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Intro to Talbot 1600s Talbot 1700s Talbot Talbot Land Combs &c. of Maryland
Note: The following is temporarily a mish-mash, not yet organized, just not to be forgotten or lost pending further study…
09 Oct 1669 Edward ROE survey for land in Talbot County, Maryland on Winslows Creek of the Choptank River, a tract called Dover. (Annapolis MD Land Office (Rent Rolls) Liber 11:180).
8 Apr 1670. MD Provincial Court Proceedings, Archives of Maryland, Vol. 65:146-7:
John ROUSBY & Barbara his wife agt Peter SAYER and Frances his wife. Peter SAYER One of the Attorneys according to the libertyes & priviledges of the Provinciall Court & Frances his wife were Sumoned to answer John ROUSBY One of the Attornyes of the same Court according to the liberties and priviledges there used and Barbara his wife of a plea that whereas they the said John and Barbara and the aforesaid Peter and Frances together and undivided doe hold to them and their heirs all those Severall parcells of land called Morgans neck containeing three hundred acres, Bluff point containeing two hundred acres, Morgans St Michaels containeing three hundred acres, Marron containeing One hundred and thirty acres, Morgans Hope containeing three hundred acres Harriton containeing two hundred and Seventy acres and Plymhimmon containeing six hundred acres in Talbott County, and in the County of Kent six hundred and fifty acres of land, they the said Peter & Frances that partition may be made thereof betweene them according to the Forme of the statute in that case published and provided doe deny and the same most unjustly permitt not to be done against the forme of the statute aforesaid &c. And whereupon the said John in his proper person saith That whereas he the said John the said Barbara his wife and the aforesaid Peter and Frances together & undivided doe hold to them and their heirs All those severall parcells of land, called Morgains Neck containeing three hundred acres Bluff point containeing two hundred acres Morgans st Michaels containeing three hundred acres Marron containeing One hundred and thirty acres Morgans Hope containeing three hundred acres Harriton containeing two hundred and Seventy acres and Plimhimmon containeing Six hundred acres in Talbott County and in the County of Kent Six hundred and fifty acres of land whereof unto the Said John and Barbara & their heirs it belonges to have One moyety of the Said Land with the appurtenances in two parts to be equally divided and to the said Peter & Frances and their heirs it belongeth to have the residue thereof to hold to them in Severallty So that the Said John and Barbara of their part of the Said Land and premisses with the appurtenances to them belonging and the aforesaid Peter and ffrances his wife of their part of the Said Lands & premisses with the appurtenncs to them thereof belonging may be able Severally to apart to themselves, they the Said Peter and ffrances to make partition thereof betweene them according to the forme of the Statute in that case made & provided doe deny and unjustly doe not Suffer the Same to be done against the forme of the Statute aforesaid whereupon they Say that they are dampnified and have losse to the value of five hundred pounds Sterling and thereupon they bring their suite.
And the said Peter SAYER in his proper person cometh and defendeth the force and injury when &c and the said Peter and ffrances his wife doe well grant that partition of the Lands and premisses aforesaid be made according to the forme of the Statute aforesaid, whereupon the Said John and Barbara remaine against them the Said Peter and ffrances thereupon wholly undefended Whereupon it is granted by the Court here to wit at st Maries the Eighth day of April in the first yeare of the Dominion of Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq Dom One thousand six hundred Seventy that Partition of the Land and premisses aforesaid be made according the the forme of the Statute aforesaid and that a writt for that purpose be granted & (by and with the consent of the parties aforesaid) directed to Henry Coursey and Philemon Loyd Gent, returnable next Provinciall Court. [incomplete]
