. Mary's County
(COMBS-Clark Researcher Jerry Clark)
Cornelius MANNING, Jr. was the son of Sr. and brother of Mary MANNING Mills COMBS who is probably the witness. As is clear from Cornelius' will, he has two "sets" of children, the older from an earlier wife. According to Manning Researcher Joan Grippo to Combs Researcher Deb Coombs, citing Gwendolyn Pigg, citing the Manning Papers, MS 1233 Maryland Hall of Records, Annapolis, MD: "Statement of Mary Combs, Cornelius Mannings sister said her brother courted Elizabeth DANSEY and nobody thought he would have had had her, but Robert GRASON sent for Cornelius MANNING and asked him if he intended to marry her or not. GRASON told him if he did not, somebody else would, and he would surely loose his land that he now holds under the right of SHIRCLIFF (John SHIRCLIFF claimed the grant of "Broad Neck" as part of "Radnor" which was willed to Robert DANSEY from his brother John) claiming it as heir at law of the original grantee of "Broad Neck" since Elizabeth was an infant. SHIRCLIFF later conveyed the land to Samuel BOYD in 1723 who conveyed the land to CUMMINGS who conveyed the land to Cornelius. Cornelius married her in a short time thereafter, but Mary COMBS understood it was to secure the land, since she (Elizabeth DANSEY) was legal heir. Robert MANNING, son of Cornelius and Elizabeth was heir to "Broad Neck" Also another deposition was taken from Elizabeth PEEK aged about 74, about the year 1775 said it was common talk of the neighbors that he (Cornelius) had married her (Elizabeth DANSY) only to save his land."
28 Jun 1765 (St. Andrew's Parish Records, St. Mary's Co MD) Mary COMBES, d/o Bennet COMBES and Elizabeth, his wife, b. 28 Jun 1765
(Colonial Records of Southern Maryland, "Births, Marriages and Deaths of St. Andrew's Parish, St. Mary's County MD," Elsie Greenup Jourdan, Family Line Pub., Westminster MD, @1997, p. 132)
28 Jun 1765 COMBS, Mary, child of Bennett and Elizabeth COMBS, bap. 28 Jun 1765 at St. Andrews Anglican/Episcopal. Source: Parish Reg. p. 5
(Excerpted from the baptism/birth card file of COMBS records 1760-1800 of the St. Mary's Historical Society (MD) by COMBS Researcher Ann Krahn)
Bennett COMBS, s/o Enoch d 1756 and h/o Elizabeth TANEY? Is he the same Bennett COMBS who d 1802, St. Mary's Co MD with wife, Ann? Or Bennett COMBS of Pendleton District SC?
13 Aug 1765 "Inventory of John TANEY 88.76 St. Mary's Co MD. 32.8.3 pounds sterling Mar 26 1765 Aug 13 1765. Appraiser: Samuel ABELL, John ABELL ( son of Samuel ABELL) Creditors: Hugh HOPEWELL, Thomas REEDER. Next of kin: Bennet COMBS, Benjamin FENWICK. Executric: Ellen TANEY "
(Extracted by COMBS Researcher Loran D. Archer from Pg 79, Abstracts of the Inventories and Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland 1679-1686,compiled by V.L. Skinner Jr, Family Line Pub. Westminster MD 1992)
LDA Notes: Could the above indicate that Bennett COMBS m an Elizabeth TANEY? (See 1762 above) According to TANEY researcher, Jim Holt the above John TANEY was the s/o John Michael Thomas TANEY b. ? d. bef 18 Mar 1754 St. Mary's Co. MD and wife unknown who had six children: a. Elizabeth TANEY; b. Thomas TANEY; c. John TANEY b. 1733 d. aft. 22 Jan 1765; d. Michael TANEY b. 1737; e. Mary TANEY b. 1740; f. Margaret TANEY b. 1750 (source not yet known). See above 1762-1764 Inventory for Thomas FANEY (appears to have been TANEY). Notes I received from Mary JARBOE, a COMBS descendant from Richardson TX, indicate that Father James Walton's records, from St. Francis Xavier Parish, show Benedict or Bennet COMBS and Elizabeth COMBS as parents or god parents at baptisms from 1770-1773 and Benedict COMBS as god parent in 1778 (no wife). The notes indicates death of Elea. COMBS 1776. The notes are from Edwin Warfield Beitzell's book "The Jesuit Missions of St. Mary's Co. MD," 2nd ed 1976. I have not confirmed this information. See also 1767 Bennett and Elizabeth COMBS record below.
