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Intro to Talbot 1600s Talbot 1700s Talbot Talbot Land Combs &c. of Maryland
Continued from the 1600s...
(extracted by Combs Researcher Ray Montgomery from "Innkeepers of Talbot Co MD")
03 Jan 1701 Elizabeth, daughter of Edward & Judith COMBS born.
1706-7 Queen Anne's County was established from Talbot, Kent and Dorchester counties. (Pending acquiring Queen Anne's records for Combs, that county has not yet been created. See, however, 1751-3 Talbot).
18 Dec 1708 Edward, son of Edward & Judith COMBS, was born.
29 Jan 1708 Edward COMBS died.
17 Jan 1711/12 Judith COMBS m David ROBINSON.
The above source also states: "Edward COMBS. His first appearance is in Talbot co land records Liber 6 folio 63 witness to the sale of land called "timberneck" Frequent appearneces follow in succesion indicating he spent a lot of time at court." "In march 1705 the court granted Edward a licence to keep a oridinary at Williamstadt (Oxford) which lisence was renewed the following Nov . Edward had another son born of an earlier marriage and possibly others
If William & Elizabeth ROE Combs (Lowe) didn't marry until 1676 or 1677, then Edward was only twenty years of age when he marriage Judith GOLDSBOROUGH, hardly time for an earlier marriage?
1708 Combes, Edward Inventory (Inv. & Accts, Liber 30, folio 353) (Source: MD State Archives, Probate Records, Colonial, Index, C, 1634-1777, SE4-3)
4 Feb 1707/8 - 20 Jun 1708 Will of John ALLEN of Talbot County. To daughter Eliza. and hrs., 200 A. on Chester R., Queen Anne's Co.; she dying without issue, to pass to wife Mary and hrs. To wife Mary, extx., tract on St. Michael's River, Talbot County (where Nath. CLOUGH now lives), during life; at her decease, to dau. Eliza. and hrs.; residue of estate absolutely. Test: Timothy WYETT, Margaret GILBART, Judith COMBES. Note: Above will recorded at request of Mr. Thos. BOZMAN, of Talbot Co. (18, 390. MD Calendar of Wills, Vol. 5) SW: GILBERT
Judith GOLDSBOROUGH, d/o Nicholas, married (1) Edward COMBS, s/o William and Elizabeth ROE Combs; and (2) 17 Jan 1711/12 David ROBINSON.
April 13, 1708 Eliz. HOPKINS, Talbot Co. widow & relict of Thomas HOPKINS, dec'd, in consideration of motherly love to my son Wm. HOPKINS "Marshy Point" 100 a. on s. side Tredhaven Creek adj land of Thomas SKILLINGTON, dec'd, mentions a cove where William PARROTT first seated which formerly belonged to Robert LOWE, my late dec'd brother. Wt.: John DAWSON, M.T. WARD. (Vol XI:41)
See Clement HOPKINS ca 1693. Who were Elizabeth and Robert LOWE?
5th Nov., 1711; 23rd Nov., 1711. Will of Thos. BARTLETT, blacksmith, Tredhaven Creek, Talbot Co., MD. To eld. son Thomas and hrs., 200 A., part of "Radclife Manor" called the plantation. To 2nd son John and hrs., 300 A., part of sd. manor called "The Great Neck," lying next his brother Thomas' land; also, 50 or 60 A., lying next Thomas BROOK'S land, he paying to Mary LOWE, dau. of John LOWE, £20. To young. son James, 300 A., part of manor afsd. To eld. dau. Mary, wife of John LOWE, and her hrs., 150 A., part of sd. manor. To dau. Hester, wife of Howell POWELL, certain money. To wife Mary, personal estate and plantation during life. To young. sons John and James, exs., personal estate. Test: Jonathan TAYLOR, Eliza: WILSON, Ennion WILLIAMS. (13.451 MD Calendar of Wills)
08 Sep 1712-05 Sep 1718 (MD Wills 14. 702) Will of John LONG, John, planter,Talbot Co., 8th Sept., 1712; 5th Sept., 1718. To 2 sons, William and Thomas, at age of 21 yrs., plantation on Bulling brook Ck., pt. of two tracts, "Parkers Point" and "Enlargement." To son William and bro. Thomas, personalty. To wife Sarah, use of plantation until sons afsd. attain age of 21 yrs. and residue of estate, real and personal. Exs.: Wife Sarah and father-in-law Nicholas LOWE of Talbot Co., gent. Test: Griffith EVANS, Wm. SANDERS, Wm. RICH. (MD Calendar of Wills, Vol. IV, Cotton, who adds: "John PATTISON of Talbot Co., planter, having intermarried with executrix of above will, caused the same to be proved by above test."
