![]() | Combs &c. Families of St. Mary's County, Maryland 1725-1749 |
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12 Nov 1726 - 1 Jun 1728. Will of Mary MORGIN of St. Mary's Co. To daus. Elizabeth and Elender and son William, personalty; residue of estate to four child. equally; son William to be in care of Thomas PLUMER until 18 yrs. of age. Ex.: Son-in-law John SIKES. Test: Robert FORD, Ann MEDLEY, Mary FORD. 19, 445. Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 6 [MORGAN]
30 Jul - 23 Oct 1728 St. Mary's County, MD Inventory 13.283. Mary MORGAN. L136.97. Appraisers: William CANNADAY and Patrick FORREST. Creditors: Richard THOMPSON and Mark LAMPTON. Next of kin: Elizabeth and Elinor MORGAN. Executor: John SIKES
10 Jul 1727 Maryland Test Proc 8.278. St. Mary's County. L4.15.0 L7.6.8. Account of Marke MANING. Received from William COMBES. Payments to: Richard THOMPSON. Legatees: Fran. LLOYD. Administratrix: Mary MORGAN.
(Skinner...) SW: MANNING
10 Jul 1727 Maryland Test Proc 8.279. St. Mary's County. L83.10.4 L43.5.5. Account of Mary MANING. Received from William COMBS, John MILLES. Payments to: Richard THOMPSON for use of John MANING (orphan), John GREENWELL. Administratrix: Mary MORGAN.
(Skinner...) SW: MANNING
17 Jul 1727 Accounts 8.282. St. Mary's County, MD. L55.9.10. L37.0.4. Acct of Robert CLARK. Received from William STONE, Nicholis LOWE, Esq. Payments to Rev. Robert SCOTT, Robert CLARK, David MACKGILL, John ABLE, James BOWLES, Esq., Thomas WINARD, Ann JONES, Thomas HALL, Mrs. Ann OSBURN, William WILKINSON, Executrix: Elizabeth CLARK.
2 Aug 1727 Accounts. 8.354. St. Mary's County, MD. L35.9.11. L27.16.6. John PRICE. Payments to Samuel CHURM, Dr. John HAW, John PARNHAM, Mathew CUMINGS for Capt. Rich HOPEWELL, Henry BROOKE. Administrator: Elizabeth CLARKE, wife of Robert CLARKE.
2 Aug 1727 Accounts. 9.406. St. Mary's County, MD. L4.7.2. John PRICE. Payments to Charles CALVERT, Esq., Elizabeth REDLEY, John GRAVES, Col. John BAKER. Administratrix: Elizabeth CLARKE, wife of Robert CLARKE.
Robert CLARK who married 1st Sarah COMBS, d/o Abraham. Note that one Nicholas LOWE was son of Nicholas and Elizabeth ROE Lowe of Talbot County, she having married first William COMBS. This Nicholas LOWE may, however, be his first cousin, son of Henry LOWE of St. Mary's.
31 Aug - 6 Nov 1728. Will of John MILLS of St. Mary's Co., MD. To dau. Mary, personalty at marriage. To son John, personalty at marriage or age of 21; shd. either die before that time, survivor to enjoy portion of dec'd. To Mr. Francis LOYD, personalty. Wife Mary, extx. Test: John GREENWELL, Henry WINEET, Cornelius MANING.
(19, 500. Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 6)
6 Nov 1728 - 4 Feb 1728/9 Maryland Test Proc 13.422. Saint Mary's County. Account of Mr. John MILLS. L375.2.1. Appraisers: John MEDLEY, A. THOMPSON. Creditors: John MILLMAN, Cornelius MANING. Next of kin: Nicholas MILLS, Susanna MILLS. Executrix: Mary MILLS.
11th Nov., 1728; 18th March, 1728-9. Will of Nicholas MILLS of St. Mary's Co., MD. To grandson John and hrs., dwell. plan. --; he dying without issue, to pass to granddau. Mary and hrs.; she dying without issue, to son Nicholas and hrs. To son Nicholas and hrs., 309 A. "Strife" and "Strife's Addition." To daus. Mary MILLARD and Susanna and their hrs., 400 A. "Neals Lott"; either dau. dying without issue, portion of dec'd to survivor; shd. both die without issue, to son Nicholas and hrs. To dau.-in-law Mary MILLS, use of lands where she now lives during widowhood. To dau. Susanna and the clergy at New Town, personalty. To wife Elizabeth, use of dwell. plan. from path leading from house of dau.-in-law Mary MILLS to hd. of Floods Ck., where Charles DAFT now lives, during her life; residue of estate. Exs.: Wife and son Nicholas. Test: Cornelius MANING, Mathew DAFFT, James THOMPSON.
