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Although we are still missing a number of land records, also note that the volume of records collected for this county has resulted in multiple reports. These include not only this Combs of St. Mary's Land Report, but also reports for the 1600s through 1800s as well as St. Clements Manor (Hundred) and the Fannie Combs Gough Manuscript.
Also Note that the years of some of the rent rolls was not originally known other than that the original entries were "as of" somewhere between 1698 and 1710.
The land of early St. Mary's Co MD was divided into Hundreds, then into Tracts. The early St. Mary's COMBS (& ALVEYS and LANGWORTH(?)) are found in the following Hundreds & Tracts:
St. Mary's - Park Hall a.k.a. Pork Hall a.k.a. Freehold, Hunting Neck, Tolls (a.k.a. Towles) Last Shift, Cole (Coles) Harbour
Poplar Hill - Banks, North Banks, Poplar Hill, Wilder's Pool, Forrest of Dean
Choptico - Rich Neck, Hopewell (a.k.a. Hopwell?), Knotting
New Town - Green Hill, Fortune, Rome, Long Neck
St. Clements - Knotting, Engsbatch Addition
Resurrection - Addition
Unnamed -Charles' Chance, Room's Conveniency (probably New Town), Addition of Hearts Delight
Unknown -Mark's Delight & Fortune, Jarboes Discovery, Stradford & Addition to Stradford, Combs Purchase, Clifton, Combs Chance, St. Winifred's Freehold, Hatton's Rest, Grapenall, Friend's Discovery, Hatton's Rest.
Stradford Manor. Stradford Mannour was surveyed in 1659 by Richard Chandler in Kent Co., MD. It can also be found in the Maryland Chancery Records as Stradford Manor. It is on upper Langford Bay just below Chestertown (per Cheryl Bennett Vikaros).
Hundred: St. Mary's
Tract: Pork Hall a.k.a. Freehold a.k.a. Park Hall Manor
21 Apr 1640 - 1663 - 1707 (St. Mary's Co Rent Rolls, page 1) Undated. Hundred: St. Mary's. Tract: Gerrards Freehold als Pork Hall. Acres: 243* Rent: £0.4.10-1/2. Surveyed 21 Apr 1640 for Thomas GERRARD, "this land being escheated to his Ldp. Was granted to Jerome WHITE, Esq, by name of Pork Hall in 1663. 1707: Possessor Thomas TAYLOR. (St. Mary's County, MD, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, 1993, Originals at MD State Archives) *Transcriber noted that the "2" in 243 was difficult to read. Maryland Historical Society, Maryland, Calvert Rent Rolls, page 1.
This tract is further described by a record pertaining to neighboring Snow Hill
Maryland Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. Thomas GERARD of St Clemts Mannoe in the County of St Maries Esqr Sheweth. That in the yeare of Our Lord God 1640, Octobr 8th His Lordship did by his speciall warrt order One Thowsand Acres of Land to be sunueyed, & under his greate Scale graunted to Abell SNOW of Cursiters Office in Chancery lane Londn Gentn That there was 1000 Acres of Land, lying betweene St Johns Creeke & Gerards Creeke, according to tht speciall wanrt surueyed & graunted to the sd Abell & his heyres the 12th of ffebruary following, That the sd Abell is since dead, And tht Susan the Wffe of the sd Thomas is Sister to the sd Abell, & Heyre att Law unto him, & therefore ought the 1000 Acres to possesse. That Richard WILLAN of Snow Hill in the County of St Maries aforesd, & James LINDSEY of St Thomase's in Charles County, the sd Land doe uniustly deteine. And thereuppon bringeth his suite &c:
Richard WILLAN of Snow Hill in the County of St Maries, & James LINDSEY of St Thomases in Charles County, Say, That they know not that euer Abell SNOW had any Lawfull Graunt from his Lp of 1000 Acres Lying betweene St Johns Creek & Gerards Creeke. as by the plf is aileaged. That were it soe, Susan the Wffe of Thomas GERARD is not the true heyre of Abell SNOW. That they doe not possesse 1000 Acres of Land, Lying betweene St Johns Creeke & Gerards Creeke, but only 900 Acres, Bownded wth the ffreehold late of Thomas HATTON gentn (first graunted to Nathaniel POPE fomerly of this Prouince) & a ffreehould formerly called Gerards ffreehould, now Porke-Hall. Wch they doe possesse by Vertue of a Graunt from his Lp to them & them heyres, Bearing date 24o Decembr 1652. Wch Land by the Act for Deserted Plantaons, was in his Lps power to Gnaunt, & this they arc ready to prouc. His Lps speciall warrt, & the other Records concenning this suite being ueiwed, & read: And the proofes & allegaons of both parties being heard & considered; & the Cause, seaming difficult to the Board, a long time discussed, Philip Caluert Esqr Secretary of this Prouince much concemn'd herein craues an Appeale to his U in England, was Graunted Ani 1658 ffinis. (MD Archives 41:265)
10 Apr 1721 - 15 Aug 1721 (St. Mary's Co MD PC 1 Page 263) Will of Cornelius MANNING of St. Mary's County... I give and bequeath unto my said son CORNELIUS MANNING all the plantation in porke hall neck whereon Henry NOWELL lately lived and now possed by Doctor JOHNSON according to the meets and bonds that Henry NOWELL held to him... I give & bequeath unto my two daughters Mary MILLS and Ann MANNING the remaining part of Porke Hall Neck to be equally devided between them the said MARY AND ANN their & either of their heirs & assignes forever. And my true intent & meaning is that if eaither of my foresaid daughters should die without issue of their bodys that then the surviving daughter & her heirs shall take place and enjoy the remaining part of porke hall neck to the said survivour and their heirs & assignes forever. I leave my son CORNELIUS under the care & government of John MILLS untill he arrives to twenty one years of age. I leave my daughter ANN under the care & Government of her GRANDMOTHER SHIRLY if she will take that care upon her if not to my sister MILLS until she arrives to the age of sixteen years or day of marriage which shall first happen... my loving wife Elizabeth and John MILS to be joynt Executors... (Extracted from transcription of Combs-Clark Researcher Jerry Clark)
undated (1698-1710) Hall of Records at Annapolis, Calvert Rent Rolls, Liber 4, folio 152. "Gerrard's Freehold". 350 acres, alias Park Hall, patented the 3rd of September, 1663, for 343 acres, at 6 s. 6 d. rent, also recorded in Liber 5, folio 432. Possessors, Robert CHESLEY, 50 acres, Enoch COMBS, 300 acres.(Fannie Combs Gough)
1766. Debt Books of St. Mary's Co. Enoch COMBS (heirs) 300 acres Park Hall surv. for James JOHNSON. (Fannie Combs Gough ms.)
10 Aug 1813 (St. Mary's Co MD (Folio 180)) Mortgage. Enoch & Cornelius COMBS mortgage to Nicholas SEWALL. Pork Hall. 320 Acres. ("A list of Alienations and Transfers in St. Mary's County from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventh day of March 1829," Chronicles of St. Mary's, Monthly Bulletin of St. Marys' County Historical Society Vol 23 No. 8 August 1975 page 7 & 8)
19 Oct 1825 (St. Mary's Co MD (290)) Deed. Enoch COMBS to Cornelius COMBS, part of Pork Hall, 220 Acres. ("A list of Alienations and Transfers in St. Mary's County from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventh day of March 1829," Chronicles of St. Mary's, Monthly Bulletin of St. Marys' County Historical Society Vol 23 No. 8 August 1975 page 7 & 8)
The above Enoch and Cornelius COMBS were sons of Ignatius & Mary FENWICK Combs, gs/o Enoch and Mary MANNING (Mills) Combs and ggs/o William COMBS, Sr., believed to have been the son of Enoch COMBS I and wife, Barbara.
The year Thomas TAYLOR "took possession" (owned?) Pork Hall is unknown since the rent roll is undated, but other entries place the date as after 1673. Neither Thomas TAYLOR, nor Jerome WHITE has been further researched as yet. Thomas GERRARD was "Lord of St. Clements Manour" and the man who fired Phillip COMBS as his overseer in 1663 (See St. Clements Manor)
Tract: Hunting Creek
15 Mar 1654/5 - 1701? Tract Hunting Creek. Acres: 250. Surveyed for Thomas HATTON, east side of St. George River, respecting Pork Hall. Posessor: James ATTAWAY. "This land appears, by patent, to be but 200 acres." (ibid.)
Early Settlers' List at Hall of Records, Annapolis, Md., Liber 4, folio 251. "Hunting Creek" or "Hatton's Rest", 250 acres, surveyed 15 March, 1654, for Thomas HATTON, on the east side of St. George's River (now St. Mary's River) respecting "Park Hall". Possessor, James ATTOWAY.
"Hunting Creek", 200 acres, resurveyed 1665 for Thomas HATTON, between two runs called Hatton's Fresh and Blue Stone Fresh. Possessor, William AISQUITH. Liber 5, page 615. Laid out for Thomas HATTON, 500 acres, "West Hatton", 5 July 1663. Attested by John LEWGER, Deputy Surveyor.