Enoch COMBS (heirs) 200 acres Grapenall surv. for James JOHNSON.
" " " 300 " Wilderpool " " " "
" " " 300 " Park Hall " " " "
Thomas Hatton COMBS, Addition to Heart's delight
" " " Hatton's Rest surveyed for Thomas HATTON
" " " Friends Discovery
(Fannie COMBS Gough ms.)
01 Apr 1766 - 17 Jun 1766 (St. Mary's Co MD Wills Liber TA 1 page 116 (1774) The Last Will of THOMAS HATTON COMBS. in the name of God Amen, I THO' HATTON COMBS of St. Mary's County in the province of Maryland being in health and sound judgement, thanks be to almighty God, doe make my last will and testament in manner & form following, and first I comend my soul to God hoping for Eternal Salvation through the merits of his blessed son Jesus Christ my Saviour, my body to be decently intered without pomp by my Executor hereafter mentioned. Item I give to my Sons, WILLIAM COMBS, AND GEORGE CRAGHILL COMBS, the plantation I now live on, and the tract of land I bought of John DILLON to be Equally divided between them, and their heirs forever. Item I give to my son THOMAS HATTON COMBS all that tract or parcel of land that I had of William SPALDING to him & his heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath to my loving wife MARY COMBS, and my five daughters, all the rest of my Estate to be equally divided among them to their heirs forever, my will is that if either of my daughters, should die without issue of their body that then their part shall fall to my surviving daughters. Item I give and bequeth to my loving wife MARY COMBS the use of two water mills during her widowhood, and then my son WILLIAM COMBS, and his heirs forever, and I constitute and appoint my loving wife MARY COMBS, my soul executor of this my last will and testament this first day of April 1766. THOMAS HATTON COMBS. seal. St. Mary's County. Signed sealed and delivered by the said THOMAS HATTON COMBS to be his last will and Testament, disannulling all other will or wills made by him from the begining of the world unto the date of this presents in the presents of us_ The word, mills underlined, between the twenty and twenty fifth line. HENRY JENKINS, IGNATIUS COMBS, WILLIAM COMBS.
On the 17th Day of June 1766 came HENRY JENKINS, IGNATIUS COMBS & WILLIAM COMBS, subscribing witnesses to the within will and made oath on holy Evangels of Almighty God, that they did see THOMAS HATTON COMBS the Testator sign and seal this will.
(Transcribed by COMBS-Clark Researcher Jerry Clark who adds: I did not copy the 2nd page which was the part that continued saying that witnesses say this is a true will and they saw the Testator make out the will etc.)
Thomas Hatton COMBS, Sr. m by 1749 in St. Mary's Co MD, Mary (CRAGHILL?) who d testate in 1777 in St. Mary's Co MD. See Also the 1784 St. Mary's Co MD will of his son, George Craghill COMBS.