28 Oct 1674 [?] Chancery Court Proceedings, 1673. Caecilius &c.a To the Sheriff of Talbot County Greeting Whereas it appears in the Records in our Secretary's office Remaining in our Said province that John NORWOOD late of our Said province Gent the 21th Novembr 1663 had Surveyed for him one thousand acres of Land Lying in your County on the north Side of Choptanck River Beginning at a marked white oake being the Southermost Bound Tree of the Land of Jerome WHITE Esq & Running from the Said Oake for breadth Southwest three hundred pches to a point of marsh at the mouth of the north branch of the River bounded on the West by the Said branch the Length of five hundred pches North West on the north by a line drawn north East from the end of the north west line for breadth three hundred pches on the East by a line drawn South East from the End of the north East line to the Land of the Said WHITE one hundred pches and by Whites Land unto the first markt cake on the South by the River on the West by the North branch Containing and now laid out for one thousand acres more or Less And Whereas we are In formed that the Said parcell of Land by Severall ways & means is Sythence become forfeited unto us and that one Edwd ROE of yor Coty holds possession thereof without any Legall title or Right to Entitle him thereunto We Command you that by Lawfull men of your Bailywick you make known unto the Said Edward ROE that he be and appear before us in our Court of Chancery the ninth day of ffebruary next where it Shall then be to Shew Cause if any he have why the Said parcell of Land ought not to be Escheated unto us and the Sd Edwd ROE be amoved from his possession thereof & hereof you are not to fail and that you make known unto our Said Justices in what manner you Execute this writt Wittness our Self at our City of St maries the ninth day of January 1674 (Archives of Maryland, 51:153)
Undated? Rent Roll (Annapolis MD Land Office (Rent Rolls), Liber 11:180) County: Talbot. Tract: Dover. Acres: 800. Yly. Rent: 16s. Survey Date: Tues 9th Oct 1669. "for Edward ROE at a mark'd red Oak by Choptank river Side and by the Mouth of Winslows Creek. This said to be the Same with Dover for Colo. Nicho. LOW who Maryed the Daughter of Edward ROE the Taker up will further Inquire into this." (Maryland State Archives No. S18, 1-24-1-5, transcribed by C. Hammett, 1998)
04 Mar 1675/6 From the will of Edward ROE:
1. unto my wifes son Thomas DUNCANE that plantation which I purchased of Thomas PHILLIPS in Iland Creek called the Batchellsues plantation (Thomas DUNCAN/DUNCOMB died later in 1676 or early in 1677, bequeathing his real estate to mother, Mary ROE).
2. unto my aforesaid wife Mary ROE the one half of my real Estate during her widowhood or natural life which of them shall first happen & other half of my said daughter Elizabeth ROE & her heirs forever & after my said wife Mary ROE her decease or upon her marriage which of the two shall first happen
3. to my said daughter Elizabeth ROE the other half of my real Estate to be possed with the other aforesaid half of my real Estate by her & her heirs forever.
28 Apr 1677 Maryland Provincial Court Proceedings. Liber NN. John CREYCROFT agt John SLY. This action in Ejectment being comenced by the plaintiff as Lessee to Thomas Alexander against the defendant casuall Ejector & Nicholas HACKETT being named defendant instead of the casuall Ejector to try the title to a parcell of land in the tenure of the said HACKETT or his assignes containeing foure hundred acres in Tredavon Creeke. Ordered that a jury be impannelled upon the Land of the neighbourhood & the same with the lines of the said Hackett Surveyed & returne thereof made at the next Provinciall Court.
28 Apr 1677 Talbot County, Maryland. John CREYCROFT agt John BURDITT. This action in Ejectment being comenced by the plaintiff as Lessee to John ROUSBY & Barbara his wife against John BURDITT Casuall Ejector & John COMBES & Mary his wife daughter & heire of Edward ROE deceased being named defendants instead of the casuall Ejector to try the title to a parcell of land in the tenure of the said John COMBES or Wm WINTERS at Wintersell or their assignes called Plymhimmon containeing six hundred acres lyeing in Tredavon Creeke Ordered that a jury of the neighbourhood be impannelled who with the Surveyr are to Enquire & Certifie whether the land in question now or late in the possession of the said WINTERS at Wintersell or any or what part thereof be within the lines of the pattent of the land called Plymhimmon & returne thereof to be made next Provinciall Court. (Provincial Court Proceedings, Archives of Maryland, Vol., 66:490)