(19, 616. Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 6)
-- -- --; 22nd May, 1729. Will of Nicholas LOWE, gent., of St. Mary's Co., MD. To sister Susannah DIGGS and hrs., "Bennetts Lowe," Kent Co., "Green Oak," in sd. co., and "Spries Hills," Cecil Co., on condition that her husband Charles DIGGS will make over to sister Mary NEALE and hrs. all rights and interests in lands in Prince George's Co., where his dwelling now stands; shd. he refuse, 2 tracts last named to revert to sd. sister Mary and hrs. To sister Mary NEALE and hrs., 1,500 A. "Barbados," Charles Co., exchanged with Mr. John DIGGS. To sister Elizabeth DARNALL and hrs., dwell. plan. pt. of "Delabrook Mannor"; 3 tracts nr. St. Mary's C. H., which Maria FARTHING formerly had, and tract adjoining. To sister Dorothy and hrs., "Golden Grove," Dorchester Co. To Mrs. Mary YOUNG, St. Mary's Co., "Workinton" during life; after her decease to revert to sister Elizabeth afsd.; and personalty. To sisters afsd., residue of personal estate. Exs.: Charles DIGGS and Henry DARNALL. Note: Above will not signed or witnessed, proven by depositions of Robert ELLIOTT, gent., St. Mary's Co.; Christian GEIST, gent., Annapolis (30 yrs.); Philip KEY, St. Mary's Co. (32 yrs.), and Edward COLE, gent., St. Mary's Co.
(19, 707. Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 6)
Nicholas LOWE, s/o Henry and Susannah BENNETT (Darnell) Lowe. His sister, Elizabeth, married Henry DARNELL, Jr., s/o Col. Henry and Elinor HATTON (Brooke) Darnell. Which NEAL did his sister, Mary, marry?
14 Jul 1729 Maryland Test Proc 9.443. St. Mary's County. L136.97 L118.96. Account of Mary MORGAN. Received from Joseph SIKES. Payments to: Mr. Richard THOMPSON, guardian to John MANNING orphan of John MANNING, Robert ROSSON, Thomas PRICE, Charles CALVERT, Esq., Robert ELLIOTT, Col. John BAKER, Richard FARTHING, Richard THOMPSON for use of John MANNING (orphan), Hugh CARPENTER. Executor: John SIKE.
-- -- --; 25th July, 1729. Will of Joseph ALVEY of St. Mary's Co., MD. To eldest son Leonard and hrs., 200 A. "Greens Inheritance"; and personalty. To son Joseph and hrs., 100 A. "Noting." To wife --, residue of land during life; at her decease to pass to youngest son Arthur. To eldest dau. Elinor and dau. Margaret, personalty. Test: George KNOTT, Richard POWER, Jonathan SPENCER.
(19, 761. Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 6, p. 126)
Joseph, s/o Joseph and Elizabeth ALVEY, gs/o Pope and Mary ARCHDALE Alvey, Sr., married Margaret GREEN, d/o Leonard GREEN of Charles County, site of Green's Inheritance. The 100 acre tract, Knotting [sic], is in St. Clements Manor.
22 Oct 1729 - 21 Jan 1729/30 (St. Mary's? Co MD L384 18 71) The account of Enoch COMBS and Mary his wife Executors of the late will and Testament of John MILLS late of St. Mary's County Deceased. The said Accountants Charge to Themselves with the account of the Inventory of the said Deceased Estate Exibited unto the Prerogative office at Annapolis Amounting to the sum of ........ L375.02.01. of 100 lbs Tobacco paid John MEDLEY one of the appraisers as the Account and receipt at 12/6 paid Of salary allowed these accounts for paying a _ _ay ____________. Balance Due to the Deceased Estate 315 6 472 January the 21st 1729 L384 18 71 Then came Enoch COMBS and Mary his Wife the foregoing Accountants by Virtue of a Commission Coming out of The Prerogative Office Dated the Twenty second day of October 1729 and made oath on the Holy Evangilist of Almighty God that the foregoing Account is Just and True which after due examination is passed by me Thomas AISGUITH Deputy Commissioner of St. Mary's County. George MEDLEY and Henry WINSAT Surities for the Administration both of St. Mary's County
(Combs-Clark Researcher Jerry Clark)
20 Jan 1729/30 MD Prerogative Court Records. Accounts 10.1.80. Saint Mary's County. John MILLS. L375.2.1. L69.12.3. Sureties: George MEDLEY, Henry WENSET. Received from: Owen ROAK, Henry TAYLOR, James TAYLOR, Steve MARTAN, Robert MASON, Robert TERRAN, Robert MUGAN, Charles PLUMER, Charles DAFT, Thomas ENESS, John MILLER, Archbold PIKE, William SWORD, John SIMSON, Paul GRUGAN, Payments to: Col. John BAKER for use of Charles CALVERT, Esq., Edward MORGAN, Charles MILLMAN, John LAKE, Robert FORD, Nicholas MILLS, Thomas DALTON, Thomas PRICE, Elisabeth NEVITT and Mary NEVITT (orphans), John MEDLEY. Executrix: Mary COMBS, wife of Enoch COMBS.