12 Apr 1766 COMBS, William, child of William and Eleanor COMBS, bap. 12 Apr 1766 at St. Andrews Anglican/Episcopal. Source: Parish Reg. p. 5
(Excerpted from the baptism/birth card file of COMBS records 1760-1800 of the St. Mary's Historical Society (MD) by COMBS Researcher Ann Krahn)
09 Feb 1767 (St. Andrew's Parish Records, St. Mary's Co MD) Barbara COMBES, d/o Bennet COMBES and Elizabeth, his wife, b. 09 Feb 1767
(Colonial Records of Southern Maryland, "Births, Marriages and Deaths of St. Andrew's Parish, St. Mary's County MD," Elsie Greenup Jourdan, Family Line Pub., Westminster MD, @1997, p. 132)
09 Feb 1767 COMBS, Barbara, child of Bennett and Elizabeth COMBS, bap. 9 Feb 1767 at St. Andrews Anglican/Episcopal. Source: Parish Reg. p. 5
(Excerpted from the baptism/birth card file of COMBS records 1760-1800 of the St. Mary's Historical Society (MD) by COMBS Researcher Ann Krahn)
18 Nov 1768 - 12 Apr 1769 (St. Mary's Co MD Wills Liber TA 1 page 568 (Nov 1768)) The last will of Mary COMBS. In the Name of God amen November the 18th 1768 I Mary COMBS of Saint Mary's County in the province of Maryland being weake of body but of sound and perfect sense & memory thanks be to God do make this my last will and Testament, first I bequeath my soul to God and my body to the Earth, to be buried at the discretion of my Executors hereafter mentioned, and as to my worldly Estate, I give and bequeath as follows. Item I give and bequeath to my loving son, Bennet COMBS, all the tract of parcel of land I bought of Thomas MARTIN containing seventy acres more or less, to him his heirs, and assignes for ever. Also, I give and bequeath to my son Bennett COMBS the following negroes Vizt. Peter, Chloe, little Lucy, Sarah, Caleb & Margaret, to them and their increase to him and his heirs forever. Like wise all my cattle, sheep, hogs, Horses and all my Household goods Furniture and all my crop of corn and Tobacco. Item I give and bequeath to my loving son William COMBS, the following negroes Vizt. James ___ lucy Mary Ann & Teresa, and their and their increase to him and his heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath unto my loving son IGNATIUS COMBS the following negroes Vizt., Thomas Elizabth his wife and Edward Thorn and their increase to him and his heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath to my two loving grand Daughters, Mary Walbred COMBS, and Elizabeth COMBS Each one thousand pounds of Tobacco to be paid by my two sons William and Ignatius COMBS, as their part of my Estate. Item I constitute make and ordain my three sons, William, Ignatius, and Bennet COMBS to be Joynt Executors of this my last will & Testament . Lastly I do hereby utterly Revoke, and disannul all and every other former Testament wills legacy's bequests & Executors by me in any ways before named willed & bequeathed, Ratifying and confirming, this to be my Last will, and Testament. Mary COMBS seal. Signed sealed & declared to be the last will and Testament of Mary COMBS in presence of us Josiah LANGLEY, Luke [his mark] CRISMANE, James PIKE.
Saint Marys County 12 April 1769 you William Ignatius & Bennett COMBS, as Executors of Mary COMBS late of Saint Marys County deceased. Solemly make oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, that the within is the only true last will and Testament of Mary COMBS deceased that hath come to your hands possession or knowledge. Sworn before Owen ALLEN DeComr Saint Marys County to wit. On the twelth Day of April seventeen hundred & sixty nine came Josiah LANGLEY & James PIKE two of the subscribing evidences to the within, last will and Testament of Mary COMBS late of the County afords deceased and severally made oath on the Holy Evangels of almighty God that they did see the Testator Mary COMBS therin named sign and seal this will, and heard her publish, and declare the same to be her last will and Testament, and that at the time of her so doing she was to the best of their apprehensions of perfect sense, & of sound and disposing, mind memory and understanding, and that they respectively subscribed their names as witnesses to this will, in the presence and at the request of the afore sd testator, and that they did see each other together with Luke CRISMANE the other subscribing Witness, subscibe their names, thereto as evdencies. Sworn before Owen ALLEN Dcomry
(Transcribed by COMBS-Clark Researcher Jerry Clark)
According to the Fannie COMBS Gough manuscript, the above is Mary MANNING (Mills) COMBS, widow of Enoch COMBS d testate 1756, St. Mary's Co MD with the exception of missing (eldest?) son, Enoch who she states died in 1761 (no date, therefore not a bible record? are we missing an inventory of his estate? Who were granddaughters, Mary Walbred and Elizabeth? Why were their shares to come from only those of Ignatius and William and not Bennett? Might they have been daughters of Enoch? Note also that Luke CRISMANE [CHRISMAN?] witnessed her will as he did that of Enoch COMBS d 1756, and that another witness, James PIKE, was named as owning adjacent property in the 1756 will of Enoch. What tract was obtained from Thomas MARTIN? Since Bennett inherited this tract, could it be used to trace the Bennett COMBS?