8 Oct 1677 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1677. John CREYCROFT agt John BURDIT late of Calvert County was attached to answer unto John CREYCROFT of a plea wherefore with fforce & armes One messuage six hundred acres of Land in Tredavon Creeke called Plymhimmon in Talbott County which John ROUSBY & Barbara his wife demised to the said John CREYCROFT for a terme which is not yet past & him from the possession thereof did Eject and other harmes to him did to the great damage of the said John and contrary to the Peace of the (said John) Right Honble Charles Absolute Lord & Proprietary of the said Province &c. And whereupon the Said John CREYCROFT by Kenelm CHESELDYN his Attorny Saith That whereas the said John ROUSBY and Barbara his wife the foure & twentith day of June in the first yeare of the Dominion of Charles &c in the said County of Talbott demised the said messuage & Land with the appurtenncs To have & to hold to [67:102] the Said John CREYCROFT and his assignes from the said foure & twentith day of June untill the full end & terme of three yeares then next Ensueing fully to be compleate & ended By virtue of which said demise the said John CREYCROFT into the messuage & land afore said with the appurtenncs entred & was in the possession thereof & being so possest afterwards to wit the said foure & twentith day of june the said John BURDIT into the messuage & land aforesaid with the appurtenncs which the said John & Barbara his wife in forme aforesaid demised, which is not yet past entred & him from the possession thereof did eject and other harmes to him did, to the great damage of the said John CREYCROFT & against the Peace of the said Right Honble the Lord Proprietary &c whereupon he saith he is the worse & hath damage to the value of thirty thousand pounds of tobacco & thereupon he brings his suite. Unlesse the Tenant in possession or they under whom he claimes doe at the next Provinciall Court to be held for the Province of Maryland the eight and twentith of November instant appeare to this declaration and make him or themselves defendant thereunto and by rule of Court confesse lease entry and eject ment and insist only upon the title, the defendant in this declaration will confesse judgment and possession will be delivered accordingly to the plaintiff. Your ffreind Jno BURDIT
1st No. 1676
To Wm WINTERS alias WINTERSELL tenant in possession of the prmisses above mentioned. Afterwards to witt the six & twentith day of April in the second yeare of the Dominion of Charles Lord Baltemore &c Over this Province Annoq Dom 1677 Came the Said John CREYCROFT by Kenelm CHESELDYN his Attorny and Wm COMBES & Elizabeth his wife and Mary ROE widdow by Robert CARVILE their Attorny But because it appeared to the Court here that this action of Ejectment was comenced by the said John CREYCROFT as Lessee to the said John ROUSBY and Barbara his wife against John BURDIT causuall Ejector and the said Wm COMBES & Elizabeth his wife and Mary ROE widdow being named defendants instead of the casuall Ejector to try the title to a parcell of land now in the tenure of the said Wm COMBES or Wm WINTERS otherwise called William WINTERSELL or their assignes and being now in dispute betweene the said John ROUSBY & the said Wm COMBES & the Court finding it necessary That the due lines and bounds of the Said parcell of Land called Plimhimmon lyeing in Tredavon Creeke containeing six hundred acres be Surveyed by a Skillful person according to the Originall Survey and Patent granted to Henry MORGAN deceased ffather to the said Barbara and that a faire Plott & certificate thereof be returned to the Court It is by the Court this day Ordered That Charles [67:103] BOTELER Deputy Surveyour be especially appointed by this Court & is hereby appointed impowered and Comanded to lay Out the afore said Land & runn Out their meets & bounds according to the antient survey and Patent aforesaid to the said Henry MORGAN in the presence of the Sheriff of Talbott County who is hereby Comanded and impowered to sumon a jury of twelve honest and legall men of the neighbourhood who together with the Said Deputy Surveyour are to enquire & certifie whether the said Land in question now or late in the possession of the said WINTERS alias WINTERSELL or any and what part thereof be within the lines of the said Patent of the said land called Plymhimmon and to returne a certificate of his and their proceedings herein and a faire plott distinctly drawn of the said Land in question to the next Provinciall Court to be held at st Maries the ninetenth day of June next attested aswell under the hand & seale of the Said Surveyr as aforesaid as of the Said Sheriff and jurors that so his Lopps justices being fully informed of the truth of the premisses may doe therein as to justice shall appurteine.Att which said ninetenth day of June Came the Said Surveyour and made returne of the said Order in these words following. vizt.