The above is apparently Mary MANNING, d/o Cornelius MANNING, who named his daughter, Mary MILLS in his St. Mary's Co MD will dated 10 Apr 1721, proved 15 Aug 1721 (St. Mary's Co MD PC 1 Page 263) as Mary MILLS. Mary MANNING m Enoch COMBS, d 1756.
17 Jul 1732 St. Mary's Co, MD Prerogative Court Records, 16.550. Account Daniel RHEAY. L108.14.6. Appraisers: James BAKER, Luke LEE. Creditors: George CLARKE, John SLEDMORE. Next of kin: John SLEDMORE, Mary MORGAIN. Administratrix, Executrix: Jane SWORD.
4 Dec 1732 Maryland Probate Records. Accounts 11.530. Daniel RAYE. L108.14.6. L128.18.9. Received from William SWORD, John MANING, George HEBB. Payments to: Capt. George CLARKE, Thomas ALLEN, Clement CHIURREL, John DOWNE, John DURDIN. Distribution to: widow (unnamed) 1/3. Residue to orphans: William, Margaret and Ann RAYE. Administratrix: Jane SWORD, wife of William.
18 Dec 1732 Maryland Test Proc Accounts 11.579. Saint Mary County. Owen GUYTHER. L----. L7.19.2. Received from: Charles CALVERT, William JONES, Joseph FitzJEFFREY, James FARRELL, William ABELL, Margaret RIGG. Payments to: Capt. George CLARKE, Andrew EATON, Mary COMBS. Legal Representatives: Sarah GUYTHER, William MERRET, Mary GUYTHER. Administrator John GUYTHER.
See George SIMEON re Mary GUITHER.
26 Jan 1732/33 Maryland Test Proc 17.95. St. Mary's County. L54.5.0. Account of Henry COLBY. Appraisers: Luke LEE, Thomas INKEN. Creditors: Thomas HEBB, Alexander FURGEO. Executor/Administrator: John SLEDMORE.
Note that INKEN may be JENKIN (as transcribed by Skinner in other records herein). Mary COMBS is apparently the wife of (but possibly mother, daughter or sister) Simon COMBS who died by 1717. Christopher, godson of Edward HILLIARD (whose widow, Jane, married Daniel RAY by 7 Jan 1717 per estate account that date, which also includes Marshall and Mary LOWE, Major WATTS and Dr. SWALE), was possibly the son of Simon and Mary, who are clearly closely associated with Thomas and Frances HILLIARD Hebb, Jr. By 1719, Mary COMBS has married Henry COLBY, and Thomas and Christopher were somehow related (sons? brothers?). and (1) The 1697 Westmoreland County, Virginia will of a Zachariah HINES "bound for England" who names Simond COMBS son of Simon COMBS in his will. (2) Given the variant spellings and the given name, Christopher, more research is probably warranted re Christopher KILBY of 1662 who was gifted a cow by Ardy HILL in Lancaster County, Virginia, as witnessed by Enoch COMBS. (3) No other Dr. COME was found in this source; however, it appears that this is probably the Dr. Thomas COME found in the records of Anne Arundel Co, MD in the estate account of Major Charles HAMMOND. (4) Could Eleanor COMBS be the daughter of William COMBS, Sr. by his first wife (married William MEDLEY)? (5) The HEBB surname is also found in the 1749 St. Mary's County records of George CRAGHILL whose daughter, Mary, m Thomas Hatton COMBS, and named a daughter, Eleanor.