Sarah was the d/o Elizabeth ROE by either William COMBS (most likely) or Nicholas LOWE. Her mother's 1719 will names daughter Sarah PATTISON and her sons, William and Thams [sic] LONG.
21 Dec 1715 MD Prerogative Court Records. Talbot County. 37A.9. Accounting of estate of Nicholas LOWE (gentleman). L938.13.7. L1276.7.11. Payments to: Mr. William CLAYLAND, Foster TURBUTT, Mr. Richard BENNETT, John HUNT, Capt. Andrew PRICE, Mr. Robert GOLDSBOROUGH. Administratrix: Elizabeth LOWE (widow). (Skinner...)
Second husband of Elizabeth ROE, widow of William COMBS.
17 Feb 1715 MD Prerogative Court records. Talbot county. 37A.2. Accounts. Rev. William GLEN. Payments ... [long list]. Administratrix: Mary BOZMAN, wife of Thomas BOZMAN. (Skinner...)
24 Feb 1717/18 MD Prerogative Court records. Talbot county. 39c.2. Mr. William GLEN. Payments to Mr. Thomas BORDLY, Mr. William ELBERT, John BOTFIELD, Mr. Joseph EARL, Col. Edward LOYD, Mr. Thomas TAYLOR. Administratrix: Mary BOZMAN (late Mary GLEN), wife of Mr. Thomas BOZMAN. (Skinner...)
1719 Combes, Edward Accounts (Accounts Liber 1, folio 408, 409) (Source: MD State Archives, Probate Records, Colonial, Index, C, 1634-1777, SE4-3)
Mary LOWE, d/o Eliza ROE by second husband Nicholas ROE (based on her 1719 will and 1744 will of her son, Nicholas). Note that the first record refers to Joshua WINTERSALE and the 1744 will of her her brother, Nicholas LOWE, to Joshua WINTERS, and see 1600s records re William WINTERS or WINTERSELL.
The 1719 will of Elizabeth ROE Combs Lowe adds greatly to our information on her and William COMBS' descendants, but also creates a few more mysteries:
20 Jun - 11 Nov 1719 (Liber 15:248) Will of Elizabeth LOWE - Talbot Co., MD. To son Nicholas and male hrs. "Anderton" and "Anderton's Addition," on Treadhaven Cr. He dying without issue, sd. tracts to the male hrs of Vincent; Both afsd sons lacking male issue, then in succession to the female hrs of sd sons. Shd. sons die without issue, sd. tracts to revert to dau. Mary BOZEMAN and hrs. Also to son Nicholas and hrs. Hunting Ck. mill; he dying without issue, to son Vincent. To son Vincent and hrs. "Lower Plantation," now in tenure of David MILLS and William MATHEWS. Sd. son dying without issue, to dau. Dorothy HARRISON and hrs. Also "Tack's Point,' excepting 1 lot in Oxford (bet. lot where Judith ROBINSON dwelt and John OLDHAM'S lot), whch is bequeathed to David and hrs., son of David ROBINSON. To Dau. Sarah PATTISON, 100 ac of "Ander[t]on" convenient to her now dwelling plantation during life; at her decease to her son William LONG and hrs. he dying without issue to her son Thams LONG. Shd. both afsd grandsons die without issue, sd land to revert to son Nicholas and hrs. To dau Elizabeth