May 17th 1677. To the Thomas NOTLEY Cheife justice of the Province of Maryland and the rest of the Honble the justices of the Provinciall Court. Whereas an Order of his Lordshipps Provinciall Court hath been directed unto me Comanding me to Survey and Sett forth a certaine parcell of Land called Plimhimmon lyeing in Talbott County On the East side of Tredaven Creeke in the presence of the Sheriff of the same County and by the direction of twelve honest & legall men of the same County. These are humbly to certifie That I Charles BOTELER Deputy Surveyr under Baker BROOKE Esqr Surveyour Generall have laid Out and resurveyed the said parcell of land called Plimhimmon in the prsence of the said Sheriff & by the direction of twelve men of the same County by the said Sheriff impannelled & sworne upon the same land, whose bounds are as follow that is to say Begining at a bounded Oake standing by the side of a Branch of the same Creeke the said Oake being reputed the antient bounded tree of the first survey of the Same Land & from thence runing East south East for three hundred perches & from the end of the said three hundred perches runing South for three hundred & twenty perches and from the End of the said South line runing west northwest for three hundred perches and from the end of the said west north west runing north to the first bounded tree Containeing six hundred acres and includ ing within the same bounds the whole Plantation with all the houses & ffenceing of & in the possession of Wm WINTERS al WINTERSELL being the Land now in difference betweene John ROUSBY and Wm [67:104] COMBES & Elizabeth his wife & Mary ROE, as by the plott hereunto annexed more plainly appeareth.
To the Honble Thomas NOTLEY Esqr Cheife justice of the Provinciall Court and to the rest of the Honble justices of the said Court. By virtue of an Order of the said Court made in an action of Ejectment there depending the sixth day of April last betweene John ROUSBY and Barbara his wife plaintiffs and Wm COMBES and his wife defendants Wee the severall persons hereunder named being in pursuance and according to the direction of the said Order Summoned and impannelled a jury by Colonell LOWE High Sheriff of Talbott County did together by Mr Charles BOTELER the Deputy Surveyr therein named in the presence of the Said Sheriff Enter upon the Seate of Land called Plimhimmon scituate on the East side of Tredaven Creeke heretofore taken up by Henry MORGAN deceased and laid Out for six hundred acres more or lesse Wee the said Jurors being upon Our Oathes and haveing found the first bound tree and runn Out three hundred perches East south East up the Creeke which Wee find to be the meets expressed in the said Patent but cannot find the second marke Oake in the said Patent mentioned to stand at the mouth of a branch although Wee have found the branch as Wee beleive. Wee have also runn Out the South line three hundred & twenty perches from the End of the said three hundred perches and from the end of the said South line running North north west for three hundred perches and from the end of the west north west line running north to the first bounded tree & Wee the said jurors doe all of Us upon Our Oathes Certifie and declare That the plantation in the Said Order mentioned now in the possession of Wm WINTERS at WINTERSELL the defendants Lessee that is to say all the cleare ground houses & ffences thereunto belonging are wholly within the lines of the said Patent of the said Land called Plimhimmon In testimony whereof Wee the jurors have hereunto sett Our hands & Scales the 17th day of May 1677.
Thomas ALEXANDER (sealed) Wm M GASCOIGN (sealed) the marke of
Henry HC CLAY(sealed) the marke of
the marke of Wm O GODDEN (sealed) the marke of
Edward E S STEPHENS (sealed) the marke of
Robert COLLYER(sealed) Edward E FULLER (sealed)
LOWE Vic (sealed) Wm C COXELL(sealed) the marke of
Wm h HODSON(sealed) the marke of
Zerubabell SW WELLS (sealed) the marke of
Thomas T WILSON the marke of (sealed)John HARMER jur. (sealed)
C: BOTELER(sealed).
Which being read and heard day was given to the Said parties untill the next Provinciall Court Att which Said next Court to wit [67:105] the fifth day of October then next following Came the said John ROUSBY in his proper person but the said Wm COMBES and Elizabeth his wife and Mary ROE came not but made default whereupon it is granted by the Court here That the said John ROUSBY his possession of the Said Messuage Six hundred acres of Land in Tredavon Creeke called Plymhimmon in Talbott County aforesaid Ought to have Whereupon the said John ROUSBY prayed his Lopps writ of Habere facias possessionem to the Sheriff of Talbott County to be directed, and also a writ of enquiry of damages and they are granted him (Archives of Maryland, 67:101)