Also Note: Skinner transcribes the Jan 1721 records as either Simmond COMBES or CROOMBES, and lists Thomas as a CROOMBES, SLEADMORE as SLEADGMORE, Dorothy JOHNSON (not Dr. JOHNSON), COMMANT, not CONNANT, Jon. BAKER, not John BAKER, and Henry CELBY (not COLBY). According to the Maryland Genealogy Society Bulletin 35 (2), 1994, p. 217, :"CELBY [sic], Henry married by 6 Sept 1719, Mary, admx of Simmond COMBES of St. Mary's Co, MD (MDAD 2:209), but this may be based on Skinner, all of whose other references to Henry are COLBY or COLBEY, not CELBY or SELBY.
1 Apr 1731 - 1 Jun 1731. Will of George MEDLEY of St. Mary's Co., MD. To son Clemant and hrs., dwell. plan. -- after decease of his mother; shd. sd. son die during minority or without issue, sd. land to pass to son Often and hrs. To son Bennet and hrs., all land that falls to testator's share when divided bet. wife -- and Mary TANT; sd. son dying during minority or without issue, to pass to son George and hrs. To 4 sons afsd., personalty at age of 21, or day of marriage, and residue of personal estate. Wife Ann, extx. Test: Enoch COMBS (COMBES), Thomas THOMPSON, Ignatius FORD, Robert FORD (FOORD). Note: Widow claims her thirds.
(20, 214. Maryland Calendar of Wills, Vol. 6) Wife is Ann per abstract of Combs Researcher Barbara Stacy Mathews, and Enoch's surname COOMBS or COMBES.
22 Jul 1734 Maryland Test Proc 12.452. St. Mary's County. L0.0.0. L12.7.5. Account of Henry COLBEY. Sureties: John MACKEY, William SWORD. Received from: Capt. John HICKS, Patrick FORREST, Anthony SIMMES, Jams BAKER, Luke LEE, Alexander BEAN, Thomas WAUGHOP. Payments to: Aleander FURGOE, John MEKELLINE, George PHIPP, John DOWNE, Catherine HARDY, Eleanor COMBES, James ARMSTRONG, John EDWARDS, Nathaniel PHIPPS, Elizabeth RUBE, Thomas HEBB, George AISQUITH, John TAYLOR, Joseph ANDERSON, Capt. John HICKS. Representatives: John COLBEY, Henry COLBEY, Thomas COLBEY, William COLBEY, Mary COLBEY, Elisabeth COLBEY. Administrator: John SLEDMORE. (Skinner...)
William COMBS who d 1740-2 in St. Mary's Co MD, had a daughter, Elianor COMBS who had married a (William?) MEDLEY at the time William's will was written (see below). Was this William's daughter, in which case, she was born bef 1718 (presumably 16 to receive payment in her own right).
20th Mar., 1739-40; 17th Nov., 1740. Will of George ROGERS of St. Mary's Co. To daus. Darcus and Dorothy, personalty. To son George, lands in Turtola [Tortola?] and Anquila [Antigua?]. To wife Elizabeth, 1/3 personal estate. Exs.: Wife Elizabeth and James WAUGHOP. Test: Thomas WAUGHOP, James COAMES, James TAYLOR.
(22. 279 .Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 8 )SW: COMBS
The above seems unlikely to be James, s/o William and Mary HATTON Combs since he would have still been in his minority with a minimum of four years to majority based on 1742 will of his father.