18 Dec 1768 COMBS, Mary Ann, child of William and Eleanor COMBS, bap. 18 Dec 1768 at St. Andrews Anglican/Episcopal. Source: Parish Reg. p. 5
(Excerpted from the baptism/birth card file of COMBS records 1760-1800 of the St. Mary's Historical Society (MD) by COMBS Researcher Ann Krahn)
6 Jan 1770 COMBS, Monica, child of Ign. and Mary COMBS, bap. 6 Jan 1770 at St. Francis Xavier, Newtown, Fr. James WALTON, S.J., sponsors John and Monica FENWICK. Source: Jes.Miss., p. 113
(Excerpted from the baptism/birth card file of COMBS records 1760-1800 of the St. Mary's Historical Society (MD) by COMBS Researcher Ann Krahn)
Ignatius COMBS, s/o Enoch and Mary MANNING COMBS, m Mary FENWICK, d/o John and Monica FORD Fenwick.
14 Jan 1770 COMBS, Susan, child of Philip and Mary [sic] COMBS, bap. 14 Jan 1770 at St. francis Xavier, Newtown, Fr. James Walton, S.J., sponsors John and Monica COMBS [sic]. Source: Jes.Miss., p. 114
(Excerpted from the baptism/birth card file of COMBS records 1760-1800 of the St. Mary's Historical Society (MD) by COMBS Researcher Ann Krahn)
Phillip COMBS, s/o Enoch and Mary MANNING COMBS, m Margaret [sic] FENWICK, d/o John and Monica FORD Fenwick. Who were John and Monica COMBS or should this have read John and Monica FENWICK?
06 May 1770 Newton Church Ledger, St. Mary's Co, MD. John COMBS, son of Bennet COMBS and Elizabeth, was baptized 6 May 1770, godparents: William COMBS and Mildred GREENWELL.
(p.6 Catholic Families of Southern Maryland by Timothy J. O'Rourke, Genealogial Publishing Co. Baltimore, 1985).
23 Dec 1770 COMBS, Ignatius, child of William and Mary COMBS, bap. 23 Dec 1770 at St. Francis Xavier, Newtown, Fr. James WALTON, S.J. Source: Jes. Miss., p. 118
(Excerpted from the baptism/birth card file of COMBS records 1760-1800 of the St. Mary's Historical Society (MD) by COMBS Researcher Ann Krahn)
Based on his own 1774 will and the 1791 will of his son, Ignatius, this was William COMBS, s/o Enoch and Mary MANNING COMBS who m (1) Eleanor UNKNOWN and (2) the above Mary UNKNOWN.
5 Apr 1772 COMBS, Cloe, child of Ign. and Mary COMBS, bap 5 Apr 1772 at St. Francis Xavier, Newtown, Fr. James WALTON, S.J., sponsors Billy and Nelly FENWICK. Source: Jes. Miss., p. 123
(Excerpted from the baptism/birth card file of COMBS records 1760-1800 of the St. Mary's Historical Society (MD) by COMBS Researcher Ann Krahn)
Ignatius, s/o Enoch and Mary MANNING COMBS, m Mary FENWICK, d/o d/o John and Monica FORD Fenwick. Billy and Nelly probably a.k.a. William and Eleanor?
24 Aug 1772 COMBS, James, child of Philip and Margaret COMBS, bap. 24 Aug 1772 at St. Francis Xavier, Newtown, Fr. James Walton, S.J., Sponsors Joseph and Mary JENKINS. Source: Jes.Miss., p. 124
(Excerpted from the baptism/birth card file of COMBS records 1760-1800 of the St. Mary's Historical Society (MD) by COMBS Researcher Ann Krahn)
Phillip, s/o William and Mary HATTON COMBS, Sr., and h/o Margaret FENWICK. Note also Joseph and Mary JENKINS, the latter Mary HATTON COMBS, Phillip's mother.