24 Feb 1677/8 John ROUSBY & uxr agt. Wm. COMBS & uxr. & Mary ROE.
Comand was given to the Sheriffe of St Maryes County, that whereas John ROUSBY & Barbara his wife in An action of Ejectmt agt Wm COMBES Eliza his wife & Mary ROE Exx of Edward ROE deceased recovered their possession of one Messuage & six hundred acres of land in Tredaven Creek called Plymhimmon lying in Talbot County And for as much as itt is not known what damages the said John ROUSBY & Barbara his wife have sustained by occasion thereof Itt was comanded the same Sheriffe that he cause to come here the one & twentieth day of ffebruary 1677. twelve good & lawfull men of his bailywick well & truely to enquire of the damages aforesaid Att which said one & twentieth day of ffebruary came the said John ROUSBY & the Jurors impannelled being called likewise came to witt Thomas COSDEN, Tho: DOXEY, Richard ROYSTON, Henry PHIPPES, John ASKIN, Tho: PATTISON, Richard FFENWICK, Philip LYNES, Thomas KEYTING, Wm THOMAS & Joseph EDLOE who being Elected tryed & sworne to say the truth in the prmisses doe say We finde for the plaintiffes seven thousand pounds of tob damages Whereupon itt is granted by the Court here, that the said John ROUSBY & Barbara his wilt recover agt the said Defendts as well the sume of Seven thousand pounds of tobacco damages by the said Jury in form aforesaid assessed As also the sume of six thousand & fifteen pounds of tobacco costs of suite (Archives of Maryland, Vol. 67:231)
23 Feb 1677/8 Samuel HATTON John YOUNGMAN & Wm WINTERSELL of Talbot County being Sumoned by John ROUSBY to testifie agt Wm COMBES are allowed each of them foure hundred & eighty pounds of tobacco. the three & twentieth of ffebry 1677 (ibid., 67:226)
17 Apr 1682 (Talbot Co MD 24/406; 29/344) William COMBES, Tract: "Security." 200 A. (Settlers of Maryland 1679-1700 by Peter Wilson Colham, 1995)
John ROUSBY of Calvert County, Maryland, d testate in 1685/6, bequeathing the 650 [sic] acre tract "Plymhimon" on Tred Avon Creek in Talbot County to his son, John.
The final action, the award of damages, is on page 231:
21 Feb 1677/8 "Comand was given to the Seriffe of St. Maryes County, that whereas John ROUSBY & Barbara his wife in An action of Ejectment against William COMBES Elizabeth his wife & Mary ROE Ex of Edward ROE deceased recovered their possesion of one Messuage & six hundred acres of land in Tredaven Creek called Plymhimmon lying in Talbot County And for as much as itt is not known what damages the said John ROUSBY & Barbara his wife have sustained by occasion thereof Itt was comanded the same Sheriffe that he cause to come here the one & twentieth day of ffebruary 1677. twelve good & lawfull men of his bailywick well & truely to enquire of the damages aforesaid Att which said one & twentieth day of ffebruary came said John ROUSBY & the Jurors impannelled being called likewise came to witt Thomas COSDEN, Tho: DOXEY, Richard ROYSTON, Henry PHIPPES, John ASKIN, Tho: PATTISON, Richard FFENWICK, Philip LYNES, Thomas KEYTING, William THOMAS & Joseph EDLOE who being Elected tryed & sworne to say the truth in the promisses doe say We find for the plaintiffes seven thousand punds of tobacco damages Whereupon itt is granted by the Court here, that said John ROUSBY & Barbara his wife recover against the said Defendents as well the sume of Seven thousand punds of tobacco damages by the said Jury in form aforesaid assessed As also the sume of six thousand & fifteen pounds of tobacco costs of suite"
17 Apr 1682 (Talbot Co MD 24/406; 29/344) William COMBES, Tract: "Security." 200 A. (Settlers of Maryland 1679-1700 by Peter Wilson Colham, 1995)
Tract not found in MD Calendar of Wills, Vol. 1-5. 6+ still to be checked.