Liber 8, folio 505: "Thomas HATTON hath due unto him 200 acres for transporting Thomas PRICE, Thomas EDWARDS, John CHEVERIL and Thomas MILLER into the Province. We hereby grant unto him, the said Thomas HATTON a parcel of land called 'Hunting Neck' in St. Mary's County lying between two runs called "Hatton's Fresh", and one "Blue Stone Fresh". To have and to hold the said Thomas HATTON and his heirs to be holden of the Manor of St. Mary's under our hand and seal this 13th day of July, 1663.
"Witness our dear son, Charles CALVERT, our Lieutenant General of the said Province of Maryland." Will of Thomas HATTON of St. Mary's County. Liber 11, folio 127 at Annapolis. 11th day of August 1701. "To daughter Elizabeth HATTON a tract of land called 'Hunting Creek' 250 acres in St. Mary's County in the Province of Maryland. Whereas I have my Lord Baltimore's grant of 500 acres which is not yet confirmed. I do order hereby that the Land Company confirm the said land unto a child my wife is now supposed to be with child of. My wife Susannah to have half part of said land during her natural life and after to the child mentioned but should the child not live then said and to go to my daughter Elizabeth HATTON and her heirs. If my child or children should all depart before they come of age then both said tracts of land to my wife Susannah. To brother-in-law John BLACKSTONE my black horse bridle and saddle and pistol and holster. My wife Susannah to be executrix. Signed, Thomas HATTON. Witnesses Clement HILL and William GIBSON. (Fanny Combs Gough Manuscript)
Codicil declares that he came in possession of 1000 acres of land in Chaptico, St. Mary's County, "the right of which devolves to me as Heirs of Thomas HATTON, Esq. formerly Secretary of Maryland by deed to 1000 acres and my Lord Baltimore by his agent Henry DARNELL and I have agreed to exchange the land lying in Chaptico Manor for a tract of land called 'Rich Neck' and this codicil to be adjuged part of my Will and that all things contained in it be carried out as I declare." September 8, 1701. Signed, Thomas HATTON (Seal) and James Keech Dpty Commisr.
A second, slightly different abstract:
11th Aug., 1701; -- -- -- . Will of Thomas HATTON of St. Mary's Co. To brother-in-law John BLACKSTON, personalty. To dau. Eliza: and hrs., 250 A. on Hunting Ck. To unborn child and hrs., 500 A., being a grant of land not yet laid out. Wife S****sanna, extx., to have use of ½ of tract afsd. during life, and whole of sd. tract during minority of possible unborn child. In event of death of sd. child tract to pass to dau. Eliza: afsd. Test: Clement HILL, Sr., Robt. CARS****, Wm. GIBSON, Jno. REALEY. By codicil dated 22nd Aug., 1701, testator ratifies all bequests in his will and arranges for an exchange of 1000 A. in Chaptico Manor due him as heir of Thos. HATTON, late Secretary of the Province, for "Rich Neck" in Beaver Dam Manor, and devises same to child or child. mentioned in will. (11. 120. Maryland Calendar of Wills, Vol. 2)
Certificate, Liber A.B.H. fol. 392. at Annapolis, 17th day of April 1654: "Lay out for Mr. Thomas HATTON 1000 acres of land at Chaptico according to his lordship's instructions and for so doing this shall be your warrant. To Mr. Robert CLARKE, Surveyor General or his deputy. (Signed) William STONE."
Thomas HATTON I m Elizabeth WAUGHOP (d/o John) by whom he had Thomas II and Mary. Thomas II m Susanna BLACKISTON (d/o Nehemiah and Susannah GERARD Blackiston). Following HATTON'S death in 1701, Susannah BLACKISTON Hatton m John [sic] ATTAWAY. Thomas & Susannah BLACKISTON Hatton are thought to have been the parents of Elizabeth HATTON, widow of Cornelius MANNING I, d 1721, St. Mary's. Following the death of Cornelius MANNING, Elizabeth HATTON m by 1722, William COMBS (d 1742), and is thought to have been the mother of his children, Thomas Hatton and Susannah COMBS (and possibly more). Following Elizabeth's death, William COMBS m Mary HATTON, d/o Thomas & Elizabeth WAUGHOP Hatton. William was the father of Enoch COMBS, d 1756, St. Mary's Co, the latter having m in 1729, Mary MANNING Mills, d/o Cornelius MANNING by his 1st wife, Mary WISEMAN, and widow of John MILLS, d 1728. (i.e., Enoch's father had married his wife's step-mother). James JOHNSON I married Barbara HATTON, d/o Richard and Margaret Hatton (m 2 Richard BANKS). The above James of Virginia is James III (James II having died in 1698 in Westmoreland County, Virginia).
Also note:
14 Jul 1647 - 1707 St. Mary's Co MD Rent Roll--from receipts Aug 1st 1707.signed John HEATH. Page : 22. Survey: 1647.7.14. Acres: 200. Patentee: James JOHNSON. Descript: on ye W.S. of Poplar Creek. Rent: 4/. Name of Tract: Hunting Creek. Possessor: James JOHNSON... he lives in Virg? (Extracted by Combs Researcher Birdie McNutt from "Chronicles of St. Mary's," Volume 25, No. 11, dated November 1977)
Tract: Nuthall
28 Jul 1654 - 1707 (St. Mary's Co MD Rent Rolls, St. Mary's Hundred, p. 03) Tract: Nutthall. Acres: 200. £0.4.0. Surveyed Jul 28, 1654 for Thomas CORNWALLIS on the east side of St. Georges River on the north side St. Inigors Cr. "The greatest pat of this land is said to be within the lines of St. Mary Hill Freehold." Possessor: Eliza.a BAKER. Included in St. Mary Hill Freehold fol 2.
John NUTHALL I purchased Nuthall from CORNWALLIS in 1661. John I died in 1668 leaving sons, John, James and Elias and daughter Elinor, wife of Thomas SPRIGG whose first wife was Katherine GRAVE, sister of Verlinda GRAVE, wife of Governor William STONE. Thomas STONE of Charles County, s/o William and Verlinda GRAVE Stone, transported Phillip COMBS to Maryland before 1658, and Enoch COMBS, Jr. married (probably his second) Sarah SPRIGG, d/o Thomas and Elinor NUTHALL Sprig, and widow of John PEARCE. In 1689, Enoch COMBS (either Jr. or Sr.) and John NUTHALL (II or III) signed the Calvert County Protestant Petition. Eliza was the widow of Hugh BAKER by Dec 1684 (Will of Richard LLOYD) and married to Robert DAVIS by 1686 (Test. Proc.). Her ancestry remains unknown.
Tract: Innis Choyce
21 Oct 1659 - 18 Oct 1736 (Undated St. Mary's Co MD Rent Rolls, St. Mary's Hundred, p. 03)
Tract: Innis Choyce. 100 Acres. £0.2.0 Annual Rent. Surveyed 21 Oct 1659 for Tho: INNIS on the No. side of St. Inigors Cr. Possessor: Caecilius BUTTLER by his marrying the daughter and heir of Robert CARVILE. Additional later entry to the above record: 100 Acres. Rent: £0.2.0. John LEIGH from John HYDE. Oct 1736. (St. Mary's County, MD, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, 1993, p. 04, Original at MD State Archives)
See Thomas INNIS' St. Mary's Co MD estate records, which include William & Enoch COMBS and Robert CLARK, and see Abraham COMBS in records with Robert CARVILLE. See also ENNIS-BEACH-COMBS Connections in Burton Families Report. It is not known if Cecil BUTLER was kin to the Butler Families of Virginia, nor why his marrying the daughter of Robert CARVILLE would result in his possessing INNIS' estate.
Tract: White Well
10 Oct 1664 Tract: White Well. Acres: 100. Surveyed Oct 10, 1664 for Phillip CALVERT, Esq. on the east side of Park Hall [sic] "His Lordships Land."
Tract: Vineyard
9 May 1665 - 23 Aug 1723 Tract: Vineyard. Acres: 100. Surveyed 09 May 1665 "for Jerome WHITE, Esq. on the west, with Pork Hall on the south, with Snow Hill. Possessor: Fran: PRICE. Note: Later entries added to the right side of page read: Acres: 100. William Maria FARTHING from Richard MOY, May 16, 1720. Acres: 50. Catherine PALMER from Thomas BEACH & John PRICE, Aug 23, 1723. "Included in a resurvey of Vineyard fol 11"
See Also Phillipp COMES son of Phillipp COMES who, on 1 Oct 1692 in Westmoreland Co VA, was " adjudged twelve yeares of age" bound apprentice to a Thomas BEACH, to learn brick-making. See Also the Archdale-COMBS Families of EN, and Barbara ARCHDALE, sister of Margaret ARCHDALE COMBS, who married William PALMER.
