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Bucks County was established as one of Pennsylvania's original counties in 1682. Over the ensuing years, numerous counties were created from the original land encompassed by Bucks with the first re-organizations occurring in 1752 when Berks was established from Cumberland, Lancaster & Philadelphia; and Northampton was established from Bucks and non-county areas.
1737 Tinicum, Bucks Co, PA. Joseph COOMBE applied for a land warrant for 200 A. in Tinicum, described as formed by the Delaware River and the Tinicum Creek.
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Dale Larson from Warrants of Land in the County of Bucks, PA 1733-1884;PA Archives, 3rd Series, vol.xxiv)
1 March 1737 Warrant No. 27 Coombs Joseph, Survey, 200a, Date of Warrant: 1 March 1737, Date of Return: [contains only the note “See Wrt T-53”], Name of Patentee: Vacated, Survey Book A-75: 213
The survey for this land tells a little more about its location:
“By Virtue of a Warrant from the Proprietaries dated the first of March 1737 Surveyed the twelfth day of May 1738 to Jacob Coomb the above described Tract of Land situate on Toheckan in the County of Bucks Containing Two Hundred Acres with the usual allowance of six p Ct [6 pct].”
(Source: PA State Archives, Digital Documents, Land Records, Warrant Registers 1733-1957 {series #17.88}, Bucks Co, “C” surname, Image/page 11; Survey from Copied Surveys, 1681-1912. {series #17.114}, Survey Book A-75:213).
SE Notes: The survey description states the land is on the Toheckan [Tohickon Creek]. The survey drawing shows the land was bordered by that of a tract named Sweepers [or Sreepers or Streepers], the land of Mathew HUGHS, and also vacant land. I was unable to find a tract with a similar name in the Tract Index; however, the survey for the parcel belonging to Mathew HUGHS that adjoins Joseph's land helps to clarify the location. The survey (Survey Book A-9:185) for Mathew's land, dated 7 May 1738, states “…the above described Tract of land Situate in Plumstead Township in the County of Bucks containing 205 acres with allowance of Six p cent. This survey shows the land of Joseph Combs to the west and the Delaware River to the east. A survey for another parcel belonging to Hughs (Survey Book C-75:140) shows Tohickon running through the parcel. The Tohickon Creek is a tributary of the Delaware and it rises in Springfield Township and joins the Delaware at Point Pleasant. The survey for Hughs also shows Joseph instead of Jacob which could be a transcription error in the copied survey record.” (Source: PA State Archives, Digital Documents, Land Records, Copied Survey Books and Patent Index)
This Joseph possibly the same as the 1740 Joseph of Plumbstead: Joseph COOMBE of Plumstead, Bucks Co, PA, cordwainer, and Sarah his wife.
25 March 1738 Warrant No. 20, Cooms Francis, Survey: 100a, Date of Warrant: 25 March 1738, [No other data entered]
(Source: Warrant Registers 1733-1957 {series #17.88}, Bucks Co, “C” surname, Image/page 11; Survey from Copied Surveys, 1681-1912. {series #17.114},
29 Aug 1738 Warrant No. 15, Coombs Francis, Survey: 100a, Date of Warrant: 29 Aug. 1738, Date of Return: 16 April 1776, Acres Returned: 118.119a, Name of Patentee: John FOREMAN, Patent Bk AA15:679, Survey Book C36:134
(Source: Warrant Registers 1733-1957 {series #17.88}, Bucks Co, “C” surname, Image/page 11; Survey from Copied Surveys, 1681-1912. {series #17.114}, Survey Book C36:134; abs. by Sue Elfving for Combs &c)
“A Draught of Land Situate in Plumsted Township in the County of Bucks Containing one hundred eighteen Acres, one hundred and nineteen Perches, and Allowance of six PC surveyed to Alexander WILSON assinee [sic] of Francis Combs the sixteenth Day of March 1773 Pursuant to a Warrant Dated the 29th Day of August Ano Domi 1738”
SE Notes: Survey shows land bordered John MEANS, James FAIRIS, Richard WELLS, James HART, William BOWMAN, Adam TINSMAN, and John CLYMER. There was almost a 30+ year gap between the date of the warrant and survey and the return of the survey and assignment to Alexander Wilson. If the same Francis of the warrant (dated 1738) and the assignment (dated 1773) is the same, he was getting on in years (probably at least age 21 in 1738).
30 March 1739 aka 3 mo., 30th 1739 Joseph Comb having obtained a Survey on a Tract of 200 acres of land near that call'd Streipers in Bucks County and being now going for England to receive an Estate fallen to him, desires Prop'rs forbearance; wife & children to remain on land in absence" That is from the very end of a book: William Henry Egle, Editor, Early Pennsylvania Land Records: Minutes of the Board of Property of the Province of Pennsylvania, (Originally Published as Volume XIX, Second Series, Pennsylvania Archives, Harrisburg, 1893; reprinted for Clearfield Company, Inc. by Genealogical Pub. Co., Baltimore, MD 1997), 764; submitted by Jane McCann Walsh)
6 March 1744 Warrant No. 58, Comes Francis, Survey: 20a, Date of Warrant: 6 March 1744, Date of Return: [blank], Name of Patentee (vacated), Patent Book [blank], Survey Book C:159 [survey book may have been for above listed entry in the warrant register]
(Source: Warrant Registers 1733-1957 {series #17.88}, Bucks Co, “C” surname, Image/page 12).
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