30 Apr 1692 John PATTISON of Talbot and Thomas BENNETT of Oxford ajoining the lot of William COMBS Lately Deceased (Extracted by Combs Researcher Ray Montgomery from "Combs Land Records in Talbot Co MD")
20 Jun - 11 Nov 1719 (Liber 15:248) Will of Elizabeth LOWE - Talbot Co., MD. To son Nicholas and male hrs. "Anderton" and "Anderton's Addition," on Treadhaven Cr. He dying without issue, sd. tracts to the male hrs of Vincent; Both afsd sons lacking male issue, then in succession to the female hrs of sd sons. Shd. sons die without issue, sd. tracts to revert to dau. Mary BOZEMAN and hrs. Also to son Nicholas and hrs. Hunting Ck. mill; he dying without issue, to son Vincent. To son Vincent and hrs. "Lower Plantation," now in tenure of David MILLS and William MATHEWS. Sd. son dying without issue, to dau. Dorothy HARRISON and hrs. Also "Tack's Point,' excepting 1 lot in Oxford (bet. lot where Judith ROBINSON dwelt and John OLDHAM'S lot), whch is bequeathed to David and hrs., son of David ROBINSON. To Dau. Sarah PATTISON, 100 ac of "Ander[t]on" convenient to her now dwelling plantation during life; at her decease to her son William LONG and hrs. he dying without issue to her son Thams LONG. Shd. both afsd grandsons die without issue, sd land to revert to son Nicholas and hrs. To dau Elizabeth COMBS and hrs. residue of "Todcaster." She dying without issue, to pass to dau. Prudence PRICE, having already given her the other pt. of "Todcaster." To grandson William COMBS and hrs., land on Chotank R. and Island Ck., where Elinor CRANLEY and Darby BARRETT now dwell. To dau. in law Judith ROBINSON, "Long Point," joining "Anderton" during her life; at her decease to her son Edward COMBS and heirs… To grandson John GLEN and hrs., tract on Treadhaven Ck., _____, adj. "East Otwell," bought by Testator's father, Edward ROWE, of Nicholas HACKETT, dec'd. To each of daus, viz; Elizabeth WOOD and Dorothy HARRISON, 15 pounds? To sons Nicholas and Vincent, residue of personal estate. Son Nicholas to have water mill in Dorchester Co., at head of Hunting Cr. and tankards engraved with coat of arms of dec'd husband, Nicholas LOWE. Exs: Son Nicholas and friend David ROBINSON. Test: Anne MATHEWS, Solomon ROBINSON, William WOODS, Foster TURBUTT. (Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume IV, Jane Baldwin)
11 Apr 1727 Willaim COMBS Planter and Margaret his wife To Thomas PAMPHILION (Extracted from "Inkeepers of Talbot Co MD" by Combs Researcher Ray Montgomery)
03 Jun 1729 William COMBES and Margaret his wife of Talbot planter to David ROBINSON Carpenter 250 acres called long point south of Tredhaven creek (Extracted from "Inkeepers of Talbot Co MD" by Combs Researcher Ray Montgomery.)
04 Jun 1729 David ROBINSON Carpenter and Judith his wife late wife of Edward COMBES Deceased to William COMBES planter son of Edward COMBES right of Judith ROBINSON dower to a tract of land near island creek part of hier Der Lloyd (Extracted by Combs Researcher Ray Montgomery from "Innkeepers of Talbot Co MD" which also states that Judith received this land from her father Nicholas GOLDSBOROUGH)
18 Aug 1729 William COMBS and his wife Margaret OGLE conveyed to Jacob BROMWELL inholder a lot in Oxford… (Extracted from "Inkeepers of Talbot Co MD" by Combs Researcher Ray Montgomery)
12 May 1740 - 11 Jul 1740 Will of David ROBINSON, planter, Talbot Co., MD. To son Richard GUSLIN and heirs, 100 acres on "Long Point" lying nest to "ANDERTON." To son John residue of "Long Point." To David 51 acres "David's Folly," 28 acres To son Chance, & 86 acres "Hull" To son Stanley, "Goldsborough," adjoining land of Rev. Daniel MANIDEER To Dau Eleanor 1/2 personal estate. Test: Edward OLDHAM, William COMBS, Robert WADDELL, Jacob BROMWELL. (Maryland Calendar of Wills…)
Intro to Talbot 1600s Talbot 1700s Talbot Talbot Land Combs &c. of Maryland