The next reference found to Pork Hall is in 1721 (Note: The land records of St. Mary's Co MD have not yet been searched thoroughly; however, see also above-noted Fannie COMBS Gough Manuscript):
10 Apr 1721 - 15 Aug 1721 (St. Mary's Co MD PC 1 Page 263) The Last Will of Cornelis MANNING. In the name of God Amen. I Cornelius MANNING of St. Mary's County being sick of body but of sound & perfect memory thanks be to god do make & ordaine this my last will & Testament in form following. First I give unto my loving wife the plantation I now live on commonly called Hattons, during her natural life provided that my said wife shall abide & live hereupon during her life, and if my said wife should leave the said plantation and leave also where that then it shall be in the power of John MILLS my other executor to take the said plantation unto his _____ ______ & Keep the the same and the houses in tenent able repair until my son Cornelius MANNING shall arive to age and then the said plantation & tract of land thereunto belonging I give and bequeath unto MY SAID SON CORNELIUS MANNING all the plantation in porke hall neck whereon Henry NOWELL lately lived and now possed by Doctor JOHNSON according to the meets and bonds that Henry NOWELL held to him the said Cornelius MANNING his heirs and assignes forever. I give and bequeath unto my son Cornelius MANNING all that plantation and tract of lane in smiths neck called Mannings Hold together with a tract of land thereunto adjoyning to Calverts Creek bought of George PARKER to him the said Cornelius and to the heirs of his body lawfully begotten and for want of such heirs to his sister and to the survivour of them & to their heirs and asignes of the survivour of them forever. I give & bequeath unto my two daughters Mary MILLS and Ann MANNING the remaining part of porke hall neck to be equally devided between them the said MARY AND ANN their & either of their heirs & assignes forever. And my true intent & meaning is that if eaither of my foresaid daughters should die without issue of their bodys that then the surviving daughter & her heirs shall take place and enjoy the remaining part of porke hall neck to the said survivour and their heirs & assignes forever. I give and bequeath unto John MANNING son of John MANNING dec'd all that plantation called the rigg on Cornelius Swamp & to the heirs of his body lawfully begotton and for want of such heirs then to the heirs of me the said Cornelius MANNING & to their heirs & assignes forever. I give to Wm MORGAN son to Edward MORGAN one three years old heifer and as to my personal Estate after debts and changes payd I leave to be equally devided in three parts, one part thereof to my wife & the other two parts to be equally devided amongst MY THREE CHILDREN CORNELIUS, MARY, & ANN I leave my son CORNELIUS under the care & government of John MILLS untill he arrives to twenty one years of age. I leave my daughter ANN under the care & Government of her GRANDMOTHER SHIRLY if she will take that care upon her if not to my sister MILLS until she arrives to the age of sixteen years or day of marriage which shall first happen. I give unto Mr. GEORGE THUROLD my horse a fidler. & I do hereby constitute & Appoint my loving wife ELIZABETH and John MILS to be joynt Executors of this my last will & testament, witness my hand and seale this tenth day of April 1721. Cornelius MANNING seal. sihned sealed and delivered August 15th 1721. in presence of Archibald JOHNSON, Mary JOHNSON, Rudolph MAN, Wm. JOHNSON. Then came Mary JOHNSTONE subscibing evidences to the within will & made oath upon the holy evangelist of Almighty God that they saw the testator sign & seal the within instrument as his last will & testament and that he published and declared the same so to be , and that at the time of his so doing he was of sound & perfect mind & memory to the best of their knowledge August 21st 1721 sworn to before me Jn BAKER Depty Commissioner then came RODHAM subscibing evidence to the within will & made oath upon the holy evangelist of Almighty God theat they saw the testator sign & seal the same so to be & that at the time of his so doing he wass of sound & perfect mind & memory to the best their knowledge. Sworne to before ___ Jn BAKER Depty Commissioner (Transcribed by COMBS-Clark Researcher Jerry Clark)
It is not known if Pork Hall Neck was a.k.a. Pork Hall, or even if even in the same region; however, it is known that the above Cornelius MANNING'S daughter, Mary, later married Enoch COMBS who d in 1756, St. Mary's County, which raises the question as to whether the Pork Hall land came to the COMBS via Enoch COMBS' 1663 patent or via Cornelius MANNING.
16 Sep 1790 - 8 Feb 1791 (St. Mary's Co MD Wills Liber JJ 1 page 520) IGNATIUS COMBS his last Will . "bequeath unto my son, ENOCH COMBS, my dwelling plantation "
Although Ignatius COMBS doesn't name the tract, it was apparently Pork Hall, given the next mentions of same:
13 Jan 1796 (St. Mary's MD Alienations & Transfers, Folio 41) Deed. ENOCH COMBS to Robert CHESLEY, Poke Hall. (Chronicles of St. Mary's, Monthly Bulletin of St. Marys' County Historical Society Vol 23 No. 8 August 1975 page 7 & 8)
The above Enoch COMBS was probably the s/o Ignatius (& Mary FENWICK) COMBS (d 1790), and the same as the Enoch COMBS who follows:
10 Aug 1813 (St. Mary's Co MD (Folio 180)) Mortgage. ENOCH & CORNELIUS COMBS mortgage to Nicholas SEWALL. Pork Hall. 320 Acres. ("A list of Alienations and Transfers in St. Mary's County from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventh day of March 1829," Chronicles of St. Mary's, Monthly Bulletin of St. Marys' County Historical Society Vol 23 No. 8 August 1975 page 7 & 8)
19 Oct 1825 (St. Mary's Co MD (290)) Deed. ENOCH COMBS to CORNELIUS COMBS, part of Pork Hall, 220 Acres. ("A list of Alienations and Transfers in St. Mary's County from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventh day of March 1829," Chronicles of St. Mary's, Monthly Bulletin of St. Marys' County Historical Society Vol 23 No. 8 August 1975 page 7 & 8)
The above Enoch and Cornelius COMBS were sons of the above-mentioned Ignatius COMBS, and it is their possession of the Pork Hall land that helps to confirms same. We are, however, still in need of the Sep 1663 patent by Enoch COMBS I as well as many more land records.
Note: Two Ignatius COMBS died in St. Mary's Co MD in the 1790s: (1) the above Ignatius COMBS, s/o Enoch & Mary MANNING COMBS, his will dated 16 Sep 1790, and proved 8 Feb 1791 (St. Mary's Co MD Wills Liber JJ 1 page 520); and (2) Ignatius COMBS whose will was dated 02 Jun 1791, and proved 06 Mar 1792 (St. Mary's Co MD Wills Liber JJ2, page 25), who has not yet been identified(?). (See St. Mary's Co MD of the 1700s)
Tract: Hunting Neck
1707 (St. Mary's Co MD Undated Rent Roll) Hundred: St. Mary's. Tract: Hunting Neck. Acres: 200. Rent £0.4.0. Surveyed Aug 26, 1665 for Thos HATTON between 2 Runs called Hattons fresh and the _____ STONE fresh. Possessor: Wm. ASQUITH. (St. Mary's County, MD, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, 1993, p. 04, Original at MD State Archives)
18 Nov 1799 - 04 Nov 1800 (St. Mary's MD Alienations & Transfers, Folio 69) Deed. ENOCH COMBS to William LILBURN, Pt. Hunting Neck. 3 a. . (Chronicles of St. Mary's, Monthly Bulletin of St. Marys' County Historical Society Vol 23 No. 8 August 1975 page 7 & 8)
The above Enoch COMBS probably the s/o Ignatius & Mary FENWICK COMBS? The land probably adjacent to the above Pork Hall tract?
Tract: Tolls Last Shift a.k.a. Towles Last Shift
01 Apr 1681 - 25 Aug 1743 (St. Mary's Co MD undated Rent Roll) Hundred: St. Mary's. Tract: Towles Last Shift. Acres: 100. Rent: £0.4.0. Surveyed Apr 1, 1681 for Roger TOWLE by Blewstone Run. Possessor: Same TOWLE. Later Added Entry: Acres: 100. Rent: £30.4.0. Stephen MACKAY from Roger TOWLE, Aug 25, 1743. (St. Mary's County, MD, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, 1993, p. 11, Original at MD State Archives)
17 Apr 1811 (St. Mary's Co MD (Folio 166)) Deed. ENOCH COMBS to William HOLTON. Part of Tolls Last Shift. 40 acres. ("A list of Alienations and Transfers in St. Mary's County from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventh day of March 1829," Chronicles of St. Mary's, Monthly Bulletin of St. Marys' County Historical Society Vol 23 No. 8 August 1975 page 7 & 8)
The record by which the COMBS acquired the above tract has not yet been located. Determining the date that Roger TOWLE of 1681 died could assist in determining the date of this rent roll. This land is not referred to in earlier COMBS' records and the above Enoch COMBS has not been identified.
Tract: Cole Harbour
26 Sep 1664 - ???? (St. Mary's Co Rent Rolls, page 1) Undated. Hundred: St. Mary's. Tract: Cole Harbour. Acres: 150. Rent: £0.3.0. Surveyed Sep 26, 1664 for Edwd. HORN at the head of Blewstone Run. Possessor: 50 acres - Edwd. HORN. 50 acres. Jno. HORN. 50 acres. Hen: HORN. (St. Mary's County, MD, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, 1993, Originals at MD State Archives)
11 Feb 1817. (St. Mary's Co MD (203)) Deed. Enoch COMBS to John BOHANAN. "All those several tracts Coles Harbour, 150 Acres; Jarboes Discovery, 36 Acres, Stradford and The Addition to Stradford, 26 Acres. ("A list of Alienations and Transfers in St. Mary's County from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventh day of March 1829," Chronicles of St. Mary's, Monthly Bulletin of St. Marys' County Historical Society Vol 23 No. 8 August 1975 page 7 & 8)
Return to Hundreds
Hundred: Poplar Hill
Tract: Poplar Hill
12 Nov 1641 - 1 Aug 1707 St. Mary's Co MD Rent Roll--from receipts Aug 1st 1707. signed John HEATH. Page: 21. Survey: 1641.11.12. Acres: 200. Patentee: Rich BANKS & Wm. WRIGHT. Rent: 4/. Possessor: {100 A: Geo. COX. {100 A: Enoc COMBES (Extracted by COMBS Researcher Birdie McNutt from "Chronicles of St. Mary's," Volume 25, No. 11, dated November 1977)
24 Jan 1641/2 - 20 Aug 1711 Tract: Poplar Hill. Acres: 200. Rent: £0.4.0. Surveyed Jan 24, 1641 for Rich:d BANKS & Willm WRIGHT. Possessor: 100 Acres: Geo: COX; and 100 Acres. ENOC COMBS. The rent of this land is reserved in Grain.