COMBS and hrs. residue of "Todcaster." She dying without issue, to pass to dau. Prudence PRICE, having already given her the other pt. of "Todcaster." To grandson William COMBS and hrs., land on Chotank [Choptank] River and Island Ck., where Elinor CRANLEY and Darby BARRETT now dwell. To dau. in law Judith ROBINSON, "Long Point," joining "Anderton" during her life; at her decease to her son Edward COMBS and heirs... To grandson John GLEN and hrs., tract on Treadhaven Ck., _____, adj. "East Otwell," bought by Testator's father, Edward ROWE, of Nicholas HACKETT, dec'd. To each of daus, viz; Elizabeth WOOD and Dorothy HARRISON, 15 pounds? To sons Nicholas and Vincent, residue of personal estate. Son Nicholas to have water mill in Dorchester Co., at head of Hunting Cr. and tankards engraved with coat of arms of dec'd husband, Nicholas LOWE. Exs: Son Nicholas and friend David ROBINSON. Test: Anne MATHEWS, Solomon ROBINSON, William WOODS, Foster TURBUTT. (Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume IV, Jane Baldwin)
By her 1st husband, William COMBS, Elizabeth had Edward COMBS who m Judith GOLDSBOROUGH in 1697. Following his death, Judith m 2nd in 1711 to the above-named David ROBINSON. Edward & Judith GOLDSBOROUGH Combs had Edward COMBS, but was William COMBS named above, their son? (Elizabeth does not state the relationship). It appears that William & Elizabeth ROE Combs also had daughter, Elizabeth COMBS (assuming no intermarriages) and possibly (probably?) Prudence and others of the above-named daughters, but which remains uncertain to some extent, although it does appear that Elizabeth is possibly making bequests based on the parentage of the children. If Elizabeth COMBS was her daughter by William COMBS, did she also have a second daughter named Elizabeth who married a WOOD, or were both Elizabeths one and the same?
08 Apr - 08 May 1722 Will of Francis HARRISON of Talbot Co., 8th April, 1722; 8th May, 1722. To wife Dorothy, extx., 75 A. dwelling plantation, pt. of "Higher Dyer Loyd," [a.k.a. Hier de Lloyd] also pt. of "Taylor's Ridge," Mill's Ck., during life; at her decease to pass as follows: The dwell. plan. on Island Ck. to son Edward, and land at Mill's Ck. to unborn child. Test: Eliz. RICH, Thos. MARTIN, Wm. HARRISON. (17, 166. MD Calendar of Wills, Vol. 5)
19 Jul 1722 MD Prerogative Court Records. 8.14 Talbot County. Francis HARRISON. Appraisers: David ROBINSON, Thomas SOCKWELL. Creditors: Thomas BOZMAN, Samuel TURBUTT. Next of Kin: William HARRISON, "none of competent age". Executrix: Dorothy EASON (late Dorothy HARRISON). (Skinner...)
Dorothy, d/o Elizabeth ROE by either Nicholas LOWE or William COMBS, named in her mother's 1719 Talbot will. See below re Hier de Lloyd tract.