2 Nov 1740 Maryland Prerogative Court Records. Accounts 3.232. William READ. L91.13.0. L25.16.7. Payments to Esq. BLADEN, Col. William AISQUITH, --- JENIFER, Capt. JENIFER, Truman DEVA, Edward PLOWDEN and Robert PHILPOT, Mr. Gerrard SLYE, William HOWARD, Col. Thomas SPRIGG, John BAKER. Executrix Ann READ
13 Oct 1742 - 12 Dec 1740 [sic] (St. Mary's Co MD TA1:116) The Last Will of William COMBS. In the name of God Amen the thirteen day of October in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred, and forty two I William COMBS of St. Marys County Gent. Being sick and weak of body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto God therefore calling unto mind, the mortality of my body and that it is appointed for all men once to die, so make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following, that is to say first and principally, I give my soul unto the hands of God my Creator who gave it to me, and for my body I commend it to the earth to be buried in Christian & decent manner by my Executrix hereafter mentioned nothing doubting but at the general Resurrection. I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God, and as touching such worldly Estate, where with it hath pleased God to bless me in this life, I give device bequeath and dispose the saim in manner and form following vizt._ Impuin is I give & bequeath unto my daughter Mary WAUGHOP one shilling sterling sterling, money to be paid in silver by my Executrix hereafter mentioned in full for said Mary WAUGHOPS part of my Estate, together with sundry other valuable goods & chattells, she had of me these twenty years last past and upwards to the value of above a good niger. Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Eleanor MEDLEY. One shilling sterling money to be paid as the former in full for her part of my estate, together with a niger wench she had of me a about thirteen years ago called nell. Item I give and bequeath unto my son Enoch one shithing sterling to be paid as aforesaid in full for his part of my Estate together with a niger wench he had of me about the said time of thirteen years ago called Flora. Item I give will and bequeath of all the rest of my Estate the one third part unto my dearly beloved wife Mary COMBS after the debts legacys and funeral expences are paid and discharged. Item I give will and bequeath the remaining part of my estate to be equally divided and distributed between my now younger children Vizt. Thomas Hatton COMBS, Susanna COMBS, William COMBS Junior, James COMBS, and Philip, and also I will that if any or either of these of the said five children, should dye, before he she or they come to age to enjoy or receive their several, and respective portions. That then if child or childrens so deceaseds part or portion of my Estate, shall & may be equally devided, and shared between the living of any or either of the said five younger children or the longer liver of them or any or either of them any thing therin contained to the contrary notwithstanding, and it is also my will and desire, that my son Hatton COMBS do remain and live with my loving wife Mary COMBS aforesaid until he shall arrive at the age of twenty one years with all his lands and other his estate, and portion, to be and continue in her possession & hands until that time. And also I will and desire, that my other four younger children vizt._ Susanna, William, James, and Phillip COMBS, may live along with their mother the said Mary COMBS, and be instructed ruled and go bound by her during their minority, with their several respective portions and share of my Estate to remain bound and continue in her hands till they or any or either of them come to arrive to their life age as aforesaid. Lastly and finally of this my last will and testament I make and ordain constitute and appoint my dear and well beloved wife Mary COMBS aforesaid my full and sole Executrix and do hereby utterly disallow revoke and annull, all and every other Testaments wills legacys bequest and Executors by me in any way before this time, named willied & bequeathed; ratifying and confirming, this and no other to be my last will and Testament in witness, whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written. William [His Mark] COMBS. seal. December the 20th 1740. Signed sealed published pronounced and declare by the said William COMBS as his last will & Testament in the presence of us Thomas BREADING Charles DILLON, and Luke CUSACKE. the three subscribing witnesses to the foregoing will being duly & solemuly sworn on the Holy Envangels of Almighty God dispose and say that they saw the testator William COMBS sign the foregoing will and heard him publish and declare the same to be his last will and testament that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of there apprehensions of sound and disposing mind and memory. Sworn before me Tho. AISGUITH Deputy Commissioner
The day above the deceased Widow made of St. Marys County her Election, and accepted of the devise in the will Certified by me Tho. AISGUITH Depty Comiss of St. Marys County.
(Transcribed by Combs-Clark Researcher Jerry Clark who adds that although the date signed was written out 1742, the latter date appears to be 1740. See also transcription by Fannie Combs Gough (ms.) and the "Maryland Calendar of Wills,' Volume 8, pp. 191-2, Liber 22, folio 529, which both indicate will signed 13 Oct 1742, proved 20 Dec 1742. The will preceding this one was proved 29 Jan 1742/3 and that following on 13 Jan 1742/3. Both Fannie and Jerry show Thomas was BREADING, but MD Calendar of wills shows BREADON)
5 Jan - 18 Mar 1742/3 (Inventory Liber 27, fol. 372, Jan. 5, 1742/3, Annapolis). The inventory of the estate of William COMBS, late of St. Mary's County L419. 16 s. and 1 d. Kin: Enoch COMBS. Creditors Thomas BREEDEN and Luke CUSACKS and William CARTWRIGHT.
"March 18, 1742/3 came Joseph JENKINS and Mary his wife and made oath that above was correct." Before Thomas AISQUITH, Depty. Commr."
(Fannie Combs Gough ms.)