Later entry on right side of page:
Acres: 100. Rent: £0.2.0. Richard LEWELLIN from William HATTON, Aug 20, 1711. (St. Mary's County, MD, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, 1993)
See also next two tracts. Richard BANKS had married by 1652, Mary, widow of Richard HATTON, and mother of William HATTON (Wills Liber 1 Folio 65, Warrants Early Settlers Liber A B H Folio 314-422). Richard died in 1677, William WRIGHT died ca 1662 (Will dated 3 Jun 1660, rec. 23 Apr 1662), naming wife, Mary, son William, two daughters unnamed, possible unborn child, overseers: Randall HINSON [HANSON] and John LAWSON of Poplar Hill; witnesses: Richard BANKS, Richard BENNETT and John CAMMELL [CAMPBBELL].
It is not known either how or when ENOC COMBS acquired the above properties (whether by deed, inheritance, etc.). Based on the year of Richard BANKS' death (1677) and the 1711 notation above, it appears that the tax roll was dated sometime between the two.* Neither is the relationship between Enoc & John COMBS/COOMBS (in the first record) known.
Presumably the Enoc COMBS the North Banks tract and this Enoc COMBS were the same. Moreover, in regard to the 2nd record, what we also don't know is (a) which 100 A Richard LEWELLIN acquired from William HATTON 20 Aug 1711; i.e., whether it was the 100 A of Geo. COX or the 100 A. of ENOC COMBS; nor (b) either how William HATTON came to acquire the acreage, nor from whom. Also Note that we find no further mention of either of the tracts North Banks or Poplar Hill in later COMBS' wills (all deeds not yet extracted).
3 Jun 1660 - 23 Apr 1662. Will of William WRIGHT of St. Mary's Co. To wife Mary, execx., and 3 child., (unnamed) and possible unborn child, personal estate equally. To son William, seat of land. To eld. dau. (unnamed), sd. land in event of death of son William afsd. and no other son being born. Overseers: Randall HINSON, John LAWSON, of Poplar Hill. Test: Richard BANKS, Richard BENNETT, John CAMMELL. (1. 153. Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 1)
7 Apr 1665. St. Mary's County Land Records, 1663-1666. Liber BB. Wee whose names are under written at the Request of Mr Richard BANKES and Peter CARRADINE who marryed the Relict of William WRIGHT to devide two hundred acres of Land taken up formerly by Mr Richard BANKES and William WRIGHT lying upon Popplar hill Creeke as by Pattent doth appear Is thus devided from a marked locus post and soe north by a line of marked Trees to the head of a Brooke where the Line trees of the sd two hundred acres of Land was runn to a white Oake marked on four sides in a bottome of the sd Branch or Brooke Mr Richard BANKES part lying on the East-side of the sd land, and Peter CARADINES part on the west-side of the sd land and the clear ground to stand as former it was devided by a fence now standing Wittness our handes this 7th of Aprill 1665 Richard BANKES, Peter CARRADINE
John LAWSON, Randolph HANSON mark (St. Mary s County Land Records, 1663-66)
Tract: Banks
1707 St. Mary's Co MD Rent Roll--from receipts Aug 1st 1707. signed John HEATH. Page: 22. Survey: 1648.3.14. Acres: 100. Patenter: Rich'd BANKS. Descript: in Poplar Hill Creek. Rent: 2/. Name of Tract: Banks. Possessor: Enoc COMBS (Extracted by COMBS Researcher Birdie McNutt from "Chronicles of St. Mary's," Volume 25, No. 11, dated November 1977)
Tract: North Banks
1707 (St. Mary's MD, Rent Roll, Undated, Page 22) Hundred: Poplar Hill. Tract: North Banks. Acres: 100. Rent: £0.2.0. Surveyed Apr 7, 1654 for Rich:d BANKS on the north side of poplar hill Cr. Possessor: Enoc COMBS. This land is disclaimed by John COOMBS. St. Mary's Co, MD. (St. Mary's County, MD, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, 1993)
Tract: Wilders Pool a.k.a. Wilderpole
14 Jun 1653 (St. Mary's Co MD Rent Rolls) Hundred: Poplar Hill. Tract: Wilderpole. Acres: 300. Rent: £0.6.0. Surveyed Jun 14, 1653 for Ja: JOHNSON, joining to the land he lives on. Possessor: James JOHNSON of Virginia. The rent of this land is reserved in Grain. (St. Mary's County, MD, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, 1993, p. 47, Original at MD State Archives)
1766. Debt Books of St. Mary's Co.
Enoch COMBS (heirs) 300 acres Wilderpool surv. for James JOHNSON.
(Fannie COMBS Gough ms.)
06 Feb 1800 - 11 Mar 1800 (St. Mary's Co MD Wills, Liber?) Last Will of RAPHAEL COMBS of St. Mary's bequeathed Wilder's Pool to sons, William and Raphael, and Forrest of Dean to son, Ignatius.
16 Feb 1813 (St. Mary's Co MD, Folio 176) RAPHAEL COMBS to Samuel P. LOWE all his right to Wilders Pool & Green Hills and part of Forrest of Dean. ("A list of Alienations and Transfers in St. Mary's County from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventh day of March 1829," Chronicles of St. Marys, page 7 Vol 23, No. * Aug 1975)
07 Aug 1816 (St. Mary's Co MD (200) IGNATIUS COMBS to Sam'l P. LOWE, "All the right to Forrest of Dean, 56 a. ("A list of Alienations and Transfers in St. Mary's County from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventh day of March 1829," Chronicles of St. Mary's, Monthly Bulletin of St. Marys' County Historical Society Vol 23 No. 8 August 1975 pages 7 & 8) Note: See Also Forrest of Dean immediately below, neighboring land of James JOHNSON.
Again, it is not known when the COMBS acquired the land originally patented by James JOHNSON; however, what is known is:
Note: Due to conflicts regarding the identities of the various JOHNSONS, a separate GERARD/ELLYSON/JOHNSON/SLYE/CODY [COODE] Report will be prepared shortly (Material already in hand, but still needs to be organized).
Randall HANSON is identified as owning land adjacent to the above James JOHNSON as follows:
15 Apr 1667 (St. Mary's Co MD Rent Roll, Poplar Hundred, Undated) Tract: Ferny Branch. 50. 0.1.0. Surveyed Apr 15, 1667 for Randall HANSON on the back of Wilderpoole. Possessor: Tho: CECILL. Later Notation: 50. 0.1.0. Archibald PIKE from Thomas VANRESWICK, Mar 1722. (St. Mary's County, MD, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, 1993)
Elizabeth HANSON, d/o Randall HANSON & Barbara HATTON is said to be the same who m Thomas HATTON, and whose daughter, Mary, m William COMBS who d c1741. Also note the Thomas VANRESWICK in reference to James VANRESWICK who m Margaret, widow of Abraham COMBS of Old Rappa. Co VA & St. Mary's Co MD where he died in 1684.
Tract: Forrest of Dean (a.k.a. Forest Dean)
03 Jun 1685 - 06 Jun 1722 (St. Mary's Co MD Undated Rent Roll) Hundred: Poplar Hill. Tract: Forrest of Dean. Acres: 100. Rent: £0.4.0. Surveyed Jun 3, 1685 for Jno CAMPBELL near James JOHNSON'S land. Possessor: John MILLER. Later Entry: Acres: 100. Thomas CAMPBELL from James CAMPBELL, Jun 6, 1722. (ibid.)
06 Feb 1800 - 11 Mar 1800 (St. Mary's Co MD Wills, Liber?) Last Will of RAPHAEL COMBS of St. Mary's bequeathed Wilder's Pool to sons, William and Raphael, and Forrest of Dean to son, Ignatius.
This land was adjacent to the Wilder's Pool tract (See above)
1707 Rent Roll for Poplar Hill Hundred St. Mary's County Maryland
Page 21
Survey 1641.11.12 Acres 200 Patentee Rich BANKS Descript 8. Wm. WRIGHT Rent 4/Name of Tract Poplar Hill. Possessor {100 A: Geo. COX {100 A: Enoc COMBES
Page 22
Survey 1648.3.14 Acres 100. Patenter Rich'd BANKS Descript in Poplar Hill Creek Rent 2/Name of Tract BANKS. Possessor Enoc COMBS
Page 22
Survey 1647.7.14 Acres 200 Patentee James JOHNSON. Descript on ye W.S. of Poplar Creek Rent 4/Name of Track Hunting Creek. Possessor James JOHNSON... he lives in Virg?
