![]() | Combs &c. Families of Highland Co, OH |
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Highland County was established in 1805 from Adams, Clermont and Ross. In 1810, Clinton was established from Highland and Warren; and Fayette from Ross and Highland.
Liberty Twp
p. 001
Zur Combs
(Census CD'S - original source still needed)
Notes: Zurr COMBY [sic] was on an 1806 Ross Co OH Tax List.
Paint Twp
2 entries for Combs. No first name listed with either.
(1810 US Census Index, Broderbund Software)
01 Sep 1814 Married: John M. or Jhn. Combs & Mary DAVIS, Highland Co OH; soldier d about 1881, served in Moses PATTERSON'S & James ODELL'S Companies, OH Militia, lived in Knox Co, IL (Combs of the War of 1812)
Notes: Buried Uniontown Cemetery, Maquon Twp, Knox Co, IL
Paint Twp
(Series: M33 Roll: 92 Page: 77)
p. 042
Sarah Combs
p. 043
Combs, Zur
001101 02210
(one line for Saml. D...)
Combs, Joseph P.
000100 00020
Garrett, Robt W.
010010 01010
p. 046
(Series: M33 Roll: 92 Page: 76)
Rockhold, John
210010 21010
Combs, Sarah
000000 00100
Hull, Henry
000100 00100
Madison Twp
(Series: M33 Roll:92 Page: 87)
Strain, John R.
100010 20011
Strain, Samuel
210201 22201
Strain, John H.
100010 10010
Strain, Thomas M.C.
300010 10100
(Series: M33 Roll: 92 Page: 88)
Strain, John
101101 01010
Strain, James
000010 30100
Strain, John C.
110010 40010
Strain, David Jr.
400010 10010
Strain, David Sr.
101101 21110
(Series: M33 Roll: 92 Page: 90)
p. 054
Garrett, Rebekah
000100 00100
Strain, Saml. B.
000010 00011
Job Combs
Note: Job Combs, Jr. was born 30 Apr 1786; died 02 Mar 1853 (birth date calculated from death date and age at death of 66 years, 11 mos., 2 days). He is buried in the old part of Rockport Cemetary, Monroe Twp, Allen Co, OH.
McConnell, Samuel
100011 11010
Garrett, Wm
020201 50110
Fairfield Twp
(Series: M33 Roll: 92 Page: 98)
Combs, John M.
000110 30010
In the Name of God amen I Zur Combs of the County of Highland and State of Ohio being Weak of Body but of sound mind and memory do make and ordain this my Last will and testament in manner and form folowing that is to say
first) I will and bequeath to my son Robert W Combs Ninety Acres of Land off the uper end of the survey on which I now Live together with the Intrest I hold in an adjoining survey Claimed by the Heirs of John Williams Dec'd the Division Line to be run asfollows Beginning in the Line of Silas George the Corner trees not Recollected but known as a corner in the Division of my Estate thence N17 degreesW 11poles to a white oak and Dogwood thence N75 degrees W to Joseph P Combs fence (Leaving said Joseph's fence one rod) 246 poles to a white oak in the Line of William Garrett the said premises I will to the said Robert W Combs his heirs and assigns forever
secondly) I bequeath to my son Joseph P. Combs Eighty five Acres more or Less Beginning at Robert W Combs'es Corner in Garretts Line thence with the Line of Robert W Combs to a red oak and Dogwood Corner to Abner Jessap thence with Jessap's Line to a white Elm and stake on other of Jessap's Corners thence is a Stake Corner to Jessap & Barnet thence to red oak Dogwood and blackhaw thence to two white oaks and a stone thence to a black haw and a stone thence to a white oak & two Dogwood's thence to two hicories in Garretts Line thence to the Beginning
thirdly) to my Daughter Barbara Ann Roads wife of Philip Roads I will and Bequeath all the residue of my farm Supposed to contain seventy four acres to her and her heirs forever on the following Condition that is to say She the said Barbara Ann Roads and Philip her husband shall Cultivate the farm in a husbandman Like manner and shall Deliver to Mary Combs my present wife one third part of all the grain the farm may produce small grain threshed and Cleaned all Corn Cribed and shall Moreover furnish Rough forage for one Cow and Eight sheep if She the widow shall keep so many allso shall allow her the full possession of the mansion and half the Kitchen her Natural Life and furnish her with fuel and one third of the produce of the orchard _____ if the Said Barbara Ann and Philip her husband shall fail to Comply with the above stipulations then the said Mary Combs shall have power to Enter said premises and take possession thereof for her sole Benefit
To my Son Jacob H Combs I will and Bequeath one hundred and fifty Dollars to be paid by Barbara Ann Roads and Philip Roads her husband in two years, after they get Clear and full possession of the farm I by this will Bequeath to them the $150 to be paid in good property.
to Eliza B Plumer I Bequeath one hundred and forty Dollars to be paid in good property as above by said Barbara Ann and Philip Roads, in two years after they get possession of said farm
to the heirs of My Daughter Deborah Darnel (Viz) Anderson and Alfred I will and Bequeath to Each ten Dollars to be paid out of any monies not approparated arising from my Estate
to my son John M Combs I will one Dollar
to my Daughter Barbara Ann Roads I will my Waggon, Harrow, Barshare plough and 3 pair of horse gears
to my wife Mary Combs I will and Bequeath two beds Beding & Bedsteads and one Bureau
Ninthly) it is my will that Philip Roads Shall have the privilidge of Making two thousand Rails and ten years firewood taken off Robert W Combs Lot but in such manner as to do the Least possible Injury
I will and Bequeath to my Daughter Rebeckah Rockhold the Entire residue of my property Entire after Just and Legally Demanded Debts are paid
Lastly I hereby appoint My Son Robert W Combs Executor to this my Last Will and testament Intestimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this fifteenth day of April AD 1828
Signed and Sealed in presents of James Odell Richard Bloxsom Andrew Johnston who witnessed this will at the request of the testator
Zur Combs (his seal)
Submitted by Combs Researcher Lynn Mitchell
Paint Twp
p. 81
Joseph Combs
p. 92
Robert P. Combs
Fairfield Twp
p. 067
John Combs
Jacob Combs
Madison Twp
p. 101
Job Combs
Range 8 East Twp. 2 South (Auglaize Twp)
Page 107
Section 19
Combs, Job (of) Highland Co, O NW¼ 153.56 17 Oct 1835
Section 29
Combs, Job (of) Putnam Co., O W½ NW¼ 23 Feb 1836
Section 30
Combs, Job (of) Putnam Co., O E½ NE¼ 23 Feb 1836
(Combs Researcher Doug Combs)
Notes: Although still a resident of Highland Co in late 1835, by early 1836, Job had settled in Putnam Co, OH (See also 1840 Putnam OH census), and in 1848, when Allen Co, gained substantially from Putnam, Job's land became part of the latter Co., which is also where he died in 1853.