03 Jan 1722/3 (Talbot Co MD Marriages) Elizabeth COMBS marr. Ambrose FORD (Marriage CD - Complete record still needed. Note also that this may conflict with another Ambrose FORD-Elizabeth COMBS Marriage - by both date and county. (More to be added shortly)
8 Mar 1722/3 - 2 Apr 1723. Will of Ambrose FORD, planter, of Talbot Co.,MD. To Eliza. and George (child. of James HURLOCK) and bro. Thomas, personalty. To wife Eliza., extx., residue of personal estate. Test: David ROBISON, Edwd. RUSSAM, Jr., Richd. NICKSON. (18, 57. Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 5) SW: NIXON)
Is the above Elizabeth COMBS the the daughter named in Elizabeth ROWE Combs (Lowe)'s 1719 Talbot Co MD will? Or is this a daughter of her son, William, or the daughter of Edward and Judith GOLDSBOROUGH Combs (the latter having married the above David ROBINSON)? See below re remarriage of Elizabeth COMBS Ford to Thomas BULLEN
16 Dec 1725 (Talbot Co MD marriage records) COOMBS, William marr. OGLE, Margret (Marriage CD - Full marriage record still needed)
The above William COMBS was the s/o Edward & Judith GOLDSBOROUGH Combs. (See Below); to wit:
11 Apr 1727 Willaim COMBS Planter and Margaret his wife To Thomas PAMPHILION (Extracted from "Inkeepers of Talbot Co MD" by Combs Researcher Ray Montgomery)
16 Jun - 23 Aug 1727 MD Prerogative Court. Accounts. 12.274. Talbot County. L6.16. Estate of Thomas DYER. Appraisers: David ROBINSON, Thomas FORD. Creditors: Robert WADDELL, Charles MARKLAND. Next of kin: William COOMBS, Margaret COOMBS. Administrator: James OGLE. (Skinner...)
7 Jul 1727 - 2 May 1729 Maryland Prerogative Court Records. 14.46. Talbot County. Account of Ambrose FORD. L12.18.1. Appraisers: Henry BAYLEY, Nicholas LOWE. Next of Kin: Jane COWPER, Thomas FORD. Administrators/Executors: Thomas BULLEN, Sr. and his wife, Elisabeth (late Elisabeth FORD). (Skinner...) SW: Elizabeth.
8 Jul 1728 - 16 Apr 1728 Will of Margaret BULLEN, widow, Talbot county, to son Thomas, exec, and hrs., entire estate. Wits: Ann PARREMORE, William PERRYMORE, John HAMILTON (HAMBLETON), Jone HARRIS (19.400)
03 Jun 1729 William COMBES and Margaret his wife of Talbot planter to David ROBINSON Carpenter 250 acres called long point south of Tredhaven creek (Extracted from "Inkeepers of Talbot Co MD" by Combs Researcher Ray Montgomery.)
04 Jun 1729 David ROBINSON Carpenter and Judith his wife late wife of Edward COMBES Deceased to William COMBES planter son of Edward COMBES right of Judith ROBINSON dower to a tract of land near island creek part of hier Der Lloyd (Extracted by Combs Researcher Ray Montgomery from "Innkeepers of Talbot Co MD" which also states that Judith received this land from her father Nicholas GOLDSBOROUGH)
18 Aug 1729 William COMBS and his wife Margaret OGLE conveyed to Jacob BROMWELL inholder a lot in Oxford (Extracted from "Inkeepers of Talbot Co MD" by Combs Researcher Ray Montgomery)
27 Mar 1729/30 - 24 Mar 1729/30 Will of James HOWGILL of Talbot Co. To son James, personalty. To wife Elenor, extx., personal estate. Test: Joseph HAGUE, Thomas BRADSHAW, William COMBS, Daniel THOMSON [THOMPSON]. (19. 918. Maryland Calendar of Wills, Vol. 6)
2 Feb 1729/30 - 26 Mar 1730. Will of James KNOWLES, gent, of Queen Anne's County. To brother and sister Risdon and Frances BOZMAN and their heirs, "Watson" in Talbot county and "Partnership" in Queen Anne's county. Sister Mabell HALL, and hrs. "Folly" in Talbot County. Bros. Risdon BOZMAN and Thomas BULLEN execs and residuatry legatees. (20.21)
24 Mar 1732/3 21 Apr 1737 Will of John KNOWLES of Queen Anne's county. To two daughters, Margaret and Mary, and their heirs, entire estate. Should either die without issue, brother Thomas BULLEN of Talbot County is to to inherit portion of deceased. Brother Thomas BULLEN to be executor, and to have care of daughters and their estates until age 18 or marriage, to be raised in the Church of England. Wits: John WARD, Jr. Nicholas GLEN, John FRITH. (21.769)