Page 23
Survey 1652.9.9 Acres 100 Patentee John WADE Surgeon Descript on the W.S. of Poplar Hill Rent 2/Name of Tract Bloomsbury Possessor Wid. MASON
Page 23
Survey 1665.5.4 Acres 200 Patentee Tho: BEADLE Descript at the head of the main bra: of Herring CreekRent 4/Name of Tract Parish BEADLE Possessor Edw'd MORGAN
(Source to be added; however, note that this appears to be same as undated rent roll above)
Return to Hundreds
Hundred: Choptico
Tract: Hopewell
14 Nov 1669 - 04 Nov 1751 (Undated St. Mary's Co MD Rent Roll, Choptico Hundred, p. 50) Tract: Hopewell Acres: 585 acres. Annual Rent: --. Res[urveyd?]: 14 Nov 1669 for Edwd. SWANN. Possessor: Andrew HALTON 292-1/2 Acres; Sam SWAN 292 Acres.
Additional later entries to the above record:
Acres: 291 - Andrew HILTON [sic] from Thomas SWANN 30 Oct 1717
Acres: 292-1/2 - Birch SWANN from Thomas SWANN 28 Oct 1738
Acres: 23 - John THORN from Andrew HILTON 04 Apr 1744
Thomas Halton [sic] COOMES from Wm. SPALDING 04 Nov 1751.
Acres: 100 [£0.2.0] Ma.m DAVENPORT from John & Andrew HILTON [sic], 01 Jul 1752
(St. Mary's County, MD, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, 1993, Originals at MD State Archives)
Apparently Thomas Hatton [sic] COMBS paid the rent on 23 acres of this property for at least one year, but even that is not certain from the record; and obviously, records are missing as it is not shown how he came to possess it. Nevertheless, it appears to have been the land bequeathed in his 1766 will " to my son Thomas Hatton COMBS all that tract or parcel of land that I had of William SPALDING " Andrew HALTON has not been identified, but seems likely to have been a HILTON or HATTON, although unidentified if the latter. Thomas Hatton COMBS was the s/o William & Elizabeth HATTON COMBS of St. Mary's & h/o Mary CRAGHILL, d/o George CRAGHILL. It is also possible, given that the tract was divided, that some or all of the new sections were re-named. Also note that another tract named Hopewell, but quite possibly the same or related, was listed in Rent Rolls of St. Mary's under Poplar Hill Hundred immediately below the COMBS-owned tract of Forrest of Dean (a.k.a. Forest Dean)
Tract: Rich Neck (Later located in "Harvey Hundred")
11th Aug., 1701; -- -- -- . Will of Thomas HATTON of St. Mary's Co. To brother-in-law John BLACKSTON, personalty. To dau. Eliza: and hrs., 250 A. on Hunting Ck. To unborn child and hrs., 500 A., being a grant of land not yet laid out. Wife S****sanna, extx., to have use of ½ of tract afsd. during life, and whole of sd. tract during minority of possible unborn child. In event of death of sd. child tract to pass to dau. Eliza: afsd. Test: Clement HILL, Sr., Robt. CARS****, Wm. GIBSON, Jno. REALEY. By codicil dated 22nd Aug., 1701, testator ratifies all bequests in his will and arranges for an exchange of 1000 A. in Chaptico Manor due him as hr. of Thos. HATTON, late Secretary of the Province, for "Rich Neck" in Beaver Dam Manor, and devises same to child or child. mentioned in will. (11. 120. Maryland Calendar of Wills, Vol. 2)
aft 1712. Undated Rent Roll. Hundred: Choptank. Tract: Rich Neck. Acres: 500. Fee: 1.0.0. Resurveyed May 13, 1713 for Jno ATTAWAY on the NW side of the Beaverdam Branch.(St. Mary's County, MD, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, 1993, Originals at MD State Archives)
10 Dec 1714 (St. Mary's Co MD Records RY1/512) Elizabeth HATTON, only dau and heir of Thomas HATTON deceased. Tract: Rich Neck500 A. (Settlers of Maryland 1701-1730, Peter Wilson Colham, 1995, pg 33)
Undated Rent Roll. Hundred: Harvy. Tract: Rich Neck. Acres: 2000. Fee: 2.0.0. Surveyed Mar 8, 1648 for Wm. ELTONHEAD near the mouth of Pattuxent River. Possessor: Nicho. SEWELL.
Additional later entries to the above record:
2000 acres. 2.0.0. Nicholas SEWALL from John DARNALL, Aug 25, 1748.
218 acres. --. William SPALDING from Thomas Hatton COOMBES, Nov 5, 1751.
(St. Mary's County, MD, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, 1993, Originals at MD State Archives)
13 May 1713 - 07 Mar 1751 (Undated St. Mary's Co MD Rent Rolls) Hundred: Not Named, p. 76)
Rich Neck Tract. 500 acres. £1.00 Annual Rent. Resurveyed 13 May 1713 for Jno ATTAWAY on the NW side of the Beaverdam Branch.
Additional later entries to the above record:
130 Acres £0.5.2-1/2 Rent Thomas SPALDING from Thos HATTON COMBES, 07 Mar 1751.
98 Acres £0.3.11-1/2. Henry SPALDING from ditto, 07 Mar 1751.
100 A £0.4.0 Leased by SPALDING as part of Beaverdam Manor.
(St. Mary's County, MD, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, 1993, p. 78, Original at MD State Archives)
Notes: The above Elizabeth was apparently the d/o Thomas HATTON II (s/o Thos. I) since the d/o Thomas HATTON I (d1665) was named Mary, and w/o William COMBS who d 1740-2 in St. Mary's Co MD. Thomas HATTON II m Susannah BLACKISTON (d/o Nehemiah & Susannah GERARD Blackiston and later m John ATTAWAY per Researcher Jerry Clark. However, see also 07 Mar 1751 Thomas Hatton COMBS record below from the Rent Roll of the Unnamed Hundred:.
Notes: The Rich Neck tract was owned by Elizabeth HATTON only dau and heir of Thomas HATTON in 1714 (See Above). Thomas HATTON'S widow, Susannah BLACKISTON (d/o Nehemiah & Elizabeth GERARD Blackiston (Rymer) (Guibert) m by 1714 John ATTAWAY.
Return to Hundreds
Hundred: St. Clement's
Note: Because the ALVEY and COMBS families of England are known to be related through the ARCHDALE family, and because Alveys and Combs are known to be related through the Archdale family, and because John COMBS, husband of Margaret ARCHDALE (whose first cousin, Alice ARCHDALE, married Arthur ALVEY), had a sister, Chrion, married to a LANGWORTH, both ALVEY and LANGWORTH tracts have been entered here in addition to COMBS.
Tract: Unknown
1672-1679 Abraham COMBS, resident of St. Clements, transferred his rights to Clement HILL. See St. Clements Manor
Tract: Knotting
28 Mar 1668/9 (Undated St. Mary's Co MD Rent Rolls, St. Clements Hundred, p. 35)
Tract: Knotting. 100 Acres. £0.2.0 Annual Rent. Surveyed 28 Mar 1668/9 for Joseph ALVEY at a bound tree of Batchellors Rest. Possessor: Edward FIELD. (St. Mary's County, MD, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, 1993, p. 47, Original at MD State Archives)
Joseph ALVEY was the s/o of Pope & Mary ARCHDALE Alvey, and grandson of Arthur & Alice ARCHDALE Alvey. The naming of his tract, Knotting, was no coincidence: Joseph ALVEY was born in Knotting Parish of Co Bedford (Bedfordshire) England. He died in 1680 in St. Mary's Co MD, and among those listed in the estate accounts were Abraham COMBS. In Old Rappa. Co VA, Abraham COMBS associated closely with most of the same individuals, and at abt the same time as, Archdale COMBS of Old Rappa. Co VA, the latter somehow kin to John & Margaret ARCHDALE COMBS who m in 1587 in London, EN. (See also the Archdale-COMBS Families of England)
What makes the appearance of two Archdale-Associated families in St. Mary's Co MD even more interesting is the fact that Joseph's son, John ALVEY, m Mary CLARK, d/o Robert & Elizabeth MATTINGLY Clark, the former the s/of John CLARK, brother to Robert CLARK who m Sarah COMBS, d/o the above Abraham COMBS. Also of possible interest is the fact that John CLARK, who died in 1685 in St. Mary's Co MD, referred in his will to his "land at Notting." This land was "Clarke's Purchase," originally in Charles Co MD, and later in Prince George's Co MD on Notting alias Thomas's Creek. (Liber 4 folio 217 and see Alvey-Archdale Families)
See Also Joseph ALVEY, Jr. in New Town Hundred below.