20 Aug 1772 - 22 Sep 1772 (St. Mary's Co, MD, Aug 1772, Wills Liber TA 1 page 637) Last Will of JAMES COMBES. In the name of God Amen the Twentieth day of August seventeen hundred and seventy two. I JAMES COMBES of St. Marys County in the province of Maryland being very sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto God therefore calling into mind the mortality of my body & knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die. Do make and ordain this my last will and testament, that is to say, principally, and first of all I give and Reccomend my soul into the hands of God, that gave it, and my body I reccomend to the earth to be buried in Christian and decent burial at the discreation of my Executors nothing doubting but at the general Resurrection, I shall receive the same again by the power of Almighty God, as touching such wordly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to Bless me in this life I give Demise & dispose of the same in the following manner & form. ____, I give and bequeath unto my loving brother, WILLIAM COMBS, one negro man called Ned, and one Negro Women called Terry, and her future increase to him and his heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath unto my loving brother PHILLIP COMBS, one negro man called Will and one negro woman called Lucy and her future increase to him and his heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath unto my loving sister SUSANNA COOPER two negro boys, the one named Barn the other named mut., oand one negro girl named _oll to her and her heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath ten barrels of corn to be distributed among the poor by EDWARD SPINKE. Item I give and bequeath unto my loving brothers, WILLIAM AND PHILIP COMBES they paying to my loving sister SUSANNA COOPER an equal share of all and singular my moveable Estate after my just debts are duly paid. Lastly I constitute appoint and ordain my loving brother WILLIAM COMBS & PHILIP COMBES whole and sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament, and hereby utterly disallow Revoke, and disannul all and every other former Testament by me heretofore made, Ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and Testament, In Testimony wherof I have hereunto set my hand, and seal, the day and year above written. JAMES COMBES seal. Saint Marys County. Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of us George HOWARD, Edward SPINKE, William RUSSELL.
To wit, on the twenty second day of September 1772 came George HOWARD, Edward SPINKE and William RUSSELL, the three subscribing witnesses to the within Testament & last will of JAMES COMBS deceased, and severaly made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, that they did see JAMES COMES the Testator therein named, sign and seal this will, and heard him publish & declare the same to be his last will and Testament, and that al the time of his so doing he was to the best of their and each of their apprehensions of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding, and that they Respectively subscribe there names as witnesses to the said will in the presence and at the request of the said testator, and in the presence of each other. Sworn before JA THOMAS
(Transcribed by COMBS-Clark Researcher Jerry Clark who adds: This was all of the will, the clerks name may be incorrect it was difficult to make out)
James COMBS, s/o William COMBS d 1742, St. Mary's Co MD. The husband of his sister, Susannah COMBS Cooper, has not yet been identified. Extant inventory or account records missing?
9 May 1773 COMBS, Charles, child of William and Mary COMBS, bap. 9 May 1773 at St. Francis Xavier, Newton, Fr. James Walton, S.J., sponsors Robert FENWICK and Anastasia MEDLEY. Source: Jes.Miss., p. 127
(Excerpted from the baptism/birth card file of COMBS records 1760-1800 of the St. Mary's Historical Society (MD) by COMBS Researcher Ann Krahn)
William COMBS, s/o Enoch and Mary MANNING COMBS. Robert FENWICK may have been s/o John & Monica FORD Fenwick, thus brother-in-law to both Ignatius and Phillip COMBS, also sons of Enoch and Mary MANNING COMBS.