Thomas BULLEN married Elizabeth COMBS, widow of Ambrose FORD, and possibly daughter of William and Elizabeth ROE Combs. Nicholas GLEN is son of Rev. William and Mary LOWE Glen (Bozman). One John BOZMAN died testate in Somerset county in 1716, naming son, Resdon (no daughter named Frances, not mention of Thomas BULLEN), and children also included a son, Thomas, and wife Blandina. The 1735-6 Queen Anne's county will of a Mary KNOWLES, widow, names daughters Margaret and Mary (under 16), and Mrs. Frances BOZMAN, Michael, son of John SMITH, Sr., late of Queen Anne's deceased, at age 21; Elizabeth MILLINGTON; brother Michael FLETCHER, at age 21, and father Michael FLETCHER, personalty. Residue of her thirds to to be divided equally between daughters, shd they die without issue, to be div. equally between brother Michael FLETCHER, father if living, and Michael and Mary SMITH. Exec: Risdon BOZMAN, wits: George BESWICK (BOSWEICK), Jennett MOORE (MORE), Sarah COOPER. Elizabeth COMBS Ford Bullen may have also ended up in Queen Anne's County. One Thomas BULLEN is found there, but with a wife named Rachel (who later married Peter COX) by the time he died in ?????. The will of John KNOWLES of Queen Anne's, dated 24 mar 1722/3, proved 21 Apr 1737, names as executors his "brother" Thomas BULLEN who is [duh... temporarily lost this record]
12 May 1740 - 11 Jul 1740 Will of David ROBINSON, planter, Talbot Co., MD. To son Richard GUSLIN and heirs, 100 acres on "Long Point" lying nest to "ANDERTON." To son John residue of "Long Point." To David 51 acres "David's Folly," 28 acres To son Chance, & 86 acres "Hull" To son Stanley, "Goldsborough," adjoining land of Rev. Daniel MANIDEER To Dau Eleanor 1/2 personal estate. Test: Edward OLDHAM, William COMBS, Robert WADDELL, Jacob BROMWELL. (Maryland Calendar of Wills )
David ROBINSON had m Judith GOLDSBOROUGH, widow of Edward COMBS. The above William COMBS is her son by Edward, and died shortly after his step-father:
07 Sep 1740 - 08 May 1741 Will of William COOMBS of Talbot County. To son Edward dwell. plan. and ½ real estate. To son William plantation where James DELAHAYE now dwells. To wife Margret, extx., entire personal estate. Test: Thomas BROWNING, James DELAHAYE, Samuel PRITCHARD. (22. 335. Maryland Calendar of Wills, Vol. 8)
31 Oct 1741. Inventories 26.366. Talbot County. Estate of William COOMBS. L0.4.0. Appraisers: Thomas BROWNING, Edward OLDHAM. Creditors: Robert MORRIS for Joseph CUNLIFFE, Esq., George ROBINS. Next of kin: David ROBINSON, John ROBINSON. Administratrix/Executrix: Margaret COOMBS (Skinner...)
According to "Inkeepers of Talbot Co MD," James DELAHEY/DELAHAY had m William & Margaret OGLE Combs' daughter, Margaret, his source unknown and conflicting with the following. See Also PRITCHARD/PRITCHETT families w/Combs of Prince William & Stafford Cos VA.
10 Nov 1742 (Talbot Co MD) Margaret COMBES & Henry DELEHAY
We have several published records that indicate the above bride's given name was Margaret, and that she was Margaret OGLE, widow of William COMBS; however, according to Maryland Marriage records Book 2 U.S./CAN 975.2 V25B Salt Lake Family, History Library. By Anny Walker Burns, her given name was Mary COMBS, not Margaret COMBES, and the record is a marriage license, with marriage returned by MANADIER. (Ref: Talbot County Marriage Licence, Recorded Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore, Maryland)
20 Apr 1744 MD Inventories. 28.483. Talbot County. Estate of Jarden ALEXANDER. Appraisers: Robert HARWOOD, Samuel LOCKAYNE. Creditors: R. BENNETT, Edward LLOYD. Next of Kin: Judy CUMMS, Mar. SLEMER(?). Administratrix/Executrix: Margaret JORDAN. (Skinner...)