Tract: St. Winifred's
500 acres surveyed 28 Mar 1652 for Tho: GERRARD on the West side of Clements Bay. Roswell NEALE, s/o Anthony and Elizabeth JOHNSON Neale, inherited it from his mother, d/o William and Emma LANGWORTH Neale. Devised to Emma LANGWORTH by her husband Thomas TURNER, will dated 2 Oct 1662, proved 21 Jan 1662/3, for her life. 2 Oct 1662 - 21st Jan 1662/3. Will of Thomas TURNER, St. Winifred's, St. Mary's Co. To Roman Catholic Church, personalty. To wife Emma, residue of estate, real and personal during life for maintenance of herself and "our" 3 child., viz., Thomas and Mary TURNER, and Eliza JOHNSON. To son Thomas, estate in Essex, Eng., due testator by his father's will. To dau. Mary TURNER, estate in Essex, Eng., should son Thomas afsd. die under age. Child, to be of age at 16 yrs. Overseers: Luke GARDNER and kinsman Wm. BRETTON. Test: Wm. ROSEWELL, Chas. ALEXANDER. (1. 169. Maryland Calendar of Wills, Vol. 1)
Tract: St. Barbaras
26 Jul 1663 (Undated St. Mary's Co MD Rent Rolls, St. Clements Hundred, p. 42)
Tract: St. Barbaras 500 Acres. £0.10.0 Annual Rent. Surveyed 26 Jul 1663 for Emma TURNER above the head of Choptico (Bay). Possessor: Nicho POORE.
Additional later entries to the above record:
400 Acres. 0.8.0 Nicholas POWER from Thomas TURNER, Jun 17, 1715.
100 Acres. 0.2.0 Edward PRICE from Thomas TURNER, Jun 17, 1715.
644 Acres. - - - William PRITCHARD from Nicholas POWER, Jul 9, 1719.
100 Acres. 0.2.0 Edward a PRICE from Joseph PILE, May 17, 1720.
400 Acres. .Joseph POWER from Nicholas POWER, May 19, 1720.
(St. Mary's County, MD, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, 1993, p. 47, Original at MD State Archives)
Tract: Weston
8 Jan 1665 (Undated St. Mary's Co MD Rent Rolls, St. Clements Hundred, p. 43)
Tract: Weston 200 Acres. £0.4.0 Annual Rent. Surveyed 8 Jan 1665 for Wm. ROSEWELL joining uto the land called Bostonl. Possessors: 100 a - John CARTWRIGHT; 100 a - Math: CARTWRIGHT.
Additional later entries to the above record:
400 Acres. 0.8.0 Nicholas POWER from Thomas TURNER, Jun 17, 1715.
100 Acres. 0.2.0 Edward PRICE from Thomas TURNER, Jun 17, 1715.
644 Acres. - - - William PRITCHARD from Nicholas POWER, Jul 9, 1719.
100 Acres. 0.2.0 Edward a PRICE from Joseph PILE, May 17, 1720.
400 Acres. .Joseph POWER from Nicholas POWER, May 19, 1720.
(St. Mary's County, MD, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, 1993, p. 47, Original at MD State Archives)
Tract: Engsbatch
8 Jan 1665 (Undated St. Mary's Co MD Rent Rolls, St. Clements Hundred, p. 43)
Tract: Engsbatch 300 Acres. £0.6.0 Annual Rent. Surveyed 8 Jan 1665 for Willm. ROSEWELL at St. Barbaras exterior tree. Possessor: Jno BOWLING by his marrying one of Wm LANGWORTH"S daughteres.
Additional later entries to the above record: - - - Acres. - - - Wm. JAMESON from Joseph ROUTHORNE & wife, May 11, 1719. (St. Mary's County, MD, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, 1993, p. 47, Original at MD State Archives)
Tract: Engsbatch Addition
15 Dec 1673 (Undated St. Mary's Co MD Rent Rolls, St. Clements Hundred, p. 44)
Tract: Engsbatch Addition 140 Acres. £0.5.7 Annual Rent. Surveyed 15 Dec 1673 for Wm. ROSEWELL. Possessor: John BOWLING of Charles County, by his marriage with LANGWORTH'S daughter.
Additional later entries to the above record:
Wm. JAMESON from Joseph ROUTHORNE and wife, May 11 1719.
(St. Mary's County, MD, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, 1993, p. 47, Original at MD State Archives)
Notes: See COMBS-Langworth-Rosewell-Turner Families
Return to Hundreds
Hundred: New Town
Tract: Rome
24 Jun 1670 - Oct 1736 (Undated St. Mary's Co MD Rent Rolls, New Town Hundred, p. 35)
Tract: Rome. 100 Acres. £0.4.0 Annual Rent. Surveyed 24 Jun 1670 for Joseph ALVEY on the So. side the mouth of Locust Run. Possessor: Joseph ALVEY. Note: A later entry on right side of page reads: 100 Acres. Rent: £0.2.0. John LEIGH from John HYDE. Oct 1736. (St. Mary's County, MD, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, 1993, p. 36, Original at MD State Archives)
See also the tract, Rooms Conveniency, included in the unnamed Hundred, but described as adjacent to the tract, "Room." Joseph ALVEY was the s/o the Joseph ALVEY of Knotting in St. Clement's Hundred, and said to have married a Margaret GREEN, ancestry not given. (See the Archdale-Alvey Family)
Tract: Fortune
19 Oct 1686 (St. Mary's Co MD Rent Rolls, New Town Hundred) Tract: Fortune. Acres: 50. Rent: £0.2.0. Surveyed 19 Oct 1684 for Francis TAYLOR. Possessor: John TAUNT. (ibid.)
19 Dec 1787 (St. Mary's MD Alienations & Transfers, Folio 9) Deed. BENNETT COMBS to Philip MEDLEY, Marks Delight & Fortune, 34 3/4 acres. (Chronicles of St. Mary's, Monthly Bulletin of St. Marys' County Historical Society Vol 23 No. 8 August 1975 page 7 & 8)
Note: The earlier tract, Fortune, may not be the same referred to in the 1787 deed. The tract, Marks Delight, has not been found in any records, and in fact, given the phrasing of the second record, the full name of the Bennett COMBS' tract may have been "Marks Delight & Fortune," rather than two separate tracts.
Tract: Green Hill
19 Apr 1662 - 09 Nov 1732 (St. Mary's MD undated Rent Roll) Hundred: New Town. Tract: Green Hill. Surveyed Apr 19, 1662 for Wm WOOD on the west side of St. Lawrance Cr fresh on the No: side Britta Bay. Possessor: John RYLEY. Later entry:Acres: 29 John FORD Jr from John RILEY, Nov 9, 1732. (St. Mary's County, MD, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, 1993, p. 33, Original at MD State Archives)
16 Feb 1813 (St. Mary's Co MD, Folio 176) RAPHAEL COMBS to Samuel P. LOWE all his right to Wilders Pool & Green Hills and part of Forrest of Dean. ("A list of Alienations and Transfers in St. Mary's County from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventh day of March 1829," Chronicles of St. Marys, page 7 Vol 23, No. * Aug 1975)
See Wilders Pool and Forrest of Dean in Poplar Hundred.
Tract: Knevets (a.k.a. Nevitts) St. Anns
10 Nov 1647 (St. Mary's Co MD Undated Rent Roll) Hundred: New Town. Tract: Knevets St. Anns. Rent: £0.2.0. Surveyed Nov 10, 1647 for Wm. STYLES at the head of Knevets Branch in Brittains Bay. Possessor: Thos NOTTINGHAM. "The rent of this land is reserved in grain." (St. Mary's County, MD, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, 1993, p. 28, Original at MD State Archives)
20 Jan 1802 (St. Mary's Co MD (80)) Deed. Jo. COMBS to Tho. CADDEEN. Nevitts St. Anns. 100 Acres. ("A list of Alienations and Transfers in St. Mary's County from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventh day of March 1829," Chronicles of St. Mary's, Monthly Bulletin of St. Marys' County Historical Society Vol 23 No. 8 August 1975 pages 7 & 8)
The record whereby the COMBS acquired the above tract has not yet been located. The above Joseph COMBS may have been the son of Phillip & Margaret FENWICK COMBS.