5 Jan - 18 Mar 1742/3 MD Prerogative Court Records. 27.372. Inventory. William COMBS. L419.16.1. Appraisers: R. HAMMET, Thomas BREDING. Creditors: Thomas BREDING, as asignee of Luke CASSACK, William CARTRIGHT. Next of kin: Enoch COMBS. Administrators/Executors: Joseph INKING and his wife Mary INKING. [sic]
Mary HATTON Combs, d testate 1788, St. Mary's MD, m next Joseph JENKINS. William's daughter, Eleanor COMBS, m William(?) MEDLEY who d testate in St. Mary's Co MD in 1752 (See Below) His daughter, Mary, appears to have married James(?) WAUGHOP who d in St. Mary's Co MD in 1750. According to the Fanny Combs Gough Manuscript, however, Eleanor m John MEDLEY and Mary m Thomas WAUGHOP (records needed!). This source also states that William COMBS' eldest three children were by an unidentified first wife and that he m 2nd Mary Tribelly HATTON who, following his death, m John JENKINS. (research in progress) Question: Is the given name Phillip significant in reference to the early Phillip COMBS of St. Mary's Co MD, "overseer to Mr. GERARD" in the 1650s?
26 Mar 1743 - 3 Aug 1743 (No County Shown MD) Will of Elizabeth DAFFT. To son-in-law William (DAFFT), land father James BLOOMFIELD now lives on. If no heirs to pass to son-in-law John (DAFFT). Test: Enoch COMBS, Mary COMBS, William (DAFFT) NOTE: This will written with permission of test husband, MATTHEW.
(MD Calendar of Wills, Baldwin, Vol.?, provided by Combs-Clark Researcher Jerry Clark who adds: The above parenthesis were shown in the Maryland Calendar of Wills, they are not mine.)
The above Enoch & Mary COMBS were probably Enoch & Mary (MANNING?) Mills Combs (See 1756 below). The name of Matthew DAFT'S 1st wife (mother of William & John DAFT?) is unknown. Matthew DAFT d 25 Jun 1750 (See below). According to the research of Marv & Rosemary Thompson (their sources not yet obtained), Matthew DAFT was the s/o Charles & Mary FRENCH Daft; to wit: Charles DAFT (s/of John & Elizabeth (-----) Daft, their ancestry not listed/known) m (1) Ann REYNOLDS. Issue: 1. Charles DAFT 2.Anne DAFT; m (2) Elizabeth MILLS aft 1698, St. Mary's County, MD (no issue listed/known); m (3) aft 1701 Mary FRENCH (d/o James & Elizabeth MEEKIN French) Issue: 1.Matthew DAFT 2.Mary DAFT.
Matthew DAFT (s/o Charles & Mary FRENCH Daft), b abt 1703 (no more info given by Thompsons); d by 1750, St. Mary's Co MD, m (1) Unknown who d bef 1743, known issue: 1. William DAFT 2. John DAFT; (2) by 1743, Elizabeth BLOOMFIELD, d/o James BLOOMFIELD. His est. inventory showed that his next of kin were William DAFT & Mary PAYNE (See Below). Executrix Was Elionor DAFT, possibly his wife? His full sister, Mary DAFT, is listed by the Thompsons as b abt 1705, m Ezchiel PAYNE (s/o Henry & Mary ASSITER Payne) Issue: 1. John Baptist PAYNE 2. Ann PAYNE. Henry PAYNE of St. Mary's Co MD, h/o Mary ASSITER, witn. the 1684 will of Abraham COMBS of Old Rappahannock Co VA & St. Mary's Co MD.
25 Feb 1745/6 - 3 May 1746 Saint Mary's County, MD. Inventory 32.224. John SLEDMORE. Appraisers: Jam WAUGHOP, John SMOOT. Creditors present: Will HEBB, Jam ARMSTRONG. Next of kin: William SWORD, Peter HILBURN [sic]. Administrator: Mary SLEDMORE
13 Apr 1747 Saint Mary's County, MD. Accounts 23.303. John SLEDMORE. L222.19.11. L236.5.1. Sureties: Edward Hillard HEBB, William BAXTER. Payments to: James ARMSTRONG, Anthony SIMMS, John WILLSON, Capt. Gilbert IRELAND, Edward Hillard HEBB, John MANNING, William HEBB, Thomas BAKER, Robert CHESLEY, Josias EMORE, Alexander McNEDER, William WEBB, Robert MOSELEY. Distribution to: accountant (widow, 1/2/), residue to (legal representatives): Wiliam SWORD, William SLEDMORE, MORGAN [sic], Edward MORGAN, Peter MILBURN, Richard SPARKS, Margrett MORGAN. Administratrix: Mary SLEDMORE.
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