22 Jan 1774 - 01 Apr 1774 (St. Mary's Co MD TA1:711) Last Will of WILLIAM COMBS. In the name of God Amen, I William COMBS of St. Marys County in the province of Maryland, being weak of body but of sound and perfect memory, and considering the uncertainty of this life so think it meet and convenient to settle my affairs in order for a better, first and principally I bequeath my soul to Almighty God, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, by whose death and passion, I hope to obtain everlasting life, and my body to the Earth to be buried in _____ decent mannor as my Executer hereafter nominated shal think fitt, and for my wordly Estate I dispose of in Manner and form Following and do appoint this to be my last will and Testament, and revoke and renouncing all other will or wills before made. Item I give and Bequeath unto my beloved son RAPHAEL COMBS and my son WILLIAM COMBS all the lands as well that tract called Willders Poole, as part of a tract called forrest of dean into my two sons , that is to say WILLIAM is to lay of the said law and RAPHAEL COMBS to have his choice after it is divided to them & their heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath to my beloved wife, MARY COMBS, a negro woman called lucy a man called James, a man called Anthony and his wife Rachel; and another woman called little ____ as also one, third of my above lands, during her natural life, as also a third my stock, such as horses, cattle hoggs & sheep to her and her heirs forever. Item I give and Bequeath unto other children Except RAPHAEL COMBS, and WILLIAM COMBS above mentioned; all my whole estate except those above mentioned to my beloved wife, whatsoever and wheresoever to be equally divided amongst them, and if any these said children, should die without lawful heirs, then their parts to decend to their other brothers and sisters. Lastly my will and desire is, that my beloved wife, MARY COMBS, and my brother IGNATIUS COMBS, should be Executrix and Executors of this my last will and Testament, as witness my hand and seal, this twenty second day of January Anno Domini 1774. W COMBS of E seal. signed sealed & delivered in the presence of us Elizabeth (her Mark) COMBS, Arraminta NORRIS, James PIKE. Saint Saint Marys County to wit. on the first day of April seventeen hundred & seventy four came Elizabeth COMBS, and Arraminta NORRIS before me and made oath, on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that they did see William COMBS the Testator herin named sign and seal this will, and heard him publish and declare the same to be his last will and Tesament, and that at the time of his so doing, he was to the best of thier & each of Their apprehensions of perfect sense and sound and disposing mind memory and understanding, and that they Respectively subscribed their names as witnesses to his will in the presence, and at his request, and in the precense of each other, and that they did see James PIKE the other subscribing witness, sign his name therto in the presence of the testator. Sworn before J A THOMAS Dct Commer St. Marys County.
(Transcribed by COMBS-Clark Researcher Jerry Clark)
This is apparently William COMBS, s/o Enoch and Mary MANNING Combs based on his having brother named Ignatius. He apparently m (1) Eleanor UNKNOWN by whom he had Raphael, Eleanor, Margaret, William and Mary Ann; and m (2) Mary UNKNOWN by whom he had Ignatius and Charles. See Also the 1791 will of his son, Ignatius who names his siblings, and the 1800 St. Mary's Co MD will of his son, Raphael, which also mentions the above "forrest of dean" land (See Also COMBS Land of St. Mary's Co MD). Although William COMBS above does not name all of his children, according to "Maryland Southern Catholic Families" the births of William's children are as follows: Raphael COMBS born 6 Oct 1760, Eleanor COMBS born 29 Aug 1762, Margaret COMBS born 13 April 1764, William COMBS born 12 April 1766, Mary Ann COMBS born 18 Dec 1768. However, baptismal records list their parents as William and Eleanor, not Mary. Not until the baptisms of Ignatius and Charles in 1770 and 1773 do we find record of a William with wife, Mary. The witness Elizabeth COMBS has not yet been identified, but may have been Elizabeth (TANEY?), wife of Bennett COMBS (s/o Enoch & Mary MANNING COMBS). Also note that if this is William, s/o Enoch, then we are still missing(?) William, s/o William and Mary HATTON COMBS.
17 Feb 1774 - 14 Jun 1774 (St. Mary's Co MD Wills 40, f. 111) Will of Mark MANNING. to bro: John MANNING, ex., my whole estate except £25 to the poor, to be given them at the discreation of Wm. WARLTON. Test: Bennett COMBS, Joseph WILLIAMS, Nicholas GREENWELL.
(Magruders' Maryland Colonial Abstracts, Volume 2)
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