Tract: Long Neck
10 Jun 1681 (St. Mary's Co MD undated Rent Roll) Hundred: New Town. Tract: Long Neck. Acres: 100. Rent £0.4.0. Surveyed Jun 10, 1661 for John ADDISON by a small Gut of DENTS back Cr. Possessor: Wm CECILL. Note: A series of later additions to this entry include the names, John LANGLEY (from William & Elizabeth COLE. 100 A, 07 May 1709), Aaron JONES (from Samuel FINACEY & wife, 25 Acres, 02 Mar 1733/4), Joshua TARLTON (from William LANGLEY, 30 Mar 1736, 100 A); and George CLARK (42 acres from Andrew BUTCHER, Sep 20, 1738). (St. Mary's County, MD, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, 1993, p. 28, Original at MD State Archives)
19 May 1807 (St. Mary's Co MD, Folio 122) Deed. Enoch COMBS to Bennet RAILEY. Part of Long Neck. ("A list of Alienations and Transfers in St. Mary's County from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventh day of March 1829," Chronicles of St. Mary's, Monthly Bulletin of St. Marys' County Historical Society Vol 23 No. 8 August 1975 page 7 & 8)
10 Mar 1810. (St. Mary's Co MD, Folio 149) Deed. ENOCH COMBS to John MILBURN. "All those several tracts lying in Woolsey Manor which were willed to a certain Sam. COMBS by a certain Ignatius COMBS also Long Neck" ("A list of Alienations and Transfers in St. Mary's County from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventh day of March 1829," Chronicles of St. Mary's, Monthly Bulletin of St. Marys' County Historical Society Vol 23 No. 8 August 1975 page 7 & 8)
The tracts in Woolsey Manor have not been identified; however, the will of Ignatius COMBS (d 1791) specified "I give and bequeath unto my son, Samuel COMBS, all my lands where my son Enoch COMBS now lives "
19 Jul - 9 Oct 1678 MD Chancery Court Proceedings. Maryland ss. John WARREN Inquisition. An Inquisition taken upon the nineteenth day of July in the year of the Dominion of Charles absolute Lord & Proprietary of The Provinces of Maryland & Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c Annoq Domini 1678 At the house of John WARREN Scituate near Brittons bay in the County of St Marys in ye Province of Maryland by virtue of a Commission in the nature of a Mandamus issued out of his Lordship's high Court of Chanry to us Clement HALL & Richard GARDNER Gent directed, by the Oaths of Twelve Good & Lawfull men of the Said County of St Maryes by whom the truth of the matter may the better be known & Enquired of to diligently Enquire who is the Right owner of a parcell of Land Containing four hundred & fifty acres Lying in Brittons Bay in St Marys County aforesaid now in the possession of John WARREN & by what Title how & in what manner the sd John WARREN hath & doth hold & Enjoy the Same what these Lands & Tenements are of value by the year in all issues who hath paid the Rent for the Same & to whom & who is heir to the Same We do therefore by the Oaths of Abraham COMBE, John HEARDE William COLE, John BAYLY Senr William LANGWORTH Robert COLE John NEVITT, Thomas HOCKLEY, John FOSSEY Michael RYLEY Ignatius WARREN and John BAYLEY Junr who being all duely Sworn Say as followeth That the Right Honble the Lord Propry of the Sd Province did by his Patent under the Great Seale of the Sd province bearing date the fifth day of June in the Year of our Lord 1649 Give Grant and Enfeoff unto John SHERCLIFF his heirs & Assigns all that parcell of Land Scituate Lying and being in the New town, Bounded on the East with the Land formerly Granted Richard HILLS and a Creek Called Pisamon Creek on the South with Potomock River on the west with a Creek Called Broad Creek & on the north with the Land formerly Granted unto John NUNNE now in the possession of the sd John SHERCLIFF Containing & Laid out for one hundred acres more or Less & all woods Quarry mines Royall mines Excepted, Waters ffishing ffishing places and all other profits and Commodities in & upon the Same Land belonging To have and to hold the Same Land & premisses unto him the said John SHERCLIFF his heirs and assigns for Ever To be holden of the mannor of New Town in free and Common Soccage by ffealty only for all Services [254] Yeilding and paying therefore yearly to his Sd Ldp Two Shillings Sterling in money or one bushell of Good Corne at the Nativity of our Lord By Virtue of wch Grant or Patent the Sd Jurro.rs do upon their Oath Say That the Sd John SHERCLIFF became Seized & possessed of the premisses & being So Seized and possessed thereof the Sd John SHERCLIFF did by writeing under his hand & Seal bearing date the Twelfth day of ffebruary 1650 being menconed & Endorsed on the Back Side of the Said Patent assign all his Right Title and Interest of in and to the premisses to Edward COTTEN his heirs and assigns for Ever as by the Said Patent and assignmt thereof to us produced may more at Large appear And the Jurors aforesaid do upon their Oaths further Say that the Right Honble the Lord Proprietary of the Sd province did by his Patent bearing date the Second day of November in the year of our Lord 1650 Give Grant and Enfeoff unto William NEWGENT Gent all that parcell of Land Lying near the Newtown Called Huggins Neck Beginning at the head of [L]ees Creek bounding on the West with the Said Creek and Brittons Bay on the South with Potomack River on the East with a Creek Called Broad Creek on the north with the Land formerly Granted to William ASSITER Containing and now laid out for one hundred acres more or Less Together with all Rights & profits and benefits thereunto belonging, Royall mines Excepted, To have and to hold the Same Land and premisses unto the Said William NEWGENT Gent his heirs and assigns for Ever To be holden of the mannor of West St marys in free and Common Soccage by ffealty only for all Services Yeilding & paying therefore yearly to his Said Lordship two Shillings Sterling in Silver or the value thereof in Such Commodities as his Said Lordship his heirs officer or officers appointed by them Shall accept in discharge thereof at their Choice by Even and Equall portions at the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the feast of St Michael the Archangell By virtue of which Grant or Patent the Said Jurors do upon their Oaths Say that the Said William NEWGENT became Seized and possessed of the prmisses & being So Seized and possessed thereof the Sd William NEWGENT did by writeing under his hand bearing date the Twelfth day of December 1651 being menconed and Endorsed on the back Side of the Said Patent assign all his Right Title and Interest of in and to the premisses to Edward COTTEN his heirs and assigns for Ever as by the Said Patent may more at Large appear, And the sd Jurors do upon their Oaths further Say that the Right Honblethe Lord Propry of the Sd province did by his Patent bearing date the Twenty fourth day of January 1642 Give Grant and Enfeoff unto Henry LEE all that parcell of Land Lying on the South Side of Brittons Bay and bounding on the west with a line drawn South from a point of the Sd Bay Called Blunt point into a Creek Called Lees Creek on the South with a line drawn East from the head of the Said Creek till it Intersect a line drawn from the head of Blunt Creek on the East the Said Blunt Creek Containing and now laid out for one hundred acres or thereabouts be it more or Less, Together with all Rights and benefits thereunto be longing (Royall mines Excepted) To have and to hold the Same Lands and premisses unto him the Said Henry LEE his heirs and assigns for Ever, To be holden of the mannor of New town in free and Common Soccage by fealty only for all Services Yeilding and paying therefore yearly to his Said Lordship Two Shillings in money Sterling or the Comoditys of the Country at the feast of our Lords Nativity by Virtue of wch Grant or Patent the Said Jurors do upon their Oaths Say that the Sd Henry LEE became Seized & possessed of ye prmisses and being So Seized and possessed thereof the Said Henry LEE did make assignmt thereof as the Said Jurors believe but to whom they know not the assignmt on the back of the Patent being So much defaced, And the Said Jurors do further believe that the Sd Patent after Some assignmts was at Last assigned unto the Said Edwd COTTEN And the Said Jurors do upon their Oaths further Say that John NUNN of St Marys County in the Province aforesaid planter in Consideracon of four hundred pounds of Tobacco & Cask by him received from John SHERCLIFF and Henry SPINK did Bargain Sell and Deliver unto the Said John SHERCLIFF and Henry SPINK all that parcell of Land Lying on New Town on the South Side of Brittons Bay Beginning from the Valley where the house of the Said John SHERCLIFF & Henry SPINK now Stands tending westward along the Said Bay to the furthest Bound of the Said John NUNN'S Land as may appear by the Patent or Grant of the Said Land under the Seale of the Said Province unto him the Said John NUNN bearing date at St Inege's Fort the Second day of October in the year of our Lord 1647 By Estimation one hundred and fifty acres be it more or Less To have and to hold the Same unto them the Said John SHERCLIFF & Henry SPRING their heirs and assigns for Ever paying unto the Said John NUNN therefore yearly one Bushell and a half of Corne at the Nativity of our Lord By Virtue of which Grant the Said Jurors do upon their Oaths Say that the Said John SHERCLIFF and Henry SPINK became Seized and possessed of the prmisses and being So Seized and possessed thereof the Said John SHERCLIFF and Henry SPINK did by their writeing under their hands bearing date the Twelfth day of ffebruary in the year of our Lord 1650 Being menconed & Endorsed at the foot of the Said Grant assign all their Right Title Interest of in & to the premisses unto the Sd Edwd COTTEN his heirs and assigns for Ever Excepting about an acre of Ground which they formerly Granted unto mr Lawrence STARKEY & as it is now marked out, And the Sd Jurors do upon their Oaths further Say that the Said Severall parcells of Land [256] herein mentioned amounting unto the Sume of four hundred & fifty acres of Land the Said John WARREN had Given & bequeathed him Together with one man Servant named William RAMSEY for Seven Years (Paying yearly a thousand pounds of Tobacco for Eight years by the afd Edward COTTEN as by the Last Will and Testament under the Said Edward COTTEN'S hand bearing date the Eighteenth day of Aprill 1653 may more at Large appear By virtue of wch the Said John WARREN became Intitled to the Same and became Seized and possessed thereof and hath held & Enjoyed the Same untill this time, And the Said Jurors do further upon their Oaths Say that the Land & Tenements herein menconed are of value by the year in all issues worth the sume of one thousand pounds of Tobacco And the Jurors do upon their Oaths further Say that the Sd John WARREN (as by Receipts may more at large appear) paid his Ldps Rent for the prmisses to Such officrs as his Lopp hath from time to time appointed to Collect the Same for & dureing the time the 5d John WARREN Enjoyed the premisses But who paid the Sd Rent or to whom it was paid before the Said John WARREN the Sd prmisses Enjoyed the Jurors know not, And the Jurors do further upon their Oaths Say that they know not who is the heir to the afd four hundred and fifty acres of Land and that the Patents & Grants of all the aforemenconed parcell of Land amounting unto the Sume of four hundred and fifty acres are now in the possession of the Said John WARREN assigned him by the Executor of the Last will and Testamt of the Said Edward COTTON In Testimony whereof as well the Said Comrs as the Jurors aforesaid have hereunto put their hands and Seals the day and year first above written
Clement HILL sealed
Richard GARDNER sealed
Abraham COMBE sealed John NEVITT sealed
John HEARD sealed Tho: KINSLEY sealed
William COLE sealed Jno FOSSEY sealed
John BAILY sealed Mich. RYLY sealed
Wm LANGWORTH sealed Ignatius WARREN sealed
Robert COLE sealed John BAYLY sealed
Which being Read and heard It is Ordered by the Court here this day to witt the ninth day of October in the third year of the Dominion of Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq Domini 1678 that a melius Inquirendum issue better to Enquire concerning the Land in the aforegoing Inquisition menconed
Nic PAINTER Cl Cur Prov.alio
(MD Archives Vol. 51:253-256)
Return to Hundreds
Hundred: Resurrection
Tract: Addition
09 Nov 1694 - 01 Aug 1721 (St. Mary's Co MD Rent Roll) Undated. Resurrection Hundred. Tract: Addition Acres: 100. Rent: £0.4.0. Surveyed Nov 9, 1694 for Rob: CLARK on the No: of Resurrection Mannr. Possessor: same CLARK. Later Entry: Acres: 100. Rent: £0.4.0. Robert CLARKE from Robert CLARKE, Aug 1, 1721. (St. Mary's Co MD Rent Rolls, 1639-1721, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, FL, 1993, p. 65)
Robert CLARK, Sr.'s St. Mary's county will, dated 19 Aug 1721, confirms the transfer of "Addition" to Robert, Jr., his son by first wife, Sarah COMBS. This land was in Calvert County until the redistricting in 1695/6.