According to the 24 Aug 1744 MD Accounts 20.400 Talbot County, the deceased was Alexander JORDAN [sic], planter, and his daughter was Judith CUMMINGS.
25 Jan 1744/45 7 Dec 1745 Will of Nicholas LOWE of Talbot County, gent. To wife Margaret LOWE land now in possession of John PADDISON, and 100 acres same tract at upper end of my plantation, which was purchased of my father Nicholas LOWE of the widow Elizabeth WILSON, to have and to hold the same land, unto the same Margaret LOWE, part of the tract "Anderton" now in possession of afsd. John PADDISON, unto my nephew Nicholas LOWE, son of my brother, Vincent LOWE. To nephew Henry LOWE, son of my brother, Vincent LOWE. To nephew Bennett LOWE, son of my brother Vincent LOWE, and if no heirs, then to my nephew William, son of the same Vincent LOWE, and for default of such issue, of the same William LOWE, I give unto my kinsman Nicholas Lowe GLEN, son of nephew Nicholas GLEN and hrs. To nephew Henry LOWE, son of brother, Nicholas, 100 acre part of "Anderton." To Nicholas EASON, son of my sister, Dorothy EASON, land. Nephew Samuel EASON, s/o sd. sister, Dorothy EASON. Niece Mary Anne BOZMAN, daughter of my sister, Mary BOZMAN, dec'd. To nephew Nicholas LOWE, land which my father purchased of widow WILLSON. Wife Margaret LOWE. Mentions: land purchased of Joshua WINTERS lying in Talbot County, his land called "Squire's Chance" in Dorchester County. To Vincent PADDISON, son of afsd. John PADDISON, 200 acres. To niece Elizabeth LOWE, daughter of brother, Vincent LOWE, land purchased of Mary, the heiress of Thomas EARLE, deceased. To Mary OLDHAM, d/o Edward OLDHAM, land called "Jack's Point" lying near Oxford, Talbot County. Mentions: Henrietta, Maria, Louise(?), and Mary LOWE, daughters of brother Vincent LOWE. To nephew Nicholas LOWE, after decease of my wife, piece of silver with the letters "M.R." which belonged to his grandmother. Wife Extrx. Wit: Anna PROUT, Andrew ROBERTS, Wm. GOLDSBOROUGH. (24:251-255)
Based on this will, Dorothy and Mary were both nee LOWE, but Sarah, wife of LONG and PADDISON, was more likely a COMBS. Was the piece of silver that of Mary ROE, mother of Elizabeth ROE Combs Lowe?
Note that Nicholas makes no mention of either Prudence PRICE or Elizabeth WOOD. Prudence has been located in Queen Anne's county (created in 1706-7 from Talbot, Kent and Dorchester): She married Andrew PRICE who died in 1752, naming sons Vincent (eldest), Thomas and Nicholas, daughter Mary FOUNTAIN, daughter Prudence WHITE, daughter Elizabeth PRICE, grandson James PRICE and wife Prudence PRICE. Witnesses: William ROBINSON, Ambrose BROADWAY, William WEBB (Wills, 28.361) Prudence PRICE was deceased by 15 Aug 1754 when her estate accounting, which mentions "husband Andrew PRICE died") was recorded by executors Vincit (also Vincent) PRICE and Samuel FOUNTAIN. Representatives (of age) were: Mary FOUNTAIN, Vincent PRICE, Prudence WHITE, Thomas PRICE, Elizabeth DUDLEY, Nicholas PRICE. The value of the estate was L463.2.3. L44.67.5. (Accts, 36.356) Based on naming patterns, she would appear to have been a daughter of Nicholas LOWE.
Intro to Talbot 1600s Talbot 1700s Talbot Talbot Land Combs &c. of Maryland