Return to Hundreds
Hundred: Unnamed (See Rich Neck above)
Tract: Charles' Chance
11 Oct 1717 (St. Mary's Co MD Rent Rolls) Hundred: Unnamed. Tract: Charles Chance. Acres: 73-1/2. £0.2.11-1/2. Surveyed Oct 11, 1717 for Chas DILLION, bounded by the south side of a road that leads from my Lords Mill to St Marys [River] and in the north line of Mr. HATTON'S land. (St. Mary's County, MD, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, 1993, Originals at MD State Archives, p. 78)
15 Mar 1787 (St. Mary's Co MD, Folio 6) Deed. THOMAS H. COMBS to Barton TABBS Esq.Tract: Charles'es Chance, 18 Acres. ("A list of Alienations and Transfers in St. Mary's County from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventh day of March 1829," Chronicles of St. Mary's, Monthly Bulletin of St. Marys' County Historical Society Vol 23 No. 8 August 1975 pages 7 & 8)
Again, we do not have the record whereby Thomas H[atton?] COMBS acquired Charles' Chance however, note that this entry was listed only two tracts below that of the Rich Neck entry above.
Tract: Rooms Conveniency
10 Aug 1720 (Undated St. Mary's Co MD Rent Rolls, Unnamed Hundred*, p. 80)
Tract: Rooms Conveniency. 26 Acres. £0.1.1/2 Surveyed 10 Aug1720 for Joseph ALVEY, east side the fresh run of Clements Bay, adjoining a tract of land called Room, beginning at the mouth of Locus branch. on the So. side the mouth of Locust Run. Possessor: Joseph ALVEY. Tract: 100 Acres. Rent: £0.2.0. John LEIGH from John HYDE. Oct 1736. (St. Mary's County, MD, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, 1993, p. 81, Original at MD State Archives)
Although the tract, Rooms Conveniency, is included in the unnamed hundred, it was either in or adj. to New Town Hundred in 1670 per the 28 Mar 1668/9 record for the tract, Rome, in that Hundred. This Joseph ALVEY was the s/o the Joseph ALVEY of Rome in St. Clement's Hundred. This entry on the rent roll was only two entries above the following COMBS' entry (See next)
Tract: Addition of Hearts Delight
03 Sep 1720 (St. Mary's Co MD Rent Rolls) Hundred: Unnamed. Tract: The Add:o of Harts Delight. Acres: 152. Rent: £0.6.1. Surveyed Sep 3, 1720 for Wm SPALDIN, adjoining a tract of land called Gunyards Lott, and another called Hearts Delight, and another called Hopewell, & a tract of land in possession of Jams WILLMAN, bounded by a tract of land called Hopewell, near one of the branches of Brittains Bay. (ibid.)
1766. Debt Books of St. Mary's Co.
Thomas Hatton COMBS, Addition to Heart's delight
(Fannie COMBS Gough ms.)
05 Mar 1792 (St. Mary's Co MD, Folio 34) THOMAS HATTON COMBS to Vincent THORNTON. Part of the Addition of Hearts Delight ("A list of Alienations and Transfers in St. Mary's County from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventh day of March 1829," Chronicles of St. Marys, pp. 7-8, Vol 23, No. * Aug 1975)
The above Thomas Hatton COMBS was the s/o Thomas HATTON COMBS I & Mary CRAGHILL, and grandson of William & Mary HATTON COMBS. The references in the earlier record to Hopwell might refer to the tract, Hopewell, earlier listed in Choptico Hundred.
Return to Hundreds
Hundred: Unknown (land not yet found in the earlier records)
Tract: Mark's Delight (See Fortune Tract of New Town Hundred)
Tract: Cowles Purchase
18 May 1797 (St. Mary's Co MD (51)) JAMES COMBS & wife to John NOWLAND, part of Cowles Purchase, 80 Acres. ("A list of Alienations and Transfers in St. Mary's County from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventh day of March 1829," Chronicles of St. Mary's, Monthly Bulletin of St. Marys' County Historical Society Vol 23 No. 8 August 1975 pages 7 & 8)
Note: This tract has not been located yet in earlier records, nor has this James COMBS been specifically identified as yet.
Tract: Clifton/COMBS Chance
No Date rec* (St. Mary's Co MD, Folio 65) Deed. WM. COMBS to Bernard SPALDING, William SOMERVILLE. Clifton being a part of a tract of land called COMBS Chance, 3 Acres. ("A list of Alienations and Transfers in St. Mary's County from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventh day of March 1829," Chronicles of St. Mary's, Monthly Bulletin of St. Marys' County Historical Society Vol 23 No. 8 August 1975 pages 7 & 8) *adjacent to Deeds dated 30 Mar 1810.
Note: Neither Clifton nor COMBS Chance have been located yet in earlier records.
Tract: COMBS Purchase
01 Sep 1813 (St. Mary's Co MD, Folio 180) Deed. WILLIAM COMBS, JR. To John ARMSTRONG. COMBS Purchase, 16 Acres. ("A list of Alienations and Transfers in St. Mary's County from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventh day of March 1829," Chronicles of St. Mary's, Monthly Bulletin of St. Marys' County Historical Society Vol 23 No. 8 August 1975 pages 7 & 8)
Note: Not found yet in earlier records. The above William COMBS, Jr. not identified.
Tract: Richard MELTON'S Residence
23 Oct 1815 (St. Mary's Co MD (192)) Deed. ENOCH COMBS, Sheriff, to Josiah TURNER & Co. "All that plantation whereon Richard MELTON now resides." 200 Acres. ("A list of Alienations and Transfers in St. Mary's County from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventh day of March 1829," Chronicles of St. Mary's, Monthly Bulletin of St. Marys' County Historical Society Vol 23 No. 8 August 1975 page 7 & 8)
Note: The above land not yet located in earlier COMBS' records.
Tracts: Coles Harbour, Jarboes Discovery, Stradford & Addition to Stradford
16 Sep 1790 - 8 Feb 1791 (St. Mary's Co MD Wills Liber JJ 1 page 520) The will of IGNATIUS COMBS unto my son, BENNET COMBS, all my lands where my quarter is called Colonel Luiz Jarbo's Discovery, the Stradford and the addition to Stradford
11 Feb 1817. (St. Mary's Co MD (203)) Deed. ENOCH COMBS to John BOHANAN. "All those several tracts Coles Harbour, 150 Acres; Jarboes Discovery, 36 Acres, Stradford and The Addition to Stradford, 26 Acres. ("A list of Alienations and Transfers in St. Mary's County from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventh day of March 1829," Chronicles of St. Mary's, Monthly Bulletin of St. Marys' County Historical Society Vol 23 No. 8 August 1975 page 7 & 8)
09 Jun 1825 (St. Mary's Co MD, Folio 287) Deed. Enoch COMBS to Charles G. GREENWELL. St. Winifreds Freehold & part of St. Winifreds Freehold, 309 acres. ("A list of Alienations and Transfers in St. Mary's County from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventh day of March 1829," Chronicles of St. Mary's, Monthly Bulletin of St. Marys' County Historical Society Vol 23 No. 8 August 1975 page 7 & 8)
Note: The above tracts not yet been checked against earlier COMBS' records, and not yet identified from early land records.
Tract: Grapenall
1766. Debt Books of St. Mary's Co.
Enoch COMBS (heirs) 200 acres Grapenall surv. for James JOHNSON.
(Fannie COMBS Gough ms.)
Tract: Hatton's Rest
1766. Debt Books of St. Mary's Co.
Thomas Hatton COMBS, Hatton's Rest surveyed for Thomas HATTON
(Fannie COMBS Gough ms.)
Tract: Friend's Discovery
1766. Debt Books of St. Mary's Co.
Thomas Hatton COMBS, Friends Discovery
(Fannie COMBS Gough ms.)
[ Intro to St. Mary's | 1600s | 1700s | 1800s | Land | St. Clements | Combs &c. of Maryland ]